University of South Carolina Libraries
I I that oar cooatnntlv increasing bu?inc?u?f Compelled ottrrCttodvnlfcom "4 Bw?a?-?ra?*< wTii# Maraifloctit and npioioui "BraSao Btone.BtflMiifc 9 BROAD STREET, Vtol >nit li.t./ y"?.{J-.v> W' i'iol i . ~ " ? i'"<t< Ir, ' - i >^ij(j^ppBB^BB[ll^8HB8i^ lb* teaomqiodation* and arran^etoanU of Ahiia "NEW r>?POT," ftrA unsurpassed by 'any aimilnr establishment. in Hie United States ; ?nd <whil?t it will afford facilities for keying our nniil Inrire slock of MISGEIX AN EOUS BOO K S, CIIEAP PUBLICATION, MAGAZINES, &.C., Wo also propose aiming largely to our Stock of Stationery, And those in want of LEIKJEllS, JOU'lNALS, ?<T*HH BOOKS,, NOTE anil CAP PA '1'EIC, AL'., will llnU it to tlu-ir advantage ?*o .Tiait ua. ?. a. 00URT3WAT & CO., ' TMX) KJ9KI.LERS AND STATION EES. 'Charleston, "Nov, 20. 28-tf Shcclql polices. intpftrtam to Stammcrcrt. Wo invite attention to the following letter* as testimonials of tiio eminent success '[ of I)r. Wvckoff iu his treatment of those Imvrng the above defect: PiTrsocnaii, Pa., Oct. 31, 1855. ZTo like Public : Dr. Wyckoff is oppcrating in this city, for ?ho cure of stuttering and stammering, nnd .having had an opportunity to witness his H>roee>?n, 1 feci it my duty to say, that I have entire confidence hi tho general success of hi* plan of treatment, and I should predict a cure in nil cases?I beg further to say, that having had business relations with Dr. IV, 1 featy* found liim gentlemanly apd reliaibltf, ainVt most cordially recommend him to all who may need his professional service*. " [Signed.] J. Al. ??.vlltJ>, Editor ami Publisher of Pittsburgh Chris thru Advocate. Thu following in a certificate from tko eon of ] General Leslie Combe, of Kentucky : Dec. ICth, 1855. Dn."\VYCKOKF?Sir?From my own experience in your euro for stuttering and Mummering, I can nt-Mire all perrons who may labor under either of the above named impediments of speech, that your cure is be- f yond a doubt. I have boon under the treatment of several eminent ^nen, but all to no f cfiect. Very reluctantly I consented to try ' your world renowned cure, which I am to *ray, it cured mo immediately. I shall always remember vou with gratitude. " HOWARD COMBS. Lexington, Ky. tar All letters must be addressed to DR. "WYCKOFF, box 740, Pittsburgh, Pa. For further particular? see his advertise- t incnt in another vohimn of this paper. REMOVAL li Of E. Krtttch'a Drag Store and e' Apothecary Shop. as ar&sa's &&&&. _ /?' THE" Subscriber thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up Xfl> en bim, takes ^ensure in informing his patrons and tho puWEc generally, that ho will continue, in his f e\v Stand, to keep on hand a 1 full stock of I DRUOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT 1? Medicines. Snnrical Instruments. Paints. !>> ?. f, stuff*, Varnishes, Putty, Tobacco, Re gars, spirit n jlia*, Gils, Candle*, Hon,.*, Spiced, Brushes, To'.lpt i! Article*, Corahs, Perfumery ; and all other arti I* oJlea generally kept by Druggists. 01 fPT Fresh and pure Drugs arc warranted and f* oldal low price#. ol Compound medicines are prepared in the most h' careful way Receipt* and pcrscriptiona of any pi ? ilcind) put-so vi(l aeourracy, neatness and dispatch. E. KItUTCH. In 9 Greenville, R. G, Nov. lit, 1800. 27--W ri w. h. hovey ~<sTco7 DEALER* IN w FANCY ft STAPLE DRY GOODS,? RICH ORE83 30003, BONNET8, RIBBONS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS d. AND HEABff-WftBI CtOTHtRQ, i ,V. WDlAt RUBBER QQODBy i j. wot sr. w. n. noVrr. J ' k Ji.^Ordera aeeA?p?4s4 W the eaah for J Xa4l?*1.1*w or Mbrnrj Books, Suaioal Ustru- IO ments and Rundiios, promptly ntUa in New York, *M dtllvcred nj, oxtr codntor oa shortest ^ Ol ^ctdDer 2>{" 94 ? s4L*t jiff SI RTOS. & CO. li FTKlt. returning thklr thmhs to their /\.'~ frtifhdi ktid fcimWrntr*, foi-the very liberill pnt'rohngo!lh<ry tinro befclotVe?l on them ?inee their coromencMnent in Merehmidisiirg in this' i>l?*ce, f*>vld beg leave to<cnU their attention, n? _>.ii ii '?w " ll * ' -v.i as iiic m.Miiivion oi mo public generally, to ho fact, that tlnty have just "returned from the Vortjmfit ||?v? qpoir^J nt ttwir WELL KNOWN STAMP, ,? o? boon tovTM or tu* wuet uoin*, . ivery hfeavr, *nd Well selected Stock of all docriptioua o( UOOIW. usually kept by Merchants I n th)e part of the country ; "adapted to the piy? nt season of the year, and which Ihoy aro deermlneJ to sell as low as they can be purchased, it retail, anywhere in the country. A* our stock ie so extensive, wo shall not cnuneratc articles, but merely say, that, tn the very iret of PAMaT A1TD CTAPliS MT-G00D8, hat w* have almost everything that may be lallcd for, either by Ladies or Gentlemen. BOOTS, SHOES ?AND? * of all k1xm. it FINE LOT OF ENGLISH,STRAW AND SILK BONNETS* HATS AND CAPS, of The latest styles. Hardware & Cutlery. Guns, Nails, Castings. A FINE LOT OF ^ *ls ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ $ ftEABY-MABF CLOTHING, Blacksmiths' Tools. PINE CARPENTER S TOOLS JROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. nniiAA . ? -?? unutis & MEDICINES, PBRFMBRIBS, PAHOY A&VXGblB, BOOKS &. STATIONERY. OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS. ijDin0oto-6la35, ?t?% SADDLES AND BRIDLES. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF . OACS OAZi?. LEATHER. COTTON YARN, &c.? " w RHA, 6Qf*UGOi4, ^ Cry. Nov. 6. 20 tf. W 3tL3 "^AW 300T AM) SHOE STORE. AT TI1E SIGN Af nir nin or inc diu BUUI, (onb dook below powkks' old stand.) rHE suftscitlbkr has OPENED, and will continue to RECEIVE rom New York, Philadelphia 'and 'harlcaton, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies' and Gents' Wear. Also, OILMEN'S BOOTS & SHOES, T sra. w VflL. mm 9 >nd all Articles usually found in An estabaliment of the kind. ?W The public Are invited to come and famine my Slock. W. G. LONG. October 23. 24 4. Sale of Fine Furniture AT TIIB PLANTER S HOTEL. a AVI NO disposed of nrr Hotel, 1 will offer for ??lo on the UMli inst, a very superior it of FUitNITUhh.i, convistirig, in part, of the >llowin<r articles: four finesofna, a lot of fine walut chairs, two splendid Italian marhlc top sofa ibles, two fine walnut card table*. one +4ty irgo mirror, a superior lot of Brussell's carpets, se handsome tcto A tote. a l.irge nmnber of ether hods, matresse*, bedsteads, Ac., Ac.; one T Buck's patent cooking stoves, fwhich cost two ijndred And Iwenty-tivn dollars,) and three fine trior stoves. . i win mii ONI" FINK DMS1BU3 and four orses, one good Hark, a very good nix-seat Carage, (modem style,) a one-liorso spring wagon, ne of Oow?r, Cox <t Gower's two homo wagons, tie very good leather-top Doggy, a lot of line ogs, three eows aad a great many article* ' hioh are too numerous to mention. Any, or all of the above may he treated Air at rivate sale previous to the ?5th inst. TERMS. A eredlt of twelve months witli interest from ?tc of sale, (a note with two good ondorsers.) Sep. 6-26-td THOMAS STBKN. louses, Town Lots, Plantations and Negroes for Sale. rHE Sobseribers offer for sale fifty to sixty Lets, (leases, l'lantatione, and Negroes, iu id near tiiu town of Oreanrllle, also in Bean, ft District, and the city of Cliarlealon, S. C. , | For terms, Ae., apply to LAW ION A JAUDON. , uo, A Commission Merchants near MeBec's Hall, rsanrilfo, 8. C. Oct. 23-24-3 I # ^ 4tk ???m9mmmmemeamrnnm.m mwr?w N E.W f fWttkj AMOil^miE f m &&<8X?M ?5F' . ^ S o to %m^vn TriANKFUL for past patronage,. fMDMtfulh inform their friends and the public g?n?r ally, tUat^thay oro nhw1. roool vlrn.)i 1 iVJV Hfcool ' consist intz of Very Chaise Fabrics, Now Style and ELEGANT DESIGNS for . DRESS GOODS, A largo and *vell selected stock of Goods for ?!M2iK8Sffii5i?'.s; mmsL Ready-Made Clothing) 1 V Blankets, Flannel*, Plains, Kersey*, > . v.:: Si?ic%i?g, Sliyoting, Af. ,...... - HATS AND CAPS, -os**Boots and Shoes, HARDWARE: A Mill CrtlT? Eft*. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, imUCtfS, E)VtE-^TiUJlFF?, &O, Km* GROCERIESI yHHKlJpnn the inoat reasonable term* for cash SV? deem it unneeosaarv to enumerate nil, oi even a portion of thaarticlea we hare on hand invite the pit blip to nn inspection of oui Stock, It embraces cverv article usually kept and we think that c&ctdmcr* will find it to theii advantage to give ua a call fy At the New Brick Store south of the New Court House. OA <> GRADY ?t GOODLETt; Oct. 2, f 21-, tf HFmkoh?? ^ ^ ^ 9 G. 5. DYER 1^3 NOW RECEIVING, and will continue U receive, nu EXCELLENT A?WOHTMEXTv aasiEdLaaaasre Furnishing Goods Of all Descriptions and Qualities, and is prepar od to put up CLOTHING at Short Notioe and fr The Best and Latest Styles. jcr ALL "tVOKK WAUItANTEP. J&t X \ | ? at f| . CLOTHING OP SUPERIOR QUALITY. SUCH AS Till RAO LAX, UXIOX, W1UTXEY BE A A XD NE W YORK S URTO U1 OVERCOATS. Also, an assortment of PANTO nnd VESTS tyMa. O. A. PICKLE still continues in tlx Cutting and Knlea Department, where he or tlx subscriber, will be found at all times, ready b servo our friends and the public generally. (Jiv us a call, and EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES G. 13. DYER. October 2. 21 tf Elford & Donaldson, a?:ii^5asr?raiiaiE.3k &,?C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON Jan. 10. . 85 8m Roots and Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, n largo lot of the nbov* goods at the atore of ? A. C.REKKFIEIA Opposite the Mausiou Mouse. October 10. '2.1 - tf. NEW FIRM. NEW CLOTHING A THE subscribers respectfully announce t< the public generally tliOy Iiav purchased lite stotk and fixtures in the Clo thing business of 8. 8wa*dai.r, neat doo to the MANSION HOUSE., and hav just returned from New York with tho Bost Assortment of W\ ?av j/Mm. ? 03 !Jj 33 3 Ga 2J ?2X ?5 33 ' ?3 ever offered to the citizens of this place. Anion# whicli may bo found PillO Talmas* Single and Double. Raglans, Overcoats* Every Variety of Vests, EPMffl & MJHJT If A ATS. tJcnt'3 jeng Sb(itol3, SHIRTS AND CRAVATS, MATS, ?AS3? AM? OAMSS Perfumery, Soaps, and every variety of Goods usually kept 11 A FIRST CLASS Furnishing Store, Which they offer at prices to suit the times Call and examine our Stock before piuchas ing elsewhere. THRUSTON & 8UDDUTH. .(BUC ~2'i .3 'JC SimlSpROM Abbeville to Wniibin'brtat? A Four house ctaok Abbeville. S. C., on Monday*,BBaSE. Wtdnwdw, and Friday*. Leaves iVarhington, (*?., <>o Tu<jeuhy,Thuri? Jay and Saturday mornings. 1 *' A daily Train leaves Washington at 7 o'clool, A. 11., for Atlanta. J AS. E. WAI>I)Y, Washington. JOHN' McBkTDK. Agent at Abbeville. Of ReO at the I'oet-Othoo. (tot. D-ri-om Hts and Caps. ANEW supply of the latest stylo*. Amonp which may be found the ?o rm\ch admired BROOKS HAT, At the itore of A. GREENFIELD. October 16. 18 tf. C?nu?il Office. TIIF offleo of Clerk of Council irfll herenftci be in tho Old Court House, in the oflio? formerly ooenpfed by the Sheriff. W. P. TRICE, To*n Cferk. Oct. l?th, 1888, 18 8. _ ? hkph;MU?BK m>we, saw&. i b it! M-'.1 >. ' B ? R T/E, ' GREtTTVlLEE, S. C.. AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, ' ^ DEALER IN < > r&mxSJXMSg qsrfl Painta. Oils, ? Medicines, mEf Varnithw, . Chemicals, M\ BRUSHES. ' OYK-STlIir?, White Lead A Zinc WThite ? IJy lilXU Lwivunmv w*" *"? *BAl'" ??* ???* - ? A OCA H AXTKfc TIT AT KTKHTlHIMO I* OB TUB BMT QUALITY, AXD WILL BK BOLD 05f TUB J 19. MOW RJCASOVABLK TMMS. ' 8-1} \\lLil7 ALLEN, IS now iwepnred to perforin nil operations on tha Tlibf}?? in vh> moil approve J and skill. ful man nor. mm raii vxm M Inserted from one to.a full sett witli the greatest care and without injury to the mouth and adjoining 'ecth. I have secured the right, and am the only one who can use "Dr. John Allen'* New Style of Continuous and Lire-Like Gum Work" in this p District. . wr Cull and examine specimens of the rgp rious kinds of work, at my rooms in McBee'e , Building, which are fitted up for the comfort and p convenience of the Indies. J RKftCUKKCEH 1 Dr. S. BtAMifTo, Columbia, S. C. Dk. Joux AMMtasoX, Charleston, S. C. Greenville August 29 16? Dental Surgery* i ?a. WE ie. irawOT BEOS leave to inform the public generally, that ho has permanently located in Greenville, and respectfully offers his professional ser* vices to all who may require them. A&imwk wot inserted from one to an entire sett. Particular | attention paid to regulating of children's teeth and treatment of diseased gums. l't. ,,WT. ,.,?J ut -V ...? ? 1 ter's Hotel, until he can procure suitable room*. REFERENCE *. THE NEATNESS AND DURABILITY OF HIS WORK. June 10 0 tf. ml w>VV^ OFPKItS liie Professional Services to the Citireus of the Town of (.Jreenville nnd of the adjacent country. He may he found during the <1?y at the New Court House, at night at the rcsi7 deneaaf Prof?*aaor EJwarda. Oct. U?22?f WP PRICE, , Sllionux) at Caxxx, I AM6 CLERK OF TOWN COUNCIL, f OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE, DkLfciKj, 0. ?. Will promptly attend to the collection of Notes and Accounts, settling Claims, Ac. REED & GOODLETT, ? Afripstfajwarcra AH5 Grccinille, S. C. itsTOffico next tloor to F. F. Bravtik Co. J. P. UKKI'.j [s. D. OOODI.ETT. January la 30 . tf j-VJ ii)"c J s9 e^a., ' rI",IIS subscriber has lntely added very largely 1. to his Stock of Drug*, Medicines* Paints, Ac. They are of the heat quality. lie hopes, . from his long experience in the husineM, and close attention, to secure a reasonable share of nut rftriiii'fl* K f??t-tf .1 If Tilt* A V 3 L* Choice liiquorM, BRANDIES, "WINES, At-., of tho best qualities for medicinal purpose*, for Hale, inva e run hi v for cash, at the Drug Store of duly 3-8-tf. J. IT. DKAN". Syrups. rKMOX. PINS-APPLE, STRAWBERRY, -i RAHPRKRR Y AC., for sale nt the Drug | Store of f 6 J. II. DEAN. Apple Vinegar. A FINE QUALITY", to be bad nt the Drug ^"V. Store of f J II. DKAN. ' The Rotte IStttl. JUST RECEIVED, a supply of that finoehswing tobacco?THE ROSE JiUD. ) Oct. 16?28?tf M. ?. KARLFFine Castor Oil. rJ"MIE above nrti?le is superior to any eve: <f JL Drought to tliia market. To bo hnd in large ana small quantities, at the Drug Store of J 6-4-tf. J. II. DEAN. Stuttering and Stammering Cured BY DR. WYCKOFF, Of PitlM??urK. I*K. WITHCUT PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. \Y7" HO will send the ours to any part of the World, oft tbo receipt of.tflO; $nd the money returned, if the euro is not effectual.? 53? aii njiujrK must lie n<t?lreaao?l to I>U. WYCKoFF|lltox74*i PilUburjc, Pa, in care of Arthurs. Kodgcrs A Go.. Ranker* ,. J'.Sk?Correspondents will please enclose stamp for return postage, r Captu>>.?All persona who citnnot produce my , genuine eerfifiente, are humbugs. - I ' DR. W. September 25. 20 ly. TrtiMfN J Trii*ftc? ! rI MIE rub-rr.bor has a t?ry superior assortA n.viit of fine TRUSSES* for snle. Also, an assortment of liod Tana and Syringes of the most approved quality. All of ubicli ho will , sell Ihw for cash. Persona wishing to purchase will d& well to call and examine before purchar ing elsewhere. J. 11. DEAN. Just Received. HOVEY &. CO. ARKjust in receipt of a very full invoice of Brown, Grey, Steel Mixed and fine Dlaek Salem, Xdrth Carolina, 4KANS. f These justly celebrated good* need no eim> mendation ; hundreds of put chasers vonob for their elaeapneee and good qualities. 1'or sale, from <t?i cents to f 1.5ft. hy <**. J?--?t~tf UOMT 400. LEGAL ADYEATL3KMK S'IS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff* SIci. BY tlrtm of inndry writs of Fieri Flciaa to u?? directed, J will e*U before tlio court hou?e door, at the usual hours of sale, on the rtrat Monday in bfcftKSffifcfl next; At .the residence of Kelson Austin, 80 or 60 barrt4* corn. levied oh as the proj?ertT ofl)tr1 y Baldwin, at the suit of Nelson Austin." All Defendant's interest in two trad* of land ying in Greenville Diet riot, whereon Joel Youug lood now lives, containing three hundred aero* in both tracts,) more or less. Levied On as the roperty of Belvcrida l'ickctt, at the suit of , '.obvrt* A Duncan. Our negro boy about 16 yearr old, one negro i hy almut 9 years old, and a negro girl about 11 cars old. Levied on as the property of Berry I r sldwiii st the suit of K. P. Jones snd other*. Three hundred and fifty acres of laud more or lean, whereupon defendant resides on the State road, adjoining lands of McKinuey, et. al..; as the property of Win. Fuller, at tha'suit of W. A joenuedy, et al. One hundred aeres of land, more or less, ly in in Greenville District, on the waters of Iteedy lliver adjoining lauds of MeBee, Griffith, et, al". as the property of John Griffith, at the suit oi James M. Kellett. Ono Hundred Aeres of land, more or less, lying in Greenville District, adjoining lands "of Iiiekn. Smith, et ?1 ? ?1,? .......?-- 1 1 ? - ? |'i wjn.1 ^ wi U. V. F?rm?r, at the suit of Samuel Payne, ct. al. r>. noKE, s. o. p. Sheriff V Office, November 6, 1866. 26?td. The Stale or South Carolina. G KEEN VI LJ.E DISTRICT. By Itol>eri McKay, Esq., Ordinary of taidDistrict \\T IIEHEAR, -Fame* If. McCixko has filed n Pe V tit inn in inv Office, praying tliat Letter* of Administration on all and singular the good* and chattels, rights nnd oredits of James G. MoCi.rnc, late .of the Di?tikt aforesaid, deceased, :Uo?",)d b? pl anted to him: These are, therefore, to cite and admonieh all, and singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to i>e and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to he liohlen at Greenvilli Court House, on the 24th day of November, in?L, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. RORERT McKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, 6th Nov. 1850. '27-td STATE OFSOUTnCAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN THK COMMON PLEAS. Vardry Mcl'co ) Attachment. vs. > II. Leb Thrustox, Jon?pb Noe. ) Prflf'a Att'y. WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did", on the 14lli day of October, fila his declaration against the Defendant, who (us it is said) is absent front and without the limits of this State, nnd has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration might be served. It is, therefore, ordered, that the said Defendant do nppenr nnd plead to the said declaration on or Itefore tlie 14th day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDANIEL. c. c. p. Clerk'* Office, Greenvillo District. Oct. 30, 25 td ' Tho Stat? of South Carolina. G REEN VILLE DISTRICT. In tbc Court of Ordinary. II. J. Giheatli, Executor, Applicant, against Obedience Land, Widow, Isaiah Land. Jordan Land, Stephen Land, Kinson Land, Jesse Godfrey and Jane his Wife, . John liailey And Elizabeth his Wife, Defendants. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. * IT appearing to my satisfaction that Stephen Land, Kinson Land, Jesse Godfrey aud Jane his Wife, John Bailey and Elizabeth his Wife, defendants, reside without this Stnto: It is ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court Uotise, for Greenville District, on Friday, the 2d day of January next, by 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any thev have, why a Final Settlement and decree of the Estate of Lewis Land, deceased , should not be inade, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. ROBERT MoKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, 7lh Oct., 183G. 23 td. . The Mlnte of Kniitli r.nnnliiit GREENVILLE DISTRICT. I IN TUE COURT OF ORDINARY1. James A. Suber, applicant, against George Graham, Jesse Graham, and Ann Parrott / and Nathan Parrott her husband, Walker Willingham, Andrew Willingham, Willimn Willingham, Mary Willingham, Willingham, heirs of Martha Willingham, deceased, Mary Janes, and Greenbefry Janes her husband. Defendants.? Petition for sale or Division of tfw Real Estate af ]*rise ilia Suber, deceased. IT appearing t a nty satisfaction that Mary Janes and Green berry Janes her hus* , band, Defendants, reside without this State : i It is therefore ordered,that thy do appear and I object to the division or sale of the Real E*. t tutu of Priscilla Suber, on or before the 29th 1 day of December next, or their consent to the same will bo entered of Record. ROHERT McKAV, O. G. D: i Ordinal")'s Office, Oth Oct. 185C 22-12 | The State of* South Carolina, i GREENVILLE DISTRICT. : IN TIIK COUKT OK ORDINARY. William Tinslev, applicant, against James Ray, Jacob Ray, liaucv Ray, Joseph Ray, Sarah Jane Rny, Mary Tinalcv, nnd William her husband, Martha Land ami Lewis Iter husband, heirs of John Ray, deceased. Kliuibt-th Ann j. Kelly, and John [w husband, Defendants.? J'Hiiion for We or division of Heal Jitfote. < IT appearing to my satisfaction that Jacob Ray, 1 i oua of the defendants, resides without this! j State. Itia therefore, ordered,that Vc do appojir and object to the division or sale of the! , Real Estate of Jano Hay, on or before the first ! 1 day ofDeeember next, or h;s consent to the J saute be entered of Record. I ROBERT McKAY, 0. G. D. OHQhary's Offiee, 1 SejrtonabJr 1, lS3ft. f ]7-JT? j j ^ CU1.VNIHA AJ>Vhl:'llsi.MKM,s. asseiSlyhouse, PLAIN 8TREET, o?a.jJMat jt,s. o. ?THE SuWriW wi'l upon, ob the fire? of October next, the iion?? nt "itroet, formerly iinii fur many war* known us Roach'* If otic i. end mure reect tW kept W Col. Wii:UmtfhiVer end J. W. CUrk.* The eittuition in convergent to htininene, being in a centre! locetion. Tlivw u ho wi.-h the omiforti end quiet of h home, tcpnraled froiu the uoiee end bustle of a hotel, will find themselves suited by aprlytnc. Families, permanent or transient, nceotrweloted on moderate terms. L- T)?'TT I'll September 25-20-3. G. 8. BOWER, manufacturer him! Healer In / 'jwtl) FURNITURE of ev*ry dvaeriptiva, nflJna CTIAIHS of everv ??fjrle. FISX'S CELEBRATEO METAltC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Cvuparce JJoute, Dee. 7. COLUMBIA, 8. 0. if DEALER IK Religious, ^igctitoiKotfs wO' ScW noo?L mm 9 188 Kiclrardftoii Street,COLUMBIA, Si C. MERCHANTS HOTEL, BY JAMES M. HUP.ST, (KELA^XSttttff, S. (0. Board? $150 Per Dtiy. February 21; 41' If THE GBEEHVILLB ?TOK ?T?IM. MAIN STREET. NEXT TO M'BEE'S KALE. v?fv THE fiubacribcr ha?on linml a 1 arpe and %?BBt woll-aelected Stock- of MISCFLL A N LOUS, A^?St UO0I, nnd CLASSICAL BOOKS. Writine I'aper, Blnuk Book*, Memorandums, 4*. Writing Deck* ami Cneee, Portfolios, Gold ank 61m1 Pen*, l'encila, Ink, Scaling Wax, \V afer?. Slat**, Copv Bookr, Ink-Stand*, Rulers, Ac., Ac." O. K. KLFORp, Sig.J of the liig Book. - Marcli 6. 4 3 2 m Ho, lor the Went! AS I intend moving- West, I ofKilt' fcr for ?nle lny LANlfU Oh llorncpen jEll. Creek, 14 mile# Southeast of Greenville C^IL. containing about'780 Acres. On the place i* a very large body of Woodland, n* well timbered aa any in the ljiatrict. The limitation i?ineood oruer. un it is a very large body of excellent Creek Bottom, nnd sortie rtrf Bourt Upland under euHi vat ion, and very good Orchards. The improvement* Are uVV in good repair, constating of a commodious Dwelling, goou Kitchen, with a Work-room attached, Mcat-hoUse, largo Cornerih, Stable*. Cow-house, Sheep f >ld. Fodder and Hay Barns, house for Plantation'Tools, Wagon Shed and Currisge House, Carpenter's and Blacksmiths' Shop, and n good Overseer's House and Negro Cabins. Also, a new and neat Bnth House at the Spring, near tire residence: The pine? is well watered. There are several apiingitof pure water, and the Creek run* through, near theecu tre of the Tract. The Dwelling ii situated on an eminence, nod commands a' view of a larg?" portion of the farm. The place is perfectly healthy, and, for a person wishing an Up-eountrr Grain or Stock farm, this would be n very deairablo place. I will sell l?\v. Fof further infor4 mat ion inquire of tine psepricier, on the place. A. J. STUNK. Clear Spring P. O., S. C. Oct. 30, 2h N tf! AMBKOTIiPEST" Ambrotypes ! Ambrotypes ! t.C, 1L LASSIE AH HAS the pleasure of announcing to the I adisr and Gentlemen of Greenville that he ia' NOW PREPARED TO TAKE THE AMBROTYPE, in nil it* prrfirtiori autl beauty. He will remain in Town for ? SHORT TIME\ to complete somaengagements, and then be will be absent for >' considerable time. Those who desire to possess a BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN of these NEVERFADING PICTURES arc requested to CALL AT" ONCE. CA LL A ND SEE 1U& SPECIMEN'S ! lie is alsrf nrepnred to take the Arnbrotype for* VleUAI.LIOMS, Bko.WMM. LoCKkTH BIlVl FlNOK* Kl>(S?. Tliey are superior to tbeDigiierroityps in thiw Form also. ?-RDQM IN MiRFFiS MAI i no emu? ? . ... ?ikk| wi u i niuo._J|E " 2tf" 16 tf Card Cases, Fortomonaies. &c. Subscriber litis juat opened hii elognriV X. HMortment of Card cmm-k, I*ortcn>oi?uies, Pocket liook*, Inkstands, $.-ind*trfiidtr,kv., &c. G. E. ELFOICD. Sopt la. 1!>. J. PIANO TUNING." /or- y THE subscriber wonld offor hii scrtfcOH to tlio cttiren* Gretnvill<r ni;d tljo ?nrW \~A1hP *--1 f*roum''nS country in the ? 5.?'' (JK^horo business. lie will girw latisfnetion, or no charge will bo tnnrie. H. M. MUKI'llEY. June 6. 4 tf Town Officer*. Inter.dfwt.? II. LEE TIIKCsTOJ*,. Wardfn.*.? II. C. Mahklky.G. B. $tfkit, I )n. 1L D. Lost.. K. McKay. Town C'frrl.--W. P. Prick. Marshals:?Z. MahtisJ and G. OnANW*** w. rhompson's Antisoptic & Aromatic Tooth Soap, HANCHKTTS S:ij>on?oc'i?<s Pentrfficr'; J.O. l>egniH|i't Superior T<wili Soap; \ not her lot of DnIiM of a Thousand I< lower*, I'hotn peon"* Celt-Tinted Wwlii. g Compound, German Chemical Jtrasivc Soap, for Clearing Paints, removing grease, tar and printer'* nk. Thin ho?p i* numrpaaaed. Just received and for sale at t1?e New Dtug Store of MINfS d: LONG. Sept. 18. 10 tf, Lnmp Oil. FOR SALK at the pros Store of .1 M,M * q VT/Jt