University of South Carolina Libraries
^ in 9sssm&s**Bsm iiiiil'ing Dgv.?After a tvgrtn cont^i fcr wWcHp*l olftc*r? of the town of ,th?* " dry ticket" sticceodcd by A'TM|jj?>rfly of twenty-four '"' Col. Bftoo^S^fW Am?nt*l Brook* was I a member of Il^seoni Lodge, Xu. 80, A. F. M., at CokeeUpry. "' . 1>ibi?, Rt lirrJit^MUjUe, in Greenville Idstrift, on the JtttU inst., altera lingering {linens, Mr*. MARY M< Ci:i.1.orGir. widow of Joseph MeCullough aged. Of year* and 4 months. The deceased .was one of the respected inn trons of the lHs*rict wlw raised a large family, and as wife, mother, in id less, neighbor aiid friend, was faithful, devoted and kind. She was distinguished for her goodness to the poor, and , to the orpl??D she was a mother. llcr goodness flowed from tlio. Ifijjh Houree of all good. Slis was a Christian, *'gnd is now. we doubt not, reaping the reward of the faithful. She w?s a member of the Columbia Baptist Church, in her immediate neighborhood, for many years before her death, nnd iiiaintaineil n consistent character as such. She leavesseven children, nnd a nuinl>er of grand-children, tindmuny friends, to ehcr lull line mniiiduw -1 -- State of South Carolina. C. KEENVIItjjC OfStnICT. In Court oi4 Ordinary. To Joseph Whatn, Mary lVlimn. Helen WhamJinny MeXhicli, and jouicb Mo.\ineii. iicr hint band, Harbnry Wliiini, John Whnin, Benjamin Wham. Hubert Wb a try, Klisn Wltam, William Whom, Ellen Whom, Jane Whom, Nancy Wlmui, Jo?*ph Wlmm, lluimali Wlmni, Mnf1hn McWillinnis, and David, her husband, Nancy Kliler, ami Robert, her husband, Mary .lane MeWright, aud Levi, her lixsbund, hcirs-ut-law of JoMiFti Wfl.nt, dtw??eil: YOU are hcrahv required to appear nt the Court of OrJinary, to bo holdcn At Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on the 1 Hth. <f?ty of Jfoy, Anno Domini, 1857, to shew enute, if any you can, why the proceed* of the talc of the ileal Ksfnte of Joskph Wiiam, deceased, old hv me for partition and division, should not be paid ever to Thomas L. Woowhkk, Administrator of the said JosCTH Wham, to li? applied by him to the payment of the debts of the said Joalien Wiiam. Given under mv hand ond seal, this 20th day of February, A It, 1857. ROBKUT McKAV, |us.| Orxlinary of Urcenrille n'wtrirt. Feb 20 41 td Dissolution. rpilK Copartnership of UK A, HC HUGOS A CO. Jl. has ueon this day dissolved by mutual con* e*nt. My interest having been purchased by the other members of the Firm, I retire from the I v?x? 'Jt m ?->MniMif.ll HBIIl. HID OllslllOSS Will 1>C COI|tllllle<l ?it lite old Stand, southwest .norner of the Court 1 louse Square, hy R RKA A CO., to whom all debts duo the concern ar? payable. W. L. AI. X SCRUGGS. Greenville. S. C\, February 12th, 1807. NOTICE. *"TM1K Subscriber* would iufurin their friends, 1. and the public generally, that the business heretofore eonductod by ltK.V, SCRUGGS A CO., will lie continued by tHCin, under the nniue and style of K. UKA A CO. They rc-spoctfully solicit ? continuance of patronage. Their Stock eonsi?t? of Staple and Fancy Dry *ood*, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ANO SHOES, HA It I > W A R K. CROCK ERY, PAIXTS, OILS, MEDICINES, Ete. All persons indebted to the Firm of Ren, Scruggs A Co., wijl make payment to us. E. REA it CO. Greenville, S. C., February l'.?, 1857. -11-tf | Notice. ALL persoua indebted to the Subscribers for | Rook Accounts and Notes, up to the first' of January, 1857, arc requested to call and settle the same, as we are in want, of the money. F. F. REATTIE ?fc CO. Fell 19 41 4 For Sale, A KKGRO WOMAN, about 32 years old, a ; good Cook, Washer and Ironer, with two | v nuurcn. liicv iu.iv i?c irenioa lor ni |?ri\uu: sale until Sale-day in March, wlicn, if not. posed of (treriviKly, they will be sold at public ! outcry. Inquire At this Office. 11-2 Feb 19 Sale of House and Lot. LIMITS llOl'SK AND LOT. in tl.a Town of A Green villa, near the fork ?f the Anderson and Pendleton roads, now occupied bv Mr lawton, will b? sold, at Greenville Court House, ut tuiblic auction, without reservo, on SALE-DAY in MAKOH next The House has Six Rooms, with all necessary Out-Buildings, a Well of excellent water. autl choice Fruit Trees. Of the purchase money nhout $700 will be re quired in Cash; for the bulanec, a Note, with good sureties, payable on the first of January . next. For further information, apply to the subscriber. W. IL CAMPBELL Feb 12 40 3 KOTIOK. rpilC COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing ! A bet ween the subscribers, undor the Firm of ] W. H. 1IASTIK ?fc (X)., 1* till* Clay dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business of tho concern will be settled by our suooc?*or*, Niool ?fc Isaac* W. ?. I1A8TIK. A. ISAACS. . tlrctr.villo, February 'id, 1857. Copartnership. /3SiS r|MIE Subscribers have this day formixl a CoX MrfUtrship, tud*r ?V Firm of MOOl. A ISAACS, u tucoeaxor* to ]| \afiK A Ktadfc nnd W. H. U.vmriK A Co.. and will conduct a general 'nfiHr Mercantile Business in tWTown of Greenville, nnd solicit tha pa trouago of thoir friends and the public. A. NICOL. SK ; a. Isaacs. Croenvillp, February 2d, 1857- 40-8 , F. BURTY, Dealer Is Boots, Shoes, Leather, jm OPPOSITE PATRIOT a MOUNTAINEER OFFICE, ORRKNVILLK, 8. C., TS Prepared to furnish customers with the ^ I. aliove articles, C11KAI' FOIt CASH. a - Linyiiig ^oiupctont workmen ongagud, he cni, SM; Ws natrons that all Work wOl W JfiUTir iKmaaitd WARRANTER "5b6 ?? tf , .,V .. . . V- . ^ J I)R. S. II. DEAN, -j I v. DKALh'R IN ... | jf MI*""ESi'CHEM?CAL8, fepttimery, ftynfe, Oils, tfq'rnistoes, &[jc-Stuff?, TOBAOOO, ?$ *^*iatia Ton.Ki boats, FINK IIAIR AND TOOTII I;RUSHES, TTTTKTOa mn TTftftAllO _ i?w?w WHwvao, For Medicinal Uses TRUSSES ANDSH0U10ER BRACES,, 'v 'k0"' ^c>i Greenville, S. (!. : or Mo/iic ines warranted genuine and of the beat quality. J Planters and Physicians from the country will find our atoek of Mcdieiue* complete. FehJS 40 I v r""- TO MERCHANTS. CANDY tiiNUFACTORY. #iO king Street, (OPPOSITE TO DAXCUOFT, LEMAX A CO.,) ALL KINDS OF CANDY MANIPACTURED AT NEW'YORX PRICES. TAEALF.US will consult tlmir ?mi intrrr*t by ) culling on u? wlk'ti in the City, or ordering from ua. ??jr Order* promptly attended to, and ship I?ed with dispatch. P. S.?ONE 1'llTCE. WARREN KINSMAN & BRO. Frli D2 40 4 Street and Road Taxes. r I'M IK sum of TWO DOLLARS id required to L bo paid into the Treasury of the Town Council of Oreonville by every person liable to do Itond and Street duty, na an exemption from the same for the year 1857. Otherwise they will be required to work twelve days. The^id Two Dollars to be paid during the present month?February. 15v order of Council. ' W\ C. PRICE, Town Clerk. Feb l'.? 41 y. STATE OF SOUTH t AltOLINA. GKEENVILLK DISTRICT. Sheriff# Sales. ? V virtue ??f sundry Writ* of Fieri Facias to 1) ino directed, I will soil before the Court House ?loor, at file usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in .MAUCll next: 30 Acres of Lnnd, more or less, ftdjoiniii^ Inrnl* of R 1'rnett, Moses Gosucll and Jneob Litidsev ; tn<l on Tuesday nfter sale-day in March, nt liolVndant's residence, 10 Hushcfs corn, 1 sow nnd 10 shoots, ns the property of William Liudscy, at the suit of M. L?. )>tekey. One llonec and Lot, lying in the north-cast part of the village of Greenville ; ns the property of John It. Smith, at the suit of James II. Hcckcnnll, ct. id. Sixty Acres of Land, more or less. lying on the Laurens road, adjoining lands ot Smith, Owing*, ct ill. ; levied on as the property of Ilnvid 1U11, at. the suit of John E. Shall, Jane. K. Shall, and others. 350 Acres of Land, more or less, whereupon defendant resides, on the State road, adjoining lands of McKinney, ct al. ; as the property of Wui. Fuller; at the suit of C. Stroud. 400 Acres of Lnnd, more or Icsp, lying on Saluda Kiver and Golden Grove Creek, (a portion of the Tract whereon Samuel Williams, deceased, formerly lived ;) as the property of West. A. Williams, at the suit of Moses Hendricks and others. 300 Acres of Lund, more or loe?, adjoining lauds of Garrison, Harrison, loose. Farmer, and others; One Aogro Hoy, uhout 1<> years old; as the property of l'erry Ware, at the suit of Amos Kskew, ct nl. Terms CASH; purchasers to i?ay for titles. 1). HOKE, S. fr. 1). Sheriff's Otlioe, February 1. l*.77. 3U?td. Tin- dilate of Soulli Carolina. tiRKBN V1LLE DlSTlilCT. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a Writ, of Fieri Facia* to mo ?1 iroetoJ, i will sell, nt tlio resilience i>f George lloxv/ird, on Tuesday after Sale-day in MARCH next, 2 Sows and S Pigs, 3 Slionta, 10 bushels I'eiw, 1 Cupboard, 5110 bundle* Ko.lilcr, 1 Yearling; t Yeke Oxen, It) Chain, 2 Iloxes; no tlio property of Gcnrj|u llownrd, ut the suit of !>avul Ulytlie, Administrator. At Defendant's residence, on Tuesday nfter enle-dny in Mnreh, one yoke of oxen tin*! cart, ns the property of Huily llruoe, at the suit of James McMukiu. TERMS CASH. D. HOKlv, S. G. 1>. Sheriff's .Qfliee, Felt. 4, 1857. 'ift-t.l JUST RECEIVED AT THE Greenville Book Storo, it AVif Supply nf I/"' fullominfp WOliA'S: '"pilK CO Ml'I, ELK GARDEN lilt ami FI.OR JL. 1ST, coat-lining an account of every Vegetable Production Cultivated for the Table, with Directions for Planting and Cubing Flower*. I'rice 25 cents. The (Juadroou, l?y Maync Reid, $1.25 1 Scalp Hunter*, " '* 1.25' Paul l'auo, hy X. P. Willi*, 1.25 Tlteoiloiua, or the Heroine of Faith, l.oo| Self-Instructor in Phrenology, 50 1 Combe oil the Constitution of Man, 1.(8) AIM I, The Magazine* for FKRRl'ARY, and n large supply of Juvenile* and light l.iternturo jFt.h 5-:it) .1. G. P. JF.TKR. Ef KRUTCIPS^ DRUG STORE ANO APOTHECARY SHCP,1 UNDER, McllEE S J F ALL, ?. a, \\7 IIKKR will he constantly kept on hand the : V purest stock of MKIMOINES, CHKMIOAI-S.PATENT , Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Point*, ]>ve- j stuff*. Varimhea, rutty, Tohneeu. S*gnr*. Spirit Uti*, Oil*, Cutdle#, Soap*, Spine*, Plushes, Toilet Article*. Uoniba/ Perfhtnofy ; nml nil other article* generally keiit l>y Druggists. Uf" Fresh nml pure Drug* Ave warranted nml 1 ol?l nt low price?. Compound medicine* are prepared In the moat careful win*. HeccipU niul prescriptions of any kind put to wur. accurncy, neatness and dispatch. 86-10ni Jan R PIANO TUNING. t THE subscriber would offor hi* acrvice* to the cttisens of Greenville and the anrw li' kt 'Jf ^roifnding country In the A> VjP^^nLX^hovebasinet*. Ho will giro satisfaction, or no chnrgo will he made. V H, M.' Mnu'iiEv...; 3unc 5. ' J * tf i I'KOIUllBTOKS OK TIE LADIES'STOKE; Di'.M.KKS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, BON N ETIS, iiI ftftONS, Housekeeping Goods, miwy MUM <uwmm AND INDIA RUBBER GOODS, (iHKU.KVIM K ? ^ ?, ?/. I N. B.?Order* accompanied by the ensh Tor Medical, I.nw or Library Books, Musical InstruIDC lit* mid Su ml lies, promptly tilled in Now York, and delivered ??t our counter on shortest notice. Jan 22 87 ly WATCHES cmmhcb Am aivrsiar/. E. I. PINSO* (AOENT,) euvc to announco to the citizens of] "> Greenville, and surrounding country, that, he has opened a Stock of the uhovc-unincd Articles on Avenue street, in the Building formerly , known as " Avenue Street. Confectionery," wliicli I he will sell I.OW for CASH. IIK VriLt. A I.SO Repair and Fit Up WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, In the best of style. Thniikful to his former patrons nnd friends, for their lilierolity nnd patronage, lie respectfully solicits n eontinunnce of the same. MT Give him u call, itud he will endeavor to i please. 37-tf Jan 22 Cigars! Cignirs!! MIMS & LONG, A T their DRUG STORK, are now offering for i xV. sale the following CIGARS; Caledonia ; Cnbann* Uitleriez ; Liverpool Rio Hondo ; La Kior La ltosa ; Rio llondo Colorado ; La Marilla El Conierciante La 1'unctualidad ! Havana Sixes Etc. Etc. Etc. ? ALSO. _ The choicest nnd l?e*t CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO. 3H-tt Jim 2tt TYPE FOUNDERY AN'll PRINTERS' EMPORIUM, ESTABLISHED 1819. I TV. linger, Jr., & Co., 38 GOLD STLKKT, NEW VOUK CITY., r|'*IIE subscriber* desire ( advise tlieir friends, L. and i lie I'riiitint; interests generally, that since the late tire, which injured only the inannf.icturiii!/ department of tlieir establishment, they lmvc entirely refitted the same with new iimchinerv, niul have availed themselves of the opportunity to introduce every .tloderu IiM|?rov<*ui<Mit which Ion,; experience niul capital can commniid ; and that they have, therefore, unequalled facilities for iiroduciiii; raL" "w m<z of superior excellence and durability, end for I supplying all orders for the same with grout no- I curacy and promptness. Ol'll iV/v'U' Sl'JJCIMh'M HOOK tjust issued) will Vie freely given to all who wish 1 to purchase, when applied for. Printers will ; please be particular in directing how it may be sent. We also furnish every article needed in n | Printing Otliee, at niannfaetiircrs' prices. MACHINE AND HAND Hoe's. ) I) I) i; C O i; O ( Taylor's, Adams', ) X 11 Ij U O L O , | Itiiggle*', CHASE'S DIAMOND E It ESS, (of which we are the sole agents in this city,) and of every other maker in the United States ; Ink, Chases, Stands, Imposing Stones Compos iin; Sticks Galleys, (brass and wood,) Furniture, ite., ?t e. Order* will lit".>? !./. 1*., AII...1 f..~ l> C--.I. ami 1'lllXTEItS' STOCK of cverv kiiul. ELECTROTYPING AND STEREOTVPING, In all their l>ranclics. TYPE COPPPEItFACED TO OilJ>Eli. OKI typerecoiv?(l in exchange for now ntnine j crntu |><;r poiuial, if ?i#)ivcreil in nixtv tiny* from j the (into of |iurrliaM; if luter, loit anx cent* |??-r 1 pamml. Secainal-hand 1'reaneH (Machine ami 11 a ml,) u?u.illr on *nle. WM. HAGEIt, Jit., & CO. WU. IIAUKK, JR. JOIIN II AO Kit. HOWARD ASSOCIATION 1'IULA VJill'iriA. Important Announcement. : rJ"V) nil persona nftlictiui with Sexunl DisuuM*, | JL aiiuIi Hat Spermntorrhoaa, Seminal Wonkncw, 1 Impotence, (hmiirtlHM, OI?'t, Syphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or Self-Abuse, Ac., ate. The llOWAliD AtiSOC/ATIoX, in view ..f the nwful 'lent met ion of human lite, caunavl lay Sexual Itiscnae*. ami the alecc|ttion8 practised upon the unfortunate victim* of such diseases by Ouueks, Imvc directed their Consulting Surgeon, a* a charitable net worthy of their name ta? givamruh'al ai>vi? e aihatia, to all pa?rs ?ns thus afflict- i eal, w ho Hpply hy letter, with a description of j their comlitioii, (age occupation, habit* of life, ate.,) and in case* of extreme no vert v and *tif. 1 faring, to furnish rnrdicinttfrtt of charge. The IIntcHcd >n is n Iwncvolent Fn?titution, established by special awlovmoit, for the relic f of tlio nick and distressed, atHiotcd with " Virulent and Kpidcinic Disease*." It ba* > tow it surplus of menus, wliioli the Director* Intro voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to uiM that the Assoc in j tion commands the highest Medical ekill of the age, and will furnish the most approved ntodern i treiitiitent. Just Published, by tl.o Association, a Keport ( ou 8|>ermntorrluKa, or Seminal Weakness, the 1 vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self Abuse, ^d I other Disuase* of Iho Sexual Organs, by the Con-1 suiting Surgeon, wliioli will l?e sent by mail, (in j sealed envelope^ Free of Charge, on the receipt > of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, l)lt. OEOi CAF.HOfW. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No, ? South I NINTH Street. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director*. ' EZHA n. IIARTWELL, resident. 11 flich. FvfJMSOM.v, Secretory* i . ... , y.* - THE ENTERPRISE T BOOK AND I0B fBINTINU EITABLWIIHIISIIT. ' II AVISO A FCSfit SELECTION OF PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK m MAWDsoagiE tyr'%.%. CtipCI/I.AIlB, CAT AM JOCKS, II ANDIIIM.9, WAV*] DII.I.H, l?AI.I. T1CKKTS, l'KOORAMMKS, AC. Printed with Neatnssa and LUpatch. <y A a? & ^ CHINA, SATIN I'NAMKI., SATIN SCRKACK, ASI?| I'l.A IN AND COLOKKU CARDS, On the Most Reasonable Terms.1 43TGIYE U8 A CALLjgy I GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE MANilON HOUSE. | * ? NVtlKUE CONSTANTLY MAY Rfc HOVNI> A Liii'sc Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE AND CHEAP WINES,! Liqnors, Cordials and Cigars * * ? ./m, a ^.jpbs? HATS A A l? CA1?S,| ^acOvDit-a Averc? ! It A R D W A TIE, Clio CK E IIV. UhiMivarr, and I) It ? (1 0 0 D ? . North cast corner Court House Square. Jan 15 .1(1 if Brandies, WINES, POUTER, ALE, Ac., of the host qualities, for iiicilicul jiurj'osca, for sale at the Store of A. GUEENFIKI.IL Jnn 15 SO If Apple Vinegar. VFINE Miiolv to ho lind at the Family Grocery Store of A. GREENFIELD, Jnn 15 50 Oysters I Oystors ' Received daily, u?<i offered > for sale at the Grocery Store of Jan 15 30-tf A. GRKKNFIELD. Rice and Buckwheat Flour, TJ^OR Sale at the Family Grocery Store of V ' A. GRKKNFII:U>. Jan 15 30 tt Elford & Donaldson, \T \v? mil fi, oiT v ? C. J. EIFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. Siii TH3 OP.332TT:iili3 BOOKSTORE, MAIN STIIKKT, NEXT TO M. HKL's 1IAI.I., #VV 11KKE constantly niny be found a 'large an?l well soli't'li'il Stock of MIS* VKLLANKOl'S, StJHtMlL ami CLASSICAL HOOKS, Writing Paper, lilank Hooks, Memorandums, il'i1,; Writing Desks mid Cases, Portfolios, (iiiltl alld Steel Pens, Pencils. I ilk. Sealing Wax, Wafers, Slates, t.'o|>v Hooks. Inkstands, Killers, ?te,,to. * J. C. P. .1 LTKIt. Jan 15 3fi-ly Sign of tlio Hisr Hook. JUST OPENED, AT THE LADIES' STORE, A KINK ASSyUTMKNT < >K ?" AIM 12s' Misses' a no (lent*' Merino I'nder I J Vests, Hosierv, Cloves, Cannflets, .to. Ladies ami Ceiitlemeiis* Long Shawls " " Misses' Clonks, from #1.25 to $35 A few more pieces of those tine Freueli Merinos ami DeLnines. ALSO, A large assortment of Hod and nth ?r HLANKKTS Ilcndy-Tlado Clolliiug, Some very line H its. Caps, Boots, Shoos, &c., All of whieh we are disposed to sell as ehenp its ; possible. \V. II. IIOVIIV A CO. Jan '> & 85 tf ' Having Purchased r|^llK interest of lv J FltlTZ, in the Into Firm I of FIMTZ A I'INS )S, I leuve to cull i the attention of tlie citizens of t?recnvillu and i surrounding country, that I will carry on the | Itusiiicss n? heretofore, at the Ohl Stand next to [ l'tnvrw it Khlredjjc. Tim Stock comprises a largo variety of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELUY. CHINA WALK, rKIJFLMKKV AND FANCY ARTICLES, I which we offer to sell CHEAP for CASH., I In vino engaged the services of a tirst. class 1 Workman, \v? make no hesitancy in ensuring | satisfaction with all Work left with us. 12T All we ?*k it a Trio!. ,.(?} DON'T FO U G KT T II E P L A 0 E.! SAMUEL STRADLEY. Greenville, Junuury 7, 1857. 85-tf AGENCY FOR LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! Tj-3? ?i5iVilL!Lr? MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY insures Houses, Stores and other Prop rty AO A INST PI KB : And the lover of White Pereons and Slaves, between the age# tf 10 ami 00 grave, / \ N such terms ns to render it n most safe and \ / <l?AirnliIt) invent mont. Fnll th-tnil*, with the ('oitntititflnn nu<l Hy-Lnwa of tlif Company, will he funti?hcil on application to any of the Oftiwir* of the Company, JomViPII II. OSBORXF, Prftt. WM. W. MrBOWRU* Vic*-l>rr?. JakB. Sxrretnrv A' 7V?nntrrr. 7 JOH* W. ORADY. Agent, '-9+lf -WHEEXA^UXS-C. *v*r< ?'?%*?& * >, , .QREENVIU^ PRtC^ftmRENT. <1. | ?I ?!!?-. \ OORRKCTKU WKRKLV Kult T|<K KNTKKKR1HK. _By Grady & Goodlatt, Merchant*. GHKEXVICLB, FKRUCAHV 25, 1857. BAGGING, Gunny, par yard, u 25 1 >uti<ice, a 20 BACON ... jm?i |li? new, J2j I Shoulders, " 10 11 Siile*, u j.>j ( ling round, 10 , BOBK, licit, Gad* i HI1TTFI* r:.w].?.. ik . * ....... MM |-v? ' ?"* lll'IIP. Country, per lb. 1.") OOFKEK...Rio, per lb. l.vA ! Java, per lb. 18 a 'JO DOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0| <? 10 Slieetirtjf. pel yd. 10 a 15 Osuaburgs, j eryd. 11 ? 12 A ELOUll Country, pel li(>1. ?ti a ?7 00 I Country, J et ?aek, ?? ?3 j (ili A IN Corn, jier lusshel. 00 a 70 Wheat, i^rburffi'S. ?110 fc 1.1,? t hits, ^<er bushel, ? 45 IRON Swedes, per lb. 6| a 7 English, por ll?. ? 54 LARD perlb. ? l.l" MOLASSES, \V. 1, per gal. 70 , N. O., per. ?al. new crop, Vl .25 j SYRUP...." 41 per gal. OILS Lamp, per gal. ?tj a ?24, Train, per gal. 874 ? flj ; Linseed, ?H1 UICE per lb. a ' HOPE per lb. 15 (t 20 j SUOAKS...N. (Orleans,per lb. a 15 ! Porto Rico, pur lb. <1 14 ' Ia?af, per lb. 20 | CrilsliO'l, pel lb, 20 j Defined, per lb. <J 10'j ! SALT, per bushel, ?1 Salt, per snek, ?2 25 ! ISOAP Colgate,pule, 12.1 a 15 j Yellow, per ib. 8 <1 10 ' jSIIOT peril). 124 ! Shot., per bag. a ?2$ ; J j Caiiipltiiiu, lliiriiiii^ Fluid, ! SODA WATER, OINCEII POP, POUTED AND ALE. , rI^llK Miliscritier is iu>\v innmifncturiut; n kiiiic1 I rior ttrliele of CAMI'lllXK nail Ill.'ltNlXC I I FLL'll), wliieli lie will deliver to cttstoincni nt j tin* lowest j rloe f??r etisli. | lie also prepares Si )I )A WATER and G1NOEK j i vm , which ho win noiivor to ontor. lit- litis a constant supply of 1 wit t led AI,K and I I'OHTKli, of tli?' best i,utility, :iIways on hand. Tli (mo desiring elf Iter of tlio above articles will ! iilfinc send their orders to my ihop. two doors ! I In-low the College Steward's I lull, ('olmnliiu, S. I IC., where tliey will moot with promptattention, i | Jnii K 88- ly R K. UEL Tho State of South Carolina. GUEKNVIU.K DISTRICT. Sheriff'8 Sales. UV virtue of tin order from the Court of Ordinary of Orcenville District. 1 will offer I for stile, before the Court House door of said l)i?- I 11riot, at the usual hours of sale, on tho I'lllST I ! MONDAY ill MAItCIi mxl. All that I'ieee, Parcel and Trnet of I.AN'l), ly- ; I inir ill (Jreenville District, on both sides of Wier'a | Creek, adjoining lands of the late John Hawkins, | - ?leeea?od, Mrs. Sarah Dill, Jesse Trniiunell, and ' others, and containing V?/ > Hundred and 77iirtif- j I Four ? # *, more or less. The above land is in j two Triu-ts, and known as tlie Jai-k Trainnn-ll I j Place and tin- Horatio Forest Trnet, mid may be sold separately. Sold for Partition among the i heirs of the late Jamk* Pick kit, deceased. also, i All that Piece. Parcel and Tract, of LAND, lvimr in (trccnville District, on Waters of Salmln IJiver, adjoining lands of John Chiles, Widow j Xewbv. and olhoi's, and containing tho llnudrcil 1 mid Sixty Ai l-in inure or less. Sold ns the property of Mrs. Jaxk lt.iv, deceased, for Partition ; amongst tlie heirs. a i.-i >, All that Piece, Parcel and Trnet of I.AND, ly- 1 I ing in (Srecnv ille District, on Maple Crook, wa- j tors of Knoros Uiver, adjoining lauds of llenihre 1 tii-een, James A. Saber, and others, and contain' ing 7'iri) // !),drnl mid Tvciitif-Nis A err*, more or ; ' less. Sold as the property of PitiM'ii.i.a Si'iikr, ' deceased, for Partition amongst the heirs of saiil j j deceased. ,iia?l, All that Piece, Parcel and Tract of I.AND, j cont'iiniiig Tiro /fuiidred Aerrn, lying in Orcen-1 I villo Distrief, on Maple Creek, waters of l'eed\ Uiver, adjoining lands of Mrs. Wells, T.ewis It...!.,.?. ".....I* <a-.l.l ?i.~ I rt "" ? i : Anokkhon* lltt.w. ilfct'iimil, for I'artitioii nninnpl I the heir* of said dccenaed. The nliove land may i heboid in twoTracts. Particulars made known on <ltiy of sale. TiiltllS Hl'SAl.l'.?A credit of twelve months, j with interest from date ; purchaser giving hond to tin' Ordii arv, with two good no -iiriiies, and n i mortgage of the land, if doomed neecssnry, to , seeure the payment of t.iie purchase money. Purchasers to pay for titles. J). HOICK, S. H. T?. Sheritt V Ottiee, Kitli Jan., :ti??t-1 The Mult- of Stuiiki 4'urolinn. : (HiKKNVIl I.K DISTKICT. IX TIIK COI'liT OK OlCIIINAHV. I. s. IVdon, Kxeeiitor, against Miles (?arrott mid Margaret Garrett, his wile, nnd others. J'tti- I t nut for J**taaf S' ttli inriit a to I Decree, IT appearing to my satisfaction thnt. Miles Garrett ami Margaret Garrett, his wife, ,' and Thomas (J. Peden, |{ohert M. I'edeii. l>avid M. lY'don, and Mary K. Pcdcn. Legatees of J.'IIX Hl.MlfON Pfcl'KX, deeeased, reside lieyoml i the limits of this State. !i is, therefore. Order- j ed. That they do appear at a Court of Ordinn- ' rv to he hohien at Greenville Court House for Green villa District, on / W</ ,'/, the \>th da// of | March, Vjcf, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a Filial Settlement of said ! estate should not he made, or their uonscnt to | the same will he taken as confessed. iiven under my hand, this Ibtli day of He-' eenihcr, A. 1)., 18iV>. UOliKUT McKAY, O. G. 1?. , Amlinnnu's ( kllum 1 Green villi*, S. C ) Dec. 25. 8ft-3m The Miaie CaroHita.; (JKEENVILI.i: lMSTlllcr. In th<* f'oarl of Ordinary. William (ioliightly, Administrator, Applicant, Against Nnnoy Smith, Hiram Smith. David Smith, Madison ]>. I.?>i'iis an<l Hester his n iff, Joseph Smith, Kliznbi-tii I loss, Defendants.? Petition for Final Settlement niul Dceroo. IT appearing to iny satisfaction that Hiram j Smith, David Smith, Madison I >, l.ol'iis ami | Hester his wife, Joseph Smith and Elizabeth : ' Uoss, reside ttitliout the limits of this St ate: If J ' is, therefore, Ortler&l, That they do appear at a i Uihii't of Ordinary, to he holdcn at tSrvctlville | Court llottse, for (ireenville District, on the tfth day of MaH'h next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew i cause, if any they have, why n Pinal Settlement ' nnd Decree of tlio t'eriroiutl Katnta of Zilman Smith deceased, should not he mud*, else their consent to the same will he entered of record. KOBFJIT McKAV, O. O. I?. Ordinary's Otitic, 12th D?a, 1830. 32-l? . **4"' ' " NEW FALL AND WINTER < ? 0 0 a; ?? ~ %1MN v feftw&vvsi ppilANJ(fL'r, for |muI {<:ttronii)(4Y vm^x'uUu^v L inform Uu'ir Iriondi nn<) tl??> i>uU'u> jfceti*)* illy, thiy ?ro now ix'vylviQ# ? Img* ntovk ?f " CxJ ?S *XSU5> PO (HinUtinir of Wrr Clioiou l'ulirifc. St\U'4 iii.l KLKGANT 1>&|H?S for CiOODS, A large ninl wvll oelfEfril utoek of jOO*h1? for Ready-Made Clothing. ? A llhmUet*. rinnnfls, rint:i*, Kcwj:*, Shirlinjr, Slfccctinjj, ?Ve. HATS AND CAPS, ^sfeBoots and Shoed.-?c?@ HARDWARE. ANO OUTLERY, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, D?liJQ3, &0, "'V?. GROOEIIIK8 ! the Mjpmit MdMftuMo terms for en?h, W o iloi'iii it niuiwcHM'y to cunuicrnto nil, or oven n portion of thoartjclvfe we huvo ou hnud, invito the tdtknn inspection of onr Stock, It . luhriieo* evcvv ai'tirlo usually kept, nnd wc think tlnrt ptiftdineit will timl it to their advantage 10 jfive ti* it Oftll tSfAt llic Mew Briek Store south of ilio Netf I'twrt IIntw?.. OIUU?Y ?t OOODLETT. Oct. ? '21 tf The Goodlett House. tfffr' THIS LARGK AX1)COMMOSiULdiou* Huifdiug, fit noted in the centre of the Town of Oreeiiville, formerly known ite The KMsiutcr's Hotel, hoc hceii recently tmMiUMil by the subscriber, itiol will be opened for the reception and necommoJution of ISonrdcre ntol Travellers on the First of January, The Troii?e will be entirely newlv furnished in every departnient. nnd the Proprietor will en denvor to ninke it one of the first Hotels iu the upper euuntrv. R. I?. OOODLETT. Dec. 25. 03 It E. R, STOKES. liOUlv-mXDKIt AND lllaiik-Stool* TBaaaiilaciiirrr, (In rear of (Carolina Times Office.) Qu 3, 4 . BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and ninllllfnetlireil of the best materials ami ill the ino.-t durable manner. I'KIMOniCAl.S, Mt'SliJ HOOKS, Ac., lnnnd in every variety of style, at short notice. Country orders promptly attended to. _f5?:J I >00 4 " 30 ly W. P. PRICE, ?liiavnctj at Caw, AND CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, UiNiL >{;:<! iNWiLf'ilf i.v-i, Will proniptty attend to the collection of Notes and Accounts, settling Claims, A-o. ,G. S. BOWER, Iff an ii fa <*f iirt'r and l>ealvr In HJUMTL'llK of every description, - =V and CHAIRS of every style. FISK'S CELEBRATEO METALIC BURIAL CASES, Oj>l)oaitr the Conyaree House, l)ee. 11. COLUMBIA, S. _ ly Selli2i$? Off* THE KXTKSSIVK STOCK OP -Ma Ie\veIry of 4'liarlcs Sill i 111, *V opposite t lie Mansion House, will jTv ' ^M^quivi- be closed out at very low prices ^ s Viz - A quunPFty ?f very fine (!?1<I nml Silver Watches, <?f Knglish and Swiss Manufacture. I'hiin, Lupine, Anchors, Levers, Unil lioud Time Keepers, Implex niul Chronometers. AL-O, ON* HAND, A quantify of Second-hand Wnlelics, among which nre ' Genuine Tohins Levers." OTWIS&IRY, In {treat vnrietv ; nil the nrticles utunllv found in n Ji:\VKLUV STOKK. Boated Ware, Ji** x> n &C., AC. l3f"Tnhe Notice that Mr. Smith now offers HIS KNTIKK STOCK At Greatly Reduced Prices Xovoiabvi'lit ut$ 3m stac;eijni:i;r()m Abbeville to Washington. VFOl lt HOKSK STAGK leaves CdTSy*' Ahheville, S. oil Mondays, Wcilnesilavs, ami Fridays. Leaves Washington, tin., on Tuesday, Thursday and Snliiidnv morning*. A daily Train leaves Wellington at 7 o'clock A. it, for Atlanta. JAS, 1-1 \VA1>I)Y, Washington. .'0 IN Mi BUY I >K, Agent at. Ahheville. Office at the l'ost,-Olliee. Oct. 0-22-Cm L>K M n7 E AltLE7~ <;i:ki:n\'ii.i,k, a. c.. AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR UKALEU IN fOXlW sV'i, Paint?, Oils, Medicines, j3S#f Variiislicn, Clieiiiicah, BRUSHES, DVK-VrilFPR, Wliilo I,end X Zinc While. lllHf/i.M. CiiXjU noji WITH 1IIK ABOVK IIUMINKM Id A OUAM \NTIIK Til \T KVKUVUIINO IH "I Till: l:f>T <JI AI.ITV, AND WILL UK KOLH UM TIIK ' 10. ?i??st itr.AdoNAiii.i: tki;ms. <v-ly Wm. H. Allen's DKNTAU UOOMS will l?e CI.OMKI> ... til 11.? lrtt of Mnr<')i nex*. l)(Cciiili?r 4tli, 1850. .10 tf ~~ REED & GOODLETT, <?i?crnvillc, ?. C. ?*-OJHcq next door to V. V. Bkattik &Co J. P. K KKit.J [s. D. COODI.ETT. Jnuuai ) IJ u'o tf