University of South Carolina Libraries
cohpe: ZS THE -T.xt.-r. :o: THE COUNTRY SAPS UNDER BU ? :o: KINO SOLOMON *?? a very wise man, still, i would but Uka peep at our UNSURPASS SPRING AND SUH We foal aura ho onld not say there was u Nothii public generally, will be convinced that there is n eall and see,) when we assure them that EWBTVIW a. OA <o m AJumn (?/ Wt'ff 1 la the baak place this aide of Charleston to get a C Among the many, and nearly innumerable CASH ] CAPT CHEAPER T WILL BE BOOTS AN From the finest and latest style Patent Leather Qai HATS AN Of every description, the latest style PANAMA I variety as, we are assured, have never been in thii Gentlemen, we'll remind you again to call a tire newspaper to enumerate all the Beautiful and Country Merchants are invited to give us a ily perceive that we ean sell Cheap; besides, we d lose on another. We cannot refrain from mentioning, in cone COMPLETE BOYS' The patterns alone are. to an economical lady, wo Being thankful to the public for their'libera * a continuance of the samo; aud we are certain it ED Wholesale ami It Adjoining the Greenville Hotel, ? Greenville C. 1L, S. 0? April 2, 1837. NEW MILLINERY AND BrOBS-Malrintr PatiVilioVimont MI{s7WATTS"AND"MI8S^s ^qC^GORDON would respectfully e*ll the attention of the Ladies of Greenville ntid * vicinity to the fact that they will open, on Sat- 1 urday, the 4th inst, one of the finest nud largest stocks of French and American MILLINERY ever brought to this Town, which, for richness and elegance, cannot he surpassed, embracing all the latest and most approved styles. Being confident that none can go away dissatisfied, tiiey earnestly solicit an early calf and in- I spection of the same. Our terms are low. Ladies' Old Hats cleaned and made equal to new. Misses' Gipsies cleaned and made over in the most approved and latest Gipsy style. LEGHORN IIAT8 in large ouantitics. Country Milliners supplied on reasonable teems. J MF House on AvcnueStrect opposite the I'ost Office. 47?tf April 2 Spurgeon's Sermons. . SECOND VOLUME just out and for sale at _ Greenville Bookstore. Price $1. The first volume of this work was rend by thousand* of } persons. The second has beeM pronounced far superior fo the first by eminent critics; it is, j therefore, reasonable to suppose that the sale will bo far more rapid, so come and secure a copy of this great wort before they are all gone. April 2 47-2 J. O. P. JETEll. irnovi & co., J PROPRIETORS OF ( The Ladies' Store A RE NOW And will t.? ? v JY" Fresh Importation#, purchased by one of I " the partners, who lias tome twenty five years' experience in buying and selling Go-xls. They would invite special attention to their large L Stock of S White and Embroidered Goods, Rich Silk 'j Tiaaues, DeBeges, Challys, Crape l)e c Paris, Bereges, Muslins, Brilliants, I Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines, * Canton Crape, Ginghams, . French, English and American Prints, Arc., Arc. f ALSO, JUST IN, * A NICE LOT OF New Bonnets, Ribbons, Ruches, Wreaths, Flower*, Blonds, Valencia, Thread and Brussels Edgings, White and Black Crape Collars and Sleeves, * Embroidered, Linen and Muslin Collars, Long Lawns, Plain and Emb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, 1 And many other NICE AND FANCY GOODS. All of which it will be their endeavor to tell n# cheap at possible. 4A?tf Mb 2ft greenyilT;elnk, \ f AM P ACIVKI.D and for tale, at #1 per ifl gallon, by MIMM ?fc LONG. J March 19 45 tf WM. H. ALLENT SURGEON DENTIST, b HAS returned from Philadelphia, prepared. ^ in every way, to perforin all operations in hit profession iu the moetskilful and approved manner. Having procured every improvement J. of the day, persons can safely rely on having ~ every operation performed in the same manner Aft rfnna in 'KilaiLlithU or Vow Vnrlr I Ether and Chloroform given when desired. Persons desiring attention must make appoint*- H tnants previously. J HJT Rooms in McBee'a Building. March 19 45 tf COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE 1 f TO 8UAR0IAN8, TRUSTEES AND RECEIVER8. GUARDIANS, TRUSTEES and RECEIVERS, who have to make Returns to thia Office, are herebjr notified to make the same within one .. month frotn date, or failing to do so, tliey will j be deait with according to law. 6k A. TOWNKS, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Greenville, a C., March fc 19, 1867^ 45 _ 6 L ~ F. BURT Yf W Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Leather, . y * OPP08JTE PATRIOT k MOUNTAINEER OFFICE, J OHEENVILLE, S. C., :* XN Prepared to famish customers with the X altore articles, CHEAP FOR CASll. Having competent workmen engaged, he can as?re Ilia patrons that all work will be Naartv J I Ifcrm sad WARRANTED. - fab* ? * i . ?-? . UTION I OF TRADEL CHAKAH'S ADMINISTRATION! | were he living in the nineteenth eentnrv, end I JED LARGE AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF I [MER CLOTHING, lg n?v under the enn." Oor friende, end the o BUAGGLNG or PUFFING, (if they will only 5LOTHINtt STORE HEAP end ELEGANT SUIT from "top to toe." Articles, which we heve received per Steamer DOWN, AIN HAN EVER, FOUND T> SHOES, ters down to the unsightly number IB Brnir?r,? fD CAPS IAT included. Then we have SHIRTS, in such ? piece before. Also BOY'S' SHIRTS, nd examine our Stock, ns it would lake an cnUseful Articles we hare on hand, call As ours i? a Gash System, they will reado not wish to inakc up on one man what we lusion, that wo have SUITS ON HAND. rth mure than we charge for the whole Suit, il patronage heretofore, we respectfully request will be advantageous to both partlee. OSTEIN & LOWENBERG, etail Dealers in Ileady-Made Clothing, ind opposite I)rs. Mitns ?fc Long's Drug Store. 47 1 NEW GOODS, THE subscriber is now receiving EgftU l.,.\W a large and well svlected nssortl I I Imcnt of SPRING AND SUMMER tOOD8, consisting of Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware, MOTS A1TJD SKHTD'JiS, k beautiful assortment and latest style of Ready-Made Clothing timmm SADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. Ml of which will bo offered at very low prices, tir Country Produce taken in pay for Goods. CHARLES MERRICK, Main street, next door to Dr.*. Minis <fc Lonir's >rug Sloro, and opposite the Greenville Hotel. March 10 45 if N. a LAWTOX, 1 ( C.M. BREAKER, Formerly of V -J of .awtonville, 8. C. ) ( Charleston, a C. LAWTON &, CO., Factors, ForunrdiiiK and Com nianiou Ulcrclutiils, Vo. 30 East Bay and Boycott G'o'i Wharf, s. ?,, WILL BELL X)TTON. IiTCE. FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, NAVAL STORES, <fec. tJT" Having an experience of twenty-five ears in business, wo guarantee satisfaction to 11 who pntrouizc us. REFERENCES.?lion. R. DeTrevilVe. Ex,icut. Gov., J. 11 Shepherd, Esq., of tho firniof 'hejiherd ?fc McCroery, .las.Tupner, Esq., Master ? Lquitv, Hon. W.J. Grayson, Ex-Collector and Ix. M. <5., Charleston, 8. <5.1 Rev. It. D. Duncan, lea. L. M. Ayer, Rain well, a C.; Gov. C.J. Mc)onald, Judge T. Stocks. Georgia*, K. G. Jaudon, Jaq., l>r. It, G. Maya, Florida; Joseph llamsoy, !?q.. Tenn. 44-4 Mh 12 To Let, TIIE IIOUSE, in the town of ULOreeuville, recently occupied by Mrs. Ann oor. For further particulars enquire of Mh I? 44~2 _ W. II. WATSON. DR. J. H. DEAN, DP J f t'D /\r J/ 1V/1 AjM'j l\, 11* |f MEbTcmEsTCHEMICALS, Perfumery, Mute, Oil?, tfah)i?i}e?,S)(je-5lnff?, Y??A<???, FI1VE TOILET SOAPS, ^INE LI AIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, PURE WINES AND LIQUOBS, For Medicinal Use#, RUSSES ANO SHOULDER BRACES, ikc>, d'Ci, Ac*, Greenville, S. C. vw Mediciuea warranted genuine and of the eat quality. % i'lauters and l'ltv?ieian* from the country rill find our atock of Medicine* complete. Feb 18 40 It j. noTEr. w. ii. novar. W. H. HOVEY &C0., PROPRIETORS OK rilE LADIES' STORE, DEALERS IN 'AJTCY & STAPLE DE.T GOODS, auss ?susss $2>??3fl BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, ULUY KMJS QKtfmBQHe AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, OREEHVILLE, 8. C. N. B.-?Order* accompanied bv the each for ledi?Al, Law f?r library Bonk*, Mimical liwtruient* nod Rundiiee, promptly filled In Now fork, and delivered at our oouuter on ahorfteet otiee. Jan 22 J?7 l r_ Apple Vinegar. A FINK article to be bad at the Family Groeery Store of . A. GREENFIELD. Tea ff 36 Plows, Stoves, WE keep constantly on hand n large assortment of Ono and Two-Horse Turning, Subsoil and Hillside winch we challenge the world to equal in good work, ease of draft, and durability. We have also a large nnd beautiful assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Church STOVES, ta which we particularly call the attention of those who wish to purchase. Also on hand. Wash and Stook BOILERS, | Corn Rhellers, Straw Cutters, Ac. Copper, Sheet Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well Pinups furnished ar,d put up. Wo also are making and reoeivinj from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and Japaneso Ware, among which the Ladies may find a great variety of Cake Cutters nnd Bake Pans. FOOT nnd BATHING TUBS, or any other Article in our line, made to order, nnd Painted in the best manner. We arc also prepared to do Roofing nnd Guttering in the latest and best manner on short notice. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock of We say it is superior, and we do not wish to have oar word taken for it. Come and see. Cash paid for Old Copper, Bees Wax nnd Old Pewter. .. . i 1 .? r? tv- "* .-nnou cAvuniiKc n?r mi n nrn. SHERMAN BROTHERS. Mil 12 44 if Dissolution. THE Copartnership of RE A, SCRUGGS A CO. has been this any dissolved by mutual couseiit. My interest having been purchased by the other members of the Firm, I retire from the establishment. The business will be continued at the old Staud, southwest corner of the Court House Square, by H REA A CO., to whom all debts due the concern are payable. W. L. M. A. SCRUGGS. Greenville, S. C., February 12th, 1857. NOTICE. THE Subscribers would inform their friends and the public generally, that the business heretofore conducted by REA, SCRUGGS A CO., will be continued by them, under the name and style of E. REA A CO. They respectfully solicit a continuance of patronage. Their Stock oousists of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, not? ^ kt; f PAINTS, OILS, MEDICINES, Etc. All persons indebted to the Firm of Ilea, Scruggs A Co., will make payment to us. E. REA ?fc CO. Greenville, S. C., Fobrnary 19, 1857. 41-tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SlieriflP* Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before the Court ?i j -? .i - - niMisr iiiwr, ai m? usual Honrs 01 eaii*, on the tirst Monday in APRIL next: Sixty Acrew of Land, more or less, lying on the Laurens road, adjoining lands of Smith, Owings, et al. ; levied on as the pro|x?rty of David Dell, at. the suit of John E. Shull, Jane E. Shull, and others. 1 Bay Mule : levied on as the property ?f J. L Jenkins, at tho suit of O. II. Jenkins aud J. M. Jenkins, Administrators. At the rtt'ulcnee of George Center, on Tueaday after Sale-day in April nert, 1 Work Steer, 2 Yearlings, 1 Colt, 1 Desk, 1 Grindstone ; as the property of Sanders Hart, at the suit of George Ceuter. At the of A. 11'a/drop, on Tuetday after Sale-day in April, 1 lot Corn in the 6l?uck, 1 lot Shucks, 1 lot Oats, I lot Fodder; as the property of Miles Waldrop, at the suit of the State. Terms CASH ; purchasers to pav for titles. D. TIOKE, 3. G. 1). Sheriff's Office, Marrli 10, 1857. 44-td. State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ill Court of Ordinary. Mary Mngncss, by Rrnekin Tinsley, her Attorney, Applicant, against E. S. Irvine, Administrator ot Joseph Magness, deceased, and other*, heirs and representatives of Joseph Magness, deceased. Defendants.?\Final Settlement and Decree of the J'cr tonal Estate. TT appearing to my satisfaction that certain A next of kin of said Joseph Madness, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is ordered and deereed that they do apjiear at the Court of Ordinary, to he holden for Greenville District, at Greenville Court House, on Monday, the 1R/A day of May next, to shew cause, if any they hare, why a Final Settlement and Decree of the Personal Estate of Joseph Madness, de heased, should not. he made, or their consent thereto will he entered of record. Given under my hand and seal, at Greenville C. 11., the 10th dav of February, A. 1). 1857. ROlSEKT McKay, jus.] Ordinary of Greenville District. March 5 43 td State of South Carolina. greenville district. Ill Court oC Ordinary. To Joseph Wham, Mary Wham. Ileleu Wham, Jihnv McNinch, and James MeNinch. her hns hand, Barbary Wham, John Wham, Benjamin Wham, Robert Wliaui, Eli** Wham, William Wham, Ellen Wham, Jane Wham, Nanoy Wham. Joseph Wham, Hannah Wham, Mar tlin Mc\\ Illinois, and D.ivid, her husband. Nun ey Elder, and Robert, her husband, Mary Jane \f r?\VriirliI ami I L *-!?*?? ' *? ? -* * ----n?? ..v. Iiaiumiu, llt'ira-Ml 1H W of JoaKrii Wiiam, deceased; YOU are hereby required to appear nt the Court of Ordinary, to be holaen ot Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on the 18<A dau of May, Anno Domini, 1857, to shew cause, if any yon can, why the proceeds of the sale of the Heal Estate of Joakfii Wham, deceased, sold by niu for partition nud division, should not be paid ever to Thomas L. WoonsinK, Administrator of the said Josicrir Wham, to b? applied by him to the payment of the debts of the said Josgrii Wham. Given under my hand and aeal, this 20th day of February, A. 1>., 1857. ROBERT McRAY, [La.3 Ordinary of UmOrille VittricL Feb 26 41 . td Oysters1 OystersM TJECKIVED DAItY, and offered 1V for sale at the Groeery Store of Jau 15 36-tf A. OKEKNFIRUX THE ENTERPRISE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING EBTABLISHRIENT. having a fink selection of PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WE ARE PREPARED IX) DO WORK ON M&NIPSQME SYVLE.i CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HANDBILLS, WAYBILI.S, BALL TICKKTS, l'ROG K A MM KB, AC. Priatad with Kaafnaaa and DUpatch. ? ^ IS IS) S3 a CHINA, SATIN KNAMRL, BATH* SURFACE, AND PLAIN AND COLORKD CARDS, On the Most Seasonable Terms. GIVE US A OALL.^y GREENFIELD'S PAMILV GROCERY STORE. CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE. * * ? WHERE CONSTANTLY MAY BE FOUND A Lnrge AnnorIntent of FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE AND CHEAP WINES, Liquors, Cordials and Cigars- . * HATS AAD CAPS, IS? ?LPS AISTS) 8SKDI8S?, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, (ilunware, and DRY GOODS. 1 &W North east corner Court House Square. Jan 15 30 tf Rice and Buckwheat Flour, TT^OR Salo at th? Family Grocery Store nf r A. GREENFIELD. Jan 15 30 tf _ Cigars S Cigarsl S MIMS So LONG, AT their DRUG STORE are now offering for sale the following CIGARS: Caledonia; Cabanas Oitterrez ; Liverpool Itio Hondo ; La Flop JL:? Knsa ; Kio Hondo Colorado ; La Marilla , El Cornerciante La Punctualidftd Havana Kixc* Etc. Etc. Etc. ? ALSO, ? The choicest and best CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO. 38-tf .Inn 90 Having Purchased rl~MIE interest, of Ji J FRITZ, in tbe lnte Firm L of FRITZ <fc I'lNSDN, I he* leave to call the attention of the citizens of Greenville and { surrounding country, that I will carry on the Business as heretofore, at the Old Stand next to l'owcrs ?t Eldredge. The Stock comprises a largo variety of CLOCKS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CHINA WARE. PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, which wo oiler to sell CHEAP for CASH. Having engaged the services of a first elass Workman, we make no hesitancy in ensuring satisfaction with all Work left with us. All tre ?i*a- it a Trial. DON'T FORG ET T 11 E P L ACE. SAMUEL STRADLEY. Greenville, January 7, 1857. 85-tf WATCHES CLOCm Agffl aiWEUSJ. E. I. PHVS03T (AGENT,) HEOS leave to announce to the citizen* of Greenville, and surrounding country, that he lias opened a Stock of the nbove-uatned Articlos on Avenue street, in the Building formerly known as " Avenue Street Confectionery," which he will sell LOW for CASH. I1R WILL ALSO Repair and Fit Up WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the best of style. Thankful to his former patrons and friends, for tb'-ir liberality and patronage, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Give him a call, and he will endeavor to please. 87-tf Jan 82 AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! YHE ASMEmiLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Stores and other Propittf AGAINST FIRE : And the Lives of White Persons and Staves, between the aye* of 10 and 00 years, ON such terms as to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Full details, with the Constitution and Ity-Iatws of the Company, U'ill Its* ftirttuhnR nn nitullontL*n ? *" l*? / if - ? ?? ?../ ? IMC VI- I fleer* of the Company. JitrtV.PH R. 0SRORVK, Pre//. I WM. W. MclNJWKLi* Vicr-1 re*. j aft. P?. Rankin, Secretary A IWaeurcr. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan 8 86-ly GREKNVILI,K, S. C, Kscaprd. WM. NOWDON, n free person of eolor, was nrreeted hy me, on the 23d inat., with a State's Warrant. Said h'owdon ia About six fe?t high, rather square built, very dark color, and weighs about 178 or 180 pounds. lie ia from Abbi villa District, H. 0., and this notice is to assist ine in re-capturing liim. Any in form a lion respecting him will 1>? thankfully received by uie at Greenville Court House. Nov 17 29-tf Z. MARTIN. Marshal. Town Officer** Intendant.?II. LEE TIJHUSTON. Warden*.?H. C. Makklrt.G. 13. Drku, Dr, K. D. Lofte, H. MoKat. 7\wn Clerk?W. P. Prick. Haiti* and CjCramir M, | ? a / /6REENVU.IE PRICES CURRENT^ corrected weekly yor tflk bwtkrprisk, _ By Qrady 4k Goodlett, Merchant*. Greenville, APRIL 1, 1857. BAGGING, Gunr.y, per yard, a 25 Dundee, a 20 BACON ... .limns, pc:- lb., nerr, 12$ Shoulder*, " 10 Sides, j 2$ Hog round, 10 PORK", welt, 6 a 6* BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. ('oirotry, per lb. 1 s COFFEE.. .Kio, per lb. 15^ Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0$ a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osnaburgs, peryd. 11 a 12$ ! FLOUR .... Country, i?er bid. $6 a $7 00 Country, per ?ack, ?? $3 GRAIN Corn, per bushel. 60 a 70 Wheat, per bushel. $110 91*15 Oats, )>?r bushel, a 45 IRON Swedes, per lb. 0J a 7 English, pur lb. a 6^ LAKl) pgr |h. a 13 MOLASSES. W. 1. per gal. *70 N. O., per. gal. new crop, fcl 25 SYRUr...." 11 per gill. OILS Lamp, per gal. $1 $ a $2$ Train, per gal. 87$ ? $1$ Linseed, $1$ RICE per lb. a 8$ ROPE per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS. ..N. Orleans,p?r lb. a 15 Porto Rico, jHsr lb. ? 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, per lb, 20 Refined, per lb. a 10$ SALT per bushel, $1 ! Salt, per sack, $2 25 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12$ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SIIOT per Ib. 12$ Shot, per bag, a $2 J E. KRUTCH'S DRUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UNDER Me BEES HALL, ?aaasrerakka, s. WHERE will be constantly kept on hand the purest stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, DyeI stuffs. Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Segars, Spirit (ins. Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Perfumery ; and all otlier articles generally kept by Druggists. wr Fresh and pure Drugs are warranted and sold at low price*. Compound medicines are prepared in the most enroful wav. Receipts and prescriptions of any kind put-en vr'.tr. aoourncy, neatness and diapatoh. 36-10tn Jan 8 mi n Ji-i-i tr i j. lie vxuouieii nouse. Rthis large ANDCOMMOdious Building, situated in the centre of Town of Greenville, formerly known as The l*Innter'A Hotel, has been recently purchased by the subscriber, and will be opened for the recent ion and accommodation of Boarders and Travellers on the First of January. The House will be entirely newlv furnished in every department, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it oue of the ttrst. Hotels in the upper country. it. p. (rOodlktt. Dec. 25. 33 tf G~ S. BOWER,IWannfacfnrcr mid Driller In FURNITURE of every description, CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opjx)site the Cone/ane House, Dec. 11^ COLUMBIA, B. C- ly E. R. STOKES, BOOK-BINDER, ANI> Blank-Rook IVIamifhcturcr, (In rear of Carolina Times Office.) ? ? & ? 323S A , S . ? . BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and manufactured of the best materials and in the most durable manner. PERIODICALS, MUSIC ROOKS, Ac., bound in every variety of style, at abort notice. EST* Country orders promptlv attended to. JOFi Due 4 30 " ly W. P. PRICE, ^ttornci) nt Cater, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, OiaiSISJ? NtfS. C?J. Will promptly nttend to the collection of Notes And Account*, settling Claims, Ac. REED & GOODLETT, /A<?1? MW, <*recinille, S. V. next door to F. F. Dbattik A. Co J. V. RKRO.] [?. D. OOODI.KTT. January 1'4 35 tf Elford & Donaldson, ?auaauer wa; &a cya C. J. ELFORO. T. Q. DONALDSON. J mi. 10. 35 Sin DR. M. ii. EARLE, i OREF.N VII.LK, 8. (I., A I THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR DRAI.F.R IN FS>JRVC7 . C*BKs(fcj> Paints, Oils, Modiciues, Varnishes, Cliciuicah, Um \ BRUSHES. U??.?1IIFI^, White head * Zinc W hite. UlH LONO OONNBCNiOH WITH T11E ABOV K BlTsiN ESS 18 A GUABAMTKK THAT EVMYIUINO IR OK TIlK FKST QUALITY, ABU WILL BR SOLO ?N tllfc J 10. MOOT REARONAB'.K TERMS; 6-ly Brandies. WINES, POINTER, ALE, &c., of the beet Qualities, for tltedieai jturporob, for B?le At the Store of A. CBKKfcfTKLI). I Jen to itt If A ^ 1 NEW FALL AND WINTbtt 0WD3&B (?if Hf ? B S o \ ovbm% Thankful f??r pn*t patronage, re?p?ctfoiiy inform tbrir friend* and the poblu gcn?rally, that they ere now receiving n Urge (Stock consisting of Vrrv Choice Fabrics, New Style and ELEGANT HESIGNS for DRESS GOODS, A large and well elected stock of Good* for sarJTOlSHTJIU'B WffiAIR. Ready-Made Clothing, Blankets, Flnnneh), lining Kersey*, (Shirting, Shooting, Ac. HATS AND CAPS, -diftiBoots and Shoes, HARDWARE AND) fcURERYp crockery and glassware, DRUGS, E>Y[?-5T(yj(PF&, &<D. /srnn groceries i liBSS^tl pen the most reasonable term* for coab. We deein it unnecessary to enumerate oTT, or even a portion of the article* we have on hand, invito the public to an inspection of our Stock, It embrace* every article usually kept, and we think that customer* will find it to their advantage to give us a call J2f~At the New Brick Store south of the New Court House. gr% URADY &. GOODLKTT. Oct 2. 21 tf TE3 GF.EBNVILLa BOOKSTORE, 1 MAIN STREET, NEXT TO McBEK? 1IAIJS t'WHERE constantly may l>c found a largo and well selected Stock of MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL and CLASSICK)KS, Writing I'npor, Blank Books, .Memorandums, Ac.: Writing Desks and Cnses, Portfolios, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils. Ink, Scaling Wax, Wafers, Slates, Cony Books, Inkstands, Rulers, Ac. Ac. J. C. P. JETER, Jan 15 36-lv Sign of the Big Book. PIANO TUNING. jpy- j, THE subscriber would of>? ijj J"ja?^jfaaMr fer bis services to tbe citizens 9V of Greenville and the surw iff-rounding country in the a* TJ^ l>ove business. He will give satisfaction, or no charge will be made. s. M. MURI'lIKY. June 5. 4 tt JOHN KRAUSE, P I 11 N 1 T II R B AND CABINET MAKER. -Mraan, WOl'Ll) reapectfullv inform the eitizciis of Greenville r ml vicinity that lie lias on hand n lot of FURNITURE, which he will dispose of tipon reasonable terms, lie has Chnirs, Tables, Sofas, Washstands, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture made to order. His shop may be found on A venue Street, between Beattio's Store and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court Huose Greenville, S. Aug. 14-14-ly New (aim Manufactory. wtt4"* * ENGRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. r IMIE subscriber, recently from London, Pari* JL nnd the prinoipal cities of Kurope and America, where specimens of his nrt have given lie utmost sntUfnetion, rosjieetly informs the citizens of the Upper Country, that he has just arrived, nnd located himself at Greenville, where he is prepared to do all work appertaining to his business, in the best manner mut at the shortest notice, ns Double nnd Single Cast-Steel Kitlra and Shot Guns, Duelling Pistols, Ac. He W ill also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Materials, whith he offers for sale at very reasonable tvriw*; tincly enrved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tamps, and Engraving on Gold, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very hest manner, and warranted equally ns good ns oan be done in the United States. pjfllis shop will be ftrtind two doors below Dr. Knrle's Drug Store, July 3 8?tf. F. HRF.DA. fai&O ?w?iRf. AT GREENVILLE. C. H, S. C!?er would inform theeitfcrena A of the Village of Greenville nnd snrrotindinc country, t)>At he does all kinds of ENGRAN IN(F. of Gold or Silver nnd Vlate, generally. Makes and mounts In Gold or Silver, nil ties varieties of Braided Fnncv Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gol.1 or Silvor f - x ? " tuning | cuts ami tits to order, Spectacle Glasses to suit any age almost. Among tlie articles genernlly needed, and made bv liiin, are Gold and Silver Sleeve Muttons, Studs for Collar and bosom. The Mounting and getting up of bis hair linger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson.) and Fob, Vest, or Guard Chains, he flatten*himself, would not be scoffed at in the larger fashionable cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Court House, nml but a few paces from the enterprise Oflicc. .1. II RANDOLPH, jf-jT No charge tor engraving any work made by him. .!e 20 7 ]y ST A TK OF SO I "111 CA JtQLIXJI I OltKKNVIl.l.E DISTRICT. IX TIIK COMMON l'LEASt Vardry Mcllce 1 AltacbtowqL vs. > II. I,be Thiuhtox, Joseph Noc. \ pl'tf'a Alt'y. WllKliKAS, the Plaintiff did, on the 1 till day of October, tile his declaration against the Defendant, who (as it i* said) is absent from and wit boat the limits of this Rliitfi nml li?? "!'''?? ...It.. * ? , ? J >MM* ?.KO |H J I I Id WHO IIWI ill" torney known within the same, ?jk<? win in a copy of tho said declaration might be served. It is, therefore, ordered, thai the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on or before the l-llli day of October, wiiich will be in the year of our JxjmI one tho isand eiglit hundred altd fifty seven, j otherwise final and nlwolnte judgment will ! the!) b? given and awarded against liitn. | W. A. McDAMEk, o. c. r, ! C erkV Office, (ircenville DiMiict, I Oct. 3<\ i.-? \<i