University of South Carolina Libraries
You know it U ibo truth ! The way to judge a person, f*. Is by the cloth he w?r?, $ Yoa do not stop to notice The inward heart he bcsrs ; If his dre? is growing seedy, Or ragged, old nixl torn, I You poss him l>y unnoticed. Or look at him in scorn ! It is the ungarnuhed truth? You know it is the truth ! But if he has fine garments, And wears a golden chain, You hwitate no longer v* That person to ordain A gentleman ; you praise liim, VAII lnit/1 Ittm IA IKA KVtaw .. . No matter, if he dresses, ?- j * If he isn't good and wise! It is the augarnuhed trnth? You know it h the truth I i v You feel yourself above those Not qniic so rich as you, ' t Too proud and train to speak with The man whose dimes are few ! Well, do so, if you wish to? Hut in heaven, beyond the sky, . ~ Ye proud ones shall bo humbled, , And the lowly ones made high 1 It is tho ungarnUhed truth? !0s 1 ^E've told you but the truth I I Dyspepsia, \ir. l 1 9 -S nt J f iiuvu ncuru uuk ui "iiwrrom oi indigestion," but nover liaving exjierienccd them are compelled to take them all upon trust. A few bouts on that vexenish and baulky jade, "nightmarc," is the nearest approach, in our own case, to those nocturnal jonrneys which people make, who eat pickled lobsters and ice cream, and "see their J grandmother" in the course of the , night. Being Sabbath bound at Toledo, sitting all the morning in the ho- " tel parlor, our ears were frequently as- < sailed with the inquiry, "how is < Judge this morning?' The an- j swer was, "about the same." Throe j or four cards were sent up for Judge < , but tbe answer was, "not able to see visitors." One doctor conies, then another, and finally a third.? Supposing it to be a very critical case, we listened to the conversation of one of the doctors, who, after liaving seen tbe patient, was informing a lnay that liis aiseadef, was obdurate and aggravated dyspepsia, complicated with j other difficulties, the whole forming a < "very delicate and doubtful cose. The i doctors being all gone, the invalid's ] bell rang; the servant answered it, [ and came dow with orders for his i "breakfast." We kept close watch of 1 the tray as it slowly ascended on its I painful progress towards the chamber of suffering; and wo marked thereon, , In accordance with the vociferous "order" reiterated by the "gentleman Irom , Ireland," who bore it, and who slowly < enumerated as ho toilsomely carried "It up stairs, "cup of coffee," "four hard lx>iled eggs," "milk toast," " ten slices baked potatoes," "two slices of broiled side pork,"?each the size of an extra department enveloue and a stack of hot corn bread. There's breakfast for a gentleman in dyspepsia, complicated with the Lord knows what. It occurred to ns tnut lis ? mere matter oi idle speculation, we should like to see a I daguerreotype of that judicial fnnctionnry's breakfast, before the dyspepsia and the other "complications*' had set it. \DctroiiDaily Advertiser. 1 A Skksibmc Man?The Hon. John M. ] Rott*, In declining to accept a challenge from ( R. A. Pryvr, E-q? to fight a duel, makes the following sensible remarks: J "Your life could n<* be the value of a'1 pin's point to me, and I sin sore 1 should derive no comfort from making your wife a widow or year children fatherless?therefore, I have no desire to taka it; whilst my own life fa not only of value to mo, but inI di-pcnsiHe to die support and happiness of |ny family, and I hope to be usefuf to my country?threfore I not disposed to place it at your disposal." ** occupied the evening. Tbwturda the clone the company rone, and the Rev. Dr. Vermilye, of New York, their for ''dressed h^rcncriifele couple in appropriate terms of congratulation ; reminded them of the many mercios which diviue goodness had scattered along the course ol their worldly life: adverted to the valuable lessons which such an instance of domestic prosperity taught; commended them, during the rest of their pilgrim age, in earnest prayer, to the same protecting hand that had kept them and fed them all their lives long, and enclosed the service with a solemn benediction upon them and their household. All felt the tenderness and beauty of the occasion, and, after a bountiful repast, seperated with sentiments of solemnity, as well as gratification. The house in which the ceremony took place, if not the same, is on the same ground where the former wedding was solemnized. The bridesmaid of the first wedding was present at tb j cccond. And tho wedding ring which was placed upon the bride's fin gjr, fifty years ago, is still there, a iort of silent witness of vows fulfilled, \uid blessings multiplied. [Christian Intelligencer. Aw AI> TWIS TlrtVfl W \i/l IAMA vr ?U*i WVIIIU IT IIVIV have yon been, Charley ?" Boy?"In the garden, Ma." Mother?"No, von have been swimming ; you know fiow I cautioned you about going to the creek. I will liavo to correct yon. Look at your hair, how wet it is !n Boy?"Oh, no, ma, this is not wa ter, ft is sweat!" Mother "Ah, Charley, I have caught you fibbing,your shirt is wrong Bide out!" Boy, triumphantly?"Oli, I did that J1 just now, ma, elimbing the feiux /" REA, SCRUGGS & CO. DRAI.ERS III Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, READY-MADE CLOTHING, uats ANDCArs, Bool's and shoes, Ctocliclpjj, Ifatdtotfe, Slrocclries, FAINTS AND OILS, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, & a m m Have opened at the above place large and varied rmoiIiuoiiI of New and Elegant Goods, to which they invite attention from fbeir friends ind the truding community. Tlio Stock has been purchased with great care inder the persoaal supervision of the pi onrictor* luring n protracted etny in New-York, nnd feel rontident In Assuring the public thnttliey cnn and irfll offer bargains. We deem It unnecessary to >numernte the articles which wo lin\e on hand, believing that an examination of our stock will insure the belief that bargains inny be bud by tailing at our establishment, par Country produce taken in exchange. Greenville, April 8. 47 tf JOHN KRAUSE, FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER, WOULD respectfully inform jnthe citizens of Greeuvi.le rnd vivinity tlint he lux* on hand a lot if FURNITURE, which lie will dispose cf upon -easonable terms, lie hns Chairs, Tables, Sofas, I Washstanda, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture node to order. His shon mny be found on Ar;nue Street, between lieatlie's Store and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Court Elaoee Greenville, 8. C\, " Aug. 11-14-ly Books at Elfbrd's. THE 11ALL10; or, Tho Shoepfuld in the Water*. A Tale of Hutnble Life ou the Const of Schleswig. Translated from lliA ^armmi Utnrivo) ? >? "1> ??w ^-v. ..?.??? v? \J>J *MIf. VW, X. Marsh; with ft Biographical Sketch of the Author. Price $1. The Signet J ting and its Heavenly Motto. Translated from the German. Price 31$ centa : |3 Sirs. Ilcnt/s Novels, bound in paper.? 50. cents each. Life of Washington, Napoleon, Franklin, Marion, Clay, Webster, Penn, Paul Jones, etc. And lu.r... other woik?. 0. E. ELFORD. Sept 18. 10. 2. Com* at Last. THAT valnahlo article, THE DUPLICATING IMPRESSION PAPER, for sopying Embroidery Patterns; a Wo, for copying Plane, Pictures. Drawings, Ac., on Cioth, Wood, Stone or Paper. 25 cent* a package. G. E. KLPOKD. Sept l*?*K4iK*k i ..II Notice T8 hereby given, that application frtB be made JL for n renewal of Serip for Fear Shore* in, the Sooth-Western Kail Romt Bank, and South Carolina Rail Rend, supposed to he lest. They DLUlakJ** wllUam*, fifa of Learene "HRNKY U. WILUAMSv) LEONARD WILLIAMS, f ? rBIr^honber 2# 20 3m. ? r>* / . SKKD *OT?* ORDERS r "to cousin & 00., TVeOl?l Established AuthorisedAftate whs liar SOLt> MORE PRIZES Ulan any other efflee In the State of Maryland six rntxn ?uAM?f>B> ?r tn iwe 8INQLE TICKETS: fS '.7 h o! ;? *> Ra!?<? SS c?j> t?rs> Si vm CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 20 Whole Ticket* $10.00 20 Half Tickets 8.00 M Quarter Tieket* 4.00 NOTHING VENTURE. NOTHING OAIN. ticket* Bought by the Package are always th most Profitable to the l'urchaaera. TRV PAPVtr.VH For 925 we Mild package W hoi ce. II al y'b * Qa rt'rt For 910 we tend package BalVic 2 Whole tick't For 98 wo itnd pack'ge Qnart'a A X Whole tick't Look at the following!1 SPLENDID SCHEMES, One of which are drawn at 12 o'clock each dnj of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,287 Dollars. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class 810. CORBIN & COn Agents. SCIISMB. 1 prise of ? 9s,00( 1 da l,00< 1 do 50( 1 do 18( i do is; 180 do C 64 do 2 64 do i'*-vi-v44 '' do ;i 2,626 do 22,176 do 25,861 prize*, amounting to $47,261 C A PIT A L PRIZE. 5,000 Dollars. rATAPSC'O IN8TITUTJC WrrKBY. Of. a 88 102. CORBIN & CO., Agents. O ov'iiBxe. 1 prize of #5,000 10 do 500 1 do 141 8 do 30 200 do 20 63 do 10 63 do 6 126 do 4 8,000 do 2 23,430 do 1 27,814 prizes, Amounting to $47,267 THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. Class 255. CORBIN & CO., Agents. Sconce. 1 prize of $8,000 1 do ) ,560 1 do ] ,000 2 do 750 2 do 300 2 do 100 211 do 25 00 do 10 60 do 4 1,224 do 2 25,740 do 1 30,316 prizes, amounting to $63,253 Ticket* $1? Share* in proportion. Address CORBIN ifc CO. Box 100 Post Office, Baltimore, Mil. October 16, . 23 tf. New dun manufactory. ENGRAVING AND CARYINfi OF THE FINE ART8. THE inbinriber, recently from London, Paris nnd the principal cities of Europe and America, where specimens of hie art have given M?o utmost satisfaction, rospeetly informs the eit izens of the Upper Country, that he has just ar rived, and located liimself at Greenville, where he is prepared to do all urorlc appertaining to his business, in the best manner and at the shortest notice, as Double and Single Cart-Steel Jtities and Sliet Guns, Duelling Pistols, Ac. He will also keep constantly on hnad an Assortment of Sporting Materials, which lis offers for sale at very reasonable terms; finely earved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tamps, and Engraving on Gold, Silver, Ac. AH Work and Repairing done in the very beat manner, aud warranted equally as good as ear be done in the United States. tyllte shop will be fouud two doors below Dt-KjirlV* 1 >?- ii cr July 3 8?tf. F. BREDA. GREENFIELD'S GROCERY STOKE* CORNER STORK, Opposite the Mansion House. 1)'?RC1IA8K!W may now find a very cow JT. plcte (took of Family Groceries, Fine end Cheap "Wine*, Liquor*, Cordials and ALSO, an assortment of aga?llatft nnd Cape, Bonnets aud Hounet Trimmings, Boots A Hboee. 4mti together with Ladies'Slippers and Gaiters. IAMWA13I, CSDOBBff, GLASSWARE AND DR? GOODS. MTCoantrr Produce and RAGS taken in s* dungs. ALEXANDER OR KEN FIELD. 3,000 v; ?v .? . to eafottiU orders fol^tbc My uf j with _th^Wt^NMat;, will At Immediately cin'Of, and hce been Touched, by hundreds of M ertlftcntes from alt part* of the Union, from ;:nosg5t th?*e *?* fiS^rh*X>*&? 23* MI have carefully* exit mi no<l Otis' insulated jgbtning Conductor, and have it attached to the uilriing tu which I reside. It is better obstructed, and mora securely insulated, titan any I form of Lightning Bods 1 bare aeon. It h neat e and clicep, and if property attached tb the building, cannot fait to afford security against the loss of life and property by electricity 1 therefore recommend it as'worthy of the confidence t of the eonimonity, R. F. Dwukst. s l*rof. of Chemistry, de., in S. 0. College." ?U T* n WulA^U k.. nnnti*,! m> house with Otis' improved Conductor. I hove examined them with great eare, and am couvin' ced that they are the neat Lightning Roda ever constructed. The methods of attraetion and insulation are new, and seem to ma to be perfect I can confidently recommend them toall persons wishing to secure llieir houses against lightning. C. J. Elko it d. Any further information mav be obtained on apS^ation to D. G. W EST FIELD, ^".ay 8-62-tf. Greenville, 8. C. tmbift Anti-Rheumatic Powders. A Safe, Speedy and Radical Cure for Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. WE, the undersigned citizens of I*utnam County, Georgia, cheerfully bear testimony to the eftioacy of Linch's Anti-Rheumatic Powders in the treatment of acute or chronic r Rheumatism, many cases having been successfully treated by Dr. J. O. GIBSG5?, within our personal knowledge in which these I'owders were KincipaUy used. el Branhnm, M. D. lFin. B. Carter, Stephen B. Marsh nil, D. R. Adams, T. B. Harwell, Thomas lteapess, G. R. Thomas, J. Nichleeon A others. JCST*Any reasonable number of individual certificates cni, be given in attestation of their effiPrepared and sold by J, 0. GIBSON", M. IX, i Eatonion Ga., nt wr Ito*, i All order# directed to him, with the above cunt enclosed. and description of the cnec shall ro edve with tlia Medicine each advice a# may suit any peculiarity thereof. For ?n1o by M. B. KABLE, M. D.t Apotheeary and Dnwgitt, Orecavllle, b. (X May 1, S-f7* 01 1y sT~wioxjii"RaaoMTr ? ~ Painting ! Painting ! rP'lB ftubcoriher has located himself In the JL town of Greenville, and wi?h it to he understood thnt be is now prepared to reecive order* for IIoum, Sign, Ornamental and FANCY PANTING, Graining, Marbling and PAPER. HANGING. All of which will be executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the principal cit' ies of both Europe and America, he feel# satisfied that ho enn give satisfaction to all who tnay faror him with their patronage. He dofnts it unueceasary to give a list of references; nil ho asks is an examination of his work. Ho wants no bettor recommendation than bis work can give. He ha* the right for a celebrated Metallic Fire Proof ltoof, equal to copper in durability, and in I addition to the above he is also prepared to ex1 eeute either Professional of Business Cards on I Glass in a style second to none. Orders for Graining or Mnrblctng will be attended to. and the work done iu a style to suit the tastes of the nuist fastidious. All orders addressed to me nt Groetivillo CL II., or left nt the Carolina House, will meet with prompt attention. MATS SAMUELSOX. July 3. 8 Om JLI<e a-id Property iunnred. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE A8HEVILLE ftiutnul 3mmrnnrt Cmnjininj Insures Howt, Store* and oth*r Property ?; AGAINST FIRE: i And the Llrti of Whit* Parsons and Slav**, between the agttof 10 and 60 yeart /"kN such terms as to render it a most safe and 1/ desirable investment. Fnll details, with the Constitution and* of the Company, will be ftirntshod ou application to any of tho Of' ftccj-s of the Company. JOSEPH R. OSBORNK, TWt. 1 Wii. W. McDOWELL Vtce-Pret. J as. B. Rankix, Secretary dr Treaturer. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, I Dee. 47-tt GREENVILLE, 8. C. . 1 E J. FRITZ * CO. HAVE just, recsivcti, and are now displaying at tlieir establishment a apendid aseort! mont of Ladies* Gold Ear-Drops?Mosaic and Cameo; a fine lot of Emblem Pins?Masonic and Odd-Fcllowa. Gold AdtdaiJ Guard Chains, Silver Guard and Fob Chain*. FINK GOLD HUNTING LKVKR WATCHES. Also, Anchor and lotpine Welches. IV.OA, iitmmvm i'iujjtr JV?II((S, OMrtSDa Scale Kings, Silver and Plated Spectacles, Steel Rings, **.. Ae. A XBW ART) SUPEHtOR 8TOCX 0? f i ?rn a ? # n id- >v A //a r An yjyvu jijj.uxai i ?y. 8VLadies' Mourning and Fashionable MM* . ' Give n? n CalL jTi^Msik E. J. FRITZ & CO. June 10 0 (f. . a. a. fraaasMl; ^ NEAR GILDER P. O., GREENVILLE ?W1\ . /'OFFERS !.i. service, to the public, and eolioHa \7 patronage. All work entrusted to him will bo dona rrtth neatness nod dlepoteh. An J person withinglo know bow to solder (heed or oft) will ba tumUhed, on the reception of one ? dollar, with a reoeipt containing full instructions, enabling him to solder any metal. receipt K baa never been offered to the pubJie bef we. 8kt> , ufaetion given or the money refunded. Inmssv nrs-ore wmf < \*i. A 10 41 tf ijftffitfiWr- - . -.. TALES, S^LliY, WCWHAPHY too rra icr wrrit 2SUSX AK? FOiSTSY. Tbe paper contains no ultra sentiments., and meddtes neither with politics nor religion, but ft is characterised by a high moral tone. It circulates all over tbocountry, from Blaine to California. The terms by inaii are very low, as wfM be wen by tbe following: . ? \ TERMS. Rtt "Wi*?ljr Mitgniiue" U iwUidied weekly l?y Mores A. l)ow, 12 Water St., Boston, Mass. . ? 1 .) , Two editions are printed, one on thick paper for Periodical Healers, at 6 oU a copy, and an edition for mail subscribers, (on a little thinner paper, so as to eome within tbo low postage law) at $2.00 a year, or $1,00 for six months, always in advance. Cluleby mail, six papers six months, $5.00. Paper stopped when the last number paid for is sent. A new volume commences every July and January. Hut if a |>erson commences al any particular number in the volume, and pays for six months, he will have a volume complete with a title l?age, as even* paper is complete in itself. jar When a subscriber orders ft renew*! of his subscription he should tell us what was the number he received, then we shall know what number to renew with without hunting over our books. Otherwise we shall begin when the money is received. Persons writing for the paper will write their names, po.->t-offiee, county, and Stale, very distinctly. Those who wish their papers changed should tell where it has pre viously been sent Postage on this paper 26 cU a year, payable in advance at the office of deiivorv. CLUBBING. Clubs must always l?e sent at one time to receive a premium. We cannot send them ut the club price unless received all together, as it is too much trouble to look over our books, or keep an account with each other getting them up. jar Any one sending us Pour Dollars, can have one copy of the "Waverly Magazine," and citlier of the following works for one by mailt Graham's Magazine, tiodey's Lady's J3ook, Harper's Magazine, Putnam's Magazine, Ladies' Gas. of Fashion, BaIIou's Pictorial. (ij vaawnuiiip mh vo.xa in wiviinc?, can have n copy of the MYVaverly Magazine," ana 'either of the following papers for one year by mail : J; True Flag, Olive Branch, ITnole Sam, Ainoricnn Union, Yankee bl?ule, Star Spangled Banner, Yankee Piivutcer, Odd Fellow. Farmer 6c Planter. Ia iasued Monthly at Pendleton, S. C. TERMS. 1 copy 1 year (in ad ran re) $ 1 00 5 copies 1 year 44 6 00 25 copied 1 year 44 20 00 100 copies 1 year 44 75 00 MS/T Advertisements will be inserted at the ' rates of 75 conts a square (20 lines or less) for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent one. Liberal deductions will bo made to liberal advertisers. jarThe postage on the Farmer ?fc Plain tcr any where within the State three fourths of a cent, and out of the State one oent and a half per quurter, GEORGE SEABORN, Editor and Proprietor. S. W. Lkwis, Publisher. Eslrav. ^ JOEL CIIARLK* tolls Uforo mo a small iron gray mora MULE, about 134 aJL-ZXahands high, supposed to be 3 years old I past?bare footed, the tail shared. Ko particular marks or brands observed. Said Mole appraised at serenty-five dollars l?y three lawful appraisers. She can be found at the residence of said Joel Charles, about 12 miles below Greenville C. 11., to the right of the Augusta road. ALKXAKPEli McBEE M. O. D. Jnly 24 11 4m. Mgazines, &cSubscriptions for ?n the leading mag | azines will be received at the Greenville Bookstore; and Uie number will be furnished from the counter, free of postage, at the regular subscription prices, to those who subset ibe. The undersigned is the authorized Agent oftbe 8ouTn??w Quahtbrlt liviw, and of the "Caroljua Times,'* and will bo gtad to receive and forward subscriptions for these journals. G. E. ELFORD. ,a ^ pi NOTICE ^ Wowl-HT Tilr. ATTENTION OV THOSE WISHING A I>KSIKA11LK ReSIDKNCSIN ( KKKN VI LI. K DlSTttlOr. gMfc I HAVE determined to move lo the it West, and therefore my lend is for sale. It la situated on the Laurens voad, 0 1-2 mile* south ot Greenville 0. IX.; containing 175 acres, about 85 of which is well timbered wood lend, 00 acres in ? high state of cultivation, and 45 scree fresh land. On the place is a two^lorytdwelling, a kitchen, negro houses, carriage house,Ac,; also, a well of as puia and wholesome wetcr e* the State sfford*, and convenient to other waters.? This is tflilj * beautiful place, lies w?*ll, and convenient to good grills of every kind, fee (ories, churches, ^ . .rsMa 1..WT ... ? A T ow,xri8: Junewt * if iutions of the Southern^ St ate^ To this ofof fiction, or Itf the dir^ct^mi of anti slavery our enemies are employing literature wlMr. roost potent weapons of attack, the Southern# people will surely not withhold tWefr enoourageraent from a work whose situ it shalL be to strike blows U> their defence. The Messenger will, as heretofore, J*9Jsent its rentiers with Reviews, Ilistaocal sod liiogrsphicnl Sketches, Novels, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy, and other National SubWith a view to ensure a larger circulation of the Messenger, the Proprietor#,, though they intend greatly increasing the sue of the work, have reduced the' l*rice of Subscription, which is now only THREE DOLE A US Vm ANNUM, IN AbVANCE, or Fottr dollars if not poid before the first of July in any year. Clubs?Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will be eutitled to Six Copies.? , The Editorial and Critical department,^* the Messenger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq, and will embrace copious notes on current liters ture and reviews of all new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor's opinions will always be honesty and fearlessly avowed. The business department is conducted tr the undersigned, to whom all comrouuic*^ . i lions of a business nature, must be add reused M AOFAULAN E, FEKG USON A CO., A Law liuilding, Franktiu-st., Hichuioiul, V*. The South rarallM i AURIC U LTU BIS . THE Executive Committee of the ${*!*< Agricultural Society of South Carolina, having ielacted the subscriber to edit their J paper, n prosu^tua is cow issued In coutpliunce with tlieir instructions. Thil Journal will bo devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Natural Science, liurnl Taste, Archiutcrturc and Art, the Mcchauical und turing interest*, and all the purMiits perUiuing to general improvement. It will also contain a faithful transcript of the orgaoixation nrnl pro^'oeding* of the society, Essay* and Communications from the best writers in the State, and a inonthiy summary of Jba spirit of the Agricultural press. All subjects devoted to the improvement of the miud, the soil, stock and domestic comfort, will find ready admission into its columns, and such contributions are specially desired. Tho work will bo printed in beautilul, new ivi fair type, ou fine white paper, with a tinted V cover, nod will contain thirty-two page# per I nioiilit. The publijption will commence on the Brat of May, 1850. There will nUo be published an additional advertising ahcet, ae a supplement, in which a limited number * advertisements will be inserted. I Tbbms?$1 00 per annum. No paper I sent unless the money be paid in advance. Life members to the State Agricultural Society will receive the paper free of cost A. O. SUMMER, Editor, Columbia, S C.fc. I OTAJTO& And a Good Opportunity to ReononelbU Men to > obtain Profitable and Healthy JCtxploymmL I TO AGENTS, CANVASSERS, CQLP0RI TEURS AND POSTMASTERS. ANY person obtaining subscribers for fifty copies of either of the two following A- * imucam National Woass, and remitting ths amount (lose a largo commission 1 to the publisher, will be entitled to fifty dollars worth from the subjoined list of valuable works: EjBy AMJCRJOAN NATIONAL WORKS. B^Thk National IImtoby or the United States? Colonial, Revolutionary, and Constitutional, chiefly from National Documents n J v ? E^S^WsfSSlur Viib ntm>eroiM fiat I 111 nitration* on tU&MA wood, ft H peml 8 vo., clotli gilt, Iff- > . I Tbk 8tateama#'n Mam-At? containing t)t? Livtg MottOf**, ??><l A<hnS??M.Mti?ti* of JM President*, frwa Iff MWugton to nw?. WHb fine imrtraiU oJT tUel. 4 Toldnw#, htter ^ ''rI G atdi owMO ?*y?l | ^ I