University of South Carolina Libraries
? SfrMmMn mm* twenty ^mt*. -' *1"?|?rltolJ l)i*tn4t for ill? p?t two t? the towns of Camden, NewW^BUcVvill., Abbeville, Chester. Ander ^SteAntiUe, SpATtnnburg, York villa mid WktijpBy.y In (no of these beantiflil into tlian mrs an Uniwowity ?od Colthe beneficial effect* ort the*? In yHBons nre plain and manifest. Would 4aNhiC.*p,UI of tit? State, with n Conn W Of the followers of Temperance, could be V ,; Muttd to follow these great and good ex Your Committee hare looked over the BS$P*^fcbpbrte of the D. C. W. P.'e, nnd reconitiiAnrt tliat wlinn itilnro^linrv nia Aniit.4 itch a* Brother Ilenson a case, in Brc.oei | Kennedy'* Report. Brother Dolman's statement of the lefusal of licenses in Barnwell District, Brother Austin's statement, in re fbftince to the notion taken in Greenville District, to suppress treating at election*, he ; published with the proceedings. The other matters, as Information, nie much valued Indoor Committee, bnt need not be published. wo need a temperance and family newspaper, such as a committee was charged with at Greenwood, is manifest. The effort was made in good fr.ith to get np such a paper ; but not quite 400 subscribers weio returned. It wns, therefore, in vain to go on. Your Committee believe that such a paper only needs a beginning to l>e well sustained. This, it seems to them, is a most opportune i time to invite individual enterprise, to make! the experiment. The Grand Division will, j we have no doubt, make such a paper its or- j gan. Many of the members will become) corresponding editors, and each member will.' it is hoped, undertake to obtain subscribers, j Your Committee recommend that a Com- , raittee be raised, to act during the recess of this body on the principles hereinbefore sng- ! gested. " We are fully satisfied of the importance j of having an uniform edition of the pro eoedingH of the Grand Division published.! They recommend ihat a Committee ?>e raised, j awkI charged with the publication of 500! Copies of such an edition on subscription.! They fmther recommend that hereafter the { proceeding* be published in pamphlet form, corresponding with the edition to he published, so that they onn bo bound together and 1 preserved. 1 A digest of the proceedings of the Nn j tionnl Division, nnd of tlte Grand 1 division. 1 would bo valuable, but the < rand Division! possesses not the means of having such n I work prepared and published. S-?, loo, the! continue*! changes to which we are annually I and quarterly subjected, would abridge much the utility of the work. In reference to making the meetings of Subordinate Divisions interesting, we know t no means beyond such as will at once sug gest themselves to the good senso of every member : Work! He instant in season and out of season ! Always attend ! Stir up one another's firm mind* by way of roinein brnnee ! If anything interesting has pre ented itself to a brother's mind, tell or road it, as the case may he. Make your weekly meetings as short a* possible?t fir it it. at toon at interest ceases, close. Avoid all unprofitable discussions on points of order. \Vhen n dispute begins to wax warm, adjourn it to the next meeting, so that reflection may avoid strife. Preserve some such course, and the result will ho, the Divisions will he 1 harmonious, and the meetings interesting, j Wo agree fully with the (r. W. P., that ; the traffic in intoxicating drink must eeane. j This i3 the end at which every friend of; Temperance should aim. Your Committee hope that it need not he said to our brethren 1 that the Grand Division of South Carolina j expect* every man to Jo his tint}*. At home ; and abroad, brethren, lot it bo remembered 1 that every one is to be the advocate of total1 abstinence, and of tho prohibition of the traffic in intoxicating drinks. JOHN HELTON ONE ALL, Chairman. Resolved, That three brothers shall con- j utitule each of tho committees provided for in the above repoit. On motion of Iiro. Townscnd, Resolved, That the Grand Division take a recess at half-past 1 o'clock until 3\ o'clock, P. M. Bro. D. D. Townsend introduced the following resolutions, which met a hearty res ; ponse, and were unanimously concurred in : 1 The Grand Division, Sons of Temperance.: of South Carolina, having been courteously [ invited during its Spiing Session, in Char- ^ leeton, to visit the 44 Model School," and having accepted the invitation and visited the > School, Rgfolved, That this body have boon both ( pleased and gratified nt the result of their , visit and hereby offer to all concerned, their sincere thanks for this opportunity to glance hastily nt an experiment, in which every oil- j izen of this commonwealth must feel a. deep interest. Resolved, That ft copy of this preamble and resolution bo engrt>**ed and furnished to Co). Memmtnger, the distinguished Chairman of the Hoard, and also to iho city papers for publication. 8^ O'ci.OOK, 1*. M. Grand Division met. Officers same as; this morning. In accordance with tho adopted report ofi tb? coinmitieo on the G. W. P.'s Report, j the G. W. P. appointed Bros. Corley, Price j and McCully, the Committee on Temperaoce Journal, and Broc. B. 1>. Townsend, Tylee, 8r., and Pelot, tho Committee cn publathing proceedings of Grand Division. I The following resolution, by Bio. McCul-' ly, vm adopted: Resolved, That tbie Grand Division is op- j posed to any change In our laws and regu iations, that can be avoid^J. Bro. Kennedy introduced the following Preamble and Resolutions, which were JCk unanimously ndopted by ft standing vote, ?t><f Grftnd Scribe requested to send a "copy to Palmetto Division, Xo. 1 : , ^ wfcrtint. ?b o these** MMb4on of t&<Jr*nd Division of South CafolinaTiaa been om of unusual interest, In which the menibflm of Palmetto Division, No, I, mainly contributed, by the numerous instructive and delightI ful entertainments gotieu up fur this body. Being deeply sensible of the unwearied efforts and brotherly nffection shown, we desire to give expression to our fooling* by the follow^ iog Resolutions; litsoloed, unanimously, by the Grand D\ vision or ovum Carolina, I lull ?? will ever cherish, witli liveliest emotions, erabnltned on the tablets of our memory, the brotherly welcomo and generous hospitality of the brethren of Palmetto Division, No, i, in making such ample preparations in the exhibition of efforts abundantly crowned with success, to w inn tho hearts and nerve the arms of those in the interior of our State engaged in tho same glorious struggle, to remove the most gigantic evil that nfllitts our race. Resolved., That such tokens of zeal cannot I fail to make impressions that must stir up ( lite members whose privilege il was to be participants of snob kindness, that must re[ suit in great good to our order, and that we | look forward to onr next quarterly session ! as giving summer fruits from tho seed sown at this spring session. Resolved, That we invoke the blessing of J Heaven ii|H>n onr brothers of Palmetto Division, No. 1, and llint they each and all receive in their own bosoms a consciousness of the high satisfaction they have imparted to us; nnd that their own Division may he greatly strengthened nnd increased, so as to| shed llie benign influence of Love, Purity and I Fidelity, over tho entire population of our much loved Queen City of the South. Resolved, last, though not least, That our most grateful ihnnks are fiaterually tendered to the Lady Visitors of Palmetto Division. No. 1, and tlie other Indies who aided them, for the vcrv handsome manner in which we j found the Hall decorated with flowers and ; evergreen* emblematic of our cardinal prin- : ciples, interwoven with our past history, and j beckoning us on to the consummation of our highest hoped. Pro. E. Thayer offered the following res olution, which was unanimously adoptedt Resolved, That the thanks of ihis Graiul Di- j vision l?e presented to tho Presidents and j Directors of the South Carolina Railroad, j Greenville <fc Columbia Railroad, and other j railroads which have extended to its mem- i hers the courtesy and kindness in allowing them to pass for one fare. On motion of Urn. P. 1). Townsend, < Ira ml Division subscribed for 100 copies of the contemplated publication of the minutes of t this body. On motion of Pro. Thayer, the Grand Pivision closed its session, to meet in York vi lie ! on the 4th Wednesday hi July, next. S. COliLIiY, G. S. j Extracts from Reports of D. G. W P.'s. i [From Report of lire, Kennedy.] Camdkn, 8. 0., April 7, 18o7. I Henry Summer, Ks<], (v. IP. P. of G. D. of S. C.: Dkaii Sik?At the close of tho second quarter of the year for which you have been j elected to the responsible office you hold, j it is made my dtrt v, as it is my pleasure,; briefly to report the condition of the cause in this jurisdiction during the quarter. Ihitl lew hare been added to our numbers. On I the contrary, some have withdrawn, and | some, I am sorry to say, have violated their pledge, some of whom have been restored., While we may not numerically he as strong., I am glad to say our moral force is more felt, j and our Division is exercising a happy influence in the community. Wo had one pub-! lie meeting, which van well attended and ahlv addressed by our Chaplain, Itev. J. K.| Mendeuhall. One of our members died ? Pro. Henson ; and nltliongh this is the common lot of humanity, Iii-* rase presents to view a most sinking exemplification of the tendency, aim and beneficial CUbels of otir order, which I trust von will not deem ohtrusivej in my mentioning. Previous to his joining; our Division lie had been an abundant drunkard, neglectful of all the social ties, deserted by w ife and children, a poor tnisera-; ID outcast. Willi much hesitancy he was admitted. About the same time bo joined the Methodist church ; and for the last two \ eats lie maintained inviolate his pledge, be came n changed man, and before bis death | lie said to bis wife, (to whom lie had been j restored since be abstained from the use of spirits,) " If 1 xho a Id be deprived of my reason, I enjoin it on you, give me no stim- j ulatiny drink." Ilis desire was to dio aj religious and sober man, while we have eve- i r y reason to believe be was a true disciple of j the Lord Jesus Christ. His caso excited | much interest in the Division, ntid although poor in this world's goods, a very large number turned out to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory. Ilis funeral servi-; cen was made the occasion of an excellent1 discourse by our much beloved Drother, \V.1 A. <?amcwe!l. Such instances encourage us |a lulnva A !?ij f InA .?!?? ami. f.1 beings are (raveling the fame road, and if1 not rescued, must fall into n drunkard's, grave and a drunkard's liell. On yesterday our municipal election was held, and the result highly gratifying to the f ieinls of Temperance, Ihw and oider. Four ( out of live are decided ft lend* of our cause, and | tho ninjoiitv by which they were chosen is i a pleasing indication of the popular sonli-; ment in favor of reform which, I trust, they j will he enabled to carry out. We find the' interest the ladies take in tho Division of I great service. The addition of tho choir hasi been manifest, and as the season of the year is now approaching when tliey will bo able i*> grace our ball with their presence, we may calculate, with some certainty, of an awakened interest among our members geuera?y. Our motto is slitl onward and upward, and, by the help of Him who is strength to the weak and sight to the blind, we h>pe to l?ee tho day when the vico of selling (m a [Leverage) and public drinking (or drunkenWk o^lj wulVo ffr grint kii ] fckiag and murder. j? Very truly, in L. P, <k F., .o^iSS; ; [From Rejmrti of 13to. IJolmeU.] I Blackvillk, April 7, T857. Iletiry Summer, E*q., ' < I 61. W. P. of South Carolina: * | Dkar Sir *nn Hkotiikh1?I herewith re- I) apcctfhlly submit to you my second quarterly 1 Report. It U with much plenum o tliut 1 ' can say things pertaining to the order as- < sume quite n different feature to wjuit tfioy did in my lust Report. I installed ilio oili cere of No. 22 on last Saturday evening, and I Iiiicicni niH iiimiimuM Ull mm OCCH-1 | sion?the ladies being present, which, you j ( know, adds charm to the order. Yesterday I rode twelve miles in tho rnin j , to have nn opportunity of casting iny Tote 1 on the anti-license law side, with other Com- j missioner* of Uond Boat <1. Those applicants for licenses wcio sadly disappointed l>y an f overwhelming majority, and, therefore, we; have not, for the first time, a licensed grog-! shop in our District, except in the incoiporn- j tion of the town of Aiken, which, you know, ] ilic Commissioner* do not control. You can j set this down as prngres*. Yours, in fraternal bends, J. IIOLMAN. I). G. XV. P. for Barnwell District. [Front liopnrt of Bro. Austin.] Gii.dek, S. C., April n, 1807. ! Dbak Sin and Bno.?I failed in making5 my return for last quarter, in consequence i of your sending my deputation to Grecti-1 ville, instead of Gilder, thereby not coming J to hand in time. j'' X'ou know there are three Division in tlii; j District, all of which are doing well, not so j much l?y accession of members; but arc | steadily advancing in influence, and are in-1 creasing in numbers, rather than decreasing, j ] \Yc are taking young men who have never i contracted the habit of drinking to excess. | and who are active and zealous, punctual tot . their duties. All things considered I think the j r good cause ill a more sound and healthy I condition than at any previous time. A resolution was ottered in F.noree Div i Mon, that we ask of the other Divisions in ' litis Distiict to unite with us in an effort I to put down treating at elections, and for [ t this purpose, that each Division hold public i v meetings circulate a pledge among the vo ! A ters of the District to unite w ith us in put-j ting it down, and if wo can obtain 300 or I 400 to sigti, to publish the amount in the j Enterprise, and through its columns, to call ! the attention of all the citizens to their in- j teiost. The resolution passed unanimously to Euoree l>ivi>i:n, I had the pleasure 1 of offering it to Pleasant Grove Division, J at a full meeting, and they passed il. with a standing vote with the like unanimity,1 and Greenville Pi"Uio:i also passed g, and ; i was pleased with it, so now you see that we I , are in for a long pull, a strong pull, and a | , pull logelhe-, and if we do nothing more, we ' f will utike up old king Alcohol, and excite ^ discussion, an l uiako all sides show their Imnds. | We feci greatly the need of a paper do-' voted to T? ni| vera rice, through whose! [ columns we could bo informed of what our! brethren in other District are doing. I sent ! up 12 names some time since, and have been ' i a>ked what the friends are doing. Speaking i of Temperance papers, I will make one re-i maik, to show you what can he done in this i ' way: I take the Crusader and the Spirit j J of the Age, and distiihutQ them. Near me i . there is a neighborhood renowned for its ; c opposition to Temperance, as also for drinking. A brother who resides in a drinking re ;H gion. takes mv papers every Saturday and distiibutes them. One he gives to the stif- \ ler, and the other to somo one of the can \ tomrrs. They read and toll the General'* mxrtf) titdli.W Tin*** u'nra $ *?? ?!#/*.. 1 ?i *. yj ..?...v.. ?i m.m, but now nrc anxious to get tho pnper, an?i < Mill moro tlie still is for jw/c. You may expect several of tlie Sons from our Diatiict ' at the Urnml Division. Excuse the long uninteresting letter. j' In L. P. k F.t t! W. Ji. M. AUSTIN, D. G. W. I*. j Bio Stoiuks.?A lot of young fellows ' were trying their skill at telling stories , a few days ago. Among the numerous stories told on the occasion were the following hard ones. Bill said? I know a tree that seven men chopped at for seven weeks, and then they | 1 took a notion to rjn round and look at i i the other side. They traveled four I days and then come to a party of for-: tv who had heen chopping ir for four \ 1 months and it was not cut half through 1 yet! Tom snul?I rememl>er that, well. It was an oak tree, and five million hugs were fattened yearly on the acorns that fell from it! .Joe anhi? The tree was afterwards rnt down and five lwndred saw-mills have hecn built with the lumber it produced..? ' Tlio chips made in cutting it down, when closely heaped, measured four!' million cords and have sum died two! furnaces with charcoal for the last two years! Jack said? Deacon Drown afterward*, dag out tho stump and turned the place into a pasture fi Id. He kept so many cows on it that he made a million pounds of butter and nearly as much cbce 3very year! Jtfow comes Stick-in-tlie mud's turn, lie drew himself up and said? Wal, I dunno how main' pounds of butter and cheetc Deacon Drown makes L ^ My wife tells the truth three times ft lay, remarked a jocose old fellow, at Tie same.time casting a mischievous F glance at her, Defor^ rising in the inornlng 6he says?-i4 O dear, I must n a^et tipy l?ut I don't want to." After breakfast, she adds?44 Well, I suppose c (must go to work, bnt I don't want to mid she goes to bed saying?"There I liavo been fussing all day, and havn't lone anything." < 44 What is it that makes iced cakes, Michalc 1" 44 Och ! Larry, but it's you that's stupid. Don't they bake tliem in a sowld ovens, to be sure {" ?11' r. i. hove v. w. ii. norKT W. H. HOVEY & CO., o rilOlMtlKTOBS OF THE LADIES' STORE, DKAI.EItS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, U U IN i\ IL, 1 5>, lv 1 I? 1> \t o ) Housekeeping Goods, aSAEY MAM {JAOYMHS , AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, c URCF^VILLE, S. C. N. B.?Order* neoompnnied liv the cokIi for I dedicnl, J,i?w or Library Books, Musical Instrnnent-s and Sundiics, promptly filled in New | fork, nnd delivered nt our com tor on shortest lotice. r Jnn 22 37 ly AGENCY FOR S L.IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! ? TME mm.WLL& s MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ?, Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop rtjr m ACA1NST FIRKt c And the Lives of White Porsons and Slaves, 1' be tween the ayes of ] 0 and 00 years, f \ \ such terms as to render it n most safe nnd I / desirable investment. 1'ull details, with yj lie Constitution nnd lly-Lnws of the Company, ti rill be furnished on npplientiou to any of the Of- V\ iccrs of the Com pan v. j |-,< ,t< isi.'i?i'i it n?nnii\*F r,?'/ u. \Vu'\V. McDOWKlVu Vice-Pre*. Hi J as. B. IJ v>Ktv, Srrrrhtri/ it TrttutHrcr. ti JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, "> Jan S 83-ly OKEKN V1I.1.K,?. C. u ths aSsiSvraxS ~ 5 B O O K S T (> R E, : MAIN ST It KIT, XKXT TO McBKK'S HALT* a f'&ry WllKRK constantly may be found n ?' ^MKlargc hihI well selected Stock of MIS- i OKI.I.ANKOL'S. SCHOOL mnl CLASSIC- | s tl, BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Mem- I >rAndums, <kc.; Writing I>osk? ami Case*. Port j olios, Oolil ami Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing j Va\\ Wafers, Sin to*, Copy Books. Inkstands, Uu- | or?, Ac., ?k<% " J. C. P. JKTKK, Jnn 15 30-ly Sign of the Big Book. E. K R U T CII'S IRU6 STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UN DEIS Mr DEE'S 11.U.K. S, a, / I \ J IIKHK will lie constantly kept on linnJ tl.e | t purest stoek of DRUBS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS.PATENT ? dcdicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Dve- ^ tuffs, Varnishes, Pnttv, Tobneeo, Segars, Spirit 5ns, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Vrtielcs, Combs, Perfumery ; ami oil other arti- ? les generally kept by Druggists. nr Fresh ami pure Drugs are w arranted and ( ' mid at low prices. Compound medicines arc prepared in the most 'archil wav. Receipts and prescriptions of any ' iiud pnt-v i. nceuracv. neatness and dis-! inteh. 3.1-1 Out .Inn 8 The Goodlett House. ? THIS LAKGK AN I) COM MO- E SilJt'liini!" I In i I.I < ni^. situated in the centre of J r lie Town of Greenville, formerly known ns , The I'ltiiilei'N Hotel, inn hern recently purchased hy the subscriber. \ tn.l will ho opened for the reception ntul nceom- " initiation of Hour.!era not! Travellers on the J1 First of January. y Hie House will ho entirely newlv furnished in (1 ivory department, nut! the Proprietor will on- | n leaver to make it one of the first Hotels in the I upper country. i , k. p. ooohli:tt. f lVe. 2.-?. 33 H I * G. S. BOWER, Manufacturer and I>calcr In ' ' FUIVMTUREof crorv description, CIIAtfltS of every stylo. ' FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Cont/aree House, Dee. 11. COLUMBIA. B. C HI f E. R. STOKES, H O O K-UT N I) F R, !? AN1> i I lllaiik-llook Jfaniifhrtui'cr,11 (iii rear oi cnroitnn Tuuca office.) i c osjbsiisaiadb., e. o. BLANK ROOKS i-iilcil toiiiiv |u?tl-*rn. nti.l inn* * miliictured of the beat nintofinis nud in ! * the moat durable manner. ' < i'KHIOniCAl/t. WTHTr; ROOKS. *e .. bwnd In j a every variety of etylo, nt abort notice. I , jy Country orders promptly attended to. JjEJ ' | jvc 4 3t> 1 v j P!AI?0 TUNING. ? ? T11K subscriber would of- 1 fer hlaacrvierat<? the eitir.ene ( of Oreenvillo and the aur- i V *--jnr ^ jy^roun^''''- -o<>ntrv in tho a- ( t. lie hove bwetnees. Be will give , latinfsction, or no chargo will l?e made. m. m. muttl'hey. Jnne ft. 4 *f Town #fBccr?. 1 Inlcndaul.?II. LEE TUKUBTOX. Warden*.?II. C. MaRKLKY.G. B. Dyrr, pr. u. d. lono, 11. mckay. Town Clerk.? W. P. Prick. yJfarshala.?Martin & C. Gra^berr}. r V;J HAVING A WNK 8KI,K(niON OF j., 'LAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WB ARK PREPARED TQ DO WORK M |UIAHtjEt.fltOJlAIB MTV#**! JNJ J u |n? * ^ ?? M w wui I IHCl'LAHR, CATALOGUES, IIANOnlLI.B, WAT? HI 1.I H, UAI.I, T1CKKIS, VUOOIUMMK*, *C. Printed with Nestacss nod Dispatch. iy/Ais'?o? . > IHN* A, 8AT1N KXAMKL, HATtN 8URFACK, AXD PLAIN AND COLOKKD CAKD8, in the Host Reasonable Terms. lyoiVK ud a c.\u,._#jr wTpTpmcE"X O T A 11 Y P TJ BLIC, AND CLERK OF TUWN COUNCIL, FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, &, (SL "ill promptly ntl?n<] to fit** collection of Notes and Account.*. settling Claims. dc. REED & GOODLETT, ATPiF2>i^s!ra,sro AT? Greenville, S. C. ^^?m0^icc next door to F. F. Bkattik JsCo J. P. RRKI).] [?. D. GOOD LETT. Jennarp IS as tft Elford & Donaldson, CiHvlTSiaUer^'lCC.^^ a, , J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. .15 Km IOWARD ASSOCIATION V IT I LA DEL Important Announcement. I^O nil persons nlilicte.l with Sexual Diseases, 6iich nsSpvrmntorrlmfti, Seminal Weakness, npotcnce, uoiiiiitliirn, lilcct, r*v| Iiijijs llie \ icc r Onanism, or Self A huso, ?vc., Ac. The HOWARD A3&OCIAT/OX in v'cw of ?c awful destruction of human lite, canned by pxual Disease*, and (lie deceptions practised upa the unfortunate victims of such disease# by uncks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, ? n chut itahlc act worthy of their name to give r.niCAL AOVtcK gratis, to nil per* ins thus afflictil, who apply by letter, with a description of leir condition, (age occupation, habits of life, c..) and in cases of extreme poveity and lllf ring, to furnith medicine* free of charge. The Howard Association is a bonivolent Ini tut ion, cstnldislied hv s)>eeinl endowment, for ie relie f of the siek and distressed, afflicted ith " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It lias 11 w a surplus of menus, which the Directors Ave voted to expend in advertising the above Jtico. It is needless to add that, the Asvocin on commands tin: highest Medical skill of the r?', and will furnish the most approved modern cot monk .lust. Published, by the Association, n Report ii Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, the ice of Onanism, Masturbation of SelfAbuse, and Iher Disease* of the Sexual Organs, hy the Con illing Surgeon, which will bo sent by mail, (in sealed envelope). Free of Charge, on the receipt T TWO STAMI'S for postage. Adilross, Dlt. <4KG. CALHOUN', Consulting urgeon, Howard Assoeinl ion. No. 2 South I N'1*11 Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Jiy order of the Director*. KZttA D. IIAKT.VELI* President, fltti, Fairciiilh, Secretary. IVh 5 X'j tf JOHN KRAUSE, F l \\ X I T I' li B AND CABINET MAKER, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of fJreenvi.le r nd Tteiiiity that he lias on hand a lot f FL'UXITI'UE, which he will dispose of upon >asonah)o terms, lie has Chairs, Tables, Sofa.*, Vnshstnnds, Ac. Vine and Plain Furniture inde to order. 11 is shop may be found on Av> line Stre-t, between Bent tie's Store nnd th< lonfectioncry, nnd nearly opposite the Court luosc Greenville, S. C.. ' Aug. 14-14-ly \ it n' IM ?* IIIIOOIIAM' m.-w^sww its ? m ?? W \W J ^GRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS I^HR snlwcrllwr, recently from I.ondon, Pnrii nnd the principal ciHe* of Rtiropo am Lmerica, 'w here aprcintena of lain nit have giver he utmost satisfaction, respeotly informs the est tens of the Upper Country, that he has just nr ivod, and located himself nt Greenville, when le is prepared to donll work appertaining to hii insincss, in the best manner and at the sliortcs lotiee, as Pontile and Single Cost-Steel ltiflei iml Shot Guns, Duelling: Pistols, Ac. He will also keep constantly on hnnd an as ortment of Sporting Materials, w hich he ofTer or sale nt very reasonable terms ; finely curvet alligator's Teeth, Htcct Tamps, and Lugravin) >n Gold, Silver, Ae. All Work nun Repairing done in the very lies nanncr, nnd warranto*! c<pintly as good as cm >e dono in (lie United ftntes. S3T lli- shop will l>e found two doors belos L>r. Earle'n Drug Store. July 8 8?tf. F. Tilt EDA. '''pAMOv'wdW.* AT GREENVILLE. C. H, 8. C "I^lIK subscriber would inform A of the Village of Greenville nnd stir onnding country, that he docs nil kinds c ENGRAVING, of Gold or Silver nnd Pl?t? renernlly. Makes and mounts in Gold o vlver. nil the varieties of Braided Fane; [lair Work; repairs nil ntlichu of Jewelry Mounts in Gold or Silver Wnlkintr Canes :ut? and Hi* to order, Spectacle <?t< >uit any age almost. Among the article* gen rally needed, and innde bv him, arc Goh ind Silver Sleeve Button*, Stud* for Colla ind Iroaom. The Mounting and getting up c lib hair linger ring* (hair braided by tli Swedish Lady, Mra. Olson,) and Kob, Veet >r Guard Chaina, he flatter*himaclf, wouh iot be aeotfed at in the larger faeliionabl dtie*. Orders for work, thankfully received it the Corner, sixty yard* caat of the Oh 3ourt House, and but a few pacea from lb Enlerpi Ue Office. J. II RANDOLPH. ^SrNociiargo for engraving any worl nnde by him. Je<?e 7 ly Apple Vinegar. A FINE artiela to be had at the Family Gro fL eery Store of p- A. GREENFIELD. Jaa II 3* m ft* ne ' ^ I^V'.iffiyurFT'-1 [%! Hi W Bcjjf^B11 ii'l^K^^^ I ' | BCTraf ^ffyll yB I 3g Th - ii'.'ov>iniuo<iiiti<>n^ ami nrrnngei'rnU of^y ! tills "NKW 1>KPoT," nre unsnrpnssfd by sny" j similar establishment in (lie United Stntcs ; snd whilst it wil" n(Turd fueiliUiK for keeping oup IIsun 1 lnrgc stock of i MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CIIKAP PUBLICATION. ; MAGAZINES, & C , , Wo nlso pi-oposo adding largely to our Stock of Stationery, And those in vvnnt of I.HlfJK.HS,' JOt'lNAUH, <"AS|] BOOKS. LhTTKR. M#TK. nnd CAP PA. j 1'KII, AC., AC., w ill lind it to tlieir advantage to visit us. if ' i?. G. CCYS-YILInAY *. OOm UOOK8ELLKR8 AND STATION KK8. At tJ C.'.... .J*j7 . me uiyn oj i/i c "NEWSBOY." Charleston. Nov. 20. 28-tf DRVM7B7"ear LE? GREENVILLE, S. C.. % AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR MALER IS TDLWTIS*; "Mfrl Paints. Oils,' Medicines, (SOf Yarni*he?, , .4 ;Chemicals, <53 BRUSHES,*'' DYE-STITFS, TYIiitc Lend & Zinc White. ' Ills U>XO COXxmiOX WITH Tilt A?(IV* Bt'llNlIM U A CUIRAXTXS TII\T KVTnYIIIIXO IS OF THE KtoT QfALfTV, AXt> WILL OS. HOLD OS Tilt J 10. MOST *K.\*ON APLV: Tl KM*. f?-1v S L\ 1TK OF SO (I Til CA ROLIX A msThict. IN THE COMMON PLKA8. VnrJry Mcliec ) Attachment. vs. V II. Lee''Tiihi'ston, Jos?ph Noe. ) Pl'lV's Att'v. ; "1T7IIERKA9, tho Plaintiff did, on (lie 1 VV 14th day of October, file his declar* nlion against lite Defendant, who (an it. in said) is absent from ucd without the limits .1 of this Stale, and ha* neither wife nor att. torney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said dcciuinlion might be soivI cd. . Il i*. therefore, ordered, thnt the said Do; fendant do appear and plead to the said de; c! a ration on or befote t lie 14th day of Oei tober, which will bo in the year of our Lord j one thousand eight hundred ai:d fifty seven. , I otherw ise filial niul ?l>solut? judgment will < then be given nu?l awarded against hiin. I W. A. McDANIEL, c. c. r. ' Cloi V?* Oflke, (Jrcenvillo District. Oct. ilO, 25 hi ?|S, ,MpROVED ~~ t PATENT u 1 Lightning Conductors. p 'I^lIK mlacribfr ha* j oicliascd the UiAl of ? J. putting up the above descrlj.tjon of Light ytjI I ning Hods in Greenville Jlittriet, and is prepared I to execute order* for the tamo to any extent and with promptness and despatch. Those lioda are t conducted upon Scientific principles, and nfTord i the only method yet discovered of abaolata pro' tcct ion" against lightning. Any on* acquainted r with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining them. Their valne has hem tested hv experience awl * seiere?? and has been vouched hv hundreds of certiCcntes from all nnrts of the I'nion, I'rtn amongst those the following only are submitted. $ * "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached to the ' building tu which I reside. It Is better eopI at meted, and more securely insulated, than any t i form of 1ightning ltoda 1 have seen. It i? Mil and cheap, nnd if properly attached to thsbefld- . . j lug, csnnot fail to afford security against the 0 ? loss of life and property bv electricity 1 there. ; fore recommend it as worthy of the eoohdcaca a' of the community, 11. V. , i Prof, of dtmihtrv J-? ? a * ' Mr. T?. O. "Veetfiehl hee reoently enpplied n>y r hwuac with 0t??' improved C'tftdMtef/ jjjgy^ [" ' examined them with great eare, and nln foavft* a eod thnt they ore (he l>e4 Lightning Uod* ever Constructed. The method* Oi attraction and fa. j ulntion ?te new, and ?eem to ine to (hi p'rMrf,I enn confidently recommend them .'' j e wiehing to accttre their honava against lightning. 5 Any further information may he obtained on ? application to ^ l>, G. W h^STTUELD, " f l 1 ^Shaving and Hait>36r<?88ing. BVRRIDOl)' CI ONTmntfi the T"Ti?(?r*.il hmlr.m at hie old etnnd. ia Boottie'e Brick Building.? ;' . H Gentleman eaa haca th^lr hair ??A ?r ehamfijkr ed, or faoaaahnred, at any time daring Ibe day