University of South Carolina Libraries
{From tto JNblSc Ledger.] Beddss tz^sStSsS Ssrmty Lss& w regular SoldiersWAsimreTOX City, Nov. 10, 1856. Editors qf the JPuhlio Ledger:? Gentlemen :?I take pleasure in transmitting to you a copy of tho rocent decision of Mr. Secretary McClelland, on tho subject of granting bounty land to dleqnlar Soldiers. Since the service of the U. S. Army Vuropcr, in Mexico, tho Pension Office ?ns ruled that there has boon no toar, notwithstanding tho severe and protracted conflicts with the Indians, on tho Pacific coast, in Now Mexico, and on the Plains, and has rejected all applications for bounty laud based upon the service retcrrcd to. The Secretary of tho Interior, in a spirit of liberality and justice, has reversed a decision of a former Commissioner on this subject. Very respectfully, Your obd't serv't, John Y. Bkyant. [copt.] Department of tiik Interior, ) Washington, Oct. 28, 1856. | Sir :?I have carefully oxamined tho question involved in the appeal of J. Y. Bryant, from the decision of the Commissioner of Pensions upon the claims of Michael Hess ion and James Dempsey, Sr., of the U. S. Army, for bounty land for services in tho Jlogue River War, 60 called, and upon the like claims of William O'Brien and James Doinpsov, Jr., for thoir services in tho "Apachi War," and "Navajo and Apachi War," respectfully so called, and having considered the 6atne in-connection with tho report of that officer thereon, of the 15th inst., am of the opinion that a liberal construction should be given to tho act. Tho fact, not merely the name, should govern tho decision. The question, m my judgment, is, were these men actually engaged in what was really a war.? By referring to the bounty land laws, and the various amendments thereto, it will ho perceived that Congress intended to provide for all cases where the circumstances actually constituted what might with propriety be styled trar, in which lite was imminently imjierilled. There is not that close analogy between the pension and bounty Hand iaws, which would safely make the decision upon the former precedents in regard to the principles which should govern the latter, as seems to bo intimated in the rej>ort. I am, very respectfully, your ob't 6crv't. [Signed] R. McCLKl.LAND, Secy. Ow>. C. WjirriNO, Esq., Coinmiaoiimcr of Pensions. &OUTII CAROLINA J-S5T1TUTK. i he success and interest attending; tlie Agricultural Fair at Columbia, iiiigtir well lor the Fair of the South Carolina i Institute, which will open on Wurines-1 'lay, 19th inst., at their Institute Hall. | The arrangements that have been uuulc ' with the liail lioad, and tho general J interest now man tested in llio ex hi hi-j tions, authorise the belief that a good , proportion of the most attractive arti-l, eles and objects now at Columbia, I will be transferred for exhibition to ' the Institute Fair, and will form mark-! ed addition to the preparations and contributions from other sources. We are pleased to announce that the Directors are authorised to promise an address from Maj. 11. F. Ferrv, of the i Greenville Patriot and Mountaineer, j to be delivered on Thursday evening,, 20th inst. Our friends who visit us on that oc-! casion will also have the attractions j and varieties of tho South Carolina Regatta, which promises unusual in tcrest?the Theatre, which, under the ; r.ew and well selected Company, is in- j creasing its claims?and the usual va-, rietv of pastimes and entertainments. An Addenda.?The following correspondence is an amusing addenda to mc recent "barrel of apples" wager in Massachusetts: Tbrmont House, Wednesday Morning. Dear Major :?I am perfectly satisfied with what you have already done, and I am willing to take the will for the?apples. Don't trouble voumelf to wheel them any further.? 1 hereby release you from the toilsome condition of your wnger. Yours, for Fremont, freedom, and the ri6e otreal estate in Kansas. It. I. Burhank. On the Road, Wednesday, F. M. "Mnj. Ben. Pkrly Poore. Dear Colored:?When I entered the campaign I determined to give no quarter and take none. I shall proceed with the apples, and you may rest ftiuired that they will be wheeled into Boston as per agreement. ' Yours, for Fillmore and the Constitution. Brar. Psulky Poore. P. S.?I shall lie very dry when I get to the Ti einont House. B. P. P. P. S.?JCfkPtfl* ha d?d. B. P. P. Many o yonng lady who objects to be^g kissed under the mistletoe lias no object'0" to bo kissed under the rose. A stupid compoeitor made an error in the above, rendering it to say, "has no objection to be kissed under Wilt annttonrCnteriat r ^ * ? ' , ?* 1 ? ?i&iaaHsr&ii&iiiSvc. cg. TKURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1856. ??? | II , M Rail Road Accident. A serious nccident happened on Monday morning last on the Greenville road at the Saluda Bridge. The engineer, Mr. Frank PiKRCE.had his ankle broken and was severely scalded. A fireman, a negro, was scalded so severely that his life is despaired of. Con. sidcrable damage was done, three box cars, an engine and tender, were almost a total wreck. 3. O. Goortsniy tc Oon ObirlnMn. Wk refer our readers to the " apccinl announcement " of this firm in to-day's paper. The success which has attended these gentlemen is a monument to their enterprise and liberality. We know of no house, cither in the North or South, dealing in the wholesale and retail business, that we could more heartily recommend than the one of Messrs. Courtesav & Co. Send on your orders, and our word for- it, they will be promptly attended to. Messrs. LawtOn and Jendon gentlemen liavo commenced the auction and commission business on Main street, in the Lovcland building. Wo refjr to their advertisement. Godcy's Lady's Book. Thk December number of the Book is a perfect clinnn. Heretofore this periodical assisted in no littlo measure in lighting up the gloom of our sanctum ; it has now become the sine qua nun to the domestic fireif ? i-.i:? J?j ? - - oimv. it j vuii^ muics utrrive hu uiucu pica* sure from llio perusal of its page*, wo can-1 not see liow married ones do without it.? j By all means commence with the January j uutnl?er, save all the numbers, and at the , end of tho year they will form a handsome volume. We still furnish our paper and the Lady's Booh for $H.50. Price of both when subscribed for separately, ?*.?>0. Th? Fat.-tOI and Moanialu??r. \Yk welcome onco more that excellent printer and cleveMuan,Mr. Errikutok G. Elroitu, into the fraternity of publishers. lie has become the sole proprietor of tho above journal, and we do not hesitate to say that iu already neat and btny appearance will suffer no detraction from his superintcndanco- j (J. J. Elford, Esq., and T. Q. Donaldson, i Esq., retire from the associate editorship of tlie paper. They carry with fheni otir best wishes for their future success and happiness. Our acquaintance as journalist) has been pleasant and agreeable ; we regret their departure. Maj. Pkruv continues at the holm, and will safely guide its destiny.? Success to our cotcmporary, say we?there's room enough for them and us. New* Post Office.?A new Post Oflieo has been established in this District, 011 the ronto f:otn Bolton dej>ot to Cottage Ilill and Dunklin, to be called "White Sand."? J. 11.Smith, Esq., has been appointed P.M. [for THE BOUTIIKRN KNTKRrRISK.J Town Meeting. On the call of the Intcndant, the citizen.*, assembled in the Court House on the I7tli inat. The Iutendant being absent Mr. F. F. r?Kattie was called to the Chair, and in btief and appropriate term?, explained the object of the meeting. Mr. A. Isaacs after reading the invitation of the Mayor and Committee of InvitatioD of the city of Savannah, Ga., offerred the following preamble and resolutions: | IFhereas, the Southern Commercial Coni venticu will hold its annual meeting in the | city of Savannah, commencing on tbo 8th ! day of December, next, ensuing the co-ope 'ration of every community in the South is ! desirable. Therefore, 1 JirsolvfJ, That wo bearti'y approve the object* of the said Convention, and feel deep Iv interested in its success, and that we will J ? contribute in any way we can to securo the same. Retolvcd, That in accordance with therequest of the Mayor and Committee of Sav| annnh, we do appoint delegates to represent | our Town and District in said Convention, j On motion the Chair in aecordnnco with the foregoing resolution appointed the fol! lowing delegation : | Gen. W. Thompson, Col. T. I'. Brockman, Col. \V. McNeely, Dr. James Sullivan, Co 1. T. E. WW Col. J. McCnllough, J. H. Cleveland, T. C. Carson, Maj. B. F. Perrv, Col. E. P. Jones, Dr. A. 13. Crook, Maj. W. K. Kneley, Dr. M. B. Earle, K. I*. Thruston, Col. W. II. Campbell, Dr. E. Gantt, ,R. B. Duncan. Dr. J. II. Dean, A. Isaacs, J. W. Grady, Dr. M. 8. Hankie, A. Mcllee, T. M. Cox, C. J. Elford. I). O. West field, 8r l>. j Goodlett, J. IP. Long, K. Rhea, n. Wil{Heine, J A. David, W II. Ilovejqpl*, R. Duncan, Col. W. A., W. P. Price, Co!. D. ZZoU, John JTesJSeId, Charles Hammond aud 6. S wand ale. On motion the Chair was added to the delegation. It eras then ordered that the town papers be requested to publish the proceedings ; and Che meeting adjournal. F. F. 13EATTIE, Chairman. E. P. Jones, Socretary. later from Nicaragua. Ksff York, November 16: The steamer Texas, from San J had via Key West, lias arrived here. She connected with the Sierra Nevada, with dates from San Francisco to October 20, Granada dates to the 1st instant. ' Among the passengers are Don Fcrraoi Ferrer, Nicaraguau Minister to the United States, Hon. John L. Wheeler, Minister to Nicaragua, Gen. Walker. Matters in Nicaragua are quiet, since the battle of M.wayn. General Waiker was awaiting the arrival of recruits before inarching upon Massaya and Leon. General Hensigen, who superseded Gen. Auria, drilling tu? army in the uso of the mountain howitzer rihI Minnie rifle. Gen. Walker's whole army counts 2,000 men, all in good spirits and eager for an en| gagement with the enemy. I It is thought a decisive battle would be | fought about the 10th instant. Advices from the mines in Honduras are favorable. A rich silver vein had been open ed, and extensive copper mines had been discovered near lioaca. A to|H>grnpliical and geological survey of the State had been , ordered, and will be inade. Kansas Affairs. St. Louis, November 13. Advices from Lawrence to the 8tli inst., #ay that the fifteen Slato prisoners under trial for murder liad been acquitted, but were immediately rearrested upon the charge of having robbed the post-ofliee. Tlie free State men were taking measures to contest the scat of Gen. Whitfield in (Jongross, on the ground of the illegality of the election. A largo quanity of clothing and provisions had arrived at Lawrence, and it wns being distributed among the destitute. North Carolina.?The moderation that prevails in the 'Old North State* is shown in the treatment ot' Professor lledrick, who has Committed the atrocity of being in favor of Fremont.? They only discharged him from his professorship, and burned him in effigy. Iji South Carolina or Virginia! they would have burned the professor. | Providencb Journal. For this act of the Faculty and Trus- j tecs of the North Carolina University, a precedent was set two or three years ago by the authorities of Harvard Till l versify, who excluded froth the LawChair of that institution a judge, for no other reason than because ho decided that the fugitive slave law was constitutional. As to the fling at South Carolina and Virginia, it need only be said that the history of these States presents a record, at least, as free j from intolerance and proscription for j opinion's sake, as that of New Eng-j land, whether the subject, be witches, theology or slavery. [Central Presbyterian, A Colt from a MuleSan Marcos, Tux as, Oct. 7, 1S53. 1 have it mule that I raised, three; years old in June last, that now lias a1 colt by her side. Please say what I must call it. Its ears are not like the 1 mule nor the horse. In other respects ' it resembles the mule. If any onedis-1 putes it, I have the mule and her colt in my lot, the doubting Thomases can sec for themselves. Very respectfully, your friend, JOIIN D. PITTS. Messrs. Ford <fe J on vs. The Oswego Times says it proposes to gi<*c the Buchanan Administration 'a 'fair chance, and judge it by its acts." It resisted its advent, but can?t prevent its coming into power now.? it consoles itself by the reflection that it cannot, possibly, be worse than the present, and adds : "Frank Pierce promised well. Ho 1 went into the Presidency at the large i ! end of the horn, ami came out at the | i little end. Jiuhanan has not promised j I much. lie goes in at the little end of [ j the horn, nnd we hone, for the good of I the country, ho will conic out at tho j big end. At all events, he has tho i power of doing great good or incalculable evil.' Jvoar. Douolas' Makkiaok.?A Wash ington correspondent of the New York Herald, ray* : Judge Dcuglos is expected here about the middle of next week. Shortly after hi* arrival?I believe tho day is not yet fixed?lie is to be united to tbo very embodiment of youth, beauty nod accomplishment; indeed, she has been considered the bell of tho city for soiue time. Miss CotilU, for that is Iter name, is from one of the oldest families in Virginia. The knot is to be tied in this city in tho holy Catholic church?for she is a Catholic?and the highesldignitnries of the , land will assist at the gala. Prrcbdeack.?Two ladies were contending for precedonce in the court of the Emperor Charles V. They appealed to the mon-1 arch, who like another SWomon, awarded j "Let the elder go first," Such a dispute i never tqgk place afterwords. j 1 J """M" Alvtats Tdo Lat*?Tfio f/hfwfc adduces testimony establishing, beyond oontradiclioe, the Assertion of Senator Thomson, of New Jersey, that Col. Fremont had aothfKg to do with the military conquest of California.? lie now stands branded an arrant pretender to an honor belonging properly to others.? Tho Union looks upon it as somewhat amusing timtOapt. Fremont sbonU bo?e ?1ways arrived at the field of battle tho day after the action, saying : MHe arrived at Monterey three days after the surrender of that city to tho American navy, lie arrived at Los Angoles the day after that city nad surrendered to Commodore Stockton. He subsequently arrived at the same city the day after its final capture by Commodore Stockton and General Kearney, and a few days after the decisive bat lies fougbt by those gallant officers ; and according to tho testimony of the Hon. Mr. Coombs, he arrived at Souoma th* day after tho 'first and only battle' of independence ! Wo believe Falstaff was the author of the apothogtn: ThelatUr end of n fray and tli* beginning of a feast Suits a (lull fighter e.nd a htscgry guest.' "Tho Colonel will vindicate his favorite policy by arriving the Jay af!-r tho great bailie of November 4, 1858." ? . e?eThe Rktuun or the Resolute.?Capt. Tlartstein, in command of tho English bark Resolute, has been fullv instructed by the Navy Department relative to the courso to bo pursued by liitn in the execution of his trust, and takea out a letter to Lord Clarendon from the Stato Department, enclosing tho joint resolutions of Congress for the purchase of that vessel from the Araoricanjcrew, who found it abandoned in the Arctic Ocean, for presentation to tho British government, and expressing the gratification of the administration, on behalf of the people of the United States, in tendering this token of tho friendly feelings by which our country is actuated. The time for this international courtesy is considered hero to be opportune, in view of the settlement of the Central Atnericau question. The Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of this place have declared a return dividend of ten per cent., on the business of the past year. The profits would have warranted a larger dividend, bnt the directors have prudently reserved the surplus to meet losses which may exceed those of the current Tear. Tho success of this company should secure the confidence and patronage of all who are interested in life insurance.?South Carolinian. " " r Democratic Rejoicing.?The Democra cy of Tarboro', N. C., celebrated tho recent election of James Buchanan to the Presidenr?v* in fyrnn/1 strlo Tnocilnv ! > ?* V* " -v,v? Cannon wcrtf fired, bonfires blazed, and n long procession paraded all tbe principal streets. Fiesn Timks.?In tbe o?*c of Merick vs. Sunderland, recently decided by tbe Supreme Court of Cnlifoinia, iti favor of tlie plaintiff*, involving tbe title to one-third of tbe city of Sacramento, valued at #.")00.000, Joseph G. llaldwin, Ksrp, author of * Flush Times in Alabama," got a contingent feo of upward* of ono hundred thousand dollars. 4 Served him right.*' Eating OnkV Mom:y's Woirrn.?The Newport correspondent of the Providence Journal tells the following good 6tory: "A sickly looking man accosted another visitor by remarking, 'you appear to bo well; what do yon visit this place lori' To enjoy myself; are you ill ) Oh, terribly so*.' Then permit me to remark, as a friend, that; even if you were in the most robust j health, you eat altogether too much.? At this sickly looking a littlo indignant, but the next moment ho replied, 'I like your conversation very much, but what on earth is a man to do who is here paying two dollars and a half a-day. Entoxiolooy. Professor Agassis says, that more than a lifetime would be necessary to enumerate the various species of insects and describe their appearance. Meiger, a German, collected and described 600 species of flies, whcli he collected in a district of ten miles circumference. There have been collected in Europe 20,000 species ot insects preying on wheat. In Berlin, two Professors arc engaged collecting, observing, and describing insects and their habits, and alreaoy they have published five lanrc volumes upon the insects which attack forest trocs. Dr. ivaie, the distinguished American Arctic navigator, has had interviews with the Lords of the Admiralty ; also with Captain Washington, the head of the llydrographical Depart' ment, by whom he was cordially received We rerget to learn that Dr. Kano is in very indifiorcnt health, consequently on his exertions and exposure in his expeditions in search of the late Sir. John Franklin. London Paper We learn from Gillisonville, that the Grand Jury found a true bill against Alfred Martin, for the killing of J. 8. Peoples, and that he was convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to three months1 imprisonment and a tino of $1,000, both which have been remitted by Gov. Adams. No bill was found against Edmund Martin, Howard Martin or John Martin.-? Barnwell Sentinel. r Itlimrr fiHiTlnTnu jpil JUfc ,lhiehtnan have been miae lift!'merabohf #TtftejYou?g Men** Chris tin* A^ocistipn/of AJpinndria, Virgin in. , ' Crrecnviiie ft t cwi Ipqjfii; n 1. CORKCTBO WBBtCLT FOR THF BNTEKPRJ8K. . -- .BL&flAIU k flOODL?IltMiaCtfACag>, nRKKMViLLK. NUVKMBER, 19, 1856. BAGGING,- Gunny, peryard, * Dundee, p*2J) BAGON ... .ltains, per lb., Ms Shoulders, 11 Sides, 13 r Hog1 round, 12 PORK, Country, .! > 7 BUTTER.. ,Goshen, por lb. none. Country, por lb. 13 COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 15$ Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, por y<l. 0$* a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Osniiburgs, por yd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR.,.,Country, j?er bbl. $0 a $7 00 Country, per sack, ? 83 GRAIN Corn, per oiuhtd. 65 a 00 w neat, per Unrhcl. flOO 91.10 Out*, per bushel, a 36 IKON .Sredets per ib. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. a 6$ LAKD.... ..per lh. a 18 MOLASSES, W. 1. per gal. 05 N.O., per. gnl. a "75 SYRUP....*4 44 per gal. 100 OILS Lamp, per gal. 8l$ a $2$ Train, per gal. 87$- a $1$ Linseed, 81$ RICE..... ..per lb. a 8$ ROPE. per lb. 15 a 20 SUGARS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 41 Forto Rico, per lb. a 12$ Loaf, jxjr lb. 18* Crushed, per lb, 10 Refined, per lb. a 14 SALT per bushel, <* 81 . Salt, per t*ok, 82 25 $2 60 SOAP Colgate,pale, 12$ a 16 Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SHOT per Ib. 12$ Shot, per bag, ft $2f Ifeto JMbcHtecfoeote. Sellinflr Off. Till! EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Jewelry of Charles Smith, Ir~/ fl|np?n*it? the Muntiun House, will no# be closed out at ttry low prices viz: A quautityof very fine Gold and Silver Watches, or English and Swiss Manufacture. Plain, l.npitic, Anchors, levers, ltail Itoad Tims Keepers, Duplex and Chronometer*. Al>'0, ON HAND, A quantity of Second-hand Watehcs, among which are " Genuine Tobias Levera." In great vnriety ; all the articles usunllv fonnd in n JEWELRY STORM EnfifliithPlatfil Wnrfl. CJTTal ce Notice that Mr. Smttii now offer# HIS ENTIRE STOCK At Greatly Beduced Prices. November 2?>. 28 5m ' XTOTIOB. Land for Sale* T OFFER FOR SALE toy place on the State 1 ro:?<1, iivo miles above Chicks* Springs, known as the '*\V'001> l'LAOE." It contain* 7'10 Acre*, Five hundred acres in forest and Eight v or On# Hundred acres of Fresh cleared land. Flic place "has got good improvements on it, and I will sell LOW. Good Time will be given for the payments, ond the purchaser is expected to mnke safe the some. Negroes will he taken at a fair priee tor the land. J^fT'erson* desirous of purchasing ran address me at Sandy Flat 1*. (), Greenville District, or find mc on the t>reinisea THOMAS CHANDLER. November 20. 28 5* Strayed, FROM the aul*eril?er, on the 3d inst., a light sorrel HORSE, light mane and tail, between six and seven years old. lie wa# raised in Henderson Co., N. C, and it is proha bltt that bo may have strayed in that direction. A liberal reward will l?e paid to any person de. ] livering the .aid bona to meat Greenville C. 1L, or keeping him so that I can obtain him. K J. FRITZ, tyilendereonville llerahl of Truth willcupy oneo and tend bill to this office. Nov. 20-28-tf. I HAVE RE-OPE VED MY J>mg Btore under ilcBee'a llall, and continue to offer a largo Stork for very low price.. E. KUUTClf. Nov. 13, 27 4t Executive Department. COLUMBIA NOV IK IfiKrt Pursuant to (he request of the Executive Committee of the SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONVENTION,! herely appoint the following gentlemen a* Delegate* to attend f-aid Convention, at Savannah, Georgia, on the 8th of L>ectrolx?r next. JAMES II. ADAMS. 1 t Abbeville. J M Ferrin, JI0 Carr, Julian Lomnx, Robt. White, John A Calhoun, Dr 8 T Marshal, Robt. Ward law, Kobt. Oillam. AndSr'iSn. B F Crayton, ' Gen Wilkee, Satnuel Earle. Bcaxtfort) &c. Edmund Rbeit, William Elliott, Edward Rarnwell, Sr. Edgar Frlpp, Ibobt Chiaholm, Thoniaa V Drayton. Barnwell. Ex-Gov Ifammond, W A Owens, Wm Qiltnora Sim*, Col N Walker, John p""^1i)Frof Jqhn LaConte, ileprji. Ljltta*. V James Jjiouglasa, Andrew. WnU#<*, . . Jtfpmw TBiuiv 1w ?***&<*; Richard Anderson, John I Gracejr, Pi BnaWm , , U H -CJtuu?b?s. D W Ray, M D .? Charleston. John I^nrt Win M Martin, Geo Treobdim, Jos D Aikon, Wm Law ton, J F Popenheitn, James Legare, Chariet O'Neal Ir John Cunningham, A F Cannaday, L W Spratt, C S Falrar, 1 ( \ [ Paul F Harne, Geo W Wi!Hatrt< f I U?lL?tli John N Cftrrlnu. Robt Adgor, * W B Carlisle, " Uobt C^luwtttj'; G U SiurontofJi % Win li Tunno, " Jnrties Cdtmer, Win Calder, n; il S Rhett. , - A ChaUrfiM. T A Gen K B Cash, Col Allen MvFarlane.. Dr T E Powe, t on,;v Colleton. Dr. Jos. Glover, B Sander?, Jos B I'erryv 0 B Farmer,, i -ow i? D Bryan, N Iley ward.. , Clacemont. . , Louis B Ilank*, Jno-E Brown.* Andrew J Moses, V >*. Xifh otter. Maj N R Eaves, * James Hemphill, ' Jno J McLure, Geo S Cameron. Chriet Church. Geo F Kinloch, W C Venning, Henry S Tew, S Riley. Darlington. Col 11) Wilson, Col E W Charles,. Dr Thos Smith, KJward Evans, J no A Rogers, S A Woods. Edgefield. '/* -? Arthur Simplcins, Richard Ward? Henj Waldo. Col M Fnuier,. .. Geo A Addison, C W Styles, W C Morngne, Jas B Sullivan. Fairfield. Ex Gov Means, Maj J II Rion, J D Strother, W R Robertson, Esq, D Wyatt Aiken, F Gailliard. Georgetown. W II Trnjiicr, J W Coachman. S T Atkinson, Greenville. Gen W Thompson, Alex McBee, Dr Ervin, Robt Duncan-* T G Croft, B F Stanley. Horny. T F Gillerpie, Titos II Holme*, Tbott W IWiitly, Col A II Johnson. Iters hat c. .1 ( W B John*on, John Roper, Gen W J Taylor, T J Warnrn. Col Thomas Alteram, Lancaster. Dixon II Bame*, Jo* Cunningham. John William*, %\V B Ma***'/. John W Cooke, Lauren*. Col B W Ball, W B TUu<W?ou, l)r John A Melt*, 11 W Garlington? S K Totlil. B S Jame*. 1 \Y C Sirojwon, Lexington. * II A Meetze, John C Hop*. J no \V Lee, Col L Bonier*. Marion. '1 Gen W W IlarU Marlborough* J W Harrington. Newbeny. Silas Johnston, Geu W II Hnnt, Roht Stewart, Col A 0 Summer. Col W Walker, Orancburgg. Gen D F Jamison, Thos J Whale}', Col,J II FelUer, 'Jkoa Oliver. W II lliitaon, ^ J'rince George Winyah. B A Coachman, S. T. Atlkinton, S W ltouqtiie, " W S Croft. Prince Will tame. Geo C Mackey, John II Screven. W II Thompson, Pickens. A P Calhoun, W It Calhoun, A V Lewie, It F Simpson. o i? uk7/im7. Dr J U Pitts, Roenean Murrr, Ex-Gov Richardson, Montgomery Mom, Kx-Gov J L Manning Ccl Win Kennedy. T W Brigg*, M I), Samuel Mavrant, Eiq. W P Starke, Esq.- . Spartanburg. A T Cavia, II II Thompson, J nines Wilson, Gen B F Rates. Simpson Bo bo, St.- Stephens. J at S Palmer, T 8 Gourd in, W Mozyck Procher, T S Marion. St. Pauls. Hon Win Elliot^ James Perry, Hon II 8 King, K II Scott, W E Simmon*, Robert KUhburn, Col A II Waring. W E llaskell. L>r Richard Ford. St. Andrew's. E M Clack, C II Rivera, . W McKenrie Parker. St. Bartholomew's. Daniel Blake, John W Burbagt. <* Joshua Rlukei St. Peter *. Stephen Whitehead, Geo Rhode*, JSr A J Lawton, Edmund Martin, * R J Davant, J J Stooey, J II UorarJ, Union. (ten S R Caiasi. J'Starlr Rtm? David J oho Hon, B II Rioe, B 1 Gage, ^ WUttinuhurgU* 2r.? 1 l>r J A /*mw( Z Aug' C*P'JA^ York. ., iV22?} Wto . Nor, ?0 *'