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Hegrooa am not Oktiaenn The recvut decision of (lie Supreme Court of the United Stele", that negroes are not 1 citizen*, seems to Iwire produced n paroxysm I of desperation among the treasonable final ice who hare no thought or h'gher aspira tie* than that of an equality with a nigger. Hie followers of Win. II. Seward. TliurJow Weed and Horace (ireelev, are overwhelmed with vexation at this gigant'e Mow at their favorite dogma, that a negro is of more consequence than a white man Their oracle, the New York Tribune, ha* no language lutter and ferocious enough, say* [ the Philadelphia Argus, to express the vio- J fence of its impotent rage at the decision : which ha* l?een made. In the same porpnr tion as it is objectionable to the Abolition ! fanatics and dir-unionista, it will coinnic^irt! itself to the warm approval of the l)ch.ocra-' cy. ' Tin's is the most Uiw which tin* fanatical AMiiionUts have ever received. ' Km) their malignity am) venom are pmpor tioned to their desperation. The decision of : the Supreme Court, and the previous dec! 1 ion of ilie Secretary of State, iliat niggers i are uot citizen*. overwhelms the ini-clmf makers with confusion. It blasts their nefarious schemes as with a lightning stroke. ' No marvel, is it then, that tlioy manifest ( such unseenly opposition to tlie august tribunal which lias visited thctn with such a crushing overthrow. We regard the decision of the Judges of ' the S"|>?.nie Court in this case with (111* ' highest satisfaction. It meets with our hearty, cordial, itu?pinliried approval. The ' highest judicial tribunal in the land has de- ' cided that the'blackamoors, called, by the extreme of public courtesy. the colored population, are not citizens of the United Stales. This decision must he followed l?v other de r cisions and regulations in the individual s States thein<ebes. Negro sullVage must, ol >i course, be abolished eveiywhete. 2 Negro nuisances, in the shape of occupy- 2 ing promiscuous seats in our rail cars ami 1 churches with those who are citizens, must 1 he abated. Negrfi insolenee and domineer I ing arrogance must be lelutked; the whole h trilai must he taught t<> fall hack into their I i legitimate position in h'tintu society?tin |> position Unit Divine Providence intended b they should occupy. Not living citizens, I they can claim none ??f the rights t?r ptivilo la ges belonging to a citizen?they can neither j v vote, Imhl olliee. or mvupv any other posi I ! tion in society than at: inferior ami snbotdi ; nate one?the only one for which thev are titled, the only one for which they have the <1 statural qnalilieations which entitle thoin to ? njov ot possess. n We trnst that the decision of the Supreme J I Court will have a tendency to cure the uu ii restrained impudence of our black popula tion. The misehevious fanatics whose nefa riotis intermeddling with what is none of { their business have impressed upon the tie i v groe* generally an idea of their p unmount | L consequence and importance iti society, and I they have grown oveibeaiing and insolent j | accordingly. Their impertinent and instill- , ing hehavior is daily becoming more and ; i more repulsive, odious and disgti-ting. It ,j has already reached its culminating point, and must be sternly rebuked into something j j" like decency ami propriety on the part ol'i., those who live among us on sufferance, j v They must be taught that there is a point j v where long forbearance cease* to be a virtue. 1 [$outh Side Donocrat. ji __ i inn tvrttioPiAN' Twins.?Sonm few v nrs 11 po s negro woman in Cumberland countj'' N. C.. gave birth to twin children, more .singularly and wonderfully united titan the famed Siamese Twins. Tliev were ptircha>- ' ed liy ('apt. J. (I. Peivis of this place, and 'pi ' Id to J. P. Smith, K-<].. of Anson county. p> N. (J, who entrusted litem to Urower <k ri Shellon. They were taken to New Orleans; It for exhibition, wliere they wore tiieked out ja of thorn. Recently Mr. Smith heard they , t! wete on exhibition in England. Knowing w that he c?uihi reclaim thorn as slates, he pur- | w chased their mother and took her to Kng- I e? land to reclaimed her children. Uponjil reaching that country, he heard they were w in Scotland, where lie proceeded, lie found j at them in Edinbmgh, and the mother's claim 15 was respected, even in Abolition England, 1 n: where the rights of tlie nic unknown j or disregarded. No elfort was spared to induce the mother ' of these children to desert her master and j .fl remain in England. Sl.e hud R?-en white j ? alavnry. and tt was far wmsu in civilized ! |( England, than African shivery in the United 1 e States. Indeed. ?o strung!v was she impres ! ned with the misery of white slavery, that jo the citing to her master and returned with j hint home, to endure the misery of negro j slavery tit North Carolina, as not only a ' ch >iee of evils, hut as the happiest condition j > of the Afiiean race. Mr. Smith and his ne ! ; jgroes Mr lived ut this place on Monday last.! , [ Cheruio Gazette. ! j ..? > * Fiixk.?On Wednesday morning. .some time between 3 jiti.l 4 o'clock. oe we'i* j alatmed by the cry of fire, which proved in l?e the baggage car of the Greenville and | C-dnmbru Bail road Company. The fire ?;i? . undoubtedly ihc wo- k of an incer.diurv, a* (| we are irUbimvd the<e bad been no Hie in : (| the car during the day, 'J'he time Ml which | , the tire occurred also /joes to prove ihi*. i ' 'he fiend who did u eertxmiv meditated the i ^ destruction of the lives r.nd piojt^t ly of the i ( entire town of Anderson, for ilm oar set on j lire Mto???1 along-id ? the platform and within twenty of about three hundred keg? of powder.-?TYue Carolinian. Washington, March IfV. j The President's Dinner Party.?The t a President's dinner party this evening com ) e priced Hhont thirty persons. Among tin- ' f invited guests wore ICx President Pierce, |i Vice-President Breckinridge, Mr. Applelon. editor of the Union, Gov. Mnrcv, of the cub- j? net. and all tin* members of the new cahi , t net, ri<. na'.ots Bigler, Boogla-, Bright, nnd j? <'.. > v;v?, c?f /.-. -h ' ;S?*nj >s \rf j t the city. i J* . i?"-" ; '. Warihsotok. March (I, Front ' Wanhitkgtoti.?fiioklw lotick and mailt utiierw froth New York, tad n long.inter* fciw with the PjwidMl th!i> Doming, relative to njipoinUneots in. thut ity and State. Ylie ?l<w?r wns then thrown open to more three hundred j*>rson* in waiting, in lading a fre>h Mao land delegation. A large ntmilier rudied up ami huiriedU nit theit ptijwtR into the Prr-iilrnt'n no*4e*I .n while other* contented tWutehc* with uerelv idtakiug hi* the Peed.lent ray ng that he would listen to them all se|>a ately were it in hia |Ktwur, an<l they would, a; Mi l, have In-fore them one <?f the uiott mpoituii} nul.j.M-ts ever brought to the atcu;'i(iti of the Government ; ami in thweou .ectinii ho said. " he had just received 1 l?e rvsiwhntioti of (lUVVIlior Geary, lO Islif place <n the 2'Jih instant. nnd that time is passed. Hence, lie tenia'ked. toil si-e it is impossible C?r me. p-uileinan, to attend to you now. Tiie following, other officer*. are osigned to the steamer Niagara, Mini have lieen .Til. nil to report to the Navy Departiiknt hythe 1st of April: Captain llml*on, Lieutenants No-th, Podd, Guest, Wells, McCauley, N\ hiting. ilul Ken mm, Shi genu j'almer. ami Assis. taut Vnrgeoiis Liprah ami Washington: I'nrser Kldiidgc ami Chief Kngineer Everett. Color el WheeleV, who has held the comraiHsioti "f Minister to Nicaragua over since the cessation of diplomatic intercourse, has eceu'ly resigned it lion. Joldi A. McConatiil. of I'limd*, has en recommended bv prominent politician* >f that Stale, for the Illusion to Russia. Pickens CourtThe Court of Common I'lea* ami Geneal Sessions for l'icki-n* di>lii< I has been in essioit this week. Judge O'Neal I presiih d, iiul dispatched I.toilless with rapiditv ami general satisfaction. In his chmge to the fraud jm v. he reeomimTuled llie* establishneiit of a p-ni'. niiarv, ami explained fnllt he dlities-of i|ie juiv. with other matiers. lie linn* ol lite Court wa* taken up mostly i y t lie session's titi-incss, the mimlier of cases tigaicd being small. In the case of the ititto vs. (I'Sullivan. for mnnler, the jury fought a verdict of manslaughter. Tin t-iiu-nee was imprisonment for six months itvl a line of $50. 1'wo or three culprits rcre sciileiued to impii-onmeiit am! tini-li fir th.el'u The Coinl adj mined late in he uln-riiooii of Thursday. A large nttinhi-r of persons wr.-ic in alien ance on Monday' and I ue.-ilnv. i lie luu as well leprcsciited from llie adjoining .lis riels, and the week passed o|| plcasalith no weuilier, however, was disagreeable ?.!ur ug ilm week.? JCiOuec Courier. Tun Hon. .1 kkfkuson Uavis.?The com diluent iiivo veil in the action of I lie Senate esterday, in selecting this distinguish* d jontloinau lo la1 the C'liaiiitiau of their Mil itarv Attaint C*? iiin>ilte-e, immediate!* upon lis re-eniei?Hce int." the body. is the tirsi iic it' its kind in the history of the Senate o| lie Lniled Slates, and >|>?-aks volumes, in teed, wish ivforviiee to the hold lie has up at ihe respect and confidence of 'ho living nthcrs of ihc Confederacy, and as to theii pprcciatiou of the ahilily and teoprieiv with which he discharged all the dunes de nlved upon him as Secretarv of War in di 'ierce administration. No mote fitting re >nk.-? to the disgusting and disgraceful war ne up.>n h in hy the opposition pie-s hrougiioiil the four years, could possible av? lieel) ailuiii.i.stered. [ Washington Star. Pkbpahinq rou 1800.?The Illack He nblicans all over the States are already pre tiing their plalfonns fir the great and terhie Itgiit which is sine to c nnein 1800 istead of the result of the late contest heing sett.cinent of (he question that agitated ur eountrv. it soarc-ly de?e|oped 't. That a. only the liist gun of a secii nal contest hich is now ahotit to plunge us into n iiipaign of four \ears ilnratioii, and a! j loiigh tlie light will he between the nigge.i or.diippcrs and the nigger diiweis. North id South, vet. singulaily. eieugh. Mi !'.s ndiiiiiii?ti'..tiou will e>caj e ah I io?l untouched hv the tight. [X. V. Herald. ; ? Fatal Affray.? A melancholy and fail difficulty occiried on Sunday last, r.?ar jc ie.-ideiice of Mr. John Nelson, on the tad lading from this village to Cross Hill. I i-l\* ecu J allies Fuller and a mail hy tie attiu of Cictucit*. ill which the latter was hot in the sii|?i and died fioin the wound n Monday niglit following. Clemens was native of Ceoigia, and at tin* time of tli*ilal oecitireiice wa> in the eiupioy of Mr ielr.on, as a ditelier. We bave not heao! he parlicirkirs, hm understand that gain ling had much to do in earning it. I'ullci ias escaped. ? Laurmsrille IlcrulJ. Tit: Tkv Lost Tiuiiks.?The lWton oliniiil if <tires nt h a rtifcwful mi-i??ti irv K iwIW-Jiun'iit among h* Ii ? aie Oil to In- In main t he a porion <>{' lit** Ten Ti IIk's of f-rael. Tit or Initii i'-rfMit I'ioiii King Saul, through a griituLnii asueil AlL'liiin. 'I lieir legend* <le*ciihe lie eajituie of the ink of the covenant lit lie I'liili.-tines, the anointing of Saul !<v untie!, inn h title of l>nvi<l ami 'ioliali. and Iter events of scripture history, which lliey luiili as their own. Tiib Mbtpodiat I'rotkatakt Chcrcm.? T.i* organization tinmher* some eighty lioufitml mem1 *: * of communicant*. >m?l iiitttovs ne?ijv fifteen hundred minister* *?' preacher*, Thi* denomination, composd migiuaHv of seccder* from the Methodist r,|iiH<*oj?iil (hunch, was organized in the city f Ihdlitnore in the \ear 1880. By if* WD lilnti?>n, the tigin of rrpnefiilAtiou i* secnr i| to the lait v. The tight of tnal f?v coinuiitee. ilie tight of challenge, and the right f H|?|ie il a* inr cn?t court*, are secured to nviMied m*mhers. f Smtlljmt Enterprise W.PPRICB, Editor. ' OUR MjTTO?" EQUAL SIOBTS TO AU." Tlmt Ml:ty. 71 a roll SO, 1857. Russell's MagaxineMany friends ??f tlii^ jwfrkxtieal are anxiously looking to its advent. The fir?i number will appear for April nn<l not March, as was first designed. Wo will take pleasure in forwarding subsc-iptions. The first nuinl<er is nearly ready for delivery. Ron. J. L. Qrr. We are pleased to see our distinguished representative in our midst this week, lie l?n>ks the personification of good health and ! spirits, and we rej.'ice in the hope that he! I may live long to represent us, as lie lias \ done, ul>ly and faithfully for many years yet . to eotno, in the councils of our nation, lie is . spok* n of as the prohahle sjKtaker of the next House of Representatives. Attendance uocn Conrt We aie pleased tu I lie un'inl?i;?( <)f ihe liar fioin other Histriet* in atteii'lance hjh.ii the Court. Messrs. II. YOUXO,' C. I'.j Si*llivan and VV. H. IIcxocttsoK, are here' from Lauren*; Me*-rs. Bono, (^Aiii.tsys ! and Fakhow, and our young' friend.! A. S. I toeo i.ass, of tlie Express, from Spar- I tanhnig; Nlevirs. Z. C. 1'ui.uam and I-j Wickuffis. from 1'iekens. W? have men-tinned in oilier place* those from Aliilerftoli. j Temperance Address. The Colli l lluiKC was densely thronged on Tuesday oniiijr to li-ien '> the ad! dress of his Honor JoilN O'Xkall. j It was ahum the largest audience we lintu I ever seen in Gieem ille, upon a similar oeenion, if we except the tecepiioi given to J (/en. Cauky, in May last. The pruccs-jnii i ot Suns, Seceilers, and Cadets if Temiier- j aiiee was large, alike credit aide tu the cause j ami to our !)iatiict. Throughout the cnliie e < t peeeli the speaker was listened to with pro- i foii^i interest, and the ro|>euK'd applause, testilied to its happy ell'oct upon the audieiiee. Wo are rejoiced at the apparent improve- j luent of our people in regard to the thing of I drani-drinUing, and attribute this change to the. discussion of wholesome temperance sloe, trine*. What lie nigh the number of euiolled temperance men he few, one thing is evident: puhlic opinion has, through the in-rumciiiaiily of sueh men as Judge; O'Xkall and many other*. been *o educated , hnl il is now cmi-ideied di-graceful to U, .. .. , 'tell <1 ruiik in public places. Let lire l??mperance ball continue to roll on. and |>?*rMiijia people mav yet loam that drinking. whether done privately or publicly, is de-i moralizing and pernicious. Success to teru perauce. Court Week, , Ah i. has ofieii occurred before, .10 has it [ come again, bringing with it many manger*! and t> rs<>us to our village. Some have,' collie i>? mh! ? others have conic to be reeli. | Mioiv bavo come to testify to that they have' ' * * # , . ' j seen?-some atc here to obtain tlieir rights'i ?a few to obtain j nit ice. Some arc here]) I from one of the best reasons in the world?1 < they couliln'l help tlicim-clves, and therefore'! the sheritf did il for them. His Honor,; J udge O'Xkall, is pref.iding.aiul hastening on j the wotk of the Court with lin* usual urbani 1 itV and despatch. )< if a favorite with the. bar and the jury. I he able Solicitor, J. 1*. j iit.ikU, continues etli ient ami prompt. His m illiter of dealing out thunder in (rro]>vrj doses litis made him a terror to evil doera: gencially*-" In a few cases lis <iUii\ have to shoot at all-s?the game fell without filing.) Justice !* stiii) iti hi> hangs. Tho Couit may close on Fiiday. Hie' vase*, so far, have been of little interest. A 1 few instances of assault and battery have I j tried, re-nilting ill convictions. Two young men, (iloiiok IJkoWn ami Mo t Call, were tried for (Land Larceny. Thev wen* ably and *t?c.-cn-fullv defended bv Maj. j IS. K. I'krht. No it'tion. Th?*v*itf<%| iiowever, remaining in the ctntodv of the! sheiitF, chaig?d with vagiancy, and it i* j very probal lo tliey will continue to remain | with him for some time to come. " Une of! those extraordinary cases," (as the counsel! tor the defence very facetiously termed it.)j wlie.'e even " a wi?e child U tinnhte to tell i its own father." was bioughl u|i for trial. The case occupied much of the evening on Monthly and until noon of Tuesday. it was, really, a Inn I case, and it is a gr^at rhaine that such cn*es are ever brought into Court. Hut ?o it is, and we may continue to expect to see llietn as long as tlie present state of ocietv exists. The Court undertook to doeide that which the child was unable to' know, and the verdict of the jury saddled its parentage upon the defvmlaut. A verdict, which in nine ca-es out of ten, w ill he given by every jury in the country. Hut little drunkenness has been exhibited, ?o far, during the session of the Court, a fact, no doubt, as much attributable to the prevnlenc- of |ein|MirHnc* doctrine? a? the presence of ->nr ?Ql>ient town tn*r?h?V. t>K*D.?- Rev. I)r. Calvin Colton, tVflftlfc'l *or ofPo!Hi?i &-ono??\v Id TSr^nitj College, Hurt ton!, Connecticut, died in Savannah. Georgia, on Friday last. He was a grad nate of Yale College. Massachusetts, and ?f ler U'ing a Presbyterian Minister, u?ok order* in the Episcopal Church. Fie afterward* edited the True Whig in Washington city, and leva me well known as the writer of the * Junius " letter* during the Harrison campaign. At the time of hi* death, he was engaged in writing the life of Henry Clay, for which he had procured abundant material. Tntbrmtiko Uk-usios.?Gen. La Vetrn, the Mexican General. i* stopping at Wd Inula* hotel, at Washington, a* is also Col. May, who took La VegaV guns, ami made Itiin prisoner <\t the battle of l'alo Alto ; aiul to complete the curious re union. Col. Ma grmler. to whom May handed La Vega over for safe keeping, is at the name hotel. It must ho pleasant as well as stfggestive to see these wuiriorn assembled at the same dinn r tahle. hobnobbing in a friendly way, aiul | topping champagne corks instead of nine poundera. Ltxt't. Okn. Scott.? Wo ate pleased to learn that (Jen. Scott, at the instance of Sec rotary Floyd, from whom he received a very kmd and cordial latter, has made Washing ton his headquarter*. The larst relations snh*i*i between the new Secretary nnd the Lieutenant General. The old hero is in fine fwather at this time, his henltlt and spilin excellent, and is, j'M at this moment, alroin the finest looking specimen of an old soldiot in the w ot id. Declines Dunning. C. II. SoiiKit, E q , of Newlieiry, declinethe iioiniiiatiuii for Congress, in a graceful card to "Many liiciids," in the Newberry Mi rror. Historical?The original Wampum holt presented by the Indian chiefs to il liam I'enn, has been presented to the, IVnn sylvania Historical Society hy Mr. Glauviih J. Penn. ? ? ? - ? CoLLKCIOIl OK (JllARLKSm The (Charleston Mercury mentions the re appoint merit of W. I?\ Colcock, Esq., as collector of the port of Charleston. P Ifur If IA et A l\ F, OffijA .s o A s n /? a ifil ivyi\ if v . i i vo|JV?fVi.i|Wt| ClIAItLKSTON. Mn'cll 20. 1857. Dear Enterprise : (laicty. life and mam iimn still wield their re<|i?c.iv? sceptics wi11: uiiinijM.Ud sway, l)iiili(tr\vii]i|K>rsHl|il eel chiati'.its, iiiier-uer*od w ill* an oci'H'iniiiii route, me lingering. m if uniting the summons fir their departure with reluctance Their (loath knoll though, is fa-t approach i ing. in the unwelcome appearance of thai fell deMrnyor of day dreams and placid hIiimi- i l?cin?Miltrv summer. lis arrival would la* hailed with less ?ii-pleasure, if one were sure I it was the herald of a healthy season. Fori this siniimer, at least, this may he confident j Iv anticipated, if present appearances and I precautions are hii indication. All the prim! cipal chains m the city liavc hcen opened and j thoroughly clcateod of every obstruction, j and so arranged that, in case of lodgment of I anv substance, or stoppage in anv wav it*| ' *1 1 * precise location can he easily detected and j the cause removed. Charleston is as healthy, or healthier, at | this time, than it ha* been for many tears,| as the weekly hill of mortality will show. It is entirely fice front every disease that t might assume an epidemic fonn, whiie |he| report give* an average only ot from fift,ecp to twenty deaths a week, among a |*>pula lion of sixty thousand ; and even this small mimhei i* filled mo*tlv hv diseu-cs that are incidental to every clinic and country. OutMayor has wo; bed w ondrous changes for tho better, ami no ettlcgr in behalf of his noble administration can be too highly colored by itis fellow citizens. St. Patrick's day. and night, too, wore ccl chrated with (illicit hilarity bv tho hardy sons of Uihert'.ia. upon whose mercurial tcm luiVnrnoiv ?? ??' ?.? ..I* !? * I n - ,.i n nrr MMIjF ?'l lllf I'VHIIHir 1?M?| much manifested its effect* in the echo from street to ftteet of their maudlin odes, iti'er mingled with a sweet brogue, to his pTotia aintdiip. Not a few of them, in the hushed hour* of midnight, sought to ie.*t their wearied head* on the cohi and cheerless paving-stones, hut were considerately relieved fiotn their hum hie position by our star spangled denizens, and escorted to more comfortable, if riot ittore welcome quarters, ir? m ee'tain im|?o?i?jg eili ftee, presided over hy th? Mayor, who. however, kindly forgave the offence* of all who asserted they hud been *" smiling" solely in commemoration of ihe day. Who would not have hcen St. Patri-k, who could not on* ly l*nui*h the rep. ilea from the Emerald Ida. hut the simple memory of whom was sufli cient to trun*porL his converts frour the i hitches of the blue coated harpies, unscathed both in body and pocket ? The poison Wig at Washington is much talked of and la-girts to assume a tnoresciiout form than that of accident. Farther North, T am told, indignation is growing HBP BI'miL-iL-i-1 tfohgw. M0 it n o|H>nly and tamtidetuly asserted, that arseuid, or poison of sotne kind. was in(tN(iona/{jf idii^ui^ritl to the-gue-t* at the National Hotel On the pout mortem examination of a lady who die<l from it- ef frets aisenic wa* delected in tlie system, btit l?y whom it wa* given of cour?e there ia no idea. Hut not only in more Northern cilio* are Mich criminal acta on the increase. foi we can look nearer home and find food fur comment. Even here it ia coming to that" pane that a person cannot feci secure in walking at night street* that are not much fro' quutited. On Friday night, quite early, even before eight o'clock, and while all the More* were brightly lighted and hundred* busily engaged around, a gentleman was knocked down on liayne street by a slung-shot, and rold?ed of hi* gold watch and |?ocket book. He was dangerously wounded, and was in sensible for several bonis after being discovered. On the same night about ten o'clock, the mate of one of the v esse in in port was f?-lled by a similar deadly weapon, near the corner of Queen street and East Hay. A few evenings before that, a lady's bureau, in a residence on Meeting street, Was forced oj?oti and rilled of a considerable sum of money. In nHther of there instances?and perhaps there are others that I have not lieu d of?is (here the slightest clue to the peijie tiator of llieve crimes. Was tlieie ever, in the annals of ciimo of America, anything to compare with the height it has now reached ? Deeds of \ioicnco, death atid as ?a?sitiatioti reach us daily by the papers from North. South, East and West. If < tie tail' rend attentively the New Voile, IWton and Maltimote journal-, he will he astonished at the daily increase of crime in those cities It is true, those mentioned as oceuriing here aie light. in comparison with those enacted in other cities, still il shows the progressive ;i?e. Mi*s Davenport has heon induced, l?v the warm reception with which she was gieeted on lior former vid* heic, to pay us anothe*. uid has been playing lliroiiglront last week. She played, for her benefit, on Fiidav night, to the l.ngest and most fashion aide audience "f the season, in the play of " Valeria ; or. Hie Human Sisters." It is too deep atid in trieate to become a very popular play. It is three fourths over before one can gather the trailing strings of the piece together. The little negro hand that placed heic last winter, to the delight of the visitors at the fair, have ju.*t left here f>r Columbia I'liev drew pretty fair houses all the wet k. and would have had better, l?ut they were heard by almost every one during fair week. Tliev ate making the tour of the Southern cities, under the tovhriqurt of " Lilliputian Minstrels." They are truly a wonder, and ... II I. l - c mi iviiri iinuiii^. I illKS, Js. Ankcootk ok a (Jkouoia Judor.?In . theie wan (i! * !. in the ? ? Circuit i?t" (iwigia. a ca*e ?*f imuluntarv manslaughter. J it tin? expressive language of a witness, ilie* accused. liile drunk, pulled out his knife, ami, " sloshing il ub?uti," Miuck tin* deceased in tlie ahdomen. The alien I ':>? physician Ireiug called to tii Maud, toj iinik?* tlo* usual proof of the nature and x- j tent of tlie wound, testified " that the k ifo! entered ihe lower portion of the abdomen,! pellet rating the periloiieuin, ami thence < x j tending through the oinentiitn. to the vicinity of the iliac region*." The clerk, to; w hom all of this wan Greek, enquired of the Solicitor (i*-neial if he debited that portion of the doctor's testimony taken down. The Solicitor, niilicrpalinj* some fun, replied tn the alliiillative, ami roipicsted the doctor to lejH'at it slowly, which he did. in language, if m>*silde, jnore /incomprehensible. Oid Judge A? losing Ms accustomed suavity of uiNliner, impatiently, exclaimed : * Doctor, atop; for (lial sake, stop; if the man was cut in th^guts, say so, solbecleik can put it down." The Doctor has since studiously avoided j the use of technicalities in the presence of! the uninitiated. \V. j - x ?,, ??? in Fun.?A recent letter from | lMiiladclphia says ; "Considerable interest is excited among; the friends ami trlaliic* of a. certain Mis* I Ja<piett, both in this city and Chester conn | IV. The lady in question aas made appiica I ton for a divorce. The ch'cum-tancetf of the case Hie peculiar. Mi>* Jaqtit It, about a ago, tin* at a party with a certain Mr. IWhtell, where lite one challenged lhe| oilier to get married, l?y way of a joke, j The hauler was accepted. The gentleman j ami ladv jumped into a vehicle, posted of) lo a neighboring clergyman. w here llie knot was lied. Hot the lady. having shown her pirit, declared she would entry the joke no furllier. Holh parties nkiii found ihev ha<l gone too far. Mr. Hachtell was a gentleman of property in Ohio. He could no longer make li'le t?? his real estate. The young fatly, who reigned as a village ladle, so tl found she had heen trilling with a serious matter. It'was an act of youthful iudiscre lion f>>r which the law had movidud no ieluetfy." A KKW Mormon dance, which tickles the j fancy of the Gentile* much, has been introduced in Utaii, and is all the rage. Each gentleman lues two ladies for his partners, and it is denominated the " Mormon Cutilion, or 1 leaven upon Earth." Tiir grand jury of the criminal court on Friday, found a true bill against Colonel Lee, late a clerk in fhe Pension Office, for murder in the Aral degree in the killing of Mr. {funic, <>f Alexandria. y 1 i 'jli uni n ? in'iwgy A Tract ih a Snore.?A ?lio?nuik?r, who had received a tract, Without reading-it. nnfd it for lit* lining of a solo of a alme. To all appearance, the labor of the tract disWhutor wan in vain. Km it wan not no. Tha alio? iru worn, rih! after a time wan sSnt 4o .another shoemaker to l?e soled anew. The latter, one Sabbath morning. rat hia work. Tearing off the worn-out sole^he found the tract, and hi* attention ww ltn. mediately arrester! by the title: ".Itetooiriber the Sabbath day to keen it lu?Iy." " The words were like an arrow from the qutfer of the Almighty. The shoe wa? laid aside, arid the man hastened to the house of God. He was awakened, nnd ! <1 to the cross of Christ, and there found jieace. A Homier Riiot nr a Clergyman.?In IVrhydiire, England. a few weeks since, tho residence of a i? -? - ... iiinu. nnnmi on n mi* eluded ?|K?t, ivh? invaded l?y burglars, who had on masks and black gowns, which.c.ctni* plelely covered their persons. They entered the Iioiim by h ladder, bursting through a window. The minister, a* thev broke into his room, grmped n pistol and shot one of the burglars, whereupon his comrades decamped, taking with thorn the Wounded robber. ? < ttm i i Tiif. Pt.'kl that Didn't Occcr.? We have on hand " A Card," from R. L: P??ft?V. I'*<)., embodying ihe correspondence rw tiro a fin ir between himself and Mr. J. AV. Phillip*. of the Chamber* Tribune.. which he wished to appear today. Its length compels us to defer it* publication until to ii{orrow.?Montgomery Mail. >,**, ????? [From the Carolina baptist.] A Tribute of Respect Whereas, It has pleased our All-wise Providence to call ??nr much esteemed brother, Elder A. M. Nieol, front lite, family, and Church, which painful circumstance occurred on the 111|i of Felwuarv, 1857 : Iherefore, Resolved, Tlint we, the Pnptist Church, at N?-w Libcity. do most sincerely regret hi* exit from time to eternity. Ri solved. That we draw strong consolation from the confident hope that, our loss is his eternal gain ? that lie has nnlv e-eaped the sorrows, persecutions, and disappoint-; incuts of this evil world, to gain Heaven, rust, and everlasting jov*. Resolved. That we most feelingly stnvpathi/.e with his family, and family connexion*, and commend them to the care of llilli, who has promi*ed to be a father to the oiphau, and a husband to the widow. , Resolved, That a copy of these Resolu lions be ptesetiled to the family of the deceased. and thai the ame be spread upon wir Church books also, that the?e prnceeslings be forwarder! to the " Carolina baptist n for publication. Brother Nicot die<l at bis father's rcsi;denee in f?reeiiville I li-t , S. 0., February II 1857 : in the ?7(li veai of liis age: in he tiiiiinphs of a living faith, and winged* hi- way h'*tno to heaven. llis burial was attended by a bug* and respevln le concourse of people, with much solemnity. " are the deal w)u> din in the I^ird." J. M. R. It is not so. h? Iim* l>eeti reported, that Miss M .Hie Mas-ie Gildi*. tlie vncnli?t, luia eloped with a British iiohU-inan for England. OBITUARY. UOGKtt L< )VKIAND In recording llio d?nth of so |>roiiiitient a citi. z ?n as l!(iC.KR l.< iVM.AMi, it r>quiresno strain of enlogv to lni|<irrtliii ooinmunltv ?'itlir?i|>e(t fur liis character. as a sincere and honest man. All who knew him well. know liiin hut to lova and esteem him for his noble qualities a* a truo innn. The respect universally felt for himjwas of no recent growth ; it * ?? the result?richly deserved?of more than forty years of aetivo labor and undeviatintf rectitude. So scrupulous was he. in ull his dealings, that, hy common fori, sent, he \v*? familiarly spoken of as "honest linger." Though til ways attentive to his own business. lie was always ready to tnke part in those enterprises which have contributed to the prosperity of our town. Hi social qualities were of the highest ordor. To his frivtida ha win ever the same sincere ami Judicious counselor. To strangers, courteous and kind. For the above qualities, ratvlv found in so high a degree, he has left behind him an example worthy of the imitation, as well as the commendation, of all good men. This character, which had won for him universal admiration, without iKe exception of one detractor, and secured him a goodly fortune, is an inheritance far more to he prized hy his children than nil his estate. Nor is this character tin sola properly of his children. It. belongs equal!v to the community which he honored, anil will he eheilshrd .hr them with iinatieeteu oilde. 1 houidi his sab.-* are mingled willi iho ,*oil of our own beautiful town, yet his work* roinnin witli no, nod ninny generation* will glide onto the future, ere the innrk which Roger Love-land lift* tnade will ho obliterated. Religions lTotic?. THE Rev. li T. JIuikt I* exacted to preach in the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath afternoon, at half . art. 8 o'clock. Subject: Tnx Pvt.* pit; its mission ano !'owm. For Tax Collector. tW"TUB FRIENDS OF W. 8. Turner announce him a* a for Tax Collector at the next Kle'tion. GKKKNVH.LK INK." \| ANDFACTCUED and for sale, at ft per lTj gallon, by MI MS A LONG. March ly 45 if WM HTALLEN, S U1 ta CO N 1 > EN rlUST? t is ....i........i i... 10.-.1-.1 i- i-1 ? ? I CIHIIIOI ?i?>m i 11 ii111-11> 1111. j?r*|'?rr?* 11. in every way, to perforin alt operation* in liis profession in the niovi ?killv.1 awl approval manner. Having procured every improvement of the lay, |icmiu* iiaii sa/ely reljon having every operation performed in the same manner as done in Philadelphia or New Yolk. Kthcr and Chloroform riven wheipleeirri. Persons daeiring attention mustmfta sppoint. | in outs previously, j JIT Kooros in UaBee'a Building. Marvth 10 il tl j