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7 5& : >> ? .? I j NOTIOE3. TIIK Bnb*ariber, intending to malt* material change* in hi* business during the present season, is now under the necessity of requiring *11 persons indebted to liiin, either by Note or on Hook Acoount, to makk paymixys. Grateful for y*rir patronage for years, he respectfully claims tttoother faror, which is, that he may not be under tho disagreeable necessity of ceasing old frluih to pay cost in closing op this concern, which' Can no longer extend indulgence. W. n. WATSON. May 21st, 1857. W. H. WATSON HAS on hand a General Stock of SUMMER GOODS, purchased since tho 16th March last, and having determined to close nil Accounts and sell exclusively for CASH, they shall be offered at unusually sntnll profit*. On hand nnd tjk Tltt frrs". a variety of styles of WHITE V.(to AND PRINTED MUSLINS, BA ?iea!lxlj REG EX, BLACK SILKS, ALPACAS, some of very superior quality nnd tlnetiesa. Appropriate Goods for Youths and Gentlemen. of various grades, including superior CLOTHS, DRAP JTETX8, CASS IMBUES, VBSTINOS, dv. A well selected stock of SHOES AND BOOTS. An unuaunl supply of SUMMER HATS just respired. A very lariro Assortment of TOOLS of nil vatic- MfBTitBI ties. PAINTS A- VARNISHES. flZlzMu' A small, hut excellent lot of HOOKS JEdSLtir A XD ST A TIOXER Y. May 21 2 3 IXTETW SPRING & SUMMER (i(Kll)S AT FOUNTAIN INN, S. C. %% it* it3c N E EE Y &. SO .\ cwk S T) HAVE on linnd, nnd are now rtJSKCrrnrrt ceiving nnd opening, n new nml jJJ complete assortment of GOODS, at the OM Stand, and l??in<* thankful for pn?t fnvorn nnd patronage, would respeetfully solicit ? contiiumneo of the same. They would nl?o i most reejKjctfnlly invite their old friends niul ! customers, (nml new ones, too.) to it it cxnminn j tion of their Goods, n? they think they will he nhle to please all who will give them n cnli. They are determined to sell on ita good tortus as nnv hodv else. i&~ COME AX1) SEE. \YM. McNEELY. A. Y. McNEELY. Mnv 14 1 2 ORB & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENV1I.LE, 8. C. JAMBo L. ORR. W.VL P. PRIOE. April 23 60 OILS AND LEA!)," BURNING FI.LTII), &C.1 . LAMP, LARD. SPERM AND TRAIN ^ \ %? & LINSEED OIL AT $1.25 PER GALLON. ...m WHITE LEAD IN OIL, From $9 to $11.AO per hundred. PURE LEAD IN OIL, Vwm *11 to $11 .AO per hundred. spTihts run pent ink, dc. jtUT TERMS CASH. M. B. EARLE. May 7 62 tf CHARLES HICKEY, (Succtssor to Emu a uel Currant,) MANUFACTURER OP LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT And Picture Frames, AND DKAI.KU IN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, BRACKET*, WINDOW CORNICES, IU)OM MOULDINGS, <&C. lf>4 KINO STKKKT, C11A1 tLESTOX, S. C. VtT Old Frames lie gilt, equal to new*. April 80 61 \y~ FABTICULAR NOTICE IS INVITED TO THE STOCK < >F JEWELRY,CLOCKS, WATCHES, CHINA VAS12S AND FANCY ARTICLCH figk. 0 WHICH I HAVE JUST UFtr *t tow CEIVKi> anil ami otlering at ancli (t jmReduted Prices that one cannot i**i' ' ' In 11 buying ? my motto being: ' OuioW anlea ami small ma fils." Then come, one and all, and give us n rail. ?2?"" Clocks, Watches and Jewelry UKPAIKKD. SAMUEL STRADLEY. Ap 30 ol If STT.R of "? A. M AJU \/X il li \A liV I VL/l The Slate ol* Son III Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. AV. TJ. Ioor, et at., vs. J. R. Melhetv*. ft al.? j Hill for Account, Relief rfv. Townm it Campiiki.l, Complainants' Solicitors. IN obedience to Decree of tlio Court of Equity in this ease, I will sell, nt public outcry, before I be Court llouso at (ireenyille, on SeJe-dav in June next, TEN VAL DA RLE NEGROES, viz : AN SEE, a likely Mulatto Boy, a Coach Painter, and also a good House Servant. JANE, a good Cook, Washer, Ironer and . House Servant. C\ IkOb, ?* i.iiu.iuiu Boy about iWi.dt. < >'! ycara of age. BOB, a likely Bey of uhout fourteen years of ngo. HANNAH, a likely Girl about thirteen years of ago DIANA, a superior Cook, and her Four Children, all very likely. TERMS OF SALE.?A credit of twelve month*, with interest from day of sale, ex- j cept enough to pay the costs" of this suit, I which will be required in cash. Purchasers | to giVe bond, with at least two good surctic*, to secure tho payment of the purchase money. . S. A. TOWNES, atu.D. May 14 1 td I 4 # Spit y. X N ? W SPBIlfG GOODS, GRADY & GOODLETT, One Door South of the Old Court House\ GREENVILLE, S. C. AFTI'K ivUrnin!{ ",,r grateful llmnV* to 0111 friends and customers, for their pact. very liberal pvtroungc to our business, we desire t? call their attention, as well its that of the public generally, to our very large and finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which we aro now receiving, and which has been purchased by ono of the firm with care, and on very advantageous terms as to prices, and which we arc determined on selling as low us they can he bought, at retail, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of l)ltV (JOOIfS, embraces almost every article called for, either by Ladies or Uontleuiuu, in Fancy or Staple Dry Goods. Bonnets, P.ibbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Hoot* and Shoes, Trunks, Ac. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. 1 FATS AN I > CAPS. The latest styles, for Men ami lfoys, in great Miriety. Ready-Made Clothing. A very heavy ?ud varied assortment, for Men mid 1 joys. Perfnineritv*. Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirrors, Hard ware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tools, Plaeksmiths' Tools, i'rockri'V nstd C?Iassivare. DRUGS, MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, llooks iiiiet Stationery, SADDLERY, dAStlNGS AND IRON. G ZS O C ! : EE ll'IK. A very heavy stock of llio and .Inva COFFKI5S 1 trown mid Crushed SL'fJAl'S tens. Atolasses, Spleen, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lend and Indigo. SACIv AXIi TAltl.T: SALT. Vinegar*, Hitruinj; Fluid, Cotton Yarn. Nails, (ilnss, Ac.. ?ve. FRESH UAltDKN SF.KHS. GRADY & GOOD LETT. April 0 43 . tf NEW AND BEAUTIEUL STOOK OF ,\XI> I jA I )IES' (lOOl )S. I M It S . \V A I. T () X MOST respectfully inform V'-uTwT?i" I"'1' former patrons mul friend* '',c generally, tlin "he lias jj.I t ret iirned from Nev -jPfl' York with a New and ISeauti I ful Sto,"k ,,f MG-ldNF.ltY. ^ShS her own selection, consisting o ///j n variety of STRAW & NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, And n now nnd beautiful variety of I* u g v ilic S !) :a pes. She also wishes to call the attention of th Ladies to her assortment of FLOW Kits, whicl is the finest nrel most beautiful ever brought (< ?i> - ' ii >-, iiii* 111 hit men-K 01 i inivj* i A r.-? nm I1KAI> IMttiSSI&S .hiJ CllAl'Knml MUUU.N?S( HON N I:TS. Dresses made iu the very luteal style nn< best inn liner. ?* Orders from the Country promptly ntteml oil to. 4H?tf April 9 Come One! Come All! AND BUY YOU SOME NEW j SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS rKi:8u AT Tin: Wlil.L KXOWX STAXJ) OF CA!LEY'S CROSS: ROADS, - . :?>;?? r|"MIE subscriber is now receiving n hirsfo nm *. well selected assortment nf SPUING nm | Sl'.MMKU GOODS, consisting of Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, GllOCKEltY, & (BTTOTillRT AND ^jaeBoots and Shoes,. A benntiful assortment nml Intent style of READY-MADE CLOTHING I A Nl> Ami mnny other Articles too numerous to onu merntc. Groeerien will he nohl for Cash only; <4he Goods on n credit, to prompt paying cnMoniers ' . ? uimjviiiiv <ii i" per cent. niiowcu lorcieli pay moiilj on nil Gmxlj except (Irocorii's 1'. S.?Country Produce taken in exchange foi I any floods. Thankful for pant patronage, I still hopo tola libera)!? pntroni/od. \V. C BA1 LEY. | April 0 IS If ONE DOOR SOUTH tiF THE NEW COURT HOUSE T^acus FinM OF 8, ^ ARE OFFER I NO TO THE PUBLIC NEW ARUIVAES OF Kpi'iniT nii<l Suiiaiiacr ftoodti, EMBRACING THE LATEST STYLES OP LADIKS' DllFSS (iOODS, viz : Gf IXOIIAMS, English and Amerienn Print* I Bareges and Clmllv*. Lnwn* Cambrics, Alpncna and Calicoes. A Logo assortment of WHITE GOODS, Such nn Cambrics, Jaconets Swiss and Muslin etc., etc. /iaO, sw/AJpitina /AMio IOCOMI Msms? Housekeeping Goods, 4gm READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and ^CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, Croekerv, Hardware, GROCERIES, Paints, Oil*, Mediuiucs, Ac. To all of which we invito the attention of our friends and the public generally. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon our house, we think that an examination of our Stock will aervo to cause a continuation of the patronage no generously bestowed heretofore. Jf-ff* Country Produce taken in cxehanr/9. April 2 47 if * ??? . I 1 SPRING 1)1 IN CHARLI \Late of the Firm of SUCCESSOR TO KE' 3IU Kini; Slrpct, Oji INVTTW ATTKXTIOX to his KXTIKKI.V VKV (JKRMA X AND A MKlilOA X GOODS, u STTHVII^IElSJ In e!n?icoi?t l'laid, Stri|H.*.'? and Chencs, of lijht 11 rxprefrdy f?r city retail trade. BOIIBI) BE. Groat nttelltion has been paid to obtain the be; American market. FliOUNCEl Tn Silk. Grenadine. T1?iim oi-?ni?dio? , | constantly receiving. FRENCH AND E The Stock ?>f llieso Guudi will invite n close At Bombazines, Alpacas, Clinllys, ("rape Marat, CI 1, cal Crapes Kngtish I'arnmattas, Black Organdies I Mourning l'obes Mourning Mantillas Mantles II ami Marcclliuc of very choicest, makes nlwnvs o umB i Best makes of Sheeting, Shirting ami I'illow-C | dressing. Striped Shirting Linens, Linen Osnahi SPJilXG CASSlMh A large and varied Stock of (>ood* in this Dep and Summer wear, such as Tweeds, Light Cassinie parasols: ami In Black ami Colored, Lined and Unlined 1 best Scotch. (Jiiighatu and Silk Umbrellas. PLAN I ATP Planters and their friends will always find wit and all Uoodw will he sold at the lowest, market ! The Subscriber is now a'ole to give his persona surpassed advantages in obtaining all the .V/.' \ Pikft'KS. together with his haver constantly wi | floods at loss than the market value, he feels pre | tilled. '" The One /'roe System riyully m/Vi r< 2 13 King Sticot, Opjnv '! May 1st. 1357. Groonficld's Family Grocery. KKMOVilo ! K Subscriber has HKMOVKO from his old | ft Stand to the Store Itoom I MIKIt MrliKK'S I KALI, recently oceupied by John Btirsev. lie 1 j is receiving large and fresh supplies every day ' in tin' (Iioeerv line, and has on hand A No. 1 1 j lot of BOOTS', SlfOKS, II ATS. Ac. All of whieh 1 will he disposed of low for Cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore j expended to him, lie hopes he may merit- a cou^ t intuit ion of tho sumo l>y the. bargains he now oilers to the ptildie. A|> 30 51-If A. CUKUMIKLIL NKW MIT/FINICKY AM) ? Drcss-Makinc: Establishment. ;| y>~, MRS. WAITS AM) MISS . jfesC;c.OlM)t?N would respectfully call the I attention of the Ladies of (Ireonvillc and vii [ einity to the filet that they will open, on Sat[ iirdny, the 4th Inst., one of the tiaesl and largest stocks of French and American MILLINFItV ever hr night to this Town, which, for richness - | and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing I all tile latest ami most approved styles. Being confident t hat. none can <',i ? ,A ay di- -at j istied, I hoy earnestly solicit nn curly call and inspection ot" tin* same. Our terms arc low. Ladies' Old llats cleaned and made equal to 'j i new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in 1 tlie ino?t approved and latest <?ipsv style. LKOIIOUN HATS in larito quantities. ! Country Milliners supplied on reasonable terms. I PZt-'U oiise on Avenue Street opposite tlie l'ost Otliee. 41-tf April *2 ]! F. BURTY, Doalor in Boots, Shoes. Leather, i OPPOSITE PATRIOT & MOUNTAINEER OFFICE, > G15KKNYILLK, S. C., IS Prepared to furnish customi ^ \ ers with the ahovc articles, CIIKAI' 31 tfc cash. I Having competent workmen ensrngod, he enn 1 I assure liis patrons that all work will be Nkatia I l)o\k and WALKANTLD. Feb A " Il'.t t f i I Attention! Second Battalion. MAY ttli, loA7. ' Mahal/ox o];i>i:ns, x<>. ? :i r ! YOU ore hendiv required to nppcar nl X your usual lbittiilion Muster Ground, on .1 cjm*/sa 77 "A'/LI >', r\Vkxty-jh!!i 1) (>/ ma v, armed and equipped an the | WflF law directs, lor 1'eview. Olliecr*, CoinI i J j| missioned and Xon-eommissioned, the i' I I' Jl ^"V previous, for Drill and last ruction. | * l1. '* Uv order of .1 ami* MtCi i.i.oton, Col. 3d Regiment 8. 0. M. T. I. IIOAZKMAX, , ! Mnj 2d llaltalion 3d llcgiuicnt S. .M. I II. H. Anoeusox, Adjutant. May II 1 2 L.OST, | fi.i r.i'..> i apr, hrmmifl nai iiio liopot, on > I 1 > Mondiiv, ill.- llfli inst., n FINK GOlJ) ' ; WATCH KKV. The tinder will he liberally rcw.ii'.lcil on k'liviii^' it ul this otlice. May 14 1 2 STATE OF KODTHCAIIOIANA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff* Sales. i> Y virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to y me ilirrck'il, I will sell before tlie Court i ii -use door, lit the usual hoars of sale, un the ] first Monday in JINK nest.; 250 Acres of Lnn?l, .nor? or less. j lying in Greenville District, adjoining lands of J. IC. Westmoreland,; n* the nrojicrty ol John Baldwin, ut the suit of Mary 1', MoClniue. I 200 Acres of Land, more or less, lying on (lap Creek, adjoining land*of Johnson, 1 ct nl. ; ns the property of Tilinuu Stone, ut the ' suit of Fielder Cnntroll. 200 Acres of Land, more or less, " l.ving in Greenville District, in two miles ol ' Chicks' Springs, Adjoining lands of G. \V. King, ' et nl.; as the propt/ty of \V. II. Stone, at the 1 suit of Hnncroft, lletis ?k Marshall. Terms CASH; purchaser* to pay lor titles, I>. IIOKL, S. (?. 1) SbcrtfT'* OITiec, liny 7, l tJ67. M-ld ? 4 #' PF GOODS, ESTON, S. C. Jirovenituj ({ Ltnutn ) ] rCHUM & TAYLOR, ipositr Iila*ell Street, |T nn<f flloifJE STOCK of FRKXCU, RX(JU.ill, \ t" ili.J NUWlyJT rtl'UlMJ STYIj'-S. Ft JSIILISLS, | ? toivtiiro nit 1 beautiful fiiiUli, carefully select oil j .ICR SILKS. st Gooii?> in i?i*vc'i 3iim ! *tl in *; 1?ro:iglit: into tlio j IJ R035KS, and Jaconet*, in large variety, very choice and J I NGLISH PRINTS, trillion, living very full and at very low priiw j 0 G-OOI5S. roieo Black Bsrejes and Poplins, Poplinctls. Do- f i, French and I'tiolish t'rnin'i in vnrimis widths, ( lack Kan list' ami Canton Cloth.*, Mousliu Del .nine u hand. BOTDS, li "n??! LINKNS, of various widths and free from ,* nrip, Dowlas, Diapers, Toweling, Huckaback, etc. :iiJws\ nuiLrs, d-c. ailment, suitable fur f Sent lemon and Hoys' Sprituj res, Draji D'iite, Fartuer'sSiitin, Grev Flannels, etc. D: U M n R E L II. A s ". , in till the new designs, cons'.. intl)* received; l' , OH GOODS. h the a full department suitable (<> their wants, j prices for Cash or City Acceptance?. 1 attention to all < oiintrv Orders, and having tin* IVJiST UpODS at th.-' LOWK8T POi<SUll.K\ itching tin* New York Auctions for all desirable I pared to sav that nil orders will be satisfactorily I '! to, ami nil (ctvt'lx II Virrnntnt A. r. ?KOW.\L\?, tjtc lliiscll Street, Siun <>t inn "Thkk." i o'-? tt AT PRIVATE ~SALK. S . A ll ANDSOMi: IIJCSIDT'NCF. j ^ ?' ?"> ?" Ibincoinbe Street, with all nee "* 7(>,:r'-t Also otic 0:1 Pendleton street, j j Tlw iiitoim lire nearly new, with commodious j lots at t ached. Also, a vacant lot on Jlunoomhe street. Apply to II. I KK THlll'STOX. Aprils. 17 tf TiVxs >? j Thir<f Door nhorr th " Afauair //?hw, | I \\7"^" 1.11 respectfully cull the at tent ion of j T ? his friends, and the public trcncrallv, to I h'.s recent enlarged Stock of IHH'tSS, SIKlll- : jl'INFS, iVe. Physicians, Mcreluuils, Farmers | Heads of Families, and ail persons in want of Articles in his line, will do well to call mid exJ amine his assortment. Articles for fainilv use, Spies Mavuriti; K\tracts, etc., constantly on . loot.) \L- 11..-'- M l- i - - - i mil ,nf.iicai men a in I v. April 2 4 7 if SPANISH CM CI-A US. VliAIHiH lut nf chiiii'i' Ili-amls jm?t received | iiimI fin* sji!? at. the | >i-ii?r .Wore ??f April 2 17?:t* .1 J I. LEAN. \M II. IIOVEY & CO., l'liOl'IilKTOIJS 1)1-' The Ladies' Store,! .4 III" NOW. ami will !> > constantly receiving | /'V Fresh I mport at ions, pnrehnseii liy or.e nf I j I lie pnrl iters, who lias t-aine hveiilvflvn v ears' 1 experience in hiiyinir mi l selling (iu ul:i. "Tliej : {would iu\ile special attention to their largo I Stock) of I j \\ hint and Embroidered Goods, U'oli Silk j 'I i-?>nos, I )e lieges, Chnllvs, Crape 1 >e Paris, llereges. Muslin*. brilliants, Silks. Alpaccns, bombazines, (Janton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and American Piinix, Are., A e. ALSO. -II'ST IX, A Xlt'i: I.OT OF New lton nets, Ribbons, Ruches, \\ real lis, i Mowers, I lion,Is, Valencia, Thread and ; I impels Edging*, White and black Crape Collars and Shoves, j Embroidered, I.inen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Emb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, ! Ami many other N'ICF. AND FANCY ftO(>I>S. | i All of which it will be their endeavor to fell as j j cheap-OS possible. -til-tf Mh *4(1 GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE.! UNDER M'BEE'S HALL--BURS?Y'S OLD STAND. i Il'ST RECEIVED, nt the above Store, a (Jen- i e en I Assortment of i I ' 1 A1 1 t vr /III/IOPIU IVI r.uiiM irKui lutlJ-A ; selected 1>V the proprietor, oonj-i^f iup- of choice ! : article# of SCftAK^, Coffee. Moln?#cs, Itiee, Uioe I'lour. Fish, etc., etc. To nil of which he invites * , the attention of liouHkecpora ami others. A ja il *23 f>0 tf |" I) il? GO 01) S. V i Kisn supply ok mats n?<i cwi'su Moot# and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, ' ; (Slntssnrnro, <&e, just received nt Ap - '5 60-Cf A. GREENFIELD'S. All Sorts of Liquors. VT firoeiirtehl's I'andlv Grocery Store niny now lie found a well selected assortment of Choice LTQUOUS, viz: Ale and I'orter, of the be*t brands; C'linnipnvrnes, llock and Clnret Wines; Hchiodnm Schnapps; brandy reaches and Cherries; tino and common brandies; Whiskey, of different brands; Jamaica Hum; a Variety of Cordials. An 29 50-tl' A. GREENFIELD. ?k Ok GREENVILLE PRICjjS CURRENT. DOKUKCTRD WKCKLT rOU TUB KNTRUPW8E, ' By Grady & Goodlett, Merchant*. , GuKBXTILI.B, MAY SO, 1867. RAGGING, Gunny, per yard, u 25 ' Dundee, o 20 t RACON ... .(Tains, |?er ll>., new, 15 Shoulders, * 12$Sides, " 16 Hog round, 13 RLl'ITEU.. .Goshen, per lb. none. # Country, pei lb. 20 XlFFKK.. .Uio, per lb. 1.5$ h .lava, per lb. a 20 v TOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0J a 10 Sheeting, pei yd. 10 ? 15 Osnaburjps pervd. 11 a 12$ ^ "LOT 11 .... Country, pet bbl. $G 50 a $7 Country, | er sack, 83 25 HJAIN Corn, per bushel. 75 <? 80 Wheat, per bushel. 81.25 OaU, per bushel, a 45 < RON Swede*,, per lb. 0| a 7 English, pur lb. a 5$ f/ARD J KM' lb. ? 12$ UOLASSES. W. 1. per gal. 75 N. O., j?er. gal. new crop, 81.25 Rl'l>...." 44 per gal. " _>ILS Lamp, |mtgal. 81$ ? 82$ Train, por gal. 87$ a 8l$ ? Linseed, u ItrCE ]kt lb. a S$ i ll<>l'K i?er lb. 15 ? 20 | 5UGA1W...N. Orleans, per lb. a 15 Dorto llico,perIbv ? 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Itetined, per ib. a 1G$ SALT per bushel, $1 Sail, per sack, 82 00 i" SOAI' Colgate,pale, 12.J ? 15 J Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 I SHOT per Ib. 12$ i( Shot, per bag, a 823 |' - i U M IL ALLEN, SIT K( 1 FX)N I >ENTIST, < c HAS returned front Philadel]-ltin. prepared, in every wnv, to j | Hi tit perform .ill operations in his pro- i ;Ve?iou in the most skillt.1 ami approved manner. Iluvin:* procured every improvement of the day, persons can safely rely on having nvory operalion performed in the same manner as done in Philadelphia or New York. Kther and Chloroform uirca when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appointments previously. rr*i looms in McBec's Building. L March 10 4"t t{ DIE J II. DEAN, DEALER /A' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, ?oin1s, Oils, l!airni$l}cs, SHjc-Siuff?, TO'B>\O?0; ?a^AlrlSj, FINK TOIM1T SOAPN, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH HKUSIIE?, PURE WINES AND LiaUORS, For Medicinal Uses, TR'JSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, &C., 8tC. Third Door above the Mtuition Jfonse, (lirceiirillc, S. 43. CfT M edieines warranted genuine and of the host quality. Planters and Physicians from the country will timl his stock of Medicines complete. Feb 12 40 ly WATCHES uL&uxfi imJiVviLa?. ! :. 6. ? (\so.\' (AOKNT,) I>EOS leave to announce to the citizens of i ) (Ireetiville, and surrounding eoiintrv. that j lie litis opened a Stock of the nUovo-nnhied Articles on Avenue street, in the Building formerly I known as " A venue St reet Confectionery," which | he will sell l.OW for CASH. UK WII.I. A I.SO Repair and Fit Up WATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, III the best of stvlo. I " ? Thankful to his former patrons and friends, | for their liberality and patronugc, lie respect- ! f?lIV solicits n continuance of tlic same. wr (>ive iiiin a call, and lie will endeavor to please. 37?tf .Ian 22 i Plows, Stoves, "l \ W tvtl, ttti, I WE keep constant "NPv lv 011 liand a large as- ^ sort-incut of One and T^nW^TMfif" rJJS?^T\vo-l lor.-e Turning, Suhsoil and Hillside i which we challenge the world to equal in good > work, ease of draft and durability. We have also a large and beautiful assortment j of Cooking. Parlor, Dining Room, lied Room J and Church STOVES, to which we particularly call the attention of | those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash anil Stock BOILERS, ] Corn Shell, rs,Straw Cutters, .t-.\ Copper, Sheet j Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or I Weil Pumps furnished and put up. We also are making; and receiving from New York, it superior assortment of Tin Pviid Japaneso Ware, among which (lie Ladie-? may find a great varie* ' ty of (Jake Cutter* ami Bake Pan*. FO<>T anil llATIHNO Tl'lis, or nay other Ar- ' tit le in our line, mnilo to order, ami Painted in the lust manlier. We are also prepared to do I SUM! (sUttei'lllff in the latest and host manner on short notice. ' Country Merchants invited to examine our t stock of j 1 'a^ki.v .u ax BO* ,1 Wo snv it is superior, and we do not wish to i I have <o?r word taken for it Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax and Old J Pewter. ^2?" Hags taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN RR OTHERS. ! Ml. 12 44 tf ! CANDY. \FI1K3H supply of excellent CANItY now | on hnml and for sate nt the Tiriur Store of > < .April 2 d7?tf J. II. DEAN. 4 .. # " i i iimmi i **- " 1 A ' ' ' ? Dissolution. Till?Copartner-Tup of REA, SontT0dR* CO. 1 hn* been tbi* day diaeolved bjr mlMkitl content. Mj into rot. Itnviiift Wen nMp^*?4 JT ilie ot!i?r moodier- of the Firm, ) nVrfrwn ike wtsbluh-pcot. The business wiH*l>e contini ?d *t the ola St ana, ?out\iw*tt corner of thfc Cdurt House S4,r.are. by R KKA A CO., to wtiqm ail iebts tine tlie concern are payable. vr. u m. a. boruggh. Greenville, 8. C.f February 13th, 1851. . NOTICEpilEPnliwrilifM would inform their; frioitda 1 mid the public generally, that the >mnine?a iTt'liifuri' conductedl?y KKA, SC1U Jj tX>.. rill be continued by t&cin. under tl|U name ui u t vlc of K. REA ?t CO. They respect fully solicit continuance of patronrfgo, Their Stock conists of itaplc and Fancy Dry CJoodfi, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11A U1 >VV A It K. OROf: K'KllV. ?a re em we AR9 PAINTS, OILS, MEDICINES, Etc. ill persons indebted \n the Firm of Ron, Scruggs 1 Co., will make pnvment to os. K. REA <fe CO. Greenville, & C., February 19, 1857. 41-tf ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. CIRCULATION, OVER 100,000 COPIES WEEKLY, 25 V/ITNESSES; ra s iPCM'iJia iormKrm Jolin 3. &((c is i(?c Btiffeofc \\THO has 10 3-ears exnerienoo as a Bank* T er nn<l Publisher, ami Author of <4f|j 1 Scries of I.fclu res at the Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive night?1, over S3T 500,000 Fcoplo 1 reefed him with roumis of applause, while ho exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiter* sxocute their Frauds, uml the Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting (hem! The Jiauk' 1Vote Engravers all sag he is the greatest Judge of Pager Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Describing Every Genuiuc BiJI in Existence, and Exhibiting at a Gin nee, every Counterfeit in Circ'.'lati??n ! 5 Arranged so admirably, that RFPFTVF.XCF is Knsy ami bETKCtlON instantaneous. t*r no 1 xdex to examine I No pages to hunt up! But no simplified and arranged, thai the Mcrehnnt, Hunker and Business Man can sec all at a glance ! ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN. Thus cneli may rend the name in his own Native Tongue. Mcst Perfect Bank Note List Published. Also, n List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA I A complete Summary of the Finance of Rn* rope and Ameriea will he published in each edition, together with all the Important, News :nf the l)ny. Also, a SEItlliS OF TALES, from an old Munuseript found in 1 lie Fast. It furnishes the most Complete History of Oriental Life, describing the most perplexing positions in which the ladies and gentlemen of that countryliayC been so often found. These Stories will continue' throughout the whole year, and will prove tli? most entertaining over offered to the public. vir Furnished Weekly, to subscribers only, at ?1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOI1N S. DYE, Hkokeh, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street. New York. April 23 50 ly. W. S. LAW TON,) I C. II. BREAK EH, Formerly <>f I- < of T.awtonvillo, S. C. J ( Charleston, S. C* LAWTON & CO., Factors For ward ins and Cohi* minion UlcrchaiilN, Aro. 30 J'Jast Hay and lioyce <fc Co's Wharf, WIU Sf.l.l. . cotton, uioi;ku.?i: k,wheat,ccmfr, NAVAL ST0EK* At. or n nvinir on experience of twenty-Ove years in husiness, we guarantee siitiafnotiqp'w nil who patronize us. REFERKXCnS.?1 Ion. ft. DeTreville, EfI.ieitt. Gov., .1. II Hiephoi d, Esq., of the firm of Miepherd ?fc MeCreery, Jus. Tapper, Esq., Master - m in Equity, Hon. \V. .1. Grayson,Ex-Collector and Ex. M. C., Charleston, S. C'.; Rev. II. I). ]>unenn, Gen. L. M. Ayer, Barnwell, S. C.; Gov. 0. J. Mc'* Donnlil,. Judge T. Stoeks, Georgia ; E. G. Jnudon, Esq., l>r. II. G. Mays, Florida; Joseph Ramsey, Esq., Tenn. -14 Mh IS j. 4. UOVKV. w. ji. JIOVICY W. H. HOVEY & CO., iMtoraiCTORs ov > ~ THE LADIES' STORE, " DEALERS IN* FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, &IAI0Y MAIDS UMtf mm' AND INTITA T?tti>.tvet?. noons GKUi;.'VVILI.E, S. C. X. 1>.?Orders accompanied l?v the cash for' Medical, Law or l.ihrnry Hooks, Mnural Instruments and Sundiies, promptly tilled in Now" York, and delivered nt our counter on shortest notice. Jnn 22 T7 1y A Uiclionary OFSKLKfT AVI) POPULARQUOT \T10XS, which are in <luily n*e, taken from tl?? Latin, French, (Jieek, Spanish and Italian Inn (tinges; together with n collection of Law Maxins and Terms; translated into Lnglish. "Ilo lias been to a great feast of "languages, anil sto-' en nil the scraps."?Shakunrarr. F<>r sale at tho GltKKNYILLE IJOOKSTOUE, ; Spurgeon's Sermons, I7MRST and SliCONI) SKRTT'X fo- sale at the OUEliXVILLR IJOOKSTORE. N.ipoloon VNI> THI2 MARSHALS OK KMI'lltR, Two volumes complete p^ with finely ngrnvrd portraits J. C. 1\ JEimS HoOKSTOKE, m