University of South Carolina Libraries
FEVER AND AOUE?CERTAIN CURE. No more use for Tonic mixtures, Quinine, Fowler'* Solution, Arsenic, Mercury, or any of the illianous or nauseous oompounds, which only relieves one disease to implant another more peodly, and which send* its unhappy victims finally, with a wrecked and broken constitution, to an early grave. Try Carter's Spanish Mixture, which contains none of these dangerous drugs, but cures by acting specifically on the Liver, purifying the blood, and strengthening the system, thus enabling nature to recuperate 'to exhausted energies by opening the pores of skin, and expelling from tho body nil impurities and old medicines, which clog and retard its free operation. More than one thousand persons have been curod by Carter's Spanish Mixture, after evory thing else had siirnullv hilml As a sample of its remarkable effects, Messrs. | Davis & Hicks, of Autaugaville, Ala., writes us that it cured a gentleman of Chronic Fever and Ague, which all the efforts of physicians and their remedies could not subdue, lie ouly took three bottles. They say it sells very rapidly, and maintains its high reputation all through the country. The Friend* of James II. PearSO'I, announco him ns n Cnndidato for Tax Col* lector at the ensuing Election. For Brigadier (jienerul. HIE FRIENDS OF Maj. W. IC. EASf.ET, announce him a Candidate for the office of Brigadier Ocne al of the First Brigade, First Division, 8. C. M., vice Ocn. J. W. Harrison, resigned, "jjsi The Exercises ?-e^^ern'8 School Will be resumed on cStir MONDAY, IOtii OF AUGUST. Aug fi 13 1 A Attention, J3/ BUTLER GUARDS! AN EXTRA MEETING of your Corps will be held on Friday Evening, the 7tli inst., at 8 o'clock A punctunl attendance is desired, ns business of interest will be fcalV brought before the Company. vaWfc L. WILLIAMS, See. and Treas. Aug 6 13 1 tTie second term OK TIIK FURMAN UNIVERSITY Will eoinnience on FRIDAY, the 7th of August. c. ii. judsox, Secretary the Faculty. Greenville, July 2Mb, 1857. 12 2 T. W. DAVIS," Watchmaker & Jeweler, ^ TAKES the liberty to announce to tlio citizens of Greenville, and (r Jg|tho surrounding country, that he Ly *-ia prepared to do all manner of work in his line of business, such as Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing, nli of wbicli shall lie done in tlie neatest manner. Watch Wheels, I'ivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, Hands, Glasses, all the shortest, notice, nod in a workmanlike manner, l'loase give him A trial, nml von will he pleased. He also makes JEWELRY to order, such as Gold Guard, Fob A Vest Ctiniia, All kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, snch as Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. All kinds of (lair Work Trimmed in the neatest style. His work cannot ho surpassed in this part of the country. His shop niny he found on the North east corner of the Court I louse Square, in front of the Mansion House, where lie will he plcnsed to serve all those who may favor him with a call. Greenville, July 3d, 18.">7. 13 tf F. 0. DUKES, PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PIsASTEREK. G It EEN VIIL E, S. C. or Residence at Mr. JaudonV, opposite the Female College. 11 ?tf July 23 Notice. ALL PKRSONS indebted to the Firm of F. F Boattio ?fc Co. up to tho first of January Inst are requested to cull and pity tho sonic, and those persons having Notes due the subscriber of several yi>ar* standing would do well to pay attention to this Notice. F. F. BE ATT IE. July 2, 1857. 8 8 STATFTOF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE IUSTRICT. IN EQUITY. C.J. Elfortl and James B. Sherman, Executors of Bennjali Dunham, deceased, vs. The Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jacob II. Shaver, Robert 11. Greenfield, et al.?- Bill for Sale and Partition of Corjnratc Property, Settlement, <fcc. IN pursuance of tho decretal order made by Chancellor Dargnn, at July Term, 1857, of tlio Court of Equity for said District, in tho above stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular the creditors of The Greenvillo Manufacturing Company to appear beforo the Commissioner of this Court at his office at Greenville Court House, with in three months from the dato of the pttbli cation of this notice, and establish their de mands by proper nnd sufficient proof. "8. A. TOWN E8, C.E. O. I>. Commissioner's Office, July Olh, 1357. Jy 10 10 * 3 m ST AT E OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Thomas J. Tuipin, el al., vs. Thomas C. Mirkley,et ux.. el al.?Hill for Rrlirf de. IN pursuance of the decretal order made by Chancellor Dargan. at'July Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the al?ovo stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular toe creditors of I>octor William P.Turpin. late of Oroenville, 8. C., deceased, to appear before the Commit tinner of this Court, at his ollico al Greenville Court House, within three mouths from the date of the publication of this nolice, and establish their demands by proper end sufficient proof. 8. A. TOWNES, C. ?. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 0th, 1857. Jj 19 10 3ua r . ST H AVAI* ASEGAKS, IMPORTED DIRECTt BT H. FUIiSTENHEIM, | From Mateo, Qaenz <t Co., Havana. THE genuine Plantation Ln Eldo.ado The finest Ope-a La Victoria The real Concha El Hanio I La Australia Londres - La Attila I La Rosalia ( Regalia Ln Girid , La Nigotiana ; Opera Confienzia. f El Cinto do Orion. ' All of the finest Brands and Varieties, at ] II. FUUSTEN11 ElM'S, 1 .Ty 23 11 Oorwllett House. Fruit Candies. AFRESH LOT |u*t received nt- the OItEEN V1LLE CON FECTIONER Y. Jy 23 11 tf HE A DQ UA RTE R S. i U.\ HAL.ION ORDERS NO. ?:] <* t THE SALUDA BATTALION is hereby commanded ami required to parade at Bntcs'i OM Field, on Tuendny, the 11/A. I nnd the TYOEH BATTALION, at Bo mar's Old Field, on Thursday, the 13//i of I Auytut next, for Inspection nnd Review. Commissioned ana Non-commissioned I Officers will assemble the days previous, f for Drill and Instruction. ' The Regimental StntT nnd Band will attend on dnvs of Review. By order of Col. O. P. POOL, 1 Col. 1st Regiment, S. C. M. II. M. SMITH, Adjutant. 8 July 10 10 id ' MRS- M. OLSON, * AT GREENVILLE C. II., S. C., neatly executes ' TV \ V tS, , , In every variety of style, viz.* j Bracelets, Necklaces, Vest nnd Guard j Chains, Breast Bins, Ear Kings of nil put- J terns, Hearts,Crosses, Anchors, Kinder Ilings, ^ ?kc. JCif" Nenr the old Baptist Church. p Hair sent by mail promptly attended to._??S I July 10 10 7 ( Inhalation in Consumption, J BRONCHITIS LATYIKIITIS, ( And oiher Diseases of Ihe Cheat and Throat. \ successfully treated by the Inhalation of a Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Absorption and Constitutional Treatment, as practiced at the Stayvesant Medical 'i Institute, New York City, N. Y. i THE unprecedented success which has nt tended this method of treating diseases r of the Lungs nnd Throat, has induced the 8 Physicians to depart from their usual course. n and avail themselves of the columns of the 1 l'rcss 10 make ll known to sncli as rnnv be I t laboring under, or predisposed to, audi affec- 1 lions. The dawn of a blighter day lias at c length arrived for tlio Consumptive?the i doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has now passed awav. We have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consump- S lion, in all its stages, can he cured : in the lirst, hy tubercular absorption ; in the second, by the transformation of tubercule into chalky and calcareous concretions; in the third, hy cicatrices or scars. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the * age. To idl this groat truth must be apparent, viz : tbat medicines inhaled directly into the lungs, whether in the form of Vapor or Powder, must bo more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In short, the only ark of refuge for tlio Consumptive is in In- i halation, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. J Such of the Profession that have adopted ] Inhalation, have found it soothiny and efficacious in the hiyhest degree ; arrestiny the 1 progress of the disease, and working wonders i in many desperate cases ; in verity, a tri- \ uinpli of our Art over the fell destroyer of i our species. Note.?Physicians wishing to make them- ' selves acquainted with this practice, are in- , formed that our time being valuable, we can i only reply, as to ingredients used, to such ? letters that contain a fee. ' The fee, in all cases of Consumption, will be $10, on receipt of wliicli tlio necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded. Applicants will please state age, sex, occupation, married or single, bow long atl'ected, if any hereditary disease exists in tlio family, 1 and symptoms generally. Let the name, town and State be plainly written?postage for return answers must bo enclosed. Letters, if Registered by tlio Post Master, are at our ri-k. Address * WALLACE MERTOUN, M. P., 8. M. Institute, N. V. City. , July 10 10 Om i A BTCROOK, M D , & A D. HOKE, M. D . ) PRACTITIONERS Or 1 MEDICINE & SURGERY, Csrccuvillc S. C. J, ..ff OFFICE Eost Comer of MeRoe and Wnsli \ Yr/ington Streets, oeeupied by Ilr. Crook for the last twenty-two yenrs. MHV 21 2 3m DR. J. H. DEAN, DEALER IV T1~.. m - ? I 1/1 UgD) U1UU1U1UVH) l/liuimuilis, Pcrtaiucry, Oils, (lair^ifthes, Slje-Sfuffs, T?3Aoo?, ?admass FIXE TOILFT SOAPN, FINE IIAIR. AND TOOTH HRUSI1ES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal Use, TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C., &C. Third Door above the Mansion House, j f?K'ccnvillc, SI. C. esr Medicines warranted genuine and of the be*t quality. Planter* and Physicians front the conntry will find hie stock of Medicine* complete. Feb 12 40 ly (u For Tax Collector. ^ tWTHE FP.IEXIW OF W. ?. Twrucr [t announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the next Election. e JAS. B Ililil/s i CHEAP STORE, At B. Dunbam,? Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. "AVIXO MADE additions to my usual Stock. tL 1 I I l'lnnj Jinving completed niv irrangements fur a inoro extensive business, 1 vonhl respectfully invite tlie attention of mv 'ormer customers, ami the public generally, to ny present stock of ' FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, TI3NT WiLn.ES. 1 CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, { JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 1 Factory Yarn, Tobacco, Scyars, etc., tCc. |t 111 of which I ntn oflforing nt. gront bargains for S ash, country produce, rags, beeswax or old I opper. " * n s-m ? ? nry iyooa.3 uepartment. t L great variety of Summer Material, for Gent*' ' nnd Bovb* Wear, nt nil prices RTSM LINENS, superior quality, from 50 ccuts upwards . c .inen Drilling, for Pants tents' Half llose. white nn<I colored ,ndies* Hosiery ami Gloves, of nil descriptions nnd prices 1 Irown end Bleached Sheetings, Shirtings anu Drillings q howls, suitable for the season?verv cheap v t large assortment of CALICOES, all prices nnd styles Iwiss, .Tacnett, Bonk nnd Dotted Muslins dncn Handkerchiefs, for Ladies nnd Gents, from 12| to 60 cents?some very fine L large assortment of Dress Muslins?some henu- A tiful patterns?from 5 to 80 cents per yard \ t choice selection of liareges nnd DcLames? very cheap lerinos nnd Alpnocns, from 25 to 50 cts. per yard ( Vino, Fishing Taekle of every description lair. Nail and Tooth Brushes lomhs of every description Maying Cards; Vienna Matches _ bins in great vnrio'y ; Cornelian Rings a looks and Eves ; Marbles 'olored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings iVrapping. Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper USwERLY, in setts warranted genuine, at un rreccdented prices Ktcklnccs; Nee?lies; Pins; Topes buttons of every description 11 \ good assortment of Satin, Lutestring, Gause, ' an<l other qualities of Ribbons f Toilet Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne ' lot. Bracelets; Sewing Silk 1 White and colored Spool Cottons ' tareges for Veils, all colors Willi many other Articles too numertus to 1 ncntinn, all of which I am offering at prices to s uit. the times. Wholesale and Retail Denier in TINWARE ind TIN PLATE. Having superior Workmen nt oti 1 - J- ? - -a v. ivi ?*> <n? noonng nun J , ^tittering, or any work in this line, with nenticss and dispatch, and on the most ticcvuiiuo- ) " luting terms. A call is respectfully solicited. I am always ' inppy to show OooJs. sJ. B. 1IIEE, One door below the Goodlett House, Aluine street, opposite Huberts ?t Duncan's. Juno 25 7 tf j . O TYPES AWI> MKLAnOTU'ES. Uorc Beautiful Thau Ever. THE INIMITABLE Raised1 ambrotypes. i PERFECT representation of Kntnrc, and the t\ hig/iett style of the Art; UNFADING and JURABLK. also. THE MELAIXOTYPE, \not.licr ninl a later triumph in the art. of Phoogrnphy, ndmirablv adapted to Medallions, J Broaches, l?oe.kcts. Kings, Arc. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing ! lo his friends, the Ladies ami Gentlemen n( ( Greenville and surrounding eountry, that he is , ?t iiomk so iin, ninl ready to execute anything in ( the line of his profession that necessity cr fancy may suggest, lie will also take this occasion to say?once for all?that the stiPKniotiiTY of his Pictures over nil foreign "catch-penny" affairs, is too well known and acknowledged to require nny resort to the very common practice of "puffing" in or ler to bring them into notice. [./n*t come mtl tee for yourxele**, ami l>e. xatlsfinl flFI Prices mopkuatk?fro n ?1 to ?5 and $8, acrording to *ite and xlyfe. Gallkuv ox 2n noon or McRf.k's Hall. Pniniih tA I.. A..? " " C7 IITLA'nnkau". I PHOTOORArilS beautifully colored in oil, j >y the subscriber. 7-tf June 2o Clradqiiarlerii. Fikut 1 M vision, S. G. ) Ahukvii.i.u G. II., June 15, '57. J 3RPF.Il NO. ?] s \N ELECTION will l>o liold ntthe various Re n gimentnl Muster Grounds in the first, Itri- \ [itilu of I ii fun try. on Tuesday, the 18th of August text, for lhigii.liel' General of the first Rrignde if Infantry, First Itivision, 8. C. M, to fill tlie ncnncy occasioned by t.h? resignation of Deign lier General J. W. IIaiikisov. The Golonels or officers in command of the so rcrnl Regiment*, are charged with the extension if this order, and to transmit to the Major Gen- r irnl the result of said election nt each poll in irritiug. Dy order of Mnj. Gen. A. M. Mmitii. i <i W. Jo gaXiioun, Jo 25 7-ld Iliv. Adj. (Jen. JJ NEW AND BEAUTIFUL j! STOOK OP t aaiT.T .iKTBriY ! AMD I.AI3IKS* GOODS. i M U S . W A L T O N ej^ MOST respectfully informs ' <?'1CT former patrons nnd friends, jUthe I-sillies generally, that J IA Y if s',fi'm9 j',9t returned from New r'jjfey*wr York with i? New mid llenuti f"1 s,ock ?f JMW',NK,iY. of y&vA 'H'1- ?*vn "eleetiOT, consisting of r STBAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, f V And a new ?nd beautiful variety of Eugenie S li a pen. She also wishes to eftll the attention of the .ndies to her assortment of FLOWERS, which i the finest and most beautiful ever brought to Ireenville, sod to her stock of DRESS CA iK* nnd ] 1EAD DRESSES, nnd CRAPE ?nd MOURNING M ?N N hTTS. tr Dresses made in the very latest style and ! ' est manner. ". Order* from the Conn try promptly attend* (1 to. 48-tf April 0 I AT THE GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY, Wain Street, If ext flic Rridffc, rliG LftntMt nnd Best Stook of CARKIAOF. GOODS AND MATERIAL ever off,.id for 1 ale in the State, selected carefully and especialy for Carriage Manufacturers. A largo stack nn?l hc?'.. /nriety of Axle# for iiiRjiii'S, Carriage* nml ivngons; common ami | >est temper,.,1 Steel Springs ; Black and Colored Enamel and Patent l)a>l. Leather; Black and Colored Knamcl Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil ml Brussels Carpet; Buckrams ami Russia | heetings; Lute, Manilla ami Chenille Mats; trass and Silver Point- and Sand Bands; Brass, lilver. Bone ami Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted iroad and narrow Lnees; Silk. Worsted and Colon Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat -ticks; nml a complete assortment of Mailable Hastings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to ?ll ?,! ?v<,.ni..? I.*..---!.- -t .... - .M.I ...v ? VI wiu i I?V GOWEU, COX & MARKLEY. I HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepared to supply Mnnnfnetnrers with the host Morticed Iluhs and | 'urued Spokes, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale l>v CO WEI I, COX ?t MARK LEV. ! CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drill. and Green f Y. Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllVool Damasks. For sale hv COWER, COX A MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. V LARGE stock and variety of 'lie best Tools made, and n few setts fancy Rosewood nd Boxwood I'hines. For sale by COWER. COX As MARKLEY, IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! N'OW on hand, the largest. stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron md Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English tcflncd Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse dine; ITnif Rounds; llnif Ovals; Band Iron nud loop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedcs uid Hammered, for wagons, tires nr.d plantntion voi k. On hand, cheap for cash. .l.t'OO 11)8. Rusted 'low Moulds, best Xcrth Carolina Iron For l'? ^ COWER, COX A MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL! ! STEEL!!! V" AY LOUS. SAl'XDERSON ,t J ESSEX'S best L\ Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and lint I ?for fine edge tools, uxh s ami drills. German and ! Ilister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by COWER. COX & MARKLEY.' 3.000 LBS. GRIXDSTOXE. VSSORT1T) .sizes, suitable for Farmers and ! Mrchnnie*. For sale cheap by COWER. COX & MAUKLEY. OX HAND AAA 1.11S. best lllnek Florida Mo** and ~ S *1 J Curled llnir, picked, in hags. For sale l?v COWER. COX & MAUKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. T A 1?C5E assortment of the l>inmond Flint.Sand A J Paper, best, article made, for sab1 bv COWER. COX & MAUKLEY. PAIXTS, OILS, W/XDOW GLASS AX J) PUTTY. ON band, a large assortment Paints, Oils, ?t-c. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White (.ends; Haw I nml lloiled T.indsoed Oil*; Winter, Sperm. Solar, Lamp, Neat* Foot, Olive nod Tanners' Oils; Conoli liody and Copal Varnish ; .hipau, Aspaltnrn and l.catbcr Varnish ; Spirit..* Turpentine : Oreens; Yellows; lllucs; Lake*; Pinks; l>rop. black; Lampblack ; lted ; Spanish ltrown; Umber; Suawa; French Ochre, Ac. American and French Window Class, Putty ami Whitening. For sale bv COWER, COX <fc MAUKLEY. HE A VY d SHELF HARD WARE. V LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap bv COWER. COX A- MAUKLEY. sc'RK ips / sciie irs// GROSS of 1 lie Improved Oiinblet Point l)UU Screw*, l'or sale l>v GO WISH, cox it' M AUK LEY. saws/ saws/! nOF. ?fc C<\'* Oeli-lirntiil Cast. Steel Mill Sawn; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennoii 'nv??; IIatid. I'anni'l ami Hipping Saws; Brass ml Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of YebbSaw*. with nml without frames. For sale by (iOWKlt, COX MA UK LEY. ' Y. iv 28 3 11* J II RANDOLPH, ' I THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, RF.OS to sav. tliat all kin<ls of IIAIK WORK if every variety of stvlo of braiding, will lie Orlamented or Miniated witli Gold, in (lie neatest nanner. and returned to those at a distance per nail or otherwise, as directed. (Ilair can he sent lint in letter per mail.) Bow Breast l'ins, Neckaces. Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, 'rosses. Finger Rings, Far Rings, Ac., of various mttorus, put up neatly, nml any article admit in'- the name of the owner engraved thereon. It II 11 fit.. I ll? 1*.. fooA -s t - ? ' - - ui I-Jiiii cuurye. He alsonmkceand repair* #11 kind#of Jewelry ; nouut# with gold or silver the fiends of Walkng Cano?; mntrlioii Spectacle GIiinm; and, lusty A'iiyrartt on all manner <f Plate. Office. Art i/arJs Kuxt of o'a Court House, and a iic pacrg from the h'ntrrprisc Office. < '< i fi'livilli', S. On 4 tin* 2ft. '.r?7. 7-tf NOTICES. I "MIR Hooka of Account and Note* of JOHN . BURSjJY, have h?cn placed in our hands r?r collection. If not. paid by Return Hay, thev /ill be sued on indiscriminately. EASLKV ?fc TU HUSTON, Jo 23 7-lf Attorneja nt I.nw. ? 3VOTIOE3. j-*rf?eONS indebted to the late Firm of Drs. ' l. Tukpin A Jose#, and whosa Note# nn<I Acounts have been placed in my hand# for eollecion, are notified that, unless payments are made efore Return Day next, thev will be sued. W. V. 1 KICK, Altorncr. Jcne 2ft 7 td I QREENV1UE PRICES CURRENT. JORRKCTKM WKEKI.Y FOR TIIK KNTRRPRI8K, ] By Grady & Goodlett, Merchants. ' GRRKKVILLR, AUGUST^, 1857. ii GAGGING, Gnnny, per yard, u 25 w Dundee, a 20 BACON ... .TInms, per lb., new, 18 ? Shoulders, " 14 Siuea, ? ] c Hog round, 10 BUTTER.. .Ooftlien, |>cr lb. none. f Countrj', per lb. 20 COFFEE.. .Uio, i?er ll>. 15J Java, per lb. a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0^ a n A Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osiiuburgs, per yd. 12J a 14 e: FLOUR .... Country, per bhl. $0 a SO Country, per sack, S3 f GRAIN Corn, pc* bushel. 80 / Wheat,perbu.-hei. Si.00 O Oats, per bushel, none. [RON.... ...Svcde*, per lb. 0^ a 7 j English, per lb. o 5$ It LARD per lb. a 10 ri MOLASSES W. 1. per gal. 80 N f) nut* rrol Off ... - v.U|', V?.*U UUP...." " per gal. ,l OILS Lamp, per gal. o $2+ Train, por gal. 87^ a $1} Linseed, ?1^ RTCE per lb. a n ROPE por lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orleans,psr lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per it. u 10J SALT .per bushel, $1 1 Salt, per Mick, $2 00 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12^ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SHOT per Ib. 12+ Shot, per bag, a $2 J ^ CiRREKYILLG ? CONFECTIONERY.1; ? o rI"MlF. subscriber hns returned to Greenville, jj 1- and commenced business Oppoaitc t lie s lauaioii ESoiim.v where may be found on ? bnnd, C( IN FECTlON EEIES, JELLIES, Hit AN- , DIED FRUITS, Ac. Having procured n Xo. 1 Piixtry Cook, e: FRESII CAKES, J-] Of ninny kinds, can be bad every day. 0i J&. SALOON, For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen. lias been neatly nrrnnged, where, at all tl hours of tiie dav and evening, an EXCELLENT tl ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be had, together I with Cooling Drinks of several kinds. Feeling myself much indebted to my friends for the very libera/ patronaye bestowed upon lite when in business on A venue Street, I hope, by n ' imic/i ntor* xtrlet attention to bnsiiMM, to merit a f renewal of their favors. ? 1\ S: SMITII, Agent. Jo 4 4 tf w JLight Heading. f? nnUE Star anil llicCloiid ; (IracaTrueman ; JL Sims' Partisan ; Sims' Mcllichampe ; Sims' Katherir.e Walton ; Sims' Woodcraft; it Sims' Scout; Sims' Forravers , Sims' Ktnaw; Sims' Vasconselos ; Nick of the Woods; Flush Times of Mississippi and Alabama; Henrv Lvle ; Currer Lyle ; Longfellow* Ily- iv perion ; Nellie of Truro; Marryatt's Works, ' complete, in one vol., or separate; The Wept , of Wish-Toil-Wish ; I.inda ; Robert (iraliutn : ! \ Rer.a; Marcus Wat land ; Furriest Linvvood ; j The Rag l'icker ; Horse Shoe Robinson. | And a great many other Works, for sale U at publishers' price, a' the 'j (JKEKN V1LLK DOOKSTORE. j 'j July n. n ! [ REEDCOODhhTLn ATTORNEYS AT LAV/ A NO SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, J (lircrtivilic, N. C. r ZZB~ OFFICE next door to F. F. BkattikACo. t3T3 J. I?. REED.] [s. 1). OOODI.E1T. " June 4 4 If . ORE & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, U GREENVILLE, S. C. j , JAMES L. oait WE P. PRICE. 1 April 2:} 50 ^ Elford & Donaldson, \.>oan ay &i;&aL?$r \yaj r?ir,ia, ft* ?L x > C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 33 3m T.C.TP.S'KTESR., < ATTORNEY AT LAW >' AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILI. PRACTICE IN THE COURTS t'F THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. OJice in the Greenville Jlook.itore, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jnno 4 4 ly j t IS. .IUI.II s SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW,!1 GREENVILLE,\ S. C. * June 1ft C if 0| SPANISH CFCrARS. " ALAHO& lot of choice Iirnmle juc-t receivotl 1 nn<l for tnle at Ihe Drug More of April 2 47-tf J 11. T)E.\N*. KACoVT |cl ? Af\A I'BS. on hand and for onl?? l>v ! i< J.UUl/ A. GUKliNFlHIJJL ' _ii2 ; . ? 1 i. CANDY. I11 A F.5FJ3H ttipply ot excellent CANDY now I CV ?.n hand and for sale at the Dm<r More of! Apr.I 2-47 tf J. U. DEAN. I Now Is PKR*OS* to W. jr. HOVKir. or w. II. IIOVKY rt: CO., previous to the tiret of annnrv, 183Y, wilt'please tafc.. notice that the lonev i* no.- lr-I l?v thcin, unit if not forthwith they wall be ohligivl to force the oolleotioa f the ?amo W. II. IIOVF.Y ?t CO. WB, July 1? 10 2ui "" '* Iclnibold s Gonuino Preparation OP HIGHLY COmCEMRATEO C3MP3UND FLUlO tXTRACF BUCHU, or I)i*'n*?S) <>fth< MtttLf'r, fxidtiei/t, Grarft, T)roj *>;, Wenl n'' <\ OMwfion, Serrrt rtlsrnttt. Finale OainfJ<tint\ nod all Disraen of the Sexual Orfjon.', ri<iri!? from Kjwmiph aikI Imoruilrnrbi in life, ><I rrinovintj nil hnproncr l)i*char^cs from 'ho Ind'lrr. KiJneyp, or Sexunl Organs, whether tittiiic in ha&nufi m a s? rom whatever cauko (hey may have oripinnto<?( lND NO MATTE-l OF 1IOW EON3 STANDING ivhij limit h unit Vit/or to //?" Frame, and JSlootn to the Putt Id Cheek. Joy to 1S??* Afflicted!? cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. and move* nil the Symptom', nmong which will c found Indisposition to Exertion, Ix>*a of l'owor, Loss of Mcniorv, I iilRoultv of Brenthing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dreadful Ilorror of Death. Niirhr SwoaU, Cold Feet. Wakefulness, Dimess of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite. with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the I tody. Dryness of the Skin. Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, l'nin in the HiieV, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frcuentlv HI nek Spots Flying before 1hc Lyes, with Temporary Suffusion nud Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, llestlessness, with Horror of Society, othing is tnoro desirable to such patients than dit.ude, and nothing 1h*y more dread for fear f themselves ; no repose of manner, no earnestess, no speculation, but a hurried Transition oni one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which liis medicine invariably removes?soon follows s>r* of Potter, Fatuity and A'pile/itie Fits?in one f which the patient may expire. Who can say lint these excesses lire not frequently followed y those direful diseases?LWAN f'TY A ND CONSUMPTION f The records of Insane A spans, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, ear ample witness to the truth of these asseroiis. In Lunatic Asvlumstlie mostmelaneholv xhihition appears, 'the count.ennnec is actualr sodden anil quite destitute?neither Mirth or rief ever visits it. Should n sound of the voice ccur, it is rarely articulate. ' With woful measures wan dospnir Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible! and has brought liousnnds upon thousands to uutiniely graves, lins blasting the ambition of many noble youths, t can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above disressing ailments, the FLUID KXTliACTBl~ till' will cure you. Try it, nml bo convinced i its eftiency. Harare <>f Quack Xo*frams and Quack Doctor.*, ho fnlsely boast of abilities nntl references. Ciizeiis know mid avoid them. Mini save I.onprSnt'rrinir. Money innl Kxpositre, l?v semlinc or calling IP u bottle of this Popular and Specific lieincd't. It allay* nli pain ami intlnnimntion, is perfectly lea sunt in it? taste and odor, but immediate in ls action. Hclmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared ditccily according to the Uulus of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, k ith the greatest accuracy and Chemical kuowedge and c.are devoted in it* enmbination. See Vofessor I>k\\I'.k's Valuable Works on the l'rneice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Vorks of Meuiein*. ftr --D. cs> ?:? ? ?c:j One hundred dollars will be paid to any Pliyieiau who can prove that the Medicine ever intired a Patient ; and the testimony of thousands ail he produced to prove that it. does great, good. Attics of from one we'd; to thirteen years* standng have lieeu etfeeted. The mass of VOJ.UN1'AUV TKSTIMO.N Y in possession of the l'roirietor. vouching its virtues and curative pow :rs, is immense, embracing mimes well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. IOO.OOO aSoitScM Have Kern Sold, knd not a single instance of a failure has been uported. Personallv appeared before ine, an Alderman f tlir city of Philadelphia, II. T. 11 KI.MUOl.D 'licmist, who, being duly sworn, does say, tha is preparation contnins 110 Narcotic, Mercury r injurious I>rug, but are purely Vegetable. 11. T. 11K1.MI>()I.1>, Sole Mnnufncturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this ^od day f November, 1S54. \VM. 1\ ITinr.AUI), Alderman. yt !cc ?1 per Dottle, or Sis for $5, Deliverril to any Adu reus. kceompanied bv reliable nnd responsible Cerli1*111frntii Pi'iit'oojit'-j --r \ I ..-1! ? 11 ? ,.i i-.m-ii v <>i v terymon and others. Prepared and sold hv II. T. IIRLMltOLT). Prno'ieat awl Analytical Chemist. so. it2 Sot'tii Tkxtii St., hki.ow Chestnut, AsSKMM.Y PlIILA. (y To he had of Rrs. J. H. I>e.\x, Mima A* ,and, ,M IS. I'vni.K mid Kmw. Kntrmi, 1 >riip?iyts, irronville, S. C., and of n 11 Jirn^kts and Denlr? thron.;h'?i< ilio United Stales, Canadis and Iritish Provinces. Henart! ?! Coiintcrfcil*. Lsk for HELTJSOI.D'S -Taka no Other. C UR ES G UA11.1N TEED. July 2 !> lv VI A TE OF SO T; Til ( 'A KOUNA (I I'KKN VI I.I.K 1USTIMCT. 1NT TIIK COMMON I'l.KAS. "ardry McUre ) Attachment. VS. V II. l.ER TlinCRTON, Jnssph Soo. \ lM'il's Au'v. k\7 ilKRKASS, the l'laimitV did, on the V V lltli day of < >etol?er, tilo his declarlion against tin- Defendant, who (its it is tid) i> absent from and without the limits f this State, ami lias neither wife nor atirney known within the same, npon wbrm copy of the said declaration might be serv1. It i?, therefore,"ordered, that the said Pendant do appear ami plead to the SHid dclaration on or Ixfore ttie 14th day of Oc>her, whieh will he in the year of our Lord no thousand eight hundred ami fifty seven, 1 her wise final and absolute judgment will ien be given and awarded against liiin. W\ A. McPANIEL, c. c. p. CleikV Office, Greenville District. Oct. no, i'o td