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~ SELKCTKD POET IIY. rn^p^rr ... 4-=^=^ ,?,The Wife. On earth, to man there is but one His heart can love?his soul can own ;' Though myriads Sit before hts view, Theie is but one to whom he's true? That ono can sway hira to and fro ; Can make him drean the cop of woe; Can give him joy, or blast his life ; Aud that oue'a name is simply wife. Dut in that name a world is sphered, A world by all beloved, revered, Who have iiie sense to know its worth, And spurn the gaudy joys of earth ; For that full heart in her dear breast? If riodi'lv nrir,ed?eternal rest Is not with blissful sweets more rife, Thau that puie heart?a loving wife. MISCELLANEOUS. The Sunbeam, the Dew-Drop and the Rose FROM THE rEB8IAN. A Dew drop linng trembling like a timid tiling upon the soft velvet leaf of a Rose. It, sparkled and flashed, each the wind wooed the rose bud, with myriads ol' brilliant hues, till it seemed as if a rainbow had been imprisoned within its crystal bosom, and was struggling to escape. Now. the 1 rose beheld its beauty, and thought she had nevor before seen such a love ly creature: so she spoke to it gently, ! in a voice that seemed like the essence of a summer wind. " BQantrfnt Dew-drop!*' said the 1 Rose, " I love you. Von ave li^o the ! slurs that I see looking down 1'foin i heaven on 1110 when the wind wakens mo at night; hnt L love yon more than ' I do tlioin, for you are near me, and 1 they, are tar away. Come dwell with ' me for ever, sweet gem of tho morning, 1 and'to thee will I unlock all the fragrance,of my bosom." The U >se, as she spoke, unfolded tier dc\ioate loaves, until the Dew-drop he- : held the depths of her heart, glowing J with love and passion. 1 Just then a sly Sunbeam peeped but ' from behind an embroidered cioud, j mill u:IU' l'.w? n.iaf-ili'?iv 1 ? 1. ....... ...... w.??f V.IV iyvy?* IIU|/ ?? I I ILII ?lf% , quivering with emotion sit the declar-! ntion of the Rose. , 44 Heed nut that foolish flower, sweet 1 Dew-drop 1" cried the Sunbeam ; ' she would haver love you as I can. 13e _ mine, sukI I will bare thee up amongst the highest stars of heaven, and who ' I look at thee thou shalt outshine them 11 ul I" The D-w-drop wsis bewildered, an 1 ' knew not what to say. It would glad-j ly have roigned in the golden heavens !" and been the queeil of the stsirs, but it feared the fierco ardor of tlio Sun-!' beam; and then the R ?se kept wliis-] poring such sweet things to it with itSij mossy lips, that it could not help loving its gentle voice. So it thought a little, and then replied to the Sunbeam, thus: 41 O, golden Sunbeam! who ga/.est at mo with tliino eyes of splendor ; f tliou art far too grea>; for me to love ' thee. What would I, a poor timid Dow-drop do, wedded to such a mag- ' liiiieence as thine? At thy first ein-1. -brace, 1 should melt away, and vanish j like the morning mist upon the hills. I j Rut the sweet Rose I love dearly.?! Her kisses are laden with perfume, I and from her bosom steals forth all, I tho fragrance of love. <), fond and'' beautiful flower! it; thy rosy chalico I!1 will dwell forever and be lmppy !" So saying, the Dew-drop slid gently' down into the glowing bosom of the ] T>~~ . 1 _ -.V l - i 1 jvvju, uim uesueu among 1101* velvet i leaves. c Sensible Dow-drop ! well didst tlion . i know it is not the love tluit dazzles; t most which brings the greater peace, j ^ The love of the Sunbeam would havo ! ^ been fatal to thee, while that of the a Iloso gave thee happiness and con- s tentment. Love, like the- skylark, i though sometimes soaring to heaven, t still builds its nest upon the earth ! ? Count Tnem.?Count what ? Why I < count the mereies which havo been', quietly falling in your path, through j , every period of your history. Down', they come every morning and overy j * evening, as angel messengers from the j Father of lights, to tell you of your ( host friend in llcaven. Have you j lived these years, wasting mercies, treading them beneath your feet., and j consuming them every day, and never vet realized from whence theveame?!' t . . - - ' ' It'yon have, llcuvcn pity you ! i , Von havo murmured under aftlictiow; hut who has hoard you rejoice over blessings ? Do you oak what are these mercies ? Ask the sunbeam, the rain drop, tho star, or tho queen of night. What is life but a mercy ?? What ig the propriety of stopping to. play with a thorn bush when you may j just as well pluck sweet flowers, and oat pleasant fruits? llappy is lie who looks at the bright side of lite, of providence* and of revelation. Who avoids thorns, thickets and sloughs, until his Christian growth is such that it he cannot improve them, ho may pass among them without injury ? Count mercies before you c<^npluin of uifliction. [Religious T< I ( scope. Good manneks insure success. \ - -V I *1 V. ' V? ' "Don'i Stay too Long:!" 1Vo fepmmend aabioiued truthfullj? pifftietlc Waif, which we find flouting among our exchanges, to merchants and business men who have no time for their wives and families. Would that every husband who reads the Merchant's Magaziuo might profit by it: . "Don't 6tay long!" said a young wife tenderly, one evening, as her husband was preparing to fjo out. The words themselves were insignificant, but the look of melting fondness with which they were accompanied spoke volumes. It told the whole vast depths of woman's love?of all her grief when tho light of his smile, the source of all her joy, beamed not brightly upon her. " Don't stay long, husband 1" ami I fancied I saw tho loving, gentle wife sitting alone, anxiously counting thoj momenta of her husband's absence,! every few moments running to the door to see if he was in sight, ami finding that lie was not, I thought-1 could hear her exclaiming in disappointed tones, " Not yet!" " Don't stay long, husband 1" and 1' again thought I could see the young wife rocking nervously in the great urn-chair, and weeping as though her heart would break, as her thoughtless ' lord and master" prolonged his stay to a wearisome length of time. Oh, you that have wives to. suv, 'Don't stay too long 1" when you go forth, think of them kindly when you ire mingling in the bn9y liivc of life, . ind try, just a little, to make their learts and home happy, for they* arc veins too seldom replaced. You canlot find, amid the pleasures of the I ivorld, the peace and joy that a wo ! nan's presence will afford. "Don't stay long, husband!" and ho young wife's look seemed to say, For hero in your own sweet hoine is . i loving heart, whose music, is hushed ; vbon yon are absent; hero is a soft jreast to lay your head upon, and here ire pure lips, unsoilcd bv sin, that vill pay you with kisses for coming! >aok soon." MlStflttKS OF IxtKMl'KRANCK. TllC bllowiug is as graphic a delineation >f the miseries and effects of intompermcoas we have evorseen. It is from the ligaments advanced by certain citi:eus of Portage county, Ohio, in a Memorial to tlie Legislature u:i tiie! uibjcct: And yet its march of mill is on- J ,vard still. It reaches abroad toothers j ?invades the family ami social circle!, ?and spreads woe and sorrow all i ironnd. It cuts down youth in its gor?manhood in its strength?and igo in its weakness. It breaks the at Iter's heart?bereaves the (loafing notlior?extinguishes natural aifection ?erases conjugal love?blots out lil al i:tuch:ncnts?blights parental hope? md brings down mourning age with lorroW to the grave. It produces: veakness, not strength?death, not il'e. It makes wives widows?children rphans?fathers tieiuls?and nil of) hem paupers imd beggars. It brings: ever--feeds rheumatisms- nurses gout ; ?welcomes epidemics?invites Oiio-j era?imparts pestilence and embraces amauuiptipn. It covers the land with j Kjverty, disease and crime. It iillo. ( >ur jails?suppliies yobr alms houses,; md demands your asylums. Sidxky Smith ox Kissing.?'The lev. Sidney Smith once said, in writng on kissing, "We are in fttVor ot a :ertain degree of shyness when a kiss s proposed, but it bhould not be con inuetf too long; and when the fair oue| jives it, let it l?o administered with \ varmth and energy. Let there he j 1011I in it. If she closes licr eyes, and | lighs deeply immediately after it, the j :ll'ect is greater. She should bo care- j 'ul not to slubber a kiss, hut give it as i humming bird runs his hill into a loneysuckle?deep but delicate.? rhero is much virtue in u kiss when .veil delivered. We have had the( memory of one we received in our pouth, which has lasted us forty years, md we believe it will bo one of the ast things we will think of when we, lie." T)it.\wiNo a Pkxsiox.?"Well, my| lad, where are von travelling this1 ilonny weather alone?" asked an in-, [juisitive landlord in the noi^li of Ver-; intuit, tluring the last war, of a small lad, whose father was engaged in smuggling, and had sent him, young as he was, with an important message in advanco of the party. " Going to draw my pension," was the reply. " Pension !" echoed the astonished landlord, " What does go small a boy as yon draw a pension for ?" " Minding ray own business, and letting that of othevs alone 1" The landlord sloped. " Yoc had better ask for manners than money," said a finely dressed gen tloihan to a beggar, who asked for alm9. "I aiked for what I thought yon had the most of," was tho reply vf the inedicaut. t^ XI *"V*? i '* ? >y - . , ? -1-yr " . /, . , iTitmoIUST'S olio" A Good joke. A correspondent ot'tlio Lambcrtville (N. J.) Beacon save, that a short time 6inee, while staying at the borough of E , ho overheard the following, which he thinks too good to be lost: A number of politicians, all of whom wore seeking offices under the Government, were seated on the tavern porch, talking, when an old toper, named Jako I) , a person who is very loquacious when "corned," but exactly opposite when sober, said, that it* the company had no objection, he would tell them a story. They told hitn to u fire away," whereupon ho spoke as follows: " A Certain king?don't recollect his name?had a philosopher upon whose judgment he always depended. Now. it so happened that, one day, the king took It into his head to go hunting, and, after summoning his nobles, and making all the necessary preparations, he summoned the philosopher, and asked him if it would rain. The philosopher told him it would not, nud he and his nobles departod. "While journo}'mrr nlnuir tl WUf Dial O 1 ? />iuw II1\^V (* Wlllltl > JIUlll mounted upon a jackass; lie advised them to return, 4 tor,' said ho, 4 it certainly will rain.' They smiled contemptuously upon him, and passed on. Before they had gone many miles, however, they had reason to regret not having taken the rustic's advice, as a heavy shower coming up they were drenched to the skin. When they had returned to the palace, tho king reprimanded the philosopher severely for telling him it would bo clear when it I was not. 41 met a countryman,' said | ho, 4 and ho knows a great deal more than yon, for he told mo it would rain, whereas, you told ino it would not.? The king then gave him his walking papers, and sent for the countryman, J who soon made his appearance. 4 Tell me,' said tho king; k now you knew it would rain,' 41 didn't know,' said the rustic, 'my jackass told me.' 4 And how, pray,' in great astonishment. 4 By pricking up his ears, your Majesty.'? 'i'he king now sent the country man awav, and, procuring the jackass ot him, lie placed him (the jackass) in the office the philosopher had tilled. And here, observed Jake, looking very wise, here is where the king made a great mistake." 4' How so?" inquired his auditors. 44 Why, ever since that time," said! Jake, with a grin on his phiz, "every Jackass .cants an office / Only Onk O'clock.?Air. joining home late one night, from 44 meet ing," was met at the (lour by his wife. I 'k Pretty time of night, Mr. , for yon to come home?pretty time, three o'clock it) tiie muring. you, a respectable man in the community, anil the father of a family." "Tisn't three?it's only one, T heard it strike. Council always sits till one o'clock." u My soul! Mr. , you are drunk ?as true sis I'm alive, you are drunk. It's three in the morning." I say, Mrs. its one. I heard it strike one as 1 came round the corner, itoo vr tared times.'" Youxo America.'?On Saturday evening a little boy not four years of "go, while going down Broadway, N. Y ., was stopped hv a crowd of men, seated in front of the Broadway Hotel. One of the company, who had during the evening made repeated efforts at wit, said to tlio bov : u Sonney, <loos your mammy kno\v you're out t" u The little follow very cooly answered : " Yea, sir, iny ma gave mo three cents to buy a monkey ; arc you for sale ?" and passed on leaving the crowd convulsed with laughter. Had IIer There.?Two little girls, one a daughter of a clergyman, and the other a parishioner, fell into an angry dispute. To mortify and spite the antagonist, the little parishioner saw fit to remind her of hpi- ? < ?! 1 known poverty, anil intimated rather tartly that had it not been for her lather's benevolent interference, the poor minister would have been in tho workIxouse. " Well, 1 don't care," replied tho other u if it had not been for my lather your's would have been in hell long ago." A lady occupying room letter Ik, at a hotel, wrote on the elate as follows : " Wako letter 11. at seven ; and if letter II. says, "let us he," don't let lis he, nor let letter II. he because if you let letter 11. be, letter 11. will he unable to let her house to Mr. 11. who | is to 1X) on hand at hulfpust seven." Tho porter, a lietter boot black than ortho^raphist, after studying the above all night, did not know whether to wake 11. or to " let her be." I'xx handle your witness without gloves, said one lawyer to another.? " That you may do with safety, but it is more than I would do with yours," was the reply. Tub mau who " held au office" got tired and let go for the puqx>86 of resting himselt a short time, when the office got awar and has not ueon heard from since. AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! Taill ASHEVOSUE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and othor Property AGAINST KIRK: And the L<ts3 of White Persons and Biases, between the ayes of 10 and 60 years, ON such terms as to rentier it a most anfe and desirable investment Full details, with the Constitution ami Ry-Laws of the Company, will he furnished on npplieution to any of the Officers of the Company. JOSKl'll U. OBBORNR, Preit. WM. W. McDOWELL, Vies-Pres. J as. B. Raskin, Secretary ?? 7Veasurer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent,' Jan 8 35-1 y GREENVILLE, S. C. TH3 OF.BENVIIiLB B O O K S T O R E, MAIN STIiF.ITr, NEXT TO McBEEK HALT, ifipfrl WHERE constantly nmy be fouml a large n"d selected Stock of M1S^^CELLANKOUS, SCHOOL nnd CLASSICAL BOOKS, Writing Paper, Blank Books, Memorandums, Ac.; Writing I>esks nnd Cases, Port folios, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Books, Inkstands, Rulers, die., Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 SO-ly Sign of the Big Book. e7KauTcii's"~ ~~ DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UNDER McBEETS hall, ?. a, WHERE will ho constantly kept on hand the purest stock of : DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS.PATENT Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Dvestutfs, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segars, Spirit (las, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Coinbs, Perfumery ; and nil other articles generally kept by Druggists. V?- Fresh ana pure Drugs are warranted nnd sold at low prices. Compound medicines are prepared in the most careful wnv. Receipts and proscriptions of any kind put vo accuracy, neatness ami dispatch. 85-10in Jan 8 The G-oodleit House. m Til IS LAIt( IK AND COMMO J.ilA.dious Building, situated in the centre of the Town of Greenville, formerly known as Tlie PlniiterN Hotel, has been recently purchased by the subscriber, and will he opened for the reception ami accommodation of Boarders and Travellers on the First ot' January. The 1 louse will he entirely nowlv furnished in every department, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it one of the tirst Hotels in the upper countrv. IS. I\ (JOODLETT. Pee. 25. 83 t( G. S. BOWER, !t?amifucttit*er an<l Dcalci' lit ? ) FURNITURE of every description. [ ?T? an.l netmtim CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES. Opposite the Con oarer House, Dec. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C- ir E. R. GTOKES, H O OK-BJ X I ? I: It, AM) lt!.iiili-!l??k Ha?iilacliii'cr, (In rear of Carolina Times Office ) CD 3 & '3 XI , & . D HI.ANK BOOKS rilled to any pattern, and u'.nnnfnctured of t.lio host materials ami in tlio most durable maimer. PF.RIODKJALS, Ml'SIf BOOKS, Ac., bound in every variety of style, at abort notice. JT?/" Country orders promptly attended to. jf?,Z I >ee 4 RO l y i)u7 iir?rETuLEr GREENVILLE, S. 0., AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR UKA1.KK IN rOJifiC/ilcT, Paints, Oils, Modicincs, Varnislit'N, Chemical*, /#.--\ BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS, White Lead A Zinc White. IIIH LONG OONNKCTOON WtTII TilK AIIOVK nuaiMKss I? A OUAItANTKK. TltAT KYKKYIIIINO IS OK TIIK BEST QUALITY, AND WILL HE SOLD ON THE J 19. MOST KKASONAHLB THUMB. ft-1 V Apple Vinegar. VFINE nrtielv to be bad at the Family Gro eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. Jan 1ft Hit new UIIH iTiiiiiiiiaciory. ENGRAVING ANO CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. r|^IIH subscriber, recently from I<ondon, 1'ari* I and the principal cities of Europe and America, where specimen* of his art have given Mm utmost satisfaction, respectly informs t.lio fit. i/.ens of the Upper Country, that he has just nr rived, nnd located himself at Greenville, where ho is prepared to doall work appertaining to his business, in the best manner and at the shortest notice, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Hides and Shot Guns, Duelling Pistols, Ac. lie will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Material*, which lie offers for sale at. very reasonable terms; finely carved I Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tumps, and Engraving on Gold, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very best manner, and warranted equally as good as can be drtne in the United Stated. Ofllie shop will be found two doors below Dr. Karle's Drug Store. July 8 ' h?tf. F. BRED A. PIANO TUNING. _/nr > TI1E subscriber would ofTer his services to the citizen* Sjf rr - yY=rt*^W of Greenville and the surt? | ?U J j rounding country in the a-3** XI/hove business. He will give satisfaction, or ao charge will be made. S. M. MURPHFY. I Juns i. 4 tf THE ENTERPRISE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING establishment. :o: HAVING A FINK SELECTION OF PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WE AUK PREPARED TO DO WORK ON STYiLt. CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, MANDRILLS, WAYBILLS, BALL TIOKBT8, PROGRAMMES, AC. Printed with Neatness and Dispatch. o & a ? ss CHINA, SATIN ENAMEL, 8ATIV SURKAOF, AND PLAIN AND COLORKD CARDS, On the Most Reasonable Terms. .tar GIVE US A CALL._ff.y W. P. PRICE, N O T A It Y PUBUC, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, (BSRiafcsi x^/Ricjr,r^sf a, ?? Will promptly attend to the collodion of Kotos nntl Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. REED ft GOODLETT, AW JfrW, (jJpcpnviDi'. H- 11 7 ~" iC-<7~Offico next door to F. F. Bkattir <fcCo , j. i?. nr.r.n.] [s. d. ooodletj. Jnnnnrv 12 85 tf Elford & Donaldson, \v$ wgu| CftfR^lISES'W3) WLSj, 3a CtJJc C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jnn. 10. 35 . 3iii ""^sov"w?SKr* AT GREENVILLE. C. H, S. C^THIE subscriber would inform the citizenJL of tbe Village of Greenville and aurrounding country, that be does all kinds ol ENGRAVING, of Gold or Silver and Plate, generally. Makes and mounts in Gold ot Silver, all tbe varieties of Braided Fancy Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gobi or Silver Walking Canes ; cuts and tits to order. Spectacle Glasses to suit anyage almost. Among tlte articles generally needed, and made by him, nro Gold and Silver Sleeve Pultons, Studs for Collar and bosom. '1 lie Mounting and getting up of his hair linger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson,) and Fob, Vest, or Guard Chains, lie Halters himself, would not be scoffed at in the larger fashionable cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old I Court House, and but a few paces from the Enterprise Office. . J. II RANDOLPH. | JC2f~ No charge for engraving any work made by hiin. Jc 20 7 ly stat? ~ofsouth (tarolina c; It KKN YILLK 1 ?ISTlt ICT. I IX Tin; COMMON l'LKAU. Vardry McBee I Attachment. vs. v II. Lkk Titnusrosr, Joseph Non. ) PI'ff'l Att'v. WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did. on the 1 lib day of October, file his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney knowu within the same, upon whom n copy of the said declaration might he served. It is, therefore, ordered, that the said Defendant appear and plead to the said declaration on or before tiie 14th day of October, which will lie in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. M. DANIKL, c. c. p. Clerk's Ollice, Greenville District. Oct. 30, 25 ' td HOWARD ASSOCIATION J' III r,A Dlil.l1 in A. i Important Announcement. rl^(>all persons afflicted with Scxut.l Diseases, A sttch nsSperinntorrluna, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gotiorrlui'ii, Gleet, Syphilis, the Vice (if Onanism, or Self Abuse, Ac., A c. The HOW A It D ASSOCIATION, in view* <>f the awful de'struetion of litunnn lite, caused by Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions praekised up1 on the unfortunate victims of such discuses l?v Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, us a charitable act worthy of their mime to give mkimoal advick (ikatih, to all pers iiis tlllls lllHict' ed. who apply l?y letter, with a description of their condition, (ago occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) mid in eases of extreme poverty and suf- i fori tig, toJ'aritina itwUcincsj'rtcaf chanjc. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relic f of the sick nnd dist ressed, afflicted witli " Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It hn? now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furiihii the tuost approved modern treat meat. Just Published, by tl.e Association, a Report on nperiiiuiorriKKn, or r-scnunul Weakness, the vice ??f Onanism, Masturbation ofSelf- Abuse, arid other Diseases of th? Sexual Organs, by the Con suiting Surgeon, which will l>? sent by mail, (in n ho a led envelope). Free of Charge, on the receipt 1 of TWO STAMPS for postage, i Address, DK. GEO. CAI/IIOUN, Consulting Snrgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. liy order of the Direct or*. EZI5A 1>. IIAUTWKLL, President. Gno. FAlRCiiixn, Secret urv. Feb ft ::n tf sta(;k link from Abbeville to Washington. A FOUR HOTWK STAGE leaves QgFMk \ J\- Abbeville, S. t'., on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Leaven Washington, tia., on Tuesday, Thurs-1 day and Saturday mornings. A daily Train loaves U a*hington at 7 o'clock A. II., for Atlanta. .IAS. E. WADDY, Washington. JOHN McBRYDF; Agent at Abbeville Office at the Pom Offlea Oct 0-22-b*u Tow ii Officer*. i Tntrndant.?II. LEE IHIlUSrON, Wardens.?II. C. li. T)ykr. Dr. It. 1>. Lok?, K. MoKav. 1 Town Clerk.? W. P. Prior. Marshals.? Z. Martin anil C.Grawurr mr. M SPEQIAt ANNOUNCEMt HI. \"%7E would inform the citizens of Greenville f nnd of the surrounding Districts, that our constantly increasing husimiss lias compelled our removal from "8 BBOAU-SnHtCT," to the inagniHoentand spacious 'Blown Stone Building,' The n'-'-oniinotliiiionj ami arranger'ents of this "NICW DEPOT," are unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the United States ; nnd whilst it. will afford facilities for keeping our usual large stock of M ISUEU.AN K0U8 BOOKS, ClJliAP PUBLICATIONS, MAGAZINES, &C We also propose adding largely to our Stock of Stationery, And those in want of I.tlDOKllS, Jul' UN A1.8, CASH BOOKS. LK'ITKK. NOTE, and CAP PAPER, AC., AC., will fiud it to their advantage to visit us. O. a. C0T7P.T21TA7 & CO., BOOKSELLERS AM) STATIONERS. A t the Si on of the "NEWSBOY." | Charleston, Nov. 20. 28-tf > JOHN KRAUSE, P II K N I T U H B AND CABINET MAKE IE c ^ WOULD respectfully inform Sv . ,y?^y??tl)e citizens of (Ircciividc ' nd vi * " ciiiity tlint he has on hund a let. ^ of I'l'UNlTUltK, which ho will dispose of upon reasonable terms, lie lias Chairs, Tables, Sofas. Washstands, A<\ Fine and I'lniu Furniture ninde to order, llis shop may bo found uu Avj enne Street, between BeattiuV Store nnd thConfoctinnery, nnd nearly opposite the Court ; Huose Greenville, S. Anir. 14-14-ly OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. r 1 ^LlII subscriber lias purchased the Right of ! .JL putting up 1 lie above description of Light, : ning Rods in fl'-eouvillc District, ami is prepared to execute orders b>r the same to any extent and I with promptness and despatch. These Rods are j conducted upon Scientific t>rinciples, and utlard the only method yet disco vend of absolute protect ion against lightning. Any one acquainted with tin* In wh??t pltifii'I.-ii i- will Iia : i convinced of theirutility, upon examining them. Their value ha* boon tested l>y experience und ! seiurcc, nud lias boon vouched b\ hundreds of | certificates from a'.l parts of tlio t'liion. From l amongst these the following only are submitted. ^ "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached to the j building in which i reside. It is better con sir noted, an.1 more seen rely insulated, tliuii any : form of I iglitiiing Rod* 1 have seen. It is neat ; and cheap, anil it properly attached to the building, on a not fail to ntford security against the loss of life and property by electricity 1 theretore recommend it us worthy of the confidence | of the community, It. F.'Bmjmiiv. l'rof. of Chemistry, ?t-e., in S. V. College." Mr. I>. (I. Wcstfield lias recently supplied inv house with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 have , examined them with great eare, and ntii convinced that they arc the best Lightning ltods over constructed. The methods of attraction and insulation ale new, uml seem to ine to be perfect. 1 can confidently recouiuicnd them toall persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning 0. J. Elkorp. Any further information may be obtained oi application to 1). (i. WKSTPIKLl-1, May 8-fi"?tf. Greenville, S. C. unows Anti-Illieiimatic Powders. A Safe, Sneedy and Radical Cure for lift umatisni, RhewiuUic Goat and Sciatica. "\X7"E, the undersigned citiieim of Putnam 1 V v County, Georgia, cheerfully hear testimony to the emcaey of Liuch's Anti-Kheumatio Powders in the treatment of acute or ehronio ; Rheumatism, many oases having been successfully treated by l)r. J. G. GIBSON, within our perse uiil Knowledge in which these Powders wers principally used. _o,..l Itiiiiilmin M H It' Tl , ...... rr ??f. V HlVri, Stephen It. Marshall, 1). H. Adams, T. 1?. Harwell, Thomas Respess, G. It. Thomas, J. Nichloson ?fc others. rsrAn, reasonable number of individual oertideates can be given in attestation of their effifjyty, Prepared and sold by J. 0. GIBSON, M. D., iiutontAn Gn., at ht> i>er box. All orders directed to liim, with the above sum enclosed, and a description of the cose shall receive with the Medicine such advice as may suit nnv peculiarity thereof. l-'or sale by M. II. TCARLE, M. T>., Apothecary and Druggist, Greenville, S. 0. May 1. 51 ly Shaving and Hair-Dressing. RtTRKlDGE CIONTINIJT'X the Toniorial business at his J old stand, in Beattis'# Brink Building.? I Gentlemen can have their hair cut, or shamp< ? | sd, or faces shared, at any time during ftfc* y f r swelling. Ans# 1A 11 it (