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'i-^r WliWWM^^MnMfiffTTniinr^^^^^ "^TTfTnT^ iTMiiii^n^dtfiiBmi^tfll^^B ifWBHfc r I. ~.? . ~ - . s IBtt> ?& ' +v '* *****& A ~ i * * ?? ?-~^-^.t. '"^tl'fc'^SHE '"^r'-"**? ^ *- - * 1 sK^' ^ r ' JjtfVi'" <*'' \? t "-r(^? s ywrv \r w*y ^ '- ^ fM1^' *'** |VT_tv ^ r> >y. rfc -1; _J" r, "'^"v: 'TiryT i Tv, [ >?BB9BfiZj2MKBH||MnH|Mji|?|||^ Stlr^r nJhiyi I i 8 1 JM ] ff| ~B^jfjnfcj?.. B ^ ^WLAEMlp^' ^t.' : ;"?l[^pjj^^WB^^yf~8 B^W^Mwy^ft -y "y 1mm!' Bm1 ; ^S^Nal I F ?I T-81 ln?l 'mi ''Iml 1 bB?\ i iiil *1biI f [ ' 8w 1 afiK^u^8fiK 1 '^^lii^.i^EESBSS^^BfcS i ^phf - i n ] n t Bvi* ^Wii ii^HT m ^irn i if ^b t n \jBh^,mr %?mu* ^B*V B J ] yi VI ^1 1 l 1 in M | 1| II B 1 | ]W|P|;|i ,B L K jHJr- ?>'' - '.^M^lMcnlp^^^l tV: B I .IllilKf Bi S I Ji \kTjB'I LB NH^aW IBw^ JB^,%><<nR I 3 b^m^JLwJLbsU b^ms IK^ &-JLJL * :' ^ --1- .--i - - . .. .. . i_. 3m A R E I- I.EX OF POP U L A R EVENTS. ? j^^^Bm t"*w.I Mi'llPi,u" L-~;jr* """ ~?" ? '-" -M~m- -,-i.jui U- - -I 1?LJ?I? - I.I.. ". ^PPbofriJ tif^tf&flvess, tl)f (iigl)ts of il)c Scnitl), out) tljc Diffusion of Useful Unoiolc>^e^Tfmonr\ nil (Classes of Working E^ GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MOftNING, MAY 14. isr.7 " \)i Inuljjrni (Btttrrpriar ? $ IS ISSUED EVBRT THURSDAY MORNINO, BY PRICE & McJUNKIN. WILLIAM P. PRICE, * ; EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. C . M . M'JU NK1N, r P R 1 N T IS It . I y pgy - T IS It MS. 0*? P<>U(R nn.l Fi?t* Cknts in ndvnueo; Two Dollar* if Jthyri. OLUUS of FlVE and upward*, Qtli Dollar, tlie iiinni'j' in overy instance to accompany the jfiSff. order. ADVERTISEMENTS InMrted conspicuously nt '' ? the rates of 73 cent* iwr square of 13 liner for the insertion, ana 371 cents for catli subsequent insertion. &. Contracts for yearly advertising made reason ksble. ^ AGENTS. Vf. W. Walkkr, Jr., Columbia, S. C. ; Prtrr Sra.vDLrr, Esq., Pint Rock, N. CI. A. M. PnoiJt, Fairviow P. O., Greenrille Di*t. 4 Wm.UK C. ItAiir.r, Pleasant Grove, Greenville l \^\rT. rv. asiikim'In, r.nor??, ESpnitnnburg. Cruiprrntirr. FKOCEKDIXGS OF Tim GRAND DIVISION 1 OF 11,14 r SONS OF TEMPERANCE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. \JSKC9XI) QUARTKKLY 6KSS/OX, 1837. Cm a r I.KS70N, April 22<1. Vummnl to nppoinfluenr, the Grnml Division met this day, in the llntl of Palmetto Division, No. 1. Ht 4 o'clock, P. XI. | Present?I1E?11V SUMMER, G. IP. P. E. til AY Kit, G. IP. A. S. (X?R LEV, G. S. G. S. ROWER, G r. GEO. \V. KINO. G. Sent. W. T. CASTON, P. G. IV. P. Absent ? lUv. 11. II. DURA NT, G. Chap. (r. W. P. filled the vacancy bv appointit*.-. j v n p. - 11 Yn._..i ? W?N'. ** -?. ?y. aur., V. V/U .?|ll<ll II f JJVU . <4. 'mOjHMml with ningitig mi?1 prayer. The minutes of la*t meeting having been published, tending of die same ?a? dispensed with. The following Division* were represented : 1 'id met to, No. 1.?K. Tlmyer, N. Tyler, Sr., J. L. Hell, Edward Ilorlbcek, K. B. Stevens..J. J. Lucas, P. \V. P.V Taylor, No. 8.?G. S. Bower, S. S. 'Nfc- : Cully, i oil it Cordcry, J. \V. Smith, J. E. 13. Evans, P. \V. P.'s. Watcree, No. 9.?A. M. Kennedy, \V. T. Caslon, Tlios. J. Warren. P. W. P.'s. Higgiiion, No. 11.?S. Cor lev, P. W. P. i Fairfield, No. 13.? II. 13. McMasler, J. S. l'hilip*, P. W. P.'s. St. Georges, No. 10.?Dr. John May, J. 8. Murray, 1\ W. P.'s. ' v Newberry. No. 17.?-Hon. J. B. O'Neall, Mai. II- Summer, P. W. P.'s. * jjy Fidelity, No. 10.?W. P. Price. P. W. P. Lone Star, No. 27.?J. C. G. Fcaster, P. ij?. \v. r. Orangeburg, No. 38.?G. IT. Elliott, 13. 1). Clarke, J. J. Sallcv. P. W. P.'s. Knoree, No. 42.?-Dr. W. L. M. Austin, I 5? i rtr ? 1 r. ?* i . Bennettsvillo, No. 45.?H. D. Townwrnl, I W. 1>. Cook, Co!. J. W. Cook. 8. J. Town i . win!, W. A. Cropland, John McCollum, P. I w. r.v Single Star, No. 08.?J. J. Rich wood, P. W. P. Pleasant Grove, No. 73.?Geo. W. King, l\ W.l\ In Absence of the Committee on Credentials, Bros. McCully, Rich wood and Austin were appointed the Committee, pro inn. The above Committee reported favorably on the credential* presented, and ilie following Brother*, viz : II. Judge Moore, W. T., Charles M. Maaon and Harry Cogswell, P. \V. P.'*, of Palmetto, No. i ; Robert Ag^ pesv, I'. W. P., of Fairfield, No. 13 ; Samnei Stradioy, P. W. P., of Fidelity, No. 19 ; J. M. Walla^ST W. P, of Bennettaville, iVo. 46; and Jas. F. Prestdev, P. W. P., of # Indiantown, No. 78, were introduced and did ...... xne lonowinjf letters were read oy tne %t\P., &ad tbc invitation unanimously nc| cepfed! * ?. ' Okimiax House, ) K7> cliarlbstox, Apiil 8", 1857. f K. To Ihe Honorable the Officer a and Mcmbcra * of the Grand JJivitum of the Sona of Temperance of South Carolina : Okktlsmkm?The Commissioner* of the Orphan House respectfully invite you to vb--j\* it tne Institution on Thursday afternoon, the lBi)p 23d April, instant, at 4 o'clock, to inspect its management. economy ami discipline, ' and tho new organisation of the school doThe families of the members are also invited to Hccouipa i> U??in^ ^ Charleston Tkmykranck Tract Society. Ward Meeting. ? Yon are respectfully invited to attend n | Public Meeting of this Society, to l>e held i at the 1 (nil of the Depository. Chalmers I street, ou Saturday evening, 25th inst., at 8 o'cWk. Addiease# will be delivered by 1 friends of the cause. 1 EDWIN HKRIOT. II. J. MOORE. I J. J. LUCAS. . J. A. PELOT. KHENEZER THAYER. To the Officers and Members cf the Grand Division Sous of Temperance of South Carolina. Pro. Thayer extended an invitation of Col. Meuitltinger to vi>it tlie public school in St. IMtilinV KiM'd ?*'l?----- - ... r,Mvt| miivii hub uiso unoiiitnoualy accepted : Grand Division to meet 1 on Friday morning, at 1) o'clock, and pro- ^ cced in a body tliitber. Dro. J. B, O'Nenll offered the following Freainblo and Resolutions, prefaced by a 1 feeling tribute to the virtuous worth of bro. ^ Joskimi Gimsiiam, P. G. \V. A.,and was followed by bio. Kennedy to the same effect: j PUEAMJILK. i The intelligence of the death of JOSEPH i GUISIIAM, of Georgia, P. G. \V. A. of this c Slate, and our Hr>t representative in theNa- j lioital Division, has unexpectedly met us nt i this meeting, ami we desire to express our i love for him and our regrets for his death. He t was a man who never faltered in whatever ? lie had to do. As a follower of the meek $ and lowly Lamb of God, he was ardent, ac- * live ami sincere. He showed his faith by ? bis works; nnd it may, indeed, las truly . said, 44 His wotka do follow him." t As a Temperance man, ho never hedla- t ted. Jle went for the strongest measures of 1 Total Abstinence, lie was ready with his' f purse, his intellect, his body ami lienrt, to j servo tlio Tcmpciance cause, lie attended l us a representative from Georgia, at Chica- t go and St. John, under bodily infirmities t which would have confined other innn #/\ I ' ...... .V | I their beds. Still, lie made these great jour- j t ney?, and was constantly in hi* place in the' j Division room*, to aid wiilwhis counsel and [? direct l?y hi* experience. I < In the llall of L'aiinctto Division in this i city, he last met the National Division, next I June will be two year*, lie then felt that t we should see his lace no more in the Na- j ticnal Division, or in the Grand Division of i South Carolina. Still, he did not cease to i labor. Hi* voice was still beard cheering i on the followers of Temperance in Georgia, s Hut on the flth instant hi* work was finish- I ed, and hi* Master called him home. He I was sixty six years of age. lie was oiiginally of an iron constitution and indoinitn- < ble will. Many years of his life (since t 1830) was spent in pain, and the injury i which he then received was silently and j < painfully, year after year, pulling down the < noble structure of bis manhood, until at las: * he fell, and gi cat was the fill. He is gone! t It is our duty to submit, still we may be j pei milted to say : < ?? ?lV . .1 " ? * * jHMfiu, niHi me oranu Uivndon of! < South Curohua laments the death of JosKrn : t Giusiiam as that of a most beloved brother. < Jietolvcd, That we appreciate hi* devo- i lion to Love. Purity and Fidelity, and will < endeavor to imitate hi* glorious example. j Jiesohxxl, That wo will chciLli hi* memory, < and a* a .slight mean* of doing so, it i* or- t dercd that hi* name be inscribed on a blank ? page oi our minute*, with a notice of hi* \ honors ns a Sou of Temperance. 1 Jietolvcd, That tve sincerely sympathize < with his bereaved family, and would, if we ? could, wipe away their tears, by saying to < them, '* He i* not dead but slec|?etli," and i will, in the lust day, shine witli the brightness of the sun. | Retolved, That this notica of hi* death, i and these resolutions, be engrossed and j signed by the G. \V. ]'. and G. S., and seal- < ed with the seal of the Grand Division, and I forwarded to hi* bereaved companion and t children. I Unanimously adopted by a standing vole. 1 On motion of liro. McCully, the G. 8. 1 wna also directed to send><?piea of the fore- 1 groin" PrsnmliU m?l 1 ^ co iiib Grand Division of Georgia, and the Most 1 Worthy Scribe. The following Report of the G. W. P. wu read and referred to a committee, con ' M?;iti? of Bros. O'Ncall, U. D. Townsend and Cnston : Grand Worthy Patriarch's Report Worthy Bratiihr*?U j* mv pleasure. as it is my duty, to present to you, ifor your mature and deliberate consideration, my Second Quarterly Report. There is nothing noyei in our order or cause that would strike the attention of those who are not engaged in the same work in which wo are now making an otfort to pro- j mote a beneficial and wholesome reform. Hence, I cannot bring anything to the consideration of this body that its members do not know. To is Report may prove to be little more than a reiteration on the same topics which havo been heretofore rccom- i mended. We do not need recommend a- i lions as to whst wo should do?we need, and we must have, energetic sad united action, if our efforts ore to bo crowned with . , " - . tiiwnwirareMgaca?. JI rnrnmamm The alato, condition and pioi?f>ects of the ^jder will l>e learned from the different lie|>orU of those Depuths which are herewith 1 wibmitted. The following Deputies have made report*: J. J. Richmond. Janira 11. Smith. Dr. W. I L M. Austin. Wm. P. 1'iiee, J. liolinin, A. < M. Kennedy, Alexander Gregg, Klxmozer < I'll aver, L)r. J. A. WHlker, linn. Donald It. 1 ItaiiOn, J. C. C. Feaaler, G. \V. King. A. ' 8. Tower*, Henry \V. Gardner, J. R. Lea* l rell. _ i These Report* exhibit to us what may he expected in all liuiuan cntemri/.es: tlint here will bo (Un of prosperity, nnd rlav* of I iibersity. It is well that this in so. Were i ve always prosperous, presumption and pride i would neceaannly follow?were adversity al- i vays to meet us with her discouragements, lespair would lay hold of the human pow i >rs and paralizc all our energies. We must i hereforo set ourselves to tho task of work- < ng for the cause to build it up, nnd strength- ? n it in the affections of tho |?e >plc. At one period in the history of this Rcorm moral suasion was regarded as the t rrcat lever by which the people were to be i noved ; and this is still true. It must, how- < sver, bo remembered that moral suasion ' done will not and cannot accomplish the i ibjects desired. The principle on which 1 iclion is based must be imbedded in the i intttre of man, and it must become a part ' >f that nature, or it will be utterly fruitless < md rbortive. To make the impressions ere- i tied by moral suasion permanent, legal cnictinent is essential. It must l?e put in hapo nnd form and be embodied so as to be i thing tangible, nnd that can be. made to 1 | u|iun me daily business and the lutics of life. In the Temperance Reform his can only be done by the power of law. would not dispense with moral suasion, or it is by presenting the truth to the pco- 1 >!e on this great subject, that a majority can >c reached and persuaded of the necessity >f a law prohibiting the traffic in intoxicaing drinks. The reason must be convinced >f the piopiiety and necessity of the course o be adopted, and the judgment inust approve the same, and then when a majority >f the people demand such a law it will not 1 >nly be passed by the proper constitutional lulliority." but there will go along w ith the aw a moral j?ower that will command oboliencc. We need not hope to secure the jassagc of such a law until we send our reposcntatives to the Legislature who will pass t. Our efforts inust ho directed to the securug of this object. We should, on all occa ions, adhere to this as our ultimate goal. Let our motto be?" Nothing more, nothing ess, than prohibition." One of the principal means of diffusing >ur principles and securing the public atenlion to our arguments, is the Press. It i ems to me to he worthy of the very best rousidcration of this IkhIv whether we are to Irag along slowly, and 1 will say, indiffVr;ntly, without a paper devoted primarily ,o the cause of Temperance. Without such in organ, our influence is acting without concentration of effoit. Concert amongst those sngaged in a common cause, is always pronoted by the knowledge of what the ditfer;nt sections and parts are doing. Their arc io means so efficient and poweiful in this :aus?, as well as all enterprises of " great i>ilh and moment/' as that which the Press nut bring to twar upon it. The question ucn recurs ?o us, ?n?l presents itself with urnestness, shall we have a paper or shall ac abandon the hope and let it die! I cave this to the consideration of the friends A Temperance generally, and to this order . specially. It will be the burden of my othar Quarterly Hepjrts, should I live to make them. The collection and preservation of the proceedings of the Grand Division should ?lso engage the attention of this body. Does noi the fact that our proceedings are tmly now to bo found, for severnl years past, in If o>e newspapers, justify tho conclusion that there is indifference amongst us, and our f tends in this cause. Surely, it is desirable thai the** proceedings should be collected *nd published. Though I am anxious that this should be done, I am not so wedded to any particular view I may entertain aa to make that view the great paramount object >f this Iteform. A proper digest of the rules, regulations and decisions of tho Grand Division and National Division, such M waa made by Bro. Tnppor of Charleston, is very desirable, for the instruction of the members, and for the proper decision of various questions thai frequently are made in the Division. A woik of lite sort suggested won id U? of great assistance to the member* of our order. D has )ong been very tuueh desired that IAIUA moaii> *' * _ .......... ....m.v. v? iiwriwi to, io rentier lite meeting* of the subordinate division* interesting, and not only interesting but in stiuclive. This lies been partially attained by the new feature In our order, of tb? in* troduction of lady visitors. Woman's influence is felt in tofiatever sphere she mores. Every noble and great work in which Iter; tympathies ami labor nre enlisted is almost I sure to be crowned with large and abundant success. in some Divisions there are regulations j adopted by the members by which it i?| made the duty of some member either to! rear] c*r deliver an addr<*? on the subject of Temperance, or on some lopie connected with it, or on some particular feature of the order of the Son* of Temperance. 80 far aI hare been informed, tlm luw worked well. In the l>ivi?ion at Orangeburg, it lie* been the practice of a good brother there, to rend some essay and tale on the general subject of Temperance. This lias had a g ?od effect. lu the Division at Abbeville, I learn, that an address on the general subject is made before the Division at stated times by wine member appointed foe that purpose. A similar arrangement has been made in N jwberry Division. If this be done with the right spirit, with the spirit to promote the cause of Temperance, having that a? the ?ole niui of those efforts, it must, it seems to ine, l>e attende<l with crood conKenin?n<*???t By these menus on interest will Ik> creeled in the meetings of tlio Division*, which i* not apt to be elicited when there is nothing to rlravv the attention of the members to the cause but the usual routine of proceeding* prescribed by the rules of order of business, l itis would cause the meml?ers to trnnsnct iho business of the Division us speedily as need be, to enable them to hear the essay or speech. As long as the <*au*cexn be kept uppermost in the hearts and minds of the members, and an interest in the meetings be kept alive, the reform stands on a firm foot ing. If the members will only keep before litem the great objects of this philanthropic movement, they will then be Inspired *itli a teal commensurate with the great ami bitman cause to which their effort* ate directed. > The members of this body will perceive that 1 have not teconimended anything vcrv stiiking or novel. 1 have presented a plain business document, refertiitg to such matte's ns. in nty judgment, I conceived ought to receive some attention from members. Every member ought to regard himself as! charged, in some degree, with the support nnd maintainnnce and furtherance of our principles. These are the principles of total abstinence, and their difiusion amongst the |>eoplo. The land is cursed by the traffic in intoxicating diinks. The Sons of Temperance have arrayed themselves to opposu the progress of the destroyer. To confront this enemy their strength must be consolidated on one obiect?his toi?l * - UVIK'II, liCl us then leave all small issues which may tend to create lukewarmncss in cm ranks, and go on to the accomplishment of the paramount object?the suppression by law of the IraQic in intoxicating drinks. Let this he an aim, and if we confide in the strength of Ilim who alone gives wisdom, we shall assuredly reap the reward of our exertions. Let us not yield I Virtue, hu inanity, goodness, truth, the tears of woman and the prayer* of children, even the asperations of the drunknrd himself, ascend to the giver of all good, in behalf of our efforts! Shall wc, then, think of abandoning the cause? Let tho thought have no abiding place in our bosoms. Let us still struggle ou till the Legislators of the Slate be com pclled to pass a law that will stay the tide of ruin that is sweeping before it nil that is good Mild lovely and fair; and may that tide be changed from woe to one henring on its bosom the trophies and the symbols of the triumph of the Temperance Reformation. Respectfully submitted. I1ENILY SUMMER, G. W. p. Charleston, S. C., April 2'2d, 18o7. The Grand Sciihe submitted bis report, which was referred to a committee, consisting of Bros. Warren, 8. J. Townscnd and MeCully: duarterlv Rsnort ? ? # vuv Wldliu Ut'I I Ufg For the Quarter, ending April 1*/, 1857. OrricBHH and Hrktiikkx?Once morfc assembled in session of the Grand Division, it in n?y duty to present my second Quarterly Report. The returns have been rather slow in com ing in?only 27 having reached my ofllce. The result of operations the past quarter is as follows: Initiated. 147 ; by dispensation, 0 ; by card, 5 ; connection dissolved, 45 ; withdrawn to join other divisions, 15 ; broke the pledge, 63; broke the pledge the second time, 11; signed over, 18; expelled, 01; suspended, 17 ; deaths, 3 ; number of members, 1367; receipts of the quarter, 61,177.52 ; per cent ago to Grand Division, 600.35 ; benefits And relief, $02.66 ; current expenses, $1,040.03 ; amount in treasury, $2,180.57. When compared with the returns of last quarter, the past shows a considerable increase in initiations, although, in a few of tho older l>ivi*ions, a slight decline has been oxperieiteed. It is still a matter of complaint that many of the returns are not correctly mado out, anc the more strange from the fact that my Iircurvessor piacetl in the hand* or tho different Recording Meiibe*. under ihe inrisdiction of the Grand Division, for the information and use of their successor* in office, printed instructions, ample and full, which, it would eem, could not be misunderstood. The most common errors alluded to, are, placing the wAo/e number of members in the column ae " tnrotUd during the quarter" writing the amount of receipt* on tfie first column, and (Wiling to add the M per rentage H to * current dspcnsofc." Other* might So enumerated, but these sufficient to arrest the attention of delinquent*, and ensure better attention in the future. Wa A liro, 1>. G. W. 1*. Knloe, Ruccocded, in I ' I?? February (a?i, in otgauiitrrg s t??w Division in York District, under verv flattering proejkcU of usefulness and success. It lias been nained Fort Mill*, and 1 have given the number 47. Also another noon after, Union IHruioii. No. 44. Bros. Walker mid Mc Cullv, of Cheater, have been successful in re-organizing Cheater Division, No. 14.? Thus three have been added to our list during the quarter. Since the 1st of April, iiwt., Bros. Euloe and Johnson have opened another new Division in York District, called Concord, and numbered 48, of which i will olHciallv report at the end of the present quarter. liy w)ino mistake, I regret to learn, that Tyger liivcr Division, No. 30, heretofore re ported l>y me a* having been organized, has never been opened. 1 am advised, however, there is n prospect of Mill opening it. Since niv last report 12 Division* have mado returns, making a total of 42 for the quarter. Reiterating my conviction* of the absolute necessity of establishing a Temperance Journal, and securing the services of a com |>etent lecturer, I submit this report, In L. P. <k F. S. COULEV, G. S. Charleston, S. C., April 22d, 1847. The Grand Treasurer submitcd his report, which was referred to the committee on the Grand Scribo'a report : Report of G. 5. Sower, Grind Tresryer; In account with (Irand Division of S. C. 1837. Dr. Jan. 27. Tonni'tof cash from last Qu'rt'r, $121.At " 30. S. Corlev, G. S., 102.SJ Mar. 12. " ' 47.0C Apr. 22. " 81.0(1 **01.91 1857. Cr. Jan. 31. By am't pai<l G. R.,bill for Salary, $86.7( " " " for adv., Carolinian bill, 8.81 ' " bill of Yorkvillo Knqui'cr, 17,8( Apr. 9. " " National Division, 76 0< u premium on draft, 2; 1182.4: 229.6! April 22. Cosh on ban J, $361.91 Respectfully submitted. G. S. BOWER, G. T. Bro. Tylce, on the pnrt of Palmetto Di vision. No. ), extended an invitation to tin Grand Division to meet Palmetto Divieioi at 8 o'clock, this evening, for the purpose o a public reception, which was unnnituoush accepted. On motion, Grand Division adjourned t< meet ou to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock Tiit'RsDAr, 10 o'clock, A. M. Metnhcis of Orand Division inetngrecabh I to adjournment. Officer* same as pester | day, except G. \V. A. O. W. P. appointee Bro. It. 1>. Townsend. O. W. A., pro ttm. Minutes of yesterday read and continued Opened with singing and prayer. Bro. Pelot, Worthy Patron, extended ni invitation to the members of the Grand Di vision to attend the Annual Exhibition c the Cadets of Temperance, at Institute llal this evening, at 8 o'clock. On motion of Bro. Warren, Rtaolved, That the Grand Division unan imoualy accept the invitation, and appear a the exhibition in regalia. Bro. Donald W. Barton, W. P. of Nc in IL'ilft tlwtll tlltrA/ilimwl otxl ?J ? .... ..?? ? VI \i I > VWH^JHtU Bro. O'Neall, Chairman of Committee 01 the Grand Worthy Patriiuch's Report, sub mined a report, which ??? laid on the labl for f.iture consideration. Bro. B. D. Townsend presented a circuln from the M. W. P., of the National Divix ton, which was ordered to be tend, and th Grand Scribe requested to send a copy to th W. P. of every Division not now represent ed in the Gram! Division, with the reques to read before the members of their respec tive Divisions. The Grand Sctibe presented sundry ac counts, which were referred ;o a Finano Committee, pro Urn., consisting of Bros. S J. Townsend, May and Murray. Bro*. The*. J. Warren submitted the re port of the Committee on Report* of Grant Sciibe and Grand Treasurer, which wa adopted. B?p*rt The Committee apjarinled on tho report of the Grand Scribe and Grand Treasurer beg leave, respectfully, to say that they hav< had the same under consideration. We re gret to see front the Grand Scribe's Report that but n little over half of the Divisions ir the State have made returns for the lasi Quarter, this in an important feature in th? operation* of out uid<:r, and unless ot>< brethren resolve to see t hut the returns go uj regularly and early at the end of each Quai ler, it will be impossible for the Grand Scribe to make a complete and correct report to the Grand Division of the numerical strength And financial interests of our order. Matters which are exceedingly important to our successful operation. We hope, and earnestly suggest, that sub ordinate Divisions will attend to this par tieular duty and ??that it is promptly ant! faithfully attended to. The report suggest* several points of in teres; and encouragement, end we hope tin suggestions therein to the several Recording Scribes of subordinate Divisions will bo fvf * Mz v .( gig, * lowed and that no cause of complaint . may hereafter Ik; found t":tun impel feci or partial return*. Tho report of the <*rnml '1'ieastiror has been examined ami found correct. We suggest that these repoi t.s be adopted. 5g| Respectfully Mibmitiod. T. J. WARREN, Chairman. r.v. T!ie Fitinnce Committee presented a re" po?t which was referred back to them for. alteration*. On motion of Bro. O'Xenll, . v '' Resolved, That we adjourn at half past I o'clock, to meet at \ beforo 4 oVIoek, 1*. M. Tho rej>ort on the Grand Worthy Patriarch * Report was then taken up, but progress in itn consideration cut shot I by the arrival of tho hour of adjournment. 4 DKVORK 4 O'CLOCK, P. M. ? j$g| /I % *v* * * vranu mivmmmi met at tins hour, nnd im- \ mediately adjourned to visit the Oiphau % l!ou?c, and to meet again ou to morrow , morning at 9 o'clock. Finn ay, 0 o'clock, A. M. Pursuant to resolution Grand Division pj inet nnd immediately repaired to the Puhhe School tor the purpose of witnessing the exercises of that noble institution. y?J 1 At 11 o'clock business was resumed. Of1 ftcera ?amc as yesterday, except P. G. W. P. Bro. Kennedy was appointed P. G. W. P., pro fern. ?% Opened with the Usual cxe-cises. Minutes of veatorday lead and approver'. I Pro. W. \V. Stints. P. W. P.. of Si t James Division, No. 5, wo* introduced nnd ' duly obligated. The following resolutions, introduced bv t Bro. O'Ncnll, wore unanimously adopter), and ordered to l>c published in the journal* > of this city : ' Resolved. That tho (irntid Diviiiou of t South Carolina is tinder great obligations to j tie Cjnunissionera of the Orphan House. . for the opportunity which their kind invini lion furnished of visiting this noble Institit* tion of charity. j Resolved, That each and all the incinl>cr* were delighted with the exhibition of happy comfort presented by lire inmates. Resolved, That the thanks of this hodv bo presented bv the Chairman of the Commis8 aioners to Miss Irvin, the Principal, and her 1 Assistants, for the delightful exhibition of ^ youthful training and instruction which they r presented. Resolved, That the Chairman l>o also rc3 quested to present to the girls nnd boys of tho Orphan House, the hone and exneeisiion of thin botj^. that they w ill be brighl example* of obedience, truth, virtue, industry, f temperance and knowledge, and that they ' will show forth in their lives that "The tear of ' the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be enclosed by tho Grand Scribe to II. A. DeSaussure, Em}.. Chairman of the Commit " sioners of the Orphan House* * Resolved, That the thanks of this bodv bo tendered by tbe G. \V. 1*. to the Cadets of ' Temperance of Cbaileston, and their Worthy Patron, Pro. J. A. Pelot, for the interesting exhibition which tlicv presented last night i- to tho Grand Division, it Resolved, That tho Grand Division recommend to, and urge it upon the Suns of Ternt pcrancc throughout the State, to imitate tho I. glorious example of Mr. lVlot, iu raising up II Sections of Cudets, and training the youth >. of tho State in Truth, Virtue and Temj>eri, a nee. Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be r instructed to have n Gold Medal prepared, engraved on the one side with the triangle e of Love, Purity and Fidelity, and on the c other with Truth, Virtue nnd Temperance, and place it in the hands of Mr. Pelot, to be t by hurt presented to " Little Lirxie," mm the r offering of this Grand Division to herself, the best and worthiest emblem of Temperance. Bro. Townsend, of the Finance Commjtp tee, submitted the following report, which ' was adopted : The Committee to whom wasrefcried vn' riotu accounts, report that they have exam* ined the accounts of the " Southern Enter' * prise" amounting to $11; that of Bio. W. T. Cast on, amounting to $8.60; and that of the Grand Scribe, amounting to $41.50, and * recommend that the same be paid. 8. J. TOWKSEND, Cliulrotan. April 23d, 1857. The report on G. Wi P.'a Report , again taken up for consideration, and, after I ] some debate, adopted I t The Committee to whom witt referred tho r <' W. F.'? Ueport, beg leave to Import that > tliey have considered ilienme, and, while they find much in it atu! the accompanying 1 l>, G. W. Pj?* Reports to make them ienei> - ble that there is not that outward display < f onward movement which characterized the earlier years of our existence, yet we hn?? abundant cause to rejoice in the fact that onr labor has not been in vain, from the efi'ecl* S-oduced on the great body of tho people, ur principles of total abstinence ha* filoiuy I tnade its way in society, until everywhere tl baa the respect and good will of the mnjorit \ So, too, it has induced the suppression ?t* ) grogshops and taverns for the retail of intoxr tealincr driiiKr-, in many parts of the State. IcOKCMJDkU O.V Vnccm fA.-r J VMk A f .