University of South Carolina Libraries
W. U UOVlit I CO., * PROPRIETORS OF Tlie Ladies' Store, A HE NOW. am) will he onr?**nntlv rcfeivin? Fre*h Importation*, }?ur?1iA**<1 1>y nr.e of tb? partner*, wlio line mmn twenty five*' experience in buying an?l selling fJn.<K Tliev weul?i invite special Attention to their large Stock of White end Etnl?miile-e<l G<vx|?. RVh Silk Ti*mn*s, PeBeges. Chatty*. Crape Do Pari*, Bereye*, Mnslin*. Brilliant*, Silks. Alpaecns, Bombasine*, Canton Crape. Gingham*, French. English and Anioiicnn Print*, &c., Ac. ALSO, JUST IN, A KICK LOT OF i N*w Bonnet*, Ribbon*, Ruche*. Wreath*. Flower*, Hlobih, Valencia. Tinea! ami Brd**?D Edging*, While nn<l Black Crape Collar* ami Sleeves, Embroidered. Linen and Muslin Collar*. Long i Lawn*. 1 Main and Emh'd L. C. UaiuU'? r.hiefc, And many other NU'fi AND FANCY GOOT^. AH of which it will be their endeavor to sell as heap a* possible. 4<V-tf Mh '2* r" new ~ WW li TIIR subscriber is pow receiving |E&\ Li 1(1 a lartre and wall seleoted assortsdSariXKIment of SPRING AND SU MM Kit GOODS, consisting of Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware, \\ IB DOTS A'tTD SIElD'il?, A beautiful assortment and latest style of Ready -Mad? Clothing I SADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. All of which will be offered i?t very low prices, tr Country Produce taken in pay for Good*. I /"Ml V T)T T??5 VIIAUUW BIl'ilUULlV, I Main street, nr\t ?1? ?? to 1 >i-^. Mini* ,t 1.<muV j J prtist Store, and opposite the Greenville Hotel. Mh?vIi 10 43 tf , CLOSING OUT. THE extensive stock of JKWK1- 1 y / "Y of I'list Smillt. o|n>ff It 'li1 MntiKii.ii Huttsn, in now 1S1NG t "IT iii. voly low |.ri?t'?, tit: A quantity of very (hie O..M nnd Silver WAT 11 US. of Kit^li-li nii-1 Swiss Manufacture. Plain, Lupine, Anchor*. Levers. Kuili oa I TinvKeepers. l)ii|tlwt i?:nl Chronometers. Alt-* O. OX H AM), ^ A quantity of SKOONDli ,\N1> WATCIII?, anions whieli tiro ^enine Tohin* '.ever*. 31* JF^ST. In qrent variety, nil the article# Usually foatid inn Jewelry Store. ENGLISH PLATED WARE, 1 PISTOLS, <fcC., &C. ZW Take iiotir.-, Hint ill*, Smith uovv orfVr# hie KNTIItU STOCK AT G EATLY REDUCED P ICES. Match 10 43 if 1:OMminioni^'s NoHnT : TO GUAIWIA^S, TRU3UES AND RECEIVERS. GUARDIANS. TRUSTEES nu.l RECEIVERS, ' who linve to make Return# to this <? ' or. ' are hereby t.o miike the stitii.- within one month from thitf, or, failing to do hi, tlivy will be dealt with fteeonlino to law. j S. A. TOWN ICS, C. E. (1. D. I Commissioner'# OHice, Greeuville, S, C., March 1?. 18J>7. 43 6 STATIC OF AOIJTIICAROIJNA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SlicrilP* Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will sell before Hie Court House door, nt the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in Al'ltlL next: Sixty Acres of Land, more or loea, 1 lying on the Laurens road, adjoining lands of | Smith, Owing", et at. ; levied on as the proper- , iy of David Dell, at the suit of John 1?. Shnll, f Jans K. Sliull, and others. 1 Bay Male: levied on its the pro- ? pert y of J. L. Jenkins, nt the suit of O. II. Jenkins < Ai?d J. M. Jenkins, Administrators. < AI the residence of Gevrge Center, on Tuesday after Sale-day in April next, 1 Work Steer, 2 Yearlings, 1 G?lt, ) Desk, 1 Grindstone; as the property of Sanders Hart, at the suit of George Center. At the residence of A. W'aldrop, on Tuesday after Sale-day in April, 1. lot Corn in ll>o shuck, 1 lot fihucks, 1 lot t (its, I lot Fodder; as the property at Miles Waldrop, at the suit of the State. Terms CASH; purchasers to pav for titles. -%?-- ! . HOKE, S. O. D. ' Rheriff'a Olliee, March 10, 1867. 41-td. A. BEECO, Tailor, WIS1IKS to announce to his friends, and the inMic in general, that he has converted the Ordinary's Oilier in tli? Old Court House into a TAIKOliINO Sllol', and thai lie will Cutand Mnke Up Clothing as cheap ay can la-afford _.i ,-<i :.. . ... i i> i.s J - cm. vicreiuilk mi ? nrj?mri?n m?#i(c iiii piimi i, iiovicr. ]I? solicit* a tfhnre ??i tl??* public patronage. Mhli 14- 3 To Let, fljf* TIIE HOUSE, ill the t ?ivn ..f ] recently iwctipifd by Sirs. Ann Jour. For fiuther particulars enquire of Mli 12 41-2 W. ||. WATSOW I e7 b7 stokes, IIOciK lilNDKIt AMI Blank* Hook TO aim (actum*, , (fu rear of Can-linn Timet office ) ? $ *? ? as & & 4*, ?. ?. BLANK BOOK?* ruled to any pattern, nn.l mouufaetured of tli? best materia!* ami in tlie mo?t durable manner. PERIODICAL*, MUftl * IOTuKA. Ac.. l.wnd in I every variety of style, at ?)iort not ice. J5T Country order* promptly attended to. fpi Da? 4 80 ly f * *' i Ml j Flows, Stoves, WE kwp cw^tantlv on hand a Urjf> nwnrt.' ment of Ono iinJ Two-Horse Turning, r Subsoil an<i Hillside . which wf cli*"?nij? iho worW to equal in good work, ease of drnft. nn?i durability. Wo Imvo also n 1a>^p and beautiful assortment of Cooking. i'nr'.or, l)i.iing Room, Bed Uooni tind Church STOVES, to which \co particularly coil the attention of those wlio wish to purchase. Also on hand, Wash ami Stock UOIRF.US, Corn Shelter*, ^trnw Cutters, Ac. Coi>pct\ Shoot Iron or Zinc Work done to order. Cistern or Well rump* furnished nr.d put up. We also arc milking nnd receiving from New York, a superior assortment of Tin and J^paneso Ware, smong which the Indies may find it great vnriety of Cnke Cutters niid linki1 Fans. Pt tnT 1 n - c<n<i mm hjiv\ or any other Article in our line, made to order. and Painted in the best manner. We nrc also prepared to do Roofins'aud tinllcriiiK in the latest nrd Wst manner on short notice. , Country MeiylitnU iuvitcd to examine our stock of Wo say it i* superior, and we .In not wish to have o?r word tnkeii for it. , < omi- and see. Cash pnid for OJd Copper, Dees Wox and Old Pewter. Rasps token in exchange for Tin Warn. SMts&MA.N BROTIIKKS. Mi. 12 44 tf_ NEW MILLINERY a^AN"!) (A. Drcss-Makinsr Establishment. M RS. w A ITS AND Mbssg^n (?ORIK)X bej( 1..m e to infirm the*?^^. I .tidies of ttrvenville nud vicinity tlintthey luive opened their neiv MIlLlhERV & ORESS.MAWG ESTABLISHMENT, and would most respectfully solicit n share of patronage, feeling well awireil tlnit tln-v can give ns full satisfaction n* nt nnv similar K*tablishnient this side of New York city Also, that tlirt ore prepared to Cut nud li:iste 1 tresses on the shortest notice nnd at tliV very lowest cn.di prices. N B. ?We shall receive, in nho'tl two weeks, '{It! ?jfchi Siocli of i/iiliifKrn, r?? the choicest. IISS'O tniellt, ever exllii'.ited ill llreeiiville. embracing the Infest. Put is nud I?oii- j In i Fn.-diinns, which lias hecti selected, with great l'nre, hy n friend of Mrs. t\ atts" in New York. 1 (lid straw lints done over and made to look a' good ns new. Also. Country Merchants and Milliner* supplied with pattern' of ih latest Mvlc*. . House opposite the i'o?t (I.Tlce, J>lli 12 _ 41 If \V. S. LAtVTON. ) / C. M univAtfnt I Formerly 5? ^ <>f f.nwtouvillo. S. C. ) ( ('hnrlcrtnn, S. C LAV/TON & CO., F A C TO KS, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A"o. .16 East Jintfaml liujo' <0 C'o's Wharf 3. SBJ Witt. SXI.L uoitox UICR. Khoru WHEAT.COUN. NAVAL <KTOt{RS. ?tc. tST" ll.virnf- n? AVfii-riviice of twenty-five I'iMU'rt in liti?iii<os. \v? g'.iiiritnleo sntisotctioii to til who |inttouiM us. REFIiRKyCIZS. ? I Imi. U IVTreville. Tlx, Lieut. tiov., .J. H Sli.?|?|ii'fil. Ksq.. of iho firm of \ <hi*iihi>r<l A Mn' Vrrrv. .In*. Tuppor. Krr|., Mnstrr i it ' Vjuily, Hon. \V. J. firny'On, Kx l^ilUctul'Rilii r.x. M. (3., ' lmileston, S. Ilev. II. IX Dtiueun. [Ten. I,. M. Aver. HhmiwII.S. I'; Gov. 0. J. Mc- ' >nuiiM, Ju.l.'c T. St ?otc*. fJniiqiii; I- (i. luuilou, Ksq., Dr. K. G. Mny?, Kloriilu; Joseph llnmaev, i ( 'IVim. -t-t-t Mh 12 I State of South Carolina. <iltEKNVILLK DIS'IUIUT. Iii Court of* Ordinary. Mary M?vfne?s, t?y lirnckin Tinelcy, her Attorney, Applicant, 11411111st E. S. 11 vino, A<)miuUtmlor iif lu-wph iMnvni'ti, li-cuiim-il, nml other?, heirs atnl representative# ?>t Jn.wph M.iitiie.i-. (lor. unci). Defemluiils?Final SelL'sm*nt i and Decree of the Perianal Estate. I T appearing to tnv satisfaction that certain next of k<n ?>f Joseph Mau'llrca^ (ItveAHil, F?iiiili! btnond the limits of this State: It is orfercd and decreed llntt they do appeal* nt the Joiirt uf Ordinary. to Ik* liolden for Greenville District, ut Green ville Court Mouse, on Monday, he 16/A day of May next, to shew cause, jf any hey have, why n Final Settlomrnt and l>t cr?*e ( ?f ihe Personal Estate of .hfioph Magnets, do cased, should not he made, or their consent hereto will he entered of record. Given under my hand and real, at Greenville H., the lath dav of Fchrunrv, A. I>. 11157. uomkiit McKay, [i..?.j Ordinary of Greenville District. , M?rCJi 5 ** 4':i t,| I Cij^arHI Cigars!! MIM3 & LONG, ,4 T their DitUG s1't >lth. are now offering for I l\. sale tlie following CltiAKS: Jaleihuiia; Cnhatiaa (.lilt eric?.: Liverpool Kin liotnloif La Flor La K*hii ; Itiu ILmdo Cnlru'adu; La Manila I CI CiiMieimnte La l,'itietna!i(Ja'J I 1 I n ana Sixes Etc. Etc. Etc. _ ALSO. ? The e'i< i ft an?l IwiAt I'lir.WIXfi and SMOK- ' ' NO TO A < o. m..? >. *n | F. BURTY, Doalor in Boots, 8'10 p, Leather, fal9 3PPJ3ITZ PATRiOT ti M0U:vTA|.\E?? CfFICE, CURKNVIILfi. s. C.. IS Prepared to fiirnifli cnntomars with the a'ov<? article*, t'llHAI* FOR CASIJ. I luviiirf competent workmen entrnged. lie ran 1 iMiirn hia patron* tha? n'l work <r)il be JSeatly ItoMK nn?l WAUIlAN'fF.O. < Pel. 6 *9 tf l ... - i Town Officer**. IntruJaHt.? W. KKK Til HUSTON. WorJrn*. - il G. M <*. 13. Dtr- i Kit. Oh. It. 1'. Ixk'O K. MoKat. Town Cirk.?W. I*. I'ntoK. Afnrakalt.?Z. Map.ti.j and C.Grakbkr iiw. eagg^agg-jJi-jiL ... ?JUL*' Dissolution. '|"MIE Copartner-Shin of KKA.SCRUGG* A CO. I has bwn this Hw iIIwoItoI by nwtnal con cnt. My Interest havln? been purchased bv the other HMrnlwn of the Firm. T retire from the establish ni>nt Tlie Kimlnciw will be cant inued at, the olil Stand, southwest corner of th* Court, llnuse Square. bv K. REA A CO.. to whom all debts due tliu concern arc pa v able. W. L. M. A. SCRUGGS, Greenville, S, C., February 12th, 1857. NOTICE. TIIE Subscriber* wonhl inform th?ir friend* and the pnblic ?reiu*rally. that the businc?a heretofore conducted bv RF. *. S' 'RITGOS A CO.. will l?e continued by them, under the nnmc and style of E. RKA A CO. They re-nteotfuUv solicit a continuance of patronage. Their Stock consists of Maple and Fancy Dry Ooods, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS. C PS, BOOTS ANO SHOES, I1AHI)\VARE CROCKERY. mm *ra o*hmsab9 PAINTS, OILS, MEDICINES. Etc. All jierenits indebted to the Firm of Ilea, Scruggs it Co., will make payment to u*. E. IIEA CO. Greenville, S. 0.. February 13. 1?V. 41-tf DR. J. II. DEAN," DEALER LV <2 H MEDICINES. CHEMICALS,IVrfamiery, > twin's, Oils, Uahiisbcs.&ge-Sivffo TT ? ilB .A ? ? ?, ?3?iA!rl^p FINE TOILET HO A PH, FINE IIAIR AND TOOT PI DKURUES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal L*s?w, TRUSSES AND SHOULOER BRACES, tfec.. ifcc.. ?fcc., GrrriiTillc, S. . C5r~ Medicine# warranted genuine and of the best quality. Planters and Phvsioinns from th?* country will tind oar stock of Medicines complete. Feb 12 40 Iv I. J. IIOVKY \C. II. IIOVF.T. WTH. HOVEY & COPROPUIKruUS OF THE LADIES' STORE, UKAI.KK3 IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, A DjA U'JNJS J 5 0 \)33, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Housekeeping Goods, 311ABY MASS GLO'JSKS' AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, CiKJGCft VIVJLi;, s. c. N. Ik?Or<Ier*'l l?y th<? ensli for Mclical, l.nw or l.ilir-iry Honks, Musi en 1 Instruments nn'l Suiwliioj, promptly fillo<I in New York, it ml tlwlivovud uluur uouutct* on short ??>t untico. .Inn 22 87 1y Having Purchased 'l^ll K interest of K J PltlTZ, in tli*> liila Firm I of FUITZ A- I'INS.fN, 1 l.e* K-nvc to- cn!i the attention of the i-Uuteti* of It men vi lie iiihI turroumling country, that I will cnrrv on the llnsiness n* heretofore, nl the OlJ tiiujnl next to I'owrrrs >k Kldrcdge. Tin* Stock comprises u large variety of CLOCK*. NY AT-Ml EH. I J K NY ELK Y. CHINA WARE. 1'KUFUMEIiY AND FANCY ARTICLES, wliuli we offer to >ell CllKAP for CA^U. it-,-:? i - - -?J ' * * 1 iiikihk cuyn^<'u tin- services in n nrst ClilS* Workman. we make no hesitancy in ensuring sntifbvtiun ?ri(lt all Work left with us. All we a*k it a Trial. DON* T FO It (J ET T II K I" L A C K . SAMUEL STRADLEY. f?reen\ille, January 7, 1857. S5-tf WATCHES, U'h OUKU AMP JSY/jjPBY. E. I. ri>so.\ (AGENT.) rJM'iS leave to announce to the citizen* of ) Greenville, and surrounding country, that In* lias opened n Stock of the nhorc-iinmcd Articles on Avenue street, in the liuilding formerly k'lown ns" Avenue Street Confectionery," which lie will sell LOW for CASH. IIK WILL ALSO Repair and Fit Up W A TCI IKS. CL< K KS A X1? J EW ELli Y. In the best of style. Thankful to his former patron* nrol friends. Tor their liberality ami patronage, he respcctfv?11 y solicits n continuance of the snme. *57" Give niiu a onlt, and lie will endeavor to please. 87-tf .Ian *22 State of South Carolina. </REEXVILLJ2 DISTRICT, lis Court of Oi'dinnrr. r.i Joseph Wham. Mnrv Wham. Helen Wham, Jinny McNineh, and .)nines MeNineli. Iter linn bnml, Ihirlwiry Whnm, John Whnm, Benjamin Whnm, ItiiW-r'. WJani, Klicn Whnm, William Wham, Kllen Wham, Jane Wham, Nancy Whnm, Joseph Wham, Hannah Wham, Mar tha McW iliium*, and David, her hueimmt, Nanry llder, hiiiI Hubert, li -r lpr-haml. Mttrv Jane McWri<lit, ami l-evi,h r Iia4'?h<Ii hoini-ut-lnw of JoaM'il W iaM, deceased . YOU niv hereby require.) to appear at the Cmirl of Ordinary, to he hoi Jen nt <ir?ei?rille t'oiirt H??w, for Orauuviila District. on the. I8f/i day of May, Anno Domini, 18/17, to shew [ aline, if any yon cnn, why the proceed* of the inle of t li* Ktnl I'jitnte of ,lo-i:rn Wiiam, deceased, ml,I hy me for partition nml division, Humid not tie paid ever to Tiioma* I* WnoDMiut, A<lministrn-1 (or of the o??i,l Joakpii Wiiam, to 1> applied hy liim to the payment of tha debt* of the B.iid Jottni Wiiam. (liven under my hand and tea), this 20th day >f February, A. l>? 18&7 KOIiKRT McKAV, [ua.1 Ordinary of (frcxnv%lU I)i*trici, Feb S? ' ?? ' td ; THB ENTERPRISE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING EBTAOLISUnENT. . havino a fink selection of PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK BM M&MPSOME cikccf. * us, c at a log i' ks, iundbili.d, wavbills. bali. tickkt8. i'roukammks, ac. ptinlocV WRh Nratnei* and UUpatck. <8 A\ SL ID S3 , china. satin kx amki., satin kimfack, and plain and colohkd cards. Or the Most Reasonable Terms. I <J,VB U8 A CAI.L._etj I GREENFIELD'S JAM GROCERY STORE. COITNER STOITE, QPPOSIT2 MANSION HCU5E. * * * . WBEKE CONSTANTLY MAY EE FOUND A I,arm* Aworlimtnt ol FAMILY GliOC FRIES, VINE AND CHEAP WINES, ' ' Liquors, Cordials and Cigars * * Kl A T S 1^3) CAPS, IB? 9 ^OfiD sVJl m???, It A R I) W A R E. C R () C K E R Y , tilusswnro, n:id D R Y G 0 0 I) 8 . ST-t3~ North cast corner Court llott^e S<i??rc. Jan 15 .10 tf Brandies, TTTINES, RORTER, A LE, Ac., ol I II tlie l?est qualities, for medical purposes, for sulc at the More of A. GREENFIELD. Jan 15 8(1 IT Applo Vinegar. VFINE article to l?e Intd at tlie Family Gro eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. Jan 15 3ii O'.'stors ! Gystor3 !! Received daily, and offered fur sale nt tho Gmeerv Store of Jin 15 3?-tf A. <;i?KKNFIELT>. Rico and Buckwheat Flour, lit the Family Hrnctrv Store of 4 ' A. GUfcKNlTF.lJX Jun 15 <10 if AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! TL1E A^HEVULLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insure* Houies, S?;?ies and other Prop rtjr t AGAINST FIUK:, And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between th ? ayes of 10 and GO years, ON Midi terms ns to render it ft most safe and rlesirnhlc investment. Full details, with tli" Constitution nn-l Rv-I.nws of the <'oni|>nnv, ? ill l>e furnished on application to any of the* Otliuers of the Cnmpnnv. JOSKIMI It. OSROIIN't', Pm't WM. W. M. T><>\VKI.r? Vice /'re*. | Jas. R. R wkiv. Seeretarv <t" '/Venturer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Jan S 35-1 v GllKICN VI1,LK, 8. C. G. S. BOWER, 57]itiilfn<*titrf.'i* und !>oler In **"v/yj *U11N1TURE of every description, mmyr~ fti.d 1 SSn&S CHAIRS of everv stvie. | FISK'S CELEBRATED METAltC BURIAL CASES r\ j .t Tr isjjposiie inr i iturjiirrc House, Dec. ii. COLUMBIA, 8. C- _D New and Uniform Edition O F the WOll ICS of \V. (> n.MnMSijtw, rcvited, isli Jibuti-utions by Darlkv: "I'll** l'nrti-nti, 1'iice $1 25 M.-liicliainpe, " 1 25 K tiiuiriiit* Walton, 44 1 25 The Sc.nit. 44 1 25 WimkI.THA. 44 1 25 "I'lie* Forayci.*, 44 1 25 | Kuinw, *4 1 25 The heart of ovepy Southerner swells with pride and exultation when the iiiitue of Si?ms iuientione.l. He is nil our own ; hi* talent* nu.l time ore w holly tpven to our cause. No writer has lone no much to reclaim the revolutionary history of the South as he has. N'o Southern 1.1 htarv Is complete without a of his Works. The ataive can lie ha.l l.v the sett, ?)p separate, ot |he DllBKNVIf.LK BDOKsTiiKE. i\ch ESookx fur Sule at 'the Green vide pookstorc at Publhhtrs% Priccr.. IOVF. AFTT.Il MAKUIACH; by Caroline Lee ^4 |lent%. "This is a eharinin^ n-??l iustruci live storv?one of those beautiful efforts that I ctuilurol the mind?refreshing ntol strengthening it," 11km:t I.ylk; or. i ifc au-1 Kxisteuee. Tiik Stap. anu tiii: Ci.ori>; or, A Danchter's Love. T. r. I'araorickns ox a Visit to tiik I'auis Umvjcnsai. KxiiiniTiox. N kiuiiuor Ja? KW on ; by Crey ton. Ivohsj by life author of "Amv Herbert." Mohvi'N Wivks; by Victoria Fuller. Tiik Coioks I.koacv?A Story of Life's I'liases; by n Lady. I'ltToltl Al, I I ISTot: V <>F tiik ltn*?iax WaR; with Maps Plates atnl WihnI Kngriiviiurs Two I.t<u its ; by I lie author of " St ruckles for Life.'* I Ai.oni:; l>v .Marion llnriin>1. D.ivs ok Bui'cic | And nniiiv oilier interesting work*. I .March A?ID .1. C. P. JET KB Elford & Donaldson, fell*** VI* C. J. ELFORO. T. Q. DONALDSON. | Jan. 10. 85 Sin 1 \\/r M. NOW DON. u free person of color, w?< I r nrrrtleil l>y me, on tlie 23d insl., with n j Strife'* Wnriftiit, Said Snwiloii i* el Mint *ix feet hiicli. rather ?<pinro built, very dark .color, end wei|{h? i*lx??it. 175 or ISO |>?'iin.l*. lie i* from Abbeville Dbtriet, S. C. nod tide notice i* to as*i.?t me in re-oiipturi.ig him. Any informntioii re pooliivu him will l.e-th-iubfully received by me ct Oreenville-Court lloncci '' K?rr 47 lP-tf Z. MAKTT.V, Jrf?r?hal. ^ GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT.^ CORRKCTKi) WKKKI.T FOR Tit* ICXTKRI'MISK By Grady & Qoodlett, Merchants. Orkknxiu.*, MARCH 20, l&al. bagging, Gunny, per yard, ? 2H Dnnd'ce, a 20 BACON ... .Hants, per lb., new, 12$ Shoulders, ** 10 Side*, * J2$ Hog round, 10 PORK, nett, 6 a (li BUTTER .. .Goshen, por lb. none. Country, perlb. 1$ COFFEE.. .jiio, per lb. 15 J Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS. Shil ling, per yd. 0$ u io Sheeting, pet yd. 10 a 1ft Osnaburgs, per yd. 1 1 a 12^ I FLOUR .... Country, j?or bid. $U a $'1 oo Country, j et sack, ?* *3 IrSllAINr Pai'M nor !* - RH / f?A \V|ipat, per huehti. $110 $1.15 Oat*, himhel, o 45 | I RON.,,... .Kv<y1ft., per lb. <3^ a 7 1 Englbh, |?or 11*. a 6^ j LARR per Ih, a 13 MORASSES, W. I. j>er gal. N C>., |K*r. gul. new crop, $1 \'b SYRUP....- " per gul. OILS Lamp, perga|. $lj o $2? Train, {tergal. 87J u $1^ i Linseed, $il| KICF. per lb. a F^ KOPK per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS.. .N. Orleans, per Ib. a 15 Porto Rico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, pei lb, 20 Refined, per 11. a 1(5$ SALT per bushel, >1 Salt, }>er sack, $2 25 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12^ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SHOT per Ib. 12^Shot, per bag, a $2f JUST OPENED, AT TlIK LADIES' STORE, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF APHIS' biases' and (ieitts Mniiuo Uniloi-! jl j ywu, Hosiery, (ilnvo?, Gauntlet*. Ac. Ladies' and Ooiitlftneiii Long Shawls ' " Miws' Olnik^, from $1.25 to $35 A few more pit-cos of those Kuo French A!viinos antl Del.nines. A LSO, i A large assortment of Bed ;ik<1 ollfr BLANKETS IKcatlj-lIadc (iolltin;;, Smile very fine Hits. Cip3, Boots, Shoos, &c., All of which we ore disposed to sell a* cheap ns possible. XV. II. aiOVLV A: CO. Inn i'l t?o tf IT~kk v TC Fivs" 0R.UQ STOKE AND APOTHECARY SHOP, UNPEIl Mt HEFTS IIALL S? ?,.? I \\J 1IKKK will he constantly kept on ItanJ the ? purest stock of Dltl'GS, M I.I > It'IN IS, CI I KM I'WIS. PATENT Medicines, Surgical Imtruiuciit*, Paints, J)y stuffs, Varnishes. I'nttv, Tiihncco, ^i-gars, Spiri (Ins. Oils, (.'unities. Soups, Spices, Brushes, Toile' Articles, OoinLs, Perfumery ; nn?l all other arti olea general! v kept hv 1 h-uggUts, cW Fre*)i unit pupp Jirugs arc warranted ain' I sohi nt low prices Compound medicines .ire prepared in the mo*: careful wit v. Receipts and prescriptions of alii [kind put to * ill. nccuriicr, neat nesa and di.pntch. 85-l'Mn Jan 6 The Goodlett House. tTHIS LA11GK ANDCoMMO .dinus Building, situated in the centre o (the Town of Greenville, formerly known tr The Elotcl, ha* been recently purchnavlt hy tl.e subscriber and will he opened for the reception and nceeni inodiiliou of Boarders and Travellers on tin First o! January. The llottte will he entirely nowlv furnished in -very dupprtntent, and the Proprietor will ?n 'icn?ur iiii'ikv ib one oi iuc iir.ii Holds in llu upper countrv. R. P. CiOODLGTT. lVc. 25. :?:? if W. P. PItlCE, Cbtonmj nt Cmn, ANO CLERK OF TOWN COU." 01, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE. CO ?>r >/K &? Will prompttv t<> the collection of Nol< mi'l Accounts, v.nlinu ('luinif, Ac. REED & GOODLETT, ^ )Y?3 Arlf l.fiA'V/, Grcfpnillr, V* npxt door to I'. K. Hk atti k it C< J. |?. RKF.D.] * [f,. I). CQOIJI.KTT. .Innunrv 12 35 tf 1) It M 7 lY7 E A II L ET GREENVILLE, S. C.. AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR DBA I.Kit IS F?IRT?7Paint,?, Oils, I Medicines, Varnixhrx. ChcmiiMh, ?*3 BRUSHES. PYD-^Tia^'N, I Wlitlc I^eail & fcinc While. Iln mijig co??-kctios with tiik adotk aniNEs* i A GUARANTEE THAT EVEaVllllNC. I* (IF TIIK RIAT QUALITY. ANl? Wll.l. III. SOT.O ON TIIB I 19. MOST TICHMS. 6-1' JUS I RECEIVED AT 1 Ht" Greenville Book Stcro, A ,Vf? Shjj/i/'i of the following ]\r()/i'/\S: rpilB COM PI.FTK C.AUWFNKB ami Fl.t>|{ 1 1ST, oont uninur nn nreouitt of every Voir ( Inlilii Production Cultivated for tIn-Tnwill IHrectioiii for Planting ami liaising Flowers Price 25 cents. The (}iiiiilriH)!it l?y Miiync J.cid, Jl.2. " Senl|? Hunters, " ].'>, Paul Fane. I?y N. P. WilHa, 1.2.' I lieolosin, or the I leroine of Faith, l.fM telflnstruetor in J'Jirennlogv. 6< L'ontbe on the Const ituttQii of Map, l.ui ALSO, The 5Inga/.incs for FF.HUIIAnY, ami a large a?p ply of Juveniles and light Ljtnfntnr#' ' Vch ft-39 4. V. r. JETER. * NEW FALL A NO WINTER BWiKB C0i? &Q0 3).S : 'PHANKKUL for past patronage, rc?p?ctfill'j JL inform their friend* llt? put.lie generally. that they mo now receiving a Urge Stock of' ?rj<E??9VS?^ ?*ons:?ti,i<'of Verv <'li??i<M? fnlirtce, New Styles nod J:JJ:?;.\NT }>KSIGKS for iHtUSS <SOOI>St A largo in. J well selected stock of flood# for ?:m rosiasrj's "WJ&&H. Ready-Made Clothing, lilnnket*. Flannels, Plain*, Korecye, shirting, Shooting, Ac. HATS AND CAPS, -s&feBoots and Shoes, HARDWARE AND C4UERY# CROCKERY AND GIASSWW, T5)^ ililifci'St PrW r/.. ? m V , V_y J ia- V j f \f (S3r^/m (goj GROCERIES I cA^'flwftl P"n l'"" most i cniiDnitlilt t^rmi for CAilli >V? deem it ninieocMnry to enumerate nit.* or even n portion of the articles we have on timid, invite the |)ul*l|u to a?i inspection of our Stock. It oinhrnoo.8 every nrtiele usually Lcpt, nnd we think that customers w ill titul it to their advantage to give v.* a onll J."VAt the New I)l4?|i btul'v tvulll of the Ki'V Hons*., GliARY ?fc GCODHil^1, Oct.'3. '31 14 n"f"t c*iT5 'TT"." V Mi ?L ?ui \M? mm 0 tmi mt A IM 1 V ? Mn dmm MpJ HO O K STORE, MAIN STItF.KT, NT.XT Tt) MclUX'S JIAJ.I. .Vi[y HKItK coimlHhtly may he found a nail woil selected Stock of MISTgBVrKI.LANKoUs. SCHOOL ami CLASSIC. AL GOOKs, Writing Paper, Il'ank Looks, Memorandum*. Ac.: Writi itf Desks ami Cases, Portfolios, Golil nnl Stei-l Pen*. Pounds, Ink, Scaling Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy llookj. Inkstands, ltus In s, Ac.. Ap. .1, C. P. JI TKR, Jan 15 SQ-ly ^'tP' "f the Big Hook. PIANO TUNING. gggg v TUB suhseriher world ofou? fer his services to the citizens of Greenville and the nur f-ronni'.ini: country in the nl " \Jr hove business. He will give satisfaction, or no charge will he made. S. M. MUKP11EY. ^ June A. A tf JOHN KRAUSE, f U K K J T I R B AND CABINET MAKER, ^.i. .W'ttL'l.D respectfully inform ' he citizens of Duel.tile nil vt, 2^jj)i>>< i Mi le^cinity that he has on hand n let f KUUMTCUI', which he will depose of upon ensoiiahle terms. lie lias Chairs, Tnhh-s, Sofni, \Vnshxtnuds, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture na-le to order His shop niav he found on At nue Strc-'t, h?.t ween Bontlio's Store and it :'onfeetioiioix, ami nearly opposite tlie Court llunx1 IJrwmillf, S. Aug. 14?14? 1 v i\c? Tflajiwiiutorj, pi* -'I ^5. ENGRAVING A' D CARVING CF THE FINE ARTS. ' |M1 li f-nliseriht r, recently from l.ondon, l'aris L ((itil 'I e priio ipul eit'os of Europe and Xnu'ii m, nlo r>* specimens ol lii* art have (riven he utmost satisfaction, respect ly informs the citizens of the I'pper Country, that lie has just a?i rived, nii'l locate*! himself nl Greenville, v.her* '?e is prepared to ?!oall work npnertaliihur to his msi-iess, in (lie best n nnncr ami at the shortest "itioc, as Double ami Single Cast-Steel Kill.-* iin! .-ln't 'tuns, Duelling I istols. An. I!o v ill al.-o kc.-p eonslaiitly on linul an as .rtrin i t of Sporting Materials, which he offers ir sale at. vt rv reasonable terms; finely carved \ liejit '4 Teeth. Steel Tnaips, find Engraving hi * .oil! >ii\ or, > e. Ait W. i k iin*! Repairing done in the very best, and warranted equally as good o? csn done :n the I nited States. shop will In- found two doors lelow Jr. Carle's Drug Store. .l?lv J! P?lf. F BREDA. 1 AT GREERVIILE. C. H, S. C HpiIK stiliM-iil?*r uniiM iiil'uitn tin*citizen* JL oft lie Village of < teetivill# and nur iiiuliiof country, tliMt he does nil kinds of,, 'NftlJA VINfi. of Gold or Silxor nt:d 1'late, ' fctienillx*. Makes ami tin tints in Gold or silver. :til the varieties of Jtiuided Fancy I:ii: Wink: retiniro #il| aiiicles of Jewelry donnts in (Iiilij or bilxer Walking Canes; nt- and lit- to order, Specta* !< GIhkscsJo nil : 11y age nhiuM. Ann i g the aitielfifgens inllv needed. ait.) made I>\ liim, are (Sold ' ml Silver Sl?v\e Ihuioii*. Stnd* fo/; Collar ml hosuiii. 'I he Mounting end getting up of ti> liaii finger rings (hair I.milled hv the Swedish Lady. Mt*. Olson.) ami VjirJ, r (Snnnl Chain*. he liaiicr* himself, would i<H he seolh ti a; ia ihe larger f,i>hniiahl? :itii\s. Oideis I'i.i wuik. thankfully received, ?l the Coiner, *i\tv yard* east of the Old 'mill Iand hula few paces from the > En lei pi i?e Ollice. J. II 1UNIKUI II. Jt?T X ocharge fur engraving any woik made hv him. .Ic 20 7 1* ST A 77; <>T\SO (JITJ CA COLIN A CKKKNV II. 1.1. ]>K) UH T. '< I IN TIM-: COMMON l'MV.8. Vardry Mclhc f Atirnhtnenl. vs. r II. la i:'?;;ui stun, Jos.(ill N"0. ? I'll)** An'v, ITTIIKIiKAS. the l'lniiuilh did, on the j V\ 11 ill ilay of October, file hi* dcclnr* iii.iii against tin* Wfcigpipt. who (as it ia aid) i* ahsent linn ami without the lipiilf f this Siate. and has nciiher w ifc iM*y kn"? 11 v til.iii tin- name. I CnJiV tit I lie Sil'tl lUvlai.llicll ll.'C'lil I'C N^fT? -I. * v It i*. tlieirfot'f. ordorcil. that ilif i?l T^?oiulaut do ;i|>} ))i and | !?*; 1 to iho raid ?le| 'jnaiion <>ti o? !>(f >i? Hie 1 'till tlftV t?f Op-. In?r. \\ i. it-It will In* in the teat of our I.oitl iii'tIioii-hiiiI I'i^lil itiinilroil ?ii: 1 fifty reven^ lltorwi-e filial and aleoiiite _jui!i/|>u??ii vtjlj lien la- given n:>?l awarded against liipj. W. A. McPAMMIi, c. c. r. j| Cl?rkV Oflu-e, Gi<?nvill? T>iMii?!. Ort. 3D, , 24 t<J