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AND I WILL^ * ? HAYING ENGAGED A C COA I am anxious to CLOSE OUT and tor] And will offer the following 1 1S&IM WS&. serej COATS, VFi SHIRTS, CRA\ SHOES, SUSPENDERS, I Of all descriptions, qualities and siz our on 1 AT COST! AT COST I AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! AT C0ST1 AT COST! AT COST! AL A SUPERIOR LOT ISueti m CALICOES, Muslins, Swim Muslins. Bare bleached Uom, and Children's do., India Rubber 'Tao^ Alpaccas, Lincus and Caseimerea, will be of! BELOW BELOW COST! BELOW COST! It is expected that those wishing to i WILL FETCH AL( As wo don't intend to \ JEW A liberal discount will be made to Men ON BAND, 1,0(1(1 WHICH WII Cheap for Gash, or g IN LOTS TO SUI :c ' AS SUCH CHANCES O ( YOU MUST NOT BE SHACKLIN THEN COME, ANI TO BRING ALONG ^ ERE THE COMETt KNOCKS YOU INI eo* DON'T ALL 8P Greenville. S. C.. June 11th, 1857. GOOD NEWS. I Three Items of Great Importance. Clrcne and Comet Coming, AND JEWELRY AT COST. BEING desirous of changing my business, I will sell the remainder of my stock of Watches, clocks, broaches, breast pins, Bar bobbs, finger rings, sleeve buttons, work boxes, reticules, oiiina vases, cologne stands, mtffanr &d.9 m mm'u THIS IS mo HIliHBUG. " A word to the wise is sufficient," especially when 50 per cent, can be saved by purchasing right off. of SAMUEL BTRADLEY. June 11 6 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriffs Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before the Court House door, nt the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in JULY next: One Vacant Lot, lying in the town of Greenville, on the Pendleton road, opposite to J. R. David, near house adjoining lots of Feaster, Powell, et a).; as the property of the Greenville dc Columbia Kail Road, at the suit of the Town Council of Greenville for taxes; it being the lot that was nominally sold by said Company to H. T. Pcake. One hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. McIIugh, J. L. Westmoreland, et al.; the property of Bever 1y B. Oantt, at the suit of Samuel Griswold, et si. 500 Acres of Land, more or Iors, lying on Grove creek and Saluda river, a<\joining lands of Ware, Eskew, ct al.; as the property of Wast A. Williams, at the suit of Lemuel J. Waddle, per another. All Defendant's interest in the Tract af Land belonging to the estate of Josiah Kilgore. dee'd , whereon he lived at the time of his death, eoataining 1200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Brbekman, Westmoreland, et al. Also, al) Defendant's interest in 17ft acres of land belonging to the estate of Josiah Kilgore, deceas-1 ed, adjoining lands of Pike, Pool, et al.; as the property of Jesse 0. Kilgore, at the suit of Gower. Cox A Markley. itnH uABti; purchasers to oat tor titles IX HOKE, 8. G. D. Sheriff's Office, Juue 9, 18fr7. 5-t4. HAIBWORKINa MRS. M. M. OLSON HAS returned to Greenville, And offers her services to her former patrons and friends, k> executing all orders in?tlie above Dusiaees. fthe may be found at her residence^ near the old Baptist Church. 4-8m J-one 4 DRY 6001)8. AITRB8H SUPPLY OP HATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and- Cutlery, Olasewaro, As, just received at Ap 93 flO-tf A. GREENFIELD'S. " ifr' 5MJLKS?, | CLOTHE TOU. -O?! )ABIN PASSAGE IN THE [ET, wind np my affairs on this side of 13 -A. 3XT , Articles, consisting, in part, of g i ?mtfcm?.; IAS | ITS, PANTS, c rATS, COLLARS, 2 IANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, \ ea, and which are warranted not to ^ "!HIE EVE, } AT COST ! c AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! AT COST ! AT COST ! 0 AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! so, OF DRY GOODS, * * gGinojharas. Homespuns, Bleached and Unllelta, Bonnets, and a large lot of Trimmings, fered COST! BELOW COST! BELOW COST ! v tvnil themselves of this opportunity )NG THE DIMES, < >ut down " Nary Red? chants, and lli06e buying to sell again. jSS J SACKS OP SALT, X BE SOLD J ood Approved Paper, i T PURCHASERS. i 8 "a n it n n tt /> * ? ? ? uui U ft U K IN A SI J IN YOUR MINDS NOR POCKETS. ) DONT FAIL ^ THE CASH, 3 TAIL LY) SMASII. : MK AT ONGB.-o) L. CARR, Agent. 5 tf GREENVILLE CONFECTIONERY. THE subscriber has returned to Greenville, and commenced business Opposite tile Klantion House, where mar be found on hand, CONFECTIONERIES, JEIJJI51, BRANDIED FRUITS, Ac. Having procured a Xo- 1 Pastry Cook, FRESLI CAKES, Of many kinds, can bo had every day. For the accommodation of Ladies and Gentle- i men, hns beeu neatly arranged, where, at all ] hours of the dav and evening, an EXCELLENT ( ARTICLE of ICE CREAM may be had, together 1 with Cooling Drinks of several kinds. ( Feeling myself much indebted to my friends 1 for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me ! when in Business on A venueStrect, I hope, bv a ] much more strict attention to businsss, to merit a renewal of their favors. r. S. SMITH, Agent. Je 4 * >r For Male. A PATENT CHAIN POWER THRASHER ' AND FAN, perfectly new, complete and in good order. NICOL A ISAACS REED & GOODLETT, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW and SOLICITORS IN EQUITY* Circenvillc, s. 4. tW OFFICE next door to F. F. Beattie A Co._,flc3 , J. p. reed.] [s. d. ooodlett. 1 June 4 4 tf AN ORDINANCE? to prevent cattle prom running ix the streets at might. BE IT ORDAINED l>y the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Greenville, That f it shall be. after the publication of this Ordinance, unlawful foi?sny Cow, Ox otr Bull, to be t found in the streets, or lyinfr upon the sidewalks y of said Town, during the night And fAFeach *] violation of this Ordinance, the owner of-such t cattle shall be liable to pay a fine of One Dollar, and costs, on each and every such cattle that ( mnv be found in the sfreets, or upon the side- ( walks of said Town at the time above specified. Done in Council, tiiis second day of June, in ( [l. s. ] the year of our Lord one thousand eight t linndred and fifty-seven. II. LEE TI1RU8TON, Intendant. W. P. Phick, Town Clerk. Je 4 4 4 (, F. BURTV, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, j OPPOSITE J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKStOBE. GREENVILLE, S. C., IS Prepared to furnish customers with Oie above articles, CHEAP ( CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he can assure his patrons that all work will be Neatly Dome and WARRANTED. Fab# tO tf For Tax Collector. HTTHE FRIENDS OF W. S. Tnfn?r announce him as a Candidate for Tax Colleetoa J 1st the aaxt Electioa. [ * AT THE GREENVILLE if COACH FACTORY/ Main Street, Next the ridge, THE Largest and Best Stock of CARRIAGE GOODS AND MATERIAL eVer offered for ale in the State, selected carefully and especialy for Carriage Manufacturers. A large stock and hest variety of Axles for luggies, Carriages and Wagons; common and est tempered Steel Springe ; Black nnd Colored Cnaincl and Patent Dash Leather; Black and Colored Enamel Cloths, Drills and Ducks; Oil ind Brussels n?m?i ---? n? .? r?'? wmv?.?ii.8 viii (1 ivuhih heetings; Lute, Manilla and Chenille MaU; trass and Silver Point and Sand Bands; Brass, iilver, Bono and Japan Nails ; Silk and Worsted iroad nnd narrow Laces; Silk, Worsted and Coton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shafts; Buggy seat ticks; and n complete Assortment of Mailable Hastings. Carriage Makers are particularly requested to all and examine our stock. For salo cheap by GOWER, COX A MARK LEY. HUBS AND SPOKES. ITTE are now prepared to supply ManufactuIT rers with the best Morticed Hubs and 'nroed Spokes, of our own manufacture, nnd warranted. For sale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. A LARGE lot of Blue, Drab and Green rV. Cloths; German, Fancy, Cotton and Alli'ool Damasks. For sale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. 7ARRIAOE MAKERS' AND CAR RENTERS' TOOLS. A LARGE stock nnd variety of ?he best Tools l\. made, nnd a few setts fnncy Rosewood nd Boxwood Plnnen. For sale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. IRON! IRON!! IRON!!! NOW on band, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Spartanburg Iron | ,nd Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English | tefincd Tires; Ovius; Round; Squnre; Horse Ihoe; Half Rounds; Half Ovals; Band Iron nnd loop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tire, Sweedes ind Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation vork. On linnd, cheap for cash, 6,000 lbs. Rusted flow Moulds, best North Carolina Iron For ale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. STEEL! STEEL! ! STEEL! ! t ;v | ai i.vjiia, sAunubKauA a jkssuPS best 1AI Cast-Steel?square, octagon, round and flat ?for fine edge tools, axles and drill*. German and Mister Steel, for plantation work. For sale by - GO W Eli, COX <k MARKLEY. 3,000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED macs, suitable for Farmers and' Mechanics. For sale cheap by GOWER. COX <fc MARKLEY. ON HAND <Z\ LBS. best Black Florida Moss and Curled llair, picked, in bags. For sale by GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. SAND PATER AND GLUE. LARGE assortment of the Diamond FlintSand Paper, best article made, for sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLfcY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ON hand, a large assortment Taints, Oils, ?fcc. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Raw and Boiled Lindsccd Oils ; Winter, Sperm. Solar, Lamp, Ncats Foot, Olive and Tanners' Oils; ?oach Body and Copal Varnish ; Japan, Aspali?..n v-?,;-!. . a< ? u ? niMiau , ii? lur^icnuiie ; 'Jreens; Yellow*; Blues; I.nkes; Pinks ; Droplock ; Lampblack ; Red ; Spanish Brown ; Umber; Suawn ; French Ochre, <fcc. American and French Wiudow Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. HE A VY <t- SHELF HARD WARE. A LA ROE and well selected stock For sale cheap by GOYVER. COX & MARKLEY. SCRE WS ! SCRE ICS / / GROSS of the Improved Gimblet Point DvV Screws. For sale by GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. SAWS! SAWS!! HOE <fc Go's Celebrated Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut nnd Tennon taws; Hand, Pannel and Ripping Saws; Brass uid Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment of iVebbSaws, with and without frames. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. May 28 3 if In the Court of Common Fleas. QRKKNVILLE DISTRICT. SPRING TERM, 1B57. 'IMIE business of t,heTerm not being disposed of, _L It it Ordered, That an EXTRA TERM of he Court of Common Pleas be hold at Grecnrille Court House, for Greenville District, on LYksda*, thk 4th ok Avodst, at 9, A. M., to con,inue for five day*, if necessary. It it Ofdered. 1'hat the Clerk nnd Sheriff draw t Jury of forty-eight good and lawful men ; that i veniro issue to eom|>el their attendance. It it further Ordered, That tlite Clerk give due >otice of the time and place 6f the Session of he said Court JOHN HELTON O'NEALL. March 28th, 1867. I certify that the nt>ove is a true copy of the Yrder passed at the last Term, as taken from the ilinutes. \V. A. McDANfEL, Clerk. May 25tii, ibC7. A td i B CROOK, M. D,& A D. HOKE, M. D.. rRAOTITION EH8 OF MEDICINE & SURGERY, Greenville 8. C. q OFFICE East Corner of MeBee and Wash Hfington Streets, occupied by l>r. Crook for X& the last twenty-twe years. May 71 2 Ana ORE & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILEE, S. C. AME3 u oaM KOB. April 2* tO ? " s ? # fe?W Alb BEAUTIFUL t?> btook or Kaiiuljlim mnY AMD LADIES' GOODS. MRS. WALTON MOST respectfully informs former patrons and friends, UXfrl^^^Hand the Ladies generally, that IBSw^^Wshe has just returned from New York with a New and Reautiful Stock of MILLINERY, of TJfel her own selection, consisting of '/ fl a variety of 6TRAW 6 IfEAPOLITAK BOHFETS, And a new and beautiful variety of Euf enic ?? ??*?? She also wishes ta call tho attention of the Ladies to her assortment of FLOWERS, which j is the 6nest and most beautiful ever brought to wrcenvuie, ami to her stock of DRK^S CAPS and HEAD PRB9SES, and CRAPE and MOURNING BONNETS. Drossea made in the very latest style and beet manner. % Orders from the Country promptly attended to. 48-tf April 9 CHARLES HICKEY, (Successor to Emanuel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OF T nnT"*' f " r? /-? t? mr* t vm LUUAliNtf KiLAOO, rUillllAll And Picture Frames, AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORNICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, &C. 154 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. VfT Old Pruines Re-gilt equal to new. April 30 . 61 ly W, II. I10VEV & CO., PROPRIETORS OF The Ladies' Store, ARE NOW. and will be constantly receiving Fresh Importations, purchased by one of I the partners, ivlio has some twenty-five years' experience in buying and selling Goods. They would invite special attention to their large Stock of White and Embroidered Goods, Rich Silk Tissues, DeBeges, Challys, Crape De Palis, Bereges, Muslins, Brilliants, Silks, Alpnccas, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Ginghams, rrencn, fcnglish arid American Prints, <fec., &c. ALSO, JUST IN, A NICE LOT OF New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long i Lawns, Plain and Emb'd L. C. IlandkerchieYs, And many other NICE AND FANCY GOODS. Alt of which it will he their endeavor to sell as cheap as possible. 46-tf Mb 26 Groenfiold's Family Grocery. REMOVAL. rpiIK Subscriber has REMOVED from his Old A Stand to the Store Room UNDER McBEE'S HALL recently occupied by John Bursey. He is receiving large ana fresh supplies every day in the Grocery line, and has on hand A No. 1 lot of BOOTS. SHOES, 11 ATS. Ac. All of which will be'disposed of low for Cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he hopes he may merit a continuation of the same by the bargaius he now offer* to the public. Ap no 51-tf A. GREENFIELD. rtTtnnvTiTnT TV>? uxiLXifl r lUiJLiU o FAMILY GROCERY STORE, UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURSEVS OLD STAND. TUST RECEIVED, at the above Store, a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, selected l?y the proprietor, consisting of choice articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Molnxses, Rice, Rice Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To nil of which he invites the attention of housekeepers nnd others. April 23 50 tf AT PMVATE SALE ~ _ A HANDSOME RESIDENCE AsSta-TV on Buncombe Street, with all nec essary Out buildings. Also one on Pendleton street. The above arc nearly new, with cornmedions lots attached. Also, a vacant lot on Buncombe, street. Apply to II. LEE TI1RUSTON. Aprils. * 47 tf Third Door above the Mansion House, WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends, and the piiblic generaWy, to his recent enlarged Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. Physicians, Merchants, Farmers. Heads of Families, and all persons in want of Articles in his line, will do well to eall and examine his assortment. Articles for family use, Spites, Flavoring Extracts, etc., constantly on hand. Also l*ure Medical Wines and Brandy. April 2 47 tf NEW MllJLrlNERY AND Dress-Makim? Establishment. MRS. WATTS AND MISS GORDON would respectfully call the attention of the Ladies of Greenville and vicinity to the fact tfint they will open, on Saturday, the 4th inst, one of ihe finest and largest stocks of French nhd American MILLINERY ever brought to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot he surpassed ,* embracing all the latest and most approved styles. Being confident that none ran go away dissatisfied,*tbey earnestly solicit an early call and inspection oT ttje same. Our terms arc low. Ladies' Old Hats cleaned and made equal to new. Mitoses' Gipsies cleaned and rhhde oVer in the moM approved and latest Gipdy atopic. LEGHORN HATS in large quantities. Country Milliners supplied -sty ft ?ron able terms/ TWT House oh Arenas Street opposite the Post Office. 47-tf ' April % flRElNVtUE*PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WRBRLY FOR TOR EfrT*ltPlti8E, { By Grady & Ooodlett, MtiMbtoU. Greenville, JUNE If, 1887. BAGGING, Gunny, per yMtil# ? 25 ( Dundee, a 20 BACON ... .Hams, per lb<< 16 Shoulders, " 18 Sides, " JO L IIog round, 14 ifj BUTTER.. .Goshen, per it, none. ca Country, per ib< 20 if* COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb; 15$ *< Java, per )b< a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 6* a 11 wl Sheeting, per yd* 10 a 15 *>? Osnaburgs, per yd. 12$ a 14 *n FLOUR Country, j?er bol. 66 50 a 67 Country, per sack, 63 25 ( GRAIN Corn, per buihei. o 100 bri Wheat, per buihel. 61.25 Oats, per bushel, none. IRON Swedes, per lb. 6$ o 7 Be Ettgh'sh, per lb. a 5$ LARD per lh. a 10 ] NiOLASSES, W. 1. per gal. ?5 A xt r\ __ 1 * - LHUNiS v/uj5, Miirinpi/tfs, cyyt-iJii/j jf>, o TO^JAQQO, OBGAOtSf e: F1WE TOILET SOAPS, ? FINE HAIR AND TOOTII RRUSHES, 1 PURE WINES AND LldUORS, For Medicinal Uses, " TRUSSES ANO SHOULOER BRACES, &C., AC. Third Door above the Mansion House, " Greenville, S. C. IW Medicines warranted genuine and of the best qudlity. \ m?" Planters and Physicians from the country will find his stock of Modiciues complete. Feb 12 40 ly WATCHES, ?> C&oqxs AM) mmmY. n E. I. PIlVSOi^ M (AGENT,) BEGS leave to announce to the citizens of Greenville, and,surrounding Country, that he has opened a Stock of the above-named Artides on Avenue street, in the Building formerly I known as " Avenue Street COnfectiouery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. o tl HE WILL ALSO s< Repair and Fit Up tl WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, [J In the best of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friende, for their liberality and patronage, he respect- $ fully solicits a continuance'of tire same.' CSP Give hi'm a call, and Ire will endeavor to please. 37-tf Jan 2P2 Plows, Stoves^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a <3^. WE keep constant--^^ ! HCdHs. lv on hand a" fnWe as- XN n imiiW O Kfcwii sort-ment of* One a"nd *TpS|5l Two-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside ? P1L.OW0|B9 which we challenge the world to equal in good ? work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a large and beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of thtoe who wish to purchase. A)4b on hand, Wash and Stock BOILKRS, CA'r'n Shelters, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet / IroqorZino Work done to order. Cistern or ^ Well Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from New ' York, a superior assortment of *n Tin and Japanese Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great varie- 'c ty of Cake Cutters and Bake Pans. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in oUr line, made to order, end Painted in the nest manner.' We are also prepared to do g Roofing1 and Guttering 1 in fit A laf_oaf anil Ko?f rna am *- -- ... ? wo? innmiri VII viiurv nuncc. Country Merchants invited to examine our took of We say it is superior, and we do not wish to ei have our word taken for it. Cdme and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old Pewter. tar iugs taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS, l Mb 12 44 tf o tttt .... CANDY. I FKESft supply of excellent CANDY now V | f\ on band and for sale at the Drug Store of v I April 2 47-1( . J. H. DEAN. # ? . v., per. irai. new crop, vi.zo SYRTTP ? ? u _ ?? - * * ( 1^*1 K Ull 'I'l. OILS, . ,,, Tamp. par gal. ill A a |3| Train, pier gal. 87$ a |si| Liiis-eed, l* . RICE per lb. a 8$ ^ ROPE per lb. 10 a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 16 P? Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per lb. a 16$ I 3ALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, $2 00 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12^ a 16 g Yellow, per lb. 8 o 10 SHOT per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, a $2f ^ WM. H. ALLEN," SURGEON DENTIST, f""" 11^. 11A8 returned from PhiladeljT'fSiS&jiflL phia, prepared, in every way, to perform all operations in his profession in the most skilful aud approved manner. Having procured every improvement of the day, persons can safely rely on having every opera- 1 tion performed in the same manner as done in CI Philadelphia or New York. Kther and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attentiou must make appointments previously. tzr Itooins in McBee's Building. I ? March 19 45 t[ J DR. J. II. DEAN, > DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, A Perfumery, t-t? r~i? i\i.. _ 1 % m lPE7NO^* j GRADY & GOODLctE j hu Door 3chith of the Old Court fttme* green VHXE, b4 a * ? t FTKR returning ouf grateful tbrniki Id Our jL friends and customers, for their past rr >eral patronage to our businesa, we desire to 11 their attention, as wall a? that of the publia ncrally, to Our very large dnd finely assorted >ck of Spriilg and Summer Good*, rich we *fe flO't* receiving, and which liad en purchased by Ofie of the firtrt With care, d on Very ad vfiotn'geotlS terfns M. tb prices, d which we are determined on selling rts low they can be bought, at retail. any whefd. Our stock, in the way of J)HY GOODS, em-, sees almost every article called for, either btr ^ dies or Gentlemen, in Faucy or Staple Dry ods. gt mneta, Ribbons, blowers, Rtlfches, mas, 8bftwls, Mantles, Ac. Roots and Shoes, Trnnkx, dec* j very extensive and fashionithie assortment;' HATS ANI) CAPS, e latest styles,- for Men and Boys, in great variety^ q Ready-Hade Clothing. very heavy and varied assortment^ for Mes and Boy* srfumeriea, Faftcy Article#, Jewelry, leafed Ware, Mirrors, Hard ware and Cutlery, Gurts, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, Crockery and Ciiflaitanr^, RUGS, MEDICINES A DYE-STUFFS, Bootes tend Stationery, IADDLEHY, CASTINGS AND IROtf. GROCERIESI. A very heavy stock of Uio and Java COFFEES BHbt Brown and Crushed SUGARS 'leas, iMolasscH, Spices, Cigars, Pdwdet-, Shot, rid and Indigo. SACK AND TABLE SALT. Vinegurs, Burning Fluid, Cotton YahL Nails, Glass, ??< ., Aa. FRKSJI GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY A GOODLETT; April 9 48 tf ORE DOLLAR A YEAR. RCUIATIONj OVER 100,000 COPIES WEEKLY, 25 WITNESSES; OR, m thtm IMtairsx ?^ imj5 jr*uiiUBasii John 8. ?ji|e is ihc Duthoh JKTHO lms had 10 vcnrs experience as a BanilT er and Publisher, and Author of S+rie* of Jjectnre* at the Broadway Tbbetnaelij when, for 10 successive nights, o'ver JtSf- 500,000 People reeted him with rounds of applause, while tie ichibited the manner in fcfticri Counterfeiter# secute their Frauds, and the Surest and ShOrt>t Means of Detecting them 1 ""he Bank Note Engravere all sag he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. REATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRfcSENT CENTURY FOR a ETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence,' and Exhibiting At a Glance, every Counterfeit in Circulation 11 rranged so admirably, that REFERENCE ?# Easy and DETECTION Instantaneous. IW N" I?d ex to examine! N6 pages to hunt p! But s'o simplified and arranged, that the 'erchaut, Banker and Business Man can see Hit ' a glance / ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN.. Iius each may read the name in his own Na:tiTA Tongue. [ost Perfect Bank Npte Liat Published. Also, a List of ALL TtfE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA f A complete Summary of the Finance of F.n * >pc and America will \>e published fa eaefi edi-\ on, together with nil the Important Hews of ?e Day. Also, a SKItlKS OF TALKS, fr6m aii Id manuscript found in the Fast. It furnish^ le most Complete History of Oriental Life, de,sribing the ittost perplexing positions in whicfr ic ladies and gentlemen of that country havo sen so often found. These Stones will continue iroughout the whole year, and will prove tile iost entertaining ever offered to the public, tar Furnished Weekly, to subscribers only, at 1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, Nivr Yore.' April 23 50 1 y W. P. PRICE, NOTARY PUBLIC, ANO CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSB. ill promptty attend to the collection of itotcs and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. Elford & Donaldson, , ji Lirunui i y? Bunmirauiii' Jan: f(h 85 >nt ? Igg X. A Dictionary }T SELECT AND POPULAH QUOTATIONS/ which arc in daily use ; taken from thd ?tin, French, Gicck, Spanish and Italian lari-" lagee; together with a collection of L^w Ma*-' 18 and Terms; translated into English: " Hd' is been to a great feast of languages, and Stpn all the scram."?8hul ?p*att. For sale at tha' GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. Spurgeon's GcrmonsV jMRST and SECOND SERIES, for saie at Cfie 7 GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. Napoleon VNI) THE MARSHALS OF THE EMPIRE. Two volumes complete in one, with finely igraved portraits, at J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE/ All Sorts of Liquors. 4 T Greenfield's Faniilv Oroeert Store may rjt now bo foond a well selected riWsOrtrtient f Choice LIQUORS, viz: AV And Phvief; of CTr? est brand# > Champagnes, Hock and Claret yilj'e#; Schiedam Schnapps; Brandy reaches nd Cherries; fine and common Brandies; Vhiskey, of different brands ; Jamaica Rum; a ariety of Cordial*. Ap 28 50-if A. GREENFIELD, -a# >.? ^ ip