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* ^pK3?iipp!l reply of a " wire worker," to a quoatfon from an rapty^ng political candidate, ua to the proper means to secure his election. And so widely, during the last election, was music called ht to aid oratory, that bis answer serves as a good endorsement to tho poet's note, time M Music hat!i charms to sooth a savage .AWubieast." and attractions to?14 go to the pot is and vote earl v.w Tho forty-horse power of music on j k elections being thus settled by common consent, leads us to believe that! M too much credit cannot be awarded" (style of expression sanctioned by usage !) to tho Kentuckian who faced his political opponent's music as follows : "Both wore candidates for the office of Governor of Kentucky, and "stumped" the State together quite harmoni-! ously, until they reached one of the counties in the " hill country." Here it was netessarv to make a decided demonstration, and accordingly the two candidates fairly spread themselves to, catch all the votes possible?scaring! up tne American eagle, and calling down the shade of Washington pitching ont profuse promises, and pitching into each other's party politics, in a manner decidedly refreshing to their hearers. On the first day's canvass, victory hnng suspended by the tail feathers over tho rival forces, but the .second day fell slap into the lap of the ^ shortest and stoutest candidate, who, we may promise here, was left-handed, leaving his long and lean opponent " no kind of show." In vain the long man pumped up the waters of eloquence and poured out a full stream ; there was no body to drink. But, round tho short mau elbowed and crowded a mass of thirsty voters, drinking in his tones with delight.? Why this attraction? Had lie a barrel of old Bourbon ? No; he had a fiddle 1 Getting the start of the long man, he had addressed the voters in a short speech, and then, tor the first lime, oringmg out a uuuie, lie retired a short distance from the speakers stand, in order to let his opponent reply, playing, however, such lively airs, that he soon drew the en tiro osMKiiuidge away, and left the othe r 6ide of the question unattended to urdieard. For three days in succession short man and fiddle carried the day, in three successive mass meetings, in as irany towns in the hill country, and long man's chances for a single vote in those parts grew iCU.arU.ably slim.? Br vain* a long consolation was held liy the latter with his political friends. "Get the start of him at the next meeting and speak first," advised one. "Raise a fiddle and play th in choones 1" said another " Yell him down," shouted a third. The long inq,n followed the advice of liis first counsellor, and got the start in voice, but the noise of the fiddle run him neck and neck ; he would have listened to his second monitor , and raised a fiddle, only ho knew it Would fall through, as he couldn't ( scrape a note: and as for his third adviser, he told iiiin that "yelling down" i . it i *i .5? 6aort man was " simpiy naicmous.Affaire grew desperate with long tnan, when, on the third meeting, he saw, as usual, the entire crowd ot voters sweeping off after short man and Tiis fiddle, leaving only one hearer, and he a lame one, who was just about to hobble off after the others. J " Can it be posable that freemen? , citizens of this great and glorious country?neglecting the vital interests of their land, will run like wild men after cat-gut strings ? Can it be possible, I say ?" And the lame man, to whom long man was thus eloquently discoursing, answered, as ho, too, cleared out? w WcH it can, old hoss!" Despair encamped in the long man's tace, as he watched the short man, at * a distance, playing away for dear life and the gubernatorial chair, on that '4 blasted" old fiddle ; but suddenly a ray of hope beamed over his " rueful visage," then another, and another ray, till it shone like the sun at mid day. 44 Got him now, sure !" fairly shouted the long man, as he threw up his arms, jumped from the stand, and started for the tavern, where he at onee eall_j 1;? . c i. _ ii i~ i eu u meeting ui jus pintiuiti iiiunua, consisting of the landlord and one other, then and there unfolding a plan which was to drive his rival "nowhere in no time." The fourth meeting was held.? Short man addressed the crowd with warmth, eloquence and brevity, vacating the stand for his adversary, and striking up a lively air on the violin, in order to quash his proceeding; but, though as usual, he carried the audience away, he noticed that they were as critical, as numerous. One six footer., in home-spun, walnut-dyed clothes, with wild looking eyes, and a coon-skin cap, eyed every movement of tiie lid die-bow with intense disgnst, finding utterance at last, in? <?ii?w Ly. w " "^^ .yoVfidd.. wltithat'i t'other hand o' yowm I' " Xk4hef*??d..I" shouted a chorus of voices, "fire op with that t'other hand P' FasUfcplajed the short man, but louder aflB louder shouted the ( crowdf "TothCT hand, t'other hand 1" " Gentlemen, I assure von?* i **Ko more honey, ola hoss. Wo aiiyt b'ars 1" shouted the man u ith the OOAIl-^lcill nan ".T'other Fiand, t'other hand 1H yelled tho crowd ; while eveu from the < distant stand where the long man was holding forth "to next to nobody" for listeners, seemed to come p. faint echo, " T\>thci*hand, t'other hand !" d$hoiM> man began to be elbowed, crowded, pushed ; in vain, he tried to draw tho bow; at one titno his bow- ( arm set up to the sholder over the \ bridge, at another, down went the fiddle, until he shouted out? Gentlemen, what can I do but as- 1 sure you that?" "T'other hand 1" roared coon skin, ( shouldering his way ut> to the short 1 man, " wo'vo board about you ! You fiddled down thar in tbat darned Blue grass country, 'mong ricli folks, with ] your right hand, and think when you ' git up in tho hills 'mong poor folks, J left hand fiddlin's good enuf for them; , you've missed it, man! Left hand doin's won't run up hyar; tote out your right, stranger, or look out for j squalls!" < Tho short man looked out for squalls, 1 threw down tho fiddle and the bow, J oh! oh!?jumped on his hoiee and ? put a straight horse-tail between him 1 and his enraged "fellow-citizens." it's a fact," says tho long man, " my opponent's being left handed, f rather told against him up in the hill J country? and whoever circulated the c story up there, that he always fiddled k with his right hand down in tho Blue grass country, headed off his music for ? that campaign." ti ft A Sailor Boy.?A sailor hov pur- v loined two or three pies at different times. He was overheard in his whimsical methyl of repeating the marriage o ceremony, Tims : " I now propose a marriage between Jack Bowning and this pie; it any objection can be made to this union, let it now be known or forever keep the n peace." . J On this freak being whispered to the captain, be prepared a good rope's oin1, and holding it in one band an 1 ^ the boy in the other, said : " A uuion is now proposed to take place "between this rope and a sailor boy : if auv objections can be made to this ticklish match, let them now be j known, or forever keep the peace." " Captain," said the boy, " the banns arc forbidden ; the parties have not the least regard for each other. To make it right, both with one voice should be reconciled to be spliced." J u Well," said the captain, laughing, ^ "you may go this time, sirrah, but ? look out next time you make love to or marry any of my pics, for it is clearly pi-ratical." A Western editor vents his rage as follows : 44 We wonld say to the rascal who 3tole our shirt off the pole while we f lay in bed waiting for it to dry, that we sincerely hope that the collar may cat his throat." Served him right, say wo. No c business to have a shirt. A pretty editor, this, to he indulging in such luxuries. We expect tno next thing, to hear of the extravagant fellow aspiring to wear stockings and furred hats ! Oh, the avarice, unreasonableness and i*q rru mm /4<-vl bn t w LAViWTi^auvu vr-ouuio iuil\3 i A sick man, slightly convalescing recently, imagined himself to bo engaged in conversation with a pious lriend, congratulating him upon his ^ recovery, and asking him who his pby- 1 sician was? lie replied, " Dr. F brought me through." "No, no," saia his friend, "God E brou<rht you ont of your illness, not " the doctor." " Well," replied he, "may bo he did, but I am certain that the doctor will ^ charge me for it." A man namod Aaron Bedbug, of Montgomery county, Ky., intends petitioning to the Legislature to change ^ his name. lie sa3rs that his sweetheart, whose name is Olivia, is unwil- i ling that he should be called A. Bed- i bug, she O. Bedbug, and the little ones little Bedbugs. It was a judicious resolution of a { father, wbeu being asked what he in tended to do with his girls, answered : 1 intended to apprentice them to thier excellent morther, that they may learn the art of improving time, and become, like her, wives, mothers, and J heads of families, and useful members of society." At an assmbly of friends, a lady was apologized for by an acquaintance, } who said she was detained by a little ? " incident" u Ah, yes 1" exclaimed Mrs. Clatterbell, " a beautiful little4 id* cident* it was, too?wieghs jast nine pounds and a half!" * T* WILL TAKE YOU BUT A P*W KB, AND MAT BAYS YOU . majtt years or trrtriBtoto't Sorter's Spanish Mixture THE GREAT PURIFIER OF TH? HOOD I rhs Best Alterative Ever Yet Discovered Physician* prescribe it, aiul every one thai VNI it is a stalling aJrerlistyUQi. No Medicine ever yet offered to tkb American public has pained such pa- > ? pularity in so short a time as ' 3ARTEITS SPANISH MIXTURE It will Cure any case of Sc+ofala. It xHUl Cure any case of RhSiiittaHsm. It *otii Cure any case of Syphilis. It will Cure any case of Salt Rheum. It will Cure any case of Neuralgia. It will Cure any case of Fever ami Agxu Or any Diseases arising from au impure state c the Blood. RPTJOVrr r?TTQ T?V A TkTTT> X K/v/juvrx u uv/VJkj XW1J.X/UU I I* cured the neice of the Hon. lohn Mino Botts, a member of Oongreu from Virginia, u Scrofula, after the skill of the beet Physician; both of New York and Philadelphia, tiad beei tried in vain; nnd it will euro yen, reader, i you are so affected. RHEUMATIC READER! It cured D. Burritt, Esq., of Cincinnati, o Rheumatism of 4 years standing, after all othe remedies had failed. We have hundreds of sucl certificates. Call on the Agent and get a Bool *nd Circular, and rend for yourself the many rc murkable and astonishing cures it has made. SYPHILITIC READER! The celebrated Dr. Butcher writes ub that In lad two of the most severe and long standing ases of Syphilis that would yield to none of tin isual remedies, hut he cured one case with six ind the other with nine bottles of CANTEH'i SPANISH MTXTURJt We have known ii lsed in over n Thousand casks, and have yet ti lcnr of a failure in any case. YE SHAKING THOUSANDS HEAD! Acini: and Fbvkr.?Do not. take Quinine, Mer ury, or any such noxious Drugs, but try at once his great. Alterative and Purifier of the Blood J 7iirter'e Spanish Mixture will cure any and every ase of Ague and Fever. We have never yet nown it to fail. And for all Diseases arising from an impure Late of the Blood, no mediciue has ever yet been ?und to have so good an etfect. If you are sick, ry it at once; do not delay; time is precious, nd health the greatest, of all blessings, without rhicli all else is valueless. DR. WM. S. BEERS & CO., Proprietors, Richmond, Va. And for^.ale by E KUUTClf. Druggist, Agent, ! roon v i I In f ' W Q / ' O 1 .. MO J. HOYKY. W. II. 1IOVKY W. H. HOVEY & C0.7 PROPRIETORS OF 111E LADIES' STORE, DEALERS IN rANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, 0S023S, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, SJLMDY S3AM CMMIUE AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, UKIjKlVVILLE, 9. C. N. B.?Orders accompanied by the foi fedienl, Law nr Library Hooks, .Musical Instill tents nnd Suudiien, promptly filled in New 'ork, nnd delivered at our counter on shortest otice. Jnn 22 37 ly THE ENTERPRISE I00K AND JOB PRINTING ENTAULINIIIIEKT. :o: IIA VINO A KINK SELECTION OF 'LAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WE AltE PREPARED TO DO WORK [Ml ^VYLE, IKCUL.AUS, CATAI.OOUK8, IIANDIUM.8, WAV iii Man, mi i<i< i n, r\ r.i o, i ivuu It /\ 1*1 ."*1 u.r?, ?vL Printed with Neatness and Dispatch. <0 A\ laiD fe3 . 111N A, SATIN ENAMEL, SATIN SURFACE, ANI PLAIN AND COLORED CARDS, n the Most Reasonable Terms ftST GIVE US A CALL._*ear G. S. BOWER, manufacturer and Dealer in 1 FURNITURE of every description, CIIAIRA of every style. ISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES Opposite the Con gar re llouee, >?c. H. COLUMBIA, S. C it D R. M~ itT E A R L E, gheenyille, s. c., lT the sign of the golden mortar DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Medicines, jKl Varnishes Chemicals, ZmjL BRUSHES DYE-STUFFS, IVhitc l.ead A Zinc White IIA UtMO CONNECTION WIT1I TIIK ABO VK BVAINBae I A GUARANTEE THAT KVF.KY1UINO 18 OK THE DE8T QUALITY, AND WILL II*. MOLD uX TiiS 1 19. MOJT REASONABLE TERMS ft-]' V. 8 LAWTON, 1 ( c MTBREAKKR Formerly of V < of .awtonville, S, C. ) ( Charleston, 8. C LAWTON & CO., Factor*, Forwarding and Commillion Jtli'rclkniilH, Wo. 30 East liay and boyce <k Co's WharJ WII.L HKI.I, COTTON, RICE. FLOUR,'WHEAT, CORN NAVAL STORES, Ac. tJT Having an experience of twenty-fir rears in l^sincse, we guarantee satisfaction t ill who patronize us. SPANISH CIOARS. A LARGE lot of ehoiee Brando just reoeivo t\- and for sale at the Drug fctore of Af?ri^ 2 47-tf J. U. DEAN. ai.ii" I ' . i - .in i . ISPRlS.i W Bl CHABLI >l?) V-- ? $ 't _ ! %. ! (Late of (ho Firm of SUCCESSOR TO EE! 943 King1 Street, Op INVITES ATTENTION to hi. ENTIRELY NEVi j GERMAN AND AMERICAN GOODS, o STJMMRn In choicest Plaid, Stripe* and Chenes, of light expressly for city retail trade. BOILED BL ?t Great attention has been paid to obtain the bei f American market. FLOUNCE1 In Silk, Barege, Grenadine, Tissues, Organdies r constantly receiving. J FRENCH AND E n The Stock of these Goods will invito a close at f Bombazine*, Alpacas, Challys, Crape Marat, Cli cal Crapes, English ParaiDattus, Black Organdies ' Mourning Robes, Mourning Mantillas, Mantles, B1 r and Marcelltne of very choicest makes, always o ; umm ( Best makes of Slioeting, Shirting and Pillow-C dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osnabi SPRING CASSIME ? A largo and varied Stock of Goods in this Depi t and Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cassimer i PAMtQLI AN 1 In "Black and Colored, Lined and Unlined, best Scotch, Gingham uud Silk Umbrellas. PLANTATK Planters and their friends will always find wit! and all Goods will be sold at the lowest market jThe Subscriber is now able to give Ids personal surpassed advantages in obtaining nil the NE , PRICES, together with his buyer constantly Aval Goods at less than the market value, he feels prei filled. ?iF~ 2'/te One Price System rigidly adhered 243 King Street, Oppos; May 1st. 1857. AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANC! TTME ASHSVOLILE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop.rtf AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of Whito Persons and Slaves, between the ages of 10 and GO years, ON such terms as to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, i will be furnished on nmilicntion to anv of the of- i ficers of the Company, josfcph r. osborne, jwf. \VM. W. McDowell, Vice-1're*. J a*. B. Raskin, Secretary <k Treasurer. r JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 35-1 y GREENVILLE, K. C. ~ T31 GRB3XTVXLL.B~ BOOKSTORE, r MAIN STREET, N EXT TO McB EE'S HALL r JtSTSiJ5 HERE constantly may be found large niul well selected Stock MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS, Writing I'npcr, Blank Books, Memorandums, Ac.; Writing Desks and Cases, Port folios, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books. Inkstands, Rulers, Ac., Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 3fi-ly Sign of the Big Book. The Goodlett House. TI1IS LARGE ANDCOMMOi?,dious Building, situated in the centre of tho Town of Greenville, formerly known as The Plnutcr'N Hotel, lias been recently purchased by the subscriber, and will be opened f< the reception and accommodation of Boarders and Travellers on the First of January. The House will be entirely newlv furnished in every department, and the Proprietor will en' denvor to make it one of the first Hotels in the upper conntrv. K. P. inOODLKTT. Dec. 25. 33 tf P P PTTWFft BOOK-BINDE II, AND Blank-Book Manufacturer, (In rear of Carolina Timet Office.) ? s?s? o. I BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the beat materials und in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC BOOKS, Ac., bound in every variety of atyle, nt abort notice. ?5gf~ onntry orders promptly attended to. Jgl Dec 4 .10 ly JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, , WOULD respectfully inform eiti/cn* of < livnviih- r-nd vis q^.^rn.'yx^l cinity that he has on hand a lot of FURNITURE, which he will dispose of upon resAonr.blc terms. He h?!? Chairs, Tables, Hofa.?. ^ Wnahstanda.^Ae. Fine and Plain Furniture made to order. JTia ah op may be found on At_ enue Street, between ltcattin's Store and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court (. Huose Greenville, ft. C\, ' Aug. 14-14-1 y PIANO TUNING. _jay?TlIE subscriber would offor his services to the citizens rt of Greenville and the surI ending country In the n? l>ove bueinees. He will give satisfaction, or no charge will he made. 8. M. MURPHEY. June 6. 4 tf I Town OfficM'R. /awm^h. lee tiiru8t0n, Wardens.?41. 0. Markl*y,G. B. Dyi u, dr. r. d. lono. r. mckay. Town Cleric.?W. P. Pric*. Marshals.? Z. Martin 4: C. Or ax berry. % J Y ?2?D U5 ,1! JSTON, 8. & * >>.<?<* j w ? A. jt. x \ v? % ^ ^ H mm ; Browning <& Leman.) rCHUM & TAYLOR, A posite Ilqscll Street, r and CHOICE STOCK of FRBXCII, JCNQJJSH, f the NEWEST SPUING STYLES. SILKS, texture and beautiful finjih, carefully selected iCK 8II<R8. st Goods in Blaqk Silks tVat are brought into the n HORKK. and Jaconet.-*, iu large variety, very choice and NGLISH PRINTS. tention, bciug very full and at very low prices. ^ ^ ^^ - ? loiee Black Bareges and Poplins, Poplinotts, Bo- | i, French and English Crapes in various widths, ' lack Faniise and Canton Cioths, Mouslin DcLnine n hand. !???? ; ase LINENS, of various widths and free from irgs, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. RES, DRILLS,, &0. irtmayi, suitable for Oentlcinen and Boys' Spring es, ifrip D'Ete, Fanner's Sat in, Grey Flannels, etc. J UMBRELLAS, in nil the new designs, constantly received; 8 )N GOODS. i me a full department suitable to their wonsl, rices for Cash or City Acceptances. I attention to all Country Orders, and hnvingun WEST GOODS nt the LOWKST POSSIBLE . tching the New York Auctions for all desirable J tared to say that all orders will be satisfactorily to, atul all Good* U'otrankxl. A. F. BROWAING, i ito llascll Street, Sion of the "Thee."' t 52 tt | HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. rpo all persons ntHicted with Sexual Diseaser, " L such as Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonori ha'a, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice ( of Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view or the awful destruction of human life, caused hy Sexual Diseases, and the deception* practised up- " on the unfortunate victims, of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a cAari/?Ws?f worthy of their name to give 1 MKIUCAI, ADVK K GRATIS. to all Iters ins til lift n flliet- - oil, who ai>|>ly by loiter, with a description of ( tlivir condition, (age occupation, habits of life, t <fcc.,) anil in cases of extreme poverty nnil etif t feeing, to furnish iwlicinea/'rar of charge. Tie Howard Aasocialijn* is * benevolent In- g etitution, established by special ondov, inont, for the relio f of the sick and distressed, all'.ietcd { with " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has V now a surplus of means, which the Directors j have voted to expend in advertising the ubove notice. It is needless to add that the AssoCia- * tion commands t he highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. * y Just Published, by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhea, or Semfnni Weakness, the vice of Oiiauism, Masturbation of Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, hy theCon stilting Surgeon, which will be sent hy mail, (in a sealed envelope). Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, DR. OEO. CAl.HOUN, Consulting * Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South i NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. t By order of the Directors. EZRA D. 1IART YVF.I.L, President ' Oko. Fairciiild, Secretary. i Fib 5 SO tf New 4atin IVI aim factory. ENGRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. rrtHE subscriber, recently from London, Paris _L and the principal cities of Europe and AmteVicn, wliere specimens of his art have given he utmost satisfaction, respcctly informs the citizens of the Upper country, that he has just arrived, and located himself at Greenville, where he is prepared to do all work appertaining to his business, iu the best manner and at the shortest ( notice, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Rifles CM., 4 n T? II! 4 | nun unwb vi iiiip, iMaiimg hbmiis, cyc. j He will also keep constantly on hn*fl nn as- | ' aortroeut of Sporting Materials, which he offers 1 for sale at very reasonable terms ; finely carved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tani)>8, and Engraving 1 on Gold, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very beat manner, and warranted equally as good as can be done in the United States. j t^fllis shop will bo found two doors below Dr. Karle's Drug Store. - . 1 July ? R?tf. _ F. BREDA. FANOV WORK,"" AT GREENVILLE. C. H, 8. 0. THE subscriber would inform tliecitizcns of the Village of Greenville and surrounding country, that he does all kinds of ENGRAVING, of Gold or Silver and Plate,! generally. Makes and mounts in Gold or Silver, all the varieties of Braided Fancy Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Cane* ; cuts and tits to order. Spectacle Glasses to suit any age almost. Among the articles generally needed, and made by him, are Gold and Silver Sleeve Buttons, Studs for Collar and bosom. The Mounting and getting up of his hair finger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson,) and Fob, Vest, t or Guard Chains, he flatters himself, would not ho scoffed at in the larger fashionable cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, at lite Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Court House, and but a few paoes from the EnlerpriseOffice. J. II. RANDOLPH. AST No charge foP"engraving any work made by him. Je 20 7 ly Apple Vinegar. AFTNP. srtiole to be had at the Family Grocery Store of A. GREF.NFIKLD. | \V flit of tUcveurrounding QWrict<v that >ur coi$tunilyiinor*ftalng bfcinosrf hi? >d o?r retno*** fwfn, "8 bX*?>^UX *to5Bi nagnificenl and ?paciou? 'Brown Stone Building ' 9 BROAD STREET J i^m?l,lf ^^Si3i IV * irikSIHik^flftiAr^U^Tlffl^HMulblL 41 The iiecoiuiunQHlivut and nrrutigerQfDli of his "NEW DEPOT," are unsurpassed by nnv imilur establishment in the United States ; nncl vliilst it will nfford facilities for keeping our isunl largo stock of HUSO ELIAN EOUS BOOKS CHEAP PUDMCATUJNS. MAGAZINES, 8L C . , We also propose nddlng lar$fly to our Stock of Stationery, \nd those in want of UKUOjjjHS, doUKN AlJfc, J ASH BOOK*. uvririh-note, hid cav pai'EK, AC.,. AC., will find it to their advantage o visit us. . a. aoTj?,TrjTAT & ao., BOOKBKt.T.'RMtf AND STATION I KS. ' At th<"$>i(/n of the "NEWSBOY." Charleston, Nov. 30. 28-tf e7 KRufcYrs )RUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SH P, UNDEK Mo P. EE'S IIALE, s? o?, "ERR will be constantly kept on hand the T T purest stock of nitres, m rnjicin e>\ cii emicars. patent lledicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, J)yeitufTs, Varnishes, Puttv, Tobacco. Segara, Spirit Jas, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spikes, Brushes, Toilet Vrliolea, Combs, Perfumery ; mid all other nrtidca generally kept hy Druggist*. MT Fresh ana pure Drugs are warranted and old nl low prices. Compound medicines are prepared in the moat tareful wnv. Receipts and prescript ions of any cind pill in will, accuracy, neatiiues and di?>atoh. :;.r.-10ni .Ian 8 T A T r. 7) /r av> irririn at?71t r v a ? _ ? vra W ^ JUL' 1 J V/JVJt XI XX GREEN VILLH DISTRICT. IN TUB COMMON PLKAK. fardry McDoe I Attachment. vs. v II. Lkk TiihobTon, Joseph Noe. ) PI'fl'V Att'y. Wr 11EUKAS, the Plaintiff did, on the 14 tli day of October, file his deelarilion against the'Defendant, who (as it is aid) io absent from and without the limits >f this State, and has neither wife nor atornev known within the same, upon whom i copy of the said declaration might be served. It is, therefore, ordered, that th#%aid l>eendanl do appear and plead to thfi jutid dedarntion on or before the 14th day of Oc:obcr, which will Iks in the year of our Lord mo thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, Mherwise final and absolute judgment will lien bo given and awarded against him. ' W. A. MdDAMEL. o. c. r. Clerk's Office, OrechviHe District. Oct. at^ 25 td "OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. HTM1E rolMcribrr 1ms purchased the Right ef 1 putting upthi< above descripthm of Lightning Rods in Greenville District, nnd is prepared to execute orders for the same to any extent and with promptness nnd despntch. T hese Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford the only method yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Any one acquainted' with the laws of electricity, will be innuediately nnnVUUU'fl of (limrlltlliiu nrutlr nvamlnin.. *1'"? - - ?'"V? " l'"" Their vnluo lias been tested bv experience and science, and line been vouched by luindndi of certificates from n'.l imrts of the Union. From ntnongst these tho following only are submitted. "1 have carefully exnmined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, aiul have it attached to tho building in which 1 reside. It is better constructed, find more securely insulated, than any form of Lightning Uods I have seen. It ia neat nnd cheap, and if properly attached to the build^ iug, cannot fail to itll'ord security against tho loss of life and property by electricity I therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence of the community, R. F. Bhumbt. Prof, of Chemistry, Ac., in 8. C. College." Mr. P. G. Westfield has recently snpplisd ray house with Otis' improved Conductor. I hav# examined them with great care, and ara convinced that lliey are the neat Lightning Rod# aver constructed. The methods of attraction and insulation arc nsw, and seem to ine to be perfect. 1 can confidently recommend them Urall persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. ],)K'.,KI>. 1 Any farther information may he obtained om application to p. G. WMFTFIBLIX May 8-62-tf. GreSnvllle, & C. Shaving and Halt-Dresaingv s...?s?r CONTINUES the ToneoMai bnsraeea a* bis', old stand, in ItoattisAf Iirick Building.? Gentlemen can have their hair ant. or diampOn* cd, or fades ahavcd&t any time duidggths dgy or evening. April 10. 49 if. Ww ** & >'i' 'tL