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SPRING "GOODS. GRADY & GOODLETT, One Door South qf the Old Court Jlouee, GKKEM VtLLK, 8. C. AFTER returning onr grnteful thank* to our friends and customers, for tlieir pa>-t very liberal patronage to our busiuees. wc desire to call their attention, iu well as that of the public gcUerally, to our very large and finely assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods. which we are now receiving, and which hue been purchased by ouo of the firm with Care, ami on very advantageous terms ns to prices, and which we nro determined on selling us low m they enn be bought, at retail, anywhere. Our stock, in the way of DRY "(10ODA, embraces almost every article called for, either bv Ladies or Qentleiuen, in Fancy or Staple Dry Goods. Sonnet*, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Talmas, Shawls, Mantles, &c. Boots and Sheet, Trunks, dec. A very extensive and fashionable assortment. HATS AND CAPS. The latest style.-*, for Men atnl Boys in great varioty. Ready-Made Clothing, j A very heavy and varied assortment, for Men I and Boy*. | Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Mirror*, Hardware and Cutlery, Guns, Carpenter's Tool*, Rluck% smiths' Tools, Crockery and Glassware, DRUGS, MEDICINES & DYE-STUFFS, Books uml Kfulioiici-y, SADDLERY. CASTINGS AND IRON, i GROCERIES. A very heavy stock of fkVY}\ Bio and Java C0KKE1S Brown and Crushed SUGARS 'tens, Molasses, Spices, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lend and Indigo. SACK AND TABLE SALT. Vinegars, Burning fluid, Cotton Yarn. Jiails, Glass, Ac., Ac. yttUSU. GARDEN SliEJDS. GRADY A- GOODLETT. April 0 43 if "~GE N T ITP: INfiTN~S FURNISHING 8T0RB. THRUSTON & SUDDUTH, jVRXT DOOli TO THK MANSION HOI'SE, rarTTa *RJ,: ,N<VV, ?.1,KN7N(\n }nr?c gipjii ^plenum nwniufiK OK wie -WfVlTl) ItlvsT and 2vE\VEST STYLUS of Spring and Summor Clothing, consistixo IN Part ov Cloth, Cnssitnere, Tweed, Satinet, Linen Drill, Duck, Marseilles, Alpaeoas, and other styles of COATS and I'ANTS. Also, many new styles of VESTS, With a complete nssortnieut of ShirtR, Drawers, Stocks, Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Suspender Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton L'nder-garments, ?fco., ?te. Til R I.ATK-iT STVLKS OK HATS &, CAHS, pAlTCHS AND SI IO l :s. 'AI-SO, ^el'fuhicht,s, Hqnclj UrticSes, CiGARS AND TOBACCO. The -above Goods are made up in the mot-t Tnshionnlde Styles, and in the host manner, and .will be offered to the trade on fuvorublo terms. April 2. 47 4 ~ NKW.MI1DNKUV AND Dress-Making Establishment. MRS. WATTS AND MISS j GORDON would respectfully call the attention of the Ladies of Greenville ami vicinity to the fact that they will open, on Saturday, the 4th iust., one of the finest, and largest stock* of French and American MILUXliitY ever brought, to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot, ho surpassed, embracing all tho latest and most approved styles. Suing confident, that can go awftv dissafi.?..i *i. .1 _i.. i muimi, nicy vnriicni uii fiiriy t.m iiimi iiispection of tlio same. Our tonus are low. Ladies' Old Hats cleaned and made equal to new. Missos' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the tnost approved and latest Gi|>sy style, LEGHORN HATS in lan?e quantities. Country Milliuers supplied on reasonable , terms. . ?r House on Avenue Street opposite the Tost Office. 47-tf April 2 DRS. MIMS & LONG ARE RECEIVING A FRESH LOT OF , flTKAS, Adamantine Candles, Cinnamon, Mace, A Spice. Cayenne nnd illaek l'epper, C'liew* ing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Hurtling Fluid, Alcohol, Castile and other Soaps, Marking, Ktarclt, Lamp Oil, Madeira Wine, for medical and culinnry purposes. White Wine, Cider Vinegar, Ac , Ac. April 2 47 2 MRS. MONTGOMERY A&Qfi WOULD respectfully infonn the Ladies '^K?f Greenville and vicinity, that she has Just received from New York a splendid assortment of the latest styles of MILi.INERY, which she offers to sell at prices that cannot fail to suit the purchasers. { AT raiVATti BALK. ? A HANDSOME RRSIDBXCF. 011 Buncombe Street, with nil neeS'*Z&WZ'.'kw oesary Uut iiuiiriiiigs. Also ol,'i Fendleton street. The MioreaM nearly now, with coiuinedious lota attached. Also, n vacant lot on Buncombe street. Apply to 11. LKK TUHUSTON. A pri I1. (7 tf \+ Third Door above the Mansion /louse, WOULD resneetfully call tbe attention of bis friends, and the public generally, to liia recent enlarged Stock of DRUGS, MHDI<HNE8, de. Uhysiciana, Merchant*. Farmer* Head* of Families, ami all persona in want of Articles in his line, will <lo well to gall and examine hie assortment. Articles for family use, Spieee. Flavoring l'lxtracts, eto., constantly on band. Also Pnro Medical Winee and Brandy. April 2 47 tf CANDY. AFRESH supply ot excellent CANDY now on hand and for solo at the Drug Store of April 2 47?tf J. II. DKAN. iL ? -***- , >. <* - . . V ^ EMPORIUM OF w M> mt?0 ? I AM NOW RECKlVIXQ, nud will continue lo receive, a Superior assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Of the lntest ?n,l moituppfovri style* uf FYeash, Knglish himI American Usuufawlnr^ ednsisting'of a great variety of Gentle men's Wear, 81" CU AS Black and Fancy Colored CLOTHE, Cnssimeres, Drnp DTtes, Idnoens, Tweed*, Marseille*, Silk, Sutin, Merino, Velvet and Marseilles Vcetlug, in great varieties. k Cravats, Stocks, Silk, Mohair and Muslin Tics. Dinncn and Silk l'oekot Handkerchiefs. And a good nssorlnient of the latest styles of Drew A military Trimming*, Ace. And having under my employ the best of Workmen, and receiving the French and American Fashions monthly, I am prepared to OUT AND MAKE DP WORK In the host and Infest styles and improvements. tW ALL WORK WARRANTED. JRJ MR. pi A. PICKLE Still continues in the Sales and Cutting Department. CLOTHNG! CLOTHING!! 1 have also in nil excellent and tnstey assortment of RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, which is put up in the beet and latest styles, of great vn Irioty aud quality, BCOU AS COATS, Pants, Vests, Over and Undcr-Shirts, Lin lien and Cotton Drawers, Young American Standing and Turn-Down Collars, Gloves, Ho siery and lints. All of which I will sell Low for Cnsh. lease give nio a cnll, as I charge nothing I for showing Goods. <j>. IS. DVFR. April 2 47 4 SODA WATER. T\t?S mims a- T.nvn i .-1 .i--i I ? nv/iivji h?hu riTirini mnr M..J SODA FOUNT, nnd nrc now furnishing delicious Soda Water at their Drug Store. April 2 4 7 tf ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE. T3HE F-IR.M! 8k AIIK OFFEHINO TO THE PUULIC NEW AUIUVALS OF Spring and Summer KM Hit AC! NO THE LATENT STYLES OF LADIES' I>]{i :SS GOODS, viz: G1 INOIIAMS, English nnd Atnerienn Print.", T" lhtregcs on?l Challva, J.own#, Ciimbriao, Alpacas and Calicoes. A large assortment ot WHITE GOODS, Anch as Cambrics, Jueonots Swiss and Muslin, etc., etc,, To<Dmm3Zfny Housekeeping Goods, {f=** UHADY-MADK CLOTIUNO, HATS and ^dst'AI'S, BOOTS nnd SHOES, Crockery, j Hardware, C HOC Jilt 1LS, Paints, Oils, Medicine.", Ac. To nil of which we invite the attention of onr friend" and the public generally. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon our house, we think thai mi examination of our Stock will serve to cause a continuation of the patronage so generously bestowed heretofore. J?-r*~ Country Produce taken in exchange. Aprils 4 7 tf *Tiinr n A A i\ n 1TO liUUiJN. L IJK THE subscriber is now receiving jN^ivr;?|\t a large ami well sclcclcil assortVITJJmoat of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting of Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, csuockui i-:s, ' r o c k cry, 69 a r ?1 ivarc, SOOTS A'lTS) smras, A beautiful assortment nn<\ latest stylo of II cady-Mado Clothing summer* HAT?, SADDLES, BRIDLES, 8cC. All of which will bo ottered at very low prices. C3T Country Produce taken in pay for Goods. CltATtLKS MERRICK, Main street, next, door to Drs. Minis <fe Long's Drug Store, and opposite the Greenville llotel. March 10 45 if ]\t'W itook^. THE PLANTER'S NORTHERN ; ?. IS&XjQf \SM\\)V*, by Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentr. i . H'JC.y The Hangers and Regulators of | Tnunlift, or life Among the Lawless, by Charles j Sunirnertield, (A. W. Arl ington.) Nick of the Woods, or Tlic .lihhona'nnnsay. i Southward llo, or A Spell of Sunshine, by Sims. Doortieks; What he Says and Door "This is neither a history, romance, life-drama, autobiography. uor post mortem examination, but a j series <>r unpremeditated literary extravaganzas, i written without malice nforftlion^K by the pin ' gle hero thereof, solely for his own gloria'ration." The above Works for sale at. the t; HEKN V11,LE BOOKSTORE. April 2 47 2 Spurgoon's Sormons, i SErONl) VOLUME just out and for sale at Oreenville Bookstore. Price*!. The first volume of this work was ron<l by thousand* of persons, The second has been pronounced far . superior to the tir?t by eminent critics; it is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that tlio sale wilt be far more rapid, so eoine ami secure a copy of this great work before thev are nil gone. April 2 47-2 J. C. P. JETER. I Kiuic'n Exploration*. r 1M1E Soconil Crinnell EKpedition, in Search of , L Sir John Franklin, by Klisha Kent Kane, < illustrated with many hundred wood engravings and steel plates, among whioh are likenesses of Dr. Kane and Mr. Orinuell. For sale by April 2 47-2 J. 0. P. JETER. F. BURTY, Doaler in Boots, Shoes, Loather, OPPOSITE PATRIOT At MOUNTAINEER OFFICE, GREENVILLE, S. C, 1ft Prepared to furnish customers with the above article*, CIIEAP FOR CASH. Having comjwtent workmen engaged, he ran ] assure bis patrons that all work will bo Neatv* i Dosr. and WARRANTED. J | fob* *9 1/ !> iii i kihli..w.. tj : 11j iv virkiriivr a' am ! W. IL HOVM & IU, mOPKrETOltS OF , The Ladies' Store AUK NOW. and will n constantly reeol Fresh Importations; purchased by one yf the partners, who tins Dome twonty-8v? year*' experience iu buying and suiting Good* Tlicy would invite eixjclnl attention to their large flock of ' ' .1 Ktl .?u? . . 1r. ... White and Eitibroidered floods, Rich Silk , Tissues, DcBcges, Challys. Crape Do Pails, Beregfea, Muslins, Brilliants, Silks, AlpncjaR, Bombazines, Canton Crape, Ginghams, French, English and American Prints, d^C., SO, AT,SO, JUST IN, A NICK LOT OP Now Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flowers, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edgings White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Emb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, And many oilier NICK AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will be their endeavor to sell ns cheap as possible. 46-tf Mil *26 COMMISSION TO GUAROIANS, TRUSTEES AND RECEIVERS. l/AUDTANS, TRU9TKES and UKCF.1VKRS, \ I who have to make Returns to this Office, are hereby notified to make the same within one month from cbxte, or, failing to do so, they will be dealt with according to law. H. A. TOWNER, C. K. C. D. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, S. C., March 10. 1807. 45 ft /Vif iyinii/ii i n \ - UIUjIjiN V ILL I j liMV, MANUFACTURED ami for snip, at per gallon, by MI1IS A LONG. March 11) 45 tf W.' sC LAWTOX. j ( o! MriVuKAKKH, Formerly of J- J of Lnwtonville, S. C. ) ( Charleston, S. C. LAWTON 8c CO., Factor*), Forwarding and Comiillosion iM<*rrliaiit*, No. 30 K'nst Buy ami Boyce <? Go's Wharf \ WILL SKI,I. COTTON, IiTCE. FLOU R,WII E AT, CORN, NAVAL STOKES, Ac. Having an experience of twenty-five year* in business, we guarantee satisfaction to ail who patronize us. REFERENCES.?A\on. K. DoTrcville. F.xTdeiit. Gov., .f. 1! Shepherd, Esq., of the firm of Shepherd tfc MoCreery, Jas. Topper, Esq., Master in Equity, Hon. IV. .t. Grayson, Ex-Collector and 15x, M. 0., Charleston, S. (1; Rev. II. 1). Duncan, j (Sen. D. M. Ay or, Ihirnwcll.S. C.; Gov. O. McDonnhl, Jmlgo T. Stocks. Georgia; 1*1 O. Jnuilon, Esq., I'r. it. G. Muys, Florida; Joseph Ramsey, Esq.. Tcun. 41?1 Mh 12 Dissolution. rpiI.E Copartnership of REA, SCRUGGS A- CO. JL has boon this day dissolved by niutuul consent, ?\ly interest, having boon purchased by tlie other inomhers of the Firm, I retire from the establishment. The business will he continued at the old Stand, southwest corner of the Court Mouse Square, by K. ItlCA ?fc CO., to whom all debts duo tho concern arc payable. W. 1? M. A. SCRUGGS. Green villa, S, C., February 12th, 1887. NOTICE. rTMIH Subscribers would inform their friend* 1 and the public generally, that the business heretofore conducted by RUA, SCRUGGS ?t CO., will be continued by them, under the name and style of Iv UI',A ?tT CO. They respectfully solicit a continuance of patronage. Their Slock consists of Sliiplc anil Fancy Dry &ood?, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11A RD W A RE, CROCKERY, H tC M PAINTS, OILS, MEDICINES, Etc. All persons indebted to tho Firm of Ilea, Scruggs ?t Co., will make payment to us. E. RE A A CO. Greenville, S. C., February 1 1H57. 41-tf DR. ,1. II. DEAN, DEALER IN if Hld)T(">,7CHEMrCALS, fi'crtimicry, Coin's, Oils, Sjje-Slyffe YOSAiDO?, Oll&AirlSj, FINK TOILET NO ARB, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH RRUSI1ES, PURE WINES AND LHiUORS, For Medicinal Uses, TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, ?VC\, i\5t\, (x'i'ociivillc, ?. (!. ?3?" Medicines warranted genuine niul of (he best quality. *%" Planters nnd Physicians from the country will tiiul our stock of Medieincs complete. Feb 12 " 40 lv i. j. novtv. w. it. IIOVKY. w. h. hovey co , PUOPItt ETOR8 OF THE LADIES' STORE, DKALUU8 IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS,! BONNETS, RIBBONS,! Housekeeping Goods, anst jkjjs ANl> INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OKCOVILLE, ft. C. N. It.?Orders accompanied Ky the cash for Medical, Law or Library Rooks, Musical Instruments and Hondires, promptly filled in New York, and delivered at our couiit#r oo shortegt notice. Tan 2; 37" ' \j i'.jl 1 " 1 1 -y "hw"a' ' TVM. It ALLUN, " SIJROttON DENTIST, HAS returned from Philadelphia, prepared, in ?very way, to perform ail operations in his profession in the most skilful and npproVed manner. Ilnvitiprprocurod orery improvement of the day, persons onn safely rely on htvlng every operation performed In the same manner at done in l'hil*d> Iphin or New York. Ktjier and Chloroform jjiven when desired. Persons desiring hUoiiHou must make appoin nient* previously. w Rooms in MeBec's Building. March 10 45 if Plows, Stoves, 1\H \~\/"E keep constantly on hand a lnrge assort T t ment of One and Two-llorse Turning, Subsoil mid Hillside JH? winch wo challenge tlin world to equal in good work, case of draft and durability. Wo have also a large and beautiful assortment of Cooking, I'arlor, Dining Room,' lied Kooni and Cltarch STOVES, to which wo particularly call the nttention of those who wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash and Stock BOILERS, Corn Shellors, Straw (hitters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or W^ll rumps furnished and put up. We also are making and receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japanoso Waro, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters and Bake ran*. FOOT and BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our lino, made to order, and Painted in the best manner. We are also prepared to do Kuofliitf n?i<l Ciutloriiisi in the latest and best manner on short, notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of rJT*MT Wo say it is superior, and we do not wish to have ?*r word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees \Vax and Old Pewter. ?3?" Rngs taken in exchange for Tin Ware. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mb 12 41 tf State of South Carolina. G KEEN VILLE 1 )T STRICT. In Court or Ordinary. Mnry Maj;no?s, hy Brackin Tinslev, her Attorney, Applicant, against lv S. Irvine, AdminlstrnU>r of loscph Miiiiiic^, dcpo.vwl, and other*, heirs and representatives of Joseph Mngness, deceased, Defendant*.?Final Setlicment and Decree of the I'trsonal Ketate. IT nppenring to my satisfaction that, certain next of kin of said Joseph Magness, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this State; It is ordered and decreed that they do appear at. the Court of Ordinary, to he holden for Greenville District, at. Greenville Court House, on Monday, the \Hth day of May next, to shew cause, if any ' they have, why a Final Settlement, and Decree of tho Personal Kstntc of Joseph Mngnesa, deceased, should not be made, or their consent thereto will bo entered of record. Given under niv hand and seal, at Greenville C, 11., the l'Jtli day of February, A. D. !Xfi7. KOISEUT Mo KAY, [us.] Ordinary of Granville District. March 5 4d t.l State of South Carolina. (JRKEXVILLK DISTRICT, fina Court ?r Ordinary. To Joseph Wham, Mary Wham, Helen Wham, Jinny MeNiuch, and James McNinch, her hus baud', Barbary Wham, John Wham, Benjamin Wham, llobcrt Wham, Kli7.1i Wham, William Wham, l'.llcn Wham, Jane Wham, Nancy Wham, Joseph Wham, llunnnh Wham, Martha MeWilliams, and David, her husband, Nancy F.lder, and P.obert, her husband, Mnry Jane McWright, and Devi,her husband, heirs-at-law of Jo.-ki'h Wnam, deceased; OL' are hereby required to appear at the .1. Court of Ordinary, to he holdru at GreenI Villa I liltlUii fnn 1 \iji ,.i?* ?- if 18/A Jay of May, Anno l)omini, l8/>7, to shew cause, if nnv you cnn, why the proceeds of the salu of the Real Kstnte of Josta-it H'iiam, deceased, sold hy me for partition and division, should not he paid over-to Thomas L. Woopukh, Administrator of the said JosKi'li Wham, to l?" applied hy liiin to the payment of the dehts of the said Joskpii Wham. (iiven under my hand and seal, this 20tli day of February, A- 1>.? 1807. ROBKRT McKAV, [">_*.] Ordinary of Greenville Diatrict. Feb If, -il td Cigars! Cigars'. I MIMS &c LONG, VT their DRUG- STORK, are no\y offering for sale the following CIGARS; Caledonia; Cabanas Gittorrcz ; Liverpool Uio Hondo ; La Flor La Itooa ; iiio Hondo Colorado; Ln Marilla El Contercianto La Ptinotualidiid Havana Sixes Etc. Etc. Etc. _ ALSO, ? The choicest and hest CliKWING and SMOKING TO&AOCO. SS-tf Jan 2(1 AGENCY FORT LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! VM1 Aft!H?m!L(g MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Property AGAINST FIRE: And the XAres ut White Pereors end Slaves, between the ages of 10 find GO yearn, ON audi terms as to rentier it. a most safe ami desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and liy-l.nws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officer* of the Company. JOSEPH It OSBORNE, Preit. \VM. W. McDOWKM* Vlce-l'rt*. Jas. B. R ankin, Sectary it Treanurrr. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 85-ly GKKENVII,I.E. S. C. Brandies. WINES, POUTER, ALE, ?fcc., of tha best qualities, for medical pnrposcs, for sale at tint htore of A. GREENFIELD. 1 Jan 15 SA tf ] Bice and Buckwheat Flour, FOR Sale at the Family Grocery Store of A. GREENFIELD. J?n 16 36 tf 1 -i.iuf. . '> SREEITOttt PRICES CURRENT COKKKCTKJ) WICKKLY fOK HIK KtfTKRPIUSK, _By Grady i- Goodlett, Merchants. GKKKNVILI.K, AfMifB 8, 1 87. BAGGING, G unny, per yard, ? .25 v,,Jh?udve, a 20 BACON" .., .limns, per lb., new, 12} Shoulder*, 44 10 Sides, ? 12} Ilog round, 11 DUTTEli .. .Ooehen, ]>er 11?. none. Country, per lb. 15 X)FKEE.. .Jtio, i>er lb. 15.\ Java, per Ib. 1R a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0^ ?? 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Ottiiaburgs, per vd. 11 a 12.J IH.OUIi ....Country, per bbl. &0 a ?G 50 Country, per ?.nck, u GRAIN Corn, per budiei. 75 Wheat, per bushel. ?l 25 Oats, per bushel, ft 45 IRON" Swede*, per lb. 0} a 7 English, per lb. ? 5^ LARP pf?r lb. a 124 MOLASSES W. 1. per gal. 75 N. O., per. gal. new crop, M-25 SYRUP...." " per gal. 44 OILS Lamp, per gal. 02.J Traiu, per gal. 87? u fcl,J Linseed, $1.} RICE per lb. u 8^ ROPE nor lb. 1.5 ? 20 SUGARS...w. Orleans,por lb. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lf>, 20 Refined, per ib. u 1 0$ SALT per bushel, $l Salt, per sne.k, ?2 50 SOAP .Colgate,pale, 1 2 4 a 15 Yellow, por ib. 8 ? 10 SHOT per ib. 12? Shot, per hag, a $2$ c?aw n?i miii ii i m i???wwraa? THE ENTERPRISE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. :o: IIA VINO A FINK BKI.KCTION OF PI AIM A M n rAKlOV T V P C wrc are prepared to i>o work 3M HANDSOME STYLE. :o:?-? CIItCTLAItS, C ATA LOCI U Kfl, H A NDIIIM-S, WAYBILt-fl, nAU. TICKETS, l'ROOUAMMKS, AC. Printed with Neatness and Dispatch :o: ? A Si iJB) S . CHINA, HATIN KKAHKL, HATIN 8CRPACK, ANI PLAIN AN I) COLORKD C A ItltS, On the Most Reasonable Terms ?3TGIVE US A CALL.J?f GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE * * * WHERE CONSTANTLY MAY RE FOUNl> A I-iirsc AMor(inrn( of FAMILY GROCERIES, PINE AND CHEAP WINKS Liquors, Cordials and Cigars? , II A T S A A I) c'A I* * . /xmo saivoi^,, 11L A R1) W A RE, OR C) O K K R V GlaxAWuri1, aisti i DHY (5001)8. Jt-rV North oast corner Court House Squan Jan 15 3(3 tf Apple Vinegar. A FIXK article to be bad at the Family Gr? il eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. Jan 15 30 Oystors ! Oysters ! ' Received daily, and offeree for sale at the Grocery Store of Jan 15 30-tf A. GREENFIELD. Having Purchased rI"MIF, interest of K. J. T'ltlTZ, in the late Kirn I of FRITZ A l'INSJX, I heir leave to ea! the attention of the citizens of Greenville inn surrounding country, that I will carry on tlu HusiucM as heretofore, at the Old Stand next. t? I'owcrs <t Kldrodjf . Tlie Stock comprises a large variety of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. CHINA WARE. PERFUMERV AND FANCY ARTICLES, which wo offer to sell CHEAP for CAS1I, Having engaged tlie service* of a first class Workman, we make no hesitancy in ensuring satisfaction with nil Work left with us. All ire ail :a <i Trial. ?&3 n A u i t i.' r. o o i? 'i' 'I' IIP n I t o p u \j l r u iw \ t r- i i it jt- i mj n Cj . SAMUEL STRADLEY. Greenville, J?itn?t;y 7, 1557. WATCHES, closes AMD xm'&mx. e. i. pi\so.\ (agent,) BJ-XIS leave to announce to the citizen* of Greenville, andaurrouudinir country, llmt. he lim opened a Stock of the nhove-nnmcil Article)) r.n Avenue utrert, in tl?o Building formerly known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will 'ell LOW for CASH. IIB WILL ALSO Rep Air and Fit Up watches, clocks and jewelry, In the host of stylo. Thankful to his former patrons ami friends, for their liberality and patronajre, he n-opcct fully solicits a continuance of th?* Mint". tiro ive him a call, and he will endeavor to pla***. 37-fef Jan 22 ' "1 **"" MUIJJJJJ mg^.riwi ?i -J;." jrwwwaitM -TH3 CK&sniTVXXiIfa BOOKSTORE, maun STKKirr, NKXTTO UcB&KV HAUR #NN HRllR constniitlv may he found a large ,u?l ws.ll selected Stock of MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL and CLASSICAL liOOKS, Writing Paper, l)lauk Hook*,Memorandum*, >tc.; Writing Desk* and Case*, Portfolios, Cold and Slwl I'i-iii, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Wafers, blutcs, Copv Hooks, Inkstands, Knlens Ac., dc. * <> C. !\ JKTKR, Jaii 15 8<l-ly Sign of the lilg Hook. i:. KRUTCH'S DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UNDER McBEETS IIALU GMaatfSSiSiS, S3, a, \\ f IlKKH will he constantly kept <m liniwd the * * purest stock of | DRCCS, MK1HCINKS,CHEMICALS,PATENT | Medicines, Surgical instrument*, l'nints, I>re Mints, \ nrmstics, I'uttv, Tnliiicco, SsjjtHr*, Spirit, (ins. Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spiees. Brushes, Toilet Article!*, Combs, Perfumery ; mid nil other articles generally kept. hv I )riu~">*ts. Z?S" I''resh unit |nir?Driig*t)rv warranted ami sold nt low prices. Compound iiieilioines arc prepared in the most careful wnv. Receipts ami preaoifptions of any kimi put co Witt, accuracy, neatness and di*; patch. 85-lOul Jan ft The Goodlett House. M Tills laiwtk and COMMOilioiis Building, .situated in the centre of the Town of Creenviile, formerly known as TIio rintilcrN Ilalrl, has been recently purchased by the subscriber, mill will be opened for t!t? reception mid accommodation of Hoarders and Travellers ou the First of January. Tlie House will be entirely newlv furnished in everv department, mid the Proprietor will endeavor to make it one of the first Hotels in the tipper count rv. K. P. (.IOODLETT. _Dec. 25. 33 tf G. S. BOWER, 1 IWnuiifuctiiwr and Doulcr fit 1 / Wtsyj VI" UN ITU UK of every description, ami 23*553 CHAIRS of everv style. fisk's celebrated metalic burial cases, Opposite the CoHfjctrce ]louse, Dec. n. COLUMBIA, S. C- _ ly E. R. STOKES, BOOK-HINDER, A XI) U In it It - nook M:\ n n lac tn rcr, (In rear of Carolina Times OtHce.) 3 'D & S 23 ii A . a - <0 - BLANK BOOKS ruled to nnv pattern, an<l manufactured of the host material* ami in the luokt iluralile manner. , PERIODICA 12*, M 1,'SIC BOOKS. Ac., hound in every variety of style, at short notice. Country orders promptly attended to. .JfcJ I>ec 4 30 ly W. P. PRICE, Slttovuoj of Ctuir, | AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, : OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, . * vu. &. aj? Will prompttv attend to the eolleetioir of Notes and Aooount#, settling Claim*. Ac. REED & G00DLETT, A'JSW MR.tJi'.i'lYf'iJ Alt' JTi^Ws, fwrct'iivillc, S. 4'. j{37*Ofliee next door t<> K. F. Beattik it Co ' A. I?, KEF.I).] [s. I>. OOODI.KTT. .January 1'2 3.r> tf .Elford & Donaldson, , VI <VV$* u>: A;-(d* C. J. ELFORD. T.Q.DONALDSON. Jan. 1 o. Sin 1) ll7 M 1) EAR L Er , CiRKKX VILLK, S. C.. | AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR 111* l I 1*1! IV rOUV'J <1:^ C'Jkslhi! Paints, Oils, J Moaicinos, Varni?licsry Chemicals, flQ BRUSHES, DVll-SXIirS, , While licail tV Zinc While* ]IlHI.ON() CONNECTION UIVII Tlllt ABOVE 1HJS1XKSH IS A GUAR VNTEKTIlAT EVKKV IIIIJEO IS OK TIIE HEAT QKiLITT, AMI Witt El. tliil.Ii ON TIIK 1 10. M<'?T UKASOSABI.K TEEMS. G-ly" i i\cn <-mi .UaiuiCsu'twi'Vt l -ypfc" j i . ENGRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS', ' |"M1K euhsrriher, recently from London, ]'tM*i? I mid the principal cities of Europe and America, where specimens of his art liaTe given he utmost satisfaction, respectly informs the citizens of the l.'pper Country, that he has just arrived, and locnteil himself at Oreenville, where he is prepared to do all work appertaining to hie business, in the best manner and at tins shortest i notice, as Double and Single Cast-Sited Kiflss , and Slmt dims. Duelling I'istols, ?tc. lie will nNo kee]< constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Materials, which he ofTcre for sale at very reasonable terms; finely carved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tamps, and Engraving' ou (?old, SiDer, Ac. ah \w>rk nmi Repairing none in in manner, and warranted equally as good as can be done in I In- United State*. "His simp will l>c found two doors bclovr Dr. Kafir's Drug Storr. July H F. BRED A. Escaped. XOWDOX, a free person of rolor, vtf ? t arrested l>y me, on the 23d inst., with a State's WiiiTnnt, Ssid Xowdon is about six fort" high, rather square built, very dark oolor, nnd. weigl?s Alartit. V7."> or lito pounds, lie is from Abbeville District, S. and this notice is to assist me in re-capturing him. Any information respecting liiin will l?e Ihankfiilly received by me I at Greenville Court House. Nov 27 2R-tf 7. MARTfX, Marshal. Town Officers. ,i Intendant.?II. J.KK TIIIiUSTON. j Wardens.? II. C. Marklry.G. B. Dtkr, Dr. R. D. Lotto. II. MoKat. i Town f,'lcrk.? W. 1*. Prick. Marshal*.? A. Martin and C. Gra I nr.