University of South Carolina Libraries
Xj ,mmmmsmBesesssi\ ?.' i \\?as muiwmm tootiy. TOUT HAD SBTTB& 00 AWAY, JOHN irYoC had belter go away, John, Nor for mj lore implore; For I your eweetheart will not be, So trouble me no more! What ( the uee of talking thiu V I will not go with you, Upon my life, you trouble me; Aye, that indeed you do. Yon had better go away, Joha, You really bore me quite; Don't tell me I am ' beautiful,' That Fna your 4 waft delight;' Provoking 'tis, I do declare, Tit At vnn tnrmnnt ma vat I fed that such a twain aa you No maiden ever met. Tou had better go away, John; Alt t what is that you aay? That you will take me at my word, And walk with Fannie Gray ? You cannot be in earnest, John, To leave me thus alone ; % Why don't you know I lore but you? ft Yon are ray dearest John f Oh 1 go not then away, dear Jehn, My error I confess; My heart is yours, and fond, I trust, You'll never love it I*m, A trip, John, you're long promised mo, ff I with you would go; If Fannie Gray you will forget. Love's answer you shall know. Scraps. WnxT is overy ono's joke is no one'a joke. A wouax dies, but alio never surrenders her age. Fbikxdship is a silent gontletnan that makes no parado: the true heart dances no hornpipe on tho tongue. PHiLosornr teaches us, when there is a crying evil, to put cotton in our cars. The snob who has been once kicked fancies every gentleman's foot is raised against him. AwA.LTE* the truth, iuid you will find that it is a drug, fearfully adulterated in th? market. SiKOCLia.?To sen a boarding; school mist afraid of a cow, notwithstanding *he did 44 all tho milking to hum " afsw months ; previous. Tna y. Y. Mirror sars the young lady - who ? loped a few months since from this city with a M distinguished Major," has re. turned with a minor in her arms. compliments that censure, - as there are satires that praise; and these are the complimenta and satire* that come from the month of an ill-natured tuau.?1'uncfi. Should thero not be 44 roady ad rice" in tho aamo way that there is 44 ready money," for a man is always much more ready to part with the formor than the latter ? A lady asked her gardener why tho weeds always outgrew and covered up the flowers. 44 Madam," answered he, 44 the soil is mother of the wcods, but oni?i -i a* ~ a n Jy Hop-mumor ui iuu nun ci o. Wk aumiro tho ladies, because oi ' their beauty, respect them becauso of their virtues, adore them because oi their intelligence, and lovo them because we can't help it I A DTSfEPTic old liypocondrisc makes the following piteous inquiry : "We have great cabbages, great gooeobcrries, great eitiea, great baloona, great crinoline petticoats, great bulls, pigt and calres; but tell me, whero are out great men P Hebe's another item for "Tnppcr.* A boy fourteen years of age, was re cently arrested at Boxwell, England for stealing an egg, valued at a half penny, convicted, and sentenced t< four days'* hard labor, and to be onc< whipped I A South sun paper ^ircs an account o a courageous, but indtsereet bull dog ths attacked an alligator which waa roused ou of the mud bv a bayou flowing into th< Mississippi. The alligator simply clone* hia three-feet jawt on the dog, and that wai the lAat of hira." It is well known that the fruitfulnca of fish is dhormona. As many as i o uartor of a million of eggs havo beer found in a carp, seven millions in r sturgeon, nine millions iu a codfieh Of coarse, what is an ogg to-day is no naoessarily a fish to-morrow, or, as M Jourdiar reminds us, tho ocean wouk not be able to hold the herrings. A Rucatrr English writer says: " Hu manitv has its reactions?its oseilla tions from the extreme of mysticism U the extreme of rationalism, from the ex treine of superstition to the extreme of incredulity; jnst m in polities, it ii continually passing from the maddesl of revolutionary to the most craven o conservative moods * y^^j&coiipcit ettigs. TIIR o??? at fS?rk of CuomU will bwMitoi b? Sn'ths OM Court Doom, Is Iks ?ial form#*!/ ?MUpl?d by Mm Hhtr'ff. W. 9. PJtlCl. ZW? Cttrk. <*% ma, imf . A m ? in gggggsgggi If you want a Good Paper Subscribe for " THE NATION," The mos^popular Weekly in America, whicb baa immediately upon it* issue, sprang into i Aa Iwmms CfarealatieB< This rapid success is virrascansKTBD in tbe History of Journalism, and can only be accounted for by the fact that the Proprietors have employed, without regard to expense, THE STAR WRITERS OF AMERICA. The Nation is the ONLY Paper which contains the witty, humorous and bidsarum no sketches of that Comical Genius, AND UNRIVALLED HUMORIST, JfaigW 33 Ockside, Iff. & Of which series, one sketch alone ia worth the whole year's subscription. TP M ? fal A TP (1 O fa! i ii ua ir? w ?l w ? w ib xd2tbd bt S. M. BIQELO IT, and MBS. E D.E.N.SOUTHWORTH, Who U will known as one of the MOST POPULAR WRITERS IN AMERICA. In addition to the above we hare engaged an Contributor* : Clara Moreton, Henry W. Herbert, Alice Cnry, W. W. Foedick, Mrs. A." F. Law, C. A. Page, Mrs. E. F. Ellct, Ben. Casseday, Park Benjamin, W. P. Brannan. A NO NUMB ROUS OTHERS. w? wma saaa We particularly commend our sheet. Their department will be Edited with the utmost caro and no expenne or labor spared to render the columns* devoted to their especial benefit, unusually Brilliant, Attractivk, Instructive and Ornamental. The Farmers' and Planters' Corner Will contain Practical Suggestions , and Agricultural Hints, contributed and culled from sources the most reliable, and containing information which will prove to thorn in tho course of a single year, of almost incalculable benefit. The other departments of our paper will receive the attention they respectively demand, each being especially and carefully prepared to meet the varied tastes of the several classes of its readers. Among these wo may mention. Original Storus and Poems, Editorial Rambling* and Sketchings, Spicy City Newt, Washington Gossip, New York Chit-Chat, the Latest Paris Fashions, Practical Receipts for the Household and Toilet, 44 The Little One's" Department, Gems from Prose and Poetry, Readers1 Guide. Historical Sketches, Translations, <tc^ etc. Tho Nation i? issued in Quarto Form, (eight pages,) and each number will contain at feast two Original Engravings, thus furnishing o*?r Subscribers at tho end of the ear with a volume containing 416 large size, beautifully printed pages of Unsurpassed NovelUiter, Sketches, &C-, <?<?., together with over 100 Original Illustrations, The Nation is sent at the following remarkably low SfuscairTioN and CLunuiso TERMS : invariably in advance. SINGLE COPIES, $'2 00 per an. Twtf " (to ono address,) 3 50 * Three 44 5 00 44 Si* 44 9 00 Ten 44 15 00 44 tST And one copy free to the getter up of the Club of Ten All those sending us subscriptions from tho British Provinces, must enclose in addition to the subscription nrint ? * fiir onrlt inKa<-riK?. ? ? ? I ? ? .. V ... . compelled to prepay the United State* postage. All letter* containing money should be registered, and directed plainly, and they ' will come at our risk, otherwise we are not ' responsible for them. Specimen copies will ' be sent freo to Post Masters, Agents, and all , who wish to get up a club?to all others, on receipt of four cents in stamps. The ex" pense of registering is only 5 cents. Address ' CKOKUT A BIGELOW, i 83 Dock-Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Among the hundreds of complimentary ; notices, we hare received from newspapers i in every section of the country, wo quote the . following extract from : "The Nation appears in clear large type on snow white paper, and is richly adorned ' with illustration*.?N. Y. Sun. " It will attain to a high position in the , literary world."? Philadelphia Daily News. 44 I4, is ono of the beet weeklies now pub> liehed, and *'e take pleasure in bringing it ) to the notice of the riding C*.:b!!?.liarrisbug (Pa.,) Herald. u The talent and energy of the propriar tons, iu original and interesting contents, 1 and the beauty of tbo typography oannot 1 fail to securo for it a general circulation."? ' Williamsburg (Pa .,) Independent Prett. " As a literary and family journal, we ' hare no hesitation in pronouncing it the dcsi among our exchange*. We adviae the! i Ladies to procure it without delay/*? Pul | l ton {Pa.,) Republican. , 44 We dislike puffing city emanation*, bu? t in thi* oa?e we are round to give way to merit Unlike many city eotemporaries, the ' Nation is composed of sound, substantial, and useful matter, and is not filled up with ; an overdose of flimsv, wishey-washy stuff, * from the hands of cracked-brained authors." ?i'rii City Ditpatch. 44 It has the most beautiful engraved head . we ever saw, end its contents are deeply en, tertaiuing, truly delicious and soul-absorb. mg."? triUianuburg (Va.,) OazetU. 44 There is room for just suob a paper, and it has secured two es true heeds and hearts to control its columns aa the literary and sot cial world holds." ? WrlMorouph (/>?.,) " f Agitator. * 44 It will soon become a leading paper at * the fireside/*? BoomtrUU (Mo*) Obmrrar. 14 We seldom eodorse Northern papers, [ but in this iastanoe we are forced to ever eome ouprejudice, and eomunMd the44 Nation" to our readers,"?JVoy (Ala.) Bulletin. Elford & Donaldson, oaaasmut^ <s. C. I. tum, T. ?. MNALMON. Jan. 10. tf *m REED ft OOODLETT, Awwsjmsssrsyo AW m w, Greenville, C. JtjrOffice next door to P. F. Bbattik & Co. J. P. HERD.] [ . D. OOODLETT. January IS Sft if MERCHANTS HOTEL; BY JAMES M. HURST, CTAOUUESWDH, 8. <0. Board?$1-50 Per Bay. February SI. 4>I tf The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. U. J. Gilreatli, Executor, Applicant against Obedience Land, Widow, Isaiah Land. Jordan Land, Stephen Land, Kinson Land, Jesso Godfrey and Jane his Wife, John Railey and Elizabeth his Wife, Defendants. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Stephen Land, Kinson Land, Josse Godfrey and Jane his Wife, John Railey and Elizabeth his Wifo, defendants, reside without this State: It is ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 2d day of January next, by 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they havo, why a Final Settlement and decree of tho Estate of Lewis Land, deceased should not be made, or their consent to the same will l>e entered of record. ROBERT McKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, 7th Oct., 185G. 23 td. The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COUBT OF ORDINARY. James A. Suber, applicant, against George Graham, Jesse Graham, and Ann Parrotl and Nathan ParroM her husband, Walker Wilhngham, Andrew Willingham, William Willingham, Mary Willingham, Willingham, heirs of Martha Willingham, deceased, Mary Janes, and Green berry Janes her husband, Defendants.? Petition for sale or Division of the Real Estate of Priseilla Sober, deceased. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Mary Janes and Greenberrv Janes her husband, Defendants, reside without this State : It is therefore ordered.that thy do anoear and object to the division or sale of the Ilea! Ktate of Priscilla Suber, on or before lite 29th day of December next, or tlieir consent to the saute will be entered of Record. ROBERT MoKAV, O. O. D. Ordinary'* Office, 6th Oct. 1856, 22-12 STA IE OF SO UTU C'A ROLIKA (jhkkn vii.le district. ix TIIK COilMOX ruus. Vardry McBce ) Attachment. va. J- II. Lkr Ttiiursrox, Jnstph Koe. ) PI'ff'a Att'y. WIIKREAS, the Plaintiff did, on the 14th day of October, file hia declaration against the Defendant, who (aa it is said) ia absent front and without the limits of this State, am) has neither wife nor attorney known within the name, upon whom a copy of. the said declaration might be served. It is, therefore, ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration on or before the 14th day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDANIKL, c. c. p. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. Oct. 30, 25 td SIT AGE LINE FROM Abbeville to Washington. A FOUR HOKSK STAGE leaves cfftA Abbeville, 8. C., on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Leaves Washington, (la, on Tuesday, Tharsday and Satnrdav mornings. A daily Train leaves Washington at 7 o'clock A. M., for Atlanta. J AS. E. WADDY, Washington. JOIIX McBRYDE, Agent at Abbeville. Office at the Post-Office. Oct. V-Vi-um New CJiin Tl an u factory. r* & ^ ENSRAVINfi AND CARVING OF THF FINF ARTS. rF"MlE stibseriber. recently from London, Paris JL and the principal cities of Europe and America, where specimens of his art have given he utmoet satisfaction, rospsetiv informs the olt (sens of tho Upper Country, that he ha* just arrived, and located himself at Greenville, where he is preparod to do all work appertaining to his business, in the best msoner and at tho shortest notice, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Rifles end Shot Gtins, Duelling Pistol*, Ac. He will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Materials, which he offers for sale at very reasonable terms; finely earved Alligator's TVsth. Steal Tsmna uul OP Sold. SIW.r.An. r" All Work and Repairing dona in the oary boat manner, and warranted equally ao good m can bo done in tha Unitod Btatoi. y^THia ahop will bo fuuad two doora bolow Dr. Harla'a Drag fctore. July t 8?-1/. F. 11REDA. Tow* Off cert. Trxtendant.?W. LEE THRU8T0N. Ward* .?U. C. Mamlicv.G. B. Dtxr, Ur. U, D. Lowo. R. MoKtr. Town CUrk.?W. I\ Paid. ilartknU.?Z. Ma arm add C. OrakirrmT r mSSYmim^r'Z' JC8Y RKCKlj^a Urfr 1* M the abwvo in ? m ai..a GREENFIELDS GROCERY STORE, CORNER 8TORE, Opposite the Mansion House. PURCHASERS mij now find wy torn* plate stock of Family Groceries, Fine a ad Cheap Wines, Liquors, Cordials and SCZZ X ALSO, an assortment of Hats and Caps, Bonnets and 0^ Bon net Trimmings, BooU A Shoe*. #?^L together with Ladic*' Slippera and Oalter*. HA&bwa&K, C&OCKI&Y, GLASSWARE AND DRT 600D8. rtf Country Prodnea and RAQ9 takes in exchange. ALEXANDER GREENFIELD. 3AAA LBS. BACON and Lb*. LARD. ,Ul/U for aale at GREENFIELD'S. JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, WOULD respectfully inform citizens of Greenvi.fe rnd vicinity that be has on hand a lot of FURNITURE, which he will dispose of upon reasonable term*. He baa Chairs, Tables, Sofa*. Waalistanda, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture made to order. Hie ahop may befoun?l on Avenue Street, between Beattic's Store and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court Huoee Greenville, S. C\, Aug. 14-14-ly OTIS1 IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. THE subscriber has purchased the Right of putting uptho above description of Lightning Rods in Grecnrille District, and is prepared to execute ordereforthe same to any extent and with promptness and despatch. These Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, nnd afford the only method yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Any one acquainted with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining them. Their value has been tested by experience and a/^ion^ii anJ haa Kaon vr?naka/v K?? knMJoaJa certificates from a'.l parts of the Union. From amongst those the following only are submitted. "I have carefully examined Olia' inaulated Lightning Conductor, nnd have it attached to the building iu which I rcaidc. It ia better constructed, and more securely insulated, than any form of Lightning Hods I have aeen. It ia neat aud cheap, and if properly attached to the building, cannot fail to afforil aecurity agaioat the loaa of life and property by electricity 1 therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence of the community. K. K. Umumoy. I*rof. of Chemistry, kc., ia S. C. College." Mr. D. O. Weatfield haa recently supplied my house with Otic* improved Conductor. I have examined the an with great eare, and am convinced that they are the beat Lightning Rods ever constructed. The methods of attraction and insulation aic new, and seem to me to be perfect. 1 can confidently recommend them to all persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. Eutord. Any further information may be obtained on application to D. G. WKSTF1ELI). May 8-8'2-tf. Greenville. S. C. FAMOY WOKK, AT GRBEHVILLB. C. H, 3. C r?"HlE atibscriber would inform tho citizen* Jl of the Village of Greenville and surrounding country, that ho docs all kinds of ENGRAVING, of Gold or Silver and Plate, generally. Makes and mounts in Gold or Silver, all the varieties of Braided Fancy Ilair Work; repairs nil articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in uoid or silver Walking (Janes ; cut* and fits to order. Spectacle Glasses to auit any age almost. Among the article* generally needed, and made by him, are Gold and Silver Sleeve Buttons, Studs for Collar and bosom. The Mounting and getting up of his hair finger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson,) and Fob, Vest, or Guard Chains, he flatters himself, would not be scoffed at in the larger fashionable | cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, at tho Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Court House, and but a few paces from tbe Enterprise Office. J. n. RANDOLPH. No charge for engraving any work made by him. ' Je 26 7 ly 27 SPSOIAL P.BQT7BOT. Painting t Painting I r|^HK subscriber has located himself in the 1. town of Greenville, and wish it to bs understood that he is now prepared to receive orders for House, .Sign, Ornamental and PANOY PANTING, Graining. Marbling and PAPER flAKGTKO. All of which will be executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the principal eit ies of both Europe and Areerioa, he feels satisfied that he oan give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. lis deems it unnecessary to give a list of references; all he asks is an examination of his work. He wants no better recommendation than bis work can give. He ha* the right for celebrated Metallic Fire Proof Roof, equal to copper in durability, and in addition to the above he is also prepared to ex. rents either Professional of Business Cards on Glass in a otyle second to none. Orders for Graining or Marbleing will be attended to. and the work done in a styie to suit She testes of the most fastidious All orders addressed to mi at I Or?fDTlll? C- >(., or loft it tho Carolina Uouee, will moot with prompt attention. MATS 8AMUEL8ON. Julj 3. 8 6m "WAIMHH AHB (DMXDiEL a. a. aaaes?, NEAR OILDKR P. O.. GREENVILLE DIHT. OFPKR.H hie eervieee to th? public and aolieita patronage. All work entrwtal to him will b? dooeVrith aaatwaaa and diepeteh. Any pmon wiehing la know how to eolder (hard or oft,) will bo ruraiebed, on tho reeeptiop of one dollar, with a reeeint ooataiaing full iaefr notion#, enabling hhn to older any metal. ThU roeeipt hao never boon otfered to the pnbtie bef ira lot* iefaettea given or the money refunded. Itwiut ami WM OA*w A M KMf < ' - J J ,1V,' Jfcj . . > ,; *M4 i. x Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN * CO., Agents. A YORTUW? FOR THE TRIAL. "There i* a tide in the iffiln of men, Which, if Uk*n At the flood, lead* to fortune." ONE TRIAL MAT MARE YOtJ RtCtt FOR LIFE Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily. kb your orders TO CORBIN a CO., The Old Eatabliahed Authorized Agent, who have SOLD MORS PRIZES Than any other office in the State ef Maryland. all raisas ooabantzed *t th? vtatr SINGLE TICKETS: Whole* 91 Ualree 60eta Quarter*If ota CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets $16.00 26 Half licketa 8.00 26 Quarter TickeU 4.00 notiiino venture. nothing oain. Tieketc Bought by the Package are alway* the moel Profitable to the rurchaaera TRY PACKAGES. For $25 we .end package Whole.Halv*a AQert'ra For $10 weaend package llalv'a A 2 Whole tick'to For $6 weaand pack'ge Quart's A 1 Whole tick't. Look nt the following SPLENDID 8CIIEME8, One of whieh are drawn at 12 o'clock each day of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,267 Dollar* Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Clash 310. CORBIN <fc CO., Agents. . Scheme. 1 prize of $5,000 1 do 1,000 1 do 600 1 do 160 1 do 137 160 do 60 64 do 20 64 do 8 64 do 4 3,328 do 2 22,176 do 1 25,801 prizes, amounting to $47,267 CAP I T AL P R I Z E . 5,000 Dollars. rATAI-SCO IN8TITCTK LOTrKRY. Class 102. CORBIN & CO., Agents. Scheme. 1 prize of $5,000 10 do 500 1 do 141 8 do 30 200 do 20 63 do 10 63 do 8 126 do 4 3,006 do 2 23,436 do 1 _ 4 ______ 27,814 prizes, Amounting to $47,267 THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. Class 255. CORBIN <fc CO., Agents. SciIEKS. 1 prize of $8,000 1 do 1,566 1 do 1,000 2 do 750 2 do 300 2 do 100 211 do 25 66 do 10 66 do 4 j.zz* flo 2 23,740 do 1 30,316 prizes, Amounting to $33,263 Ticket* $1?Shares in proportion. Address CORBIN ?fc CO. Box 100 Post Office, Baltimore, Mil. October 16, 23 tf. lifioM'S Anti-Rheumatic Powders. A Safe, Speedy and Radical Cure far Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. ~\\f E. the undersigned eitisens of Putnam T County, Georgia, cheerfully bear testimony to the efficacy of Linch'e Anti-Rheumatic Powders in the treatment of acute or chronic Rheumatism, many eases having been successfully treated by Dr. J. G. GIBSON, within our persona) knowledge in which these Powders were principally used. Joel Branham. M. D. Win. B. Carter, Stephen B. Marshall, 1). K. Adams, T. D. Harwell, Thomas Respess, G. R. Thomas, J. Nichleson A others. |^"Any rcasonsble number of individual certificates can be given in attestation of their effloncy. Prepared and sold by J. G. GIBSON, M. IX, Eatooton Ga.. at $5 per box. All Ar/tara 2*. * ***! La llim Willi lltA aKnwa attvia | enclosed, sod a description of the ease shall reeeire w.? tn* ,uch ?dvI^ " ma7 ,u5t any peculiarity thereof. Por se'e by M. B. F.ARI.E. M. D Apothecary and Druggist, Greenville, b. C. Ma j 1. SI ly SCHOOL FOR BOYS. TUB uodersiguod would respectfully inform his friends, and the publio generally, that he will open a SCHOOL FOR BOYS on the Fiaar Mowrur in January nbxt, in the building near the Presbyterian Church. The room is a err suitable one, and will be newly fitted up qnd rendered comfortable for the purpose. The Course of Instruction will oomprise all the English Branches. While no pains will be spared in the mental training of the Pupils, thetnust strict attention will be given to their deportment and morale Terms per Qstrtir at U Wsefcs. Scholars pursuing Primary Branches, $4 00 " Intermediate " 5 00 " * Higher M f 00 %MT It ia important that Scholars should com mono* at the opening of the Sohoot, No eharges can be made for lees than a full Quarter. D. BENEDICT. Rer*a*xcae?Prof. P. CL Edwards, Prof. C. H. Judson, R MeKay, Esq., Capt T. B. Roberts, Mr. R. B. Duncan. It-l Dee II Shaving Mid Hair-Dressing. um wtwiswow HPrlflUn the Tenserial Mrisstl at hie V^/ old stand, ia Boattie's Brick Building.? Gentlemen oan have their hair eut, er shsnspae ei, er feoee shaved, at amy time daring the in ?r ysrwijf. Ayril^ ! " gaaggssagasL"" i . P r MATS YOU SUBSCmiBSD m ths Cosmopolitan Art Association roll THft THIRD YEAR! See tHe Bare Inducement*. V THE management have the pleasure of aanouticiog that tM collection of Works of Art designed for distribution among the subscribers, whose names are received previous to the 20th of January'67, is much larger and more costly than on any previous year. Among the lending works In Sculpture?executed in the finest Marble?is the new and beautiful Statue of tbe M Wobd ' Nymph," the Busts of the three great Ante ncan statesmen, Ulay, Webster nod Calhoun ; also, the exquisite Ideal Bust, "Spring." Apollo and Diana, in Marble, life size. Together with the following Groups and Statues in Car ram Marble?of the Struggle for the Heart, Venus and Apple, Psyche, Magdalen, Child of the Sea, Innocence, Captive Bird, and Little Truant; wjth numerate works in Bronze, and a collection of screraf hundred fine Oil Paintings, by leading Artists ; the whole of which are to be distributed or allotted among the subscriber whose nainex are received previous to the TwentyEighth of January, '57, when the distribution will take place. tkjimh 01" bubschiptiow.Every subscriber of three dollarr iii eati^ tied to A copy of the splendid Steel Engraving, " Satuuday Ntont," or A copy of any of the following (3 Magazines one year; also A copy of the Art Journal one year, and A Ticket in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art. Thus, for every $3 paid, a person noionly gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine on* year, but also receives the Art Journal on* year, and a ticket in the Annual Distributionmaking four dollars worth of reading mat' ter besides the ticket, by which a valuable painting or piece of statuary may be received in addition. Those who prefer Magazines to the Engraving " Saturday Night," can have either of the following one year : Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, United State* Magazine, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham's Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern Literary Messenger. No person is restricted to a single share. Those taking five memberships, remitting ft 13, are entitled to six Engravings, to the six ticket* in the distribution, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and six tickets. Persona, in remitting funds for membership, will please register the letter at the run-. . . i - - - - i u.ik vmgv, i'j prereni ios* ; on receipt PI which, a certificate of Membership, together 1 with the Engraving or Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. For further particular*, see the November Art, tent free on application. For membership, address C L DERBY. Actuary O. A. A., 348 Broadway, New York, or Western; Office, 106 Water etrect, Sanduaky, Ohio. November 27 20 Town Ordinance, CONCKRNINO GOATS AND SWINK. BK IT ORDAINED, by the Intendaat and Wardens of the Town of Greenville, in Council assembled, That hereafter it shall not be Iftwful for goats or swine to run at largo wuhin the corporate limits ( the Town of Greenville; and it shall be the duty of the Marshals, and they are hereby authorized And required to employ suitable persons to seize and secure all goats er swino that may so be found running at large, and to impound the same in the lot convenient to the court-house. Skction 2. And be it further ordained. That upon the impounding of any auch goats or swine, the Marshal shall immediately advertise the same at the market-house, giving a correct description thereof. And shouhl the owner or owners appear within twodaja thereafter, and prove his or their right t? the possession of such goat or swine, thaw the said Marshal is authorized to deliver the same to him or iK?m on ? w. ?v.?, W?. ?UW UiVM of ono dollar for each and every goat er swine, so delivered, as a fine hereby imposed for each and every gont or swine so found running at large, 8ectioj* 3. And be it further ordained;. That should no one appear within the time hereinbefore prescribed, or appearing, thai? fail or refuse to pay the fine hereby impoeed, then it shall be the duty of the said Marshal to expose to public sale, such goat or swine, for the satisfaction of said fine ; the excess of such sale if any there should be, after paying such fine to be deposited to the credit of the Town Council, to be given o tho owner of the property sold, upon tho same being demand within 50 daya after such sale. . , , . ^ Section 4. ne it furt&ei Vlvi*'ue<,? this Ordinance shall take effect from anw ff" tor tha first day of January next. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greonvillc, on the r ** - ? IL. s.j eigntb day of October, in the year 0f our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six. li. L. THRUSTON, IotendanU W P. Priob, Town Clerk. October 9. 22 *. " iLlfe n**d Property Insured. LIFE ANDFIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE ftintual Stwurante Company !mtm Inw, liero ni Hkt Pnyinf AGAINST FIRE: A*4 Dm Utm ( Whltt nnwi nl Hon, between the agetof 10 and 60 years ON such terms m to render it * nott safe m4 desirable iaTesUnent. Full detail*, w** the Constitution and By Laws of tl|a Coiupaay, will be furnished ea application to,any ef toe (jt* Aeers of the Corogimjr. eftS XX?fcrfc R. OWORN*. JWt " Wa W. McDOWELI* FioFw, ^ hah Ramum lerduyiIWeeeww. MSS W. WAST. Spat,