University of South Carolina Libraries
* t<r ) , (|| I,.# ... . UMI ' I ' III I I II 5>jbJL^C*l ED K)ETKY. "Jfo Om Knows His Choioo but He " When Willie wins sod needs a wife, 1 wonder who the bride will bo t * For aoj maiden might be proud Of such a noble lad as bo. Now WHNe is oor village pride; Tbe floWerof all our country youth ! He's turned the bead* of twenty girls? Though tbey are easy turued, iu truth ! His father Kvee on yonder farm : The eountry people call liiin M Squire "They mv, to ?*v6 his eon <Vom harm. Tliat be would pass through bleed or fire ! J The good Squire hints of day* to come; And looks as \vi?e as wise can he! When Willie shall bring his maiden homo; But no one knows his choice but me ! HUMORISTS OLIO. [From Porter's Spirit of the Times.] Bill Jenkins* Troubles on the First Night of his Marriage. Bill Jenkins was a very modest man; and although he had mingled with the world at barbecues, barrooms, and at many of the et cetera places where men may occasionally ho 1 found?yet. he was modest, very? whenever placed in tho company of 1 ladies. lie trembled whenever a pretty girl would speak to him, and felt like a culprit at the stand, when called upon to see u Miss So-and-^o home."? Bill could never explain or account 1 for this most singular titnid^y. lie 1 would sing, frolic, and be as wild as a . Rover among men, but a petticoat ' would unnerve him instantly. ' Lucy Ann Liggins had "set her J cap" for Bill, and it was determined to "lead him or die." Bill, to tell the f truth, loved Lucy, and was as misera- ' lvlrt, nnt of l\at? On?m\!tnv llO W.'U tilll * ?JI\5 Will# wnii/iM-j > " "v I . id in it?but, as to 4* popping the q ties- j tion," that was impossible. Lucy knit j1 purses, h mined hand kerchiefs, work-;!' ed bosoms, and pave them to Jenkins, j as well an several gold rings, but still 1 Bill would not propose. Lucy declared to him repeatedly that she loved him, and that she was miserable when he was absent from her, and her hap- 6 piness in life depended upon being his a wife?but Bill was dumb. At last I Lucy was determined that he should 41 hear thunder," and when he next r visited her, after some preliminary Jl soft talk on her part, she very alfec- a tionately said? 41 Billy, my dear, when are yon going to ask me to marry yon i for I M want to get my dress ready." v Bill fainted on the spot, and harts- ' horn and water were applied for half an hour before he was iinally restored. a 41 What has been the matter, Miss Lucy ?" 44 Oh, nothing much; you fainted c when you were about to ask me to g marry you?but I told you yes?and, ? oh! how happy wo will bo when we are married ! I will love you so dear iv ; aim as you said next tuesuav, why, I am willing the wedding should be then?mv dear Billv,. how I do love H you 1" " I am willing, Miss Lucy," was all , that Jenkins could articulate, while tj Lucy almost kissed him into fits.?- o: What a glorious victory ! w Here we ought to sto]>, but justice!*' to our narrative requires that we ^ should proceed to the finale. The next Tuesday had come, and Jenkins was trembling at the approach of evening?something seemed to harrow up his mind, and to no friend, even, would he communicate his deep distress. "Yon arc not afraid, certainly, to go up and get married?why, to mar- , ry 6uch a beautiful, charming and in- * tellectnal being as Miss Liggins. I should wish that time would fly like news upon the electric telegraph line; cheer up Jenkins?cheer up!" "Oh," replied Bill, "you don't know what distresses me. I can gol up and get married?that is easy I enough ; but there is something?I know it?I feel it?I am satisfied of one thing, I never will be able to do, unless Lucy will assist inc." " Kxplain yourself," replied his friend, "and if I can, with propriety, I will endeavor to render you comfortable." But Jenkins could not explain. lie dared not; it was liis timidity ; lie saw the Bnbicon before him and he knew he could not ptiss it; but he was determined to get married, and trust, to luck and Lucy." The night name, and they were married. All were merry, the laugh, the song, the chat, and the dance made up a lively party until midnight?they commenced to disperse; and at one o'clock. Bill Jenkins was left44 solitary and alone" in the hall. Lucy Ann had retired, ami her bridesmaids were oif in a distant room. Bill was now at the point where ho thought his courage would fail him. llis situation was a peculiar one. lie was not certain . which was Lucy Ann's room, although he had been told, and even if ho had known he could dot go to it. The watchman cried " past two o'clock," and vet, Jenkins was still alone, and apparently engaged in pe ruaiiig au old almanac, which by chanoc had been left in his coat poclcec. An uld female darky, who resided iu the family, had been prevailed upon by tho ladies, who noticed Jenkins' bashfulness, to show him his bed-room, and she accordingly introduced herself to him in as modest a style as she well could. " '4 " Mr. Jenkins," said 6lie, *l post two o'clock." " Oh, yes, I know it, I'm going hnmn its o low mimifAa Olii \ifi1lhHn where's mv hat?" 14 It. is in Miss Lucy's room, sir, yon can get it there if you'll go in. Mr Jenkins, why don't yon go to bed." The old woman scizea hold of Jenkins, and pulled him along until she got out of the hal1, and all his gaze was fixed for a moment upon the ontrv door; but she was determined to put him in Miss Lucy's room, and alter violent efforts succeeded. There ho st<x>d. with the knob of the door in his hand, hut the old darky had been smart enough to lock the door outside. Lucy pretended for some time to be nsleep, but that sort ot gammon would not answer ; at last she said : 14 My dear Billy, what is the matter?" 441 want my hat!" screamed Jenkins, and Lucy, knowing his modesty, eaped out of bed, and after caressing lim for some time, Billy went to bed ivith his clothes and boois on, and rem hied till inornine. IIow Jenk'ns subsequntly succeeded n getting over bis bashtulness, can bo cnown by application to bis dear Lucy \nn. Reader, strange as it may appear, here are Jenkinses all over the world, mt the freemasonary of wedding life Iraws the curtain before the eyes of he uninitiated. Going to bed on the irst night after marriage, must be tmong the most delicate situations in a ?i. i i.vr. ) uur murrica neighbor how t was with him. Wo have no expeience exactly in that way. A " foin" young gentleman, turning wiflly on his heel, ran his head igainst a young lady. lie instantly. >ut- himself in a position to apologize. ' Not a word" said the quick-witted naiden ; "it isn't hard enough to hurt mvhody ?" The coxcomb frowned ind sloped. The other day a Jew was quizzing n Irishman, and kept at him until lie vin somewhat aggravated, when, tuning round, he tartly remarked : " Yes, loin yer sowl, if it hadn't been for tho ikes of yees, the Saviour would a bin live now, and doin' well." A French writer is represented as ailing dyspepsia "the remorse of a uilty stomach." UIII HfflfiJV fft ! IV* 111 HUIlil IV IjUti PROPRIETORS OF Che Ladies' Store, ? VltK NOW. and will he constantly receiving Fresh Importations, purchased l>y one of ic partners, who has some twenty five years' tperience >'? buying and selling (?o:>ds. They ouhl invite special attention to their large toek of Vhito ami Embroidered Goods, R?di Silk Tissues, DeBeges, Cliallys, Crape De Paris, Bereges, Muslins. Brilliants, Silks, Alpaccas, Bombasines, Canton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and American Prints, ?kc., tkc. ALSO, JUST IX, A NICK LOT OF ^ew Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Bruv-' ls Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Einb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, Ami many other NU'E ANT) FANCY GOODS. All of which it will he their endeavor to sell us cheap as possible. 46-tf Mh 'Jtl DIE J. l I. DEAN, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, hemicals. PerAimery, ?qli)is, OH?, tforwsbcs, J)jje-Slnffjs, r??&OQ?y ?OQAftSj FI.HK TOIIjRT NOAI'S, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal line*, TRUSSES ANO SHOULDER BRACES, &C., &C. Third Door above the Mansion Jlouse, (lircciivillr, S. V. Z.'W Medicines warranted genuine ami of th? best qimiity. *? Planters and Physicians from the country will tun! his stock of Medicines complete. Feb 19 40 ly HAIR WORKING^ MIIS. M. M. OLSON HAS returned to Greenville, and offers her services to her former patrons and friends, in executing all orders in the above Business. Kho may he found at her residence, near t he old Baptist Church 4-3m June 4 ""SPANISH CIGARS ~ A LAItOE lot of choice Brands just received /\ and for sale at the Drug Btore of April ? 47-tf J. H. DEAN. X -V, ? v'v-ttf V. - * VU?. *?.* ?- , Plows, Stores, : fe?? wl WE keep eonataot--^ f Hk ly as htnd a large a*I^SMiVrnmi of One and ( >t?!w5ITwo-Horse Turning, Subeoil and liiil?id< whtch we Shall enge the world to equal in gom work, ?w of draft and dnrability. We hare nlec a large and beautiful aeeortmcn of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Koou , and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention o those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stook BOILHRS I Corn Sheller*,Straw Cutters, Ac Coysc-r, Shoe | iron or Zinc work done' u. -- Well Pumps ftriuelied ur.<l put up. Wo also are making and receiving from Neu York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great varie ty of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT and BATIIINO TUIM, or any other Ar tiele in our line, made to order, and "Painted ir the best manner. We are also prepared to d< Roofing nnd Glittering in the latest and l>est manner on short notice Country Merchants invited to examine oui stock of rmr-JKw We sny it is superior, nnd we do not wish t< have our word taken for it. Come nnd see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old Pewter. ty Ract* taken in exchange for Tin Wars. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mh 12 JM, tf_ CH ARLES HI C KEY , (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURES OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRA C. h'RTS, 1V1ND0 \V CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET, tJll AKL,li,5>lUJN, fc>. U. E1T Old Frames He gilt equal to new. April 550 61 ly Third Door above the Mansion House, Il/'OULP respectfully call tlie attention of T hisdriend*. nn<l the public generally, to his recent enlarged Stock of I)HUGS, MKDI('INKS, Ac. Physicians, Merchants, Farmers Heads of Families, nud All persons in want of Articles in his line, will do well to call niul examine his assortment. Articles for family use, -Spices Flavoring Extracts. etc., constantly on hand. Also l'urc Medical Wines und Brand v. April 2 47 if j. j. nnvT.r xv. ii. iiovkv W. H. HOVEY & CO., PltOl'RIKTOltS OK THE LADIES' STORE, DKALKRS IX FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, ?3US33 &DDS3, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, SSA237 MASS CLM'iSMG AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, villi:, s. c. i>.?timers accompanied i?y uifl cnslt lor Medical, l.nw or Library Hooks, Musical Instruments and Sundiir*, promptly tilled in New York, and delivered at our counter on shortest notice. lflADTrni?!! READ!!! XT WILL TAKK YOU UUT A VKW MINUTES, AND MAY SAVE YOJU MANY YEARS OF SUFFERING ! Carter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLUOO ! The Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered] Physicians preteritie it, and every one that ate* it i* a tea'king advertisement. No Jfcdieine ever yet offered to the American puhtie hn* gained tnrh popularity in xothort a time at CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! It will Cure any case of Sertfula. JI will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It will Cure any case of Syphilis. j It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of N'curulyia. It will Cure any. case of Fever and Ague, I Or nnv Ixiscusee arising from an impure state of 1 the Blood, SCROFULOUS READER! I*, cured the neice of the IIoil lohn Minor Rotta, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill'of the hest I'hysieians, both of New York and Philadelphia, had been tried in vnin; and it will cure ycu, reader, if you are so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured I). Burritt, Esq-, of Cincinnati, of I Itheuniatiuru of 4 years standing, uftor nil other remedies had failed. We have hundreds of such ! <???!! nn flt.? Acrant nn.l ?#.?f ? IIaaL ! and Circular, nnd rend for yourself the many roI uiarknlde and astonishing cures it hat made, SYPHILITIC READER! I The celebrated I)r. Butcher writes us that he had two of the most sever* and long standing j cases of Syi>hiSi* that would yield to non? of the usual remedies, hut he cured one rase with six, and the othei^with nine bottles of CARTER'S SrANlUH MIXTURE. We have known it i used in over a T ousano casks, aud have yet to heat of n failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS READ! Aour A?tn Pkvkb.?l>o not take Quinine, Mgr ctiry, or any such noxious Drug*, but trv at onc? this great. Alterative and Purifier of tho Blood ; Carter'* Spauith Mixture will cure nny nnd every I case of Ague and Fever. We have ucver yet known it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impnre state of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet l??er found to have so good-ait etfeeu if you are sick, try it ai one*; do not delay; time is precious, and health the greatest of all bleseinge, without which all else ia valueless. DR. \VM. 9. BEERS A CO., ProPRiirroR*, Richmond, Va. And for sale hy E KHUTCH. Druggist, Agent i Greenville C. H., S. C t-ly May eg w* ; o * SPRING D1 or CHABU ' Wit %% j (hate of the Firm of , SUCCESSOR TO ??' 943 fifing- Street, Op INVITES ATTENTION hi# ENTIRELY NEV UERAIAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, c STTMMBl | In choicest Plaid, Stripes and Chenes, of light 1 | expressly fit city rctsH y*Je. BOILED BL Great attention hoe boon paid to obtain the bo American market. FLOUMCEl In Silk. Baroge, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies i constantly receiving. . FRENCH AND E The Stock of tlieso Goods will invite a cl?se at MOUR]NTI3XT Bombnzine^ Alpacas, (ilinllys, Crape Marat, CI cnl Crapes, Knglisn I'nratuattns, Black Organdies > Mourning Ilobcs, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, B I and Murcellme of very choicest makes, always o umm i Best makes of Sheeting. Shirting and Pillow-C dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Liuen Osnnbi SPRING CASSlMR A large and r.-.ricd Stock of Goods in this Depi nud Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cossimei PARASOLS Atil In Black and Colored, Lined and Ujilined, best Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbrellas. PLANTATH Planter* and their friends will always find wit! and all Goods will bo sold nt the lowest market r The Subscriber is now able to givo bis personal sit massed advantages in obtaining nil lite KK PRICES, together wit^ his buyer constantly wa| Goods at lc?s than the nfnrkct value, he feels prot filled. Z2f%2'/ic One Price Syttcni rigidly adhered SJ Q lt'ln.T Qtfniil flnnnt vrrw May 1st, 1857. WM. II. ALLEN, SURGEON DENTIST, I HAS returned from PhilndelI ^?BEEH? phin, prepared, in every way, to ' perform all operations in his pro' fession in the most nkillt.l ami approved manner, j Having procured every improvement of the day, [ persons rati snfely rely on having every operaI tion performed in the same manner as done in Philadelphia or New York. Kther and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring ultcntiou must mnke appoint incuts previously. rer Kooins iii Me Bee's Building. March 19 45 tf AGENCYFOR |LIFE AND FIltE INSURANCE! T)4? mn&WBLUE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Property AGAINST FIKK: And the Lives of Whfto Persons an^ Slaves, between the ayes of 10 and CO years, OX such terms ns to render it n most safe and desirable investment. Pull details, with the Constitution and By-I.nws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSEPH It. OSBORNE, Pre?'t. WM. W. McDOWELL, Vice-Pres. J as. B. Rankin, Secretary it Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jnn 8 83-1 v GREENV1 LLP. R. C. TK3 a^SSlTVILLa BOOKSTORE, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO McBEE'S 1IALL, jtfsf9fin WIIEIIK constantly may be found | a 'a,?? a"^ U c" selected Stock MImOKLLANKOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL HOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Book*, Memorandums, Ac.; Writing l)e*ks nmi (.'??<-?, Port folio*, Bold and Steel Pen*, Pencil*, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, Oop}? Books, Inkstand*, Ruler*. ?to., <kc. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 36-ly Sign of the Big Book. K7 K Rutci i s~ DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UN'DRIl McHEES HALL. e. 0,, W1IKUE will Be constantly kept on hand the purest stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,PATENT Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Dyestuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segars, Spirit (las. Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery ; and all other articles generally kept by Druggists. IW . ''resh and pure Drugs arc warranted and sold at low price*. Compound medicines are prepared in the most careful way. Receipts and prescriptions of uny kind put-co win. accuracy, ncatucsa and die patch. 35-10ni Jan 8 \V. S. LAWTON, 1 ( C. ML BREAKER, Formerly of > -J of LawtonviHe, 8. C. J ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON 8c CO., Factor*, Forwarding and Com tiiaaion -Here Duals, No. 36 East Bay and Bnyee db Co's Wharfs WILL 8KI.L COTTON. RICE, EL< )UR, W HEAT, CORN, NAVAL STOKES, &c. IW Having an experience of twenty-five yearn in business, we guarantee satisfaction to i^.who patronize us. * JOHN KRAUSE," FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, WOULD respectful I v inform fir^Ljlttgfa^S^tbe citizens of Greenville < nd vieinity that he lias on hand a lot, [ of KURKiTL'KK, which be will dispose of ujton r,-,\KOiinl?1e terms. He has Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Wa*h?tnn<ls, Ac. Fine and 1'lain Furniture made to order. His shop may be found on Avenue Street, between Beattic's Store and the , Confectionery, and neftrly opposite the Court IIuoic Greenville^ C\, Aug. 14-14- 1y jS IY GOODS,! iSTOS, 8. 0. ftWkVkfe Browning <k Ltman.) ICHUM & TAYLOR, . posite Hawll Street, f and CHOICE STOCK of FRKNiJH, ENGLISH, ( ?f tho XKWIST SPRING STYLES. , ^ SIIjK.JS, \ texture aud beautiful finish, ?arofully selected ^ ACE 8ILKJ. . j< < Goods In Black Silks tkat arc brought into the ^ l> ROBES, and Jaconets, in large variety, very cboioa and j NGLI8H PRINTS. tention, being very foil <uid at very low price*. ] mice Black Bareges and 1'oplins, PoplinetU, T)u- , k French and English Cranes in various widths, lack Famisc and Cautou Cloths, Mouslia DeLatne n hand. ] 'use LINENS, of various widths and free from i irgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, lluokabaek, etc. 1 'RES, DRILLS, <SkC. \ irtinent, suitable for Goutlemen and Boys' Spring t es, Drap D'Ete, Farmer's Satin, Grey Flannels, eto. i 3 UMBRELLAS* , in nil llto new designs, constantly roceived; , 3N GOODS. i me a full department suitable. to their wanst, irices for Cash or City Acceptances, attention to all Country Orders, nnd havingnn WEST GOODS ..t the LO WKtiT POSSIBLE Aching the New York Auctions for nil desirable ared to say that nil orders will Ik} satisfactorily ' to, and alt (Joed* Warranted A. F. BROWNING, ] ite IIhm'II Street, Sign xiir the "Tree." 62 tt NEW MILLINERY , AND Dross-Making Establishment. p2> mils. wart's and miss 1 ^Tl (!OI(l)Q\ would respectfully call the attention of tlie Ladies of Greenville und vi- ! vi it it v to the filet that they will o|>eu, on Saturday, the 4th iust., one of the finest and largest . stocks of French.nnd American MILLINERY ] ever brought to this Town, which, for riehness and elegance, cannot lie surpassed, embracing all the latest and most approved styles. Being confident that can go awav dissat- r isficd, they earnestly solicit an curly call and inspection of the same. Onr terms are low. J Ladies' Old lints cleaned and made equal to new. lilisses' Gipsies cleaned ana made over iu the most approved and latest G.ipsy style. LEGHORN HATS in large quantities. Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. . tar llouse on Avenue Street opposite the Tost Office. -47-tf April 1 GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEY'S OLD STANO. J UST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, selected by.the proprietor, consisting of clioioe articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Molasses, Rice, Kiee Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which he invites the attention of housekeepers and others. April 28 50 tf Apple Vinegar. A FINE article to be had at the Family Grocery Store of A G REEN FIELD. WATCHES amum &gs MWIW. E. i. (AGENT,) T)EGS leave to announce to the citizen* of 13 Greenville, mul em-rounding country, tlmt lie ha* opened a Stock of tho above-named Ar- ' tide* on Avenue street, in the liuilding formerly known us " Avenue Street Confectionery," which t ho will ?ell LOW for CASH. t HE WILL ALSO < Repair and Fit Up t WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, > Iu the be*t of atyle. ? Thankful to his former patron* and friendr, ' for tltcir liberality and patronage, he respect- * fully solicits a continuance of the same. c tsr Give hiin a call, and he will endeavor to 1 please. 87-tf Jan 22 ~W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IH THE OLD COURT HOUSE, (BsaaOT^anhiwH,, s. c&, Will promptly attend to the collection of Note* And Account*, settling Claim*, Ac. ? G. S. BOWER, IWanrpfBctMfcr mid l>eoler la ( FURNITURE of every description, ( CHAIRS of every style. ] FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, < Oppotlite the Congaree I/auae, Dcc ic COLUMBIA, tjr F. BURTY, Dealer in Boots, Shoos, Leather, < OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GREENVILLE, 8. C? IS Prepared to furnish custom- I [I N. era with the above articles, CHEAP CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he ean assure his patrons that all work will be Neatly ? Hosa and WARRANTED. Feb ft 8# V $ # 25 WITNES8B3; trans troxsni&'ljiDmntovsB.' John 8. S(|e is the Butltof. WHO baa had 10 year* experience at a Banker and Publi*h?r, and Author of ^ A Serin of Lecture* ht the Broodvay Tobrrnotlr when, for 10 euoeBteive niyhta, orer Jar 600,000 People JEt ' >. 3rceted him with rounds of applause, while ha NthibiUd the manfter in whien Counterfeits!* ixecute their Frauds, and tho Sorest and ShoH<st Meant of Detooting them ( The Bank Note Engraver t all say he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living, GREATEST DISCOVERY thr i?ur. SENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a Uianee, every Counterfeit in Circulation! 1 \rrnnged to admirably, that REFERENCE ia Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. tSff* No Isdex to examine! No paget to hnnt iinl But to simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can act all if a qlanc? ! ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERVAN. lliiu each may read the name in hit own Native Tongue. Host Perfect Bank Note list Published. Also, a List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edi:ton, together with all the Important News of he Day. Also, a SERIES OF TALES, from an rid Manuscript found in the East. It furnitbea be most Complete History of Oriental Lif% describing the most perploxfng positions in which be ladies end gentlemen of that country have >een so often found. will continue .hroughout the whole year, und will prove the nost entertaining ever offered to the public. ?S?JF~ Furnished Weekly, to subscriben. only, at >1 a vcar. All lotters must be addreesed to JOHN %. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 23 50 1y E> R. STCK68, BOO K-B'I-N DEH, AND Blank-Book Manufacturer, (In rear of Carolina Time* Office.) 005.? aasa&, s. ?. 1LANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the beat materials and in the most durable manner. 'EHIOD1CALS, MUSIC BOOKS, Ac , bound in every > ariety of style, at abort notice. r3S~ 6\>uutry orders promptly A Unded o. Dec 4 30 IV HOWARD ASSOCIATION 1'IIU.A DEW IIJ A. Impok .ant Announcement. IX) all persons nffiictcd with Sexual Diseases. , such as Speriuiitorrhcea, Seminal Weak new, inpoteuce, Gouorrhaia, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice if Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD A8SOCJATION, in view of he awfu) destruction of human lite, caused by taxunl Discuses, and the deceptions practised up>n the unfortunate victims of sacli diseases by Quacks, have directed their CWsalting Surgeon, is a charitable act worthy of their name to give mcoioai. suvIck u rati a. to ail pcrs ins thus atllict d, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, ltc?) and in cases of extreme poverty aud suffering, to furnith medicine* free vf charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for Lite relic f of the sick and distressed, atllict ud with " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has ww a surplus of means, which Uie Directors liavt! vot^d In DTnAllil in itdvoidiaU.r -I?? notice. It M needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the sge, and will furnish tha most approved modern treatment Just l'ubliehed, by tl.e Association, a 11cport jit Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the rice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self- Abuse, and >ther Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Con mlliug Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in t aealed envelope). Free of Charge, on the receipt )f TWO ST A MI'S for postage. Address, 1>H. < 1 ICO. CALHOUN, Consulting Inrgeon, Howard Association, No. 1 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, l'a. By order of the Directors. HZ It A 1). IIARTVVELL, President. Oro. FAiacuiLD, Secretary. Feb 6 * 8? if O TIS' IM PRO V ED PATENT Lightning Conductors. TM1E subscriber has purebased the Right of JL putting up the above description of Light ting Rods ifi Greenville District, and is prepared o execute orders for the same to any extent and promptness aud despatch. These Rods are ionducted upon Scientific principles, and afford ha only method yet discovered of absolute promotion against lightning. Any one acquainted vith the laws of electricity, will be immediately (on vineed of their utility, upon examining them. * [heir value has been tested by experience and icience, aud has been vouched by hundreds of lertificates from all parte of tha Union. From uuongst these the following only are suksqftted. "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached to the >uilding iu which 1 reside. It is better conitrticteo, and more securely insulated, than may oriu of Lightning Hods I have seen. It is neat and cheap, and if properly attached to the build* ng, cannot jail to alTord iMuritj against the ose of life and nroperty bj electricity 1 thereore recommend it us worthy of the confidence >f the community, R. P. Bmuuoy. l'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. C. College." Mr. D. O. Westfield has reoently supplied my Iiohm with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 have Mtsmiued thcin with great care, and sin eonvinsed that they are the beet lightning Rode ever constructed. The methods of attraction end inflation are new, and teem to me to be perfect. [ can confidently reootumend them tonllwernooo wishing to teoure their house* against lightning. 0. J. Kcpord. Any further information may be obtained en implication to D. 0. WBSTF1KUD, May 8-62-it Oreenville. fi C. PIANO TUNING. TUB enbeeriber would offer his services te the ettisene 9V of Oreenville sod the surT VJKBI.rcmdiig country In the above buaineaa. He will giro atisfaetlon, or noehnrgn will be madn. a. m. MURPHlrr. June f. 4 fi