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HUMORIST'S QUO. Accommodating.?We called in some time ago to see a very loquacious kinswoman. It was about noon?or, as Qubbins would have it, 44 feeding time"?and the old lady was very busy getting dinner and?talking.? Among other good things "coining on," we noticed a large pot full of apple dumpliDgs, boiling away as if they were well aware that they wcro a favorite dish of ours. Sitting hard by licking hi?chop8, and looking wistfully at the " dodgers " as they revolved from bottom to top, sat a venerable hound. Now, it is known perhaps to everybody but Zoologists, that this 6pecies of dog vniiy and have been known, to boil their ears off in gitting at a dumpling or jowl, and this one was no exception, for watching a favorable opportunity, he " went under," nabbed a dumpling, and?went out, like a 6hot. The 44 old 'oman" saw him as he was matting tue lanaing, ana seizing tne pot, and the remainder of the fruit, she soused it on bint, with the exclamation, M Tain't good without sauce, yo everlasting rawh ended dnmpliu' steelin' cus lard eating buzzard !" We didn't laugh?couldn't, but we did I0060 our anticipated luxury, and poor Blizer lost his hide, while the old lady lost her cap, u specks" and temper. Caterwaulinu.?Hear the Wilmington Journal how it pitches into Tom and Tabby : The devils that of old entered into the swine are ngw in full possession of the infernal cats?torn cats, female cats ?all manner of cats?keep up such concerts, and such trampooeings as to render night horrible, and 6leep impossible. It the good devils would run the whole posse from our hill, down into the sea, or even into the Capo Fear River, wo would think better of said devils ever afterwards. We go for an anti-cat law. We go for strych JI1I1V/J nrIW1 DiiWiUiUf duiiJ* bing, throwing brickbats, hot water, spirits turpentine, broken bottles, or any other glass or crockery ware at them. Sho-o-o, cat There is a story of a young wag who was once invited to dine with an old gentleman ot rather 6udden temper. The dining-room was on the second iioor, and tne principal dish was a line roast ham. When the old gentleman undertook to carve it, he found the knife rather dull, and in a sudden pas sion flung it down stairs after the servant, who had just brought it. Whereupon the young gentleman seized the ham, and with admirable dexterity, hurled it after tho knife. "What on earth do you mean?" exclaimed the old gentleman, as soon as he could speak. " I beg your pardon," was the cool reply, "I thought you were going to dine down stairs." Weak Spots.?It is'said of Achilles, one of Ilomcr's heroes, that his mother dipped him in tho river Styx, which made him invulnerable, except in the heel, by which she held him. This one vulnerable point proved his ruin ; for Paris 6lew him with an arrow, that pierced his heel. Thus it is with men. They may be invincible on almost every point; hut there is a weak place in j every man's character. Each one has | his easily beseting sin. * Qiis-rii.? WliirJi is tho vulnerable I point in a little boj', who goes into a grog-shop, his heel or liis mouth ? Precocious.?(Little bis.) " Oh Bobby, I'm agoin' to have a hooped dress, an oyster shell bonnet, a pair of car drops and a baby !" (Little bud.) "The thunder you is! Well, I'm goin' to have a pair of tight pants, a shanghi coat, a shaved head, a crooked cane, and a pistil!" [Here the scions of future greatness were interrupted by a sound resembling the cry of a whip poorwill?Chipthrash, chip-thrash. There, how do you like a striped coat.J A very modest young lady in Tlichmond, got exceedingly offended becaus a clerk in a dry goods store offered to show her some undrcsned linens ' Where a woman," says Mrs. Part* ington, 44 has once married with aeon-" gealing and warm heart, and one that beats responsible to h r own, she will never want to enter the maritime state again." 44 Wki.t.,young man,3*onr business?" "Why, I hcer'd as how you teach navigation, so I tbo't I'd come in and larn it this afternoon, 'cause I'm goin' to sea in the mornin'; dady's capting, and I'm mate. A tonnfi man. who was desirous of marrying a daughter of a well known Boston merchant, after many attempts to broach the subject to tho old gentleman, in a very stuttering manner said: " Mr. O. , are you willing to le-le let mo have your daughter Jane?" "Of course I am," gruffly and quickly replied the old man ; 41 and 1 wish you could get some other likely fellow to marry the rest of hem." ? At a country house, where Sheridan 9 won on a visit, an old maid desired to bo bis companion in a walk. He excused himself at first on the ground of the badness of the weather. Sho soon afterwards detected him in an attempt to escupe without her. " Well," he said, " it is cleared up enough for one, but not enough for two." Warburton, in his account of his voyage up the Nile, gives an amusing instance of the singular opinion of sailors. Ho says: "On arriving at Dencli we gave the crew a feast, consisting of old ram, preferred by them to young mutton, because it stood more chewiug." Two friends met after a long absence ?one had waxed fat, the other lean. " Why," said the first, "you look as if you had not had a dinner since I saw you last." "And you," replied the other, " look as if you had been to dinner ever since." An Irish drummer, who now and then indulged in a noggin of right good poteen, was accosted by the reviewing general : u Pat, what makes your nose so red ?" " Please, your honor," said Pat, " I always blush when I speaks to an officer." JDk. Johnson remarked that a habit of looking on the best side of every event is better than a thousand pounds a year. When Fenelon's library was on fire?u God be praised," lie exclaimed, " that it is not the dwelling of some poor man." " Why, Charley," said a Yankeo to a negro preacher, " you can't even tell who made the monkey." " Oh, yes 1 can, massa 1" " Well, who made the monkey?" "Why, niassa, the same one made the monkey that made you /" Young wife?" Oh, Pin so glad you like birds; what kind do you most admire?" Young Husband.?"Well, I think a good turkey, with plenty ol I dressing, is about as nice as any." N EW i SPRING GOODS, i GRADY & GOODLETT, i One Door South of the Old Court House GREENVILLE, S. C. \ FT Kit returning our grateful thanks to our friends and customers, for their past very liberal patronage lo our business, we desire to cull their attention, as well as that of the public -* generally, to our very large utid finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which we are now receiving, and which has been purchased hy one of the firm with eare, j and on very advantageous terms as to prices, nnd which we arc determined on selling as low as they enn he bought, at retail, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of 1)KY GOODS, emhraces almost every article called for. either hy Ladies or Gentlemen, in Fancy or .Staple Dry Goods. jsonneis, .tuDoons, * dowers, iiuches, l'al- M mas, Shawls, Mantle3, &c. ^ Itool<i and Sliocx, Trunk*, dec. ? 11 A very extensive and fashionable Assortment. MATS AND CAPS. ] The latest styles, for Men and Hoys, in great variety. Ready-Made Clothing. A very heavy and varied assortment, for Men ( and Boys. Perfumeries. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated ? Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Rlacksmillis' Tools, Crockery and C* In** ware, DRUGS, MEDICINES DYE-STUFFS, Books and Stationery, v SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. G 52 O i: ISIES. A very heavy stock of I?io and Java COFFEES l.rown ami Crushed SUGARS 'l eas. Molasses, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lend nod Indigo. SACK AND TABLE SAI.T. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, Glass, ?t-e., Ac. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY dt GOODLETT. r April 0 4 8 tf ? M IL II0VEU17 i PROPRIETORS OF m i -y i ^ - me JL.aaies' Store, ; Vltr. NOW. nml will l>c constantly receiving c Fresh Importations, purchased l>y or.e of " I lie partners, who has some twenty five years' experience in buying unci selling Go?ds. They would invite special attention to their large Stock of White and Embroidered floods, Rich Silk Tissues, DeBeges, Challys. ('rape De , Paris, Bereges, Muslins, Brilliant*, n Silks, Alpaeeas, Bombazines, i Csinton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and Anietican Prints, tfce., <fec, ALSO, JUST N, ; A NICE LOT OF \ New Bonnet?, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, < Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and 1 Brussels Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long ? ^ Lawns, Plain and i Emb'd L. C. Ilandkerchiefs, And many other NICE AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will be thair endeavor to eel! as cheap as possihlo, 46-tf 11 h 26 ( :*H wt r. Plows, Stoves, ! ja WE ksep constant- "NPv ^ ly on hand a large as- "'"1 sort-ment of One and ^jjl^asaa Hf^JaTwo-llorse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside which we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a large and beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, to which wo particularly call the attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, Corn Shcllers, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet < Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pumps furnished and put up. Wo also are making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Bake Puns. FOOT and BATIllNO TUBS, or nny other Article in our line, made to order, and Painted in the best manner. We nre also prepared to do Roofing mid Guttering in the latest and best mnnner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of TTJElBr -mWJLnXils NVe say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it. Come and sec. i Cash paid for Old Conner. Bees Wax nn?l Old Pewter. 1ST Knp" taken in exchange for Tin W??. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Ml) 12 44 if ? C H A RLE SHI C KEY, (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, i AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, nna ch'srs, wixdo\v conxices, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. n 154 KINO STREET, , CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 tw Old Frames Re-gilt cquul to new. April 30 61 ly 11 >. \tj wvvhT Third Door above the Mansion IIousc, VA/" OUT..D respectfully enll tlie attention of t t his friends, ami the pulilie generally, to liis recent enlarged Stock of liltUGS, MKDIL/INKS, &c. Physicians, Merchants, Farmers Heads of Families, and all persons in want of Articles in his line, will do well to cnll and cxunino his assortment. Articles for family use, ' spices. Flavoring Extracts, etc., constantly on f( land. Also Pure Medical Wines and Urat.dy. j A|>iiI 2 47 tf j, r. j. iiovby. w. ii. novitY : i W. H. 1I0VEY & CO.," PROPRIETORS OF " THE LADIES' STORE, DEALERS IN PAWPV A 5TAPTT TUJtr rmrvnc 'I b v ^ w JLi.U A/1V1 KJKJKJUO, 1 a&aas ?ssas, HON X T S, RI IUIONS, Honsokoooin^ Goods, & miwi mibi uixQ'mns AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, GllERilVILLE, 8. C. ( N. Tl.?Order* accompanied by tlie rnih for ^ ledienl, Law or Library Hook*, Musical Initru- ^ icnts and Sundiie*, promptly filled in New fork, and delivered at our counter on shortest lOtice. Jan 22 37 lv READ! READ!! READ!!! .. IT WILL TAKft YOU BUT A FEW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOU -i MANY YEARS OF SUFFERING ! J Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! [he Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! ^ Physician* prescribe it, and every one. that use* it is a walking advertisement. jVo A Medicine ever yet offered to the A me- o rican public has gained such f>o- fi pulority in to short a time as V BARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! 1( It will Cure any case of Scrofula. ? " It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. 0 It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of JVcuralyia. It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague, ~\ )r nnv Diseases arising from an impure state of SCROFULOUS READER! J It cured the neice of the Hon. John Minor (I totts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of A lerofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, c >oth of New York and Philadelphia, had been ried in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if si oil arc so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! ck It cured D. Burritf, Esq . of Cincinnati, of p Ihcnmutism of -I years standing, nfter nil other emedies had failed. We have hundreds of such ^ erl itiente*. Call on the Agent and get a Book md Circular, and rend for yourself the many re- ' narknble and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! 1 The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that he , ind two of the most severe and long standing ^ ases of Syphilis that. would yield to none of the isiinl remedies, but he cured one ease with si*, ind the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S iP A SI till MIXTURE. We have known it k. ised in over a Thousand casks, and have yet to icnr of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD ! { Aour. and Fkvks.?Do not take Quinine, Mer- >nry, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once his great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; Varlrr's Spanish Afirturr, will cure any and every ase of Ague and Fever. We have never yet mown it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure itnte of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been J onnd to have so good an effect. If you are sick, I ry it at once; do not delay; time is precious, ind health the greatest of all blessings, without 0 vhich all else is valueless. ' DR. WM. S. BEERS CO., Pr.oPKiRTOR*, Richmond, Va. e And for sale by F* KRUTCH, Druggist, Agent^ f )r?snvilla C. 11., 8. (X l-lj May St I SPRING D IN CHARI {Late of the Firm t SUCCESSOR TO KI 943 King Street, O INVITES ATTENTION to his ENTIRELY N] GERMAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, StJMMIE In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Chencs, of lig jxpressly for oitjr retail trade. BOILBD B; Great attention has been pnid to obtain the American market. FLOUNCI In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Orgnndi constantly receiving. FRENCH AND Tlio Stock of these Goods will invite n clv/se IWCOTJI=LlNri3> Bombazines, Alpacas, Challys, Crape Marat, eal Crapes, English Paramattas, Black Organd Mourning Robes, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, and Marcelliue of very choicest makes, nlway . urnm Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and Pillov iressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Ostu SPRING CASS/21 A large and varied Stock of Goods in this D< ?nd Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cassin PARASOLS AN In Blnck and Colored, Lined and Unlint jest Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbrellas. PLANTAT] Planters and their friends will always find w ,nd all Goods will be sold at the lowest marke The Subscriber is now able to give his nersoi urpassed advantages in obtaining all the j\ aRlCES, together with his buyer constantly \ nods at less than the market value, he feels p died. C2T" The One Price System riyidly ruUwi 243 King Street, Opp May 1st, 18o7. WM. II. A LLEN7~ SURGEON DENTIST, ?i?. HAS returned from Philndel phia, prepared, in every way, t perform all operations in his pre ssion in the most skilful and approved mnnnci laving procured every improvement of thedaj ersons can safely rely on having avery opera ion performed in the same manner as done i 'liiladclphia or New York. Ether and Chloroform eiven when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appoint lents previously. ty'ltoums in McBee's Building. Mnrcli 19 45 if AGENCY FOR AFE and fire insurance MUTUAL INSURANCE C0MPAN1 Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop.rtjr AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the ages of 10 and 00 gears, )N such terms as to render it a most ?afe nm desirable investment. Full details, will te Constitution and IW-Laws of the Compart* ill he furnished on npplieation to nny of the Ol cers of the Company. JOSEIM1 It. OSBOllNF, Preil. WM. W. McDOWELI* Vice-1're*. Jas. B. Rankin, Secretary J; Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jnn 8 35-1 y GREENVILLE, S. C. I'HS aP.ZSlTVILLIS ' B () O K S T O R E MAIN STREET, NEXT TO MoBECS 1IALIS WIIEREeonslnntly may he faun *.?a largo and well selected Stoc MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSIC ,L BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Mem randunis, <fce.; Writing Desks and Oases, Port tlios, Oold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealin Tax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Looks, Inkstands, Ei :rs,Ao.,Ac. J. C. P. JBTfflt. Jan 15 3ti-ly Si^n of the Big Hook. e.kTujtch's rug store and apothecary shcp UNDER MoBEETS HALL. s. s,, IIKRIC will l>e constantly kept on hand tli T T purcet stock of PRIHJS, MEDICINES.CHEMTCAUS.PATF.N' ledicines, Surgical Instrument*, Paints, Dyi tuffs, Varnishes, I'utty, Tohaeco, Segars, Spir Ins, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toil* irticles, .Conihs, Perfumery; and all other art les generally kept hy Druggists. iFresh and pure Drugs are warranted an aid at low price*. Compound medicines are prepared in the moi areful war. Receipts and prescriptions of an ind put-cr? witt. accurncy, neatness and dii ntch. 35-10m Jnn 8 V. S. LAWTON, 1 f C. M. BREAK El Formerly of > -J of awtonville, 8. C. ) ( Cliarleston, S. C LAWTON & CO., factors, PorwtirtliiiR and Coinmiaaloii itlcrcliniila, Vo. 30 JSatl Bay and Boyce <& Go's Whar^ 03is, o.0 WILL IILL 'ATTAvr prnp i?f AITD Hfixn AT ^ADV (V 1 X V/il > I J ly.'W , V^yWIVL1 NAVAL STOKES, <fcc. XW Having nil experience of twenty-fiv enra in business, we guarantee satisfaction t il who pittro||j? no. JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, m u ?WOULD respectfully infori Bllio citizens of Greenville rnd Nfcj* " '^^Bcinit.y thethc has on hand a Jc f FUBNITUHE, which he will dispose of upo eesonahlc terms. He hu Chairs, Tables, Sofm V ash-stands, Ac. Fine and I'lain Furnitur nade to order. His shop may be found on Ay nue Street, between Benttii's Store and tk Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Com loose Greenville, fl. C\, Aug. li-14-ly RY GOODS,. J3ST0N, S. C. l&WkVMu tf Drowning Jc Leman.) 3TCHUM & TAYLOR, pposilc Ilnacll Street, E W nnd CIIOICK STOCK of FRENCH, ENGLISH, . , of the NEWEST STRING STYLliS. BL SILKLS, ht texture and beautiful finish, carefully Selected i LACK ?EK?. best Goods in Black Silks tkat arc brought into the | 2D ROBES, ics and Jaconets, iu large variety, very choice and ENGLISH PRINTS. attention, being very full nnd at very low prices. ] *TC3r GOODS. Choice Blnck Bareges and Poplins, Poplinetts, Du- . lies. French nnd English Cranes in various widths, Black Fainise and Cautou Cloths, Mousliu DcLaine , s on hand. < r-Cnse LINENS, of various widths nnd free from ' iburgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. 1 ERES, DRILLS, <&C. ! spartmcnt, suitable for Gentlemen and Boys' Spring t teres, Drnp D'Eto, Farmer's Satin, Grey Flannels, etc. ' i? UMBRELLAS, ; ;d, in nil the new designs, constantly received; , [ON GOODS. ith me a full department suitable to their wanst, t prices for Cnsh or City Acceptances, mil attention to all Country Orders, and having tinE WEST GOODS nt the LO WEST POSSIBLE ' vntuhing the New York Auctions for all desirable repared to sny that nil orders will l?e satisfactorily red to, atul all Gcxnl* Warranted. A. F. llICOWXIftG, ] osito 1 Inset I Street, Sign ok the "Thee." 62 tt NEW MIELINERY t AND Dross-Making Establishment. [; m<S. WAITS AND MISS 1 ?OUI)( )X WOlllil PA9t\nn?fiillt? ??ll attention of the ].n<lii'S of (iiccnville anil vi i cinitv to the fact that thev will open, on Saturday, the 4th iast., one of ike linestand lnrgo-t , stocks of French nnd American MILLINERY ever bought to thie Town, which, for richness nnd elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing l all the latest nnd most approved styles. Being confident that none can go away disnat- r isfied, they earnestly solicit an early call nnd inspection of the same. Our terms are low. " j Indies'Old lints cleaned nnd made equal to new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the mint approved and latest. Gipsy style. t , LEGHORN 1IATS in large quantities. i; Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. * f jit" House on Avenue Street opposite the Post f |f Office. 47-tf April 2 , GREENFIELDS < , FAMILY GROCERY STORE.; ' UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEY'S OLD STAND. \ r- r JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a Gen- 1 cral Assortment of r FAMILY GROCERIES, ! selected by the proprietor, consisting of choice ' articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Mola-scs, Rice, Rice ? Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites * the attention of housekeepers und others. ^ Apiil 23 50 tf 4 Applo Vinegar. [ d 4 FINE article to be had at the Family Grok x V eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. J WATCHES. [ UhQUKS JgBlHLT. E. I. IT\SO"\ (AGENT,) T^>EOS leave to announce to the* of .lJ Greenville, and ant-rounding country, that , he has opened a tStnck of tho above-named Ar- . I tides c.n Avenue street, in the lluilding formerly known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. >e ' i IIK WILL ALSO , 1 Repair and Fit Up 1 [t WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, | ,t In the best of style, i- Thankful to his former patrons and friends, ' for their liberality and patronage, he respect- t d fullv solicits n continuance of the same. , wr Give iiini a call, and he will endeavor to , jt please. 87-tf Jan 22 w. pT price, j r NOTARY PURLIC, , AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, i 3 OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, ' ?laiaanar \5/a riUHBt a, o. ; Will proinptty attend to the coBeotfon of Notes j and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. fy d. S- ROW TP ? - ? - ? ? * * -' ? Manufacturer and Dealer in r i '7 FURNITURE of every description, SSBBBO CHAIRS of every style. * FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, I Opjtouilr the Congarce House, 1 Doe. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C ly F. BURTY, Doalor in Boots, Shoes, Leather, , V OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. ,'i GREENVILLE, 8. C., n IS Prepared to furnish custom- i *. crs with tne above articles, CHEAP e CASH. ' Having competent workmen engaged, he can a assure his patrons that all work will be Ni atlt s 1 Dove and WARRANTED. Feb M tf . . _ ????a???WBg OUB DOLLAK A YEARIIRCULATIOM, OVER 100,000 C0PIE8 WEEKLY. 25 WITNESSES; OR, iriHiis v?mir& oomnnnniE. John s. ?t|e is 1be Sulbolr. WHO ha* had 10 year* experience as a Banker and Publisher, ana Author of 4 Series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when, for 10 sacoeeslre nights, oyer , AST" 600,000 People JSf Greeted him with rounds of applause, while he inhibited the manner in which Counterfeiter* ixecute their Frauds, and the Surest and Short- ist Menus of Detecting iliein I \ | The Bank Note Engravers all say he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. 3REATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR IFTFHTINR PnilMTCDCCIT OltlV MrtTCO ? . ? . .... -w<<i kin li i unnn nuim Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a Glance, every Counterfeit in Circulation 11 Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE i? Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. l^-No Index to examine! No pages to hnnt not But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Alan can see all at a (fiance J ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. Thus each may read the name in his own Native Tongue. Bffost Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, a List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe nnd America will ne published in each edition, together with all the Important News of the Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALE\ from an >ld Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes ih most Complete Ilistorv of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which he ladies nnd gentlemen of that conntry have icon so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, nnd will prove the nost*entertaining ever offered to the public. UT Fn rnisheo Weekly, to subscribers only, at a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. IJYE, BROKER, Publisher nnd Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 23 50 ly E. R. STOKES^ BOO K-B I N E> E R, AND Blank-Rook manufacturer, (In rear of Carolina Times Office.) s. 0. TLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the best materials and in thy most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS, de.. hvnnd in every variety of style, at short notice. Country orders nrnmt.Hv Dec 4 30 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION VIUI.A DELPHI A. Important Announcement. I^O nil persons afflicted with Sexunl Diseases, such ns Spermatorrhoea, Scmiunl Weakness, mpotcnee, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. iSy pliilit*, the Vice if Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., ?Ve. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of lie nwful destruction of humnn lilc, omitted by icxunl Disease*. nnd the deception* practised up. in the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, linvc directed their Consulting; Surgeon, is n charitable act worthy of their nunie to give leuirxl aovice oratis, to nil pcrs ?ns thus nftTict d, who apply by letter, witli n description of heir condition, (nge oceii|>ntion, habits of life, fce.,) nnd in cases of extreme poverty and aufcring, to furnith medicine* free of charge. The Howard Association is n benevolent Intitution, established by special endowment, for iio relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent nnd Epidemic Diseases." It hna ;ow n surplus of means, which the Director* lave voted to expend in advertising the above loticc. It is needless to add that the Aseociaion commnnds the highest Medical skill of the ige, nnd will furnish the most approved modern reatmenh Just Published l?y tl.e Association, a Report >u Spermatorrhoea, or Seminnl Weakness, the rice of Onnnis.n, Masturbation of Self-Abuse, nnd ither Diseases of the Sexunl Organs, by the Conlultiug Burgeon, which will be sent by nisi), (in i sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt if TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, 1)11. GEO. CALHOUN, Consulting surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South SINT11 Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dy order of the Directors. EZRA D. 11 ART WELL, President (i ko. I' airciiu.u, Secretary. Fel? 5 89 tf "otis' improved" PATENT Lightning Conductors. "I^IIK subscriber lift* purchased the Right of JL putting up the nlx>ve description of Light ling Hods in Greenville District, and is prepared o execute orders for the same to any extent and with promptness and despatch. These Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford lie only method yet discovered of absolute projection against lightning. Anv one acquainted with the laws of ulectricity, will be immediately on vi need of their utility, upon examining them. I'heir value hns been tested by experience and icieroe, and hns been voucher! bv hundreds of ert ificntee from n'.l parts of the Union. From amongst these the following only are submitted. "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated bight ning Conductor, and have it attached to the building iu which I reside. It is better conrtiuoted, and more securely insulated, than any Form of Lightning Rods I have seen. It is neat and cheap, and if properly attached to thebnild* ing, cannot fail to afford security against tha loss of life and property by electricity 1 therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence of the community, R. F. Bhumbt. l'rof. of 61ieniisti /, <?o . in S. C. College." Mr. P. O. Westfiehl has recently aupplied my Itouse with Otis' improved Conductor. I have examined them with great care, and am convinsed that they are the best Lightning Roda ever ronstructed. The methods of Attraction and in* mlntion are new, and eeem to me to be perfect. I enn confidently recommend them to all peraoita wishing to acoure their houses against lightning. C. J. Elford. Any fnrther information may be obtained on implication to D. O. WKttTFIKLD, May 8-ft2-tf. Greenville, & C. PIANO TUNING. HT-t THK aubseriber would offer hie services to the citiiens of Greenville and the snr Ij f .rounding country in the *LJdSU "^Tl/bova business, lie will give atisfaotiotf, or no charge will be made. a. m. murphet. Jane R. 4 M