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* <**?* . tjjjLLXTKn I'DliTliY. flfaffnun (h? Advertiavr. ] I?t Oi Drew with a Hoop A PARODY, BY ONK Of THE OA HALS. I will dress with a hoop, 'tis the fashion now,Johnny ! A better style cannot be known: ' And if pride brings reward, though ray bus- ' band works ever, FH dress in some hoops of my own. i I will cut quite n dash though I have not I 3* the cash, i Neglecting the comforts of home, , J will dross. I don't care, though my hua- , baud despair In visious of sheritf* to como. CHORt'8. Let us dress with a hoop, for the summer I:mo's coming, Though husbands are frowning the while, For there's joy in the thought, when the bills are presented. They'll shell out the cash with a smile. I know that tho dread of a sheuti's gale, Johnny, With sadness thy heart will bewitch; And I'll sigh when I think of my debt stricken husband. With envy for all who are rich. Though yon are in distress, still the tiuth 1 confess, I'd barter for fashion mv life ; 0 ! then, woik hard uud try, that thy purse may supply. The hoop-skirts for mother and wife. Let us dress with a hoop, ito. 1 will dress with a hoop when the winter-! winds whistle, In spite of the wag's merry wits ; Though the sheritl' and clerk and the con- i stable coming, Shall darken our door with writs. Let your hearts never fail, though confined % in the jail. While your p irtner is 41 bobbin'' urouml , When airangemenfs aio made and your j debts arc all paid, Once more you will walk on tiie ground. Let us dress with a hoop, drc. ????? ??? MISC ELLA N EOU S. Extraordinary Case of Somnambulism. ' The Fulton, Oswego county", Pa., Patriot, has an account of a singular ' case of somnambulism, ofwhich Miss Mary Starr, a school girl of sixteen M years, is tho subject: I Several days since she was afflicted ,( with partial blindness accompanied! with severe headache, front which, however, she soon recovered. At night, after falling asleep, she arose, lighted her lamp, and taking pencil and paper, wrote several stanzas ot poetry, which was found in the morning,, and ofwhich she has no knowledge of Iminolt' mill sh?> fiHilil iinlv- ho r?mivmn. I ed of the fact by the assurance of her ! room mate, a cousin, and the unmistakeable evidence of her own hand! writing. Anticipating a repetition of the act, and fearing danger from a burning j lamp in the hands of a sleeping person, her uncle, after she retired on the sue-1 ceeding night, took the precaution to| remove the lamp from the room, and J placed it beyond her reach. She, | however, arose, and in perfect darkness wrote another piece of poetry, which on examination by daylight, was {< found to be well written, correctly spelled and punctuated, and the ruled 1 lines as accurately followed as they! could have been by the best penman with a go<?d light. And this has been; repeated from night to night, each time a new piece being produced. She has no knowledge of the matter hereelf?cannot repeat a word of the | poetry she produces, and insists that she does not write it. Jler friends j watch her closely. The}' have interrupted her while writing, when she;! seems like one aroused from a deep < I I -1 i. if..! .1. 4.1 I* I Billmoer, suki camior rmisu me line <>r even tlie next word of die stanza .~lio 1 happens to be writing. If her writing ! materials are removed from her room,; < she arises, and tinding them missing, > proceeds to search drawers, trunks, I fee., in the dark, with as much ease as another would do it by day. One of ' the pieces which we publish was writ- 1 ten 011 scraps of paper thus found by ' her between the leaves of an Atlas.?) The most of-her productions are dated i 4i August 7, IS 10," the date of her birth; and many of tlieni are under- < scribed " Written for the Courier."? The " Courier" was the name of a pa- < per published in the village where she resided in childhood. .Naturally she has no particular fondness for poetry, i and never attempts to write it.? j1 Whether her k efforts' asleep arc ' orig- < inal.' or pieces that she has sometime read, is not known. One thing is certain, she writes tliem in an nticon-j eeious state, and in rooms " pitch dark*' at the time. Sho has however, some-; times fallen into this condition in the day time, when her writing impulse come on. A few nights since she was awaken-1 ed while writing in the dark Her sensations, as described by herself, i were very j>eculiar. Her eye emitted a bright light, like the burning of two candies, when turned towards her manuscripts, rendering her writing perfectly visible, but when turned in any other direction, all was dark as midnight.1' At the conclusion of thct Eiece written on this occasion the folwing was written?" This is the last yon will be permitted to write, lady." Whether she has written since we have not learned. Eternity.?What is life but a circulation of little mean actions? We lie down and rise again, dress and nn mess, leeu ana wax hungry, work or play, and are weary, and then we lie down again ; and then the circle returns. Wo spend tho day in trifles, and when the night conies, wo throw ourselves into the bed of lolly amongst dreams, a id broken thoughts and wild imaginations. Our reason lies asleep with us, and we are for the time arrant brutes as those that sleep in the stall, or in held. Are not tho capacities of ma:i higher than theso ? and ought not his ambition and expectations to be greater? Let us be adventurers for another world. It is at least a fair noble chance; and is there nothing in tliis worth our thoughts or our passions ( If we should be disappointed, we arc still no worse than the rest i?f our fellow mortals; and if we sue-! cecd in our expectations, wo are eter-1 nally happy. W? TT11?- -iL JUlUimilH1 WM??MM?1 HUMORIST'S OLIO. Iujins About. A Texan correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune tells a good story, j in one of the letters, ot a "surly-faced, i grizzely-haired, cuff and moon-eyed I chap," who persecuted a certain ro-1 guish damsel with his attention, and ' was finally thrown oft* tho course of I true love by the following ruse: It being the watermelon season ami ! ltniivV i .. ? i- ? 1 4^vwj c iciiiiVii nil) 111J4, tl ilfiO bll |I|M 1111 I the youngsters for miles around ossein- j bled there on tlie holiday to feast on melons. C. was prominent in the circle till j the afternoon, lietty held private interviews with the other young men, and < arranged that C. should bo decoyed I from thu house, and frightened by the ; cry of Indians from some of h s comrades, which, it was thought, would I wound his pride and drive him away. Five young men, with C. walked jut. A hath in the river, three lum-1 ilred yards distant, was proposed by ! Line, and seconded by several. Of! course, poor C. was " in." They went down to the ford, near ! the mclonpatch, and began undressing. 1 In the mean time, eight others, with : guns, had gone down under cover of| ilie bank, and secreted themselves i along the path trom the pathing-phuv , to the house. " Mow, boys." said one," who should , ho the first to dive into that 'ere pool Cy j " I will," said C. "ain't I lirst with j the gals ? In course I'm first here." (>lf went the coats, shoes, pants, Arc., j Just as C. had doffed everything, barleg, a long tiaimel-shirt?hang! hang ! , i t \\ri - ? i ? nang . no wo-yci: iI wont : two, three, tour guns?long and shrill ! went the Indians' yell in the dense brush and under the bank. "Oh, Lord; I ant si desul man, hoys !" said James Simpson. " My leg is broken. Oh, save me! cried George Williams. " Run tor life, men! run?for mer-j cv's sake, run !" cried .lack Parson. " < )ne of my eyes is out, and both i arms broken!" till being said in an in I stunt. Do yott see that red blaze along the ; path ( Look n moment.?what, veloci-j ty ! The jagged hair all straight out : behind, that's (J.?a streaking it for j the house, shirt and all. See him about 1 the corner of the field, by the thicket. ' Rang?bang?went a half dozen peices; j louder than ever rose the hideous war-1 cry. "Oh! Lord!" shouted C. redou-j Ming his speed?the red blaze gcttin'; larger?bunches of his bushy hair 1 dropping out as lie " spread himself. , See him leap tlie yard fence?high in the air?red shirt and all. The porch was full of ladies?off went two or three more peieees. C. glanced at the ladies, then at his short j red shirt. " Run for your life, 0." screamed Ret tv ; u the house is full of Indians.? I Father's dead and brother 8am wound-' ed. Kun. speed." In the twinkling of an eve C. was t?nt of the yard; and, supposing the i premises surrounded, oft'he shot?the blazes more brilliant than ever?and ' striking di recti v into the thicket,! thorny bottom, he reached and swam tiic river; and, although it was near J sunset, (J. got into a settlement, fifty j miles distant, t<? breakfast next morning; stdl retaining the sieevs and col-1 lar of his red shirt, and reporting all ; the family, visitors, &e., among the slain. As for himself, he said he fought as long as lighting would do any good. Jt is unnecessary to inform you, dear reader, whether or not, Beby! was troubled with C. that snap. A (iooi> One.?A Raleigh correspondent tells of a joke that occurred in the House of Commons of the North Carolina legislature. Some women, (to be strictly Bentonian) of rather Cvptian habits, were mixeo too freely wt socially, with others ot unbleuiishei reputation in the gallery. The strangi admixture of pitch and purity sour caught the practiced eye ot the Speak er, who instantly ordered an lrisl door-keeper to separate the goats fron the shet, The Irishman started itn mediately on his mission, but tin house was soon convulsed with laugh ter by tho troubled phiz of Pat at tin door, and the following announcement in u round rieh brogue: 4* Mr. Speak T I J* J ? *1 * - er, j. nuve muivereu 10 wie oesc ot in) ability to execute your arder, but tin divil tear my jacket, if I can tell tin ladies from the decent women." Pa: was excused from reporting furihui progress. Scott Summoned to do Militia Duty Some time last tall, there was a conn martial held at a pot-house some when in the vicinity of Union Park, am next door to the church ot the Kev Silas Blower. The President of the Court was Col Von Sausagcn, a pork butcher at Jef ferson market, who was in full Jig, ami 6ate as erect in his chair, as if lie had swallowed a ramrod and the screw stuck in the roof of his mouth. Their was Major O'Kellv, an Irish carman, and Captain Smith, a Yankee dealer in notions and nutmegs. An orderly stood at the door in the uniform of tin Yagers, and at the foot of the tabic was a sub. who was playing judge ad vocate with a long sabre, a quire ot paper and a dozen new pens before him. The order for Court was read, and the various delinquents were called up and generally tilled. The worthy President, however, remembering that it was a busy season of the year, ami that it was his time tor 44 Layering" began to be impatient, and said to the orderly, i% Hans, be quick. Call lib that old tellow, quick, by darn, it ish late " " Yingfeldt Sgott, come up stairs." A smile played on the face of one or two bystanders, who fancied that the echoes to 4 Vingfohlt Sgott1 were Xia tri'fl 11 mi l oo ..i.i ? ? ?.? no mi VI VA#t \M*l iu?lll strode into 1110 room, wrapped in si military chmk, and letting tall a sabre in a gold sc;ild>ard with si hilt tot with jewels, on the tloor. One or two persons of the by stun ders seemed startled, but not so the Court, the L>resi?lent of which, in si very military voice, said? " Why you conie not to the eouipa nv muster f" "Why," said Yingfcldt Sgott, "1 am too old." " Von not so tarn old?you are s hearty old man. How old sire you V " 1 sim seventy-four, besides 1 sen ex empt." "Oh, you sire exempt. What fire company you belong to f" "To none. 1 belong to the army o! the l\ S." " Von belong to the Army i What are you if" "I am its Lieutenant General, and Camniander." " Mein (iott," ssiiil the President. " Holy Moses," said the Major. " Du tell," said the Captain, "lla, ha, ha!" laughed the judge advocate. The orderly, who had served ii Hungary, raised his hand to his brow and saluted the Lieutenant doner.d a* he would have paid the compliment tc Bern. The spectators laughed at the Co'o ncl a^> lie said with an air of discom lit are? " Mem Gott, I sells him sausage ai inv stall in the market." The secret of the allair was thai General Scott had been summonci! to do militia duty, and in default of do ing so, was court-martialed. Relishing the joke, he appeared lie fore tin dignitaries of our inilita forces, in ful tig?presentation sword and aboul forty leathers in his hat. \Ve presume it will he some time before Yingleldt Sgott is called upon to turn out and exercise himself in arms, under the command of Col. Sail sagen. A Stump Anecdote. A Tennessee paper, we believe, it culpable in the following: A distin guished Old Line Whig of Memphis who never joined the American Order but who canvassed Tennessee toi u Fillmore, Donelson and the Union,' iio/t/l fix n/wioont * . ? tl?.. / I IIO^I IV IIWMIIH, oil III*.- Mil 111 |>, llll !llf relation to the American party, by tell ing the u Widow Neppins Anecdote.' Widow Neppins was a" pillar" of tin Methodist Church, in tho neighbor hood where she lived. lint, wit! many of the futilities so becoming in t Christian, she possessed far more o the "fortiter in re" than ot tho u tuavi ter in moilo"?in fact, not to put t?x fine a point upon it, site was as ' crab bed" us she well could be. Well,onc< upon a time, a great revival broke oti among the Methodists in the widow' neighborhood. Of course tho widov attended ; and, though participating at ter Iter unber.ding fashion?that is, a if fed on ramrod soup?she never fail cd to occupy her plnco on the u amen benches. One evening, after a inoe copious outpouring of grace, and whei the now converts and zealous member I were t uning over with enthusiasm, one i ot the preachers struck up a jubilant i song, and started round to "shake J - hands" with the breathrcn and sisters, t as is usual on such occasions. Finally, i he came to tbo Widow Neppins, whom, - while shaking by the hands, he accost- | ; ed with," sUtcr Nejypitie, don't you love the Lord fn The widow withdrew i her hand quickly, and pursing up her i mouth, replied in her usual curt man- , - ner: " I aint got any thin' agin Him!" A Model Dux.?An editor out west situs talks to his tion paying subscri- ' hers and patrons. If this appeal does tot bring in the "pewter," wo think * ho need not dun the second time : " Friends, Patrons, Subscribers and i Advertisers:?Ilear us for our debts, and get ready that you may pay ; trust 1 us we are in need?and have regard . . for our need for you have long been trusted?acknowledge your indebted , . tiess, and dive into your pockets, tha. you may promptly fork over. It there I be any among you?one single patron l! nil... ?nii,Ml.:.>? tlml. | laictv vivii t vn v; 113 ???i 111:11111 nnvii ; to hint we say, step aside?consider yourself a gentleman. If the rest ' ! wish to know why we dun them, this is our answer:?Not that we care about cash ourselves, but our creditors do. Would you rather that we go to ^ jail, and you go free, than you pay your debts and all keep moving? As ( ' we have agreed we have worked for you, as we have contracted we have I tarnished our paper to you, hut as j yon don't pay, we dun you ! AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! YrJK A?>3^V3LL!g MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY; Insures Houses, Stores and othor Prop.rtjr J A( JAIN ST FIltE : j And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between the ages of in ami (50 gears, ON such terms ns to rentier it n most safe tint! ( desirable investment. Full details, xvitti 1 | the Constitution and Ilv-I.inv? of the Company, i | will he furnished on application to any of the Of-' 1 ; lieers of tlie Company. I JOSEFl'l 11. OSP.OltNF, Prr*t. ' . \VAt. W. M. |)()W FLU Vic*Pre*. J.vs. 15. Itankix, Serrvlari/it 7rrwwrtr. j JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, J.nt 8 85-ly C.KEENV1U.K, S. C. | sta mmm mmi ? ? wni mN V * ou ?JbJ BOO K STO U E,l M M N STUF.ET. NEXT Tt> M? 15EE'S IIALL, j .."fi/'S WllEttE constantly may he found ni I '/" ^ \*,vlar!?e ami w?-H selected Stock of MIS-] ' \'i</#CKI.!.ANEOl S. SC11?M)1. ntnl CLASSIC I I \1. linol\S, Writini; Paper, Plank Hook.*. Motn- j ( I | r>i*t(ii*ltiiiit*. A*c.; Writing Desks and Cnsc*. I'ort Il'oiios, Gold ii ii 1 Si oil Pens, Pencil*, Ink, Scaling i Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copv Hooks Ink'tunil', Uu-i I erf, ct?\, iVe. * .1. <\ P. .1 KTKR, I ,Iiiii l,i 3(i-ly Sign of the I'.ig Itook. I E. K HUTCH'S I DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, r.N'DKIl Me HICK'S HALL, =3, 3.J I \"\,r 11 Mlt M will he constantly kept on hand the ; t T purest stock of DIM < ;s, M KDIt'lX ICS, CI I KM K' A IS. PATKNT ! Medicines, Survival Instruments, Paints, Dve-j) ) "tuffs, Varnishes, Putty, Tohaeeo, Scgars, Spirit j I ! tJiis. Oil*. ("undies. Soups, Spice*. IlrUslies, Toil, t , Articles Conilis Perfumery ; and all other nrti- J ' ch-s generally kept hy Druggists. I< ITS'" Presh ami pure Drills are warranted and 1 I sold at. low prices j Compound medicines .ire prepared in the most j careful wav. Receipts and prescriptions of any | > I kind pnl v i. win. accuracy, neatness nn<l d i?-1 ij patch. !$'??1 Om Jan 8 | The Goodlett House. I THIS LAIUjK ANDCOMMO-| JSilL'lio.w lluildiu,.'. situated in the centre of [the Town of Greenville, formerly known n. i Tlie I*luliter'* Hotel, i has he.-n recently purchased l?y the suhseriher. I and will he opened for the reception and accom- j t j modation of Hoarders and Travellers on the ' I First of January. . I The House will he entirely newlv furnished in ' _ J < very departiitetif. nml the Proprietor will en-[ i deavor to make it one of the tir?l Hotels in tliej ! ! upper counter. II K. I?. CiOODIillTT. t bee.'25. 33 tl J ~~~ G. S. BOWER, TlaiuifiU'tiiror aiud Dcah'r In j /?7.NO FURNITURE of every description, | 1 i ''faf niul " i CM AIRS of every *tyl*?. ; FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES. Opposite the Conf/aree House, 4 I?ec. 11. COLUMBIA. S. C 1 v | E. R. STOKES, BOOK-BINDER, )j ANI> '! nianli-Booli Jlaniilhcturcr, ^ t ' (la rcnr of Cnroluin Times OIBcc.) ' o o v as a a ? a. s. ! ' BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, nn.l ma. nnfiictur-") nf tin- beet materials and in 1 tlio moat durable manner. PERIODICA l>*, Ml'SIO BOOKS. Ac., hound in j every \ nrii-ty of ntyle, nt short ftotieo. * >jf Country orders promptly attended to. t i Doc 4 " 80 * 1V | j " PIANO TUNING. j TI1K subscriber wonld offrr lii* *orvivos to the citizens j i of Creenvillo und tin- surt V -rounding country in the nL ", J*" iJ/l>ove business. fie will give a satisfaction, or no charge will he made. / S. M. MURPIIEY. f. June fi. 4 tf a Town Of lire rut. InUndant.? I!. LEE Til HUSTON. Warden*.?\\. C. Mahklky.G. 11. Dr t Kit, Dr. K. 1), Lono. U. McKay. [l Town Cleric.?W. P. Prick. g }fnrshoh.? Z.Mahtij *tr 0.oiuxnrrrr. m THE ENTERPRISE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLIIH1BE1VT. HAVING A FINII SELECTION OF PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, AVE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK IK) MAMiDSOMSj STYLE. circulars, catalogues, handbills, waybills, ball tickets, programmes, AC. Printed with Neatness and Dlapatch. :<?: 03 A a ID 0 3 china, satin enamel, satin rpufacic, an! plain and colored cards, D n the Most Reasonable Terms. jgrGlVfi Us a CALL.^EJT W. P. PRICE, N O T A R Y PUBLIC, AND CLERK OF TUWN COUNCIL, )FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, oamxasa *twt.:.(,s\9 a* Vill proin|>tty iittcml to the colic-lion of Notes ami Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. REED & GOODLETT, ^Y3?ie s At? Ut&w9 Grcruvillr, S. C. fSTOfflco next door to F. F. 1'rattie it Co j. p. uekd.] [s. d. Jnnttni'v 12 R"> tf Elford & Donaldson, VH X-V?ly aKIT t>sr^k0 aL I. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. S3 3m j HOW ARB ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Annouuirciiiciit. rpo all persons nlllieted with Sexual I 1 siieli its Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, (Jonorrhiea, (ilccl. Syphilis, the \ iec | ;>f Onanism. "f Self AlrtlW, Ae., Ac. Til- HOWARD ASSOCIATIOX. in view of I !he awful de?: ruelion of human lit-, caused liv ' A-xmil uiol ill- deception* practised i p >11 the unfortunate victim"! of ?uirh diseases l>v i [Jnack?, have directed their Consulting Siiitr-on, us n thatitxh'f oil worthy of their nam- to give ; MKIHl Al. AIlVUE OlSATIS. to all ptM*8 > >* tint* llftti-li??l, who n|ijilv la1 letter, with a description of: their condition, (ago occupation, habit* of life. ' Are.,) ninl in eases of extreme novelty and suf ! ferine, t<> furnish inriliri?rt fr<rnf rhaiff. The Howard Associativa is a hoiuvolent In-j "litntion, established hv special eiidowment, for' ti.e relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with ' Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It lias sow a surplus of menus, which the Directors! Irive voted to expend in advertising the nhove ! lot ice. It is needless to add that the Associa I ;ioa comlirinds lie*highest Medical skill of the j ige, and will furnish the most approved modern ' rent meat . Just I'lil.lit.he.l. l?y the Association, a Ilcport ! at Sperniutorrhirn, or Seminal WcnLnes, the j rice of Onanism. Masturbation of Self. Abuse, nt.d at her Diseases of tin? Sexual Organs, by I lie Con I mlting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the recctj t j uf T\V( i sTAMl*S for postage. Address, Dlt. OFO. CALHOUN', Consulting I surgeon, Howard Association, No. g South' NINTH Street. I'biladvlpliin, I'n. 11V order of the Directors. K/.UA D. HAIJ TVVlil.l., President. Oko. Fstttciiii.ii, Secretnrv. Fell A X'.i tf j JOHN KRAUSE, p i H \ i T r E 1 AND CAltlXhT JIAKEIi. C '*"?>. WOULD respectfully inform | r the eiti/ens of Creenvi.lo : nd x icinily that he lias on hand a lot i at" Fl'KNITt KK, which lie will dispose of upon | reasonable terms. He hast'hairs, Tables, Sofas, ! \\ as!i>tands, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture' undo to order. His shop may be found on Avenue Stre>t, bitween Heat tie's Store and the! Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court, 11 nose tSrceiiville, S. Aug. 14?II?lv i\civ <*uia Jtlaiiuihctory. engraving at:d carving of the fine arts. r 1MIK subscriber, recently from London, 1'aris 1 inid she iirincipn) cities of Europe and' America, where specimens of his nrt have given j he utmost satisfaction, respect ly informs thec:t izen* of the I'pper t'mmtrv, thrit helinsjnst nr-t rived, and located himself at Greenville, where j he is prepared to do all work appertaining to hU ' business, in the host maimer and at the shortest i notice, as I>ouhlo and Single t'nut Steel Uitios 1 and Shot Onus, Duelling Pistols, Ac. He will nNo keep constantly on hand an as- j sortment of Sporting Materials, which he offers; for sale at very reasonable terms; finely carved I Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tamps, and Engraving on (Sold, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very host manner, and warranted equally as good as can , he done ill the United States. gtjyllis shop will he found two doors below I>r. Marie's Drug Store. .Inly 3 ??If. F. BREDA. "YfrMOVWoWii.''' AT GREENVILLE. C. H, 8. C. subscriber would inform the citizens fi of the Village of Greenville and mrrounding country, that ho docs all kinds of ENGI5AVI NO. of Gold or Silver and Plate, I generally. Makes and mounts in Gold or Silver, all the varieties of Rrnided Fancy Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Canes ; cuts and fits to order. Spectacle Glasses to suit any age almost. Among the articles generally needed, and made by him, are Gold and Silver Sleeve Rations, Studs for Collar and hosom. I he Mounting and getting up of his hair linger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson,) and Fob, Ye?t,| or Guard Chains, he Matters himself, won Id not he scoffed nt in the larger fashionable cities. < >rders for work, thankfully received, I at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Court House, and but a few j?aces from the; Knterpiise Office. J. II RANDOLPH. JtW No charge for engraving any work made hv him. Jo 26 7 lv Apple Vinegar. A FINE article to be bad at the Family (Grocery Store of A. GREENFIELD. Jan 10 8* # SPeGMl ARNQlMfeEMtMT. WE would inform tli? cituens of Greenville and of the surrounding IHstriet*. thnt our constantly increasing buribess has compelled our removal from "8 BaoAD-dTRrvr." to tlia niAgultivru; iiiu *|>?viouS 'Ertrv. n Eicr.i 9 BROAD STREET.' 'I lio iiecoHinitMliiMon* mid urrniigct vnU of this "XKW I>KPOT,"are onstirpnsaed l>y any similar estaldifdnnoiit in l??* United States ; and whilst ii will nWhrd facilities for keeping our usual Ini-gi* fliii k of M ISt K I.LA N EOl'S HOOKS, ClITAl' ITBl.IOATloNH, MAGAZINES, 8c C . , We also propose adding largettf to our Stock of Stationery, \nd tlioso mi want <>f I I-1 >< I Ks, .h l '.'N Al st i\\>11 !!( < >KS, 1.1'JTI I?. X'TI . and CAP PAIT.!?. Al*., A?will find it tutlu.ii t:<! Mintage to visit / ? ** mm "<* r~i "* *? ?" e /-* NJ W . W W u. C a ? ? J* C ? W W , IXX.KH I.LKKS AND STATION liKB. _'l / t/w of lJ>e "SEWSBOY." Clinrloslon. Nov. 20. 26-tf i) 11. M B . E A l\ L E, GREENVILLE, S. u. AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR I) K.U.Kit IV TO' tViJ tTkvy Paints. Oiln, Modicinos, Vap?is.h???, CSuiuirri!*, 44 ^ BRUSHES, While liOiid A: Zseac White. Hts L*-.\cj cox rcnox with the above mmsix m* a t.L'ARanti'.k that i Vl.ltVIII1XO I* OK tiik dd>t <JV.\I.ITY, AND W II. t. I'K O.N Silt: J 1 !. Mrtvr nr: \?<iv.viti v. tki-ms. 6-1 j 51l / ? OF so [ y 71 ( 1IWUNA OKKKNVJLLK IMSTKU'T. IX 'J III; COMMON rLKAS. Vanity Mcl ice \ Attachment. vs. > II. I.RR Tllltt'RTOX, ,|n?sph N'r.O. j lTtf's Atl'v. UF.ttEAS. l!?.? IMaintifT did, on the \\ 14ih day ol OctoWr. HI.* Itis deelarnlion .against the 1 >*?! ndnnt, who (as it is said) i-. ahx-nt front and without the limits of this Stale, ami has neither wife nor attorney knowti within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might bo wjrve.l. It is, therefore, ordered, that the mid Defendant <! > appeal and plead to the said declaration on or befote tlie 14tli day of October, which will he ill the Year of norland one thou-and eight hundred and fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then he given and awarded against liim. W. A. McDAMEL, c. c. r. Clerk's Olflco, Greenville District. Oet. MO. 2r? t?l OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. r I'M IE iiibserihcr has purchased the It iultt. of 1 putting up the above description of Light nihi? Hod* in Greenville I(i.itriet, ninl i* prepared to execute orders for the mine to nnv extent ntal w ith promptness and despatch. Tlo I'.od* an conducted upon Scientific principle- and offor l the only method yet discovered ?>t Al.?olntr pro tcetion neninst livhtninir. Any one .-u-qiininO <~1 with the htwsof electrieity, will be dint lv convinced of their utility, upon examining them.* Their value has been tested by experience and science, and has been vouched by hundreds ?f certificate* from nil parts of the Union. From amongst these the following only are subuiittcd. "I Imve carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have itnttnehed to the building iu wlitch 1 re wide. It is bettor count rueU-d, and more securely insulated, than any form of lightning Hu<h I have seen. It is neat J and cheap, ami if properly attached to the build- J j ing, cannot. fail to afford security against the 1 loss of life nnd property hy electricity I therefore recommend it us worthy of llic confidence ot the community, K. F. Bhvmht. Prof, of Chemistry, Ac., in S. C. College,'* | Mr. I>. 0. West field has recently supplied my hou?e with Otit' improved Chndnetor. I have examined them with great enrc, and am convinced tl ifttlhoy are the best Lightning Hods ever I | constmeted. The method* ot attrnctiou and insulation nie new, and seem to me to be perfect, 1 can confidently recommend them toall persons visiting to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. El ford, Any further information may he obtained on application to D. G. WKfiTFIELP, Mnv 8-.12-tf. Preen villa. tk C, Shaving and Hair-I)res?ing. ' BIKU1D?? , CONTINUKH the Tonsorial business at his old stand, in Boattic's Brick Building.? Gentlemen can have their hair etii, or shampooed, or faocs shaved, at any time during ths Aqy sr sreniog. April 10, 4f If.