University of South Carolina Libraries
Now Is lbe Tine. PERSONS Indebted to Wv B.*HQVX3r. or W H. HOVKY A CO.. proriou* to the flret of January 1?*7, will pjtaw tab* notlae that the mo>iey ia needed by lham, M?d ? not forthco.ninn they, will be obliged to foroe the oolUction of the aan* . W? B. HOVKY A CO. July id 10 2m " HEADQUARTERS. BA TTALIOF ORDERS #0. ?:J t TKK SALUDA -BATTAlJON le hereby coru.pianded cuf} required to parade at Bathe's Old Field, on Tuc*il\y, tke H(Jk, and the TYGKU B/tfTALlOX, nt Bo niar's Old Field, on 1wurarfuy, the 13/A of August next, for Inflection eud Review. Oommi?#ioned an<l Non-commissioned Officer* Will a**efiibl? the day* previous for Urill and Inatructipn. The Regimental Staff and Hand will attend on date of Review. By ordfer of Col. G. F. POOL. A. If. SM1T1I, Adjutant. July 10 10 td Inhalation in Consumption, * BBONCHITIN, LAHtl'MGITli, And other Discuses of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated bu the Inhalation, of Medicated Vapors and Powders, by Absorption and Constitutional Treatment, as p/utiiCid t+i the StaYVmAKT iuSDiCal Institotk, New York City, N. Y. THE unprecedented success which bus attended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the Physicians to depart from their usual Course, and avail themselves of the columns of the Press to make it known to such as may be laboring under, or predisposed to, rhcIi affections. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive?the doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has now passed away. We have indubitable proofs in our possession, that Consumption. iu all its stages, can bo cured: in the first, by tubercular absorption ; in the second, bv the, transformation of tubereule into chalky and calcareous concretions; in the third, by cicatrices or scars,. Those wedded to the opinion of the past may assert that it j is even now incurable. Such are behind the! age. To nil this great trutli must be appa-1 rent, viz: that medicines inhaled directly into ths Itingx, whether in the form of Vapor or Powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In Rhort, the only ark of refuge for the Consumptive is in In-1 halation, and such additional means, of which the judicious Physician will avail himself. Such of the Profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it soothing and ejH cacibus in the highest degree : arrestina the progress of the disease, arul war king wonders in many desperate cases ; in verity, a lib iimpli of our Art over the fell dc.i;oyor of our spocie*. Notts.?Physicians wiping to make themselves acquainted with this practice, are informed that our time being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The fee, in ail cases of Consumption, will be 4(10, on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded. Applicants will please state age, sex, occupation, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and symptoms generally. Let the name, town and State bo plainly written?postage for return answers must be enclosed. Letters, if Registered by tho Post Master, are at our risk. Address WALLACE MERTOUN. M. D., 8. M. Institute, N. Y. City. July 10 10 Cm TAKE NOTICE. HAVING quit the .lewelry business, I nm desirous of closing Up the Rooks of the concern. All persons indebted to nie by Note or Account, will tilcnse cnll and settle the same previous to the 1st of August,, or (hey "will find them in the hands of W. 1'. I'riee, Esq., for collection. All work left with me will have to he taken out by the sometime, or the business most be wound up. SAMUEL 8TKADLRY, At the Store of Lewis Carr, Ag't. P. S.?The remninderof tny stock of Watehes, Clocks. Jewelry, ?tc., I offer at less than cost. July 0 0 If The State of South Carolina. G ii EE N VIL LIS 1 >1 STli RJT. IN EQUITY. SALE OF Valuable Stores and Town Lots In Oreeuvills?, H. William K. Powkrs, et al., t>*. .1 rhkmiaii Ei.drrdgk, et til. Bill J'Or Partition of Ileal petal* of P. N. Power*, deeeateiL BY virtue of the order of the Court of Equity for Oroenville District, at July Term, 1867, 1 will sell to the highest, bidder, at public unction. at Oreenville Court House, on Sales-day in XUOlJST next, the following Valuable Town Lots viz: No. 1. The LOT oii Main Street, whereon is situated the Store-house formerly occupied by P. N. Powers & Co., and now by J. El dredge. This Lot isoueof the most desirable in the town. The Mouse is two stories, tho main Store Hootn being one hundred and ten feet deep. There are also two smaller Stores fronting on Main Street, and the upper part of the llcusc is arranged and used for a Dwelling. The Lot is about sixtythree feet on Main Street, and runs back one hundred .and seventeen and one-half feet, having an otfsott Which widens it to ninet.v-t.u-o feet, on ?!>e buck line. This property shoufd be rented sons to produce 10 per cent interest on $6,000. No. 2. The LOT on LaO reus Street, lying bnck of and adjoining No. 1. This Lot is ninety-two feat wide, and one hundred and seventeen and n hadf feet ft id is w/tl adopted, from it? central iluation, to the purposes of business, or for a residence. TKllMtk?-A sufficient smn to pay the cost* of this case ia cash. The remainder upon a orcdit of one and two years, in equal annual instalment*, I with interest from date, rurchnsers to pay for I titles* ?. A. TOWN ICS, c. k o. d. Commissioner's Office, July SHli, 1857. July 0 t Ul For Tax Collector. tjr THE FRIENDS OF W, ?. Tarner announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector at the next Election. CANDYl ~ AFRKSIf supply ot excellent CANDT now on band and for sale at the Drug Store of Aprfl 2-41 If J. H. DEAN. a - IJI ' I I III I I , -q?~--a BOS ANDJIOMMONT. STONE HOUSE, Greenville Liatrict, S. C., Five Milt* above the Court House. t-\ - TFIE SUCSCRIPER begs leave to respectfully inform the publio fljJfdHK^stbst tfk 6w? HoLSK, flye m?l?e j5S5?(Rr above Greenville, on the Buncom lit- luuil, is now opcit for thi season for the reception of- company. Near the House is as Gou water, Doth Mineral and Free Stone, as con found in Greenville District^ and to those in search of health or pleasure, it can he safely recommended ** a desiralde resort. From the Court House it is hut n plcAsnnt ride, and at it may l>e found all the accommodations of a regular watering place. His table shall bo well furnished and in good styfo, JAMES \V. YOUKO. Juva'18* C_ 6 J. II, RAIOIph, ''piIANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BEGS L to say, that all kipds of HAlIi WORK of every variety of Style of braiding, will be Ornamented or Mounted with tfold, in the neatest manner, ami returned to those at a distance per or "ir<"r\v:;u, as directed. (Hair can * ? wui him in letter pes* mail.) Bow Breast Bins, Necklaces}, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chains, Crosses, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, <fcc., of various patterns, put up neatly, and any article admitting the name of the owner engraved thereon, shall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. He also makes and repairs all kinds of Jewelry; mounts with gold or sijver the Hends of Wnlking Canes; matches Spectacle Glaases; and, lastly Engrave* on all manner of Plate. Office GO yard* East of o[d Court lloaae, and a few paces from the Ktiterprise Office. Green villa, H.'O.. dune 25. '57. 7?tf NEGROES FOR SALE .AT l?(JRr,IC AUCTION. "1X7 ILL BE SOLD to the highest bidder at T Gr"envillc Court House, on sale-day in j August next, ? . Three Likely Negroes, ALECK 80, BEN 35, and WEST 65 years of age. All experienced paper makers. TEH MS CASH. C. J. ELFORD, , J. B.SHERMAN, July 2-9-tds. Ker*. B. Dunham, dee'd. sugar smokers, ATTENTION ! J'UST now received and for sale. Wholesale and Retail, ir. the Greenville Segnr Store, Goodlett House, in the Jewelry Store occupied by Messrs. Bailey and Owens, Kftllfl On/IMI y " '??"* . 5000 Manilla . 5000 Opera 11 or.iv Clay 5000 Flora Cabana Londres dTiog. 5000 Australia Loud res 5000 La Nigotinna. H. FURSTENHEIM. | June IB 0 tf ffoTSBBBC PLAIN & O UNA M ENTAL PLAKTB'IKKK. CTUCC0 CORNICES, A CENTRE PIECFS to of every description, designed and executed in the finest style of art. Coloring.?Cemented walls Colored in iinitnlion of Stone, or any desired tint. Whitewashing done ill a superior manner, without taking up carpets or removing furniture from the rooms. Cementing ? Floors of Porches,. Cellars, Cisterns, ?fce., Cemented in a manner Which, for beaut y, strength and durability, is equal to Stone. RATI IING TUBS built iu u ucut and substan tial manner. Having had fifteen years practical experience in the above branches of business, lie hopes to give satisfaction, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage. Refers t?> Drs. T. G. ?fc Rttntu Ceo it. Residence at Mr. Jnudon*a, opposite the Female College. 7-tf June '25 I'iglit Reading. rI"MIEStar and lite Cloud; Grace Trueman; JL Si ma' Partisan ; Sims' Mellichampe; Sims' Katlierine Walton ; Sims' Woodcraft; Sims' Scout; Sims' Forravers , Sims' Em aw ; Sims' Vnscnnseloft ; Nick of the Woods; Flush Times of Mississippi and Alabama; Henry Lyle; Cnrrer Lyle ; Longfellow* 11 y pet ion; Nellie of Truro ; Marryatt's Works, complete, in one vol., or separate; The Wept of\\ iah-Toti'Wish ; Linda; Robert Graham ; Rer.a; Marcus Warland ; Earnest Liuwood ; The Iiag Picker ; Horse Shoe Robinson. And a great many other Works, for sale at publislrers' price*, at the GREENVILLK BOOKSTORE. July 0. n Notice. ALT, PERSONS indebted to the Finn of F. F lteattie A. Co. up to the first of January last are requested to cull nud pay tiro snnie, and those persons having Notes <luo the subscriber of several yenrs standing would do well to pay attention to this Notice. K. K. BEATTIE. July 2. 1837 9 4 ftflca?l<|iiarlci*?. First Division, S. C. M., ) AniiKTiuLK C. II., Juno 15, '57. f ORDER NO. ? 1 I A V l?l tfCTIUV ? 111 L. 1...1 > ! r. Ail i.uiiviiun rriii in- unu ox. nit? vnnpun inginiental Muster Grounds in I It o first Brigade of Infnntry, on Tuesday, the Iflth of August next, for brigadier General of the first Brigade of lufantry, First Division, 8. C. SI., to fill the vacancy occasioned hy th? resignation of Brign tlier General J. W. Harrison. Tlte Colonels or officers in command of the several Regiments, aro charged with the extension of thisorder, slid to transmit to the Major General the res;::', of said election at each poll in writing. By order of Mr j. Gen. A. M. Hurra. W. u CALHOUN, Je 25 7-td I->iv. Adj. Gen. NOTIoir rf"MIE Books of Acoount and Notes of JOHN 1 Bl'RSKY, have been placed in onr hands for collection. If not paid by Return Day, they will be aued on indiscriminately. EA8LEY & THRU8TOH, Je 25 7-tf Attorney* nt Law. NOTIOEI. 1>F.RHONS indebted to the late Firm of Drs. Turpi* dt Joxxa, and whose Notes and Acoount* have b*en placed in my hands for collection, are notified that unless payment* arc made before Return Day next, they will he aued. W. P. PRICE, Attorney. Jane Hi td ?* JAS B. HILL'S CHEAP STORE, At B. Dunham's Old Stand. NOTICE THIS. cts"5"t> having made larqk^asv j^TwTntitl ion? to my usual Stook.^T*^ A i > 1 T11 and having completed my^f^ arrangements for a mote extensive business. I would respectfully invite the attention of my former customers, and.the publio generally, to my prevent stock of * FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, TIIVT WAREJ, CLOTHING, HATS, SIIOKS, jEWET.HY WftflTVTJV MtWTltQ , .. ? . mm j A | UAJV f JJUf | Factory Yam, Tobacco, Scgars, tfcc., <l'c. All of which I am offering at great. bargains for ea*h, country prod ace, rags, beeswax or old copper. Dry Goods Department. A great variety of Hummer Material, for Gents' and Bovs' Wear, nt all prices IRISH LTNENS, superior quality, from 50 cents Llnen'Orilling, for rants Gents' Half Hose, white and colored Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, of all descriptions and prices Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Shirtings and Drillings Shawls, suitable for the scaenn?Forv cheap A large assortment of CALICOES, all prices and styles Swiss, Jaconott, Book and Dotted Muslins Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies and Gents, from 12$ to 60"cents?some very fine A large assortment.of Dress Muslins?some beautiful patterns?from 5 to 20 cents per yard A choice selection of Bareges and lb-Lames? very cheap Merinos and Alpaccas, from 25 to ROcte. per yard Also. Fishing Tackle of every description Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Combs of every description Playing Cards; Vienna Matches Fans in grent. vnrie'y ; Cornelian Rings Hooks and Kyes ; Marbles Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Wrapping. Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper JEWKRLY, in setts warranted genuine, at un prccedcoted prices Tloral N?cklnces; Needles! Pins; Tapes Buttons of every description A good assortment of Satin, Lutestrfhg, Guuse, and other qualities of Ribbons Toilet. SoapsJ Shaving Cream ; Cologne .ict. itrnceici* ; mowing rsiIIc White mid colored Spool Cottons Bareges for Veils, nil colore With many other Articles tno numerous to mention, nil of which I nm olTeiiug nl prices to suit the*time*. Wholesale and Retail Denier in TIN WARE and TIN PLATE. I laving superior Workmen, 1 I am at all times prepared to do Roofing and Guttering, or any work in this line, with neatness and dispatch, and 011 the most accommodating terms. A call is tfspectfully solicited. I am always happy to show Goods. j. if. niLEj, One door helow the Good let I House, Maine Street? opposite Roberts A Duncan's. 'JujlG 25 1 tf AMBROTYPES ANI> MELAISiOTll'ES More fiScauliliil Tit am Ever. THE INIMITABLE 'RAISED' AMBROTYPES. \ PERFECT representation of Nature, and the hiithttl style of the Art; UNFADING and DURABLE. also. THE MELAINOTYPE, Another and a later triumph in the art o' 1'ho-j togrupliy, ndmirahlv adapted to Medullions, Broaches, T.oekets, Rings, ?ic. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing , to his friends, the Lnnies and Gentlemen of I (Ireenvillc mid surrounding country, that lie is at iiomk aoain, it ml ready to execute anything in the line of his profession that necessity or fancy inny suggestlie w ill also take this occasion to savi?once I for till?tho the superiority of his Pictures over nil foreign "catchpenny" n(fair's Is too well known'aiol acknowledged to require nny resort to the very common prnetieo of "pitfftny," in older to bring them into notice. jn*t cone j and .tee for tf<mrsclcta, and he satiafrtl .(ifcj Prices momcratk?fro it $1 to ?5 ntnl jS, According to aire And style. r,jjf Galllrv on 2u floor of McHkk's Hall. mmm Complete instructions given in the Art. C. II. LANNKAU. P1IOTOGHA I'J/S beautifully colored in oil, by the subscriber. 7-tf June 25 REED & fiOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW solicitors In equity, (tirfemille, s. r. ZW" OFFICE next, door to F. F. Bkattie <k Co._/g?3 J. 1'. ukel).] ?s. d. goodlett. June 4 4 tf ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. O. JAMES L. ORR. WM. P. PRICE. April 23 60 Elford & Donaldson, id (mamssroiDOiitiia, s. ?a C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 35 3m a. C.E?. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR 4N EQUIT Y#< WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Ilooktlorc, GREENVILLE, 8. C. June 44 1y H. JULIUS SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. June II " If i , ' ATT i! ECU E EN VI L.IU~ COACH FACTORY, 71ain Street, Hcxt the Bridge, TIIE I*rgef>t and Boat Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offered for sale in the State, selected carefully and especially for Carriage Manufacturer*. A large stock and hest varietv of Axlee for Biggie Carriages nod. Wagons; common and best timpeml Steel Springs ; Black and Colored Enamel and 1'atent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Lnatnel Cloths, Drills and Duoks; Oil and Brussels Cnrpet; Buckrams and Russiu Sheetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mats; Brass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass. Silver, Bone nnd Japan Nails; Silk and Worsted broad and narrow Laces; Siik, Worsted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat Sticks; and a complete assort incut of Mailable Castings. Carriage Makers arc particularly requested to call and examine our stoek. For sale cheap bv COWER, COX k MARKLEY. HUBS AND SPOKES. WE are now prepnred to supply Manufacturers with the best Morticed Hubs and Turned Spokes, of our own manufacture, nnd warranted. For sale by GOWER, COX k MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, T)rab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For sale by COWER, COX k MARKLEY. CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock and variety of 'ho liest Tools xV. innile, and a few setts fancy Rosewood aud Boxwood Planes. For sale hv COWER, COX k MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! -\TOW on hand, the largest stork of Iron ever i. si offered in this market: Spnrtnxhorg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; llorsc Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Baud Iron aud Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes and llniuitierea, for wagons,.tires ar.d plantation work. On band, cheap for cash, 5,001) lbs. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Jrou For sale by COWER, COX k MARKLEY. . STEEL! STEEL! ! STEEL ! ! ! "VTAYLORK SAUNDKRSOX A JKSKUra h<?t Oast-Steel?square, octagon, round nn<l tint ?for lino wl;;e tool*, n\l?* mid drills. German mid Blister Stool, for plantation work.. For sale hy COWER, C?)X A: MA UK LEY. 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. A 8SORTKD sizes, suitable for Farmers and x\_ Mechanics. For sale cheap l?v COWER. COX ?fe MA UK LEY. ON HAND WA AAA LBS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled Jlnir, picked, in hags. For sale tiv COWER, COX & MAKKLEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE. 1" ATIOF. assortment of the Ilinninnd Flint Sand I'a per, best, article made, for sale bv COWER. COX & MAKKLEY. PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. OS band, a large assortment lhiiuts. Oils. Ac. I'nre, Kxtra and No. 1 White Leads; Raw and Boiled I.indseed Oils; Winter, Sperm. Solar, Lamp, Neat* Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Coach Body and Copal Varni-h ; Japan, Aspalt ii r ir and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine : Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; I'inks; Dropblack; Lampblack; Bed ; Spanish Brown; Umber; Sunwa ; French Oclire, <tc. American and French Window Glass, Putty mid Whitening. ror sale i>v COW EH, COX & MARK LEY. HE A VY A SHELF HARD WARE. V LA IIOl? and well selected stock For sale cheap l>v (iOWKR. COX & M AUK LEY. .S'CRE H\V / SCRE WS / / /''/A/A GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point O\7V_7 Screws. For sale by GOWEK, COX it" MARK LEY. SAWS! SAWS!! HOE A Ca's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon Sows; Hand, I'annel and Ripping Saivs; lirnss and lit tie Hack Saws; a complete assortment of WebbSawn, with and without frames. For sale by OOWEll, COX it MA UK LEY. Mnv 28 3 tf GRRENVILLE CONFECTIONERY. rJ"MlE snbseriher has returned to Greenville. 1 and commenced business Opposite I lie *l:iiialoti House, where mnv ho found on hand, CONFECTIONER!!**, .IF. LI. IIX, BRAN1?1FD FRUITS, Ac. Having procured a No 1 Pnxlri/ Cook, FHEHIi CAKES, Of ninny kinds, can l?c had every dny. -A. SALOON, For tin- nccoininodntion of Indies and Gentlemen, linn been iiantly arranged, where, nt nil hours of the day and evening, nn EXCELLENT ARTICLE of ICE CREAM mny l?e hud, together wilh folding llrinks of several kinds. Feeling myself much indebted to my friends for the very liberal patroiuige bestowed upon ine when in Itnsinrs* on Avenue Street, 1 hope, bv n | much mnrc *triet attention to buxin*?*, to inevil n renewal of their favors. 1*. S. SMITII, Agent. Je 4 4 tf A. B CROOK, M D , & A D. HOKE, M. D . PRACTITIONERS OP MEDICINE & SURGERY, Greenville S. C. OFFICE Knst Corner of McBee nnd Wash jfington Streets, occupied by ]>r. Caoon for iMi the Inst tw?oty-two years. May 21 2 3tu M GREENVU LE PRICES CURRENT. corrected weekly for the enterprise, By Grady, ft Goodlett, Merchant*. Greenville, JULY 15, 1857. BAGGING, Gunny, per yart|| ? 25 Dundee, a 20 BACON ... .Hams, per lb., new, 18 ' Shoulders, 44 14 Slues, 44 16I log rortnd, 16 BUTTER .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 20 COFFEE.. .Kin, per- lb. . 15* Java, per lb. a 20' DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. a 11 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgs, per yd. 12 J a 14 FLOUR .... Country, j'cr bid. $0 a ft6$ Country, per Hack, , ft3 25 GRAIN Corn, per bushel. 80 Wheat, per bushel. ft 1.00 Onto, pet bushel, none. IKON Swede*, per lb. 0| a 7 English, pur lb. ft 5$ LARD per lb. a 10 MOLASSES, W. 1. per gal. 80 N. O., per. gal. new orop, ft 1.25 SYRUP.... 14 44 per gal. 44 OILS Lamp, per gal. ftl $ a ft2$ Train, per gal. 87$ a ftl$ Linseed, ftl$ RTCE per lb. * a 8$ ROPE per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS.. .N-. Orleans, per lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. u 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per lb. a 16$ SALT.......per bushel, ftl Salt, per sack, $2 00 SOAP Colgate,pale,pr.lh. 12$ a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12$ Sbot, per bag, a NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF 3VEIJL.X-.X3NrE!^LY AND LADIES' GOODS. M II S . W A L T O N /MTWUgK MOST respectfully Informs '*0,*r,lpl' patrons mill friends, /' / Y "d tin' Ladies generally, that she linsj'ist returned from "New ^ J' York with n Now and Beautijr f?i su>ok of millinery, of her own selection, consisting of 8TUAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, And a now and henntiful variety of K ugcnic Simp c * . She also wishes to call the attention of the Ladies to her assortment of FLOWERS, which is the finest and most, beautiful ever brought to ( recti vi 1 le, and to her stock of I)RESS OA l*S and HEAD DRESSES, and CRAPE and MOURNING BONNETS. Dresses made in the very latest stylo and best manner. "? Orders from the Country promptly attended to. 48-tf * April <t In tlio Court of Common Ploas. G RF.KNVILLI-; DISTRICT. SPUING TERM, 1857. -pill-: business of the Term not being disposed of, L It is Ordered, Tliat an EXTRA TERM of the Court of Common Pleas be held at Greenville. Court House, for Greenville Distriel, on Tuesday, tiii: Itii ok Ararat, at. 0, A. M., to con tinue for five days, if necessary. It is (/rdtred, That the Clerk and Sheriff draw a Jury of forty-eight good and lawful men; that a venire issue to compel their attendance. It is further Ordered\ That the Clerk trivo due Notice of tho time mid place of tlie Session of the said Court. JOHN BELTON O'XliALL March 2Sih. 18.57. 1 certify that the above is a true copy of the Order passed at the last Term, a*taken trom the Minutes. W. A. MoDANILL, Clerk. May 26th. HC7. :< t?l NEW SPRING GOODS. GRADY & GOODLETT, One Door South of the Old Court House GREENVILLE, S. C. :<>: VFTF.U returning our grateful thanks to our friends and customers, for their past very liberal patronage to our business, we desire to call their attention, as well as that of the public generally, to our very large and finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which we are now receiving, nrnl which has been purchased by one of the firm with care, and on very advantageous terms ns to prices, and which we are determined on sailing ns low ns they enn be bought, <rt retail, any wlie're. Our stock, in the way of DRY (iOOlH, embrace* almost every article called for, either bv Ladies or Gentlemen, in Fancy or Staple Dry Goods. Bonnets, Ribbons, Blowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Root* ami Klioc?, Trunk*, Ac. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. IIATS ANI) CAPS. The latest styles, for Men and Roys, in great variety. Ready-Made Clothing. A very heavy and varied assortment, for Mea and Bov*. Perfdmctie*. Fnncv Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cntiery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, t rociifry anu liia^w.nrr, DRUG9. MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, Rookw and Rtalioncry, SADDLERY, CASTINGS AND IRON. UROCERIGM. A very heavy stork of flfTT* Itro and Java COFFEE8 yipHH Brown and Crushed SUGARS ^TVasT.Mo!nsses, Spices, Cigars, PoUrder, Shot, Load and Indigo. SACK AN1 > TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yam. Nails, Glass, Ae., Ae. FRESH GAlUMiN ^KF.PS. GRADY A GOODLETT. April 0 if * ' .gjgt I > ~ I Helmbold's Qonnino Preparatifltx or HI6HLY CONCENTRATED COMftUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Dinetnrffth* nio.Ut, Kidney*, Gravel, Droply, HIkUvU, Obttr union, Stcrti JHteatea, * Female Complaint*, ami oU t'l-mni of the S' jrunl Organ*, Arising from Excomcs and Jinprmjer.ciee In lift, and removing nil ImpvojurDisehargee from the Bladder, Kidneys', or Sexual Organs whether existing in . Muutija ?a From whatever cause they may liave originated, ' AND NO MATTER OF HOW EOlfO- ST AND WO diving Health and Vi<por to the Frame, and li/oout to the i'altij Check. * Joy to flic Afi3Iictc<I!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated SutTerera, and removes all the Symptom?, among which wui be found Indisposition to E.t* ertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficult y of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves. Trembling. Dreadful Horror of DeafF, Night Sweat?, fold Feet, Wnkefuliicea, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sy?t?u?, Often Enormous Appetite. with DvMsojdio Symptoms, Hot I lauds, Flnshing'oi the Br^ly, Dryness of the Shin Pallid Uouftlcr.aBce nutl Erniv.ions on the Face. Pain iii the Buck, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Week Spots Firing before the FyeS, with Temporary SufVusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, CJreat Mobilftt. I'estlosstiess, wit fi Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, nn?l nothing llicv more dread for fenr of themselves; no repose of manner. nji earnest ness, no speculation, hut a hurried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which this niedietne invirrinhly removes?soon follows /,.>** of I'eufr, Etiult;/ and Epileptic JFU*?inono of wliieh the patient may oxnire. Who can any that thosoVxeosscs arc not frequently followed l>v those direful diseases?INSANITY AND CONSUMPTIONI The records of Insane Asylums, and the melanelioly deaths of Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of .these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. Th < countenance, is actual' Iv sodden end quite destitute?neither Mirth or tSrief ever x isits it. Should a sound of the voico occur, it is larelv articulate. " With wofiil measures wan despair Low sullen sduiids his grief beguiled.'1 Debility is most terrible! and lias brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, ll^iis blasting the ambition of tunny noble youths. It can he cured bv the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, .i If you are suffering with any of the above di*? tressing ailments, the VI,V ID EXTRACT BU CllU will euro you. Try it, and he convinced of its efficacy. Beware of Quack Nostrums ami Quoth Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. CD t.izens know and avoid them and save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and specific Remedy. It allays nil pain and iiiffnmmntion, is perfectly pleasant ill its taste und-odor, but immediate in its action. Holmbold's Extract Buchu Is prcparod diiectly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical know ledge and care devoted in its combination. Seer Professor Dkxvbk's Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. tSTdT an One hundred dollars will he paid to any Phy* sician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient: and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that, it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years'standim? have been effected 1 tie m?? Vm TTM. TAKY TICS riMONY i 11 possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues awl curative pow* ers, U immense, embracing names well knuwu to SCIENCE AND FAME. 100,000 ItotllcM Have Hvcii Sold* An<l not ti single instance of n failure has been reported. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, 11. T. HKLMBOLD Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, tha his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious 1 >ri'g, but, arc purely Vegetable. II. T. IIKI.MBOI.D, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before uie this 23d day of November, 1851. . WM. 1\ UJBBARI), Alderman. I'tlcc ?1 jxr Hot tie, fir Sijr for &5, Delivered to any Aildre&s, Accompanied hy reliable and responsible Certificates front Professorsof Medical Colleges, Cler-' tfynten and others. Prepared and sold by II. T. II ELM BOLD, Praotieal and Ann!'i/tical Chrmitt, No. 52 South TkntuSt., hki.ow Chestnut, Assemuly liuit.dings, Phila. t3FTo be had of Dre. .1. 11. Deam, Mims <fc Lono, M. LI. I'.m:i.r. and K.mii. Kurrcii, Druggists, (Sreeaville, S. C.t ami of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and British Provinces. BScwarr ?t fouuterfeits. Ask for HET.MBOLD'S?Take no Other., C U11 ES a U A11.1N TEED. July 2 0 ly Books for Sunday Reading, And Aids to Sabbath School Teachers, 1> 1 l'LEY'S Notes on the Gospels; Rip\> lev's Notes on tlie Acts; Jacobus' Notes on Matthew ; Jacobus' Notes on Mark ;111 1 I.nke; Christian's Daily Treasury } Venn's Duty of Man ; The Ilnllig ; Memoirs of Dr. Judson ; The Earnest Man ; Christian Life, Social and Individual ; Hodge on Romans ; Hodge on Ephc-ians; Luther on Gelations; Trench's Notes on the Parables { Trench's Notes on the Miracles; Tyng's Commentary on the Four Gospels; Scott's llible ; Illustrations of tho Holy Scripture } Union ihble Dictionary; Malcolm's llible Dictionary ;Scripture Natural History ; Cruden's Concordance; Rrown's Concordance; Robinson's English Harmony of the Gospels; Robinson's Greek Harmony of the Gospels; Religious Encyclopedia} West's Analysis of the Rible, and many other rab nablo works, for sale nt tho Rook Store. ALSO. A large assortment of Sunday School Question Rooks and Hymn Rooks, toge her with a variety of Packet (tilde* and Testa' men Is. J. O. P. J OTTER .V illv 2, 8 EEAroS'T *r A/1 A T.R3. on hand and for vile bv ,>,UUU A. GREENFIELD. Jy 2 8 if