University of South Carolina Libraries
rn JBrom FloridaWs ore indebted Jo the purser of lbs simmer Cartdifia, Capt. Surti*, for Florida papers W vlw Intent date*. An extra of tho National Democrat, dated January 30th, has Volunteer* Jjlaqnirrd Immediately for t United. State* Services.?Under the requisi- j tfen of ttr'l Urig. <>oneral Win, 8. Ilarney, r commanding the department, of date the t lUth day of January, 1857, three indenond- r ni companion of foot volunteers, chietly for r boat service, will be received into the service l of Hie United Slates for six months, unless t sooner discharged. One company on the St. . Johns river, to be mustered into service at Paint ft*. Florida; one on Indian river, and , ?ne on Mosquito Lagoon and Llalifax river; j the two latter companies to bo mastered into service el New Smyrna. The orflwnization of a comnnnv of foot I volunteers la as follows : ono captain, one 1 1st lieutenant, one 2d lieutenant, four ser ' geauts, four corporals, two musicians, and seventy-four privates. The allowance from the rendezvous to the point of the muster are necessary transportation, 25 cents per man, tor subsistence, for ; each twenty miles march, and the soldier's ] per diem. ? The General commanding is anxious to receive the companies in service with as lit- j tie delay as practicable, and it is the desire | ( of the undersigned to facilitate his wishes and ' movements. 1 theret >ie give notice, that the first three companies of the description ' above, reported to this office, within thirty davsfroin this date, complete in organization ' and strength, will be received. By authority j of the Governor. JESSE CARTER, Special Agent. Special Agency, State of Florida, Tampa, January 24, 1857. Indian Hews.?The last news from tlie upper St. Julius is to the effect that Indians are supposed to bo concentrated in considerable force in tire swamps about New Smyrna. Cuptniu Bullock's company litis moved < to a position to intercept the Indians, whi.e | Sheldon, with a company, is to make a do iiiotistruiion in the rear, where the Indians are supposed to be located. ' Printer's AsylumIn the October number of the Typographical Advertiser, a journal published in tiiis city by Messrs. L, Johnston it Co., appear- I ed an aiticle suggesting tho establishment i ' of an Asylum for superannuated or disabled \ printors. It has been urged again in a sue- i ceeding number of the same periodical, and ! the proposition has inet with decided favor j from the craft in this city, and wherever it i has been brought to their attention. No i one can question the propriety, ami indeed ! the necessity of such an institution ; for, i among the large numbers of persons engag- 1 ud in the printing business, there are many ! whose health is completely broken down, or I who are disabled by age and injuries, who 1 ought to have some more safe and reliable 1 provision than the precarious charity of the ' public at large. At the same time it dishon- 1 ors a noble fraternity to have any of its, f members driven to tbe condition of com- I ' mon paupers, in tho time of their age and ' infirmity, and obliged to go to tho Alms I j House. 1' Messrs. L. Johnston ?fc Co., l?csides start- ! I ing the project, have, in the handsomest ' 1 maimer, headed a subscription list f??r this* j ' noble object, wit It a contribution of one j I thousand dollars. We leant, too, that n|i libera! and benevolent gentleman, residing t' near this city, has ottered through them, to I give two acres of ground, in a healthy and !' beautiful surburb of the eitv, as a site fori ' the proposed Aslyum* Here then is h hand- j some begining for a most excellent object.? i The ground is provided ttttd ot.o thousand j . dollars is given 'towards the building. It, , only requires now, a little liberality and en- j ergy on the part of the thousand of printers in this community, active and retired, to se-! ! cure for Philadelphia the honor of establishing the first Asylum for Superannuated i nnu uisahied i'miters, and lo ami another'' j^^^^^^^helong list ot her noble benevolent in- ! ^fcg^^Messrs. Johnston &. (Jo., deserve I ' but credit, not only for sTarn^^P^B| .. for their liberality in cunti ibutingtowm^^^ its execution. [Philadc!i>hia Evening Bulletin' i ^ *<3>' ? William Smith. iho nowlv elected sheiilVj of Madison county Ohio, opened llie court for the first time with the following novel speech : " llear 3'C. The honorable court of com- j inon pleas within and for the country of, Madison and State of Oliio, is now in scs-1 *ion, And ready to transact such buisinoss as may regularly come before it, where the guilty sometimes go unpunished, and the innocent unnecessarily sutler?where the honorable judge stands abashed at the depravity and stupidity of mankind?and where the lawyers cause perfect and disastrous wreck of your pocket hook, and the sheriff ready stands' with an unrelenting heart, to take your goods, chatties, and all your clothes; and if, at the intervals of mnri rh?.in should anv property fall into your bands by any deceased relative wo again stand to put you through !'" Sombtijiso in it.?The name of one ol the domestic members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, by whose vote Forney was de feated and Cameron elected, is Meaner, who we are told, openly boasts that he received 8,000 for voting for Cameron, lie says lw wou|d have voted for Forney for 5,000, bu no offer was made. The hoarders at th< liotel whero Meaner was hoarding very prop erly protested against his remaining aftc this self exposure, and the landlord dismiss ed him. Another landlord to whoin he aj plied declined receiving him. The lain lord, at wIiom) hotel Laho and Wagonsello the other two renegades, hoarded, gav them notice to quit. It is said an effort wi be inade to ex|?ol Meaner from the legLli turc.' If this bo tro", thore mnv be srrnv tiling in a inline after all. 'll 1-ll^-^.'-T *."f.-iv yur DEATH OF HON. P. 8. BRQOK8. The Funeral Washington, Jan. 29. Of the Hon. Preston S. Brooks took place his morning. At one o'clock, the Committee of Arangeinents, pall hearers and mourners, atcnded at lhowu's Hotel, and the corpse was , emoved, in charge of the Committee of Ar> angementa, attended hy the Sergeant-at- 1 \rms of the llonse, to the Hall of the House 1 ?f Keprescutatives, whoie divine service was performed. The funeral then moved from the Hall of lie House to the Congressional Cemetery, in the following order : The Chaplains of both Houses of Congress. Physicians who attended the deceased. COM MITT KB OK A UIIA NO EM K NTS. Mr. .John McQueen, Mr. T.'S. Bocock, Mr. AI8?. DeWitt, Mr. W. H. Snoed, Mr. John Wheeler, Mr. J. F. Dowdell, Mr. Daniel Mace, Mr. J. W. Denver. Mr. J. (J. Allen, VALL BKAhkbs. Mr. II.A. Edmuudson.Mr. J. Clancy Jones, Mr. Alex. II. Stephens,Mr. W. W. Valk, Mr. A. 1\. Marshall, Mr. A. Itnst, Mr. H. 11.Thruston, Mr. J. Scott Harrison. The family aud the friends of the deceas3 1. 1'hc Senafots and Representatives from the Stale of South Carolina as mourners. Fhe Sergeant-nt-A rins of the House of Representatives. I'he House of Representatives of the United Stales, proceeded by their Speaker and Clerk. I'he other olhcers of the House of Reprcsen latives. The Sergeant at-Arms of the Senate. The Senate, proceeded by their President j and Secretary. The other oflieers of the Senate. The President of the United States. The Heads of Departments. Chief Justice and Associate Justices of Supreme Court of United States and its officers. The Judiciary of the District of Columbia. The Diplomatic Corps. The Comptrollers, Auditors, and other Heads of Rureaus of the several Departments of (fovcrument, with their oflieers. Officers of the Army and Navy at the seat i of (jioverntnenf. The Mayor of Washington. I liO Hoards ot Aldermen Hint (Viiiinori Council. Citizens and Stranger*. [ Wdx/iitit/loii Slar, Jan. 29. f " ? -- Deatii ok Hon. 1*. S. IJuooks.?The I Washington Evening Star says : " instantly alter the sad event iook place! it was known over the city, and the halls of i the hotel were crowded with inquiring and sorrow-stricken citizens and strangers. We ; never before knew such an event to give j is? to such wide-spread, real grief, as was i nanitested in this community on that oc- I taaion. No man ever in Congress has been ! note universally and sincerely beloved hero, or no other litis been endowed with a nojler nature or more 1 >vable '.rtiits of charaeLer ? The heart felt grief manifested last night by so many men of all parties of high j intelligence, all of whom knew him well, j personally, affixes the stamp of falsehood to | the partisan slanders concerning him, with j which so large a portion of the Northern : press has teemed, tor political effect, for a year past. If ever a death touched the1 teart of this community?of all classes and | rarties congregated in the Federal metrop ; ?lis?it is in this case. That of l'reston S. j L$rooks is mourned, mourned, mourned." | Tub Last Momkntk ok Hon. Piikston S. I ikooks.? Hon. Pie-ton S. Hrooks was ta-1 ken on Sunday night with croup and swell ing of tlie throat, and Monday night became quite ill. Dr. Uoyle was sent for, and every j fittentioii was paid him by the physician and | lis numerous friends. J ucsday morning J>o was so inucli improved that all danger was supposed to be, passed. JIo was visited throughout the dav ?V his associates in Congress, l>v Judgej duller and other Senators, and was nppa- ' 1 i? ulllj cheei f"1 1 *7 llt'.H/lott there were with Mr. Brocks, 1 >rs. Boyle and Hall, of Washington; Dr. Lynch, of the! United States Aiuiy, and 1 Ion. Messrs Orr | and McQueen, of South Carolina. Suddenly Mr. Brooks was seized with a choking? every remedy was availed of, but he expired in about five minutes. Nkw Yohk, Jan. 28. Detention of the Tennessee?Arrest of FiUibusters.?The steamer Tennessee, for California, was detained to day in consequence of the repairs not being HnisheJ. Several liliibusters were arrested here to' day, including Col. Fabens and Alexandria Lawrence, the Nicaragua Colonization j agents; Henry Bolton and his Clerk. Messrs ! Label.s and Lawrence were ordered to giv< | bail in the snin of $3,000 each, which being j refused they were committed to prison. ' The Tennessee is announced to sail lo morrow. _ j Oi.d Cloth kh.?Wo linve had the pleni I nre litis morning of seeing and of handlinj 1 tho identical suit of clothes worn by El f bridge (jerry, at the signing of liic Declare i i tion of Independence. it is of tho ancien ' style, tho coat white and long, with ama , I sleeves but hi go cutis and lined thronghot I with silk. The vest or waistcoat is of > | similar material, and also very long. Tli I breeches nre of green silk, with hnndsoin e; knee buckle*. i It will lie remembered that besides bein r a signer of the l>eclaration of Indepeiideuc i- the distinguished wearer of this sotnewhi > dilapidated, hut still respectable, and alwa; I- venerable suit, was a Governor of Massftchi r, setts, in 1708, and at the iiine of his deal e in 1814, was Vice President of the Unit! II States. The suit will be worn to-night i- tho concert of the Chelsea Continentals, giv< ?- for the hencHt of the poor of the town. I | floistvii Traveller. * "fr : i"ii?j?>. i SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. W. P. PEIcbT Sditor. ? " . r 'm ,^i OUH MOTTO?* EQUAL RIGHT* TO A10," ' GREENVILLE, 8. y( ;.t' Thursday, February ?3rThe indisposition of lite j?,ul)I which Ims compelled our personal "attention Lo the types, accounts for the mesgreneas qf our editorial columns aud the late hour which we appear this morning. Death of Hon. Preston' 8. Brooks. 1 Ere this, the intelligence of the death of our distinguished Representative has been hear*! throughout the length aud breadth of the land. The South has reason to mourn the loss of one of its ablest and bravest defenders, and by bis death the State lias sustain ccl a bereavement from which it canuot boom recover. We pronounce no eulogy upon hia character-i-thnt duty is left to those moro competent than we are, and mori intimately acquainted with his private and public character. Ilis virtues will ever be cherished by a large and esteemed circle o^ friends ; the heroic deeds accomplished upon the battle field in defence of his country's honor, will bo remembered by a grateful posterity as long as historians write and history tells the story; whilst his faults (and who hath them not ?) will be forgotten in the recollection of his manly chaiacter, his impulsive nature and generous frankness. The following tribute was paid to his mem ory by Hon. Uodkkt Toombs, of C?a.) in a speech delivered in thoSenato of the U. $. on the 29th inst., when the announcement of his death was made: u At an eaily ago, he entered the Tegp^ profession, where his promising success wYnl soon interrupter! by a call from his country! to the battle field of Mexico. A Captaiti,W' the Palmetto regiment, it is sufficient ibr bis fame to say that lie shared in the perils and honors of that distinguished corps. Hav? iug returned from Mexico, lie resumed the pursuits of private life, but w as soon called l?y the people of llic Ninety-Six District to represent them in the Congress of the United States. It was the home of him?elf and of his ancestors, and the fathers of those who called hiin into their service had served shoulder to shoulder with those ancestors,in our revolutionary struggle, and hud given one of them the same evidence -of their confidence and regard. To this district, with its uiany other true patriots and statesmen, whom it had given to the public council** both living and dead, the country is indebted for those distinguished stalestmen Rttd patiiota, Harper, Calhoun and McDuflie, trow no more, but who are already enrolled among those ,4 few immortal names that were not horn to die." ' .Mr. 1 hooks among tts in troublesome times. The genius of discord brooded over our National Councils. Sectional strife | had driven concord and fraternity from our I legislative halls and reigned supreme.? Stales, staUsmen, and principles, loved, honored, and revered, garnered up in the heaVt' of hearts of one portion of the people, wore objects of the bitterest vituperation and invective bv the representatives of another.??( Entering Congress in this ciisis, ho threw himself into the conflict with characteristic decision and firmness, on the side of dntv,' of his convictions, of his countrr, and with! distinguished ability and eloquence sustained tlie lights and lienor of that constituency who had so 44 lie retained, what he justly merited, the undiminished confidence of his constituents ; who had returned him with singular unanimity to the next Congress ; and but few men of his years gave better promise of 11 long and useful and honorable career. But , the fiat of an overruling Providence is issued ] and bo is numbered with the early dead i leaving to friendship to mitigate its sirroyvi : with the pleasant memory of his many vir i tues, and the yet sterner consolation that i \ may truthfully wiito upou his tomb, u Thi was a man." , ! t he advertisement of the Temperanc Seceder Association has been unavoidabl ' postponed. It will appear next week. Oar 8chools. | The Exercises of the dill'eront institutioi . of learning in our village commenced < i- yesterday. Furman University and ll g Baptist Female College have each coinme ce<l operations with bright prospect*. V are happy to see so many new faces smoi II tho scholars of the first named school. T, it Odd Fellows' school promises much go* a under the favorable auspices of MY. lp 1'lsrck, lato of the Odd Fellows' School 10 Columbia. For particulars in regard to.fl ? School we refer our readers to the adfi o, tisement in another column. Lkavknwokth (Kansas) Journal.?jjj u- learn from a number of the above joum -b just received, that InzAN J. Hick, Esq., f ^ merly of Anderson, 8. C., has become nt Associate Editor, and W. E. Bi.ahkv, several years a citizen of this place, its p lisher. NVe wish thciu success. tip Chamjmtow, Feb. 2d, 1860. {. Dtar JSnlerprift?Our city U again visitJted' by One of its periodical fits of bustle and ,excitement. We are just on the eve of tbe lraces a time which never fails to place in our midst a mighty host of the sporting gentry. From their formidable array, one may Very confidently conclude thnt a good mnny of the yellow boys are dentin id to change I- hands during the week, and that many an | unfledged pigeon will be most gloriously plucked, " ere he seetli the error of his way." For you will recollect, the minor part, only, is played on the race course, while the heavier r.nd more important part is carried | on in the gilded saloon beneath the bright ' rays of the gas lit chandelier ; and wo he the J well laden verdant, who is induced to pass I their threshliold, under the pationage of one : of the initiated gentry. I The stud of horses is very largo, nnd ! many of them the best in the country. We j bitl fair to have a fine week's sjrort, the result of which I will inform you of in my ! next. I have just visited our new Custom Iiouse, , which is progressing slowly but surely. It ! is situated near the lower end of the mar; ket, near the water, and adjacent to the j Ferry wharves. 1 will purlion a description of it frotn the interesting columns of the Standard, which | though issued a week or so ago, may not have met the eyes of many of your readers. " The appropriations for the purchase of the sito were in 1847, $30,000, and in 1848, $100,000. With these sums, the ground 1 on which the work is now going on, was ijbought in July, 1840. For the construction of the building, the first appropiiation was iq 1840, of $50,000, and this sum subsequent appropriations have swelled to $1,l/453,000. Col. E. II. White was appointed superintendant of construction, in October, t 1830, and proceeded to the work upon a i plan drawn up by A. 13. Young, of ISoston. The first excavations were made in January, 1st, 1832, nnd from that day the work has gone steadily on. Throughout the whole area 73,00 piles, 40 feet in length, havo been driven at a distance of two feet from centres. Upon these piles timbers are spiked parallel to each other, and the spaces between are filled un wirli n 1 ? " alion of concreto and masonry. The plan in in the form of a Greek cross, and exhibits the following dimensions: length from N. to S. 2o0 feet, from E. to \V. 150 feet; the four arms being each 72 feet in width ; and height from base to the top of the dome 100 feet The order of architecture is Unman Corinthian. Four porticos adorn the building, whose walls have attached columns. These columns aro especially beautiful and stand six upon each side of ihe building; while ' ujH?n ilie water side there is an inner row of the shine number. The entrances on the I F. and \V. sides are approached by broad (lights of steps most artistically finished. At each end of these stands a granite pedestal to be surmounted by large lainjrs. The doors at the entrances aro decorated w ith a pediment head resting upon carved trusses, and the windows will bo similarly finished and adorned with moulded trimmings. ? In the four corners of the building nrefiuu^ji^ ciilar staircase^^^^^|i|U|^BBP*^^^\jy .^^flpHi^^rtned by u steam engine, which, jPITcd in the basement, w ill act upon a huge fan and force the warm, fresh air into every part, through capacious Hues which lavt been constructed in the walls. It is propci to notice that all the stone and iron work icramped by copper ties ; and in the bricl 'I work hydraulic cement and gravel have beet i used. Adjacent to the Custom House ar t sheds and sliops where are a large nutnbe f of men upon different kinds of work. I , one of these is a steam engine which puin) ? water for the machinery, from Reaper's a - ley. But the most interesting feature i t the various machines in use, is an apparatt s for unloading granite nnd marble, at tl wharf. This comprises a combination " wheels, shacved and bevelled, acting upc 6 each other under the force of an engine ar ^ revolving upon a shaft. About this shaft coiled a heavy cable, which, running throu< a pulley-block and stretching over res placed at staled distances, reaches a crai stationed at the foot of the wharf, where l??jtlie vessels to be unladen. By means k. I.l t?_ . t 1 _ II 1 _ * *A . 1 tins caoie iue neavy uiocks oi grnmie i > lifted from tho vessels and placed upon ca a tiack for which lias been built, ft* tend? i?? I llie entire length of the wharf, about a ^ I if?to the buildings. Thus by a very aim M* process, the very tedious labor which in dtherwiso be resorted to in this trunspoi m lion is avoided " SS; Some rich and amusing soencs oo I sometimes at the JJaoohanalians' retn y? commonly termed the Guard House. ( 1*1, the most laughable of which, though or- to the recipient, ooourred a few days i its A master wishing his negro punished for some misdemeanor, sent him to the Gu uh-' TTouae, with a note to that effect, as is g \ er?1ly customary, when not wishing to oft with the note, but Hx?fc>iging to the ? wide awake order, and thinking-b? smelt a i, mouse, had it read to, hi in. :Beli)g inform- * ed of its contents, he began to look for a ' victim, and as chance would have it, the ^ first lie encountered was a brother chip to r whom he owed a particular grudgo, address c ed him: \Goou raornin' Mr. Villikins,*pleas- * ant moriiin', sah I Passm' down to'arda. ( Inroad street, dis moriiin', aali !' ' Yes, sah. j 1'se walkin' dnt Bide.* 4 Well, Mr. Villikins, e you hah de 'streme perliteness to ban* dis i note in de Gunrd House, as von passin' by ! * be very much oblige, sah 1* Villikins, un- j j suspecting! y did so, and was idly gazing | j about when he was collared sua. Ccrcmonir, , and despite his protestations and warm as-ji serlions that, 'dare's some mistake,' sail ! re 1 ceivcd the hottest thiasbing ho had met! villi in many a day. Alas! poor darkie, lio doubtless thinks ^ sure enough that u Jordan is a hard road to travel." Youin, S. Native Talent. We were shown by our friend William Baths, of this Distiiet, a portrait of one of our citizens, which ho informer! us was executed by himself. Although not a connoisseur in the matter of portrait painting, wo , nevertheless venturer! to pronounce it" woil done," aliko worthy the painter and tl.o painted, lie is now offering his services to tiie citizens of our District in taking portraits from daguerreotypes and otherwise. . Suppressing Foreign Coin. In the New York Board of Conncilmcn a \ n few nights since, a proj>o?ilion was made ' that no Spanish coin bo received on Corpo- j rotion account except at the rates fixed by j Congress?all to l?e sent to tlio mint. It i*, also proposed that the passing of such coin, j i except at the now rate, me made illegal in ! i the city, and punishable. The matter wax j ! referied to a committee. It is said that or- | rlers have been sent to tho post ortico clerks to take no more sixpences, shillings or Spanish quarters. The Senate bill which passod the House reduces the Spanish and Mexican quarter to twenty cents, the shilling to one dime, and the sixpences to half a dime. Items Afloat and Ashore. A Gkrmax i'ai'kk asserts that prussic nciil only atilWit lite suspension of life at first, ami that otto who takes it can he restore-1 to ttiii malion l?y pouring the acetate of potash and , salt, dissolve.! in water, on the head and spine. This treatment has been successfully tried. TituKK splendid Christmas cakes were for* j warded by Lady Franklin to Portsmouth, to I be presented to the American officers and I crew in charge of the Arctic discovery ship j Ucsolute, before they left. A corrkwondknt of the Chronicle and | Sentinel nominates the lion. 1?. ilill as the | American candidate for the next Governor* I ship of Georgia. I 1 3 Gov. Wright, of Indiana, it is stated, j daring his term of office, paid *4,000 out of his own private money above the salary al-1 I lowed him. ! Hyron is said to have rcmaiked that " the ! greatest trial to a woman's beauty is the ungraceful Act of eating eggs." Some Yankee remarks that the poet could never have seen ( a lady hanging un by iho tooth to a hot r1 corn cob. * A Piioud Coi'plk.?In a town in Orange county, New Yoik, nrc living a man and hi* 1 wife who have not spoken together for eight year*. They sleep in one bed, take their meal* at the same table, and show not the slightest anger townrd* each other. The I only reason for their obstinate silence is that ^ | each is too proud to apeak first. 'h I Tiik Pakdoxinq Govkrnor.?An oxj 1 change say* that Governor Claik, of NewYork, was hcing shaved the other day, when }" tho barber accidentally tweaked .his nose f . i little too hard : " Pardon ine," said lie ven !.S j naturally. " Put your hand in my coa ^ ^ ' /vna anf ani/1 |Ka L'in/ ? pOCKt'b niHI I'llli VIIO WSSWf OIIIM ?tiv M)ln hearted Governor; ** I'll fill it up for yoi when rou're done." lie of ^1 The Discovkiiv ok tub Ruins of a lre ( Ancient Gkecian City.? Wo copied, ir8? ' few days since, a brief paragraph from th p? ' English papers of tlie discovery of the ruin no ! of h Grecian citv, which the iiriiisii Gui p|e j eminent had taken measures to have ci . plored. We havo received from our Syria UH correspondent, a letter giving full partjculai of tho discoveries and explorations, so far t they have progressed, which are of the mo our interesting character. TVe city was aitun ed on the peniusula of the Crimea. I Ba^ ruins indicate iu original opulenco ar ->ne splendor. Human skeletons and skeletoi not of horses have already been found. Nt igo. lb? *ide of the city are immense tumuli, for artificial mound* "of earth, somewhat liJ those in tho West of our own country.Their sire and awaken amai fen- mcnt for tho wealth and power of the p? ad-' pie who constructed them. Tradition stat ng from ten to three honfatlfin circumfernce, end from five lo too hundred end fifty cet in height. Speciiucne of the lrfghe*t ' >recie** **t have been found in them, such is sculptures, Etruscan vases, glass vessels emarlcablo for lightnesa, carved ivory, coins ; >f the most perfa-t finish; and trinkets vidng ? villi the skill if the best oJodern-workmen^ )iic tumuli was so hirge tlmt Dr. MePheror devoted two whole months lo explore it; bit iho snort astonishing monument* of airly weulihare found on Mons Mithtklales, he whole of which hill, from its base to ks luinmit, and the apace extending from it to .lie distance of thr?e milo*, are composed of ' iroken jKHtery and deluia of the depth of Voiii ton to ovon it lmmfro.t foot, over the natural clay hill. In a future i-awe, ye diatl place the communication of our coyresrpnmlont, containing much of interest that we have nut mentioned, Iwforo our readers. [ /lotion Trav. Tint Si'tctna of IIuoh,?A post mortem examination of the hody, with evidence obtained otherwise, has sulwtantiatcd the. fact heyond cavil, that Hugh Miller, tho celebrated geologist, committed suicide wbilo Inlawing under temporary insanity. After shaking of this melancholy tragedy, the London Time* relates the following tragic sequel to 'lie suicide :? The teriihle story of Mr. Miller's death has created a still deeper glooin in Etlinburg hv the publication of these particulars. Hut ai-.odior >ad tragedy in oonnection wi h his fate had at the same time to be disclosed. After the judicial and medical inquiiy on Fiidav, Professor Miller took the pistol to the gun-smith from which it had been purchased by Mr. Miller in July, 1855, in order to nsccitain how many shots had been fired and how many were still in the chamber. In the master's absence, the foreman, Thomas Leslie, an old and experienced workman, received the pistol from Professor Miller, and unfortunately, instead of taking off the chamber, lie looked into tho mow!?, holding the hammer with lits fingers while bo turned the chninlier lound to oount tho oharges.? The hammer slipped from ids fingers, struck the cap. and the charge in the barrel exploded. Professor Miller, still standingoutside * I ho counter, exclaimed, u That's a narrow escape," but unhappily it was not so, for when tho smoke cleared away ho saw the poor man's head gradually droop and his body then fall lifelessly to the iloor. Tho charge 1.0,1 AtllAear] Ilia l-livllt AI*A nn.l k\Atlo( Ail I It A nnu vilivibu alio 1 vj v o?M |X'UVimiVM ?U? brain. >?. Women Yon no.? Kentnclcy is the ino?t gallnn^tnil cliivalric of tho State*. There ntono this country, or (lie world, in llie . right of anHfrngo oxpn^lv connected to wo man. By the Revised Statute, anv woman having a cliild between the aire of six ?n<l eighteen years, may vote for school trustee. The right was exercised a year ago bv sew eral widows in the northern part of tlio State.? Chronicle if' Set thirl. HYMENEAL. MARRIED?On the 8th insb, by Rev. J. P. Green, Cnpt I). I. I. CHANDLER and Mim l'AELINA REBECCA, only daughter of James Darby, Esq., nil of Greenville District. ftcto ilObeHigehKRi?. <ld(l Fellows' School. r|MlE Trustees of Odd Fellows' Sshool tale & tm-ut pleasure in aunoiiiicinj; l.o thecitix- ns of GrcouvUle, that thev have succeeded in securing the service* of Sir. WILLIAM PIKRCF, who hail charge of "Palmetto Isxige" School in if,i"KWYfirnIj'>l-i "Til flint t,nr I'mi rl __ '? ses commenced 011 HWtieiarfiy Fourth itutaW, d nt the School House, corner of Washington a;.d Laurens street*, above the PostOflico RATE* OP Tl'ITtOX, PER QUARTER : 1st Class ? (/lassies, do , - - $10 00 '2d Class?Higher English Branches, 8 00 It 1 CIim?Grainmer, Arithmetic. Geography, Rending, Writing nndSjielling ..... 6 00 4th Class?Rending, Writing and Spelling. ..... 4 00 HT No extra charges. firholar* only ehargedfor the time they attend. Parents and guardians arc requested to visit the school at any hour they may see proper. Application for admittance to the school, mnst J he made to Robert McKay, Secretary and Treasurer, who is alone authorial to receive the funds and give receipts. Vacations to correspond with the Furman University and Female College. Every exertion will l>e made to make the school satisfactory to the wishes of the community ; and so eoon as the number of pupils will just ify it competent teachers wiH be procured to asssist Mr. Pierce. II. LKETITRUSTON, "1 ALEX- McRKF, 1 1 .!. D. HIIERMAN, V Tig tees, G B. DYF.R, 1 ROUT. McKAY. J t . ??? ' ? Rules, 1 ] THE following Roles of the above School, are by order of thei'i-iutees, made public : 1 * Every Pupil, who shall be guilty of swearing, or of using profane or indecent language, or who shall be found engaged in quarrels or fighting (after the usual mean* of reformation have failN e l,) shall be suspended, or dismissed, as tlie good of the School may demand. Each l'atron of the School will have the exelu? sivo right, of presoribing what studiee they wish i* their children, or wrp'ds, to pursue, whether Iq r- English, Slathsmntioal or < Oaasioal departments, < or by expressly indieoting tlieir purpose ut leaving the direction ia the hands of the teacher. , No boy of known bad public molality will he r* received into thcSchooL U. McKAY, is Feb 6?89?8 See. and Treasurer. ' i. F. BURTY, 3E&., Coal or in Boots, Shoes, Loathor, nr OPPOSITE PATRIOT * OFFICE, or GREENVILLE, S, C.. ko Prepared to furnish* enstortiers with the _ X aU,ve articles, CHEAP FOR CASH. Having competent workmen engaged, he ?a? a*?nre hi*r-gtr?ne that all work will bo Skati.v K>- I> .v?: and WARRANTER te.-i Feb i 8W W '