University of South Carolina Libraries
MMU fcMCENTKATEO COMPOUND fLMIO . JH, tftdhMM, Ohattmetim*, Secret Jhiemwo, fhnude CwnplninU, end mil JPtsaaaae e/ the Seemed Orywr, Arising from Excesses and Iatprudeaoiea in life, nnd removing all Improper Dischargee from the Bladder, Kidn.vs, or Bexual Organs, wb.ther existing In * mAihm c?? ir aHSL&iwSp From whatorer cause they may hare originated, ft AKB HO UATTIR OF HOW LONd >UNDWO ? Owing Health and Vitfor to the Fkttme, and Mown T to fV? Psllii Check. 1 Joy lo the Afflicted!! It enrea Nnrvone and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the Symptoms, among which will ii? found Indisposition to Sx- I rrtjon, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of ^ Breathing; General VTenkaaesC ? llorror of Disease, Weak Nerves. ~ Trembling, Ifreadful Horror of. Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appe- ^ tite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the I Skin, I'nllid Countenance, and Eruptions on the Face, Paia in the Back, Heaviness ( of the Eyelids, Fre- 1 -qnently Black Spots Flying before the F.yes, with Temporary Suffusion nnd Loss of I Sigfit, Want of Attention* Ureal Mobility. Best- 9 lessness, with Ilor- I rOr of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such patients than S solitude, and nothing they uioro dread for fear I of thomselves; no repose of manner, uo earnest -ness, no speculation, hut a hurried Transition ' froiu one question to another. These symptoms if allowed to go on?which t this raediciuc invariably removes?soon follows. Lost of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fth?in one J of which the patient mny expire. Who can any I that these excesses aro not freqneutly followed ' by those direful disenses?-INoAXITY ^4N1) ( (iONSVMPTIONf The records of Inxane A*y- I " Inm4, and the melancholy deaths of ConmunptiaH, I bear ample witness to the truth of these asaer- ' tions. In Lunatic Asvlumstlm most melancholy t exhibition appears. 'The countenance is actual- 1 ly sodden nnn quite destitute?neither Mirth or ' Grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. f " With w.rful measures \vrtn despair i Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." ^ Debility is mo-t terrible! nnd has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, " thus blasting the ambition of jnnny noble youths. ' It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. 1 If you arc suffering with auv of the above dis- i tnmtif nilments, tits FLUlf) EXTRACT HU- t CHIT will cure you.' Try it, and be convinced of ite efficacy. ? Bnoare of Quark Notiru n* and Quark Doctor*, ' who f?iH?dy boast of abilities an l references. Citi/.eus know and avoid them, and save LongSuf Tyring, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling fur a bottle of this Popular and ~-'/>rci/ic Remeiii/. . il.t allay* all pain and itvdninnt ition, is perfectly plcni-ant ta its taste end odor, but immediate in sis action. , Holmbold's Extract Buchu It prepare"! diieetly according to the Rules of FH A11 MAO Y AITS OHEMIS1BT, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowIrdge'And care devoted in ita combination. 8ec lb ofc?sor Dkvir's Valuable Works on the Practice of Plryaie, and most of the late Standard < Works of Medicine. 1 ir* ? ?-jfcJ One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and thctestimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it docs great good. Cases ot from one week to thirteen years' stand- . iug have been effected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TES TIMONY io possession of the Proprietor. vouching its virtue* "hnd enrative pow crs, is immense, embracing names well known to \ SCIENCE AND FAME. 1 100,000 BotllcK Have Been Sold, And not a single instance of a failure has been ( reported. Personally appeared before. m<\ nn Alderman j of the City of rhilndelphia, 11. T. J1?J,M BOLD. , Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, thai his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury, 1 or injurious Ihmg, hut are purely Vegetable. , H. T. Sole Manufacturer. 1 Sworn nnd sulscrfW before 1110 this 23d dnv i of November. 1854. < \VM. I\ HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per Pottle, or Six for (t5, Deliver < cd to any Address. Accompanied by reliable rind responsible Certificate? from lVofeasors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen aud others. Prepared and sold by II. T. IIELMBOLD, I Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 Sooth Tbntii St., bklow Chestnut, Asskmdly Buildings, Phila. HP To be liad of Pro. J. IT. Picas, Mims A ' I/OJfo, M II. Eari.k and Emu. Katftcrf, Druggists, Greenville, S. C., and of nil Druggists and Peal- < era throughout the United States, Canada* and ' British Province*. 1 Betivare of Counterfeit*. Ask for HELMBOLD'S-Take no Other. ] CU/iES GUARANTEED. < July 2 9 ly { F. 0 DUKES, PLsAIN & O UN A M ENTAL r PLAMTEKER. OTTJCC0 CORNICES, a CENTRE PIECES 1 il of AVATv ifiiiorinlSnn ileaiwi.tul n?wl ovoant. I ?r - - - j ?i ? ?- " ??? | . ed in the finest style of art. \J Coloring.?Cemented walla Colored iu imitation of Stone, or any desired tint Whitewashing done in a snperim* manner, j ' without taking op carpets or removing furniture from the rooms. Cementing ? Floors of Porches, Cellars, ^'isterna. A*.. Cemented in a manner whioh, Tor beauty. eicenirtb and durability, is equal to Stone. ' BATHING TUBS built in a heat and substantial manner. * Having bad fifteen years practical experience >i in tlie above brandies of business, he hopes to r give satisfaction, and respectfully solicits a share <> of paSroa aye. v liefer* to l>r? T. O. k Kaui?aj.i. Caorr. *1 iWHesi deuce at Mr. Jauduu'a, opposite the Female College. 7?tf June 25 * KOTICB. ? THE Book* of Account and Note* of JOHN ' BURHEY. have been place I in our hands for collection, If not paid by Return l>ayt they will be sued on indiscriinlantoly. <4* EA8LEY A THUU8TON, Ie ?5 7-lf Attorneys at Law, J For Tax Collector, ?./ ? (STTHE FRIENDS OF W. , tarmr fa snnouuee him as n Candidate for Tax Collector at the ??xt Election. ft JAS. B. HILL'S 3HEAP STORE, At B. DHabM'i OM SUtad. ' t &"* * Ci*; iff y- / NOTIdE I'HIS. Mb.'im HAVING MADE LARGE ^S^!DS"5ap^5R rranpmcnte for a mora exUmir* husiaea* 1 'oula reepectnuty invite the nitention of rat >rmee customer*, and the prtblro generally, to ly preeent etook ol * ?ANCY fc STAPLE DRY GOODS, rnv WA.R.H, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, JEWELRY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Factory Yarn, Tobacco, Scgars, <fo. ill of which 1 nm offering at great bargain* for n eli nnn nfrv itftuitmu ?<"?a ? -13 vvwirn a. ur Uiu opi>er.v Dry Goods Department. i great variety of Summer Material, for Gent*' and Dors'Wear, nt all price* RISH LIN END, superior quality, from SO conts upwards ,inen Drilling, for Pants Sent*' Half Hose, white and colored j?d?es" Hosiery and Gloves, of all desoriptions and prices Irown and Dleached Sheetings, Shirtings and Drillings bawls, suitable for the season?very cheap t large assortment of CALICOES, all price- j.nd styles" ludss, .Titcdrtctt, Book and Dotted Muslins nnen Handkerchiefs, for Indies And Gen's, from 12| to 50 cents?some very fino t large assortmuntof Dress Muslins?some beautiful patterns?from 5 to 20 cents per vnrd t choice selection of Bareges and DeLaiaos? very ehcsn ilerinos and Alpneoas, from 25 to 50 ct*. per yard Uso, Fishing 1 aekle of every description lair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Ninths of every description 'laying Cards; Vienna Matches huia in great, vnric'y ; Cornelian Rings looks and Eyes ; Marbles Colored Spectacles, double glasses; Key Rings Vrapping, Letter, Bill and Foolscap Paper EwKRflY, in-sett* warranted genuine, nt un Iirecedcntcd prices N.cklneea; Needles; Pius; Tapes {uttons of every description V good assortment of Satin. Lutestring, Gause, nud other qualities of Ribbons Toilet Soaps; Shaving Cream ; Cologne let. Bracelet* ; Sewing Silk iVhitc and colored Si'ool Cottons iaregts for Veils, all colors With many other Artiole* too numerous to ncntion, ull ot which I am oifering st price* to I >uit the tintes. Whoiesnlo and Retail Dealer in TTN WARE ind TIN PLATE. Having superior Workmen am at all times prepared to do Rooting and buttering, or any work in this line, with neattees and dispatch, atul on the most aecoiiimoi..,; A ett!T is respectfully solicited. I am always I lappy to show Good J. , J. II. I1ILL, One door below the Uoodlett House, Maine street, opposite Roberts A Duncan's. June 25 7 if AM BliOT YPES AKD HELAI.\OTVPt:S florc BeautiHil Than liver. THE INIMITABLE 'RAISED' AMBROTYPE8. A PERFECT representation of Nature, and the /V. hiqhttU style of the Art; UNFADING and DURABLE. ALA", THE MELA1NOTYPE, Another and a later triumph in the art o' Phonography, admirably adapted to Medallions, Broaches, Lockets, Rings, Ac. Tlia subscriber takes pleasure iii announcing o his friends, the Ladies and Gentlemen of drecnville and surrounding country, that, he is it iiome aoain, and ready to execute anything in die line of his profession that necessity er fancy nay suggest. lie will nlso take this occasion to say?once Tor all?that the sitPKtuotUTY of his Pictures over ill foreign "catchpenny" affairs, is too well known and acknowledged to require nny resort m the very common practice of "jnrfSna" in or ler to bring then) into notice. f8y* Just conic mil tee for yourtelvtt, nnd be tatitfied. Prices moderate?fro n $1 to"$3 and $8, ae:ording to titc aid ttyle. tar<i AI.lrkv on 2u noon OF MIBke'S HAM. Inafpii/'tinnfl i?lt'?n in tlm A V. lf. LANNEAU! PHOTOGRA PHS beautifully colored in oil, >y the subscriber. 7?if dune 25 II RAXDOLPil, rUAXKPUL FOR PAST FAVORS, BROS to say. that all kinds of 1IAIR WORK j >f every variety of style of braiding, will bo Orlamented or Mounted with Gold, in the neatest nanner. and returned to those at a distance per nail or otherwise, as directed. (Hair can he sent lini in letter per mail.) Bow Breast Pins, Xcekaccs, Bracelets, Side, Vest and Guard Chain*, Crosses, Finger Rings, For Rings, Ac., of various mttorn*, put up neatly, and any article admit* ing the name of the dwner engraved thereon, hall, for the engraving, he free of extra charge. [ He also innkesaiid repairs a II kinds of Jewelry; . nonnts with gold or silver the Heads of Walk-' ng Canes; matches Spectacle Glasses; and, last- j y }'inttravri on all mariner of Plate. OJJicc ca t/ard* East tf o!d Court House, and a tie puces from the Enterprise. Ojfiee, J. II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C? June 25. '57. 7-tf First Division, S. C. M? ) AnnKviLLic C. II., Juno 15, '57. ) >11 vn _i A N ELECTION will lie held at the various l(e-1 / V glnmnlal Muster Ground* in the first Bri-1 Atlo of Infantry, on Tuewl?y, the 18th of August icxt, for llrLradier Gcnerul of the firtt Brigade f Infantry. First Division, S. C. M , to till the aeancy occasioned l?y th^ resignation of liriga lier General J. W. llsaaiaox. The Colonel* or officers in command of the se-eral Regiments, are charged with the extension f tliie order, and to transmit to the Major Gen* ral the result of anid election at each poll in rritiug. By order of Mnj. Uen. A. M. W. L. CALHOUN. J* 25 7-td Piv. Adj. Oen. PERSONS indebted to the late Firm of Dr?, tun pin A J o*m, and whoae Note* and Ac* ounta have been placed in my handa for eolleoion, are notified that unleee payments are made afore Return I>ay next, they will bo sued. \V. I\ PRICE, Altoruey. Jom 25 .g|BIn 7 td BOS AK?JI011M0!&' sroMi ion Qrmwtff* DiMrici, 8. C., Five Milt* above the * ^ Court lionet. ? TIIK SUBSCRIBER begs leave to respectfully inform the-public !S|^ that the Smo's Horsic, five miles *Z?St? *l'0?e Greenville, on tho Buncombe load, is now open for the Benson for tlie reception of company. Near the House ia ae good water, both Mineral and Free Stone, as can be found in Greenville District, and to those in search of health or pleasure, it can be safely recommended as a desirable resort. From the t'ourt House it is but n rleaennt ride, nnd at it may bo found ail the accommodations of a regular watering place. Ilis tabic shall bo well furnished and in good style. J AMI-IS W. YOUNG. J iilie IS 8 - C SEGAR SMOKERS^ ATTENTION ! JUST now received nnd for sale. Wholesale nnd Retail, ir. the Greenville Segar Store, floodletl House, itvtho Jewelry Store occupied by Messrs. Bailey and Owens, 6000 Opera Confiancia 5000 Manilla 5000 Opera Ilenry Clay 5000 Flora Cabana Londrea d'Rog. 5000 Australia Lmulres 5000 La Nijrotiana. H. FURSTENHEIM. June 18 0 if GOOITNBWS. Throo Itoms of Great Importance. Circus mitl Comet Comlus, AND JEWELRY AT COST. ??LIXG desirous of changing my business, 1 1 ? will std' the remainder of niv stock of WATCH R8, CLOCKS, BROACHES. BREAST PINS. EAR 130BRS. FINGER RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, WORK BOXES, RETICULE8. CHIN A V ASES. | COLOGNE STANDS, ?\TT THIS I s NO III II ?1 I,. " A word to the wise is sufficient," especially when SO per cent, can he saved by purchasing right off, of SAMUEL 8TRADLEY June 11 5 it" STATE OF SOU Til CAIIOLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ShcrifT't* Salt-s. ??Y virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fncins to JL> me directed, I will sell before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday iu JUI.Y next: One Vacant Lot, lying in the town of Greenville, on the Pendleton road, opposite to J. R. David, near house adjoining lota of Fenster. Powell, et a). ; as the property of the Green ville A Columbia Rail Road, at tlio suit of the Town Council of Greenville for taxes; it t?eing the lot that war nominally sold by said Company to II. T. l'euke. OuC hundred Acres of Land, more or lorn, adjoin inn lands of Mrs. Me 11 ugh, J. I. Westmoreland, et nl.; as th? property of Bever ly B. Onntt, at tbo suit of Samuel Griswold, et al. 600 Acres of Land, more or less, ly. Ing on Grove creek nnd Saluda river, adjoining lands of Ware, lCskew, et nl. ; as the property of West A. Williiuns, ut the suit of Lemuel J. Waddle, per another. All Defendant's interest in the Tract of Laud belonging to the estate of -losinh Kilgore. dee'd , whereon he lived ut the time of his dentil, containing 12(10 acres, more or L-ss, adjoining land* of Brooktunn, Westmoreland, et nl. Also, all Defendant's interest in l7o acres of land bolonging to the estate of Josiah Kilgore, deocased, adjoining lands of Dike, Pool, et nl. ; as the property of Jess.: O. Kilgore, at thesuitof Gower. Cox ik Markley. Tcrma CASH; purchasers to pav tor titles. i>. llOKli, S. G. I>. Sheriff's Office, June 9. 1857. 5-td. REED & GO 01) LETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, fiirct'iivillr, S. C. OFFICE next door to F. F. L hati i k d~ Co. J. I'. HEED.] [8. D. OOODI.ETT. June 4 4 v tf , ORB & PRICE, t rpfr/\n\! Pi'fi i m i i ur AiJLUnftMd A1 LAW, GREENVILLE, 8. C. JAMES L. ORR. WM. P. PRICE. April 23?* 50 Elford & Donaldson, 8- u3? C. J. ELFORD, T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 35, 3m j;dP.TE3TBlC ATTORNEY AT LAW SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS JJF THE WESTERN CIRCUIT. Office in the Greenville Jlooktlore, GREENVILLE, S. C. June 44 ly H.JljLilJSSWIT II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREEN VILLE, S. C. June 18 6 tf The Wool Cards AT MoBRKB MILLS, below nrrenvllle, We , JtiAt been fitted up for making the VSR V BK&T ROLLS S-Jm Juael! i tfg'1- " . -Ij.jaygy K? AT THE GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY, Mnlu Street, Next the Bridge, THE Largest and Best Stock of CARUIAOF. r GOODS AND MATERIAL ever offer**,I for Uiiic in the Stole, selected Coi'vfu!!^ miu especial- ,. ly for Carriage Manufacturer*, 1 A large stock nnd best variety of Arfes for Buggies, Utrrift^w and' Wagons; common nrt<t best tempered Steel Springs; Block ?l?d Coloro<I p Enamel nod Patent Diuli Lentlicr; Block and Colored Enamel t'lotld, Drills nod Ducks; Oil nod Brussels Carpet; liuckrnms niiil Russia '' Sheetings; I.ute, :V|iiuilln nod Chenille Mats; Brnss nod Silver Point nod Sand Bands; Brass. Silver, Bone nod Japan Nails ; Silk and Worsted j broad aod narrow Races; Silk, Worsted and Cot*, ton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shaft*;.Buggy seat Sticks; aod u complete assortment of Mailable I. Castings. S -Carriage Makers are particularly requested to call and examine our stock. For sale cheap bv UOWElt, COX & MAliKLEY. * , hubs and spokes. WE are now prrpnretl to supply Manufacturers with the beat Morticed Ityb* ami ' Turned Spokes, of our own manufactorc, and I warranted. Fur sale by <s COWER. COX & MARKLEY. . CLOTITS AN1) DAMASKS. Al>AUGR lot of lllne, Drab and Green Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For sale by COWER, COX & MARKLEY. V CARRIAGE MAKERS' AND CAR PENTERS' TOOLS. V LARtSK stock nnd variety of 'lie beat Tools made, ami a few setts fancy Rosewood ami Boxwood Planes. For sale by COWER. COX & MARKLEV. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! N'OW 011 hand, the largest stock of iron ever offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English i Refined Tires; Ovals; Round; Square; Horse Shoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; llnnd Iron and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes | and Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation work. On hand, cheap for cash, 8,000 His. Rusted Plow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For sale by . COWER, COX & MARKLEV. , STEEL! STEEL!! STEEL!!! , ^TAYLORS. SAUNPERSON .1 .IKSSUI"S best , Jl. s Cast -Steel?square, octagon, round and Hot | ?for fine edge tools, axles and drills. German nnd Blister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by , COWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. I 3.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. A SSORTED sizes, suitable for Farmers and 1 J. V. Mechanics. For sale cheap bv COWER. COX ?fe MARKLEY. ON HAND *> AAA i .BS. best Black Florida Moss nnd | (Juried llnir, picked, in hags. Fur sale l?v GOWER, COX <\r MARK LEY. SAND PAPER AND GLUE LARGE assortment of the Diamond FlintSnnd Paper, best article made, for sale by GO WEIL COX ?fc MA UK LEY. PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. OX linnd, a largo assortment Paints, Oils, Ae. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Lead?; Raw and Boiled Lindsced Oils ; Winter, S?perni. Solar, Lamp, N'eats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; Conch Body and Copal VarniMi; Japan, Aspal; turn and leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: [Greens; Yellows; Blues; Lakes; Pinks; Dropblack; Lampldac-k ; Red ; Spanish Brown; I'm- J her; Suawa; French Ochre, <Ve. Ainorican and j French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. | For sale hv GOAYER. COX & MARKLEY. ; HEAVY <? SIIELE JIARI) WARE. V LARGE and well selected stock For sale cheap hy GOVYER. COX <t MARKLEY. SCRE ir.S* / SURE ICS !!, /* / i/~V GROSS of the Improved Gintblet Point Ouv Screws. For sale 1>\* GOWEli, COX it MARKLEY. j SAWS/ SAWS// HOF. <t Co.'s Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut and Tennon Saws; Hand, Panncl and Ripping Saws; Jtrass and Blue Buck Saws; a complete assortment of Webb Saws, with and without frames. For sale hv COWER, COX Si MARKLEY. May '28 3 tf In tho Court of Common Pleas. OKKKNVII.I.K DISTRICT. StMMMO TKRVJ 1 SJ.7 r |^H K. business of tlii Term not I wing disposed of, 1 It m ftrJ w7, That an RXTU \ TERM of tho onrt of Common Ph-as be held nt Greenville Court Nolini\ for Greenville District, on Tl km?aV, tiik 4tii or Acoimt, at P, A. M., to con iiiuie for five days, if necessary. It i* Orilrred, That UteCWk and Sheriff draw j. n Jury of forty-eight good nml lawful men; tliut j a venire issue to compel their attendance. It is further (hrilered, That the Clerk jive due j rot ice of the time and place of the Session of . the said Court. JOHN HELTON O'NEALL. March 28th, 18.17. I certify that the above is n true copy of the Order passed at the last Term, as taken from the Minutes. W. A. McDAMIKL, Clerk. May 29th, 1*87. S td A B CROOK, M V ~ & A 0. HOKE, M. D , i PBAOTITXONER3 OF J MEDICINE & SURGERY, ttrueuvillc C, 2 OFFICE East Corner of MoCec and Wash , ^S/ington Streets, occupied by J>r. Crook for P*ia. the last twenty-two years. May 21 '2 .1m HAIR WORKING. i MRS. M. M. OLSON HAH returned to Greenville, and offers her services to her fortucr patron# and ffictuls, in executing all orders in the above Cosiness She me j be found at ber residence, near the old < lUptist Uhnroh. 4 -3ru ? Jane i QHEENVlUt PRICES CURRENT. OtlRKCTKD WKKKLT FOR TUB BWTKRPBISB, By Omdy 4 Qoodlett, Merchant*. OrtRBPfrxtui, JtTfjlT I, !8i7. 'AGGING, Gunny, per yard, ? 25 Dundee, a 20 >ACON ... .limn*, per lb., new, 18 Shoulder*, M 14 Sidee, 18 Hog round, 16 UTTElt.. .Go.shen, per lb. none. Codntry, per lb. 20 OFF EE.. .liio, jK>r lb. 15^ Java, i>er lb. . a 20 OMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. GJ a 11 Sheeting, por yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgs, per yd. 12| a 14 LOtjR Country, pel bi>l. $0 u $6A Country, per sack, 25 I 'RAIN Corn, per bushel. a 100 Wheat, per bwhel. $ 1.00 Outs, j/??i bushel, none. RON PveOf-f, per lb. 0J a 7 English, pur lis a 5* ARD per lb. a 10 lOLASSES. W. I. per gal. 80 N. O., per. gal. new crop, $1.25 A'UUP..,." 44 per gal. 41 >tLS Lamp, per gal. $tj a $2? Train, p >r gal. 87^ a Linseed, . fcl^ I ICE per lb. a 8.^ IOPE per lb. 15 ? 20 iUGARS. ,.N. Orleans,per lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per IL. u 10$ 1ALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per saekr - 1=2 00 sOAP Colgate,pale, 12-? a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 dIOT, per lb. . 12AShot, per bag, a $2 J ORREftVILLE CONFECTIONERY. I'M II? auhaorihor has returned to Greenville. an<l commenced business t^pposite I lit; Taasion Hons*;, where may be found on liand, CONFKCTU)SliRlF>*, JFLLJE2*, BltAN1>IK1) FRUITS, Ac. Having procured a jVo. 1 Pattry Cool;, FRESH CAKES, Of many kinds, can be had every day. A. SALOON, For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentle non, liu.' boon neatly arranged, whore, at nil lours of the dav nnd evening, nn EXCELLENT ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be had, together villi fooling Drinks of several kinds. Eocling invac'f much indebted to my friends 'or the rori/ liberal patronage bestowed upon me when in Business on Avenue Street, I hope, by a MOT' Mrict attention to butimrt, to merit a roil -wnl of their favors. P. S. SMITII, A gen I. .Te 4 4 tf NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK or MIT ,T .IPJERY IADIES' GOODS, M 11 S . W A L TON i.W MOST respectfully informs nk/i.W11er former nat rons nnd friends, ",0 I'-1"1'* generally, that AifV^*' Xt iSfyj el'e lias just returned from New +Zsjff York with a New nnd Benuti* fuI s,oek of MILLINERY, of her own selection, consisting of ' y~P*\ a variety of STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, And a new and beautiful variety of E ii g e n i c Shape*. She also wishes to call the attention of tlie Ladies to her assortment of FLOWERS, wiiieli is the tinest and most beautiful ever brought to (Sreetivillo, and to her stock of DRESS CAl'Sand HEAD DRESSES, and CRAPE and MOURNING BONN 1-riH Dresses made in the very latest style and best maimer. Orders from tlio Country promptly attended to. 43-tf April 9 CHARLES HICKEY, (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AN'll TlIt!A I.VI? IV LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, W/XDOW COIiXICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KING bTKKKT, CHARLESTON, S. C. Old Frames lie gilt equal to new. April SO 51 ly WM. IIALLEN, S tTI to I: O N I > I: N T 1ST, HAS returned from Philadel|>liin, prepared, in every way, to 'TTx tYT perform all operations in his proessio . in the most skilti.l and approved manner, laving prdunred every improvement ofthedav, I >er*nns ean safely rely on having overy opera- 1 ion performed in tlie same manner as done 'hiladelphia or New York. F.ther ami (Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attentiou must make appointnents previously. t3T Booms in McBee's jtuilding. March 19 45 tf F. BURTY, dealer in Boots, Shoes, Loathor, OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. GREENVILLE, S. C., IS Prepared to furnish customy V ers with the above Articles, CHEAP fit cash. Having competent workmen engaged, he ean saure hi* patrons that all woi-k will be Nkatlt >o\r and WABRANTED. Feh 6 89 tf CANDY. 4 fRRSII ot BxcH.r.t CAS1>T now [~V on hand and for sale at the Drag Store of April 2-47 tf J. H. DEAN. SFBXfftf GOODS. """1 'JOZ'1 *vt / ' * GRABV & QO^DLE'KE, O/W Door SoHth of the Old Court Home* GRtfENVlLUR, 8. C. '* AFTER returning our grateful Uinplia to 'mgr frieti as and custom era, for their piit liberal patroriago to our buidnea*, we Anin to chII their attention, as well mm that of the public generally, to our very large and finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Good*, which we are now receiving, and which hoe been purchased by one of the firm with care, ami on wry advantageous terms ae to price*, mid which we are determined on selling me low as they can be bong lit, at rrtait, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of 1)KY GOOKjv **? braces almost every article called for, either by I.ndie* or Geutlenion, in Fancy or Staple Dry Goods. . .dfcbi \ L' Bcnnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Tul? mas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Bowli ?!i(l TruukN, Sec. g A very extensive nud fashionable assortment. MATS ANI) CAPS. The latest styles, fur Men and Boys, in great \ uriety. Ready-Made Clothing. A very lienvy nnd varied assortment. Tor Men nad Hoys. Perfumeries. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Minors, Hardware) and Cutlery, CJtins, Carpenter's Tods, Jilacltsmil lis* Twls, Crockery and fclasawarc, DRUGS, MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, lieoks and Stationery, SADDLERY. CASTINGS AND IRON. (JKOCERIE9. A very henry stock of j Ri? nnd Jnva COFFERS 'i Itrown and Crushed SUGARS Tens, Molasses, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lend and Indigo. SACK AND TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cot ton Yarn. Nail*. Glass, ?Vc., Ac. FR F.SU Alt DEN SEE PS. GRADY A GOODLETT. April 9 48 tf Flows, Stoves, IMM) ? WK keep constant--^, ly on hand a large as- ^ K" ~^ -A so' tniont of One and ^^ ^iTwo-Horae Turning, Subsoil and iiilind* ?9 winch we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft nnd durability. We have also a large nnd beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room ! and Church STOVES, to whieli we particularly call the Attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on liAiid, Wash nnd Stock BOILERS, Corn Sliellers.Strnw Cutter*. <te. Conner Sheet li on or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Willi 1'umps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving f?Ou? NVw York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Onke Cutters nnd Rake Puna. FOOT and BATHING TUB*5, or any other Article iti our line, made to order, nnd 1'niutcd in the best manner. We are also prepared to do Hoofing and Cintteriiiff in the latest and best manner on short notiee. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of , v r n "* m rvtr -ya^mr A dcjiGO We snv it is superior, and wo do not wish to have our word taken for if. Come and roe. Cash paid tor Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old j Pewter. ! ir r use* taken in exchange for Tin Ware. JSI1EKMAN liROTIIfclRS. Mh 1 2 44 tf i \v. it lira & co., l'llOl'UIKTOKS OF The Ladies' Store, VUIC NOW. nnd will be constantly receiving' Fresh Importations, purchased by one of the partners, who has some twenty-five j-eara* experience in having and selling Goods. Tlioy U'OIlM ilivit.A dt^oinl oflont.'.M* ?- *1??* Stock of White ami Embroidered Goods, Rich Silk Tisanes, DelVges, Challys, Crape De Paris, Bereges, Mn-Oiiis. Brilliants, Silks, Alpacctts, P>oiuhnzine*, Canton Crape, Oingliama, French, English and American Printft ?tc., iVc, ALSO, JtTST IX, A MOK LOT OF New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, * Embroidered, Linen and ^hi*!in Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Emh'd L. C. IiandkeK-hiefsj i And many ether NICE AND FAT^CY OOODS. All of which it will be their cndeaVttf to sell aa cheap as possible. 4G-tf Mh 2ft DIL.L l l7 I )EAN, DKAl.ER IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals* Ptri'iiiuerVt Oils, tjsrnisbcs, II ro^Aooo, FINE TOILET KOAP8, FINE IIA1R AND TOOTH UKUSI1ES, PURE WINES AND LlttUORS, For Medicinal Uses, TRUSSES ANO SHOULDER BRACES, *C., AC. Third Door above the Mansion llausey Urrruvillf, S. C. fjf Modieine* warranted genuine ?n^ vf t V* best quality. m Planter* and Physicians from VVc. countrywill find his stock of Medicine* complete. Feb 12 40 #