University of South Carolina Libraries
BY OKOHQK e. MOBRlS. ) ? " Oh, think of me, nay own beloved, Whatever cnree beset thee 1 Acd when then hast the falsehood proved, Of tboee with smiles who met thee !. While o're the sea, think, Iovo of uie, *. Who sever can forget thee ; '' Let memory truce the trysting place Where I with tears regret thee. Bright as yon star within my miud, ?A hand unseen, hath set thee; . There hath thine imago been enshrined v*_ 8incc first, dear love, I met tlree ; So in ihy breast, I fain wouUl rest, Tf, haply, f?uo would let me? Ami lire or die, wer't thou but nigh, To love or to regret me ! HUVIOKIST'S OLIOT" Another Discourse from "The Harp of a Thousand Strings." The following, together with the well known sermon on the " Harp of n Thousand Strings," is published in England as a veritable specimen of the pnlpit oratory of the United States: "Beloved brethring, I'm the man what preached the surtnon, which lins been nriuted in the papers, the tex, 4 And tie played on a harp of a thousand strings?eperrits uv just men k made pertect.' I mout as well say 1 don't take pride in things uv that sort, for in the language uv my tex, for tu day?Ihn an ortul sinner, tho chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether luvly. Them is the words which you'll find in Genesee. I'm gwine to preach without notes, 1 kaso I can't rite, and 'kase 1 couldn't read it ef I could ; my notes arc bank notes, which I have a pocket full, and notes! of hand which I shall give-to our' square to collect, when I gets back to j Indianny, for I'm an orful sinner, thei *. i.i i 1 4.1. I V/inui iUIICMIJ^ IKZH I UUUbilUU, UUU M1U Dili.' altogether luvly.' "This tex, my bretlierinsr, can be di-; vided into tliree pieces?fust?second ?rjtbird. Fust I'm an orful sinner.? That means you iudiwidually, not me! personally. Thar nr more sins nor one. It's a sin to drink water and catch the ague whar a little spirits will keep you in good health?'tis a sin to steal, unless you ' steal awhile away'?'tis a sin to swear, unless you swear and sin not?'tis a sin to lie, unless you lie low and keep dark.? Pride is sin. Sum is proud of their books; now I ain't, though I've the ? gift and the grit to speak in. Sum is prond of their larniif; thank God I've none to be proud of?for I'm an orful sinner, the chief among ten thousand,; and the one altogether luvly. "Second?'Chief among ten thons-! and.' Thar is different kind of chiefs, j Thar's the mischief, the chief of sin-i ncr6, and the Cayuga Chief The misohief means the Old I3oy, what) keeps the tiro olliccs below, and lets poor folks suller in the cold here on 1 airth. The chief of sinners means you, i yon wharf rats, artcr do melons, and, amrtebus animals, what live here about! the can awl. Look at them ere bosses ] rise up in judgment agin you, high ur bone, low uv llesh, tuff hide3 and j short memories; hear the crows cawing, for they knew tlmt wiiar the canawl is, thai* will the crows he gathered. The Cayuga Chief is a teller what, t pitches intumv trens the spirit-dealers. ami my other frons the State Prison officers. I le is one uv your cold water' men, who goes for the prohibition law J what Governor Seymour vetoed. If twarn't Sunday I should hooray fur; Seymour?for I'm an orful sinner, I the chief among ten thousand, and the1 one altogether luvly. "Thurdly?1 Altogether luvly.'? j Different things is luvly. "When mv j l>oat swims like a duck, I say she am luvly?when my wife gives me n<? curtain lectures, (she has the gift of Jongue as well as myself,) I say she am luvly?when the wind don't blow and it don't rain, and it don't nothin, I say the day am luvly?for I'm the chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether fuyly. 44In conclusion, brethering, if that big pile uv stones was one stun what a big stun it would he, cf you, my brethering, were one brother what a big brother vou'd be, and if my big brother should iling that big stun into the canawl, what a great big splash that would make?lur I'm an orful sinner, the chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether luvly. "J\ly brettioring, I want to give notice there will he sonio carryings on at this place next Sunday afternoon, at half-past fonr, when 1 shall j>rove tlmdoctrin thatnv all the shells in the wold, the hard shells am the thickset and the best?for I'm an orful sinner, the chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether Invly. " I shall prove that book larnin' ain't of no use, my brethering, that riten sarmons and getting a celery for urn is a sin that deserves indemnification ?for I'm an orf'ul sinner, the chief among ten thousand, and the one alto gethemlftvTy. 44 ttretlioring, let us liquor, and then ?o hum, and rcmotuljar the words of % - - the profit-*-* Be ?ure vouYte right, then go ahead.* An Lush Verdict.?In an Irish,; story, in Bentley's Miscellany, a murdered schoolmaster is said to have been found dead in the road, with his head full of fraction*. * I'm thinking that it's a shoe aside," said Larry. " lhe horse's shoe, was it?" "No, allana," said Larry, "shoeside is Latin for cutting your throat." " Brtt he did'nt cnt his throat, said the widow." \ " Suro it's all one," said I.arry, j" whother he did it with a razhir on his throat, or a hannner on his head. It's shoe-aside all the same." " But there was no hammer found." " No?but ho might have hid the hammer alter ho did it, to throw off the disgrace of the shoe-aside." " But was'nt there any life in him when he was found I" " Not a ta9te. The Crowners set on him, and he niver said a word, and if ' he was alive ho would." " And didn't they find anything ?" "Nothing but the vardick." " And was it that, that kilt him ?" "No, my dear, 'twas the crack on l the head- But the vardick was, 4 twas ; done, and sombody done it, and they | were blackguards, whoever they j were.'" Mrs. Partington on Garrotino.? 141 People garreted in Now York," said ! ! ar..o i->?.......?i.~ ?i.~ i I iliio. X (II iiry PIUJ IIUU ?l 1UI illU J first tiiiK) of the new mode of choking \ ; money out of people. She remember ed simply tho name, and construed it 1 her own way. " People garretod in { I New York! well, it isn't so bad, after , all, as being cellared in Boston, where e wretched men and women live, more " like rats than Christians, underground, " and their children sprout in the damp air like potatoes. These garretcu people must he tho ones that write the t poetry for the papers, because they , have always lived in 'em and had their ? ideas come in through tho skylight, J* liko pigeons through a barn window, i But the poor things that lives in the cellars, heaven save 'em, can't help it. There they he, like Daniel in the lion's 0 I den, with rags on their backs and mis- i I ery on their faces, that a little soap [ land water would help some. Talk of \ j being garreted ; depend upon it, being i cellared is a great deal worse."? ? j She here subsided, as tlie murmur of J i the waters subsides when fhc jug , ! empties itself, and, lost amid the whirl i j of gleaming knitting needles, she bei came oblivions, forgetting that Ike was round near where tho preserve jar ( stood. "Sam, who diskivered Aineriky ?" "Columbus Christ-er." " Wlioro was he standing ?" " On a raft." " Did he see it with the naked eye f" * " No, lie looked through the telegraph." J rni.r n ? * .1 1 una icuer whs misiHKcn. ii. jjcnuemnn who used to live up the country, assorted in a stuinp speech, thatM Kossuth fust diskuvoted Ameriky, and that he was standing on the top of ^ the A legally Mountain in the valley of J the Mississippi." Auovb Stkalinq.?u Billy, how did you lose your linger ?" "Easly enough," said Bill. ^ " I suppose so, but how i" ? "1 guess you would a lost your own ^ if it had been where mine was." "That does not answer my question !" u Well, it you must know," said Bil- i lv, " 1 had to cut it oti', or else steal the J trap." To live to ourselves, to take pleas- , uve in the niistortnnoa ot others, to I have no heart tor devotion when in ; prosperity, and to regard our own 1 goodness as axtraordimiry, are found j unmistakable signs of a bad heart. A pkiison was boasting that he had ' sprung from a high family in.Ireland. " Tes," said a bystander, " I have seen 1 som of the family so high that their j feet could not touch the ground." 1 Tine following brief dialogue has more truth than poetry : Lothario.?Ah ! dearest Anna, of ! your love I'm dying, at your feet I lie. Anna.?I see youre lying. A fiEXTl.kmam linvimr huen Intelv ---- --p J ^ 'called onto subscribe to a course of lectures, declined, " because" said lie, !44 my wife gives me a lecture every night lor nothing." Time is the most precious, and yet the most brittle jewel we have. It is 1 what every man bids largely for when t he wants it, but squanders it away when he gets it. God is on the side of virtue; for he who dreads punishment suffers it, and he who deserves it dreads it. What is moro beautiful and poetic i flian the child's idea of ice?" Water' g< >n?. to sleep 1" i t _ v; ' " ttow many deaths t" ask fed the hoapital physician. " Nine." * Why, I" ordered medicine for ten.*' * Yes, but one would not take it." Ik the months of many men. soft words are like roses that the soldiers put in the muzzles of their msiekets on Holidays. Innockncb is a flower which withers when touched, but blooms not again though watered with tears. HEAD! HEAD!! READ!!! IT WILL TAKK YOU Ul'T A FEW MINUTES, AND MAY 8AVE YOU MANY YEABS OF SUFFEMNO ! Garter's Spanish Mixture! THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! The Best Alterative Ever Tet Discovered! I'hysician* prescribe it, and every one that uses it it a walking advert isement. JVo Medicine ever yet offered to the American public has gained such popularity in to short a time as CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! n win uure any case of scrofula. Jt will Cure any case of Rheumatism. It wijl Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of fever and Ague, Or nnv Diseases nrising from an impure state of the Blood. SCROFULOUS READER! I*, cured the neiec of the lion. John Minor 1 Botts, a member of Congress from Virginia, of Scrofula, after the skill of the best Physicians, l>oth of Now York nnd Philadelphia, had been tried in vain ; and it will cure you, reader, if | >'ou are so nlFeetod. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, of tlienniatism of I years standing, nfter all other J emedies had failed. We have hundreds of such 1 Call on the Agent nnd get a Book ind Circular, and rend for yourself the many re- ' narkable and astonishing cures it lias made. ' SYPHILITIC READER! ! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes us that lie lad two of the most, severe and long standing :a?cs of Syphilis that would yield to none of the isual remedies, but he cured one case with six, ind the other with nine bottles of CARTER'S IP AXISII MIXTURE. Wo have known it. ised in over a Taoi;s \ni> casks, and have yet to lenr of a failure in'any case. YK SHAKING THOUSANDS READ!* Auric ani> Fkvkh.?Do not. take Quinine, Merury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at oncu I his great Alterative and Purifier of the Blood ; barter's Spanish Mixture will cure any and every nso ot Ague and l'evcr. Wo huv never yet mown it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure i tnte of the Blood, no medicine has ever yet been | bund to have so good an eifeet. If you nre sick, ry it nt once; do not delay; time is precious, ind health the greatest of all blessings, without ivhieli all else is valueless. DR. \VM. S. BEERS ,fc CO., l'ltotMiifttniis, Richmond, VTa. And for sale by E KltUTCH, Druggist, Agent, rjenville. C H., S. 0. 3-1 y May '28 . i. IIOVKT. W. II. IIOVKV | WTH. HOVEY & CO., I'XiOi'HIKTORS OP I ME LA DIES' STORE, OICALKIvS IN rANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, . IJ BON N UTS, R I BBONS, \ Housekeeping Goods, IH'JjY HASB XJLO'flMS AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, okei:.\tiij.i:, s. 1. N. 15.?Order* accompanied l<v the cash for (cdicnl, Ltlw or Library Hook*. Musical Instrti-1 lonU aiwl Sundiice, promptly tilled in New1 fork, and delivered at our counter on shortest lotico. .Inn 22 87 ly THE ENTERPRISE 300K AND J015 PRINTING E8TA RLINIIN LN T. :o: HAVINO A FINK 8KI.ECTK?N OK PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, \VK AUK PREPARED TO DO WORK IN M&K1DSOMS SYYL1E. :o: OlItOCI.AUS, OATAI.OOCKS, MANDRILLS, WATRILLS, IIA 1.1. T1CKKTS, 1'ltOU It A M M KS, AC. Printed with Neatness and Llspatch. & /a i\ i& & . CHINA, SATIN KNAXIKL, SATIN 8CKKACK, AND PLAIN AND COI.ORKI) OAltDS, On the Most Reasonable Terms. JT<? UIVK US A UAJ.L.Jtj G. S. BOWER, n?iiiifiU'liir(>r and l)?>al(;r In F U UN* ITU HE of ?T?ry description, SXSSSB CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Cong (tree If mute, Deo. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C- \j W. P. LAWTOX, ) (c. M. BREAKER, Formerly of > < of Unwtonvillo, S. C. ) ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON & CO., Factors, Forwarding and Com- i mission ncrclKUilo, No. 30 Kant Iiuy and Boyte & CWtt Wharf, e. WILL f*KI.I. COTTON, RICE. FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, NAVAL STOKES, be. HiivinK on experience of twenty-five year* in business, we guarantee satisfaction to nil wlio patronize tin. SPANISH CIGARS.* VI.A ROE lot. of ehoicc Brand* just received nnd for sale nt the Drujf fctore of At>ril 2 -<47?tf J II. DEAN. -f - m STRING I) m ram (Late the Firm oj SUCCESSOR TO S! 943 King Street, Oj INVITES ATTENTION to Hie ENTIRELY NE GERMAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, SUMMEl In choicest Plaid, Stripes end Cbenoa, of ligL expressly for oitjr retail trade. BOMD B! Great attention h..* been paid to obtain the I American market. , FLOUNCE In Silk, B?re?o, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdie constantly receiving. 'FRENCH AND I The Stock of these Goods will invite a cl?so ? JVLU l_J JLJL% Bombazines, Alpacas, Challys, Crape Marat, ( col Crtpca, English Paramattas, Black Organdi< Mourning Robes, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, 1 ainl Marcclhuc of very choicest makes, always umm Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting and Pillowdressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osunl SPRING CASSIM. A large and varied Stock of Goods in this I)o| and Summer wear, such as Tweods, Light Cftasinu PARASOLS ANj In lllnck and Colored, Lined and Unlinct beat Scotch. Gingham and Silk Umbrellas. PLANTATI Planters and their friends will always find wi \nd nil Goods will be sold at the lowest market The Subscriber is now able to give his person nirpassed advantages in obtaining all the A'l PJtlCES, together with his buyer constantly w foods at less than the market value, he feels pr Bled. ?2TAc One J'rict .System riyitlly a-Vurt 243 King Street, Oppo May 1st, 1857. AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! YX1E >A?XU^7I1L!L1E MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Property AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the agaof 10 and CO gears, ON' such terms as to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Full details, witli the Constitution nnd Ry-LaW* of the Company, will be furnished on application to auy of the Of liecrs of the Coinpanv. JOSEPH R. OSBORNE, Prts'L \VM. W. MoDQWBLI* Vioe-Psr* Jas. B. Rankin, Secretary ?{. Treasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 85-ly GKEliNVILUS. S. C. thb"o-3t.3 air v:l l s IK) O K STORE, oLAIX ST it MET, NEXT TO McBEirs HALT., WHEREconstantly may l>o fotirid .: large nnd well ncletttd Stock of MISCELLA NEGUS. SCITOOLand CLASSICAL ROOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Book*, Momirnndtuns, Ac.; Writing Desks nnd Cases, Port olios, Gold and Steel Pons, Pencils, Ink, Scaling Wax, Wafore, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Ruers. die . Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 30-1 y Sign of the llig Book. E. Ft. STOKES, BOOK-ItlNDEll, AND Rlaiik-KSook lYInniifhctiircr. (In rear of Carolina Times Office.) ? ? & ? as asA , e. ?. BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, nnd inn nufact.nrod of the best materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS. Ac., bound ii every variety of style, at short notice, ountry orders promptly attended to. Dec 4 30 ly JOHN KRAUSE, F 11 II N I T I! H 15 AND CABINET MAKER. WOULD respectfully inforn the eit ir.ens of Greenville rnd vi cinity that he has on hand a lo of FURNITURE, which he will dispose of upoi reasonable terms. He has Chairs, Tables, Sofas Washstonds, Ac. Fine and Plain Furnitnr made to order, llis shop may he found on Av cniie Street, between Rflattie's Store and th Confectionery, niid nearly opposite the Cour Huose Greenville, S. t'., Aug. 14-14-ly Greenfield's Family Grocery. RGIOVAL 1MIF. Subscriber has REMOVED from hi* Ol Stand to the Store Room UN DER MoBEE' HALL recently occupied by John Bursey. II is receiving large and fresh supplies every da in the Grocery line, and has on hand A No. lot of ROOTS' SHOKfl, HATS. Ac. All of whitwill bo of low f??f Co Mi. Thankful fortius liberal patronage herotofor extended to him, he holier ho may merit a cor tintuition of the miiiic by the bargain* he uot olfei-8 to the public. AJi3iL 6l~lf A, OltEENTIELD. PIANO TUNING. TI1K tQUerilwr would o fer h{?<errl?MtO the oitizer Greenville and the nn 1 T > T I j?ronnding eountrv in the i Ut^hovc butune**. fie will giv satisfaction, or no charge will he made. 8. 11. 11URPHRY. June ft. 4 tf W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE 0U> COURT HOUSI (ttiAaajaf y OTAa* ?. cti. Will promptty attend to tho collection of Nott and Accounts, settling flaim*, <ke. RY I WOODS, MtVl ?ASr?0 f Browning ?fc Ltman.) t> T HIT Iff & TAYLOR, ppoaite llnwell Street, W *nd CHOICE STOCK of FRENCH, ENGLISH, of tho NEWEST SPUING STVLKS. R. BILKS, it texture and beautiful tiuisli, carefully nelaoted iACK 8EK.8. ieat Goods in Black Silks tVut are brought into the ID ROBES, s and Jaconet*, in large variety, very choioo and > ENGLISH PRINTS. iltention, being very full and at very low prices. ro GOODS. Twice Black Bareges and I'opltna, Poplinetta, Dues, French and English Crane* in various widths, 111 nek l'amisu and Cautou Clotlis, Mouslin Delaine on hand. , d?(DE)Sa Case LINENS, of various widths and free from Uurgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. EliES, I)HILLS, <fcC. pnrtment, suitable for Gentlemen and Boys' Spring J L'i'e*, Drap D'Ete, Farmer's Satin, Grey Flannels, etc. Pj UMBRELLAS, J, in all tlio new designs, constantly received; Olf GOODS. th ino a full department suitable to their wnnst, prices for Cash or City Acceptance*, ill attention to nil Country Orders, and having nn V WEST GOODS at the LO WEST POSSIBLE etching the New York Auctions for all desirable epnred to say that ull orders will lie satisfactorily d to, and all Go-*I* Warranted. A. F. BROWi\II\G, isitc lloscll Street, Sion or the "TntcE." 52 tt NEW MIIjTJINEHY AND Dress-Making Establishment. MRS. WATTS AND MISS jj^TdOltDON' would respectfully call the attention of the Ladies of Grccnvillo and vicinity to tlie fact that they will open, on Snturday, the 4th inst., one of tho tineatnnd largest stocli* of French and American M1LLINEUY ever brought, to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing I all the latest and most approved styloid i Being confident that none can go away dissnt, isfied, they earnestly solicit an early call and iu sped ion of the same. Our terms are low. Indies'Old 1 bits cleaned and made equal to new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made ofer in the uioH approved and latest Gipsy style. I l.'i :t 11 in v n nv i _ h.x?sf in u?r^? niianuiH'S. Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. Jlou-aion Avenue St root opposite the Post Ofliec. 47-tf April 2 , HO WARD ASSOCIATION P!tn i nrri>jjfA. Impoi'taait Aiasiouuceiiiciit. r|X) nil persons nfllieted with Kcxunl Discuses, " such nsSjverrnntorrhoen, Seminal Weakness, lint*.' fence, Gonorrhoui, Gleet, Syphilis, thcVjcc ' of Onanism, or Self Almse, Ac., d c. Tho ITOWAHD ASSOCIATION^ in view of i the awful dcstnuctiun of human life, caused by : Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by | Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, ' as a charitable art worthy of their name to give mkiue.m. Aovirr. ohvtis, to all pors ?ns thus nfllieted, v\ ho apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in eases of extreme poverty aud suf I fering, to furnith mcdicinet free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has - I now a surplus of menus, wbiol? the Directors | have voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to odd that the Associa i ' tion commands the highest Medical skill of the | age, and will furnish the most approved modern j > | treatment, ' ; .lust Published, by the Association, a Report I ou Spcrmutorj'lMM, or Seminal Weakness, tho j vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self-Abuse, and j other Diseascsof the Bexunl Organs, by the Con | suiting Surgeon, wliieh will be sent by mail, (in n scaled envelope). Free ofChnrge, on the receipt of TWO STAMl*S for postage. Address, DR. GEO. CALIIOUh', Consulting i Surgeon, Howard A?*ociation, No. 'J South - NINTH Afreet, Philadelphia, Pa. t By order of the Directors. a * EZRA D. II ART WELT., President i, I Oro. Faiuciiii.u, Secretary, e Fob ft 39 tf e WATC&ES j vwum Am mmmY. E. I. I*I.\SO,\ (AGKNT,) | 1 >KGS leave to announce to the citizens of . ; 1 ) Greenville, and surrounding country, that he haw opened a Stock of the above-named Ar? : tides on Avenue street, jn the Building formerly I known a* " Avenue Street Confectionery," which y he will sell LOW for CASH. h IIK WILL ALSO e Repair and Pit Up J WATCIIHS, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, fn the best of style. Thankful to hi* former patron* and friend* - for their liberality and patronage, lie respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. f.! Give him a call, and he will endeavor to |g please. 37?tf Jan 2*2 v | All Sorts of Liquors. '* AT Greenfield's Family Grocery Store may j\ now he found a well aborted assortment of Choice LIQUOliS, vis: Ale and l'orter, of the best brands; Champagnes, Hock and Claret - Wines; Schiedam Schnapps; Brandy Peaches and Cherries; fine ana comnton Brandies; Whiskey, of different brands; Jamaica Bum ; varietv of Cordtala. Ap23 50-lf A. GREENFIELD. Apple Vinegar. A FINE article fo be had at thy Family Gro. /V eery (More of A. C4BB)CV?TtfLD. ; W.M-* iv " V " 25nwvmmsm; on, raa ??rm?w??. lobir 5- 8(1' is tb? Swftiot. WHO bu hwl 10 jrsn ?p?rl?#o? Brisker nnd Publisher, ana Author of A Serial of Lectures at ths Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive nights, over Mar 600,000 People Greeted him with rounds of npplnttse, while he exhibited the manner in whien Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the Burait and Sliortoet Means of Detecting them I The Hank Note Engravers all say he is-the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. ' GREATEST titSCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a Glance, every Counterfeit iu Circulation 11 Arranged so admirnldy, that REFERENCE h? Knsy and DETECTION Instantaneous. IW No I? dex to examine! No pages to hunt uii! But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a ytance ! ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. Thus each inny read tl?e name in his own Kativo Tongue. Most Perfeot Bank Note List Published. Also, a List of all mc rmvAie onmttrtd iis AMtniun > A complete Summary of tho Flnnnce of Kuropo nnd Amcricn will be published in each edition, together with nil Hie Important News of the Day. Also, n SERIES OK TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the Kant. It furnishes the most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which % the Indies nnd gentlemen of thnt country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole yonr, nnd vill prove the most entertaining ever"offered to the public. t^-Fu rnishen Weekly, to subscribers only, nt $1 n venr. All letters must be' addressed t>? JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher nnd Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, Now York. April 23 60 IV OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. rIMIE subscriber hns purchased the Right ef JL putting up the above description of Light ning Rods in (Irbenvillc District, nnd is prepared to execute orders for the sninc to nny extent nnd with promptness and despatch. These Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, nnd afford the only method yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Anv one acquainted with tho laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining tliein. Their value hns been tested liv experience and science, nnd hns been vouched bv hundreds wf certificates from n'.l parts of the 1,'bioii. From amongst these the follow'ing only nrc submitted. "T have corelnlly examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, nnd have it attached to'tlie building iu which I reside. It ia better conat rucled, and more securely irttmlatod, than any form of Lightning Rods I nave seen. It is neat and cheap, nnd if properly attached to the building, cannot, fail to allord security against the loss oi lifc nud property by electricity 1 therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence of the community. It. F. I In mar. J'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. 6'. College." Mr. T). O.'ITostfitld hns recently supplied my house with Otis' improved Conductor. I |)'vs examined them with grout, and am convinced that (hey arc the best Lightning ltods ever constructed. The methods of nttrnetiou sad insulation arc new, and seem to mc to he perfect. I can confidently recommend them to all persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. Klpord, Any further information may he obtained on application to . D. O. WESTFJKLD, Mjiv R-IW-tf nMAnvilU a r> GREENFIELDS FAMILY GROCERY STORE. UNDER M'BEE'S HAll--BUR8EY?S OLD 8TANO. JUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, selected l>v the proprietor, consisting of choice articles oF SUGARS, Coffee, Molasses, Riee, Rice Hour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which lie invitee the attention of housekeepers and others. Apiil 23 . 60 tf Third Door above the Mansion House, WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends, and the public generally, to his recent enlarged Stock of DRUGS WfKDICINE8, Ac. Physicians, Merchants, Farmers. Heads of Families, and all persons in wont of Articles in his line, will do well to caM and examine his 'Assortment. Articles for fnniily use, Spices. Flavoring Kxtfncta, etc., constantly on hand. Also l'uro Medical Wines and lirat.dy. April 2 47 tf K kiuTTCH'S DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOPj UNDER MrHKK'S IIALL, a&3aswft&&a, ?. \ \/r HERE will be constantly kept on hand tka V Y purest stock of nKt.un, 9ir.iiH;iAl'>, GIII-.M1UAI.JB,PATENT I Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, P*estaff*, Varnishes, l'utty, Tobacco, Si gars, Spirit Gas, Oils, Candles, Soap*, Spices, llrushrs, Toilet Articles, (joniKs, Perfumery ; and all other srtt. % olea generally kept by Druggists. |Fresli and pure Drugs are warranted and sold at low prices. Coinptiiiiiit medicines ere ?>! iu the wCm careful war. Receipts and prescriptions of any kind put wo ?iti. aoeuracy, neatness and die. patch. S6-|0m Jan I Shaving and Hair-Dressing. DliRIIIDGK CiOJsTINUKH the Totuoiiai business at his J old stand, in Renttie's Uriah Uollding,? Gentlemen can have their hair out, or shaatpae. ed, or facea shaved, at any time during the day ar evening, April TO. 4t tf. I) irrliWiTiT AFRKSH SUPPLY OP HATO and 0A1VL Hoots nod Shoe* Hardware and Cutlery, *> * ' Glassware, dc , just received at .? I Ap 23 50-tf A. GREFA'FIFXD-i.^/* ^9- | slj#*1 i?V V *