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,.#|^boUtioaist Quizzed. Under this caption ftvllolly SpringB,/ Miss., correfcpoodent of the Memphis Eagle and Enquirer rentes the st?b <i-j joined mv?<sloici, vJT.'x v The following amusing scene actual \y, occurred hist summer between a citizen of out* town and a Yankee on board one of-the .Northern et valuers.; perhaps .upou the IJudsou : . v, v .t>nr Southern friend dipenvyred a ' disposition iir a very genteel looking man 011 boiQd.tlic boat to open ae.hfct' with Hi 1)1, mid nothing'loth to hoar what his friend had to say, lie iridicut* ed by his manner that he v.iis approacliablc, whereupon, 1 ho following dialogue yhsued; Yankee?Well, sir, I wish to ask you one question ; I hope it will be no offence. Southerner?Certainly not; I will hear you with pleasure. Yankee?-Well, sir, is it true that they work,negroes in the plow at the South ? Southerner-?! will answer you in the favorifw method of your own conn trymen, l>y Asking yop .a question ov two. Yankee?I admit the right, sif; Southerner?Ifuw ui^uy negro men do you suppose it- woujd require to draw a large one horse plow? Yankee?NYell, 1 suppose six or seven?say sexton. . ^ Sontherner-rNV hat are they worth per head ? Yaukoo?Well, I suppose SfcOO. Southerner;?That wouh\, bo $5,000. Now, what' would one large, strong, horse coat? ' Yankee?I guess al?ont $100. Uopqn this tip* Southerner looked a little qnizzioal at his neighbor, who, without waiting to hear the conclusion; | started and stammered: Well, I?I?I?1 know it was til lie! A wkstkrS poet has decided against the idea of the destruction of the Union,! in the following lines, composed in just, one hour by a Connecticut clock : What! bust this glorious Union up, And go to draw in' triggers. Just for a thundering pmed of r>it)ftiici]i;Ue<l oiggi'ts i The eagle of America, That tlew across tlie sen*. And thro'd the MoorPr Hrifish Lion . Kerslam upon liis knees ; Say. shall we lend him Htn* from liin' Wlin wing wun way jiml wun t'other; An' every sepeiit pin -father A Hying at eaeli other ? It can't he did ! Tur. following joke, going llic rounds in the Western papers, is too good to ho lostThe superintendent of the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad oiw charged a conductor belonging to that j road. The conductor was asked whv lie was discharged. " Well," said hoj " I was discharged for giving a free! ]iass." 44 What such a fool as to give a free pass?" " Well, you | see," replied the conductor, "I got; tirOtl of riding afnnr, and gave a friend j of mine a tree pass to get him to go; along foV company." Tuts is the way tliey p> to law iuj Turkey. It's primitive and brief ? j only two witnesses are allowed to tes-' tify. 1 f they cannot establish thocase. i the Judge orders it out of court. IS'oj lawyers are allowed to open 'their! i r 1^1 * * neaus. i no sentence is mauo known j at the timo by the cadi, The costs aruj paid l?y the party that gains the suit, i It' that \v(W the way we did tiling! here?well, wouldn't.things goon about ^ % r * ' as smooth i t a* they now do ? AN c on- j lv ask for information, you know. Tiik ^entlyit taskmaster we ever knew is a blacksmith, who nays every evening to his apprentices, "Come, boy's let's leave oil work, and go fo srtWing wood!" II<> must be a brother ot the tanner down east, who, one season when ho was building a new house, used to try to get his hired help out to play dig cellar by moonlight. A i.rrrtK urchin, some two or three years old, being a little- distance from the house, was suddenly startled by a clap of thunder, lie was very much Irigbtened, and made rapid tracks for the Hut us Hie shed was the nearest shelter, ho entered it, and cast-' ing a defiant look at the clouds, exclaimed: "Thunder awav, I'm under the shed !"' Tub Syracuse (New York) Standard says: "Justice Hurst performed si marriage ceremony on ?S;\turdsiy evening hist. i'ho bridegroom was a rod-headed whito man, the bride was ii good looking squaw, and I ho bridesmaid wsw a genuine African wench, .. ? ,. OriNiovs Diffi n.?A colored u?nmn in Ihiltiinorc, who was exhibiting Several of her children the other I day, among thorn one with a light skin, said that site ucould not bare dat child, kiisc lie was too light color, and showed dirt s> e-ny.'' I A minister, approaching a mischtc vows urchin about twelve years old. and laying hi* hand upon his shoulder, thus addressed -him : " My son, I believrf the devil has got hold of you."? ifcJ believe he has, too," ^raa the significant roplv. In the Court of- Common Pleas. GRtiNNVir.T.E DISTRICT. SPHINCt TERM, 1857. r I "UIRbviainoM of thVTorm not being disponed of, A It is OrJer+d, Hint. Qn EXTRA TERM of the Court of Common Hon# be h*M at Green, villc Court Ilouee. for Greenville Dlatriet. on Tuesday, ah it 4ut or Avuivr, at S>, A. M., lo continue fdrji vc dn\s, if necessary. 1 ' It i? On/Tff/Tliat the Clerk and Sheriff ilrnw a Jurv of fprty-eigM- good *hd lawful men : that a venire issue to compel their attendance. lt\*fi'trfltT OrtfenJ. Tliut the Clerk give due notice of the time and place of the -Session of the suiJ Court. .fOlIN BEATON O'NEALL. Mnreh 28lli, l?fi7. 1 certify that the above is a true oopy of tlie Order passed of the last Term, as taken from the Minutes. \V. A. McDANIEL, Clerk. May 'Kith, 1SJ7. 8 td A. B. CROOK, M. D, & A D. HOKE, M. D , phaotxtioners or MEDIHNE& SURGERY, (srronvillo S.*. , _ O OFFICE East Corner of McBec and Wash \ /f ington Streeit, occupied by Dr. CaooK for /w the last twenty-two years. Mw 21 2 .*>tn NEW SPRING ^OODS. GRADY & G00DLETT, Oite Door South of the Old Court House Ci UEKNV1LLE, S. C. A ITER returning our grateful thanks to our 1 V frieftd? and customers, for their past very liberal patronage to our business, we desire to ' eiill their attention,' a* well as that of the public generally, to our very large and finely assorted stuck of Spring and Summer Cootfs, which we are now receiving, and which has been jmrchased by one of the firm with care, I and on very (uUntut-agcous terms rfs to prices, and which we are determined on selling us low ! us they can he bought, <i t rrtait, any where. . Our slock, in the way of DRY GOODS, etnbrnccs almost every article called for, either l?v ' l.ndies or Gentlemen, ill Fancv or Staidu Drv I (>uod?. ^ Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Roots and Shoes, Trunks, Ac. . i X vefv exttnuive and fiOhioimbio assortment. mats a\i) caps. j Tlfe latest styles, fof Men mid tyoys, in great" * varinly, Heady-Made Clothing. ! A ysry heavy ami varied assortment, for Men and Roys. ' I'eifilmeiie*. Fancy Articles,; Jewelry, Plated Ware, Minora, Hardware and Cutlery, . (Juno, Carpenter's Tools, lllacksmilhs' Tools, I 'Oroclicry and (xlnsAwarf, DRUGS, MEDICINES ,t DYE STUFF*?, Rooks and stationery, i SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON". GROCERIES. A very lonvy stoek of rTTj ,{io nntl -'ova C0FEK15S M&taiJil. Rroxvn and Crushed Sl'OAUS Tea*. iVIulawot, Sjdees, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Head and Indigo. SACK AND TABLH SALT. Vinegars, Horning Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nulls, IthAt, Ae., So. FRI&H GAItDKN SKKDS. GRADY & GOOD LETT'. Apiil 0 48 if \v, ii. \\m\ iti, l'ROI'ltlKTORS OF The Ladies' Store*, VKF. NOW. and will be constantly receiving Fresh Importation*, purchased by one of 1 til., partners, who has some twenty-five years' experience in buyihg and selling Go >ds. . They woul.l invito special attention to their large Stock ot . ' White and Embroidered floods, Rich Silk Tissof-S, DeBe^es, Cliallyp. Crape* Do Paris, Bereoys, Muslins, Brilliants, Silks, A J pa ocas, Bombazines, Canton Crftpe, Oingliams, French, English and Aluericnn Prints, Ate., ifcc. ALSO, TXJHT IN, A NICK LOT OF New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruche.*, Wreaths, Mowers, Blonds, Vtdeiicia, Thread and I . lb uascL Kdpings, While and Black Crape Ci.liars and Sleeves, Kinbro'n ed. Linen and Muslin Collars', Long Lawns, Plain and Faiih'd Ij. 4J. Handkerchief*, And ninny other NICF. AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will be their endeavor to sell as I'lwrtp n* |>?>sail>(,u. 4ti-tf Mh 2rt j)ji J IL IVean, DEALER IS Drug?* Medicines, Chemicals, lNrl'umory, tuinis, IfonMw, &(jc*8Uiffa r?r?A'0?o> liNC TOILRT SOAM,* FINE IIAII: AKt) TOOTII IIRUSI1ES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal Use*, TRUSSES AND SHOUL&ER BRACES, 8tC., &C. Third JJnor aboce the Mansion IIoust, , ^rcrnville, S. C. I'jf Medicine* Warranted genuine Ami of the boat finality. * . ? I'lnnler* and Wiynioiaii* from the country will find liU Mock uf .Mr.lioiue* com nit to. .' { l\l> 12 44 /t^TpT 1^ Plows, Stoves, ^1 ^ <> 11 ? > WK^teep constant KJjhv ly on. hand a large a*>^^5H*worHor?e Turning, Subsoil and Hillside ??i^ovrflm9 which we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a targe and beautiful assortinont. of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Boom, Bed Boom and Churoh STOVES, to"which we particularly call the attention of those who wish to purchase, r Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILKR&, (kirn Shelters, Straw Cutters, <fcc. Copper, Sheet Ijtkn ..* w 1. A....* J ? - -- m???v vi r. uunc vi# uaicr. V/ieteru or I Well Pinups furnished anil put up. We also are making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among -which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Bake Tans. FOtlT and BATHING TUBS, or any other'Artic-Je ih our line, made to opltr, and Painted in ho beat manner. We are also prepared to- do Roofing unci Guttering in the lntest and best manner oif short notice.. Country Merchants invited to examine our atouk of VVc say it is superior, and we do not wish to have our word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old Pew tor. . ling* taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. | Mil 12 . 44 tf_ c haelYs hTc ke y , (Successor to ?rnuilucl Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN looking glass plates, - BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 1?4 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Old Frames lie-gilt equal to new. April 30 51 ly Third Door above the Mansion House, w. w ^ . ' % V ui lJ) respectfully call the attention of T t his friends, and the public generally, to his recent enlarged Stock" oi* liRUGS, MKDlt!lNKS, l'hysicinns, Merchants, Farmers Heads of Families, and nil persons in want of Articles in his lino, will do well to^nll nnd exninino his assortment. Articles for family use, Spices. Flavoring Extracts, efe., constantly on hand. Also Pure Medical Wines and Branny. April 2 4 7 If 1. J. HOVKY. W. II. IIOVKY WTH. HOVEY & CO., PKOPKIIfroita OF THE LADIES' STORE, DEAI.l.KS IN FANCt & STAPLE DRY GOODS, iSVlDH ?&a*l3& <&S> DID3, BONN T S, R I IUIONS, Housekeeping Goods, 11JADY MMlH (atmttm AXB INDIA RUBBER GOODS, tiREEHVII,LE, S. C. N. 11.?Order.s necompnuied l?y the- cash for . Medical. I.hw or I.ibrury Hooks, Musical 1 listen- j inents and Sundiies, promptly tilled in New York, and delivered at our counter on shortest notice. Jan 22 _R7 ly HEAD! HEAD!! HEAD!!! IT WILL TAKE YOf DL'T A KKW.MIM'TE*, and May save vr>u MANY YEARS Or SUFFERINQ ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD-! i The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered! Physicians /ircscribe it, and every one that j use* it is a walking} advertisement. Xo Medicine ever i/et offered to the American public has pained such popularity in so short a time as CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE !j It will Cure any caw of Scrofula. -It will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of S.ali Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cute any case of Fevefand Ague,; Or nnv Diseases arising from au impure state of ! i the lilood. SCROFULOUS READER! It cured the noice of the lion. John Minor' Butts, a-member of Congress from Virginia, ofj Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, both of Sew York and Pbiindelpliin, bud been | trieil in vain ; And it will cure you, reader, if you arc So affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured F>. Bnrritt,.Ksq., of Cincinnati, of Rheumatism of 4years standing, after all other' remedies had failed. \V? linvn linnilMit? ,.f certificates. Cull on the Agent mid pet n Hook I niid Oireulnr, nnfl read for yourself the many remarkable mid astonishing cures it ban made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that be had two of the most severe nnd long standing cases of Syphilis that would yield to none of the usual remedies, but be cured one case with six, and the other, with nioe bottles of CARTtiH'S 'SPANISH iriXTUJtR. We have known it used in over a Thousand OAar.s, and have yet to henr of n failure in any ease. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ ! Antir. and Fkvkr.?Do not take Quinine, Mercury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once this grcnt Alterative and l'br?m-r of the Blood ; Carter'* Spanith Mixture will cure any and every case ot Ague and Fever. Wo have never yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure *tuto of the Wood, no medicine bus ever yet lieen found to have so good an effect. If you are sick, try"it at once; no riot dfluy ; (ifus is" precious, and health the greatest of all blessings, without which fill else is valueless. Dli. WM.S. IiKERS k CO., ProHMKTORH, liifht/H/ll'l,. V(l. And for sals l>y|t KjftUTCH, Druggist, Agent I ftf-t?*\vilia C ttr, ? 0. 8-ly May 2tt ' SPRING DS i ; or CHABIX "V V %% , (bate of the. Firm ?f i SUCCESSOR TO KET 343 King Street, Opi INVITES ATTENTION to &is ENTIRELY NEW GERMAN AND AMERICAN 0001)8, of . SXJlVtTiaLESr In choicest Plaid, Stripes nnd Ghcnos, of light I expressly for city retail trnde. BOILBI) ELI i Great attention has been paid to obtain the besl American market. FJLOUNCEI In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies s constantly receiving. FRENCH AND El The Stock of these Goods will invite a olvse ntt MOTJiEUNTIIIXr* Bombasines, Alpacas, Challys, Crap.c Marat, Cln cal Crapes, English Paramattas, Black Organdies, Mourning Robes. Mourning ,Mantilla?, Mantles, lib and Marcelhue of very choicest makes, always on JlIK Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and Pillow-Cj dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Lincn^Osuubui SPUING CASSIMEi A large and varied Stock of Goods in this Dcpni and Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cftssimeri PARAS 0 6.$ A N D In Black and Colored, Lined and Untitled, best Scotch, Gingham and Silk Umbrella*. PLANTATIC Planters and their friends will always find with and all Goods will be sold at the lowest, market pi The Subscriber is now able to give bis nensonal surpassed advantages in obtaining ull the A'A'I PlilCKS, together with his bnyor constantly vrat Goods at less than the market value, lie feels prep tilled. 5fi8T" The One Price System rigidly adhered 243 King Street, Oppoail May 1st, 18o7. I ~WmT h. allenT" SURGEON DENTIST, HAS returned from Pliiludol puia, prepared, lit every way, u> j perforin .ill operations in his profession in the most skiitt.l and approved manner. Having procured every improvement of the day, persons can safely rely on having overy operation performed in the same manner as done in Philadelphia or New York. Kther and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointment* previously. csr it ooms in MeBee's Building. March 10 45 if I AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIFE INSURANCE!; TXl^ ASH&VIILUS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY! Insure* Houses, Stores and other Prop rly AGAINST FiltE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the ayes of 10 amLtiO years, ON such terms as to render it a itiost safe and J desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution ami By-Laws of the Ctnnpnny, will he furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSklTi R. OSBOUXE, Pret't. 1VM. W. Mi DO WE LI* Vice-Pres. J as. B. Rankin, Secretary & Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 35-1 y GREENVILLE, S. C. 1 THS GF.B3NV2LL3 BOO KSTOR E, MAIN STREET, NEXT TOMcBEE'S llAl.L, ! /jF/<5 WHERE constantly may he found / a large and well selected Stock MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL and CLASSIC-1 AL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Memorandums, ?&e.; Writing Desks and Cases, Port i folios. Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing | Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, ink?tan<l?, Hu- ( Icr*. Ac., Ac. J. C. L\ JETKR, * Jan 15 3fi-ly Sign of tlio Big Book. HTkiuIFCU'S DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHtfP, UNDKIi McULLS HALL, fi ?? WHERE will be constantly kept on ban J the j purest stock of | DRUBS, MKDlOlNJ-iS, CHEMICALS. PATENT I Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, l>Vc stutTs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segarr, Spirit ( as. Oils, Candles, Soap*, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery ; and ull other articles generally kept by Druggists. Fresh and pure Drugs are warranted and I sold at low prices. Compound medicines are preparation tbo most | careful war, Receipts and prescriptions of any kind 1>ut vn vr'ti. accuracy, ncatiiess and dispatch. 85-11 im Jan 8 W. X tAWTON, ) f C. M. BREAK Kit, . Formerly of > < of f Lawtonville, 8. C. ) (.Charleston, S. C. ' LAWTON 8c CO., Fnctari, Forwunllng n^d Commission Jlfrcliniils, No. 36 Nasi Bay arid Boy re <C Go's Wharf, ?3i^!aa3SSS33, S, ?? WILL MIL HOTTON RTfF FLOUR WTIF. AT POllV t . . NAVAL STOK&S,~<fe^ 'h tl9" IUvinj mi experience of twenty-five j years in business, We guarantee satisfaction to all who patfonie* til m JOHN KRAUSE, F V K N I T t It E j AND CABINET MAKER, fi-Tri "inri WOULD respectfully inform i , the citizens of Greenvi.fa r nd \i l^^B^^Hciiiitv that In* bns on hand n lot of FURNITUUK, wldoh by will dispose of upon ' reasonable terms. Ire hn# Chairs, ablet, S*ofaa, Withstands, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture node to order. His shop may be found oh Avenue rttrect, between lie.-miu's Httfre and the , Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court 1 lino,a GjaonXiU*, A' (', \>\g 14 14 ly lY .GOODS, STON, 8. C. Drowning c0 Lcman.) CHUM & TAYLOR, voeite Hasell S|rcct, nn.l C1IOICK STOCK of Fit UNO 11, ENGLISH, * the *N+r\Vi8T3PKIXG STYLUS. * J twctdrc ami beautiful finish, carefully selected / mi silks. ' ? }Goods in LMack Silks tknt nro brought into tlic in J Jaconets, in large variety, very eboice and NGLISH PRINTS. ention, being very full and at very low |>riece. i nice Black Bareges nn<l Poplins, Poplinctfs, DuFrench and EugU*h trapes iti various widths, H ick Fatuisu und Canton Cloths, Mouslin DoLuine I i hand. * . ] m?m?. ' isc LINENS, of various widths and free from j rgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. t UA'S, DRILLS, iicC. I rtm'ent, suitable for Gentlemen and Boars' Spring ] t s, Drap l)'EtC, Fanner'sSntin, Grey Flannels, etc.'s 5 It MB BELLAS, \\ 1 J in.all the new designs, constantly received; f )N ' GOODS. I' me a full department suitable to their wanst, 1 rices for Cash or City Acceptances. attention to all Country Orders, and having un I \'i:sTooods at tho lo west rot>siliLt:\ cliing the Now York Auctions fof all desirable nred to saj' that nil orders will be satisfactorily (o, and all Uoo-ls Warranted A. F. IlKOW^E.\G, ] to II.iscll Street, Sion ok iiik "Turk." >2 It * n 1-:\v miTjTjINi:ky , ANl) Dross-Making Establisjimont. MIvS. \\A'iTS AND MISS i ^"JbTtiOltDOX would respectfully call the] iitteutioa of tho Ladies of Greenville and vi- | % cinitv to the fact that tliev will open, on Sat- > urday, the 4th lust., one of tie finest and largest I stocks of French and American i|ll.l.INKI(Y 11 ever hi->ught to J his Town, which, for richness | and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing all the latest and most approved styles. Ik g confident that none can go away dissat- r isficd, they earnestly solicit ait early call and inspection of the same. Our terms arc low. I Ladies'Old Mats cleaned and made equal to ( new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the most approved and latest Gipsy style. ( LKUlIi ?BN li .VIS in large quantities. i Country .Milliners supplied on reasonable j terms. " j . ! &" 1 loiist* on Avenue Street opposite the l'ost , OlFtoo. 47-tf April 2 , GREENFIELD'S " FAMILY WHY STORE.; UNDER V'BEE'S KALk--BURSEY?S OLD STAND. ! JL'ST UECEIYJ 1>, ?t the above Store, a Gen- 1 oral Assortment of i FAMILY GROCERIES, I select e.l by the pro|ii'ietor, consisting of choice 1 articles of HUGAKS, (.'utter. Molasses, It ice, Kice Flour, l isJf, etc., etc. To all of which ho invites i * the attention of housekeepers and others. i Apiil '4$ 50 * tf c Applo Vinegar. t VI'INF. article to he hn?l nt. the Family Grocery Store of A. Git KEN FIELD. * WATCHES, GZc?1KB AM) Mmi E: B. (AGENT,) I>EGS1 cave to announce to the citir.cns of' ) Greenville, andtuirrnnndino country, that j he has opened a Stock of the above-named Ar- ! f tides on Avenue street, in the liuildini; formerly known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which I he will sell LOW for CASH. ! J x UK WILL ALSO c Repair and Fit Up WATCIIKS, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY,! * In the Lest of etylc. . I (> Thankful to Ilia former patrons nml friend?, '] lor their liberality and patronage, lie respect- ? rully cnlioif* n continnanee of the same. c ?T? ivo itiin a call, and hp will endeavor to ' n dense. * 37-tf .Ian-22 W. P. PRICE, ! NOT A R Y PUHIJC, ? ANO CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, f 3FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE,,? ?EteStB tv-ya Lifji*1* &, ??. Will promptty attend to the colissCfcm of Notes f and Accounts, settling Claijus, Ac. , G.'S. BOWER, Iflumifnctnrer ami Denier In ( FUUMTUItE of o very description, f CITAIHS of everv style. ISK'S CELEBRATEO METALIC BURIAL CASES, ? Opposite the Conparee House, W ill COLUMBIA, 8. C ly . F. BURTY, Doalcr in Boots, Shoes, Leather, ? %%B 1 OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S B00KST0PE. * GREENVILLE, S. Cv, IS Prepared to fnrnieh onstom- I L^m er< with the nbova artieloe, CHEAP W ?ftlltr CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he ean issurs his patrons that all work will be Nkati.t ' < Jn^nnd WARRANTED. teh* TT- * T*> tf + ORB DOLLAR A tear. IIRCUIATION, OVER 100,000 CUPIES WEEKLY. 25 WITNESSES; ^oir. KHKTOTC'i!.! (DDITTOTS?. Icho S. 3)116 is Ae Butholr. WHO has hart lit years experience as a Banker and Publisher, and Author of 4 fieri e* of Js-et'ire* at the It roadway Tabcrnacl e when, for 10 successive niglrts, over gF8~ 500,000 People greeted him with round* of applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters jxecute their Frauds, and the Surest And Shortest Means of Detecting thety ! The Hank Xote Engravers all say he is the 4 , greatest Judge of Paper Money living. JREaTEKT discovery of the present century for DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES -Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a'Glnnee, every Counterfeit in Circulation f! \rrnnged so admirably, that REJ-EKENCE is Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. W N o lvdex to examine! No pages to hunt ipl But so simplified and arranged, that the derehaut, Banker tuid Business Man can see alt rf a glance I ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. liuib encu may rcnu tno name in lnaown Native Tongue. Host Perfect Bank Note List Publish^. Also, a List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN^CMERICA ! A complete Summary of the^-Vinanco of Eu ope and America will be published ill each ediion, together with all topdrtnnt News of he Day. Also, a SKKUfJt OP TALKS, from mi >ld Manuscript found bn the Ha?t It furnishes h most Complete History of Oriental Life, <!< asribin? the most porploximr positions in Which he ladies and gurlLlciucii of that country have lCcn so often fov.r.d. TheseStores will continue hrou^hout the whole year, and will-prove the liost entertaining ever offered to tho public. [fj1* Furnished Weekly, to suhseri hers only, nt ?1 iv years All letters'must he addressed to JOHN S. l.)YK, Bkokkk, Publisher and Proprietor, 7Q Wall Street, New York. April 23 50 ly E. R. STOKES, POOK-IilNDEll, AND Blank-Hook .11 a mi facta re r, (In rear of Carolina Times OHice.) 0 ? & ? as swick, s ? ?. 1I.ANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. KRIODICAKS. MVSIC BOOKS. Ac., bound in every variety <?f style, nt short notice. 3f~ Country orders promptly attended to 1 >ec 4 .30 iy HOWARD ASSOCIATION I'll J I. A DHL I'III A.. I ill par I a ii 1 A ii lion iicciiir cs i. |M nil neroon* afflicted with s?vii!?i lit-....? I such asSjirrimitorrlur-i, .Seminal Weakness, mpoteiive, Oonorrhmn, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice >f Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HO IF.-I It J) A &&OC/A 'J'/O.Y, in v'rw of he uwftil dest ruction of human lite, caused l.y <e\tial l)i?cnand the deception* practised up>n the unfortunate victim* of such diseases I>y pi nek*, have directed their Consulting Surgeew, is a ehnritablr art worthy 6f their mime to give ?Kbit-.\(, AiivicK tiK.tTis, to all per* ins titute oilimt d, who npjdv hy .letter, with a <iescri|>tioti ol" heir condition, (ngo occupation, habits of life, l*c.,) and in egscs of extreme poverty and suf criii|{, to fufn'&h Wilicinrxfrtcof rliargt. The Howard Association is a benevolent Irititiltion, established by special endowment, for he rdicl of tin- sick ami distressed, uttlictcd ivjth "Virulent atfd Epidemic Discuses." It has iotv a surplus of meant*, which the Directors tavu voted t<i expend in advertising the above tot ice. It is needless to add that the Asvociti ;ioti eominamls the highest Medical skill ol the |oe, ami will furnish the most approvtd modern .real meat. Just. 1'nltlishcd, hy the Association, a Report in tSpeiinatoriinKii, or Seminal Weakness, the rieo of Onanism, Masturbation of Self- Ahnse, and itliei* Diseases of the Sexual Organs, hy the Colt lilting Surgeon, which will he sent l>v mail, (in i sealed envelope), Free of Charge, ott the fee* ij t if TWO STAMPS for post aire. Address, Dl^. GEO. CALHOUN', Consultinir inrgcon, Howard Association, Jio. "2 South \TNT1I Street, Philadelphia, l'a. Hy order of the Directors. EZRA D. 11 ART WELL, President. Oro., Secretary. Fob 5 at) tf OTIS' IMPROVED l'ATKMT Lightning Conductors. 1TIIK sulutc-rfher has pnrohared the Right of putting up (lie above description of J.iuht ling Rods in Oreenvillo I)i.*triet, nnd is prepared o execute orders for t lie same to any extent nnd rith promptness and despatch. These Rods are onducted upon Seicntitie principles,'and afford lie only method yet discovered of absolute proration against lightning. Aiiv one acquainted rith the laws of electricity, will l?e immediately onvjnced of their utility, upon examining tlicm. flnjtr value ha* been tested bv experience nnd cience, and has bc<*n vouched by hundreds of crtiticnteafrom all ports of the Union. From unongst these the following only are submitted. "I have, carefully examined Otis' insulated .igfitniug Conductor, and have it attached to the niilding in which 1 reside. It is better contracted, and more securely insulated, than any orni of I iglitning Rods I have seen. It is neat ind cheap, and if |s-operLy attached to the build* tig, cannot, fail to afford security against the oss of life ami property by electricity 1 thereore recommend it us worthy of the confidence >f the community, R. F. BkV'mby. l'rof. of Chemistry, de., in S. V. College." Mr. P. 0. "Westfield lias recently supplied my louse with Otis' improved Couduetor. I have xiiinined tlicm with great care, and ani "onvinicd that thov are the lu-.t l.!i>iilnlm> onvtructed. '1 lie meiliodt of Attraction ami in. illation ore new, and seem to nie to be perfect, con confident ly recommend them to all persons visiting to secure their houses against lightning. (J. J. ELKOKD. Any further information may be obtained on application to I). G. W ESTHKLD, May 8-62-tf. Greenville, S. C. PIANO TUNING. a ^ THR snl>scril>tfr would off. r Ids serv ices to the oittoens Greenville and the suru v 1?^rounding couuirv in the a" lie boycjbnjtiiu?t. 11c will give atisfnction, or no charge will be made. H. M. MllRPIIEV. tune ft. 4 tf /