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* OBITUARY. There is something very bad in the de*tili of a little child. It seems so hard to realize that the swe??t voice is hushed fotever, nnd that the bright little eywa are to open no more on all the pleasant things of this beautiful world. Yet sometimes there comes to tie a little one mo radiant with light and innocenee. that we feel as if she were but a visitor from a better world tbnnthis, and when the leaves us. our tears are lighted with smiles, as we think how much, better it is, that the loved one has gone back home again, and with harp ami crown, is now among tlio shining ones of heaven. We have felt all this, in the death tf MARY MELLICENT, the daughter of Mr. Perry E. and M rs. Maty A. Duncan, who died on the 4th instant, aged three years and seven months. With the sorrowing o ? i :?i-1 ? - - > hviiis vM^iQ no iinm imiigieu our lears, nnu w? tenderly sympathize in their grief. The loss of littlo Mamie is a full cup of bitternee* to them. But for her hu*v can we weep t Is she not in that M happy land " of which even here she so often sang I This world was all too bleak and cold To yield her quiet rest. God took her to his shepherd-fold Aud laid her on his breast. 1 * There, mother, in thy Saviour's arms Forever nndeOled, Amid the little cherub band, Is thy beloved child. FEVER AND AGUE?CERTAIN CURE. No more use for Tonic mixtures, Quinine, Fowler's Solution, Arsenic, Mercury, or any of the villianous or nauseous compounds, which only relieves one disease to implant another more peadly, and which sends its unhappy victims Anally, with a wrecked and broken constitution, to an early grave. Try Carter's Spanish Mixture, which contains none of these dangerous drugs, but cures by acting specifically on tbo Itiver, purifying the blood, ami strengthening the system, thus enabling nature to recuperate its exhausted energies by opening the pores of the skin, and expelling from the body all impurities and old medicines, which clog and retard iU free operation. More than onethousnnd persons have been cured by Carter's Spanish Mixture, after every thinz else had siznnllv failed. As ft sample of Its remarkable effects, Messrs. Davis <fc llicks, of Autaugaville, Ala., writes us that it cured ft gentleman of Chronic Fever and Ague, which all the cfTorts of physicians and their romodies could not subdue. lie only took threo bottles. They ssy it sells very rapidly, and maintain* its high reputation all through the country. For Tax Collector. tfTTHK FRIENDS OF W. 8. Turner announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the next Election. f ? II a?J HUM?? ! I SALE OF VE'Y VALUABLE LANDS, MILLS, &C., Ia Anderson District, S. C. WILL BE SOLD, at Orecnvillo Court. House, South Carolina, to the highest, bidder, oh Sale-day in October next, the two following Tracts of Land, lying on Brushy Creek, in An derson District, about ten miles from Greenville O. H., belonging to the Estate of Col. Benojuh Dunham, deceased, viz: Tract No. 1. Containing Four Hundred and . Sixteen and One half Acres, more or less. On this Tract is a Fine Vorchant Mill, with tw o setts of Flooring, and ore of Corn Stones, Bolter, Smutter, and everything complete. Also, n Saw Mill, Still House, with three Stills, com fortahlc Dwelling House and Out-buildings, Millers' House, Distillers' House, Good Fruit Fine Springs, Twenty Aerm first rate Bottom. The snoal and water power is one of the best in the State. iract :\o. a. tjontaimng 1 wo Hundred and Thirty One nnd a Half Arret, more or less, hnving on it a Gno<l Dwelling, nn<i about 25 Acres Bottom, lying immediately adjoining and above Tract Na ' These places have recently been surveyed, and plats may be seen, or further information .obtained,'by calling on the subscribers at Greenville, 8. C. T?a?ia.?-One third cosh, the remainder in two equal annual instalments, with interest from date, or notes with two good sureties and mortgages of the prcrnisis. C. J. ELFORD, J. 11. SHERMAN, Ex'ra of 11. Dunham, decM. Aug 13 14 td smteoFWUT iT CA RMTNA . GREENVILLE DISTRICT. 8 H ERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in SEPTEMBER next. One hundred Acres of Land, more or leas, adjoining lands of Mra MoIIugh, J. L. Westmoreland, et al.; as the property of Beverly B. Gantt, at the suit of Samuel Griswold, at al. 350 Acres of Land, inoro or less. Adjoining lands of F. II. Fuller. McKinnv. et. al.: iu the property of Wm, Fuller, At tl?? suit of James Breckenridge, bearer. Terms CASH; purchasers to pny tor titles. i?. hoke, a O. D. Sheriff's Office, August 12, 1857. 12-td T.W.DA VIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, * rs TAKES the liberty to announce to the citlrcns of Oreeaville, And rit .3Ml the surrounding country, that he a id " tJbi'is prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, such as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, all of whieh shall be dons in the neatest manner. Watch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, fland^ Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, shifln a workmanlike manner. Please give him trial, ADd you will be pleased. tfe also makes JRWELItY to order, such as Qeld Oenrd, Fob A Test Chains, All kind# of GOLD BUTTONS, sueh as Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of Hair Work Trimibed in the neatest style. Hi# work cannot be surpassed in this part of the country. His shop may be found on the North east corner of the Court House Square, in front of the Mansion House, whers he will he pleased to servo all thoae who may favor him with a eall. Greenville, Jnly td, 185T. 12 1/ STATE OF SOUTH~CAROLlNl~ GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. { C. J. Elford and James R. Sherman, Executors of Renajah Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing: Company, Jacob R. Shaver, Robert B. Greenfield, et al.?Bill for Sale and Partition of Corporate Property, Settlement, Ac. IN pursuance of the decretal order made by Chancellor Uarfcan, at July Term, ( 1857, of the Court of Equity for said Dis- ( j trict, in the above stated case, notice is here- ^ ' bv given to all and singular the creditor* of i lie ureenvine j?i an u tact n ring vompany to . appear before the Commissioner of this Court at his office at Greenville Court House, within three months from the date of the publi cation of this notice, and establish their de inands by proper and sufficient proof. S. A. TOVVNKS, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 9lh, 1857. , Jy 10 ' 10 3m STATEOFSOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Thomas J. Tuipin, el ah, vs. Thomas C. ux.. et nl.?Bill for Relief, dec. IN pursuance of the decretal order made by Chancellor Dargan, at July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the above stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of Doctor William P. Turpin, late of Greenville. S. C., deceased, to appear before the Co minis sioner of this Court, at his office at Greenville Court House, within three months from the date of the publication of this notico, and establish their demands by proper and sufficient proof. S. A. TOWNES. C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 9th, 1857. Jy 10 10 3in F. O. DUKES, PL A N & O UN \M EN TAL PLAS1EKER. GREENVILLE, S. C. JpSf Residence at Mr. Jnuduu's, opposite the Female College. 11-tf July 23 Notice. ALL PF.R-SONS indebted to the Firm of F. F Deattic ?t Co. up to the first of January last are requested to call and pay the same, nnd those persons having Notes due the?ul>scriher of several years standing would do well vw ynj (II'VVIIUUII IU HUH iYOHCP. F. F. BEATTIE. July 2, 1857. 8 8 MRS. M. OLSON, AT GREENVILLE C. II.. S. C., nkatly kxecutk8 In every variety of style, viz : Bracelet*, Necklace*, Vest and Guard Chains, Breast Pit)*. Ear Rings of all patterns, Hearts, Crosses, Anchors, Finger Kings, <kc. &<ir Near '.he old Baptist Church. Hair sent hy mail promptly attended to July 10 ? 10 7 Inhalation in Consumption, BRONCHITIS, LARYIOITIS, And other Diseases of the Chest and Throat, success/ulltj treated by the. Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Ab sorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the. Stayvesant Medical Institute, New York City, N. Y. THE unprecedented success which has at tended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the til ??? < -i i iiysk-iuh^ 11111L-1111 n lrmii uieir usual course, nnd avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known ?o such as may he laboring under, or predisposed to, such affections. The dawn of a blighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has now passed away. We have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consumption. in all its stages, can be cured : in the first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, by the transformation of tubercule into chalkg and calcareous concretions; in the third, by cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the age. To all this great truth must be apparent, viz: that medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the forin of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In short, the only ark of refuge for tho Consumptive is in Inhalation, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it soothing and eflx caciou* in the highest degree ; arresting the progress of the disease, and working wonders in many desperate cases ; in veritv, a tri ?n rvl. ,.'f A.. /-II -I?* * ui uui (in u>vi mo ion uesiroyar 01 our species. Note.?Physicians wishing to make themReives acquainted with this practice, are informed that our time t>eing valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The fee, in all eases of Consumption, will bo $10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded. Applicants will please state age, sex, occupation, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and symptoms generally. Let the nainc, town and State be plainly written?postage for return answers must be enclosed. Letters, if Kogiftterod by the Post Master, are at our ri?k. Address WALLACE MERTOUN, }t. D., 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 10. 10 6m atb. crook, m.d,&a7d. hoke, m. d-. PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE & SURGERY, ! Greenville 9. C. OFFICE East Corner ?f MeBee and Wash TWington Streets, nctopwd by ]>r. Caoon for j Ot the laat twenty-two years. M y 91 9 3 m , ^flr JAS. B. HILL'S CHEAP STORE, At B. Duubam1* Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. HAVING MADE LARGE JjKtiT-rjdH additions^ to iny usual Rtook.^TJjm "Y ill 1 an.l having completed my^CW trrongemenU for a more extensive business, I would respectfully invite the attention of my Former customers, and the public generally, to uy present stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, TIN WiLRB, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOUS, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Factory Yarn, Tobaaco, Seyars, <&c., dc. aii oi wnicn i am offering at groat bargains for cash, country produce, rags, beeswax or old copper. Dry Goods Department. A great variety of Summer Materia), for Gents, and Govs' Wear, nt all prices IRISH LINENS, superior quality, from 60 cents upwards Linen Grilling, for Hants Gents' Half Hose, wliite and colored Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, of all descriptions'' and prices Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Shirtings and Drillings Shawls, suitable for the season?verv cheap A large assortment of CALICOES, all prices and styles Swiss, .Tnconett, Book and Dotted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Gents, from 12-J to 50 cents?some very fine A laree assortment of Dres, Muslins?some beautiful patterns?from 5 to 20 cents per yard A choice selection of Bareges and Del.afncs? very cheap Merinos and Alpaceas, from 25 to 50 cts. per yard Also. Fishing Tackle of every description 'lair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Combs of every description T'laying Cards; Vienna Matches Fans in great varie v ; Cornelian Rings Hooks nnd Eyes ; Marbles Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Wrapping, Letter, Bill ami Foolscap Paper JLWERLY, hi setts warranted genuine, at un rrcoedentcd prices K?cklnces; Needles; Pins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Satin, Lutestring, Cause, and other qualities of Itihbons Toilet Soaps: Shaving Cream ; Cologne Jet Bracelets; Sewing Silk White and colored Spool Cottons Bareges for Veils, all colors Willi manV other Articles tnn I" I mention, nli of which I am offering at prices to suit the times. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN WARM and TIN I'LATM Having superior Workmen I am at all times prepared to do Roofing and Guttering, or any work in this linn, with neatness ai.d dispatch, and on the most accommodating terms. A call is respectfully solicited. I am always happy to show Goods. J. II. IlILL, One door helow the Goodlett House, Maine Street, opposite Roberts ?t Duncan's. June 25 7 if AM 15ROTY PES AND ME LAI NOT IT PES. More Beautiful Than Ever. THE INIMITABLE 'RAISED' AMBROTYPES. 4 PKRFKCT representation of Nature, and the hinhent style of the Art; UNFADING and DURABUM, THE MELAINOTYPE, Another and a later triumph in the art or l'hot.ography, admirably adapted to Medallions, Broaches, Jackets, Rings, Ac. The suhscriher takes pleasure in announcing to his friends, the Undies and Gentlemen of Greenville and surrounding country, that he is at ii->Mr. ao.\is, and ready to execute anything in the line of his profession that necessity or fancy may suggest. lie will also take tlila nKsminn tn en?r r.n?>? for nil?that the siirtRionrrv of his Pictures over nil for rig n " ratch-pmng" affairs, in too well known and acknowledged to require any resort to the very common prnctiee of "puffing," in or der to hring thcin into notice. /"*' come and trr for yourtflvtt, ancl be ?ati*fied. 1'rices modkratk?fro u $1 to J5 and $8, according to me and xtytr. z~$f~ Gallf.rt on 2d floor of McRkk's Ham. Complete instructions given in the Art. c. ii. lanneau. PHOTOOHA PIIS beautifully colored in oil, by the subscriber. 7-tf June 26 Headquarters. First Division, s. c. m.. ) Adbkvili.k c. II., June 15, '57. f order NO. _] VN ELECTION will be held nt the various Re einiental Muster Grounds in the first Brigade of infantry, on Tuesday, the 18th of August next, for Brigadier General of the first Brigade of Infnntry, First Division, S. C. M., to fill the vacancy occasioned i y Mi? resignation of Briga dier General J. W. Harrison. The Colonels or officers in command of the several Regiments, are charged with the extension of this order, and to transmit to the Major General the result of said election at each poll in writing. By order of Maj. Gen. A. M. Smith. W. J,. CALHOUN. Je 25 7-td Div. Adj. Gen. WP.W Af*rn "RT?ATFPTVTTT WW V AAA VJJ stocx or MILLIISTBR.Y i .a dies;goods. mrs. w a lton ^?dr~vytrpn MOS*T reapeet/ully informs hor former patrons ami friends, iVYf a hi) the Ladies generally, that ' )3\!wk\^9n0has Just returned from New /*\jBvVW& York with a New and lieautiful Stock of MILLINERY. of her own selection, consisting of STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, And a new and beautiful variety of Eugenic Shapes. She also wbhes to call the attention of the Ladies to her assortment of PLOWEK8, which s the finest and most beautiful ever brought to Ireenville, and to her stock of DRESS CA 1*8 and HEAD DRESSES, ami CRAPS and MOURNING UOKNffPA py Dreaaea mode in the vary lateet atylo and >est manner. Orders from the Country promptly attend'd to. tl-tf April t AT THE GREENVILLE I COACH FACTORY, |." mailt Street* N?xt lite Ilridge, ' THE Largest and Best. Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AN'I) MATERIAL ev.-r offered for C sale in the State, selected carefully and especially for Carriage MAnufaclnrers. j A large stock and best variety of Axles for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons-; common and heat tempered Steel Springs ; Black and Coloied Enamel and Patent Dneh Leather; Black and [ Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil and Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia ( Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mate; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, Silver, Bone and Japan Nails ; Silk ami Worsted broad and narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Cot- I too Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Boggy seat Sticks; and u complete assortment of Mailable , Castings. J Carriage Makers are particularly requested to call and examine onr stock. For sale cheap by GO W Ell. COX <fe MA UK LEY. > ' ( kv - If UBS AND SPOKES. WE arc now prepared to supply Manufacturers with the best Morticed Flubs and i Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and wurruutea. For sale by GOWEli. COX <fe MARKLEY. 5 CLOT ITS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllVVool Damasks. For sale by J GOWEli. COX ?fc MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR 1 RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of the best Tools X"\. made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood and Boxwood Planes. For sale by GOWEli, COX & MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! N'OAV on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Sparta-vhurg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse ' Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedeft and Hammered, for wagons, tiros and plantation work. On hand, cheap for cash, 5,000 lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For sale by GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. ] STEEL! STEEL! ! STEEL!!! "VTAYLOKS, SAUNDKRSON ,fc JESSUrS best it Cast-Steel?square, oetogon. round and flat ?for tino edge tools, axles ami drills. German and l Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale bv I GOWER, COX A MARKLEY.' ' ,1.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. 4 SSORTKD MZ08, suitable for Farmers und XjL Mechanics. For mIc <-l?rn|? he GOWER. COX <fc MARKLEY. ON HA ND I ^'e*' Florida Moss and 1 Curled llHir, picked, in lings. For solo liv COWER, COX A MARKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. T" AROE assortment of the Diamond FlintSand X J Paper, host. article made, for sale hv COWER. COX <fc MARKLEY. J PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS \ AND PUTTY. OX l?and, n large assortment. Paints, Oils. Ac. ' Pure, F.xtra and No. \ White Lends; Raw nad Boiled Lindsoed Oils ; Winter, Sperm. Solar, 1 Lamp, Neat* Foot, Olive and 'runners' Oils; Poach Body nnd Copal Ynrni.'h; Japan, Aspalturn nud Leather Varnish ; Spirits Turpentine: '.Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack; Lnmphlaok ; Red ; Spanish Brown; UntI her; Suawa; French Ochre, Ac. American ami French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale he GOWER. COX k MARKLEY. rr r t 1/ v v. cf/ff u ir . r. t-. ?? . r. ? ? JIMS l r j fx. jOJIJs/jJ' ri si It I f W S\ It Ej. V I.AROE and well selected stock For sale ] cheap by GOWER. COX A- MARKLEY. rt SCREWS! SCREWS/! GROSS of the Improved Gin.blet Foint O w V Screws. For sale by GOWElt, COX 6t MARKLEY. SAWS I SAWS// UOK <fc CaV Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Sawn; Rowland'* Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon Saws; lland, Fannel and Ripping Saws; Brass and Blue Back Saw*; a complete assortment of WebbSaws. with and without frames Forsaleby , GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. Mav 28 3 tf 7 I II, RAMI, 1 Thankful for fast favors, beos to say. that all kinds of IIA1R WORK of every variety of style of braiding, will l>e Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at, a distance per nmil or otherwise, aa directed. (I lair can be sent ! him in letter per mail.) Itow Breast Fins, Necklaces, Bracelet*, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, be free of extra charge. 11c also makes and repairs* 11 kinds of Jewelry; mounts witn gold or silver the Heads ol \S nlk- ing Canes; mulches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Engrave* on all manner of Plate. Office 60 yard* Ea*t of old Court Howe, and a feu pare* from the Enterprise Office. <ireoiiville, S. C\, June 25, 'ol. 7?if NOTICE rrMlE Books of Account and Notes of JOTIN I BUIWKY, have been placed in our hands for collection. If not paid by Return I lay, they will be sued on indiscriminately. EASLEY ?t THRU8T0N, Je 25 7-tf Attorney* at Law. NOTICE. PEIteONS indebted to the late Firm of Drs. ' Tcarni A Jo* so, and whoee Notes and Accounts have been placed in my hands for collection, are notified tnat unless payments are made before Return Dav neat, they will he sued. \v. P. PRICE, Attorney. t Jubo if 7 id GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. _ OHRKUTED WEEK I Y FOR Tilt KNTKHPH1SK, By Grady & Goodlett, Merchants. J (iuKi-N-vnm:, ,\r?;rsr 12, is.r>v. lAGGING, Gunny, per yard, a 26 c Dundee, a 20 1ACON ....Hams ]>er lb., new, 18 M Shoulders, " 14 Sides, 44 10 Hog round, 10 1UTTKR.. .Goslien, per lb. none. J Country, per lb. 20 JOFFF.E.. .Tlio, i>er lb. 15H Java, per lb. a 20 ; 10MESTICS, Shil ling, per yd. 6 J a 11 't Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 I Osnnburgs, per yd. 12$ a 14 ' 'LOUR . ...Country, per bW. 80 a 80 Country, per sack, 8-1 5RAIN Corn, per bushel. 80 Wheat, per busheL 81.00 Oats, per bushel, none. RON Sv/edeo, per lb. 0$ a 7 English,pur lb. a 5$ iARD per |h. a 10 ! klOLASSES, W. 1. per gal. 80 N O., new crop, $1.25 tYRUP.... 44 44 per gal. 44 .MLS Gamp, per gal. ?i j a S2A Train, per gal. 87$ u $1$ Linseed, $1J *ICE per lb. a -8$iOPE per lb. * 13 a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans, per lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crashed, per lb, 20 Refined, ]>cr it. a 10$ SALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, $2 00 SOAP Colgate,pale,pr.lh. 12$ a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 S1IOT per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, a $2 J IIA VAN 1 SEGA IIS, IMPORTED DIRECT. I$V II. F U RST EN LI KIM, From Mateo, Gaenz ct Co, Havana. TRIE genuine Plantation La Eldo.ndo 1 The finest Ope-a La Victoiia The real Concha El Ranio I La Australia Londres < La Atiila f La Rosalia Regalia La Giiid La Nigotiana; Opera Confionzia. El Cinto de Orion. All of the finest Brands and Varieties, at II. FURSTEN11 KIM'S, Jv 23 11 Ooodlett House. GRLKliYlLIiE CONFECTIONERY. rFIIK subscriber hns returned to Greenville. | JL and commenced business OpIhc ' Tlaii>ii()ii lioilM*. where may he found on lian.l, OONFF.CTIONERIES, JELLIES, RRANL>1E1> FRU1T8, Ac. JInv in;* procured a Xo- 1 Pa?tr>f Cook, FRESH C A ICRS, Of many kinds, can be had every day. A. SALOOKT, For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen, has heen neatly arranged, where, at oil hours of the dnv and evening, an EXCELLENT ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be had, together ivith 'ooling Drink* of several kinds. Feeling mvseif much indebted to my friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon ine when in Itusinoss on A venue Street, I hope, by a | much uxor'' striel attention to buiintts, to merit a j renewal of their favors. P. S. SMITH, Agont. .To 4 4 tf I REED & GO 0 DIE IT, I ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, ! (srceiiville, S. O. IW~ OFFICE next door to F. F. Reattie A Co._jg* J. I'. REEI?.] [s. D. GOOD I.KIT, lune 4 4 tf OUR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ! GREENVILLE, S. C. rAMES L. ORR. WM. P. PRIOE. J April 23 50 Elford & Donaldson, ?iaanas!rwa3fc^2s9 s- ?? 5. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 35 3m a-, c. r?. jbter., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL rnACTJOR IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4 4 ly 11 .D U Li'l U S "Swi T11, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE,\ S. G June 18 G if SPANISH CIGARS. A LARGE lot of choice Brand* jnet received L V. end for enle ?t I lie Drup Store of April 2 47-tf J 11. DEAN. BACOX. If AAA LBS. on haud and for sale hv I ),GUU A. GREENFIELD. Jy 2 8 If 1 \xm. " 4 FRF.81I e.tppljr ol excellent CANDY now tV. on hand and for sale at the Drop Store of April 2-47 tf J. H. DEAN. *"* ' 1 V?w is the Time. 1 PERSON'S Indebted to W. IT. IIOVEV. or W. T 11. IIOVEY A Do.. (iHiviom to the firet of aiiuarv, 1857. will please take notice that the tio-ier is iic led bv th->m. on 1 jf not fnrthcom- , a J rig tliev will be o'di ?V 1 to force the collection* f the same. ? W. 11. llOVLY AGO. July 10 10 2in iolmbold's Gonuino Preparation * \ OF j highly concentrate!) compguno fluto extract euchu, <br Difitss* of the I I ladder. Kidneys, Gravel, Drofsy, Weakness, Obstruction, Secret Diseases, Female Complmats, and all Diseases of the Sexual (h'yaoi, Vri"ing from Exee?scs and Improdeneles in life, ind roinovintr nil Improper Discharges from tlitf Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether xisting in m ajtiia ?is From whatever oa'.Ho tlu-v may have originated, AND NO MATTE * OF HO W LONG STANDING Giving Health and Ki^or to the Frame, and lilootn to the i'allid Check. Joy to fl2?c Afflicted!! It cues Xcrvous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes nil the Symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Los.-, of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, TT,......... ..? n:. ie -t- v ? - J ?V. . wi u? ? ' .IK iHrPVeH, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Deaf,It. Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with L)y?j>eptic Srniptonis, Hot Hands, Flushing "of the Bo'lv, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, l'ain iu the Hack, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Hlnek Spot* Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Croat Mobility. Rest- , I ensues*, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such pntlents than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnestnoss, no speculation, hut a hurried Transition from one question to another. These svmptonn if allowed to go on?which this medicine invariably removes?soon follows Lot* of Power. Fatuity and JipiUptie FUs?in one of which the patient may expire. Who ean say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases?INS ANITK AN1) CONSUMPTION! The records of Insane Asylama, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, hear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asvlumsthe most melancholy exhibition appear*. The countenance is actually sodden unci quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visit.s it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. " With wofnl measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely grax'es, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It can lie cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with anv of the above dis. ? tressing ailments, the FLU ID EXTRACT BU CHU will cure you. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. Beware of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and reference*. Ci lUcns know ami avoid them. and save Suffering, Mom-v and Exposure, by sendingorcalling for ft hot vie of this Popular and specific Remedy. It allays all pit in and inflammation, is perfectly pleasant, it) its taste ami odor, but immediate in its action. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared diiectly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest, accuracy and Chemical know ledge nnd care devoted in its combination. Sen Professor Dkwkk's Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. 13T n. cs? jx" One bundled dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of tliotieandn can l?e produced to prove thatitdoea great good, fuses of from one week to thirteen years' standing have been effected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TPS I'IMONY in possession of the Proprietor. vouching its virtues and curative pow era, is immense, eml^aeing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold, And not a single instance of a failure has been reported. PersonalIv appeared before me, fin Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, II. T. II ELM BOLD ' 'hemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, tlia his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, lmt are purely Vegetable. 11. T. II ELM BOLD, Sole Manufactnrer. Sworn nnd subscribed before ma this 23d day of November, 1854. NVM. 1*. IUTWAUD, Alderman, r> ice $1 j>cr Bottle, or Sir for &5, Delivercd to atn/ Address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Vlmliotil < 'olIro? - vvur^vo, Vicr* gviuen and others. Prepared and sol<l l>y II. T. 11 ELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Xo. 02 South Tenth Sr., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Piiila. ty To lie had of Drs. .T. If. Dean, Mims As Lose,, M IS. T'aki.k and Emu. Krctoii, Druggists, Greenville, S. C., and of nil Druggist* ?nd dealers throughout the lriiiled States, Can ad ?is autl British Provinces. Beware of Counterfeit*. Ask for HELMBOLD'S?Take no Other, CURES G Uj\ UANTEED. July 2 ft ly DH J II. f)EAN, PEA LER IV Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Prritiuicry, Oil?, VlqhnsiKS.&ije-Stoffo T 0 S A O O O, ? 0 0 A IJfij rm; toiukt soaps, fivf II vil* avi* uv*r**rtT iir.rrctira . .IIII. 41.1 1/ I WW til I'll O Oil l^Of PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal l'*e< rRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C,, 6tC, Third Door above the. Mansion House, ( rcniTilXr, C. Medicines warranted genuine and of tlie best, quality. mm* Planter* and rhvsieinn. from the country evil) rind hi# stock of Medicines complete. Feb 12 40 1 y Fruit Csmiliffi. A FRrSIl 1/>T ju.t. recrt\ ed *?t the /V orrenVtllts confectioner v. .1y W 11 If II I II *-* * -* ,