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QC&CTH FACTORY, Main Street, Next the Bridge, I rrtHKLA?*e*t*nd Beet Stock of CARRIAGE JL 000*03 AND MATERIAL erer offered for aale In the Stele, Selected carefully end especial I ly for Carriage Manufacturer*. . A large stock end heat variety of Axle* for Buggies, Carriages end Wagons; common end heel tem|*ered Steel Springe ; Blaok end Colored Enamel And Patent l)?rh Leather; Rlack and Colored Enamel Clothe, Drills and Dncks; Oil and Brussels Carpet: Buckram* ?..-i Sheeting*; Lute, Manilla and Chenille Mate; Brass end Silver Point and Snnd Bands; Bra**. Silver, Bone and Japan Kail*; Silk and Wonted broad and narrow laices; Silk, Wonted and Cotton Fringes; Bent Hickory Shaft*; Buggy icaf. Stick*; and a complete assortment of Mailable Casting*. Carriage Maker* are particularly requested to oall and examine our stock. For sale cheap by GOWER, COX 6t MARKLEY. HUBS AND SPOKA'S. WE are now prepared to supply Manufacturer* with the hct-t Morticed Hub* and Turned Siwkos, of our own manufacture, and warranted. For sale by GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. CLOTHS AND DAM A SKS. A I.AUGK lot of Bine, Drab and fJrcen Cloth*German, Fancy, Cotton and AllWool Damasks. For tale by COWER, COX & MARKLEY. C A Hit I AO A MAKERS' AND CAR PAN TAR 3' TOOLS. A LARGE *tock and variety of 'lie best Tools 2 m. made, and a few sett* fancy Uoscwood and Boxwoo-l Planes. For *nle hv COWER, COX A MARKLEY. IRON! IRON if IRON!!! NOW on hand, the largest stock of Iron ever offered in this market: Spartatburg Iron and Castings; King's Mountain Iron; English Refined Tires; Ovals; Hound; Square; llorse Shoe; Half Round*; Half Ovals; Band Irou and Hoop Iron; Spring Steel; Steel Tiro, Swoedes and Hammered, for wagons, tires and plantation work. On lnnd. cheap for cn?h, S.000 lbs. Rusted Flow Moulds, he-it North Carolina Irou Fur sale by GOWER, COX 6c MAICKLEY. STEAL! STEAL!! STEAL!!! ~VT AY I.OtlS. RAl'NDF.RSON A J ESS L1"S host Cast-Steel?square, oetagou, round and flat 'or fine edge tools, axles and drills. German and BIL-ter Steel, for plantation work. For sale by GOWER. COX A MMIKIFV n.000 LBS. GRINDSTONE. ASSORTED sire*. suitable for Fanners and Mechanic". For rale cheap hv GOWEll. COX is MARKLEY. OX HAND Cy / \ Y\/"\ I.BS. best Rlnck Florida Mors and Curled Hair, picked, in bags. For sale bv GOWER, COX is MARKLEY. SAXD PAPER AND GLEE. I AItGF. assortment of the I>innioii<l FlintSnnd J Paper, bast. article made, for sale hv GOWER, COX is MARK LEY. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. OX hand, a large assortment Paints, f?i!s, Are. Pure, Extra and No. 1 White Leads; Raw and Roiled Lindseed Oils; Winter,Sperm.Solar, ljimp. Seats Foot, Olive and Taniiera' Oils; Coach 1 he 1 v and Copal Varnish; Japan, Aspalturn and Leather Varnish; Spirits Turpentine: Greens; Yellows; lilues; Lakes; Pinks; Dro)* black; Lampblack; Red; Spanish lirown; L'ml?*r; Suawa; French <)chre, Ac. American ami French Window Glass, Putty and Whitening. For sale bv GOWER, COX is MARKLEY. UK A VY A SIIELF HARD WARE. ALATtOK and well selected stock For sale "cheap by GOWER. COX ^ MARKLEY. SCRE WS! SURE 1E.S'! ! / /A/A GROSS of the Improved Gimblrt Point OuV Screws. For sale by GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. SAWS ! SAWS!! HOE ?t Oa*? C?lobrat?d Cast Steel Mill Saws; Rowland's Mill, Cross Cut mid Tennou Saws; Hand, I'anncl and Ripping Saws; llrnsi and Blue Back Saws; a complete assortment ol Webb Saws, with and without frames. For sale by (SOWER, COX & MAliKLEY. May 28 3 tf In the Court of Common Pleaa. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SPRING TERM, 1B57. f I^UEbusincss of the Term not being disposed of, J. It it Ordered, Hint nn EXTRA TERM ol the Court of Common Mens be held nt Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on tuesday, ruts 4tii or August. at t>, A. M., to continue for live days, if necessary. It it Ordered, That the Clerk nnd .Sheriff draw Jury of forty-eight good and lawful men; thnt % V?l>irc issue to compel their attendance. Jt 11 further Ordered, That the Clerk give due otice of the timo and place of the Session of the said Court JOIIX BELTON* O'XEALL. March i?th, i o*7. 1 certify that the above (s a true copy of the Or ler passed at the last Term, as taken from the Minutes. W. A. McDANLEL, Clerk. Mat 25th. 18C7. 8 ' td ORE & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. -jambs z? oh*. vru p. prioe April 23 60 SPANISH CIOAKS. A LA It OK lot of cb?ic? Brands jpst receive And for m!? ?t the Dtdr Store of April 2 47-tf J H. DEAN. For Tax Collector, tgr TUB Pillkndm OF W. U. Tnruei nnnnonog him as a Candidate for Ta* Collect? *t the next Election. - . I . * % "xsijtiw sTorua AND mm ?ram, AT WILLIAK8T0N, 8. C. m 31 WM. McNEELY <fe SONS, HAVING lately returned from Charleston, I have on hand, and are now receiving mid ! opening, a new and complet e assortment of j GOOftH nt tl,? ??...?? -I i- - v " 1 , v |/.uv?, i-im new 11 U1I3<! I nv the foot of the bridge between Acker's Car- j ringc Shop and A. Y. Owing*' Livery Stable* and If. K. Crymes'a Hotel, to an examination of which ' they would most respectfully invite the ntten- | tion of the citiaens of Williamston and suiround ing country. They would also solicit a share of) public patronage. Our Stock is all new and complete, and consists of everything usually kept in a country Store, vir.: IIA RD \V A RE, GRO CERIES, * CROCKER Y, HATS, LADIES' BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, KEA!DV?MA!D? ? LOTION?, FANCY ARTICLES, dr. And we arc disposed, and nre anxious, to sell on as reasonable terms as any one else. Our motto will be, short profits for cash and on short time. VfT All kinds of Country l'roduco will bo tn-' ken in exchange for Goods. \YM. McNEELY, .1. Iv. McNEELY, J. o. McNEELY. May 21 2 4 NOTICE. rl"MIK Subscriber, intending to make mnterial X changes in Ids business during the present season, is now under the necessity of r> quiring ' all persons indebted to him, either by Noteoron i Itook Account, to makk ivwmknth. Grateful for their patronage for years, he respectfully claims another'avor, whien is, that ho may not be under the disagreeable necessity of cnusing old friends to pay cost, in closing up this concern, which cau no longer extend indulgence. w. n. watson. j May 21st, 1357. VA/ It O' ? I vr. n- vv m I OUIN HAS on hand a General Stock of i CJOOItS. i nri'liiiHHl since the I5tli March j j last. ami having determined to close all accounts and sell exclusively for CASH, they shall he of- i j fcrcd at unusually small profits. On hand and CTrTm fresh, a variety of styles of WHITE ' AXn i'HIXTED MUSLINS, DA1 MlJAxjj ELVES, SLACK SILKS, Air ! PA OA S, some of very superior quality and tinej ncs*. Appropriate Goods for Youths and Gen- | j tlenicn, of vnrioiw grades, iucludint; superior | \ CLOTIIS, I)IiAP J/ETES, CASSIMEHESA i VKSTIS'GE, ?{ / . A well selected stock of i i SHOES AND HOOTS. An unusual supply of j SUMMMR HATS just received. A very large I assortment of TOOLS of all vai ie- ?bIt [ties. PAINTS ?fc VAIiXISI/ES | A small, hut excellent lot of HOOKS I AND ST A TIONEIl Y. | May 21 2 8 A B CROOK, M. D , & A. D. HOKE, M D*. PPAOTITIONEHS OF MEDICINE k SURGERY, tirecnvillc >?. C. ' O OFFICE Fast Corner of McUeeaml Wash i inpton Streets, occupied hy ])r. Crook for /j! the lost twenty-two years. I May 21 2 8in CHARLES HICKEY," i (Sticc:ssor to JiJmunuel Currant,) i xuvrrieTimi-'D j LOOKING" GLASS, PORTRAIT j | And Picture Frames, j AND DEALKIt IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKETS, WINDOW CORK ICES, ROOM MOULDINGS, AC. 154 KINO STKKET, CHARLESTON, S. C. sir Old Frames lie gilt equal lo new. April HO 51 ly | PARTICULAR NOTICE IS INVITED TO THE STOCK OF | JEWELRY,CLOCKS, WATCHES, CHINA VASES and fancy articles WHICH I HAVE .IL'ST UK(| ^y?CE1VE1> and nm ottering at such r . it. 19 Reduced Prices that, one cannot .-T* - -.ZGmi?hcli> buying? my motto being: "Quick antes ami small n refits " I Then come, one and all, uml give us a call. Jjjf" Clocks, Wafehea and Jewclrv REPAIRED, j SAMUEL STRADLEY. Ap .10 51 If "SALE OFJKGROEST* The Slate ofMouth Carolina.! GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. W. B. Ioor, el a/., v*. J. K. Mathews, et nl.? j juti jor Account, lift >cf, tt'c. Tow Nits i i A: Camcbbi.l, Complainants' Solicitors. ,j TN obedience to Decree of tiic Court of X. Equity in this case, 1 will sell, nt pub-, , lie outcry, btfore tho Court llouso at Green- j rille on Sahvdnv in Juno next, TEN VAL ' CABLE NEGKOES. viz: ANSEL, a likely Mulatto Boy, a Conch Painter, and also a good House Servant. JANE, a good Cook, Washer, Ironcr and House Servant. CYRUS, a valuable Boy al>out nineteen ; years of age. BOB, a likely Boy of about fourteen years i of age. U ANN AII, a likely Girl about thirteen years of ago. DIANA, a superior Cook, and her Four Children, all very likely. 1 TERMS OF SALE.?A credit of twelve months, with interest from dny of salo, except enough to pay tho costs of this suit, which will be required in sash. I'urdiasor* to give bond, with at least two good sureties, to secure the payment of the purchase inof ney. * S. A. TOWNK9, O. E. G. D. May 14 1 td SPRING JJOODS. GRADY & GOODLETT, One Door South of the Old Court House, GREENVILLE, S. C. , I :o: AFTER returning our grateful thank* to our friends nml customer*, for their pa?t very 1 liberal patronage to our business, we de*ire to I cull llieir attention, as well as that of tlio public generally, to our vcrv lurge and finely assorted stock of* Spring and Summer Goods, which we are now receiving, ami which lin* been purchased by one of the firm with cure, and 011 very advantageous terms ns to prices, and which we arc determined on selling ns low ns they can be bought, at retail, anywhere. * Our stock, in the way of I)KY OOODS, etn- ' braces almost every article called for, either l?v Ijldil>? Of Onl.ll..m?? p- ? ... iniicjr or OIIIJUC lJry 1 Goods. Bdnnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Root<s and Slioes Trunk*, &c. A very extensive and fashionable assortinent. HATS ANI) CAPS. The latest styles, for Men and Boys, in great variety. Ready-Made Clothing, i, A very heavy and varied assortment, for Men ' \ and Bove. Perfumeries, Funcv A* licles. Jewelry, Plated t Ware, Mirrors, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, Crockery and Glaxstvarc, DRUGS, MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, Rooks and Stationery, SADDLERY. CASTINGS;AND IRON. 6ROCDRIES. A very heavy stock of I t AALTh llio and Jnvn COFFEES < ..tegjggfa Brown and Crushed SCOAI18 Teas. Molasses, Spices, Cigars, l'owder, Shot, Lead and Indigo. i SACK AND TABLK SALT. Vinegars, Burning Fluid, Cotton Yam. Nails, Glass, Ae.. ?vo. Fit ESI I GARDEN SEEDS. GRADY A: GOODLTTT. April 9 48 if new and beautiful STOCK or M:it ,t hUvehy AM) i. a DTKST.OQDS. M R S . W A L T () N /PSTVaryi MOST respectfully informs I fftte ^'or former patrons and friends, | nn<l "IC indies generally, that] V "tfjVy *he has just returned from New | ' J' w(8r York witli n New and I leant i-i ^ ll&Jf r?l stock of MILLINERY, of! her own selection, cousirting of i STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETg, And a new and beautiful variety of Eugenie Shape*. She also wishes to call the attention of the ! Ladies to her assortment of Kr.OWKIt-S, which! is the tin CM and most beautiful ever brought to j flrecnville, and to her stock oi l)Kk>'S CAI*Sniid j 11K AI > IMBS8ES, and CltAI'Eand MOL'UM.Nt. lit >N N am Dresses made in the very latest style and j best manner. I Orders frcni the Country promptly attend- < cd to. 48?tf April 9 ONE DOOR SOUTH CF 1 HE NEW COURT HOUSE. ' TIIE EIEM 1^.. &. Km*. -2p ti:i 5SE vuH o \3T' ? m | Are ofTcriug to the public new arrivals of : Spring? and Summer hoods, Embracing the Latest St\les of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, viz: IMJ1IAMS, English nnd American I'rint*, j .T Ilarcges itti<l Chnllys, Lawns, Cambrics, Alpacas and Calicoes. A large assortment of i WIHTH GOODS, Such as Cambrics, Jaconets Swiss and Muslin, ! etc., etc. /i>o, StfckJPJX.ia ASM7.0 ZDmtOKKtfli) j Housekeeping Goods, ***? UKADV-MADK CLOTIIIXO, HATS and i ^OAPS. HOOTS and SHOES, Crockery, I j Hardware, CitOCKltlES, Paints, Oils. Medicines, | j Ac. ..... To nil of which we invite the attention of our | . friends and the public generally. Thankful for' the patronage heretofore bestowed upon our! [ house, we think thai an examination of our Stock will serve to cause a continuation of the patronage so generously bestowed heretofore, jt-#" Country Produce taken in cxchanye.: April '2 47 if I F. BURTY, Dcalor in^Boots, Shoes, Loathor,; OPPOSITE PATRIOT fit MOUNTAINEER OFFICE,! GREENVILLE, S. C., IS Prepared to furnish custom- J Ma ers with tlio above articles, CHEAP I | CASH. I laving competent workmen engaged, he can | assure his patrons that, nil work will he Neatly I>onk and WAUUANTED. Fob 5 39 tf ?TATL OF tiOlTH CAKOLiiXA. rilfWPWII I 1/ imotik-sn VJi ? UliU I ' I ^ I I l I \ I . Sheriff* Hale*. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fncins to me directed, 1 will sell before the Court' House door, nt the usual hours of sale, on the : first Monday in JIINK next: 250 Acres of Land, .not e or lefts,; J lying in Greenville District, adjoining lands of' ' J. 11. Westmoreland, ct ai.; n? the property of I ( John Rnldwin, at tlm suit of Mary 1'. MoCliiiiie. | ' 200 Acres of Land, more or less, i lying on Gap Creek, adjoining lauds of Johnson, < el al. ; as the property of Tilman Stone, at the suit of Fielder Cant roll. i 200 Acres ol Land, moro or less, ' lying in Graenville District, in two miles of , Chicka' Springs, adjoining hinds of G. W. King, , et al.; as the property of \Y. II. Stone, at the suit of llaneroft, Bett* ? Marshall. ' Term* CA811; purchasers to pay tor titles. N I 1). tlOK F, S. G. !?. i Sheriff !e Office, May 7, 1837. 6-j-bl lie 1 r'in? 11 -?Miii- * k 1 "i i- i ii WfJ" ? ?? DR. M. B. E ARLE, GREENVILLE, S. C.. c AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR l>KAI.RR IN rOJR'tJ v}p9 Paint*. Oils, j: Medicines, Chemicals, BRUSHES. U DYE-STUFFS, While Lead & Zinc White. lit* L"NO COM BOTION WITH THE ABOVE BUBINKM 14 A GUARANTEE THAT EVERY IIIING I* OK THE BEST QUALITY, AND WILL BY. SOLD ON THE p I 1?. MOST REASONABLE TERM*. 6-1 V W. P. PRICE, " D N O T A R V PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TiiWN COUNCIL, F )FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, | (ftl&HahST ^/IC &a O. J G iVill promptly tlen<l to the collection of Notes nii'l Accounts. settling Chums, Ac. REED & GOODLETT, 11 /mv 11.&W, tiirecnvillc, S. C. L \] (CSrOdiec next door to F. F. Bkattik tfcCo J. I\ RP.RI).] [?. D. OOODI.KTT. Jaihihi v It 85 tf J? Elford & Donaldson, ?T ~'x' !? !. J. ELFORO. T. Q. D0NA10S0N. J, Jim. 10. 85 , Um w. II. SOWTMT PROPRIETORS OF L riie Ladies' Store,!. ' 4 111'* NOW. and will ho constantly receiving I l\. Fresh Importations, purchased l?y oue of . ,. ho partner#, who tins some twenty-five years' ! ixpc.rience in buying nml Helling Go ids. Tliev J would invite special attention to tlieir large i ? Hock of White nod Eutb oidered floods, IFch Silk j Tissues, DelVoos, Challys. Cr?j>e De I'aris, lienors, Muslins. Brilliants, Silks, Alpaceas, Bombazines, I Canton Crape, (iinghnms, French, English and fe Aiueiican Ihints, " dtc., <ko. |V AI .SO, J LIST IX, i1'! A NICK LOT OF Sew lion nets, ]{ild><>n*, Ruches, Wreaths,!,,, Flowers,, Valencia, Thread nml i Brussels Edging*. White and Black Ci!i]?e Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Law n>, I 'lain and Eiult'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, And ninny other Nll'K AND FANCY GOODS. Ail of which it will be their endeavor to sell a* 7 cheap ns possible. 4tl-tf All) 2ft 1 Groonfield's Family Grocory. REMOVAL. \v rpni:?uUcrihcr h is KKMOYFT) from hi* old ' 1 Stand to the Store It-min UNDKR McDKK'S j IIALL recently oceujlied by John liuriey. Me j J is receiving largo and fresh supplies every dnv j in the Grocery line, nnd has on hand A No. 1 j lot of LOOTS, S1IOKS. MAI'S, die. All of which j will ho disposed of low for Cu*l?. Thankful for th-? liberal patronage heretofore ; j, -Atrinioi to mill, lit; IIO|ics 11 'J I1IHV lllt'l'll U COll- I intuition of the same I v the bargains lie now | w niters to the public. ApilO 51-tf A. til'EENFIKLl). |_ GREENFIELD'S "i FAMILY liliOCERY STOIiE.1 UNDER M'ntE'S HALL--BURSEVS OlO STAND. J UST RECEIVED, nt the above Store, a Genoral Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, |? selected l?y the proprietor, consisting of choice j articles of SUGARS, Coffee. Mola?ses, Rice, Rice j Flour, Fish, etc., etc. To all of which lie invites the attention of housekeepers ami others. Apiil '23 50 tf ! \ D ii it "go o i) j T\, i FRESH SFPPI.V DF IIATS ami CAPS, f, J. V. Roots ami Shoes, Hardware ami Cutlery, [ (flatsware, .tie , just received at Ap 23 60-tf A. G KEEN FIELD'S. AT PRIVATE SALE. "| . A HANDSOME RESIDENCE "j\. on Riitieonthc Street, w ith all nec j essrt,'.v buildings. "i^jMxpJSa' Also one on lVmlleton street, i I 1 Tie aoovc are nearly new, with commodious i B lots attached. j Also, a vacant lot on Runconihe street, to 11. LEE THUUSTON. ? Aj.rif'2. 47 tf w Third Door above (he Mann ion llou#e, 11 \v?v 1,1) resjiectfull v call the attention of 1 t t ins menus, ai><i tlie public I'onoi-rtlIy, to " hi* recent cnlmwl Stock of DUFGS, MKI'l( INKti, &.C. Physicians, Merchants, Farmer* I Heads of Families, and all persons in want of t Articlcs in his line, will do well to call ami ex- '' amine his assortment. Articles for family use, Spices Flavoring Extract*. etc., constantly on hand. Also I'urc Medical Wines und Grand v. ^ Apiil 2 4? if NKAV'MilTiLTNEUY " AND Dress-Making Establishment. " MilS. WAITS AND MISS 11 fesCaGOKDON would respectfully call the Attention of the Ladies of urccuviilu and vi- ! " sillily to the fact, that they will open, on Sat- ! in-day, the 4th inst., one of the finest and largest 8' tocks of French and American MI I.I.I Y ever hr night to this Town, which, for richness \< And cleganoe, cannot ho surpassed, embracing j, nil the latent and most approved styles. Owing confident that none can go away dissat- p i-*fied, tjiey earnestly solicit an early call and inipection of the same. Our terms arc low. Ladies' Old Hats cleaned and made, equal to new. Misses' Gipsies clenned and made over in the most approved and latest Gipsy style. LEGnoitN HATS in large quantities. Country Milliners supplicu on reasonable terms. 12P~ House on Avenue Street opposite the Post 1 Office. 47-tf April i i QREENVIUE PRICES CUKfiENT. orrkcted weekly for tiir kkterpri8e, By Qrafly & Qoodlett, Merchants. Greenville, MAY 27, 1857. lACiGINO, Gunry, porynrd, u 25 Dundee, o 20 IACON .... I lams, per lb., new, 15 Shoulder*, M 12* i Slues, 44 15 Hog round, 13 UTTER .. .Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 20 OFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 15$ Javn, per il>. a 20 OMESTICS, Shilling. r?. yd. 0* a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnnburg*, per yd. 11 a 12$ LOUR .... Country, pel I?bl. fcO 50 a %7 Country, tei -aek, $3 25 n t t\t - - torn, pe? ur..diot. 75 a 80 | Wheat, per biu hci, % 1.25 Oat*, |?ei bushel, a 40 aON SveOfci., per lb. OJ a 7 Elijah, per ll>. a OA AKD. ? . ..per l'?. a 12^ MOLASSES, W. 1. per gal. 70 N O., per. gal. new crop, $1.25 YliUP u " per gal. " ILS Lamp, per gal. a f*2A Train, per gal. 87^ a Linseed, ?1] ICE per lb. (t ' OPE iter lb. 10 n 20 UGAKS. ..N. Orleans,p<>r lb. a 10 j l'orto liico. per lb. ? 14 | Loaf, per lb. 20 | Crushed, pel lb. 20 Itefincd, per 1L. u 1(3$ ALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per snok, $2 00 DAP CoIgate,pale, 1 2.J a 10 Yellow, per ib. 8 ? 10 HOT per Ib. 1 2A Sl ot, per bag, a $2| sbo.? " . WM. II. ALLEN, SURGEON IDKNTIST, m'w ?v HAS returned frvui l'hiludelphia, prepared, in every way. to T I_F perform all operations in his prossion in the most skillv.l ami a|<pr<>vc<l manner, nving procured cverv improvement of thodnv, grsous can safely rely on Inn ing every operaon performed in the same manner as done in liilndelphia or New York. Kther and rhlorotorni given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make nppointents previously. ?"??" Rooms in Mellee's building. March 10 45 if IAD T IT TVP 4 \T i/n. ii. i/ijiirN, DEALER IX Drugs, Medicines, Cliomicals, PerAimcry, ?oinis, Oil?, IfoniijslH's, fiyc-Siuff?, 1TOBAOOO, ?aQMS, ri!?E TOILET SOAPS, INK IIAIM AND TOOTII BRUSHES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal Use?, R'JSSES AND SH0U10ER BRACES, &C.. &C. i Third Door above the Ma anion House, C*ret'ii ville, S. C. Medicines warranted genuine and of the cut quality. "m" Planters and Physicians from the country ill tiiul lii.s stock of Medicines complete. Feb 12 40 ly WATCHES jiipsxa im x&vrsh'ri. E. i. n\??\ (AGENT.) 1>r.<;s i cave to announce to the cit'/.ens of] ) Orecnville, and surrounding country, tlint j ic lins opened n Stock of the above-named Ar- | icles on Avenue street, in the liuildim; formerly j iowii its ' Avenue Street Confectionery," which I e will sell LOW for CASII. ' IIE WII.L AI.SO Repair and Fit Up YATCIIES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, I Iu tlie host of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends, ! >r t heir liberality and patronage, he respect-! jllv solicit* a continuance of the same. Hive him a call, and he will endeavor to 1 1 "use. Ji7?11 Jan '22 | Plows, Stoves, ? WK keep constant pfcbv ly an li.ind n large a*- >^>^i ' Q ; plyv J Mirt-mcnt of One and i-"^Li|Tvro Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside j n** >mww9 'Inch we challenge the world to equal in good ' ork, CMC of draft and durability. We have also a large and beautiful assortment f Cooking. Parlor, Di.ting Room, Red Room \ nd Church STOVES, t which we particularly call the attention of tone who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOII.F.IIS, 'oru Shelters,Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper,Sheet run or Zinc Work done to order. Cittern or ] k'ell Pump* furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from New ' 'ork, ii superior assortment of Tin and Japanese Ware, mung which the Ladies may find a great vario- ! t of Cake Cutters and llnke Pans. FlM)T and RATI II NO Tl' I IS, or any other Ar- ! ele in our line, made to order, uiul Painted in j le best, manner. Wc are also prepared to do j Itoofing mid ( HtH'iiiitf ? the latest and best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our xiek of "-bb^jb .iw l?l^e j Ve say it is superior, and wc do not wish to avc onr word taken for it. Canto and sec. Cash paid (or Old Copper, Decs Wax ami Old cwter. vtr K ag*taken in exchange for Tin Waro. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mil 12 44 tf _____ i CANDY. . i VFI*KSII Supply ol excellent CANDY now on hand and for selc at the Ihuig store of April 2 47 ?tf J. H. I'KAN. , Jk S J >\ Dissolution. "" nPHK of RKA.SCRUGO? A CO. X hH* own ihU itny iiy imuImIcou?ent. -Aly intcrwt Imvlnv Ivyn purchuwl b* the other member* ?.r the Firm, 1 retire from the est ablish iient. Tlx' husinoas will be continued nt the old Stand, muthweetcorncr ef the Court llouac Ktjcnre. by R KK.V A CO., to whom el! <lohta duo the eonecin are payable. >V. L. M. A. SCRUGGS. Greenville, S. C., February 12tli, NOTICE, ^jjjL THE Subscriber# would inform their frlanda ' ^ and the public geUvruHv, that the buaine*, * heretofore conducted j?y REA, SCRUGGS A (XXwill he continued bv thein. under the name and style of R REA A CO. They respectfully eolieit a coutitiuoiioe of patronage. Their Stock consists of staple and Fancy Dry (ioodt, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ANO SH0|S, II AUD W A UK. CROCK ERY, ?sa- ?. mm mmjnsjsr# PAINTS, OILS, MEDICINES, Elo. All peraona indebted to the Firm of ilea, Sorufrga A Co., will make pn viuent to us. K. REA ?k CO. Greenville, S. C., February 1V?, 1SA7. 41-tF ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. CIRCULATION, OVER 100,000 C-PIES WEEKLY, 25 WITNESSES; OR, TH'ii IFtxaJTiim (DDrnnCTED. ' Join) $. j)i|C is ii)C Dnilior. ' \\T HO bus had 10 years experience ns a lJank* T er anil Publisher, nud Author of A Series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive flights, over 500,000 People Jpf Greeted liiui with rounds of applause. while ho exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, nnd the Surest and Shortest, Means of Detecting them! The ILink JVole Engravers nil any he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, nnd ICxhihiting nt n Glance, every Counterfeit in Circulation!! Arranged so admirable, that ltEPKUEXCE is En?y and IlETKCTlOX Instantaneous. IST No ls.dox to exnniine! No pages to hunt up! 'Jut so simplified nnd arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can sec all at a glance I EX GLlSll F/lEXCIl AND GERM A X. Thus caeh may read the name in his own Native Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, n List of ALL THE PRiVAlE BANKERS IN AMERICA! A complete Summary of the Finance of Enrope nnd America will lie published in each edition, together with all the Important News of the Day. Also, a SEItlES OF TALES, from an old Manuscript found in the En?t. It- furnishes the most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of thut country have been so often found. These Stories will continue thru light nit tile whole year, and will prove tlio most entertaining ever offered to the public. 1ST F urnislied Weekly, to subscribers only,.?t *1 a year. All letters must lie addressed to JOHN K. DYE, Broker, ^ Publisher nn<l Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New Yoik. April '23 50 ly W. S. LAWTOX, ) ( C. M. HREAKEK, Formerly of v ? of J.awtuiiville, S. C. ) ( Cliarlctton, S. C. LAWTON 8c CO., Fuctorit, 1'orwardiuK mid Com* minion .fl?rc limit*, No. 3G East lia>/ and lioyce cfc Co1 a Wharf, ?3LL&!L2i3*J?aa3p S, WILL SKI.I. COTTON, KICK. FI.OU U.WIIKAT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, Ac. ?.5?" Having an experience of twenty-five years in hunim-re, we guarantee antj{.faction to all \vl?o patronixe lis. J. J. iiovcy. w. II. iiovkt W. H. HOVEY & CO., I'KOl'KIKTORfi OK THE LADIES' STORE, DKAI.KKS IX FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, SVASSi 23I&33S <&99?3, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, SIM mm DXi O'1'i'.fflG AND INDIA KHMER GOODS, (ilKEOVILLE, 8. C. X. ]>.?Onler-* accompanied by the cash for Medical. Law or Library Bonks, Mimical Inetr?? mcnts and Snndtier, promptly tilled in New York, and delivered at our counter on shortest notice. Jau a. RT lv A IDit'tioiiarv OF SELECT AND 1*01*0 LA It QUOTATIONS, which are in daily mhc; taken from tho Latin, French, Oicek, Spanish and Italian InnUllages; together with a collection of Law Maxiins and Terms; translated into English. "Ha has been to a great feast of lair' * 'cs, and stolau all tli# ?crtij't<.""-5/r;J,i')tt?rft Fore1." * the GR KEN VILLK BOOKSTORE, SpuTgeon's Sermons, 1 THIRST and SliCOM) SKltlES, foi ante at the GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. Napoleon VXD THE MARSHALS OF THE KMPIRF. Two volume!* complete in one, with tinely engraved portrait#, at J. C. P. JETER'S BOOKSTORE. All Sorts of Liquors. \T Greenfield'* Family Grocery Store mry now be found a well selected assortment of Choice LIQUORS, vi?; Ale and l'orter, of the hoot brands; Champagnes, lloek and Claret Wines; Schiedam Schnapps; Brandy Peaches and Cherries ; fino and common Brandies j Whiskey, of different brands ; Jamaica Rnm i a variotv of Cordials. Ap 23 MMf A. OR PEN HELP,