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i1 ,, i ,'-f *. f Disk ask in IlQnaK8?-c?A ameftsd among hj^Wnjack 1 he aajotaj losoa uw of im Hlulw, and ItUggere'and falK 'fh? limb* becoihe ^old. The fttfrtrsf ftrfffertftfnt MW sf^enVjW *1*1 retains'its lehsfcftid thftUst. The'juiite I# Irtvr. Hit*!**** fs Atfe*>dtot by ft piwhki|r<Af tllte he?d fbrtvard, nlid tii awing both I 8|? K\fhy from ihfc lefclh. ?MW' If V lllH I >1 L I II 11" II I I I . .lie Sons of lomperanco 4 AUK rfqucptcd to report theuuvlvo at their 14 yr?dc?voiis> o,. the (Jorncr of tluin and i\Vask i ngtau-itrccte, above a Wvrriek>..lStort\ TG-MGltT, "erined wr.d equipped*!' Itusiiitw of importance will be Attended U>. ?\ full attendance w urged. ,Ut ng thing prewat the ineui| hprs front attending. ' (, . By wdef of the W> P? ; .;.'V,v * J I dftftiiftry UhmtsA . ; ?* ,? ' .1 *.*-?! V'} 1 AXi JJLL. ,J_ .... ... .L :gi I a Itf.x ?.._ 1 IM'JttKft TlPJlCCfl. > 1 ' ? i . i (;.luiporlault? Slauimcrer*. > We invite attention to the following let tor* a* testimonials of the eminent success of Dr. WroKorr in his treatment of tiio?e Laving the above defect ; Ptrreuunon, Pa.; Oct. 31, 1855. To the Public: Dr. Wyekoff 1* oppernting in this citv, for the cure of stuttering and stum inuring,' and having had an opportunity to witness his process, I feel it my duty to Jay, that I have entire confidence in tho general success of his plan of treatment, and I should predict a euro in ail cases?1 beg further to say, that having had badness relation* with Dr. W., I have found hill! gentlemanly and reliable, and I most cordially recommend him try all who niky need iii* professional sevvi ces. [Signed.] J. M. PAIRD, Editor and Publisher of Pittsburgh Christiau Advocate. ? ( The following is a certificate from the sou-Of , General Leslie Combs, of Ken'toclcrt * Dec. 16th, lfir>j. 'Dh.Wvckovk?Sir?-From my own ex-1 pCrhsnco in your cure for mattering and i shimmering, I Can assure aR persous who irthy labor under cither of the above named impediments of speech, that votlr c'fire is beyVMd h doubt. 1 "have been under the t/cutuient of several eminent men, bnt all to no rtlcct. Very reluctantly I consented to try ivur wuiiu IT5H uwncu euro, which 1 nm to ] tired tiro immediately. I shall ul- J ways remcluber vou with gratitude,. - ? 'JTOWAltD COMBS. ^ : ' : Lexington, Ky. '%W AH letters Wrist l>? a<hire*sod to i>U. AVYCKOFF, box 746, Pittsburgh, Pa. For further particular* are his ndvcrtise ment in another column of this paper. f?rcciivlllc Prices Current. CSKK ! I'KU WEKKLV K<)ll TIIK K STKKJ'HaK, ""'BY GRAD1 & GOODLETT, MERCHANTS. (rnKKN-ni.LK. IjECUHDUU 3J, ISfitt. BAGGINtJ, i nihny, per y ar?, u 25 j |)utldec, a 20 | BACON ... .Hams, per lb^ 14S 1 Shoulder*, 11 fti.ies, . 13 " Ilog round 12 IVKK, G a BUTTER .. .Cu*!i<riii, per ft. none. Country, 1?6r lb. 15 COFFEE., .Kio, per 1|). ; 15^ * Isric ) cr lb. 1 S a JO IX>S1E^TICS, Shirting. per'yii. OJ a 1U Sheet utjg, |>er yd. 10 u 15 rv.;...!....-''. -'..--i * ? * - * V'OIUiUUI H? 11 i to w FHOTJU ....Country, per bi>l. $G a $7 00 ' Cbtmbry peS <*aok, u $3 . . .Corn, per bus'iet, 55 a 0,0 , Wheat,perbu.-hd. $100 $1.J0 Oats, l/?i bushel, a 35 HOX.Zvetc*, per !b. 6* a, 7 English, p?:f lb'. a , !>i ?AHI)......pd- lh. ? 13 WO LASSES, \V. 1. per tat ?3 N.O., jKM-.gil. a 1&; iSYlttTP a u per g:iJ. 100> CtfL?.. -Lamp, per gill. $1 * a $2* ; Truln, per g:i!. 87* a 'a Linseed, . *u KICK......-per tb. ? 8* ROPEi per lb! 13 a 20 ftW'AKS.. .N. Orlcanp,por lb. a 41 Porto llicn, ina- lb. a lU W, |Hjr lb IB* * ' > ' *' ' 'Crushed, per lb, 1G liclined, per it, o 14 SALT...{>er bushel, $1 Kilt, per sack, $2 25 $2 50 SOAP Colgate,pale, pi .11). 12* a 15 Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 riftOT.,... .per lb. 12* Shot, per bag, 'O $2| % - ; + i i? . ' FOUND, \ A VEST CHAiy, which the owner can have by proving the oftmo 4 id poring for this ' adrerti?oim?ut, Enqniro at this Othiie. J*A- ' ' M j L v* Tax Notice, THE CLERK of the Town Council is required ' to eoHeet the Ann not assessment of ten per cent, on tlio sale* of Oooda. Merchants and other* will oblige by having their return* mudo out at nn early day. W. I'. PRICE, Tti V.?v^ < . - 34-tf rTown OlerlC I School Notice. ~|h TRS. LAwTOwwill resume the exercise* of XT A her SCHOOL on Monday, jjio ,6th January next, 6+ Sfk0 Pjhjlaton. ndaJ, kdnr the reai donee of I>r. Jtaalay. - , I SpooUl Attention trill be paid to the moral tr*inirig, a* wfill a* the mental improvement of I Iter l'upik Haholara wishing Hoard can bo accommodated I' -v3 * ?. I I <|1wbi tn**^? ',+h* -e r . a. 6. BOWER, SawrtftctHfer and Deafer In /^y FUftNttCIt? o^erory d?Aciiptioa, BMBI . <rfMtlR-S of every Sfyle. FlM^UMMfWM?TAL? RWIAL CASES, /)ai^Mha. oft _ yr>...Bwu l/yY?VIW IBe 'wliJBfW x* Vft^Tf Ore. 11. C0L9XII4 8. C . u B +.. JSLJL^' . .. r-tniiir-rf?i" - 2 T w?V *r W : o?ei^ ?? rirs mid NEW GO?BS. ee'fifjfi tvo iirr eoifj!?!! , ^uJPfes'i'o&fe' Hrxpra T ( ? v V " vfi I" I ' ? 1 C TYAVT^fJ ourselves for Chnst-nns ' XTX nn<l theVolrf \r< nther'gincV;illy, by lnyiair 8 in a forga ?nd <U*lr?bl<? ? STOCK OF.;CLOTHING, \ we t?ke occneiAti i<i fhAnk ohr friends nn.J cue* ' tinier* W their liberal pntrouefro <*\Uiid<*d to \ uh. raerte arrangement* with our house ' ... wj. " uivii we m,uur v . , Clothing at Baltimore Cost, consequently we intend to out^do anything in J tlmt lino South of Mason A I)ixon!s line. Our business will ho<-undo?ted.nO\v under the nnnieof f EINSTEIN & 10 WENBERG. , Among our latent arrivals wilt ho found a fine uasortmCnt of SASMSK3, 'f At HAS, > Ami, nlso, some more *1 As it is useless to enumerate nil Articles apper- ( uininjc to ?55W233iSa3H3s SyS&Sb i we would ftspwctftdN- request Tito public to call * and examine before bnving elm-wheto, rir Country Merchants.-will Cud it to their K j Advantage to give ue n trial. r K1NSTKIN df BCHVEN BEltO, M'hplesalu and Retail Dealers iu Kead^-Made s Clptjiing. N. 11.?Produce taken in exchange. j I ; Dee 25 33 * tf , The Goodlett House. \am THIS LA ROE A N D C( >MMO- i jeiiii^diouir linilding, situated in the centre of 1 the Town of Greenville, formerly known as The Planter's Hotel, liar been recently purchased by the subscriber, and will be opened for the reception and accommodation of Hoarders and Travelld* ?mi the First of January. The Ifotise-Hriil W*?flV4lyMiM\^V'frtrniehed in J every department. aod the IVoprtH or will endeavor to make it one of the.first Hotels in the , upper reentry., R. P. UOODLI1TT. Dec. 25. 33 if Tho Greenville Bookstore. * HAVING sold tho Stock ir. .trade of tho Greenville Hookstore to Mr. J. C. I'. dl> TEK. the subscriber takes pleasure in veoom- 1 mending liim to the former patrons of the con corn, confident that all those who favor Mr. .1. with their patronage will find him hotter quuli- J lied for tho business thun his predecessor. ' In retiring from the concern, 1 return my < thanks to those friends nntl patron* who have ' assisted mo in tnblishing in Greenville a regit- ' lar Bookstore. hi. li KLFQKD. 1 ? jw rmr m mr.3 r Isubscriber respectfully informs hi* friend* | L. and the puMicgetiornlfy'. thutkc will keep ?u hand, nt the (Jreenvilla Hookstorc. a Well selected Stock of Religious, Miscellaneous St School Books, STATIONERY, FATTOY AiftTil<OLl??, AC., , to which he invite* the attention of the former patrons of the Hookstorc; und all others who uiay need anything in his lino. ?T Orders for llooks not on hand will be i thankfully received and promptly forwarded. 1 ihc 18 32 3 J. C. P. Jt-VfBR. (C O F F E E < ^m.r BL"' ^32*. "ULT fS ^Zrmr] i he sold, befora the Court Ifoiiso door, J f ? on Hale-Uny in January, a large lot of ^ , ,I>aiMtt((fd Coffee, ( | at the risk of the underwriter*. A. ISAACS, , ( For the purtios concerncil. I ' Dec 95 3d 2 ^ STlIK OP KOIlilf (JAllOtlNA. ' GltKENV1LLF, DTSTUICT. Sheriff's Sale- j OS Tuesday u'flor Pate-Juy in January, at De- t fandnbtV residence, ^ I SorV nhd ? Sliest*. 7 lice Gnm*, 1 lot Stray, 1 lot lisrtk, Ac.; levied on as the property of . Washington Bnvlwry, tit the edit of W. II. Ho-, her a, as per schedule rendered. r>se 17 H | ' 'iieitntc ofNoiilh O.iru'Jna. t GKlSEtyVItyE DISTRICT. ' J 15 THE COURT OK ordinary. a J. 8. lVden, Ex oeutor, against Mile* Garrett and ? Margaret Garrett, his wife, and otho s. Pcii- ( fioti/or Final ?irUU>t*t*i mul J)rvrc. d IT appearing to wy Mttiafaction that Miles P Garrett and Margaret Garrett, his wife, n and Thmmut C. Peieir, Robert M. Pedttn. I)n- ^ vid M. Pcdcn, and Uarv M Pod en, legatees 01 of Jons Huirsox Pkpkn, deceased, reside bojniid the litniu of this State. It is, therefore, Order- ^ cd, That thov do apnear at a Court of Ordioa- "J ry to be hoMen at Greenville Court Houae fob ^ Greenville Itutrid, on J\idajk ike Ath day of 11 March, next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew cwie, w ir any they have, why ? Final Settle meal of said vv estate should not be made, or their content to *' the same will he taken ae eonfeoaed. nl Given nuder my band, tlii? 18th day of De- P cemLcr, A. D., 1868. l' ROBERT MeKAY, 0. G. P. ? Ordinary'? Office, I ftl Greenville, S. C. J Dee. 25. 83-Rra 111 The Ktntc of* Smith Carolina. GRF.RNVIU.E DISTRIfrf. In the Ceurt of Ordinary. ' William (iolightiy, Administrator, Aj>;?1 i.-nnt, against .Sanoy Hiuith, Hiram HirriUi. David I Smith, Madison 1>. Lot tin ami Hester till wife, -J Smith, Fli/edict li How, Defendants.-? 1 I Petition for Final Settlement,and Decree. ^ IT appearing to my satisfaction that Hi rem Smith, David Smith, Madison l>. Loft is and Hect<y his wife, Joseph Smith and Elisabeth F Ross, reeido without the limits of this State; It U is, therefore^ Ordered, That they do appear at a h Court of Ordinary, ti> ho liolden at Greeoviile I. Court ilouse, for Greenville District, on the 9th uj day of March next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to chew m QHtisa, if any they hate, why a Final Settlement p and Dearee of Die Personal Katnte of Zilman ei Smith, deeoasod, should not ba made, else their G consent to the aame will be entered of record. ROBERT MoK AY, TV Ordinary's Office, liith Ltoo., 18Stt. 82-1'J ffm. H. AlW." ' l^kWtAT. HWM8 yilTT* CLOSED antfl the tc XJ 1st of March next. 50 If. ' ' * * j'v-' ; .'1 :"C& SjE " ->' ' AfHV^ir^N SAI/'.S, <w>. GliRfcNX'iLLR DISTRICT. Sheriff** SmUH. RV virtu**of undrvrewt* uf Fieri VtrfufcCfr j rue direoUnl, I will *efr bnfrtiv IWo coun louse dpor, fct the Jipuirl li^uf* of fule. 'on the lr?t MetJiUy In 4ANUXk\%A*t: ' o (>no Negro M;tn, emitted Terry,- )evcd on ns'tftw^lrtipfttty.'dt Kiviri I;- Pinkfen, at the " uit of Edwin J. Frit*. - i Sixty acres of 1m id, more or loss, vi|?te *?ti tjio Lauren* road, O'ljoi.rinir hin^ ,,ut rnglk, Owiiim d nl. ; Idv h d o n n* the prSpfer y'orihivid Hell, ut the suit df .k>hu "( une E. Slmll, nml others. At Pv^WnUitnt'd r.usidencc, on Tiled '\ lav nftur palcrdnv.iu-hiniouv, Hklht, llundrel MiUndedf^ThWtoirhfi* W,rtiW VmdiAi-TWTrels of '''1 Torn: ns the prooortv wf John Qra*kui at the uit of 4<\>. I.1H , Qne,J3ay horse,; as thq property ml V. Ti VV.hitiniro, at the ?uit cf ii, 0. Mout^iutt* M-y. ^ mi -"vt. _ . . - jLiiicc ii?poe3, viz: Anthony, li? ears old. Robert, t> years old, Hnd .limmyfll ears old; levied on n* the property of Berry Juldwin, utlluMiUit of M 1*. Jones. All Pafcndifnt'j<Htorfrt intwotrneta of Innd / yihg in Creetlvillal>i*t?M, whereon Joel Yoiin*- * ilood now livci%#eouUii<iiny three hundred Heres iu hotli trjfctv,) more '<muwt. Levied on m the uoperty of Bdvcrida Pickett, at the suit; O.f loliertsA Duncan. Three hundred and fifty acres of land more or ess, whoreiijKin defendant resides on the State oad, adjoining lauds of MeKinney. < t. ah, r us . lie property of Win. Fuller, at the suit of 0. ilrouJ. One hundred acres of lnn.l, more or less, lv- ( n in Greenville District, on the waters of Reedv w tiver adjoining'hinds of AfoBee, Griffith, et, nhl is the property jf John GrifBtli, at . the suit of . hiuies .M. Kcllett. >' *! '.' . ' One Hundred Acres of Innd, more or less, ly- j ng in Grcenvttlo District, wUoining lands of j licks, Smith, cv 111. ; ?J the property of J. J. ( 'armor, at llio suit of Saintlel Puvno, ct. si. ) 1). llOK-i; S. G. 1>. j Sheriff's OfUno, Dcccmlicr tl, 18.'i6. 80?td. ( Executrix's Sale. \ \\7ILL, DKSOI.D at GREENVILLE C TT., 1 *? on the FIRST MONDAY in JANUARY iuxt, the Personal F.stnte of the Irtts Dr. W. I*. Djtkriv, consisting of well iMcctcd HOUSE FURNITURE, nearly uctv, and in 9n? order. ONI' PI ANA, wardrobes, I'll na,'Glass and Oroekerv Ware. Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils of Every Variety, Safe, Sofn. Settee*, Chairs. Wnshstnnds, Beds, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Blankets, One Cur- 1 riage and PA III OF HORSES, Drees- i ng-Case aod Bureau, Knives and Forks, Ae. Ac. t ALSO, SEVEN SLA YES., \ )f ffood cleipnotaf ?>,.! ?--? *" 0 M..M nniUM^ VI1VII1 un r#XCCIi I cut COUly, with Two likely Female Children? >n a credit of Twelve Month*, with intercut I Voui day of rule, for all sums over KivcDollitnt. I I'urohosers to give Ilond and pood security, and i Morgage, if required, before the right of prop irtv iu clumped. lb oar Indebted to the Estate are requostod to i >ay, and (Lose having claims upon the same to uuii] them in. LOUISE TUltriN. Executrix, liy WILLIAM t'HOUiE, Att'y. in fact. Greenville O. II., l>eectnher 4. ".Sl-ll-td Administrator's Salo. ON Sale-dav in January next, I will cell, at public auction, in front of the Court House, ho following valuable NEGROES, belonging to J ho Estate of S. MuuMiu, deceased, viz: \ A RON, a Muu 33 years of age, a good Hostler, i'oleiitine, ? Man 33 yours of age, u superior Taildr. i llijts, ? Mau 3d years of age, a good House Car p. ntor. < dansom, r Man 20 years of age, promising as a Carpenter. Henry, Hill, 1 'ose and Charley, likely Roys, from . 1 '4 to 1?> veara old. LIZZIE an<1 Child, :?5 years of age, a superior Cook and House Servant.. Caroline, 45 years of age, alio a superior Coo'; and House Servant, \litfc 20 years of age. n superior House Servant. Harriet, 17 years of age, u!su a superior House Servant, j Smily,' Millv, r.ucy and Rafney, likely Girls, froui 7 to 10 years of age. Tkrms or Sai.r.?A credit of twelve months, | vhih interest froui date; purchaser required to :ive bond, with two aiiliam*' I -J . - - rr - t.ciwrtr f ho r\glii of property is changed. J. MAL^plN. Administrator. T>ec 4 :;d td Ho, lor the M est! fjfc AS I INTEND MOVING WEST, I < nil^oflVr for sale niy LA XDS on IIor?cpon -r?;ok, 14 miles Southeast of Greenville- C. II., Mitainiug nWut 784) A or <-4. On the plirc# 1* a ery large lx>dv of Woodland, no well limbered 0 liny in the District. lite Plantation is in good | rder. On it i* ? very Urge body nf excellent ( irt-ek Rottom, nnd somA vefY gbort Ihftand itiier cultivation, and vtTy good Orchards. The immvenu-nts are fell in j^bou repair, consisting of } commodious Dwelling, good Kitchen, witli n i'ork-rooni attached, Meat-house, large Corn-; rib, Stublcs, Cow-house, Slierp f>)d, Fodder and [nv Darn?, house for Plantation Tool*, Wagon lied and Carriage House, C?rpenter'e and Dlnck- j nitlis' Shop, and H good Ovorsecr'a House and egro Cab inn. Also, a uew and nealllatli Hon*.1 the Spring, near tho residence. The place is 'ell watered. There arc several springs of pure 'Oter, and the OfeCK through, near the cen'6 of the Tract. Tho Dwelling is situated on n eminence, and commands view of a large ortion of the farm. The plaoc Imperfectly ljual- q ?y, and, for a person wishing all Up-country rain or Stock farm, this would ho a very desirble place. I will sell low. For further iufor- ^ istion inquire of the proprietor, on the nlsu.?. 1 ' " A. j. st6SE! Clear Spring P. 0., S. C. Qui. 30, 25 tf. ^ wo^ioa. j Land for &ale? r OFFER FOR SALE my place on tha State A L road, five miles ihov Chicks' Springs, " nowii as the "WOOD PLACE." It eontafo* *1 740 Acres, ive hundred acres in foreOl and Eightv or One l [tuidred serve of Frosh el< nre<l land. '1'he place C !? got good improvement* on it, ?nd 1 will sell OW. Good Timo will Im given for the payicuta, and the purchaser is expected to make ite the ii(M> Negroes will he taken at a fair riee lor the land. J^f'Prrsons desirous of pnr- 1 tiaajing can address me at handy Flat P. O, reenvilie District, or find ma oo ths premises, n ... .. TUOilAH CHANDLER. t Xovetnhsr 20. S8 6* K *7 a] Council Office. rE office of Clark, of Council will hereafter f< l>? in the Old Court House, in Um attaa riotrl/ occupied hy the Sheriff. * - A*. P. PiUUK Thra Cfcrfh a * % . CTF. t K \lHS? % 1 i sf, f. N T.< 1 v" :jiisiK?'i ilMSl?s T- ANU : ' 5 ? a _ 1 Winter Stock, 1856, ? Z ? - " "I WBJ H. EOVET ft CO. 3 VfQ.W present Kr-'V-f fiwUUh-a V? .pareiiwr* tli - > tliini at rti'.v previofa WrtV*.'"JViH aft* ?i?r isplnymg (und *cllin<?) aTOplly very | lioiee ifMtiftActt of ........ 'aslii'>iiHl4*?"r>re?s SflVs Fiin* Freucft'Merin?ieji R ^ij<1 ('hint/. CjjinUni'H ' CTiiin Fi6u'h 0?;Lnin??' ,.i Lndii-s*' Clonk Cluths i?t \ e\v' Wmf^r TV? m iVffn^A *' Liu lie' FhkIihumble O|onk< in llaiiorv, Gauntlets nnd Kid Gloves tii White Watered Silks Tarlelons, Wreaths kmi nmnAL goods in general. Tn Particular, tl .10 0 YARDS New Style Fast Colored CALICOES* J uiat iu?12.J- cents. Nov 4i7 2? if Sundries. C1URTAIN STi; FFS, Solo Lentor Trunks. J Window Huuled, ItruMwls ('nrpot lia*rs, ?ilk Umbrellas' Trunks, fil..5 to fc3.<.R), I ) A'nll Pnperinir, Fine Siik Hats, *illow Cottons, HUek Satin Vests, 0-4 .Slits-lings. Fine Frock Coats, 'aniilv J.iueiis, Black PatiU, Jiril ftye Diapers, f)\ereonts, '-o $11. Jcriuati Colognes, Cent's Cmwimcrc Hats, I'oilet ttnaps, Calfskin Hoots, lYioupherou", Travollitic Blankets, Jo'.d Tliinihles, Fine K?1 Blankets, "'ANCV JitkXtiS, Merino Lndervest*,, . 1 \ *ry Handsome Baskets, Small Wares and new '"aney AiS-icle., suitable for Cbristmns Presents, AT 110 VKY fc COS. . December 11. 91 9 W IOl. 1W r3HL"' JBL-'i: *? \ TEA,Oil Kit to take charge of a 6T1l(.IOK established by I mvqk. No.. 1 r>, o L O. O. I*',, In the Town of Greenville. lie utist be of good moral character, and competent o tench the Higher English Branches nnd Mntli malics. The School will be under the ?M|?orrision of a Committee of said 1-odge, and will >c opened on tl\i first. Monday in February next. Api dionnts w'ltl address the undersigned be- j jj Fore th?? HHIi of January, at which time an clecLtutt will be held. Salary Six Hundred Dollars 11. LKE Til HUSTON, Chuimian Committee. Dec. U? 81 4 ii a i po lilfi aTof f as i ITon. I 1IAVE ON HAND, and nio constantly receiving, a Cll EA P ASSORTMENT of Gonllomons' Furnishing Goods RK AD Y-M ADE CL0T1ILVG. Nov 27?20-tf G. B. DYKU. Wantrd. IT*ROM TWO to FOUR intelligent "White or Colored libys, as Apprentices to the [_ ring Trade. IV. B. DYKK. ..Nov 27' ? 20 tf 1 e. r. stokesT | BOOK-BINDER AND || BS lank-Hook IVlamifHcltircr, I (fn rear of Carolina Times Office.) soss.o. i i BLANK HOOKS ruled to nny pattern, nml ntanufnctnred of thultosl material* and in the nio?t durable manner. ? liRIODIOAlX MUSIC HOOKS. Ac., l.onnd in every variety of style, nt short notice. I vs2T Country orders promptly attended to. ?.0t2 ? l)**c 4 30 ly i liiLiirirEiRLi. miTONYh.T.E, S. 0.. IT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, DKAf.RR IN IlDLTVJJ Paints, Oils, Modicines, )&&{{ Varnishes, Dliciuicals, 50 BRUSHES. JDYE-MTUYF*, c llliUe Lead & Zinc Wloitc. lis L??NO CONNECTION WITU THE AUOYK BCAINEPS IS A GUARANTEE THAT KVKKY1IMNU IS OK TUK BE?T QUALITY, A#t? WILL BF. SOI.O Wi THE l!l. MOST. ?EA*oNAM.R TERMS. C-ly ^~p p^jCjg Attorn fit ot Ciut), M AND CtfWf OF TOWN COUNCIL, * FFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, v (DftUllSt&F 1%, (il. Till promptly Attend to the Aollr-ction of Notes ~~ nd A?0ort?, settling Claims, A<\ Escnpeil. W^i. l><).>, a free |h)1-haii uf ?o]wr. was arrtMt'.wl by j?o, on tliu 'j:td inat, with a tate'a Warrant. .Sui.l Nowdou is about six f??et g igh, rather square built, very dark color, hh.1 \ reighs about 176 or 180 pound*. He is from * .bbevill# District, H. C., and this notice is to n< 1" iat ine in re-capturing him. Ai?y iuformntion re- ?r letting him will he. thankfully received by me 'll l Oreen villa Court liouao. Nov 27 29?tf Z. MARTIN, Marshal. tutteringandStammoringCiirod ? BY im. WYCKOF1', A .Vf#f PidNbnrK, Pa. WITHCUT PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. M LX7II() will scad the cure to any part of the n World, on the receipt of *10; and the ff toney returned, if the cure is not effectual.? |J*All letters mint be sddroMwl to Dlt WYC- I" [OFF, Rot l^PiUibaM, Pa, iu care of Ar- ? mm, llodgeredt Co~ JJnnk-i P. &"~0?H^ehpou<f?nifxWllpleMif enclose stamp r return postaire. ] CAtmoM.?- All pornontilrhrt flnawot produce my eiiuitm eertrtnate, ore tint*hug*. " ^*1 iff ,-v# ., . 1)11. W. nitfftir - OKKteRAfc Ail A' tf ItVtHrfM kN'tfc. ' V: *' I ? ? ? * +'**?;" i ;ALlv AND VtlMM tEAfi&roiiis &m, A tTKlt r<*t!trr>l$f ?fheiy. t1inrVs-|i their \ , fi'ieuiU aiiJ ensU?iu-jr\lvi tl??) yevyJi|wT. ^wtronugo thyy. lu^ve Jbes+owo-J on timm Vtng?i ir ^inin<-iic?>mcut in iVErehiUidLiii^ in li' \y \)? J?e;/ityv/* ta.eyll Owir at'teijfhin, rfi nil us ili.? -nttenf inn sil* tho J^mt?i'iiHyi,fc ie fa?t, tttilt they ha'Crt jw&J, returned fi- *.U the orthfrrn Mf.i kv?V mi! ha v.- opened at tli ir AVKMi STAITft, okb iKH>n soi'Tii of thk nkav ooiKt iioivk, very heave, and wtdf'Wtaclutl Stock of nil dorintions of GOODc^, tlKMllv kcpthv Merolwiltt I this part of t]i<: ( ouktrV r- a-Tnntinf to Llio I it t?Oi**oii of 1110 your, a'; J wlifch they ore <L'nuiiio<l Ium'Hiu low a* tliev.oniibc pir?b?u.yil ret nil, iiiiy tfbcVe m the Ahnmtrxv ' Ah our irt-ook in mi evtuneive, wo pIihM not'oimenite iirtic'i-M, but aicro'y soy, that, in thi v?ry pst. of F.&.XT3T A^TS STAfiS DRY-&00D8, nit w bave almost evitvUiiitjjlfmt may be illed for, either by Ladies or GentloinJh. BOOTS, SHOES ?ANT>?. Ol' ALL K1N 1>S. l FINE LOT OF ENGLISH,STRAW ANI) SILK BONNETS* HATS AND CAPS, or til: latest stvle*. ilardware Sc Cutlery# Guns, Nails, Castings. A FINK LOT" OF 8.PA0Y-MAQE CLOTHING* Blacksmiths' Tools. FINE CARPENTER'S TOOLSROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DRUGS & MEDICINES. PBRFUMB11IB8, PASO* A&TSG&ES, BOOKS <St STATIONERY. OILS, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS. jUin0ob)-6Iw, tuftij, SADDLES AND BRIDLES. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP " BAOE SALT. LEA Til EK. COTTON YARN, &c. ItKA, SORGOUS: ?fc Co. Nov. 6. 2?J if. Off. _ '1'IIE extensive stock of Arjf%W Jewelry of Cilia i*1om SaiitJj. ^.It, J0* opposite tl? ?> Mansion House, > v i 11 frYvV?'' " l?o closed out ut very )u\v price? viz: V quantity of very fine Cold and Silver Watches, of English and Swiss Manufacture. 'lain, Lnpitie, Anchors, Levers, Rail Road Time Keepers, Duplex and Chronometers. ALSO, ON HAND, A quantity of Second-hand Watches, amour' rhich are " Genuine Tol.ius Levers." xTTS'tW.K.IT^RNV n great Vnrioty ; nil tbc article* usually found i a JEWKLttY STOKE. Bn^li?liPlatcd Ware, *" 0S*<5"i??H I? PI ^?\?9 &&, drO; J^^Takc Notice that Mr. Smith now offers HIS KSTITtli 8TOCK At Greatly Eeduced Prices November 'JO. M 3m W. 11. IIOVKY & (v6; DKAI.KRS IN MNCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS GOODS, BONNE IS, RIBBONS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS Rt A DiY - M A D I"CLO THtMGL i INDIA -H USB Ell GOODS, (Di&, a, o? J. MOVKT. , W. U. HOVCT. j N. ]i.?Orders accompanied l?y the ensh fur | edicai. J.hw nr JLibrnry Bc.<?lis, ..liurcal lufti a- j ruts and' Hand. its, promptly filled in New oik, and delivered at onr courier uu aliortcetj itieu. Ootohor 23, 21 If. I Trewovai >f E. KriitcliN D?h^' Sloro and Apothecary Shop. S3 akfcifc. _n T1IE Subscriber thankful lor the very *g liberal patronage h ivtoforc bestowed tipJL on him, take* plenffftrft in forming bin itrotiA and tho public generally, that he vill ntinne, in hi* cw bland, to keep on hand a 11 atoek of I DULL;8, MEDICINES, CIIKMWAW,PATENT ediciner, Sttt-gical Instriimonts, Paints, )>yenffe, Varnishes, 1'ntfv, Tohneeo, Segiirs, Splrlf OS, Oil*. L'andle*, Soajm, Spire*. Urndie*. Toilet rtielea, Cowba, Perfumery.* nnd all other arti ; es generally kept hy Droggi.U. i MrFredh ml pure Drug* arc warranted nnd ihl it lour nrieee. Compound medtcinca are prepared in !hemo?C ireful wav Heoeipta and pat-script iotia of any nd put-t t> \c?ti_ accurraef, neatness and dUiteh. K. KUUTLU1. Greenville, 8. CL, }fov. 13, 1861. 27-*8t. , Bool* and Klioes. I UST RECEIVED, a large lot of the above I goods lit tha store of A. GREEN J It LP, Opposite the Mansion Mouse. 1 ml .tm GtfNUiur. ^nVv.uTisrkiKK'^ 1 iwb' WK wnMnllftM oiHrniW <>f drn'tt^M nii"1 tfrftt our ronatHwUv juvf^'Vii J?u?i?ie? ltM voiuycllcii our pcftrfo<T?T "? nwr.tM'.tiiittt;inugntfteoittuikI j p#ciit?w >i*ww'^tifoov lUilUm-.' A /"V fl i Tim .utcouuuvJati -n . a:??l ntjranjronont? <>f tln< "NKW l>Ki'(>'!'." arc unfairpns*"<l liy pny similiir t>e>tnl>'Uluii<'<:t in <l??* Vuitwl Wtnto-'; nii-1 whilst it will iiiTu.-V, facilities for keeping our gsu.tJ large in k of ; MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, I ' CHEAP POttLmATHjrS^ MAGAZINES, &, C . , Wo also propoao milling largely to our Stock of Stationery, ! An.l Mirw in want of T-ELliKUA, JD15HNAIJH. | CASH HOOK*. LET1EK. NOTE, ami CAV PAj L'liU ?IC., Al\, will fiuvl it to tlu-ir udvHntaga to visit u.s. 53. a. OO'JS.SSSTA.Y & 00m ' IiOOKSr.M.KItS AND STATlONKItS. At the Styn. of the Clmrlesttin. N.A*. 2D. ?8-if NEW FALL AND WINTER ? col? &????, ' |MIANKl*'t" L f<>r |>a*t fmt ronage, r<*|uctfully Jl inforni thoir friends ami the ]>nl>lin geuernllv, that they uiro uo\v revolving n largo btock of consiitin? of Vorv Clwrieo Fabric#. Now Ptvl?? ami lil.KOANT LESIONS for DRESS GOODS, A largo ami well selected stock of floods for ?IBlTjai'mriPS 'W?A%. Ready-Made Clothing. 1_ - W ? lilankcts Flannel*, nnina,.Kcra<?y^ Shitting, Sheeting, Ao. HATS AND CAPS, ^-AsBoots and Shoes,-s?8 HARDWARE AMD]'CUTLERY* CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, xmuas> ?v?*&rm&?3 /hVL*! UltOOEltfES! tj?ja?jjklpnn flic most reasonable terms for ensli. Wo deem it ihiitoeosanry to enumerate nil, or even ft portion of the nrtie]os we. have oil hand, invito the pit ldte to an inspection of our Stoek, Jit eipbrnee* everv JU'tiele usually kept, ami wo uinik'ilint custornerR will find it to their a<ivantage to give sis a onll ?gf".\t. the Xriw Ijj-ick Sloto roi/tu of the New t'oiirt llonsc..ff.1 GICADV ?fc GOODLKXT. Oo(,'2. ' - 21 tf w ii. n o v i: v (u, Pli0PllIETORS' OP tuveiHHil*. S. C. FANGY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Sitn\r!s, Uaiitilnii & Simbroidericii. AO EXT* VOIt RTT'IIV FntE-IMCOOFflAFlvS, "j , Stoddard's Warranted Pimm Fortes, a ^ Mrs. Allen's Word's lluir Restorer, 5.j*i I>- \\i n n i.mi ? ,T. u Hiiinwr? i 11ana itinera, _ ^ l)r. D?vi<l Juyne^l'ttU Jit ilcJitano*, 3*. "I Loudon d: C?.'s 44 " | 2 A. IS. iil). SuihIH* Sareitiutrnhi, J PI X.?. 2, (ZtcrfHu't* PuiWiiz*, AVm'/# o\>jn>K\t* Mansion IIou*e. January 11# IHfttS. li<> tf Hats and Caps, A NlvW ntpfilv of tin* ?tyle*. Amonp; x V_ which may 'b" lauud tlic uo'aiuivli admired, BROOKS HAT, At the rtore of A. QKHh.XFm.lfc Octobur 10. tan *f. PIANO TUNING~ " jOr'a. TilK ?ul??oribor would ?ffer l?i.* fwvto the citircn* of G recti yaHo and the Mir*, w I ?, rounding e?aH?fcrv In the ?v ,T~ ' . U/ b?V? biulnoea^ lie -wfil givo AAtiofaction, or 110 chaise will W m?w. a to. Ml'Kf'HEY. Jane A. -t ' tf Thompson's Antiseptic & Aroma" tic Tooth Soap, HANTIIETTS 5*po?i?eeoua Dentrifice; J. O. Deir?wsh'a Supwrior Tooth Soap; Another lot of Ihtlmof it 1 ho?i??ml Flower*, Thompson'* Celebrated \Va-*htfgCompound, German Chemical Eradve Soup, for Clean ing Pnint*, removing ??eu*e, tar and pi inter'* ink. This nonp i? uhsurpaaaed, J list received nnd for rale at tl?? Nctf Diug .Sioroof MftiS A