University of South Carolina Libraries
1 1 ' J, ! IW?? V*1:- f au Hoi'* dwells within the mind of man, a Wt U?M ?ta?l?>l >ti?M 2 ' * "?.? i,?< i '.IJg'JLl UWFi Though life bo long or like a span, Ilopo saves us from despair. '* 4?'?x - ! ur Hope U of more than rainbow hue, *"< ! * Tfa seen without a cloud ; No lowering drear obstructs the view, FrOnr. glory or from God. V j Jw J ' '" '*' ' ' '' 1 Hope is an anfchor to the sou1, Both sure and steadfast too, Tie that which clings within the veil, And makes our prospects nd^C" * Vtf/' Hope is our polar star through ] To guide us 'midst tho storm ; ' mi I _ j. a . i i i ? 1A I iiiougu winus snouia nowi sou nil do rite, > Hope safely guides us home. Hope is our solace here below, In hours jof sad distress ; "W ben sickness coinos and pulse beat low^ Hope points to glorious rest. Hope stills the (hrobbing, aching ieart, It dries the yvat'ry eye; Disrobes doath of his iron dart, Sccuros a home on high. , ,t Vi ituOut this hope T could not live, This hope of Miss to come ; This Hope that God at last will give, A crown beyond the tomb. ILLA ICKY. a?? C^Tto?MST'S_?M?. * The Sontimentalist In Conrt "What is your name?' 'Mr name 19 Norval on the Grampion hills.'? 'Whero did you come from ?' 'I caino from the happy land, where oare isunitnown.' 'Whore are you lodging now?' 't dreamt I dwelt in marble halls.' 'Where are you going to?'? 'Far o'er hill and dale.' "'W hat is your occupation V 'I played on a harp of a thousand strings.' 'Are you married!' 'Long time ago. Polly put the kettle on.' -'When were you married?' 'Twas twelve o'clock one starlight night. I over shall remember.' 4ll aot mniwr nluli^oAn Vin oa ??/\u f uictuj V/?* uvi? V/W lii?? \3 ) VII ? ",1'There's Doll and Bet, and Moll and Kate, and?.' 'What is your wife's name! 'O no, I never mention her.' 'Did your wife oppose your leaving ?' 'She wept not when we parted.' 'In what condition did you leave her?v 'A rose tree in full bearing.' Is you family provided for ?' A little farm well tilled.' 'Did your wife drive you off f' 'O, sublime was the warning.'? 'What did your wife 6ay to you that induced you to slope?' 'Ootnc rest in this bosom.' 'Was your wife good looking?' 'She was all inv fanoy painted her.' 'Did your wife ever?treat yon badly ?' 'Oil in the stilly night.' 'When you announced your intention of emigrating, what did your wife say ?' 'O. dear, what can the matter be.' 'And what di I you reply V ? 'Sweet Kitty Clover, dou't bother rae bo.' Where did you last ?ee her?'? 'Wo mot?'twas in a crowd.' 'What did she fifty to yon when you were in the act of leaving?' 'Go torget mo.'? 'Do yon still love her?' 'The minis trels returned irom the war.* 'What are your possessions ?' 'Old Dog Tray.' ^YVhat do you propose to do with liirn ?' Send him to the other side of Jordin.' . 'llow do you propose to make a liv- ' ing?' 'Pull off my coat and roll up my sleeves.' The Judge could'nt cfoti/1 on tt n t Ai?n nt\<l n/tn.\u/l ? ? s*l n-fuui uiij iiiviu flilll IIVLUI UlllglJ DCIlt liitn up for throe months. - . ? ?. ? ? That Dam Roaring. A young buck, went to see the daughter of n Presbyterian elder lately wltoae house was near a mill-dam. Xt being the spring of tho year, the waters made considerable of a roar as they tumbled over the dam. The modest young gentleman tapped lightly ttt tho door at first and received no answer. lie tapped again?still no answer. Again and again ho repeated his knock, but still ho was nnbeard. Mustering tip courage, he proceeded to inilict some severe thumps on the door, which brought the staid old gentleman out. "I suppose," said the youngster, who had by tiiis timo become slightly savage, from bemg compelled to wait so long {**1 suppose you could not hear llie knocking for tun dam mucino> " ? o ?r **" '"o* "The <&>//? roaring: What do yon moan air? How daro yon speak in that way said the divine, some-what angered at hearing the young man ** swear in his presence A menu to say, sir, that t suppose you cyuld not hear my kuoekiug ou account ot tlie dam roaring.1' t J "I>am roaring, again I You young scoundrel I Have you the impudonce ty llHrtlt mo with a repetition of those >vords ( Begone, sir?' < lAfy dear sir,'' quoth the now he wUiIerod youth, "I intended to say that 1 presumed I could not be heard oil account of tho 4idain Soaring," laying particular emphasis ou the last two words. "Insult oil insult !* shouted tho infuriated man, ami he rushed at the i illiflkr - ? ? " ft *- X-i-J'^'?'P ?~V .. i ,'|11.-JLL1 ?'L-l, .,.' . - I , |>ooi*Jtoll<ritr with the evident intention of ejecting him, bat was restrained by the voice of id* daughter, exclaiming % ?"Pappa, I suppose the yoang man i intended to Bay that he conld not be J heard on ucduuut of the roarihg of ? the dam." fi "Oh?I beg your pardon, sir-?I beg J your pardon?walk in, walk in, really J ?ah, well, I declare! The dam roar- ti ingl Capital i Come in ccnae in..? That is really top rich ?" . It is needless to add that the yotmg E ster went in, and in the excellent soci- 4 etv of the yonng lady, soon forgot the "dam roaring." A tall, green sort of a well dressed l fellow walked into n Broadway saloon the other day, where they were talking politics upon a high key, and ^ stretching himself up to bis full height ? exclaimed, in ft loud voice: v "Where are the Democrats f Show T me a Democrat, gentleman, and 111 show you a liar!" E In ftn instant a man stood before the * noisy inquirer, in a war like attitude, ? nnd exclaimed; m "I am a Democrat, sir !" h "You are?" J5 I "Yes, sir I am!" ? ' "Well, just step jround the corner h with me, and PI snow you a feller who ei said I conkPnt find a Democrat in the ward! A n't he 'a liar,'I should like fi to know 1" A Hard Sentence.?A boy, four- ~ teen years of ago, was recentiy arres- J-} tod at Itoxwell, England, for stealing r" an egg, valued at a half penny, triea, convicted, and sentenced to four days hard labor and lo be once whipped. " W. II. H 0 Y E Y & CO., I PROPRIETORS OF [J m twti, 0 Glrecqbitle, S. C. FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, g RICH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIS60N8, ?i Sbawh, ffltautllas & Embroideries. h agknts for Rleu's FIRE-PROOF SAFES, "I p Stoddard's Warranted Piano Fortes, 5. ^ [ Mr*. Allen'a Word'a Hair R?atorcr, S. W fc Dr. W. B Motfott'a Pill* and Bitters, ? ~ ^3 ?< Dr. David Javne's Patent Medicines, 3 ^ ja Loudon <t Co.'# " " ! O A. B. AD. Sands'Sarsoparilla, J ^ S AV 9. imrTm r. Ntarly oppotiU Mansion Houtr. L January 17, 1850. 86 tX GREEN^FfEHD^S ~ ~ GROCERY STORE, CORNER STORE, n Opposite the Mansion, House. J PURCHASERS may now find a very oom- vi pleto stock of it Family Groceries, ;; Fine and Cheap Wines, Liquors, Cordials and ^ ALSO, an assortment of 81 Hats and Caps, Bonnets and la B^Ronnet Trimmings, Boots A Shoes.^ together with Ladies' Slippers and Gaiters. HA1BWAM, OBOSIS1.Y, t GLASSWARE AND " MY 600 \ Country Froduea and RAGS taksn in 0 chauge. ALEXANDER GREENFIELD. tb tb Q AAA LBS- BACON and SOO Lba LARD, tb tj\J\J for sale at GREENFIELD'S. Q( JOHN KRAU3E, Z FtJRNITCRB" AND CABINET MAKER, J hi |fll)rw?v WOULD respectfully inform fa eitisens of Qreenvi.le nnd has on hand a lot T. of FURNITURE. which ho will dispose of upon M reasonable term*. Jlc haa Chairs, Tables, Sofas, 01 W ash stands, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture til made to order. Hie shop may be found on At- ^ ennc Street, between Beattie'a Store ar.d the ? Confectionery, and nearly opf>osit* the Court Huobo Greenville, ft. G\, Aug. 14-14-ly tC * ?f Come at Last. 81 THAT valuable article, TIIK DUPLICATING IMPRESSION PAPER, for \\ copying Embroidery Patterns; also, for copying Plans, Picture*. Drawings, Ac., on Cloth, Wood, Stone or Paper. 25 cents a r package. O. E. ELFORD. ^ Sept 18. 10. 2. INK ! INKV" IlwTf TIfE Subscriber has received a snpply t?f the celebrated Ink manufacture _ ed by Maynard <k Noyes, who have been for forty year* engaged in It* manufacture. Below will be found ono of the many teetimo- r nials lo it* merit*: 44 Rbotstrv or l)r.Ki?s, ) M 44 Boston, Nov. 20, 1847. f Jfrw*. tf?i(Twrd d- Noyc$: g 44 (Jentlomen?I havp made use of your p Writing Ink, for die recording of Doeds,'&o^ ^ the pari iwtnty-ftvs years, and, having found c, it to suit my wishes and purposes entirely, take pleasure in renewing my testimonials of ei it* superiority. From the appearance of the ? Records iu my office, I am satisfied it is sit- R pcrior to Any' I hav j used, ar.d consider it i, particularly adapted for all purposes whsre g permanency of color is requisite oi desirable. 0 It flows well from the pen, and does not n mould ; tfn.l my oljest faevrds mm its eo- c lor lo 6i unalterably black. *PT 4 Signed,' Hknrt AiaMS." q ALSO, ON nAND,!*?* B HARRISON'S, Mason'*, '|?|| Black, Blue, Red, Carmine and Oct 23-21-tf O. E. ELFORD. n - - ?i r iiigifr/jii[i|>n tf i i in' f: i TOWN OF GREPNVUXE Tax Ordinance, b raiH frippiwfor tM* Ywndiag Oct IK, 1861 BE IT ordainED, by Uw ktadut and Warden* of the Tew* of OTeenrilie, in onnei) assembled, nod by the authority of the tin*, that a Tax to eooar the period from the ret day of Oeteber, IBM, to tbo first dny. of Ictober, 1857, for the nm end in the manner ereloafter mentioned, shall be raised aad ?afid ato the DubUetreaiarv for the am and serving torsot TAX OR RIAL K8TATK. * 1 " ? Sxcrrow 1. That is to My, ton oeuta on every undred dollar* of the mawtd value of Reel istat* lying in said town, to be paid by the first ay ox November next, 1859. OR KEQROK3. Saa 3. And be it further ordained. That twenjr-five eenta per head hall be paid 911 all slave* etween the age of sixteen and fifty yearr, Mid sx.tobe paid by the first day ef November next OK MKRCHAKDI8R, WARK8, AO. Sna 8. And be it further ordained. That Ted leoti on every hundred dollars ef sales of goods, rares and merchandise, shall be paid by every lercnant or shop keeper In the t own of Gretaill?, from let January, 18C6, to 1st January, *67. his tax to be paid by the first of February next ON CARRIAOVS, OMNIBUSES, AC. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That Three ollars shall be paid on each and every four heeled pleasure carriage drawn by two or more oreea; Two dollars on each one-horee carriage, arouche, gig, sal key or buggy kept for pleasure ad not for hire; Ten Dollars on each fonrorse omnibus or hack; Five Dollars on each lack or carriage drawn by two horses, and run >r conveyance of passengers or hire; Three ollars on eaoh buggy ran for hire; Five Doltrs on each four-horse wagon ; Five Dollars on sch two-horse drey or wagon, and Two dollars a each one-horse wagon or dray run for hire, he above taxes are to be paid on or before the rst day of November. 1858. ROAD AND 6TRJEKTTAX. Sna A And be it further ordained, That the finual tax for Road and Street Exemptions for >8 current year shall be the sum of Two Dolors, said sum to be paid by the first day of Febiary next, 1857. PATROL F.XKMPTIOK8. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the im of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents be and is ereby ordered to be paid by each and every erson liable to do patrol duty, for exemption om t<fii<i nntrol dutv for the vt>ar enHInir f)*tn. ?r first, 1867. Said aum ?f two dollars and fifr cent* to be paid to tbe Town Clark on or be>ro the first day of November, 1866. penalties. Src. 7. And bo it further ordained. That if riy person or persons shall fail, neglect or reiseto make a return on oath to the Clerk of the ouneil of all his, her or their taxable property, id to pay tho tax thereon, the said Clerk is ereby required to issue execution therefor, imiediately,on such default. Sea 8. And be it further ordained, That if any ergon or persons shall run for hire any vehicle erein mentioned, without first paying tax there* >r, every such person shall pay for each day he ) offends the annual tax to which such vehicle subjecthv this Ordinance. , - Done nn<l ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greenville, bo the eight h day L a.] of October, in the year of our Lord one thouaand eight hundred and fifty-six. H. LEK THRUBTON, JniendunL W. P. Price. 7Lush Cltrk. Oct 9-22-4 'ffowu Oreliiinuicf" CONCERNING GOATS AND SWINK. BE IT ORDAINED, by tbe Intendant and Wardens of tbe Town of Oreenille, in Council assembled, Thnt hereafter shall not be Inwful for gonts or swine to in at large w'thin the corporate limits of te Town of Greenville; and it shall be the uty of the Marshals, and tbey are hereby uthorized and required to employ suitable ersons to. seize and secure all goats or vihe tliat may so. be found running at trge, and to impound the same in the lot >nvenient to the court-house. Section 2. And be it further ordained, bat upon the impounding of aoy such goats r swine, the Marshal shall immediately ndsrtino the Mine at the market-house, giving correct description thereof. And should ie owner or owners appear within two days lereafter, and prove his or their right to ie possession of such goat or swine, then ie said Marshal is authorized to deliver te same to him or them, on the payment ' one dollar for each and every goat or vine, so delivered, as a fine hereby impos1 for each and every goat or swine so found inning at large. Section 3. And be it further ordained, bat should no one appear within the time ereinbefore prescribed, or appearing, shall i! or refuse to pay the fine nereby intposI, then it shall be the duty of the said [arshal to expose to public sale, such goat r swine, for the satisfaction of sA*id fine ; ie excess of such sale if any there should ?, after paying snch fine to be deposited to ie credit of the Town Council, to be given > the owner of the property sold, upon the ime being demanded within 30 days after ich sale. Section 4. Be it further ordained, Tluit lis Ordinance shall take effect from and af>r the first day of January next. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greenville, on the l. s.] eighth (lay of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. II. L. TB HUSTON, Interdant. W. F. PmcB, Torre Clerk. uciooer v. i'i 8. rHE KubscrilKjr would inform the citizen* of Lbe Village of Greenville end ear* mnding country, that he does all kinds of INGHAVING, of Gold or Silver and Plate, enernily. Makes snd mounts In ' Gold or ilver, all the varieties of Braided Fancy lair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; founts in Gold or Silver Walking Canes; uta and tits to order, 8pectacle Glasses to nit any age almost. Among the articles gen* rally needed, aud made by kim, are Gold nd Silver Sleeve Buttons, Studs fsr Collar nd hoaom. The Mounting and getting up of is hair finger rings (hair braided'by the wedish Lady, M?. Olson,) and Fob, Vest, r Guard Chains, he ffaUert himself, would ot be scoffed at In \l\t larger fashionable [ties. Orders for work, thankfully received, t the Corner, sixty yards Met of the Old Jourt House, and bat a few paces from the Enterprise Office. J. H RANDOLPH. JtS0 No charge tof engraving any work iiadcby him. Je 20 7 ly "if I ',/ | 4brjflsftd Lottoria*. 3? OORBIN * CO. Agent*. A torttntb vo? tbi trial. "The re la a tide Is th? affaire of man. WWflb, U taken atUnlwd, loads to fortune.' OSB.TRIAL HAT HAKE YOU RICH FOR LIFE Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily, a*wd tour ordrr8 TO CORBIN * CO., The Old Established Authorised Agents who hava BOLD MORE PRIZES Than any other offioo In the State of Mirylaad. au rams svtuimto bt rex stats. SINGLE TICKETS: Wholes $1 Halves 50 eta Quarters 15 oteCERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES 26 Whole Tickets $16.00 ; 20 Half Ticket* 8.00 26 Quarter Ticket* 4.00 NOTHING VENTURE. NOTHING GAIN. Tickets Bought by the Package are always the most Profitable to the Purchasers. TRY PACKAGES. For $38 we sead package Whol?e,HsVsAQ*rt*rs. For $10 weeend package Hab'a ?k 2 Whole tick'U For $8 we send paek'ge Quart's A 1 Whole tiok't. Look at the following SPLENDID SCHEMES, One of which are drawn at 13 o'clock each day of the week. BRILLIANT. >47,267 Dollar*. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class 810. CORBIN & CO., Agente. SCHEMR. 1 prize of $8,00C 1 do 1,00( 1 do MX 1 do 1M 1 do 181 160 do (X 64 do H 64 do I 64 do i 8,828 do 32,176 do , ] 25,861 prizes, amounting to $47,261 C A P IT AL PRIZE. I 5,000 Dollars. PATAPSOO IW8TITUTK LOTTERY. Class 102. CORBIN <fc CO., Agents. Scurmb. 1 prize of $5,00( 10 do 50( 1 do 141 8. do 31 OAA A ~ ?/ *w uv v 68 do 1C 68 do ? 120 do A 8,906 do 2 23,486 do ] 27,814 prizes, amounting to $47,261 THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. Class 255. CORBIN & CO., Agents. Scheme. 1 prize of $8,006 1 do 1,566 1 do 1,006 2 do 75C 2 do 30C 2 do 10( 211 do 2; 60 do 1( 66 do A 1,224 do S 25,740 do J 30,SI6 prize*, amounting to $53,252 Tickets $1?Shares in proportion. Address CORBIN & CO. Box 100 Post Office, Baltimore, MJ. October 10, 23 tf. IVcw Gun IHanufhctory. ENQRAVINQ AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. THE subscriber, recently from London, r?ri< and the principal cities of Europe an<i America, where specimen* of his art hare giver he utmost satisfaction, respectly informs the cit isens of ths Upper Country, that he has just ar rived, and located himself at Greenville, when he is prepared to do all work Appertaining to hii business, in the best manner ana at the shortest notice, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Riflei and 8hot Guns, Duelling Pistols, Ac. He will also keep eonetaotly on hand an assortment of 8porting Materials, whioh he offers for sale at very reasonable terms; finely earved Alligator'* Teeth, Steel Tempi, and Engraving cm Gold, Silver, Ae. All Work and Repairing done in the very beal manner, and warranted equally as good as ear be dene in the United States. ty Hi* shop will be found two doors belon DrTEarle's Drug Store. Jrlj S tf. P. BREDA. ^ T * M' y _L - - "| I j 1 j -|X i j" by bpsoxal niorast. | Phinlins I Painting f tWIt aubeeriber has loeatsd himself in tin ' town of ftreenviJls, and with it to be on dsvstoed that he is now prepared to reeeive er dera for House, Sign, Ornamental and FANCY PANTING, Graining, Marbling nad PAPER HANGING. All of whleh will be executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked In tbe principal oit iee of both Knrope and America, he feel* salisfl ed that he eaa give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. He deems it un necessary to give a list of references; all he aski is an examination of his work. He waate n< better recommendation than his work can give He has the right for a celebrated Metallic Pin Proof Reo^ equal to copper in durability, and it addition to the nbove he is also prepared to ex eeute either Professional of Business Cards oi Glass Is a style eeeoad to nose. Orders foi Graining or MarbMag will be attended to, t? tbe work done in n style to snit the tastes of th most fastiduma. All orders addressed to me a Greenville C H., or left at the Caroliaa House will meet with prompt attention. mats bamuelpon. July 3. 8 flni ?!a.teT EdiunylfoBes B. Sob). nnHIS Paper ia the largest Weekly erer JL published ia this oouotrv. Its contents ale each as will be approved In the roost fastidious circles?nothing immoral being admitted into its pages. It will furnish as much rcAtlincr maltar ss almost anv one can find tiro* to peru?c, consisting of TALES, HI8TCBY, BIOGRAPHY, too stuck with MUSIC AND POETRY. The paper contains no nltrn sentiments, end meddles neither with politics nor religion, bat it is chnmotorized by n high moral tone. It circulates nil over the'oountry, from Maine to California. The terms by mail are very 1 low, as will be seeu by the following; TERMS. The "Waverly Magazine** is published , weekly by Moses A.Dow, 12 Water st., Boston, Mass. Two editions are printed, one on thick paper for Periodical Dealers, at 6 cts a copy, and ad edition for mail subscribers, (on a little thinner paper, so aa to ooroe within the low postage law) at $2.00 a year, or $1,00 for sue months, always in advance. Olubaby mail, six papers six months, $5.00. Paper stopped when the last number paid for is sent. A new volume commences every July and January. But if a person commences at any particular number in the volume, and I * pays for six mouths, he will have a volume j ! complete with a title page, as every paper ) is complete in itself. r ?3P"When a subscriber orders a renewal > of his subscription he should tell us what j was the number he received, then we shall j know what number to ronew with without 2 hunting over our books. Otherwise we L shall begin when the money is received. Persons writing for the paper will write T their names, post-office, county, and State, very distinctly. Those who wish their papers changed should tell where it has previously been sent Postage on this paper 25 cts a year, payable in advance at the office of delivery. CLUBBING. Clubs must always be sent at ODe time to receive a premium. We cannot send them at the club price unless received all together, ' as it is too much trouble to look over our kswvlra av iroan an nf tritk amak nilios ?'vvpv.jj vi aw|/ mi hwvuu* n a?u vovu vmivi getting them up. ?&~Any one tending us Four Dollars, can have one copy of the "Waverly Magazine," and either of the following works for one years by mail: Graham's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, Putnam's Magazine, Ladies Gas. of Fashion, Ballou's Pictorial. jCSrAny onosendiugus$3.25 in advance, can have a copy of the "Waverly Magazine," and cithor of the following papers for one year by mail: True Flag, Olive Branch, Uncle Sara, American Union, Yankee Blade, Star Spangled Banner, Yankee Privateer, Odd Fellow. OT18V IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. rpHE subscriber has pnrchsued the Right of X. putting up the above description of Lightning Rods in Greenville District, and is prepared to execute orders for the same to any extent end with promptness and despatch. Theae Rods are conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford the only method yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Any one acquainted with the laws of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining them. Their value has been tested by experience and science, and has been vouched bv hundreds of certificates from all parts of the Union. From | aruoDgM. uieae me louowing oniy are submitted. '1 have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, and have it attached to the building m which I reside. It is better eon* tructed, and more securely insulated, than any lorm of Lightning Rods I have seen. It is neat and cheap, and if properly attached to the buildlug, cannot fail to afford security against the loss of life ana proj>erty by electrioity I therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence > of the community, R. F. Dmumbt. i I'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. G. College." ? Mr. D. O. Wsstfield has recently supplied my - house with Otis' improved Conductor. I have examined them with great oare, and am convini eed that they are the beat Lightning Rods ever i constructed. The methods of attraction and inl miction are new, and seem to ms to be perfect t I can confidently recommend them to all persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. Elkokd. | Any further information may he obtained on ' application to D. G. VKSTV1ELD, t May Greenville, 8. O. Life n?l Property Insured. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! TUC ACUCV/II I c riN n vrv fe? i h* ^ Jilutnal Smmcanct Cnntpamj hiWM Hmim, SMim mad other Property AGAINST FIRE: Aod the Ltfti of WUit Nnou nd Hivt^ between the ogee of 10 and 00 yearn ON aooh terms m to rendsr it a moat safe and deal ruble investment. Foil details, with the Constitution and By-Laws of tha Company, will ba furnished on application to any of tha Offloara of tha Company. JOSEPH R. OSBORNE. JWt wu. w. Mcdowell. Vw+rr-. Jaa. B. Rawkiw, Secretary & TVeaeurer. JOH* W. GRADY, Af?nt, Dae. 27-tf. GREENVILLE. R a IVotlee IS harahy givaa. that appHeatlon will be made for a renewal of Scrip for Four Bharee |n tha Sooth-Weatarn Rail Road Bank, and South Carolina Rail Rood, supposed to ba loat They ware owned by Dark Williams, lata of Laorens V Diet riot, deceased. HENRY R. WILLIAMS, 1 LEONARD WILLIAMS. { KMVm' Sopteinbsr IS Vi M?. J? The Beuih Carolina AGRICULTURIST^ TT^HE Executive Committee ofthe State X Agricultural Society of Sooth Carolina, having selected (U subacriber to edit thaif paper, a prospectus is now issued Sa compliance with their instructions. Tbie JourIbal will bo devoted to Agriculture, Horticul; tore, Natural Science, Rural Taeta, Ardutffp* ture and Art, the Mechanical and Manufeetoring intereals, and all tha pursuits pertaihiog u> general improvement. It will aiao contain a faithful transcript of the organization and proceedings of tire society, Essays and Communications from the in the State, and a monthly summary of the spirit of the Agricultural press. Al) subjects devoted to the improvement of themiad, the soil, stock sod domestic comfort, wilt fad ?j? --??s.?i? j-.- i. i : j L?. roauj nu mission iuw? iu eeiumui, sjui sunn contributions are specially desired. TVl work will be printed in beautiful, new and fair type, on nne white paper, with a tinted cover, and will contain thirty-two pages month. The publication will commence ft the first of May, 1856. There will also be published an additional advertising sheet, as a supplement, in which a limited number of advertisements will be inserted. Trrmb?$1 00 per annum. No paper sent unless the money be paid in advance. Life members to the State Agricultural Society will receive the paper free of coat. A. G. SUMMER, Editor, Columbia, 8 C. A RARE CHANCE. " And a Good Opportunity to Reepontible Men IS obtain Profitable and Healthy JimploymtU. TO AGENTS, CANVASSERS, COLPORTEURS AND POSTMASTERS. ANY person obtaining subscribers for fifty copies of either of the two following A? merioan National Works, and remitting the amount (less a large commission! to ths publisher, will l>e entitled to fifty dollars worth from the subjoined list of valuublo works: american national works. The National History or Tiik United States? Colonial, Revolutionary, ' aud Constitutional, chiefly from NatioNal Documents. By B. J. Lotsing nnd Edwin Williams. "With numerous fins Illustrations on steel and wood. 2 volumes, imperial 8 to., cloth gilt, 27. The Statesman's Manual?containing ths Lives, Messages, and Administrations of ths Presidents, from Washington to Pierce. With fine portraits on steel. 4 volumes, large 6 to., cloth, (10. Popular and Valuable Work*, u? Pretnium? to A' cent*. A Voice to America, by Americans, 4th edition, 8 vo. eloth - - - (t 00 Dowling's History of Romanism, 60 illustrations, 8 vo., cloth? - - t AO Mrs. Ellis's Choice Works for the Family Circle, plates, 2 vols. 8 vo., cloth. 406 The Aroerioan and Odd Fellows' Literary Museum, AO steel engravings, 2 vols. 8 vo., cloth ... . A CO Guide to Knowledge, 800 plates, ro\ nl 8 vo., eloth ..... 2 CO Wonders of the World, 2A0 plates, 8 vo. 2 in> fW Agents wishing to engage in the good wurk mi ciniuiauDK me<? important I'uiuicutions, will please address a line to the Publisher, LbWARD WALKER, 114, Fulton street, NewYork. and they will receive immediate attention, with full particulars of Commission, Ae. September 25 \ 20 10. MMOM'3 Anti-Rheumatic Powders. A Safe. Speedy and Radical Cure for Rheumatiem, Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. TT7E, the undersigned citizens of Putnam T V County, Georgia, cheerfnlly bear testimony to the efficacy of Linch's Anti-Iiheumatio Powders in the treatment of acute or ohronie Rheumatism, many eases having been successful** 1/ treated by Dr. J. O. GIBSON, within our personal knowledge in which these Powders were Irincipally used. oel Branham, M. D. Wrn. B. Carter, Stephen B. Marshall, D. R. Adams, T. B. Harwell, Thomas Reepess, G. R. Thomas, J. Nichleson A others. jar Apt reasonable number of individual certificates eau be given in attestation of their effi??y. Prepared and sold by J. G. GIBSON, hi. IX, Eaton ton Ga., at ffi per box. All ordens directed to him. with tbe above snm enclosed, and a description of the ease shall re ...ill. iv. u.J!.:. -? ccivv wihi mc jneuioine bucii BaviCS M CUV Stilt auy peculiarity thereof. For sale by M. B. E ARLE, M. P., Apothecary and Druggist, Greenville, fcv. C. May 1. *1 ( ly ~~ HOTIC E WOKTHT THE ATTKHTIOR OF THOSE WISHING A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN Gukknvillk District. 1 HAVE? defei mined to more to the JSiHLWeat, and therefore my land is for sale. It is situated on the Laurens road, 8 1-2 miles south ot Greenvillo C. II.; containing 175 acres, about 85 of *which is well timbered wood land, 80 a^es in a high state of cultivation, and 45 acres fresh land. On the place is a two-story dwelling, a kitchen, negro houses, carriage house, Ac.; also, a well of as pure and wholesome water as the State affords, and conrenie^ 4 ?,uer waters.? This is truly - I ,-uufui place, lie- veil, and convenient lo good mills of every kind, factories, churches, Ac. A. Y. 0WINGS. Tuna OA ? V uwv V ft I wjwm ahud ?a.??? a, <3. ^aasc^sj, NEAR GILDER P. a, GREENVILLE I)<3T. OFFERS bit aervieea to the public. And aolicita , patTMiMf. All work entrusted to Wm yt , will be done with neatneeo ?nd diopatch. Aay /' ' person wishing to know how to aolder (hard or r oft,) will bo furnished, on tho rooeptioa of an* ' dollar, with A rooeipt containing full instrnetioaa erfhbling him to eoid.-r any metal. Thia receipt baa never been offered to tbe puttie before, isfaction given or the money refunded, J*wmfc\ MsxnsD wnrn oabk, A 30 **Mff ? ? III.Illl .1 Shaving and Hair-Braasijigt bvbr?oe CONTINUES the Tonaoria) bnahieaa at bit old stand, in Baattie'a Br toll Building.? Gentleman oan have their hair ent, or ahampeo. d, or fWoea abaved, ah an> time during the' day * ( or evening .April 1?.* 41 r