University of South Carolina Libraries
? OBITUARY. Died, on July 19tb. RUFUS bATIJURR, infant son of William T. and HeleJf J. Shumate, who was b^rn October the 1st, 1856. '* Mv boy hat been an nngel one night," With tremulous lips the mother did say, As she prayed to her Saviour to light ller oa her dreary, desolate way. 'jf *c *r-k- ?' Sweet mother, Jesus thy Rufua has taken To maUh a smiling.cherub in Heaven? Th$nk not thou Art mournfully forsaken, " * For Rafua, the angel, points thee to Ileavcn. THE SECOND TERM or TUB FURMAN UNIVERSITY Will commence on FRIDAY, the 7th of August. C. U. JUDSON, Secretary of the Faculty. Greenville, July 26th, 1857. . 12 2Education A GENTLEMAN, native of the South, with large experience in tho art of Teaching, would he glad to accept an appointment in a Female College, High School, or Private Seminary, The Modern Languages, English,.BelleeLettrss, Botany, and other branches of Natural History, have received much of his attention. Address * Education," through the Poet Office. JuTy 30 : 12 ' 1? T. \V. DAVIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, TAKES the liberty to announce to tlwt citizens of Greenville, and lv js?1'1? surrounding country, that lie prennped to do all uiauner of work, hi his line of ousibess, such as Watch, Clock and Jetaclry Repairing, all of which shall be done in the.r.eatest manner. Watch Wheels, Pivots, Pinions, Jewels, Screws, Hands, Glasses, all done at the shortest notice, and in n workmanlike manner. Please give him a trial, and >pu will bo pleased. lie also makes JEWELRY to on&er, such as Gold Guard. Fob A Vest Chains, All kinds of GOLD BUTTONS, such as Bosom. Sleeve and Collar Buttons. .All kinds of liair Work Trimmed in the neatest style. His work oannot be surpassed in this part o( the country. His shop may he found on the North east corner of the Court House Square, in front of the Mansion House, where he will he pleased to serve all those who may favor him with a call. Greenville, July 5,0, 1857. 12 tf EDWARDH.BRITTON. (Late Editor and Proprietor of the Carolina Timet.) COLLECTING AGENT, COLUMBIA, S. C. OFFERS his services lo the public as a Collector and general business Agent, lie will r reive for collection Notes or Accounts for anj section of the State, ut the usual commissions. Office over the Carolina Times Printing OfTice, Columbia. S.*C. Reference will be given if required. Jy 78 11 2 _ " F.orDUKES, PLAIN & ORNAMJENTAL PliASTKRIiK. GREEN V J LIE, S. C. t*r Residence at Mr. Jaudon's, opposite tlie Famale .College. 11 ?tf July 23 CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN KQUITY. C. J. El ford and James 11. Sherman, Executors of Renajah Dunliam, deceased, vs, Tho Greenville Manufacturing Company, Jacob H. Shaver, Robcrl 11. Greenfield, el al.?Bill for Sale and Partition of Cor par ate Properly. Settlement, Sic. IN pursuance of the decretal order made by Chancellor Dargan, at Jnly Term, 1857, of the Court of Equity for said District, in the above stated case, notice is hereby given to all and singular tbe creditors ol The Greenville Manufacturing Company tc appear before the Commissioner of this Court at his office at Greenville Court House, with in throe monlliA from the date of the publi ration of lhi? iifttioa a?/l a.uKli.1> luanti* by proper and sufllcieut proof. S. A. TOWN ICS, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Ofliee, July 9th, 1857. Jy id 10 3m STATE OF SOUTH tlAROUNA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Thomas J. Tui pin, et a I., vs. Thomaa C Markley,etux.. et al.? Bill for Relief <Cx TN pursuance of the decretal order madi 1 by Chancellor Dargan, at July Teim 1857, of the Court of Equity for said Dis trict, in the above stated case, notice is here by given to all and singular the creditors o Doctor William P. Turpin, late of Greenville S. Cm deceased, to appear before the Commis sioner of this Court, at his otlice at Green ville Court House, within three mouth.' (from the date of Rio publication of this notice, and establish their demands bv propel and ufilcicnt proof. S. A. TOWNES, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Ofliee, July 9th, 18571 J y 10 10 3tn HEADQUARTERS. BATTALION Oli/Jh'ItS NO.~-?:J tTIiE SALUDA BATTALION i?hereby commanded ami required to parade at Bates's Old Field, on Tuemluv, the 11 f A, and the TYGKR BATTALION, at Bo mar's Old Field, on Tkur?<la>/, the 13/A oj Auguet next, for Inspection and Review CJoiliuiissiuiiou aim Noit-eviuiuiasioned Officers will assemble kite days [ -evious, for Drill and Instruction. The Regimental Staff and Band will attend or days of Review. Br order of Col. 0. P. l'OOL Col, 1st Regiment, 8. C. M. II. M. SMITH, Adjutant. July 16 10 td oticc* A Liu PERSONS indebted to the Firm of F XX F Beattie A Co. up to the first of Janua ry last are requested toosll and pay the same, and those persons having Notes an? the subscri her of several years standing would do well to pay attention to this Notice. .. F. E. BEATTIE. July 2. 1857. 8 . ?ndie?. AFRESH LOT Jttst received at the ORKlvN vILLB CONFKCTIONTCRY. Jjft ' ^ * 1.1 - 11 ^^ ^ ^ ^ t t STATE OF SOUTll CAROLTN A~ GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY" virtue of sundry Write of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell bcforo the Court . House door, at the usual hours of sole, ou the first Monday in AUGUST next. One kuudruU Acres of Land, moro or less, adjoining lands of Mra. McUugli, J. L. Westinocelsud, et al?; as the property of Bevcr ly B. Gaiitt, at the suit of Samuel Griewold, et at. 350 Acres of Land, moro or - less, adjoining lands of F. II. Fuller, McKinny, etal.; as the property of Woo. Fuller, at the suit of James Breokcnridge, bearer. Terms CA8H; purcl?asers to pay tor titles. I>. IIOKK, 8. G. D. Sheriff's Office, July 12, 1867. 10-td HAVANA SEGA11S, IMPORTED DIRECT, BY H. PUitSTENlIElM, From Mateo, Gaeru d Co., Havana. THE genuine Plantation La Eldorado The finest Opora La Victoria Tbo rtaj Concha El Rnnio f La Australia Londrcs < La Attila ( La Rosjtli^ Regalia La Girid Xa Nigqtiulta ; Opera Confienzia. El Cinto de Orion. All of the finest Brands and Varieties, at II. FUR9TEN nElM'S, Jy 23 11 Goodlett IIousc. Now is the Time* PERSONS indebted to W. IT. HOVKY. or W. II. HOVEY ?tc CO.. previous to the first of January, 1857, will please tirko notice that the money is needed by thein, and if not forthcoming they will bo obliged to force the collection of the same. W. 1L 1IOVEY A CO. July 10 10 * 2m The Stale of .South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IX EQUITY. 8AL? QF " Valuable Stores and Tottrn Lots In Orccnvlllc, S. William K. Powers et at, r?. Jeremiah Ei.dbkook, ct at. Bill for Partition of Real ?*tat? of J'. Ar. Power*, deeeated. BY virtue of the order of the Court of Equity for Greenville District, at July Term, 1857, I will soil to the higlmst bidder, at public auction, at Greenville Court llonse, on Sales-day in AUGUST atNtythe following Valuable Town Loti, viz: v?v 1 tu ^ t nt at* c. . iw. i. auv iju i oti i*i hi it ntrrtiv, wnereon is situated the Store-house formerly occupied hy P. N. Powers A Co., nod now hy J. Kidredge. This T?ot is one of the most desirable in the town. The House; is two stories, the nmiii Store Uooin being one hundred and ten feet deep. There are also two smaller Stores fronting on Main Street, aud the upper part of the llcuse is arranged ami used for a Dwelling. The Lot is about sixtythree feet on Main Street, and runs back one hundred aud seventeen and one-half feet, having nn olTsett which widens it to ninetv-two fej>t on the back line. This property should be rented so as to produce 10 per cent interest on fii.000. 1 No. '2. The LOT on Laurens Street., lying back of and adjoining No. 1. This Lot is ninety-two feet wide, and one hundred nud seventeen and a , half feet deep, and is well adapted, frotn its central situation, to the purposes of business, or for a resilience. TERMS.?A sufficient sum to pay the costs of this , case in cash. The remainder upon n credit of one and two years, in equal annual instalments, ' with iuterest from date. Purchasers to pay for i title*. S. A. TOW NT'S, e. e. o. i?. Commissioner's Office, July 9th, 1867. July U 0" * .. . td ? Inhalation in onsumption, , BHOXCIIITIS,. LAUVNUITIS, ! ' And other Diseases of the Chest and Throat. successfully'treated by the Inhalation of ^ Medicated Vajxnrs and Powders, by Ab * sorption and Constitutional Treatment, l as practiced at the Stayvesant Medical Institute, iVew York City, IV. Y. THE unprecedented success which Itns nt tended litis method of treating disease* of the Lungs iit.d Throat, has induced the Physician* to depart from their usual course, and avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known io such as may he laboring under, or predisposed to, such a flee' lions. Tift; dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctiine of the incurability of Consumption . ha* now passed away. .We havo iudubita. ble proofs in our'pdssession. that Consnmp> tion, in all its stages, can be cured : in the , first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second. by the transformation of tubercu/e into jchalky and calcareous concretions ; in the f third, bv cicatrices or scars. Those wedded , to the opinion of the past may assert that it is even now incurable. Such are behind the aoe. To albthis great truth must be appa\ rent, viz : that medicines inhaled directly into the lunys, whether in the form-of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In'short, the only i ark of tefuge for tiro Consumptive i* in Inhalation, and such additional mean*, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it soothing and ejH ' caciotls in the highest degree ; arresting the '' progress of the disease, and working wonders ' I in many desperate eases ; in verity, a trir -uinph of our Art over the fell.destroyer of, I our species. ' Notk.?Physicians wishing io make lliem' selves acquainted with this practice, are in* , formed that our time being valuable, we can , only reply, as io ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The foe, in ail cases of Consumption, will . be $10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instrument will be ------ --** "* 'l**'wvv" I Applicant* will please stale age, sex, occupa' tion, married or single, how long affected, if 1 any hereditary disease exist* in the family, I and symptoms generally. Let the name, town and State be plainly written?postage for return answers must he enclosed. Letters, if Registered by the Post Master, are at our risk. Address WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D., # S. M. Institute, N. Y. City. . -July 16 10 6m JAS. f HILL'S CHEAP STORE, At B. Duuhain'i Old ttaiid. NOTICE THIS. t TOT) HAVING MADE LftROE4#d^> ??y usual stock, i I I rltiiil having completed arrangements for a more extensive business, I wolild reapectfuUy invite the attention of my former customers, nud the public generally, to my present stock of ' FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, . TIN WARE, ' CLOTHING, HATS, SHOKS, ] JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, I Factor >j Yarn, Tobacco, Segars, etc., <kc. ' All of whioh I am offering nt grunt bargains for J eai?h, country produce, rags, beeswax or old I copper. Dry Goods Department. ; A great variety of Summer Material, for Gents' < , and Bovs* Wear, at nil prices IRISH LINENS, sbperior quality, from 60 cents t upward* Linen Drilling, for Pants Gents' Half Hose, white and colored Ladies' Hosiery and UloVes, of all descriptions and prices Brown nnd Bleached Sheetings, Shirtings and , Drillings 1 Shawls, suitable for the season?very cheap s A large assortment of CALICOES, all prices and styles Swiss, .Tnconeft, Book nnd Dotted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies nnd Gents, from 12$ to 60 cents?some very fine A larce assortment, of Dress Muslins?some beau- J tiful patterns?from 6 to 20 cents per vnrd ^ A choice selection of Bareges had DeLaines? very chenp Merinos nnd Alpnccns, from 25 to 50 cts. per yard ( Also, Fishing Tackle of every description Hair, Nail nnd Tooth Brushes Combs of every description Playing Card#; Vienna Matches -1 Fans in great viirie'y ; Cornelian llings 8 Hooks nnd Eyes ; Marbles Colored Spectacles, double glasses? Key Rings Wrapping, Letter, Bill and Foolscap Pnpcr JKWLRLY, in setts warranted genuine, at un prccedonted prices CoralN?cklaces; Needles; l'ins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Satin, Lutestring, Gause, ' nnd other < untitles of Ribbons Toilet Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne Jet. Bracelets; Sewing Silk White and colored Spool Cottons Bareges for Veils, all colors . With many other Articles too numerous to mention, nil of which I aui offering at prices to * suit, the times. Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer in TIN WARE nnd TIN PLATE. Having superior Workmen I am at nil times prepared to do Roofing nnd Guttering, or any work in this line,, with neatness nnd dispatch, and on the most uccontmo- . dating terms. j A call is respectfully solicited. I am always happy to show Goods. J * If. I1IV,V,, One door below tins Goodlett llou?e, Maine Street, opposite Huberts <k Duncan's. June '25 7 tf AMBROTYPES . A!XI> IQELAI!V07YP?S. .11 ore IScnutirtil Than Ever. THE INIMITABLE Raised1 ambrotypes. Vl'F.RFF.CT"representation of Nature, and the style of the Ait; UNFADING and DURABLE. aij*\ THE MELAINOTYPE, I Another and a later triumph in the art of I'ho-1 tograpliy, admirably adapted to Medallions, I broaches, ixickets, Rings, <fcc. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Greenville and surrounding country, that he is at uomk au a in, and ready to execute any thing in the line of his profession that necessity cr fancy may suggestlie will also take this occasion to say?once for all?that the svPRMioKiTttof his Pictures over all foreign "catch-prnng" alfairs, is too well known ami acknowledged to require any r< ?ort to the very common practice of "pnflinq," in or .t.., j...~ ? ..... % ' ... ...p, V....... IIIIW IMIIIUC. / ??l W/flC and tec for i/oimclt's*, and be tatitjied. Prices modkkatr?fro u $1 to J6 and $8, according to tixe am! uli/te. Oai.lkhv on 2l> kloor ok McBf.k's IIall. *m* Complete instructions given in the Art. C. II. LANNEAU. I PIIOTOQliA PUS beautifully colored in oil, by the subscriber. 7-tf June 25 * NEGROES FOR SALir XT 1MBL5C AUCTION. j 1 V1I.L BE SOLD to the highe.t l?idder at t V Greenville Court House, on sale-day in August next, Three Likely NesrDcs, ALECK 30, BEN 85, and WEST 66 years of age. All experienced paper makers. TERMS CASE. C. J. EI.FORO, J. B.SHERMAN, July 2-9-td*. Ex'r*. I>. Dunham, der'd. MRS. M. OLSON, AT GREENVILLE 0! II., S. C., NKATI.V KXECUTK8 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ $ In every variety of-style, vis: Bracelets, Necklaces, Vent and Guard Chains, Breast Pins, Ear Rings of all pat- 1 terns, Hearts,Crosses, Anchors, Finger Rings, drc. Near the old Baptist Church. j VST H iiir sent bv mail promntl v attended to i July 10 10' 7 I Headquarter*. First Division, S. C. M? ) Ahdf.vii.le C. II., June 15, '57. [ < ORDEll NO. ?] AN FLECTION will be held at the various Re 1 gi mental Muster Grounds in tho first Bri- 1 gade of Infantry, on Tuesday, tho 18th of August next, for Brigadier General of the first Brigade ] of Infantry, First Division, 8. C. M., to fill the voonncy occiuioned by ths resignation of Briga dier General J. W. Ilsaaisn*. The Colonels or officers in command of the so veral Regiments, are chArged'wifh tho extension . of this order, and to transmit to the Major Gen- ? era) the result of said election at each poll in t writing. By order of Mai. Gen. A. M. Smith. I W. L. OALnOUN, J? 25 . Y-td Div. Adj. Oen. AT THE GREENVILLE main Street, Next the Bridge, rlK Largest and Host Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND MATERIAL ever ottered for mle In the State, selected carefully nnd especial y for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock mid hest variety of Axles for Buggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and lest tempered Steel Springs; Black and Colored Enamel and l'utent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil ?nd Brussels Carpet; Buckrams and Russia sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Ijfrnss and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, silver, Bone and Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted >road and narrowJ,nees; Silk, Worsted and Cotoo Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggv sent Hick*; nu<l a complete assortment of Mailable Jastings. * Carriage Makers are particularly requested to >all oud examine our stock. F?>r sale clieap bv GOWER, COX & MA UK LEY. * HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepared to supply Manufacturers with the best Morticed Hubs and Corned Spokes, of our own manufacture, and varranted. For sale by COWER, COX ?fc MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND D AH ASKS. A LARGE lot of Bluo, Drab and Green CTL Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and All Vool Damasks. For sale by COWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARRENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of 'he best Tools tV. made, and a few setts fancy Rosewood uid Boxwood Planes. For sale by COWER, COX ii MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! N OW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in tjtis market: Sparta-vburg Iron ind Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English lefined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse ihoe; llalf Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron and loop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedcs tnd Hammered, for w ago us, tires and plantation aork. On hand, cheap for cash, 5,000 lbs. Rusted ['low Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For (ale by GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! XTAYI.ORS. SAUNDKRSOX A J ESS HP'S host is Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and Hat ?lornneeuge 10019. axies nmi 11-11 Ih. (ieriniln and Mister Steel, for |?lftutftti?in work. Fur sale by GO W Kit, COX MAUKLEY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. A SSORTEI) sizes. suitable for Farmers and x\_ Mechanics. For sale cheap hy GOWEIi. COX ?k" MAUKLEY. ON HAND Rhick Florida Moss and Curled llnir, picked, in lings. For sale l>v COWER, COX ii MAUKLEY.. SAND PAPQR AND GLUE. rAKOE assortment of the Iliamond Flint Sand Paper, best article made, for sale bv COWER. COX MAUKLEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON hand, a large assortment Paints, Oils, Ac. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Haw and Poiled Lihdseed Oils; Winter,Sperm.Solar, Lamp, Neats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, A*pal< turn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine ! Greens; Yellows; ltlnes; Lakes; Pinks; llrop black; Lampblaek ; Red; Spanish Prow 11; Um ber;Suawa; French Ochre, Ac. American am French Window Glass, Putty and Whiteuing For sale bv COWER, COX it MAUKLEY. IIEA VY dk SIIELF HARD WARE. A LARGE and well selected stock For sale 1_ \_ client) bv G(!)\VEll. COX A MAItKLEV. SCREWS! SCREWS'! ^ A A GROSS of t lie Improved Gimblet Point O V/U Screws. For sole by GOWER, COX A:' MAUKLEY.. SA irs / SA Hr5 / / UOI". ?t Ca's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennou Saws; Hand, Paniiel and Ripping Saws; Brns> and Hlu? Back Saws; a complete assortment ol WebbSovrs, with and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX <fc MAUKLEY. May 28 3 tf J, II. RlDOlPH, rI"MIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BFOS L to say, that all kinds of HAIR WORK of every variety of stvle of braiding, will be Ornamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest manner, and returned to those at a distance per mail or otherwise, as directed. (Hair can hosent him in letter per mnil.) Bow Breast Pins, Necklaces, Bracelets, Side, Vest and 'Guard Chains, Crosses, Finder Rings, Ear Rings. Ac., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shail, for the engraving, be free of extra charge. He also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry ; mounts with gold or silver the Heads of Walking Canes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, lastly Engrave* on all manner of J'late. Offire ?0 yard* East of old Court House, and a fete pace* from the Enterprite Office. Greenville, 8. O., June 2", '57. 7-tf NOTICE. T1IE Book* of Account and Notes of JOHN HI' RSKY, have been pluoed in our hand* [or collqct^ori. If not paid by Return Day, they ivill be Mied on indiscriminately. EASLEY d: Til HUSTON, Je 25 1-lf Attorneys nt Law. NOTICE. I^EP.SONS indebted to the late Firm of Dr*. JL Tonmr A .Io.vks, and whose Nnlea nnd Account* have l?een placed in my hands for collecion, are notified that nidee* payments are made before Return Day next, thev will be sued. \V. P. I'lUCE, Attorney. June ?* t Ul GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. corrected weekly for 1i1k enterprise By Grady & Ooodlett, Merchants. Gkkknvillb, JULY 29, 1867. BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, u 26 Dundee, . a 20 BACON ... .limns, per lb., new, 18 ShouldiSni, 41 14 Sides, 44 16 Hog round, 16 BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. noue. Country, i>er lb. 20 COFFEE- ..Bio, i>er lb. 15^ Java, por lb. a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. a 11 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgvpor vd. 12^ a 14 | FLOUR .... Country, pet bbl. SO a Country, j.ei sack, S3 25 I GRAIN Corn. ne?* bushel. *0 Wheat, per bushel, $1.00 Oats per bushel, none. IRON Sve''.e?, per lb, a 7 English, per lb. a 5$ LARD per P>. a 10 MOLASSES. W. I." per gal. 80 N. O., new crop, $1.25 SYRUP.... 44 44 per gal. 44 OILS Lamp, per gal. $1 ? a $24 Train, per gal. 87^ a $l] Linseed, ' $li RICE per lb. a 8^ ROPE per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS.,.N. Orleans,per lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Rctincd, per it. u 1G? SALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, $2 00 SOAP Colgate, J2? a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a *10 SIIOT per lb. i2^ Shot, per bag, a $2 J OREEKYILLG . CONFECTIONERY, rTMIC subscriber has returned to Greenville. L mid commenced business Opposite I lie Mansion House, where may be found on hand, CONFECTIONERIES, J?LL11>\ BRANDIED FRUITS, do. Having procured a Ao. 1 Pastry Cook, FRESH CAKES, Of ninny kinds, can be hnd every dny. A. SALOON, For the accommodation of I.ndies nnd Gentlemen, lias been neatly arranged, wbere, nt nil hours of the dnv nnd evening, an EXCELLF.NT ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be bad, together with Cooling Drinks of several kinds. Feeling myself much indebted to my friends for the very libera! patronaye bestowed upon ine when in business on Avenue Street, I hope, by u much more sir let attention to basins**, to merit a renewal of their favors. 1'. S. SMITH, Ageni. Je 4 4 tf lLcght Koadiiig. f|AHEStar and the Cloud; GraceTrueuian; I JL Sims' Partisan ; Sims' Mellichampe ; ?mns iv.itlieiiiie w niton ; Sims' Woodcraft; Sims' Scout; Sims' Forravers , Sims' Eulaw ; Sims' V asconselos; Nick of tlie Woods; Flush Times of Mississippi and Alabama; Henry I,vie ; Currer Lyle ; Longfellows 11 yperion ; Nellie of Truro; Marryatt's Woiks, complete, in one vol., or separate; The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish ; Linda ; Robert Graham ; Rur.a ; Marcus Warland ; Earnest Liuwood ; The Rag l'icker ; lloise Shoe Robinson. Ami a great many other Works, for sale at publishers' price*, at the < J KEEN V1LLE BOOKSTORE. ; July 0, 0 1 ilEE1 r& G~l()0DLET T. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ANI? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, <?rcciivillc, S. C. OFFICE next door to F. F. Bkattif. A J. P. REED.] [s. D. GOODI.ETT. June 4 4 tf , ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMES L. ORR. WM. P. PRICE April 23 50 PI ford Pr Tlnnoldcon AJJLAVX U. VV JWVAlMllUOUJLI) ?laisiiiafwaj^JHs, &. o. C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON Jan. 10. SS Sin jr. o. r?. jeteh., ATTORN EY AT LAW & AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL I'RACnCK IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Bookstore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 4 4 ]y H. j iT lii/ssIitii; ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 18- 0 if SPANISpfc IO AliS^ A LARGE lot of choice Brand* juat received and for anle at the Druff Store of April 2 47?tf J II. DEAN. BACOK. ? A/LA LBS. on hand and for sale by ,),UUU A. GREENFIELD. Jy 2 8 tf CANDY. A FdKSII ropply ol excellent CANDY now c\- 'on hand an 1 fer sale at the Drnff Store of 1 April 2-4*7 *f J. H. DEAN. 11 ; Helmbold'a Genuine Prcraration HIGHLY CONCENTRATEO COMPOUfSD FLUID IXTRACl UUCHU, Far Dit'ate* ?f the liladdtT. Kidney*, Gravel, Drop?y, KWw?, (>b?lnutipn, Secret D> irate*. Female Complaint*, and all Ditto** of the Sexual Organ*, V J Arising from Excesses and Imprvideuei-s in and removing all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Orgaa*, vh)*tb?r existing in ?ift iyaUHCfflL2t?5?j Froin whatever cause they ni.-ivjuive originated, AND NO MATTE -t OF HOW DONG VTANFTNG Giving Health and I 'i;ror to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Check. . Joy lo the llltidcd!! It cures Nervous and Dubilitntcd Sufferers, and removes all the Symptoms, among which wilj be found * Indisposition to Exertion, boss of Bower, Los* of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror .of Death, Night Sw'euts, fold Feet. Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Lnivorsal I.nssitnde of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, llot llumls, Flushing of thu Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, and Eruptions ou the Face, l'niu in the Baek, Heaviness of the Eyelid*, Frequently Block Spot-: 'Flying before the Eyes, with Tompomry Suffusion and Lots of Sight, Want of Attention, til-eat Mobility. Restlessness, with Horror of Society. ? Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more drend for fear of themselves ; no repose of innnner, no'vnmest ness, no speculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. JIhjso symptoms if allowed to go on?which this medicine invariably removes?soon follows Iof Pomt/r, Futility and Epileptic Fits?in one of which the patient may exjiirs. Who can say that these excesses nrc not frequently followed hy those direful diseases?INSANITY A SI) CONSUMPTION f The records of Insane Asylum*, and the melancholy deaths of Consumption, hear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums t he most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance isa actually sodden ana quite destitute?neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. (Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. " With wi>ful measures wan despnir Low sullcji sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is ino^t terrible! and lias brought thousands upAn thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting tin- ambition of many noble youths. It call he cured hy the use of I his INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above dis, tressing ailments, the FLU It) EXTRA CT B U ClIU will cure you. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. Bturare of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, mid save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, bv sending or calling for n bottle of this Popular and Specific Remcilu. It allays all pain and inlhumiintion, is perfectly pleasant in it-s taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Holmbold's Extract Buchu Is prepared direct! v according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. Sco Professor Dkwkk's Valuable Works on tin. Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. r-M- *% IffW *T. ? rr+ Ouo hundred dollars will lie paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years' standing have heen elfected. The mass of I'OLl'XTAltY TESTIMON Y in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and vttrative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 BS?>11I?>h Have Ihuut Sold, And not a single instance of a failure bus been reported. Personally appeared before me, an.Ahlerman of the city of Philadelphia, 11, T. llKJAlllOI.D Chemist, w ho, being duly sworn, does say, tha I his preparation eontaifts no Ncreptic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable, II. T. 1IKLM BOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of November, 18.V4. \VM. P. UIHHAUD, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, JJclivcri'il to any xU/drtxs, Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by II. T. IIEEMltOLL), Practical and Anahftical Chemist, No. 52 South Tkntii Sr., iiklow Chestnut, Ac,?ii:m?ly Buildings, I'iiu.a. erjj" To be bad of Drs. J. 11. Dkan, Mims ,fc . Lonu, M 1?. Maiile and F.ju. Kitnvu, Druggists, Greenville, S. C., and of all Druggists and Dealera throughout the L'nited States, Cnnadas and British Provinces. lU'tvnre of Coimtorfolta. Ask for HELMBOLD'S?Take no Otlier. CURBS (i UAHAXTEED. 'I July 2 9 1) NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF AMI LADIES' GOODS. M it sTTva l t o n MOST respectfully informs /7^.KsfiS3lit',<'r ,'"',,,('r patrons and friends, iir WTMnti '" * Rail i en peiiernlly, that ! she lifts just returned from Sew I -\jBiP ? jBr York with a New fti. 1 Beauti^ fjl Slock of M11.1.1 N KllY, of yttA ow" selection, consisting of j STKAW & NEAPOLITAN SONNETS, j * Anil a new ami beautiful variety of E u ? o ii i o Mi ap c ? . She also wishes to call tho attention of the ' Ladies to her assortment of FLOWEltS, which 1 is the finest ami most beautiful ever brought to flrocnville, ami to her stock of DLl-HS CA 1"S nnd HEADDRESSES, an.l CRAPE mid MOUBMNCJ I BON NETS. csr Dresses mnile in the very latest style and host manner. J* Orders from the Country promptly Attendi cd to. 48-tf April 9 For Tax Collector. CfTTlIF. FRIENDS OF W. *. Turner 1 announce lum as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the nevt Election