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% | , HUMOKISTS OLIO. ft GarrotingWhile upon the subject of garrot* ing, a most extraordinary instance came to our knowledge the other day. A gentleman who resides not over a thousand miles from the upper part of the fourth avenue, New York, was preparing to make his nsual visit to Wall street, in the morning, when his little son?a youngster about five years of age?approached him and inquired : "Pa, what do those bad men do when they garrote people I" " Why, my son , replied the fond parent, who was delighted at the boy's inquiring turn of mind, and felt anxious to give him all the information in his power, " why, my son, as far as I can understand, they come upon the victim suddenly, placo one arm about Ills IieCKt U1UII Siup UIB U1UUVII, aiiu take whatever they can from him." "They are bad fellows, ain't they?" said the boy. "They are so," replied the fond parent, " desperate fellows I But they're very soverly punished when they'ro caught. Judge Russell sent two of them to the State prison for life, only a short time ago." " Yes," answered the urchin,"with a severe look ;" yon always thought Mr. Jones was a good man, didn't you, pa ?" "Yes, my son," was the reply, "a very good man." " Well, he's a garroter," repli.d the boy. " What do yon mean, my son ?" asked the parent. "Why," answered tlio boy, "he garroted mother last night while you was away. lie caught her right round the neck with one arm, and stopped her mouth with his mouth, and she said lie stole a kiss from her; that's all I know about it!" Fve minutes after, the proud father was seen making rapid tracks for a lawyer's office. What will come of it, remains to be seen. Some nine years since, a letter was received in New Orleans, directed to "the biggest fool in New Orleans."? The postmaster was absent, and on his return, one of the young clerks in the office informed hitn of the receipt of t.liA lwltflr " And what became of it?" inquired the postmaster. "Why," replied the clerk, "I didn't know who tho biggest fool in New Orleans was, and so I opened the letter myself." "And what did you find in it?" inquired tho postmaster. " Why," replied the clerk, " noth ing but tho words4 thou art the man.'" " How old are you, Bridget?" 6nid a getleinan to his servant girl 44 About hfty, sir,,' replied Bridget. 44 You are mistaken, Bridget, 3*011 are not over twenty." 44 Yes, sir, this is it. I'm about twenty or fifty, somewhere along there." This answer indicates about the same degree of intelligence as that of an old gray-headed negro in South Carolina : 44 How old are you Pete ?" said a gentleman to hiui one day. 441 dnnna, Mass, I feels berry old, 'spect I'se about five or six l^undred." Mr. G , a clergyman of a neighboring town, being recently absent from home, on business, his little son, a lad of lour years, calmly folded his hands, and asked the blessing as usually pronounce by his father at their morning meal. At noon, being asked to prouncee the blessing, he replied, with a grave lace, "No, I don't like tho looks of them taters 1" The following is too good to be lost: " A . lady, formerly a resident of Georgia, very much discontented with Mississippi life, and longing to return to her native land, was shouting at camp-meeting last }*ear, and became so excessively happy that she exclaimed : " Glory to G?d, I feel like-I was in Geor gy !" A Basiifol Lady.?An Irish lady wrote to her lover, begging him to send her some money. She added, by way of postscript, I am so ashamed of] ? "> T Ihii-a iniuln in tliia Inltor that I sent after the postman to get it back, but the servant could not overtake him." 44 Well," said a soft-hearted, blundering Jonathan, the other day," Snkc has gin me the sack, bv gravy 1 I've lost her." 44 Lost her?now I" inquired his sympathizing friend. 44 I laid the soft soap 011 her so thick, that the critter j$ot so proud she wouldn't speak to How to Ivkep Coou?Talking of Sidney Smith's cool ideas of 44 taking otf his flesh and sitting in his bones, as being the highest imaginable degree of airy comfort?" I can better that," said a wit recently, 41 I'd knock the marrow out and have a draft through." Speaking without thinking, is shooting without taking aim. .. < ... wmmmmmmmmmmmm?rnrnmi I i n 44 h? ) you little rascal, walk up here, and give account of yoorself? where have you been I*1 44 After the girls, father." 44 Did yon ever know me to do "o, when I was a boy ?"? 44 No, sir ; but mother did." 44 My son, you had better go to bed." A cotkmpokabt describing a dance at a village in the neighborhood, said : ?44 The gorgeous strings of glass beads S'istened on the heaving bosoms of e' village belles, like polished rubies on the delicate surface of warm apple dumplings!" Understanding an Oath.?A witness was once asked if he knew the nature of an oath. 44 Of course, I dooze," he replied. 44 Explain it, then," said the lawyer. uv.... I .1 a it ~a ?i.~ iuu uu vi?ui i ciunit'u iuu witness ; "that's a oath, aru't it?" " I have always preserved my reputation," said Mrs. , one evening, addressing herself rather pointedly to another lady, to which the latter as pointedly replied, " I know you always set a most ridiculous value upon trifles." ? Fontenelle was 98 vears of age when a young lady askea him at what period of life men lost all taste for gallantry. " Indeed," replied the old gentleman, " you must ask that question of some one older than my6elf." A character in Mrs. Ilentz's story of " Love after marriage" lays down the law thus: " If a man is not uglv enough to frighten his horse, he is handsome CMougli to marry." Last winter it is said a cow floated down the Mississippi on a piece of ice, and became so cold that she has milked nothing but ice cream ever since. New Patent.?The man who made an impression on the heart of a coquette has taken out a patent for stone cutting. NEW cnu Tiffn r< n at\o o r n i VJ uuuuo, GRADY T GOODLETT, One Door South <f the Old Court House GREENVILLE, S. C. AFTER returning our grateful thanks to our friends ami customers, for their pa?t very liberal patronage to our business, we desiro to call their attention, as well as that of the public generally, to our very large and finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which we ore now receiving, and which has been purchased by one of the firm with care, and oil very advantageous terms as to prices, and which we are determined on selling ns low as they can be bought, at retail, any where. Our stock, in the way of DRY GOODS, embraces almost every article called for, either by Ladies or Gentlemen, in Faucy or Staple Dry G oods. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Boots and Shoe*, Trunk*, Ac. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. HATS AND CAPS. The latest styles, for Men and Boys, in great variety. Ready-Made Clothing. A very heavy And varied assortment, for Ales and Boys. Perfumeries. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, Crockery anil Glassware, DRUGS, MEDICINES <fc DYE-STUFFS, Books mid Ktationery, SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. GROCERIES. A very heavy stock of /fiFTjj Rio and Java COFFEES U?|SUjZ Brown and Crushed SUGARS Teas, Molasses, Spices, Cigars, i'owder, Shot, Lend and Indigo. SACK ANl> TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, Glass, Ac., die. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY & GOODLETT. April 9 48 tf 1'.II. 110VEY & CO., PROPRIETORS OF The Ladies' Store, 4 RK NOW. and will be constantly receiving X\. Fre?h Importations, purchased by one of Hie partner*, who tins ?ome twenty five years' experience in buying and selling Goods. They would invite special attention to their large Stock of White and Embroidered Good*, Rich Silk TiHues, Deliege*,* Challya, Crape De Pari*, Bereges, Muslin*, Brilliant*, Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and Aiuericau Prints, dec., Ac. AIoSO, JIJST IN, A NICE LOT OP New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edging*, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Emb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, And many other NICE AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will be their endeavor to sell as cheep as possible. 46-tf flh 26 * Plows, Stoves, J WK keep constant--^. E^k ly on hand a large aa- >Jt ?1 rRm|9 sort-ment of One and n|^W|Two-Hor?e Turning, Subsoil and Hillside which we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. We hare alto a large and beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of tlinso u lwi o/tah fn nnrolinaa Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet , Iron or Zino Work dono to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT aud BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, and Painted in < the best manner.' We are also prepared to do Roofing and Cluttering in the latest and best innnncr on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of nBcaciw mw'Agg.KCa We say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it. Come and see. i Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old Pewter. |y Rags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 44 tf _ , CHARLES HIC KBY, (Successor to JEmunuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ty Old Frames Re-gilt equal to new. April 30 61 ly Third Door above the Mansion House, WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends, and the public generally, to his recent enlarged Slock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. Physicians, Merchants, Fnrniers lleadb of Families, nnd nil ni'nuim in ?/n?i, nf Articles in his line, will <lo well to call and examine his assortment. Articles for family use. Spices, Flavoring Extracts, etc., constantly on hand. Also Pure Medicnl Wines nnd Brandy. April 2 47 tf J. J. IIOVKY. w. II. IIOVKY 1 W. H. HOVEY & CO., PUOPUIKTOR8 OF THE LADIES' STOLE, DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, SL1AH&Y MAM CA'Of am? AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, CiHEI^VlLLE, 8. c. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the cash for | Medical, Law or Lihrury Books, Musical Instru- < inenta nnd Suodiies, promptly tilled in New j York, and delivered at our counter on ahortest notice. Jan 22 37 ly READ! READ!! HEAD!!! IT WILL TAKR YOU BUT A FEW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOU Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BL000 I The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Physicians prescribe it, and every one that uses it tea teal king advertisement. No Medicine ever yet offered to the Ame- , riean public has gained such /to- I /Hilarity in so sh&rt a time as CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE 1 1 It will Cure any case of Scrofula. It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case <f Fever and Ague, Or any Diseases arising from an impure state of the Bloo?l. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the neice of the Hon. John Minor Botts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physician?, both of New York and Philadelphia, had been tried in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if you are so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of 4 years stsndinv, after all other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of such certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Book and Circular, and read for yourself the many remarkable and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! T5.. rk_ D..1.1 !? .? - ? aiio ooiouiwvou i'i. lfiibcuvr wriies ub inm n6 had Itco of the most sersre and lung tUuding cases of 8y phi lis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but he cured one case with six, and the other with nine bottles of CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE. We have known it used in over a Thousand casks, and have jet to hear of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ I Aou? and Fxvxa.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once this great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; Cartei>* Spantih Mixture will cure any and every case of Ague and Fever. We have never yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet l>een found to have so good an effect. If you are sick, try it at once; do not delay; time is precious, and health the great-st of all blessings, without which all else la valueless. Dg. WM, 8. BEERS <fe CO., pROPnicTORf), Richmond, Fa. r And for sale by B KHUTCH, Druggist, Agent, ar-vnville C. H, A. CL l-ly May M ?w? SPRING DR IN CHARLES (Late of the Firm of B SUCCESSOR TO RET 943 King Street, Opp INVITES ATTENTION to his ENTIRELY NEW ? GERMAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, of I fiTTiwnvrTrm In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Chenes, of light U expressly for city retail trade. BOIUD BM Great attention has been paid to obtain the best American market. FL.OUNCED In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies ai constantly receiving. FRENCH AND Els The Stock of these Goods will invite a cluse atte 3VEOXm.3NTIl>J-< Bombazines, Alpacas, Chnltys, Crape Marat, Choi sal Crapes. English Paramattas, Black Organdies, 1 Mourning Robes, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, Bln< and Marcelline of very choicest makes, always on u\mm 2 Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and Pillow-Cas dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osnabur; SPRING CASSIMEI A large and varied Stock of Goods in this Peparl and Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cassimeres PARASOIS A N 0 In Black and Colored, Lined and Unlined, i best Scotch, Gingham and Silk Umbiellas. PLANTATIO Planters and their friends will always find with and all Goods will be sold at the lowest market pri The Subscriber is now able to give his personal i surpassed advantages in obtaining all tho A'ATt PRICKS, together with his buyer constantly watc Goods at less than the market value, ho feels prepfi filled. fW The One Price System rigidly adhered t 243 King Street, Opposit May 1st, 1857. 5 WM. IT. ALLEN, SURGEON DENTIST, jgjr*7|3 HAS returned from PliiludelMwSmk phis, prepared, in every way, to ^ perform .ill operations in his pro- j fession in the most skilti.l and approved manner. c Having proenred every improvement of the day, persons eau safely rely on having ovcry opera- s in tho uninn tnAlillPP AS lloilQ ill h?I. ?.. ? - - c Philadelphia or Now York. _ (| Ether ond Chloroform given when desired.^ 0 Persons desiring attention.must muko appointments previously. j, lif- Rooms in McBce's Building. I 8 March 19 45 tf A G E N C Y F O R tn LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! TTMS AiSi^aiiLiE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY c Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop .rtjr AGAINST KIBE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, 1 between the ages of 10 and GO years, ON sttch terms as to render it a most safe artd desirable investment. Full" details, with .. the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, * will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Compnnv. JOSEPH It. OSBORNE, Petit. t \VM. \V. MoDOWELI* Viet-Pre*. J as. B. Rankin, Secretary <b Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 85-ly GREENVILLE, S. C. ? THIS' GRS31T V2IiL3 1 BOOKSTORE, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO Alt;BEE'S 1IALL, rft/jfgl W HERE constantly may be found it large and well selected Stock J MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Mem- * Brnndtims, Ac.; Writing Desks and Cases, Port vj folios, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing ^Vax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Kit icrs, sc., ivo. ii. u. r, iinmn, Jan 15 3u-ly Sign of the Big Book. E. KRUTClPs" J DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, t UNDER MnBEETR HALL, * 8. S,, 11 WHERE will be constantly kept on band the purest stock of DRUMS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Dye- } stuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segnrs, Spirit Has, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery ; and all other arti- cles generally kept by Druggists. ' Fresh and pure Drugs are warranted and sold at low prices. Compouna medicines are prepared in the most f careful wav. Receipts and prescriptions of any " kind put-en wilt accuracy, neatness and dispatch. 35-10m Jan 8 W. a LAWTON, ) I C. M. BREAKER, Formerly of V } of / Lawtonville, 8. C. J ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON & CO., Factor*. Forwarding and Com* mission Nlcrckaut*, No. 50 Ea*i Buy uml Boyce tt Go's Wharf \ oM/tvav&aswaas. a. o._ WILL (TELL COTTON, RICE. FLOU11, WHEAT, CORN, 1 NAVAL STORES, Ac. I Having an experience of twenty-five f years in business, we guarantee satisfaction to all who patronize us. ^ JOHNKRAUSE^ FURNITURE] AND CABINET MAKER, WOULD respectfully inform citizens of Qreenviile end vi Mfir**^?*4leinity that he has on hand a lot of FURNITURE, which ho will dispose of npon ' reasonable terms. He has Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Washstands, Ac. Fine and i'lain Furnitnre made to order. His shop may be found on Avenna Street, between Beattto's Store and the i Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Chart j Hnose Greenville, ft C., Ang. li-li-ly Y GOODS, |< TON, S. C. mm rowning <? Lcman.) CHUM & TAYLOR, osite Hascll Street, nd CHOICR STOCK of FRENCH, RNQL18H, . the NEWEST SPICING STYLES. L fntTT ^ ixture and beautiful finish, carefully selected OK. 8ILK8. n 1 m i tvu ,i .i 1 Ut UOOU8 111 DinCK oil K8 IVftl Wro urvujjiiv iui-v mc > KOBES ad Jaconets, in large variety, very choice and IGLISH PRINTS. ntion, being very full and at very low prices. ice Black Bareges and Poplins, Poplinetts, T)nFrcnch aiul English Cranes in various widths, iik Faniisc and Cautou Cloths, Mousliii DeLninc hand. E??[Dga ie LINENS, of various widths and free from fs. Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. UES, DRILLS, d-C. Linent. suitable for Gentlemen and Boys' Spring i, Drap D'Kte, Farmer'sSatin, Grey Flunucls, etc. UMBRELLAS* n all the new designs, constantly received; N GOODS. me a full department suitable to their wanst, ices for Cash or City Acceptances, ittention to nil Country Orders, nnd hnvingnnrKST GOODS at the' LO WEST POSSIBLE hing the New York Auctions for all desirable ired to say that, all orders will be satisfactorily ?, and all Good* Warranted A. F. 11KOWAIIVG, p llascll Street, Sion ok the "Tree." 2 tt NEW MILLINERY AND Dress-Making Establishment. MRS. \VAITS AND MISS n/H>nnV .. a *..11 ? -_ll it. . \?wam/v>m wuuiii rtri?|wcwuny mm in?* tteulion of the Ladies of Greenville and viinity to the ??ct thnt they will open, on Sntrdny, the 4fn inat, one of file finest nnd largest tocks of French nnd Anwrienn MILLINERY ver brought to this Town, which, for richness nd elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing II the latest and most approved styles. Being confident that none can go nwnv dissat.ified, they earnestly solicit an early enll and in* pection of the same. Our terms are low. Ladies'Old lints cleaned and made equal to icw. Misses' Gipsies cleaned nnd made over in he most, approved nnd latest Gipsy style. LEGHORN MATS in large uunnlitic*. Country Milliners supplied on reasonable crms. House on Avenue Street opposite the Lost Iffiee. 47-tf April 2 GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE. INDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEY'S OLD STAND. JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, elected by the proprietor, consisting of choice rtieles of SUGARS, Coffee. Molasse;, Rice, Rice 'lour. Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites he attention of housekeepers and others. Apiil 23 60 tf Apple Vinegar. A FINE article to be had at the Fnniilv GronL cerv Store of A GREKNFltfr n WATCHES, jixdw Mm smmw. E. I. FUVKO.K (AGENT.) BEGS leave to Announce to the citizens of Greenville, nn<l surrounding country, that ic has opened a Stock of the above-named Ariel es on Avenue street, in the Huilding formerly mown as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which le will sell LOW for CASH. IIK WILL A I SO Repair and Fit Up BATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the best of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends, or their liberality and patronage, lie rospectully solicits a continuance of the same. iW Give hiro a call, and he will endeavor to >lease. 87-tf Jan 22 W. P. PRICE, NOTARY P IJ B IjIC, ANO CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, )FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, 8- (&a Will promptty attend to the coNeetion of Notes and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. G. S. BOWER, Manufacturer uimI Deuler In FURNITURE of every description, rfrafai CHAIRS of every style. ISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Congaree Jlouse, COLUMBIA, 8. C. _ ly F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, Vtlftl&A&a as* OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GREENVILLE, 8. C., IS Prepared to furnish cnstomJ^ N. ers with the above articles, CHEAP %L-?^^FOR CASH. Having competent workman engaged, ha cm laeure bis patrons that all work will ha Neatly OonB and WARRANTED. Fshf > tf a. a. n>.^< a?* ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. HRCULATIOiN, OVER 100,000 COPIES WEEKLY. 25 WITNESSES; OH, ra$ ip?m?iS!B ??NTOBTrm John S. is Ibe 2)uil)oir. WHO has bad 10 years experience aa a Bank* er and Publisher, ana Author of A Srriei of lecture* at the Broadway Tabernacle when, for 10 successive nights, over ?& 500,000 People JP? Greeted hiig with rounds of applause, while he exhibited the manner in whicn Counterfeitera execute their Frauds. and the Surest and Short- . eat Means of Detecting them I ' J he Bank Note Engraven all tag he it the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting nt a Glnnco, every Counterfeit in Circulation 11 arrwni^eu^iju numirnuiy, i\p.r r kc.1A Ufi is Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. IW No I adex toexamine! No page* to hnni tip! But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a nlanee I ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. Tints euch may read the name in his own Native Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, a List of AIL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA I A complete Summary of the Ffnancc of Europe and America will he published in each edition, together with all the Tmportnnt News of the Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes th moat Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of thnt conntry have been so often found. These Stones will continue throughout the whole yenr, and will prove the most- entertaining over offered to the public. tar f? rnishea Weekly, to subscribers only, at $1 n year. All letters must lie nddressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 7t) Wall Street, New York. April 23 50 ly E# Rm Qf^KESj BOOK-BINDER, AN1> Blank-Rook Manufacturer, (In rear of Carolina Times Office.) s.o. BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the hest materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS MUSIC BOOKS, Ac., hound in every variety of style, at. short notice. Country orders promptly atleuded to Dec 4 30 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION J'IIl LA DELPHI A. Important Announcement. r f"V > all persons afllieted with Sexual Diseases, L such as Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, nn|ivu:ni;r, uuiiuniKrii, uieet, fivplnlis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOW'AIil) ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human lilc, caused l?y Sexual Disease*, and I lie deception.* practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name to give MKDICAt. ADVICE GRATIS, to ull pci'S ills tllUS nfflicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, ?tc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty and suffering, to furnish medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It lisa now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the r.bove notice. It. is needless to add that the Association coinninnds the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Just Published, by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, hy the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelo P*). Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, l)lt. OHO. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. KZRA D. HART WELL, President. Oko. Fairciuld, Secretary. Feb 5 89 tf OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. r IM1K subscriber has purchosod the Right of A putting up the above description of Light ning Rods in Greenvilie District, and is prepared to execute order* for the mine to any extent and with promptness and despatch. These Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford the only meth??d yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Any one acquainted with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of tlieir utility, upon exaniiniug them. Their value has been tested bv experience sad science, and has been vouched by hundreds of certificates from a'.l parts of the Union. From amongst these the following only are submitted. "I have carefully examined Otis* insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached totho httilding in which 1 reside. It is better constructed, and more securely insulated, than any form of Lightning Rods I have seen. It is nest aud cheap, and it properly attached to the build# ing, cannot, fail to afford security against th* loss of life and nropcrty by electricity 1 therefore reeommenq it as worthy of the confidence | of the community, R. F. Bhumdt. l'rof. of Chemistry, de., in 8. 0. College." Mr. D. O. West field has recently supplied my house with Otis' improved Conductor. I hsvo examined them with great care, and am convinced that they are the heal Lightning Rods ever constructed. The methods ot attraction and insulation at e new, and seem to me to be perfect. I can confidently recommend litem toali persons wishing to seoure their houses against lightning. U. J. Elford. Any further information may be obtained oa application to D. O. WESTFIELD, May 8-52-tf. Greenville, C. PIANO TUNING. THE anbsoriber would ofjrCBcjShnC' hieaervieea to the citiuna ? > ?' Greenville and the eur 1 - Vl rounding country in the aU^^^^^l/bovebuaineee. He will give Malefaction, or no charge will be made. & M. MURPHEY. June B. 4 If