University of South Carolina Libraries
li .Tftfo S??cnigetfitni8, To lot ? TUE HOUSE* in the village of OqeenvlUe. rooenUy. oeonpled by Mre. Ann l or further iMw-tk?uUrs enquire of I- >. ^ w. 11 WATSON. I Feb 6. SO tf 'V^U??7g?"l7an^V!' rpna -14tb; of February w HI soon be here. Do JL not furfcet that nt the Grccntrillo BookStore may bfc found a I^rge and Varied o*<ortmont of -ix>vo'? tender inieeives." The supply is vet unbroken. Coll early and get cne of the beets Feb 5. 80-3 i r "jijsTreceiveo at~the II Greenville Book Store, A Xete Supply of the followino WORKS ! rpHE COMPLETE GARDKXElt and FLORL 1ST, containing an account of every Vegetable Production Cultivated for tbcTabft, with ]>ireotioiia for 1'lnnting nud Raiting Flowers. Price So cents. Tiro Quadroon, by Mnvno Reid, $1.25 Scalp Hunters. " 1 28 Paul Fane, by N. P. Willi*, 1.26 Theodaaia, or the Heroine of Faith, l-OO ttelf-lustruotor in Phrenology. 60 Combo uu the Constitution of Man, 1.00 ALSO, The Mngnalnes for VEBRUA'RV, and a large tupt?Iy of .Invenilea nud light Literature Feb 5-30-2. J. C P. JETER. ?TAXJB oiF soinrH CAROI.IN a . GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SherifC'ei Sales. BY virtue o*sundry Wriia of Fieri Facias to tins directed, I will sell before the Court House door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Mou.Uv In MARCH n??? 30 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of R I'rnett, Motet Gosncll nnd Jacobl.iudsey ; ntul on Tnttdijr after sale-driv in March, ut, isrfeiidant'a residence, 10 Unstiefs corn, 1 sow nnd 10 shouts, as the property of Willinmr Lindscy, at tlie suit of M. ]>. Dickey. 186 Acres of Land; as the property of Demons Gosnell, at the suit of James McMakin. 177 Acres of Lapel, adjoining lands ofJO. DatTett* Tnrner, et. al.; as the property of James Mons, at the suit of James McMnkin. One llonse and Lot, tying in tlio * nortb-enst part of the viMagc of Greenville ; no the property of John It. Smith, at the suit of James 1L Beokenall, et, al. Sixty Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the Lauretta road, adjoining hind* of Smith, Owing*, et al. ; levied on as the property of David Bell, at the suit of John R Shall, Jnno R Shall, and others. 350 Acres of Land, more or less, whereupon defendant resides, on the State road, adjoining lands of MoKinncy, ct nl.; n? the property of Wiu. Fuller, at the suit of C. Stroud. 400 Acres of Land, moro or loss, lying on Snludn liiver nnd Golden Grove Creek, (a portion of the Trnet whereon Samuel Wilj| limns, deceased, formerly lived ;) as the property of Wcsfi A. Williams, at the auit of Moses Hendricks and others. 80S Acres of Laud, more or lean. ?d. joining lands-of Itaily, MeKinney, ft al.; as the property of C. AV.liiil,. at tbe suit of Charles Merrick and others. 300 Acres of Land, more or less, Adjoining lands of Garrison, Harrison, Rwc, Fanner. nir?l others; One Jicgro Hoy, about 10 years old ; an the property of Perry Ware, nt the of Aiuos Kskew, ct nl. TerirtS CASH ; purchasers to pnv for titles. D. 1IOKE,'8. O. P. Sheriff's Office, February , 1867. 39?t*l. Xlie State or Mouth Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALE. T>Y virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias to toe dixJ reefced, I will sell, at the residence of George Howard, on Tuesday after Sale-day in MARCH next, 2 Sows and 8 Pigs, 3 Sl?oats, 10 bushels Peas, t Cupboard, 500 bundles Fodder, 1 1 Yearling.^ 1 Yoke Oxan, 10 Chairs, 2 Hoxes ; as the' property ?r (leorg<f Howard, at the suit of 1 David Blyftie, Administrator. At Pefendant'a residence, on Tuesday after sale-day in Mnrch, one yoke of oxen and cart, as the property of liaily Bruce, at the suit of Jaaie* MoMakin. TERMS CASIt D. HOKE, S. G. D. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 4, 1857. 8?-td TYPE FOUNDERY AM) I PRINTERS' EMPORIUM, ESTABLISHED 1818. 1 TV. Hafter, Jr., Ac Co., 38 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK CITY. n-?IIR ? *V-:_ r_; ? J? ?v?.>v ?.v UM ? ion I/Iiril Il lt'MUJV _I? and the Printing interest* generally, that since tlte late lire, which injured only the manufacturing department of their establishment, they have entirely refitted the same with new machinery, and have availed themselves of the opportunity to introduce every Modern Improvement which long experience and capital can command ; I and that they have, therefore, unequalled fucili- ' ties for producing rjr "w of superior excellence and durability, and for supplying nil orders for the same with great accuracy and promptnesa. OUR NEW SPECIMEN HOOK (just issued) will be freely given to all who wish purchase, when applied for. Printers will fitl*- be particular in directing how it may be i sent. We also furnish every article needed in n J'rinting Office, at manufacturers' prices MACHINE AND HAND PRESSES.1 CHASE'S DIAMOND i'ltlySS, '( which we are ilio wiv ?g?uU in this city,) mm) of every other maker in the United States ; Ink. Chases, Stands, Imposing Stonoa, Compos ing Sticks, Ua'deys, (brass ana wood,) Furniture, do., ?fra.' Orders will likewise be filled for Paper, Cards, ' an<) JUUNTKH*' STOCK of svsrr kind, EIE6TR0TWINQ AMD 8TEREQTYPINQ, In ait their brunches. TYPE GOPPPER FA CBD TO ORDER. OM type received in exchange for new at nine ' cents per bound, H delivered in sixty days from the dgteof purchase; if later, but six eente per ' pound. Second-baud Presses (Machine and Unod,y usually, on sale. ' WM. H.VOER, Jn. * CO. . *m, II4PER, Jfh' K40CR. EOWARD ASSOCIATION 7 puiladklpuut w Important Announcement. r|X) nil person* afflicted with goxutd TMsenaes, X sneh as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Wcaknea*^ | Impotence, Gonerrhu-a, Gleet, Svphilis, the Vice of Onanism, or .Self- Attune, Ac., de. Tho HOWAIiD ASSOC/ATTOKT, In view of the awful destruction of tinman lite, cause.' by Sexual Diseases, nml tha d?ee|4ion? practised upon tlte unfortunate victims of such disease* by Quacks have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charituMr art worthy of their name to give MKnicAL auricK GRATIS to nil pore ?us thus attlicted, who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty nnd suf forintr, to furnith mt*iicinetft*4 of rkorfff. The Howard Assoeintiju is a benevolent Institution, established l?y special endowment, for tho rolle f of tlio sick and distressed, afflicted with " Virulent and Epidemie Diseases." It has now a surplus of means, which tho Directors liave voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to add that the Atsocia tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Just Published, by tl.o Association, a Report ou Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, the . vice of Onanism, Masturbation of Self Abuse an.1 other It incases of the Sexual Organ*, Ity theCoustilting Surgeon, which will ho sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope!. Free of Charge, on the receipt of TWO ST A MI'S for pontage. Address, DR. OF.O. CALHOUN', Consult inp Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, l'a. Ry order of the Director*, KZllA 1>. HART WELL, rreaideut. Oko. Faibcuilo, Secretary. Feb 5 29 tf SCHOOL NOTICE. ; THE EXERCISES OF 1 MISS llEDFERN'S SCHOOL , W ill be resumed on MONDAY, Oth OF FEBRUARY. Jnn 20 38 2 School Notice. , uaasg is. iPSDwairvjii TTTILL open a SCHOOL on the SECOND of I V t FERRIJARY, at the Fork of liunoombe 1 and Rutherford Roads. , Jan 22 ' 37 1 . Cigars ! Cigars! I MIMS 8c LONG, AT their DRUG STOUlv, are now offering for sale the following CIGARS: Cadedonia; Cabanas Gittericz : Liverpool t Rio Hondo; La Flor Lai Rosa ; Jtio Hondo 1 Colorado ; La Marilla El Comerciante La Puncltialiilad ' ll.-tvmm Sixe* Etc. Etc. Etc7 ? ALSO. ? Tlio choic^Bt nii'l Beat CHEWING nn?l RMOK, IN'G TOBACCO. 3X-tf Jnn 29 [ J. 1. IIOVKT. W. tl. IIOVKT. W. H. HOVEY & CO., propructors ok THE LADIES'STORE,: DKAI.KK8 IN < FANCY & STAPLE MY GOODS, i < ?>&!S3S ??03)3, s BONNETS, RIBBONS, ' f Housekeeping Goods, v aiJJDY MADS flLtWMEJO ' ANI> INDIA RUBBER GOODS, i OREENVILLE, S. C. N. It.?Ohler? n?,<*om|>rtni<?<I lty tlii" onsh for f Uinlicitl, 1.hw or I.ilmiry Book?, jltiaicul In*tru-i ments niul Sundiier, promptly tillr?l in Now] York, nnU delivered ?l our counter on ahnrto*t, notice. Jan 22 37-'> l v watches" ( vitdumjLffiDjuffs/ja&7.: E. I. PI^O.\ (AGENT,) BEOS leave to minoiiiico to tlio citizen* of Greonville, and surrounding country, tlint lie him opened a Stock of tlio above-named Articles on Avenue street, in the Building (orincrlv known a* " Avenue Street Confectionery," wliicli lie will soil LOW for CASH. 1IE WILL ALHO J Repair and Fit Up WATCHES, CLOCKS ANL> JEWELRY, In tlic beat of style. Tlinnkfitl to bis former patrons nn<l friends, for their liberality and patronage, lie respectfully solicits n continuance of the same. c*r Give iiim n cnll, ami he will endeavor to j n please. 37-tf Jan 22 GREENFIELD'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE. 30RNER STORE, OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE. / ; WHERE CONSTANTLY MAY HE FOUND j . A Large ANNorfmciH o| FAMILY GROCERIES: 1 FINE AND CHEAP WINES, I Liquors, Cordials and Cigars- 1 * HATS AN#* CAPS, 13??TVS &&&$> saKBias, I [IARDWABE, CHOCK ERA" J UlsMwarct and ? D II Y GOODS. Q3T North east comer Court lloqsp Square: Jan 16 3(1 tf ^ Oysters! Oysters!! Received daily, and oftrsd ? for m)a n( the Groporr Store of Jan 16 3fl-tf A. GREENFIELD. Rice apd Buckwheat Flour, 170R Sale nt Family Grocery Store of 1 L1 A. OHEF.NFIELD. *?n 3Q if BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISimEXT. a; nwxsa a fink skucotion or . Plain and fancy type, WH ARK DIKPAUKD TO DO WORK m HA8tD&OM? STVLK. CIMCVI.AU8, CATALOOl'K?, UVNUBTUA, WAV1)11.1.8, UALL TJOKKT8, I'llOUItAUUKS, *C. M Printed with Neatness and Clspatch. ' '* 03 ? '10 Si CHINA, SATIN KN'AMR I., SATIN SC It PACK, AND I'l.A IN AND COI.OKKD CAMUS, On the Most Reasonable Term*. JfiT G1VK US A W. P. PRlflk I CUtonmj At Cnur, ANO CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, DFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, ?! CT^Lt hit,: *, &a (&a Will prompttv attend to the cnllftion of Notes rind Accounts, settling C)nimr>, Ac. THSGP*3BN VlSiST" BO OK ST OR E, MAIN KTltEKT, NEXT-TO M.UKEVt HALT,, tiPi\ WllKUE constantly may be found n EjS?t?lnrye nu<l well selected Stock of MlSCKI/LA Ni:0i;s, SCHOOL nnd OLASSICAL liOOKS, Writing Paper, Klatik Hooks, Meiri>rnndmns, Ac.: Writing Desks nnd Cases, PortFolios, Cold nnd Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax, Waters, Slates, Copy Hooks. Inkstands, ltuers, Ac., Ac. " J. C. P., Ian 15 Sft-l v Sign of the Hig Hook. Having Purchased rJ"MIE interest, of E. J. FltlTZ, in the late Firm 1 of F It IT/ A* Pi.NSJN, 1 beg leave to call be attention of 1 lie citir.eiis of Oreenville nnd urrounding country, that I will enrry on tbc iusiness as heretofore, at the Old Stand next, to 'owei s A Kldrodgo. The Stock comprises a largo variety of , BLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, CHINA WARE. PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, ivliic li we oiler to sell CHEAP for CASH, Having engaged the aervieog of a first class A'orkman, we make no hesitancy ii\ ensuring ntisfuctiou with ull Work loft with us. r^~ All trr <i*k ix a Trial. ^ )ON' T F 0 li G E T THE P L A 0 E . SAMUEL STRADLEY. Greenville, .Innuary 7, 18.77. 35-tf f k 11 u re l rs )RUG STORE AND APOTHECARY SH P, UNHEIt McDEETS HALL, <&a3aa3 i7a^!L3,'s. a, WHLUK will he constantly kept, on hand the purest stock of 1>IUJGS, M 111 )lt'INKS, CI I KM K "AI,S, l'ATHNT de.licines, Surgical Instruments, Paints, 'Dvetuffs, Varnishes, I'ulty, Tobacco, Segai-s, Spirit ins. Oils, Candles, Soaps, Spices, llriishes, Toilet Vrliclcs, Combs, 1M Turnery ; an<l all other nfti les generally kept by Druggists. tW Fresh nun pure ltrugs arc warranted and old at. low prices. Compound medicines are prepared in !|iontost arofnl wav. Iloeoipts ami prescriptions af any iiid put in will, aceuriicr, neatness and di?intell. 8.7-1 Dm .Ian K AGENCY FOR ' AFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! ' TTME ^SME"V3LLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insures Houses, Store* and other Prop rtf AJiAlNST FIUE: And the J^'ve* of Whito Persons and Slaves, between t/ic ayes of 10 and 00 years, t, f \N suoh term* its to render it n most sit ft* end V. / dosirntdc investment. Full details, with lie Constitution ami Uy-l*nws of the Company, fill he furnished on application to nny of the Ui* leer* of the Co'.Upanv. JOSKIOI 0. OSROKXF, Pret't WM. W. M. lHlWKMt l'i,y7V?. Jas. B. Uaxkix, Seeretarjf <{' 'JYcasur' r. ' JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, .Inn R 35-ly QKEENVILLK, H. C. JUST OPENED, VT TilK LADIES' STORK. A FINK ASSORTMENT OF I" Alt IBS' Misses' nod (louts' Merino Under I J Vest-S, Hosiery, Cloves, Onuntlets, ?(e. I.n<li**s' and (loiitlcnions* Lout; Shawls I " " Misses' Clonks, front *1.25 to fcRh A few more pieces of those tine French Meriios niul ltel.uines. | A I.SO, i np^-irimum. 01 i?fii unil nt!i?r 15KANKKTS | ICr.idy-.lliulc C'lolliiiiK, | Some very fine Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoos, &c., ill of which \v<- nro disposed to sell ?? cheap as i io?.?ililo. U. II. IIOVKV tV CO. | Jan Ti 05 tf__ j To TliOMe Indebted. It I'M IF. tnliMtilwr informs those of his custom-1 crs lm\in.vC unpaid Wills nt liis Store, tjntf. i I in is wanting momy. and requests tlicm to make pe?dr payment, Ity so doing they will not on- j < y oblige, hut. niny save much inconvenience. ! i J mi 15 3(5-4 A. GREENFIELD, j1 PIANO TUNING. a.?, THE subscriber would of-: fer his services to the citizen* ?tli Greenville end the sur- j t /i-fcr |f .rounding country in the n-j ' L?hove business. lie will give | ntisfnetion, or no charge will he made. r I S. M. MUKl'IJKY, ' June 5. 4 '! Brandies, r^TINES, POUT Eli, ALE, & c., of;! ? the West qualities, for medical purpose, for aale nt the Store of i A. GREENFIELD. * Jap 1$ 84 if 1 Apple Vinogar. ' A FINE article to be had at the Funnily Gro.V eery Store of A. GREENFIELD. Jan J j >i 80 A -LJ ! B? BfcatS of Sooth Carolina. CJHE1KNY1LLB DISTRICT. Sheriff ** Sale*. T)V virtue of no orJtr from the Court of OrX3r ?Jlni?pr of Greenville Dbtriet, 1 wi? offer lwfcre iho Court Howie duen uf **id Dtetn<*t, HI tin- usual hour* of tale, on the FiltST MONDAY in UAUCU *e*t. Wltlint I'ifee, Pare*) and Tract of LAND, IviM'fPi '*** ^* THstrUA on both side* of Wler's Creek, h<1jc>Lnffvir land*of 111* late John Haw kin*. decasciVMr*. l?n?ah Dill, J?nee Trammell, and qt)i?i^iaironUipi(^ 7"ir> Humlred tmi 77iir/yFour Atret, more or leu, The nlwve land i? in tWo Trie!*, and- known m the Jnok Trammell I'liK* and the Horatio,Port ?t Tract, and may lie wild separately. Hold for Partition among the heir* of the lute Jamks Piokkit, deceased. . . ? Aiao, All tlmt Pieee, J'Hreel nnd Trnet of 1,ANI>. lying in (JiHvenville lHetrlcl, on Waters of Saluda Uiver, adjoining land* of John Chile*, Widow Xowby, and other*, nnd containing Our Hundred onif itHrf/f Arret, mnro or lc**. Hold a* the |?ro|>erty of Mr*. ?I.\xie lb?( decensed, for Partition amongst,the heir* Athk AH tkntPiow, Pnwl mid Trnct of LAND, lying in G Bienville l>i?trict, on Maple Creek, watern of Kuorec Hiver, adjoining landsof Ilembre Green, /nines A. Sober. and other*, and containing Tiro Hundred and TtrtntffdH* A ere*, more or leas. Sold ns the property of 1'rihml.ia Srnrn, deceased, for Partition amongst the heirs of snid deceased. ai>O, All thst Piece, Pnrcel nnd Trnot of LANT), containing 7Vco Hundred Aere*, lying in Greenville District, on Mnple Creek, witters of Itccdv River, adjoining land* of ill**. Well*, Lewis Rodger*, nnd others. Sold ? the pro|>erty of Amokrson Rkav. decensed, for Partition amongst the heirs of snid deceased. The above Intid niny l>e sold m two Tracts. Particulars made known on day of sale. TERMS OKSALK?A credit of twelve months, with interest from dnte ; purchaser giving bond to the Ordinary, with two good securities, and n mortgage of the land, if deemed necessary, to Secure the payment of the pnrclinsc money. Purchasers to pav for titles. D. IIOKK, S. O. D. Sheriff's Office, 13tli Jan., 18.">7. 3tt-td The State or South Carolina. i/iiUEEN VI IJ,E 1 USTlilOT. . IX T1IK COURT OK ORDINARY. J. S.'lWoil. Exopiltop norniltaf Milna floooolf rj.-MonitlCyt Garrett, his wife, nndothc. s. J'rtiSettlement and Deerer. r'T appearing t(i my satisfaction that Mile* OiUUitt. on.l Margaret Garrett) hi* wiff, a*id Tlpf nux.. .0, l'wleii, Robert M. 1'fiii.Mi, David >f. l'eocn,- nnil Mary K. I'cilfn, Legatees of-.IoiI^'Amcson I'KtMcM, deceased, reside bfymiil the linyf^uf this Stnte. U is, therefore, Ovdoro.l, Tluit they do appear nt a Court of Ordinary to ln'-holdon nt Greenville Court House for Greenville District, on Friday, the Oth day qf Marrh, next, nt 11 o'clock, A. >1., to shew online, if any ttiey hove, why n Finn! Settlement of said estate sipiuld not be made, or tliejr consent to the same will lie taken us confessed. Givi'hhmler my hniul, thin J8t|i .lay of December, A. D?, 18,Hi. UOnKUT McKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, 1 Greenville, 8. C, V Dec. 25. 83-3in The State of South Carolina. . ' GRKHNVILLK DISTRICT, (Iu the Court of Orcliuuvy, William Golightly, A.lminiirtrntor, Applicant, ngiiiiist Nnncy Smith, llirnm Smith. David - 8ipitly,'''Madismi 1). Iriftis and Hester his wife, ! . (Icui pU Smith, KlluilieMi Hons, Defendant!*.? Petition for Pinnl Settlement ami Decree. TT 0|>j?e.iring to my satisfaction that llirnm' JL 'Smith, Dnvi.l Smith, Madison D. I .oft is nod I 11 enter ,his wife, Joseph Smith nnd Kliznbeth i Ross, 'reside without, the limits of this State: It is, therefore, Orilered, Tlint they d<i appear nt a ; Cq.iH of .Ordinary, to be holden nt Greenville 1 C'mtrt. ijiiuse, for Greenville District, on the Dili j day of Mnreh next, at II o'clock, A. M., to shew j cause, if .nay they have, why a Filial Settlement mid Decree of the. Personal Kstnte of Zilmnn I ->iiiiIli deceased, should not he mn.le, else their 1 consent tt> the same will be entered of record. UOHKKT M.KAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Other, Pith Dec., lHilA. 32-12 j Tne o. ? * ?? m?wi?cu, per Diewner vieorjjia, At lite Greenville Bookwlorc, RANK'S AlurriO KXI'l.OUATlONS: 2 vol- ! , times. Price. fcj.oO. Ali j- ?-<? ilj>}fto Work* i?f l-Miinr Allen Poc | 4 ' yoltiiju"*. Price, s?l.5n. Also, the 4t!i volume MsimrhtK Hrirr, $l.?iO. Sermon*. Price, $1.00, Vn ylpud'* Principles of Baptist*. Price, $1.00, ! J.ippnH-olt's (Jnzetteer of the World, l'ricc, * If ilia of Slmtcmuc ; by author of " Wide, Wide Worhf.' l'rice, *1.2.% TuhWnii.l Itoiminces of llcndrick Conn Inn. >nu'iv other valuable Work*. Jan'15 :iu * minrfl* JETER. j Bakory & Confectionery,* ! I.DWARrTuiTZ, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Main Street, opposite Drs Mims & Long's, ' "J)K^PKCTFIILLY informs the citizens of' J V ' Greenville, nnd the public genernlly, (lint J lie hns locnted himself nt the nhove place, nnd will be plenscd to furnish orders for LOAF 11UEAT) AND RUSKS, PASTRY, I liF.S, CONFKCTIONEltV, CARES 'OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Wit AVVTIIIVr: viop iv nits r ivd Iti? Store will lie always supplied with the | ihiit'C artiolea, awl he re^peetfullv snlirjt? a coll. ; Iff Wedding and other Parties will l>c furniidieil^itt ehoi't notice. Jar 15 36 tf w KiimkcI'M Wasazhif." I^lIK first nninher of 1 ' i* MAUA/IXK will lie j published in Charleston on the 1st of March, i ?;.7. * We hope to ninke it a faithful representative ' >rj?iin of Southern Genius, -Taste and Opinions, n every branch of Litkavtcrk, Art, and Of.vri.tL Poi.itkW, Our design having been already jxtenslvelv advertised, we deem an elnlioratu iVospvetus unnecessary. The work must speak ror itself. Jn regard to its form, we shall make "ItlackMngaaiue the model of our own, a* fur is cirt'jjiiistnnoe* may permit. Havtftjr adopted a system of liberal remnneradon.-^ya con ensure the services of the ablest i sriters, and, coiptcpi^Mtly, place ourselves above , Jie rtAoasfty of ftCAoptj|)g articles of doubtful ill rlfc, ?*r,/ephemeral interest. Thy fprice, of the Mazarine is Tliree Dollars aer fthmirt*, payable upon the rerejpt of the first lutrU^:... Single numbers wilt he furnished, and subscriptions received, l>y Agents throughout the ' toiithern Stsfea, y hose names wj!) be annaupned it aft fiir+T day, CorrftftpHndrttf* ?nd friends yill. for the nrc.lent; address lR;d*EL'S M*G AZ1NE."Chaides ftn, ?. O, , . , RUSSELL <b JONES. W. B. CARLISLE. . l\ M- W4VXU. MHtWttf MM* CURRENT. CCMHkKOriUk VKKKIT VO? TUB BWTKHPRJ8K, _ By Grady ft Goodlett, Merchant!. Ohrknville, FKBHCAHT 4, 1637. BA0G1N0, Gunny, per yard, ? 26 IhtmUe. a 20 BACON ... .Hams, ^>or lb., new, 124 Shoulders, 44 10 " Hides, 44 12 J Ilog round, 10 PORK, nett, 0 u UCTTER ? ,Goshen, per lb. none. Country, per lb. 15 COFFEE,,.Kio, per lk 15$ Java, | crib. 18 ? 20 I DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. a 10 | Sheeting, pet yd, 10 ? 15 ! i Onnnburg*, yerv<l. 11 u FLOUR.... Country, jk?i bnl. 60 a 67 00 Country, [or sack, a 43 GRAIN Corn, per bushel. 60 a 70 Wheat, per i. 4110 61.16 Oats, pei bushel, a 35 IRON Sv'cte>, per lb. 0| a 7 Rntrliuli ??..p IK ? * ? I ?? ?i,vil ,l"" " i LAUD por H*. a 13 MOLASSKS. \V. 1. per gal. 70 N. O., pur. gal. new crop, none, SYRUP....44 44 per gal. 44 OILS Lamp, por gal. ?1$ a ifr'2J j Train, j?er gnl. 87$ ? $1$ Linsood, $lj RICE per lb. a 8$ ROPE per lb. 15 ? 20 SUGAliS...N. Orleans,por lb. a 14 Porto ltico, per lb. a 14 Loaf, per lb. 20 Crushed, |h? lb, 20 Refined, jx?r ib. u 10$ SALT per bushel, $1 i Salt, per sack, &2 25 SOAP .Colgate,pale, 12-J ? 16 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 1 SHOT per lb. 12$ SLot, j?cr bag, a $2J ??????? j The Goodiett House. TIIIS LARGE AND C( )MMOHiiL<liou? ttuilding, situated in the centre of i thu Town of Greenville, furtnuply Viiqwii n* Tlie pianier'n Hotel, ha* l>ccn recently purchased by the subscriber, nml will be opened far the reception nnd nccommoilntioi) of Boarders and Travellers on the | First of January. Tlie llousp wi'l be entjrely newly f?irnia|io?l in | every department, and the Proprietor will en I deavor to make it one of the first Hotels in tJic | upper country. it. p. (;oouli;tt. Doc. 85. 33 tf E R~ STOKES, BOOKBINDER AND Blank-Hook Hauiilactiircr, (In roar of Carolina Times Ofhoo,) I 8. 0. BLANK BOOKS ruled to any pattern, an.l manufactured of the best, materials and jn the most durable manner. PF.nIODICAT.S, MUSIC BOOKS, Ac., lound in | every variety of Style, at short nidiae. , fa>w Country orders promptly attended to. .J^*2 Dec 4 * 30 ly Camphine. Buraiiiitf Fluid, SODA WATEH, QINQKIi POP, PORTER AND ALE. rI'MIK subscriber is now* manufacturing a supo1 ri,.r nrtjole of CAM I'll INEand BURNING FLUID, which lie will deliver to customers nt the lowest price for cashHe also prepares SODA WATKR and GINGER POP, \v||inh he will deliver to order. iiv 11114 n iMiisinnt supply ot iwiMlwl AI.K and I POKTI'.K. ??f the best fjiinlity, alwityn on hand. Those desiring either of tin* uixivp articles will 1 dense send their orders to my >hop, I ivp doors ivlow the College Steward'* Hall, Columbia, S. C., where they will meet with prompt attention. | Jan 8 35-1 y K. F. llF.t. Q. 9. BOWER, ITIai?iifnrtiir<*r an?l I>? :iler lit / FL'ItX ITU It K of every description, CIIAIRS of every stvle. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALIC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Cone/aree Jfouxe, Pec. 11. COLUMBIA, S. C ly Tliompson's AnvlioptTc St Aropiatic Tooth Soap, , UAXCIIRTTO Saponaceous Dentrifice; J. O. J Jogrush's ttupeiior Tooth Soap; Another lot of l'altn of a Thousand Flower?, ; Thompson's Celebrated Washing Compound, 1 Gorman Chemical Erasive Soap, for Cleaning Paints, removing grease, tar and printer'* inlf. This soap is unsurpassed. Just received and for sale at the New < Ding ft|oro of MINIS ?fc LONG. 1 Sept. 18. 19 tf. I J STAGE LINE FROM A 1.1 ill - W. s 4 no uc vine 10 w asiungton. VFOI'lt 1IOIWK STAMK leave* ydBPt.*Abbeville, 8. O., on Monday*, Wednesday*, nnd Fridays. I/'iivrt Washington, tin., on Tuesday, Thursday and Sntnr<Jny morning#. A daily Trnin leave* VVn-diington at 7 a'jjopk ; A. 31., for Atlanta. . ' ? JAM. F.. WADDY. Washington. .IOIIX M. BKYDK, Atfent at Abbeville. Of ! , due at the Post-Oftice. Oct. 9-22-tm J ! i Books from the American Tract < {Society. ;1 IlIHT received, a large supply of the abovetinmed Society'* publication*. among which < will lw? found ! 1 I >'Aiihigr,e'a lljstorv Hcfoi inatiop I'lnvel'* Method of Grncp " Fountain of Lifo u Christ Knocking at the l>oor i 1 Night of Toil l'recept U|>on ]>repppt 1 Life of Kai'li And ntanr pther* too rpiwieron* to mention. , The value and moral character of these work* are *o wall known, that any not ice of them would | he uselcM. We have some of the best. Call and ace for vourvelf. 1, J. 0. V. .TETKK, Jau')J 50 Crccuville Bookstore. ' ... . ^ 4 NEW FALL AND WWTER awexgiK ?H? ?'ft *? ft***! fc WWWWTO'* rFMI ANKKl'L for j.?v*? |*?tron?g*, re?j?*?HWlyi 1 inform their friend* end the (mime gemr nllv, Hint they nro now rveeivinjr a hurge DUrfc ennsistinenf Yerv t'lioiee Fnbrie*. New Ptyle* mi?l KLKQAKT t>RS|GN8 for * URESS GOODih A lurgo n nd ir#ll wleotrt! ?tnclc of Ooode forr (EOTTOflfllVJ'S WSAB. Ready-Had* Clothing* Hiti?iida, Ilnliwy Shirt in-/, Sliretii^ HATS AND OAP*,. )ts au4 Shoes, HARDWARE AND OUTtBRT, CROCKERY AND Gl.ASSWAftL Dnu} i% DYE-%TWr8# &?ftV^ GROCERIES ! 'JSW^glT|Min ilie most reasonable term* for en*h. We deem it tiniioceuai'y to enumerate i\"i nt oven n portion or thearticles wo have on hautl^ invito the public to nu inspection of ottr Stock, It tituhrncca cverv nrtiolo usually kept, and we tltink that customers will find it. to their, advantage to give no a etill 111* Kent 1 trick Store south of tlio Now Court Ifou&e. GRADY A UOODLETT. Oof. 2. 21 tf Selling Off* ? THE EXTENSIVE STOCK 09"A\a J o welry of ChnrlcR S m i t li, 1- ,'^h op|ko?itc tho Mansion Houro, wil^ l?o closed out at very low pricey viz: A quantity of vorv fine Gold and Silver Wntcht ee, of English" and Swiss Manufacture. I'lnin, Lnpinc, Anchor*, I.cvers, li nil Hood Titpq. Keepers, 1.tuple* and Chronometers. AI>0, ON HANI\ A quantity of Second-hand \YateHe*, among which are "Genuine Tobias L?vct|." In great variety | all ihe articles lisual>y fonu4 in a JEWELRY STORE. English Plated Wave* &C., &c. h#' lake Notice that Mr. Smitii now offor^ IMS KNTTKK STOCK At (Jreatly Reduced PrjcesNovemhui' 20. 28 3m D R M. B. EARLE, GREENVILLE, S, C? AT THE SIGN OF THE GQLDEN MQRTAft wa ? jrainu, oils, ^ Medicines, Varnishes* CfeoiuicAlu, 5?| BRUSHES* DYE-STDITS, White Lead Ac Zinc White* Ills LOXO CON.\?XTIOX WITH TIIK ABOVK BUSINESS A (lUARAXTXK TII^T f.\KRY t lUXO 18 OK V?* BV?T QUALITY, AMI WILL UK 8<>V? ?>>-\ THY 1 19. M?I<T RKASOXABI.K TIM4M8. 6-}j* Wm. H. Allen's nEXTAL ROOM* viU V.o gUOSED ^ntjl tb?\ Int. of Mnrcli iioxk. Decoiriber 4th, 18{>0. 30 If Elford & Donaldson, ($3*^ O, <&, C. J, ELFORO. T. Q. B0NAL0SONt .Inn. 10. 35 Stu EEED & GOODLETT, sssrcs'sro Ana Greenville, t'. jC-rJrOITiec next door to J\ t\ Pbattik <fcCo, J. 1>. nRK.n,] [8, U. UOODLETT. Jnnunuv 12 85 tf 51 o, lor (lie West! A* I INTEND MOVING WEST, I Biii off.iu for Mile my 1..1.MM c.n lh?r*epcn Creek, I I miles Southeast of Greenville C. H., containing nliout 780 Acrw. On tlie |>l?ce in o very large of Woodland, as well timbered ns any in (lie liistriet. The {'Imitation i? in.gpojj order. On it is lyjjnVY' Hiirinnr ili^ t reck Rot loin, ami some v?ry good *]n* J.... -.1 *> ' .?? J ucr uuiin .11 iiim, iin'i vrrj'jtt'liMWfCilBrui. I IIC im< provcincnts are nil in good rc-pnir, consisting of a commodious Dwelling, good Kitchen, with a, Work-room attached, Meat-house, large Corn? crib, Stables, Cow-liouso, Sheen f>ld, Fodder and liny Iiar??t house fny Plqntaltpn Tools, Wagon Sped mill Carriage iUfiisr, OnrpgnterV and Illncksmiths' Simp, mui a good Oversnor'? House nnd Xegro Oitl?ins. Also, ft new ninl nenl Buih llousn i?t the Spring, nanr t|te residence. The plnce in well wftfofOtV. Tjierc jtrc ijgyernl springs of pure water, nml the Greek runs through, nenrtheppn* I re of the "Tract. The Dwelling is situated on in eminence, and commands a view of n large portion of the farm. The place is perfectly healthy, nnd, for a person wishing an Up-country draiiiqr Stock farm, this would lie a very desirih]e plage. 1 will soli low. For f\irt|icr inlorliation inquire of the proprietor, on the place, A. J. STOX& Clear Spring P. O., S. C. Oct. 30, 25 tf, Escaped, XOWlHtS, n free person of eolor, was f T jirppitud l?y mc, on the 28d innt., with a hate's Warrant. Said Xuwilon in nhont six feet ligh, rather square huilt, very dark eoJor, and weighs about 175 or 181) pound*, lie is from Abbeville l>ibfriet, S. (\. and this notice is ip ft'?', list me in ee-onpturing him, Apy information reipeeting liini will he thankfully received by wt) i?t. Greenville Court House. Nov 27 29-tf Z. MARTIN, Marshal. Stuttering and stammering Oured BY DR. WYCKOFF. Of PiHuhnry;, Pa, WITHOUT PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. yXJ'lIO \^ill send the cure to any part of ihq ft World, on the rueeipt of j?10; mid thij lionev returned, if the cure is not effectual.?5fSJ~All letters must be addressed Iff l)R. U'YOK()FF, Rox 748, I'jlUhurg. ' ?., 111 ***c fl At: Lhnrs, Rodger* ?l to., Thinker*. p. S.?Correspondents will plenac enclose stamp Tor return postage. Cautiox.? All person? who cannot produce my 'outline certitlcnte, arc humhugi. 1)11. W. Seplemhci 25. '{O ly.