University of South Carolina Libraries
* Tk?r?4ay Mvral'i, July 9, 1MT. m Literary Address. HohTW. W. Botcb, of ?urfleld, has consented to deliver ih* Anneiu Oration, baft** the Literary Societies of Furman University on the 23d July. Penmanship Wo invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. Ilabich, professor ol Penmanship. Mr. II. proposes to teach a class, and may be jeen at the Goodlett House. DiedMrs. Maroarkt C. Lester, wife of Rev. A. II. Lester, of the South Carolina Con ference, departed this life on Friday morning, 26lh June, at Yorkville, S. C. She was aged 22 years 11 months and 4 days. She was confined to her bed almost six months, and endured a vast amount of suffering.? She died in peace. Hew Business House. The largo and commodious house, recently erected by Mr. W. II. Watson, near the Carriage Manufactory, has been rented to Mr. Joel Ret chum, of Charleston, who is soon to commence business at that place. Mr. Kctcirtm has long been favorably known to the people of our State, as an en terprising and liberal merchant, and we hail him an accession to the list of ouj clever and popular dealers. Brigadier General. Willi pleasure we second the nomination of Maj. W. K. Easlev, tlie present Inspector General of the first Brigade of Iufantiy, to fill the vacancy in the office of Brigadier General, occasioned by the resignation of Gen. J. W. IIaiikison. Major Easi.kv pos sesses tho abilities of a superior officer and gentleman, and should he be elected, he will carry his honors becomingly, and discharge the duties pertaining to the position, to the complete satisfaction of all. Celebration at Pickens C. H. The Masonic Fraternity, of Pickens District, celebrated St- John's day at the above place. The procession numbered about ? eighty, including visiting brethren. Col. W. H. CAsiruitLL, of Greeuville. delivered the address, after which tho brethren partook of a sumptuous dinner, prepared by Mr. Mitchell. The Courier says: "The address was necessarily short, as the time allowed for its prepaiation was limited. It was, however, a chaste and scholarly production, and altogether appropriate to the occasion. The address will be solicited for publication." # ?L % i o i Imported Liquors. Tlie uow tariff which went into operation vesterdav, 1st July, reduced the duty on this article from 100 to 30 per cent. It should have been increased 500 per cent, and tkus a great amount of filthy liquor would have been kept out of the country, and an iminouse amount of suffering and degradation prevented. The Press. The Barnwell Sentinel is "not for sale." ^ B TIia Tonrl?/t//a?i TT?ttn save UK' a i.w in consequence of the death of one of its editors, can be bought upon good term* The York District 'Chronicle wants a journeyman printer, also an apprentice to learn the printing business The edilo."* of the WalhaUa Banner are having a fine time about now. The ladies have been sending thern large Irish potatoes, green beans, and other vegetables. They also acknowledge the receipt of some ice and Layer Beer, and tender thanks to Miss and Miss , for kindnesses shown them "during a stroll up town," and to another lady for a boquet j of roses. We like all but the Lager Leer. A kind, clever people, these Walhalla folks! "We hayo been there, and still would go." ? Difficulty is Lancaster.?We learn that a difficulty occured on the 19lh in-**., at Lancaster court house, between Mr. W. C. Castox. and Mr. W. Mittao, during which the latter was shot by the former, lite ball passing through his mouth and neck. It was supposed that the wound was a fatal one. They are brothers-iii law. Cadhts Expkllkd.?Thirty of the Cadets of the Georgia Military Institute have been expelled for going to G. S. ELDRF.n'a Circus show. A Vopkc Colonel.?Col. LocaarnoE, who figured so conspicuously in the recent stirring events in Nicaragua, is but twenty five years of age. A Rmsmrlancr.?A horse dealer describing a used up horse, said lie looked "a* jf be had been editing a newspaper/* (V/* # Qownor of Cfoorftar-Ottrgia Palitioa. Hon. Joseph & Beowm, of Cb? aW, has i received the nomiaalioa of th" democratic Convention of Georgia, for Governor of thai State. We heartily endorse the nomination thus made?not only on account of the high opinion we entertain of the paltforra of principles upon which the nomination was made, but from the personal feeling we entertain towards him who has been chosen standard i bearer of the democracy of our native State. I During a recent trip through a portion of north east Georgia, we had opportunities of judging of his qualities as a man, and his abilities as a Judge. Although comparative1 ly young?about thirty-five years of age?he has woo an enviable reputation. Possesa1 ing a thorough knowledge of the law, a kind !y disposition, yet unbending and indexible in the discharge of duty, lie ha3 nohly stistained the dignity of the position of Judge to which he was elevated by a majority of more than three thousand votes over his competitor in 1855. He is a self-made man, aud by his energy, perseverance, indomitable zeal, nobleness of heart, aiul purity of purpose, he has risen to a high position, and stands to-day a representative man of the Empire State of the South. Judge Brows is a native of South Carolina, but emigrated, whilst a youth, to Georgia. \Ve cannot permit this notice of the nominee of the Democracy of Georgia to pass without alluding to the proceedings of the Convention. The promptness with which it discountenanced and denounced the inaugural address of Gov. Walkbk meets our warmest approval. And whilst it expresses reliance in the administration of President Buchanan, it takes firm and constitutional views of matters now exciting ... i the country. Wo recognize in its recent j deliberations the first step towards carrying out the principles involved in ihe celebrat-j ed " Georgia Platform," and has placed her first and foremost of Southern Slates in the J great contest for Southern Bights, and, Southern principles. The time is now at ! hand when the South requires men of unflinching nerve, and demands of her representatives the inaintainance of her interests. \jreorgia tins moicateu as mucu to ners. ^ Tlie South has placet! Mr. Bvcuaitan in power, and as she constitutes, by far,, the largest portion of the conservative and States' Rights party of the Union, she has a i right to demand of his administration a strict construction of every light guaranteed i to her by the Constitution. Georgia, by j the receut convention of the Democracy, lias done so, and unequivocally calls for tlie withdrawal of Walker from Kansas, and thus prevent his presumptuous intcrmediing iu the affairs of that Territory. The Democracy of Georgia has condemned the j infamous doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty, j whether enunciated by the Black Republi- i cans or by the official officers of the Gov- j eminent. Non-intervention in the nfFaire I of liio Territories is what the true Democracy of South Carolina lias ever contended ' for, and insist that the people of the Terri-' lories shall conduct their own affairs in their j own way. Whenever Kansas shall present j herselffor admission into the Union with a Constitution formed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Consti tulion.a nd | in the same manner as Territories have \ heretofore applied. ire are for her admis I sion, with or without slavery. But the people of Kansas must do this for themselves. I 1 The interference by Congress, or tiie Administration, or any of its officers, to influence its admission in any other way than we' have hero indicated, will arouse in tie bosoms of the Southern* Rights Democracy a spirit of resistance which will he felt | throughout the entire country. The States' Rights Democracy of Georgia and South | Caiplina nro standing side by side. them stai,;l by each other, and maintain their piineiples, i.J despite of Abolitionism, or even to the " sundering of every tie that hinds them to the Union." Predictions for July | Wo have boon furnished with the follow| ing weather predictions for the present month, i If they should fail, on account of the weathI or, it will not be the fault of the philosopher. li In dry seasohs all signs fail." So says somebody : The month begins with heat and thunder, heavy wool-pack clouds, 3d and 4 h cooler, and showery ; GtIt and 7th clouds and showers prevail; 8th and Olh cloudy cool, nnsef''od i<vi? and llth, cold nir, heavy rains, hail and thunder prevalent ; 12th and 13th, fair; heat increases; 15th and 10th, much heat, violent thunder storms; 17th and 18th cooler, high winds prevail; 20th rainy; 21st cool, unsettled air ; 23d and 24th, cold for the season, rain prevails; 27th thunder and hail, very stormy atmosphere; 28lh and 29th, more settled, but cool; 30th and 31st, high winds, hail and thunder prevail. A very remarkable month?many violent storms, much hail and thunder. Earthquakes will be prevalent, and we may expect to hear of litem in several quarters of the globe, flrotTi the 5th to the 20',1( day of the month. J?#* ZADK1EL. Greenville, Jnne<.27th, 1857, an fottttptmitDt* #f *li? SnUlrptiw. Personal Matters?Death pf Judys Chews , ? The South Carolina Collet?City . Items?-Miscellaneous. Columbia, 8. CH June 29, 1857. 1 Dear Price?With pleasure ire resume our duties a* your Columbia correspondent. Our interoourse with the readers of the" Enterprise" lies been interrupted for some time by unavoidable circumstances ; but we trust tbat hereafter we will b^ enabled to | communicate wiiu them twice a.month, if t not ofkener. " ] A distinguished Carolinian, and citizen of j Columbia, Hon. Lanqdos Ciicvks, died on j Thursday morning last, at 1, A. M., after a , protracted illness. Ctisvss is 1 well! ^ known throughout the State, and his poM-'j tion iu public life has been too high and | commanding for us to attempt even a sketch , | of his character and public services. This ( , has already been given by abler hands.? ' i Wo are content with uniting in the tribute ] | of respect and esteem which a sorrowing ] ; community and a mourning State will pay , ' to the memory of an illustrious man, who, J ! at a ripe old age, has gone down with W>n- \ ' or to the tomb. A public meeting of our t citizens has been called by Mayor TiiADK- i wkll, at the City, at 12, A. M., this | I day, to express their ?*rief at the low of one r | so esteemed to life?so lamented in death. I Judge Cukves was born in 177-t, and, con- j, sequently, was eighty-three years old when ho died. His remains were carried to Charleston for interment on Saturday, lie quitsatt in jxtcc ! | The College, at present, seeins to attract 1 the public attention more than it ever did , before. The recent action of the Tins tees? s the proceedings of the Students?the propo- s sition, apart from the late difficulties, to convert it into a University?all these combined hav<f produced somewhat of an ex citeinent among the people. So far as the University system is concerned, wo most cordially approve of it, and hope that Mr. Phrston'h plan will be adopted. In " the war of words," jjow waging between the friends of the former Professors, and the Students on one side, and those of the Ti nstees on the other, we do not jcare to enter. While the proceedings of the Board do linear in some respects contradictory and in-L consistent, yet many, knowing that the most j prominent and honored men of the State j compose the Board prefer to wait for their ^ statement before rendering a final judgment. 0 So far, public opinion seems to be against j the Trustees, that is, in Columbia. Yet an '| influential minority support their action |, aiirl rlpflnr** lliit tliav ?i<?fo?1 ov. traordinary circumstances fully justified their 8 proceedings. The Studeuls havo issued, in 0 pamphlet form, their statement of the mat- f. ter?considering this move necessary, as p the Board had refused to receive the report Q of the Junior Class, and had not " discharg j, ed their duty," in the investigations which j, did take place. I low such a serious and la- a mentable difficulty is to be adjusted, to the ^ satisfaction of all parties, we cannot imagine. w Wo hope that it will not end in the entire f, destruction of the College?towards which it is now evidently tending. The College . has too long been associated with the prosper- j, ity?the progress of the State?to he rasblv ( ami rudely overthrown. Yet wo must con- v fees that the Institution had bettgr ho des- r troyed than live with no reputation at home, I | or fame abroad. Whatever our citizens ? may think of the College troubles, they all j will regret exceedingly to lose, from the Col- ^ lege and from the community, one so beloved as Kov. Dr. ltitYNOi.ns. We do notI t know where he may cast his lot after he [ ^ departs from us, but the regard, esteem and ; ;| affection of our people will ever accompany j him. On Saturday, we had 2 fine shower, t which laid the dust of the city, and refresh- ^ : ed the gardens. It did 'not, however, last] j ' long enough to accomplish any permanent J s goon. uur vegetables ana grain are sutler| ing for want of a heavy rain. In the lower j pA, t of the District the crop- look very well, but around Columbia they are parch.<1 and ! | withered. " A good time is coming/' certainly for, ^ ' our lawyers and jurymen. An Extra C-'Urt J J will he held hero to clear the Docket, com- ' inencing early in July. Judge Withers will preside?if we are not mistaken. Our market is well supplied with vegeta- ' hies, but beef, mutton, <ke., are scarce, ami ' w hat we can get is very high-priced. Wo will have very little or no fiuit this summer. 1 No elections take place in Hirhlaud next October, and if it were not for the abundant supply of blackberries, our " sand hill " population would be bar J pressed for food. We will try and give you, at a future time, a description of the renowned " Invisi bles " who make their second appearance, on Katurday next, Jtdy 4th. They will eel- J ebrate the anniversary of our Country'* In ' dependence by a parade in the afternoon of { that day. In the tnorniug of the Fourth, ' there will be a parade of the Military ; onr " citizen-soldiers will welcome, with musio 1 cannon, and an enthusiastic feu dt joit our ; country's natal day. h**^ nothing mom to add except a h equatt that tba epistle ba not criticised, a* b * bam bean obliged io write rapidly and b a a burriad manner, ao aa not to mim tba 1 nail. Tour*, truly, 1 BAYARD. * CtaHetfon Cottespondence, ? -r :? f Chaulkston, June 29ib, 18S7. | There have been several criminal cases , jrought up for trial and disposed of io the , Jourt Of General Sessions and Common Pleas?Judge Glover presiding. Among .he more important of them was a conviction for manslaughter, and one of bigamy? i very unusual thing among the moral 'ilUloS of Olu CdiOlinn. 1 liC VOrdlCt of the 1 ury in the case of manslaughter, in which I lrero wero extenuating circumstances in fa- i ror of the prisoner, was attended with a re:oinmendation to the morcv of the court. J rh a airotitnbianaao r\C ll?a abba o ?a 1 ?a/ia iiv viivuuantmivvo vi mv vnow mu vi lie was a fireman on the North Carolina > lioad. and his train was employed in cop- I: eying passengers to the German festival, at li Magnolia, a few milos from the city, and n vhich is immediately on the road. The ii rain had just left the depot and was fairly n mder way, when the deceased first made I lis appearance by crawling over the wood [ >n the tender, placing himself immediately I >efore the brakes, lie was requested to t tand aside, which he refused to do, but, as n unting a threatening attitude, signified his s ntention to cut off the approach to them, s \n altercation ensued, when he was struck e ?ver the head with a small piece of pine, C vhich resulted in bis death the day afier o it the II iper Hospital. The prisoner was \ ontenced to two hundred dollars fine and ( ix months imprisonment. ti The hopeful specimen of humanity con fi icted of bigamy, hails fiom the marshy ter e i to lies of one of the neighboring Parishes, h lis victim was a beautiful and confiding girl tl if tender years. The penalty of this crime il vas, I believe, at one time, death, more ecently. branding, taml later still a lighter " Minislimcnt has been ^substituted. His be- J J ng so fortunate as to come within the spope ^ nd un<ler the head of tatter day Saints, rill, of course, give him the beni-fit'of this <>i liange. lie also was fined two hundred oil a rs and to undergo six months imprison- J tent. Another case of violation of the quaran- fl ine laws lias been brought before the May o r. A sailing party, returning from Fort ohuson, passed within the prescribed limits. 1 "bey were signaled by the guard boat to ^ iaul in. This they refused to do, w hen they vere fired into several times, but without ustaining injury. The buoys marking the ild quarantine ground, have been removed srtlier south, and tlie occupants of the boat | 1 icing ignorant of thin, was tho cause of the |( The party tired into express great |, udignnHon at being subjected to such close tl rflxiinity of the iron messengers, and they J' re using tho columns of tho morning pa- I1 era as an escape valve for tlieir wrath. A j writer in Havana laughs at tho idea of en- i| jrcing quarantine at all in Charleston, or \ ,ny other city south of it, and seeins to v liink the disease imported from that place :l s as indigenous to any of them as it is to 3uhn. It is fortunate that these places are a vise enough to take this precaution, at any li ate. In fact, this opinion smacks very like c lis being a shipping merchant at that port, ,nd whose interests clash with tho thirty lays consumed in lying at anchor required >y this law. The funeral services of Lanodojt Curves 1 . t r ook place on Saturday afternoon with great >oinp and solemnity, ami was attended by (| t numerous concourse of bereaved citizen-. lis corpse was borne on a hearse with glass r ides, through which the dark outlines of 0 he metallic cofti'j, which contained all that ' was left of this once noble spirit, were plainy visible. The gloomy appearance of this j lombre array could not have been inore so, ban the melancholy reflections engenlercd by it. Who could have looked tinitnt p/l nnnn rvr/\o/.?...I?? ' *' 1 * |/.WVOO|'?ll ?iI 1 ( I lll'HIglll | .bat llic unswerving, tlie noltle. the heroic t qdrit which had once urged hiin frown j boyhood of obscurity to grapple wijft'jjnd I jverconio the manyt ami ahndst in?yfl>ouiit- 1 iblo barriers impediujfcHie way of this tal { silted aspirant to nAuonnl fame, and who so t manfully battled in his country's weal, bad ' fled forever; that tlie form of him, from * whose lips had burst forth such patriotic sentiments, in peals ef thrilling eloquence, clothed in all the purity and beauties of his ] native language ; that the faugerous heart 1 from which thev emanated, atid the brain ; that gave them birth, were, but then, cold as tlie marble statute. Few, indeed, could have been so callous. t The memorable 28th rlunejs celebrated to?la\\ 29ih^lw^rtnivejfjply 'fading on trie tinardg- This -s a <ITy wlupbn?**jfe i shoftTd treasure as the oodaj^g ! ffe ^piS^Th lirilish insolence received its fatal eprtS (roi^a handfull of raw recruits, with palmetto logs for a breastwork, and with , btlt a few pieces of cannon. Hclics of this Ula^fw-ftaqMaatly by*tha'dradgeo*t now doepening the harbor. H?o Is Mid and Mouut FSaauni are crowded at his timet Every boat goes over loaded. %? hotel* In town iifci almost deserted, in svor of the luxuries and delights of the tfoultrie House. The city is quite healthy 0 far, nor has the dread monster, yellow ever, made Its appearance yet, ever at the l>axnreito. We have coot nnd rattier pleasmter weather than that of the past few reeks. ^ ? | ; 8# # t > " * I f[for tiic enterprise.] Mountain Lodge, No. 15, I. 0. 0. P., S. c., June 19th, 1857. At r meeting of Mountain Lodge, held on friday, the 2th :nst., the following praamtie and Resolutions were submitted and inatpmoublv adopted : VVh?rea?v it lias pleased the All-Wise 'rovidenco to remove from amongst us mr deceased Brothor, Past Grand o. h. ivells; yet we how with resignation to tie unerring will. Mountain Lodge will ong feel the loss of so upright and so kind 1 member. The deceased was well known n the community, and in the Lodge Boom ; ! ind it is just to remark, that those who I mew him best, loved hira most. as a luhlic officer, Brother Wells was scrupilous! v sensitive in the discharge of his dti ies?as a private citizen, affable and kind, ind ever ready to perform nprapl.,pf friendhip with more than ordinary ^delight for a tranger or friend?as a husband and fatlir, his affections knew no bounds?as an )dd Fellow, devoted to the pure principles >f " Friendship, Love and Truth." Brother >Vklus was one of the oldest inhabitants of treenville, having resided here for more han thirty years ; and no nran had more riends and fewer enemies than the deeeasd. But he has gt>n<^-?a'id we can but *11 d our feeble syuipatWcn to commemorate he loss of so good attd ?? just a man. Be I, therefore, ' *' * Resolved; That we will long chetish, in ratetul remembrance, the many virtues of nr deceased Brother and tender, to his af ieted willow and children, our liearlfell k inpathies for their sore bereavement. Reno!red, That, as a mark of respect to Li r deceased Brother, Mountain Lodge i* clothed in mourning; and that the memers of the Lodge wear the usual badge for lifty'days. Resolved, That a jvtge on the Minute look bo reserved and inscribed to the mcmry of our departed Brother. Resolved, That a copy of these resbln ons be sent t? the widow and family of lie deceased, and that a copy be furnished lie papers of the town for publication. THOMAS HALL, N. G. Alexander Greenfield, Sec. ? A Dkv of Gamblers SiaruisKO.?Our iend, Col. J. D. \N illiam*, brought to jail, n Sunday last, four white men whom he ad caught that morning gambling with is negroes. We are not disjiosed to excite lie ptiblie agairst these men, but as public vurnalisls we deem it just to give nur-npirobaMon of any act lliHt has a t^idency to eniove llie many pernicious practices, and etnoralizing influences that are at tliis time Iwrown tn the path of our negroes. Col. ] Vidimus deserves the approbation of the rhole corn in unity for acting thus promply nd fearlessly in this ens?. As the matter rill undergo legal investigation, we think it iroper not to publish the circumstances, Jlhoitgh we have them from the Colonel liinself, and there can bo no doubt of their orrectness. [LmXrcnsvilU Herald.. The Kansas Election. St. Lot;ia, June 23. The Lon von worth (Kansas) Journal says hat* twelve regular democratic candidates rotn that county have been elected by an ivcrago vote of 420. The independent canlidates received 75 votes. In ]>ouglas county tlie democratic nomiiccs average 135 votes, and the indepenlents 100 /or See advertisement headed IIKLMHOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION, n another column. TESTIMONY OF I>K. O. BUTCHERgf Bank, Pocahontaf Co., April 10, Qentlcmtng&P***1 'iew months sitrtvArtAient applieil {eft medical ndvKftypiflieted witli^a^w^verfr/hrut of seconuorv sydiilis. (lie ^.i'lieen under the charge of two )hysiciarfife*>fliotit deiiving relief.) I comneiieedihe regnla- remedies <>t the uofessioivbut the disease stubbornly resist, d all ntv efforts. The reputation of Cai cr's Spanish Mixture Jigvingcached me, ?nd being personally ac^piMQS^wilh yonriclves, I determined to M a trial. I did m, and in a short tiinjffj*' g<x>d effects were svident, and three bottles cured him. As an not of justice to suffering humanity. [ cannot withhold my testimony to its virions as nn alterative ami prompt purifier of llie blood, and take pleasure in recommending it to the profession and Utji^miblic gen ''Brigadier OeaerafTjW T ' i ^ THE FRIENDS OP M*'- W. K. EABLKY, |nnoune? him a Candidate for the office of Brigaiiai*C5<>imi at of tiie First Brigade, First Division, 4 C. M., vice Oen. J. W. Hsaanoa, resigned. BACON. 5 AAA LBS. on hand and for sain hy ,UvU * A. GREENFIELD. > *1 * 8 (> ,f T . V3T to ** *nd ?#?*<MoBeAHelL fT Til nt?4>'eloat; A. tl., on 8ateWay, Til M'x%%M 1*4 A. ISAACS, O. & ^4 TTIR MEMBERS ara r?quNt?j to ttUnd the Regular Monthly Meeting on Tuesday Evening next, July 7th. A punctnnl Attendance desired. L. WILLI A118, Sec. Ju'y a 8? 1 On the Foprth of Jul v. , , ?: We;tr!U'l?Jr? a ^pr# * *> i Of Cream and Lemonade, ' Which, after the parade, Will go very nice, , V Y .. g (Won't it friend Price I*) * So I'll expect ono and all, To give me % caM.. 1 Cakes in abundance will he found on liimd. And just iv good as can t>e had in the taW, And tnany other things both good and rtwd, . j- i May be had at the Confectionery, on 9fftin -* street. Opposite Mansion House. * We vouch.?Ed. en NEG^T^SALE # AT PUBLIC AUCTIOIV. WILL BE SOLD to the highest bidder at Greenville Court House, on sale-day in Auuust next. f Three Izikely Wefroci, ALECK 80, BEN 85, nml WEST #S years of age All experience J paper makers. . TERMS CASIl. C. J. ELFORD, J. B. SHERMAN, July 2-0-tda. Errs. B. Dunham, dee'd, Notice. * ALL PERSONS indebted to the Firm of F. F Beat.tie A Co. up to the first of January last are requested to call ami pay the soma, and those persons having Notes due the subscri- , hereof several year's standing would do well to pay attention to this Notice. F. F. BEATTJE A CO. i July 2, 185? 0' _ < Penmanship and Card Writing. ' |"MI K Subscriber would respectfully announce A. to t.lio citizens of 'Greenville, that he will give a scries of Sixteen Lcwon*, In a verv approved style of PENMANSHIP, at the Goo'ilott House. Trims? S10 for a complete conrseof 16 Lessons. IIK A LSI) WRITKS b|isiti/)?j qoO diieOOipg Cqrds,. Fancy or Plain, with a Pencil, equal to Engraving. The public are respectfully invited to enll on him, nnd examine specimens and improvements made by his Scholars of Columbia, Anderson, Ac. AUG. J. 11 A Hit'II. {3TThe best recommendations can be given from places where he has taught b-tf Jv I Books for Sunday Beading, And Aids to Sabbath School Tcoohcn. RIPLEY'S Notes on tlm GospcL; Kip . ley's Notes on the Acta; Jacobu** Notes on Matthew ; Jacobus' Note* on Murk and Luke; Christian** Daily Trt-asyi v ; Venn's Duty of Man ; The Ilallig ; Memoirs of Dr. Jmlson; The Earnest Man ; Christian Life, Social and Individual; II<><lg?? on R.? mans; Hodge on Kphesians; Luther on Galations; Trench's Notes on the Parables; Trench's Notes on the Miracles; Tvng's Commentary on the Four Gospels; Seott'a I Bible ; Illustrations of the Holy Scripture j Union Bible Dictionary; Malcolm's Bible Dictionary ; Script lire Natural History ; Cr?den's Concordance ; Brown's Coricorrfn^e ; Uobinson's English Harmony of the Go*, pels; Robinson's Greek Harmony of the Gospels; Religious Encyclopedia; West's Analysis of the Bible, and mntiv other valuable worke, fur sale at the Book Store. A I.SO. , A I ? so . ~ < /i ia>j{o n^urimuiu ui ."Minany CfCltOOl Queolidn Hooks and ilvinu Book*, togo.het with a variety of l'ockel Hil?les and Testament?. J. C. 1\ iKTER TiiliSiiSr HAYING concluded to dispose of this. Matn~ moth stock of GOODS AT COST, k trill continue to offer ono OF THE Best and most tasteful lot of Ready Idnde ClotbiMSr. l?ry Goods, Jewelry, Hats, Boot*. Shoes, itud lOOO article* too tedious to,montiap. but which are as essential to the bodjr us the Furman University I* to the Mind. The whole stock is offered AT COST 1 AT COST! AT COST f AT COST! AT COST! AT COSTt AT COST I AT COST! AT COST? ' > AS IT TAKE. Rut a short kttpe to close out at the B ARGAIN& which arqtow$cinK offered at tbiefr* PLACE The fmMfc. and nil who have anV retrard foe tl>eir picket#, and wish U>, tUHveiac- Rconemyv sliould loose no time to call ^10,'their Owh AT TIIia^TOKfl Ever renitnil*i:rii)SpWt \v? nrc selling AT COST! ATjqlST ! ..AT COST? AT COST I AfXTlST! AT COST ? AT COST! Among tl?l* choice ^election may be found the LOKD^AGLAAID Coats, ext.Triiu,!ysj4*ji'?hle ler irsoir wMthcr Also. Frock, i>jj?is<>eks, Panto, of oil geacrip- * lions, ami n style of f ' JAMB BUCHANJSI Vast-*, very cool nnd pleasant. Being convinc frthat it :q . WILL BE * A^'your own advantage to looae no time to embrace tho * iff . PRESENT 1 favorable opportunity of baying yourselves rich. Then, with the" Cash in yenr pod-eta, before purchasing elsewhere, enquire for L. CARE, Agent. - P. A. Racks of Rait on hand, which I will sell low for Cash, or good paper. In Lota to suit purchasers. ? Juno 15-7-ht \ .* "mi MP'4*! > s ^ -rt- "jg