University of South Carolina Libraries
BAGGING, Guonv, per yard, a 25 I Dundee, o 20 BACON . *. .liaaw, per lb., 15 ? I ;<^#Lr - ^boulder*, 1>. .?] Sides, .. I? I II og round 12 FORK. Cmintrv, 7 I BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none. I Conntrr, iwrlb. 15 COFFEE.. .Kio, per lb. 15 J Java, per lb. 18 a 20 I DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. a 10 I ' R|,AAtin? .? n.l ?" - J/VI J'lt IV iC AO Osuaburgs, per yd. 11 a 12$ FLOUR ....Country, j?erbbl. $0 a $7 00 Country, fcr wck, i* $3 i GRAIN Corn, pe?- bujkri. 65 a 00 Wheat, per biuhel. $100 $1.10 j Oats, per bushel, ? 35 ! IRON. . Svei<*, per lb. 0$ a 7 < English, per lb. ? 0$ LARD perlh. ? 13 MOLASSES. W. 1. per gal. 65 N O., per. gal. o 75 SYRUI\...44 44 per gal. 100 OlL8.......Lamp, per gal. $1$ o $2$ | Train, per gal. 87$ a $1$ | Linseed, $1$ RICE ...per lb. a 8$ 1 ROPE..... .per Ib. 15 a 20 j SUGARS...N. Orleans,por lb. a 41 , POrto Rico, per lb. a 12$ . Loaf, per lb. 18$ Crushed, per lb, 10 Refined, per ib. u 14 SALT per bushel, $1 Salt, per suck, $2 25 $2 50 ' SOAP .Colgate,pale, 12$ a 15 ] Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 i SnOT..;...per Ib. 12A Shot per bag, a $2 J ????a Ho, lor the West! ?A8 I intend mpving Went, I r?r for salo my LANDS on Hortepon JCi|L , 14 miles 8vUtU*:??t of Oreenville C. 1L, containing about 180 Acre*. On the place ia a vdry l^rgo body of Woodland, m well timbered a< nny in the District. The Plantation is in good order. On it is n very largo body of excellent ,4'reek Bottom, and some very gooH Up-land under enltivntton, and vory good Orchards. Tlie improvements are nil in good repair, consisting of a commodious Dwelling, good Kitchen, with n Work-room attsrUed, Meat-house, large Corn- i crib, Stalde*, Cow-house, Rheep fihl, Fodder and Hay Rams, house for Plantation Tools, Wagon Hhcd and Carriage House, Carpenter's and Blacksmiths'ftliop, and a good Orarseor's House and Negro Oubiiisl Also, a new mid neat Bath House i at the Spring, near the residence. The place is well watered. There aro several springs of pure -water, and the Creek'runs through, near the centre of the Tract. The Dwelling is situated on an eminence, and commands a view of a large - p irtioa of th-vfarm. The phico is perfectly healthy, and, for a person wishing an Up-country Oraln or Stock fnrm, this would bo ? very desirable place- I will sell low. For further iufor ruation iuquiro of the proprietor, on the plaee. A. J. STONE. Clear opt ing P. 0., S. C. <vt. .do, tf. Just Received. HOVEY &. CO. A UK just in. receipt of a very full invoice of U-\- Brown. Grey. Stud Mixed and line Black Sale in. North Carolina, JKANS. Thr#*Jbstlv celebrated goods need no omtinopdalifui ; hundreds of puichnsers vouch for a their ehenpneau nnd goo 1 qualities. For sale, frmm 82 J cents to $1.30, by wt. i-"?:*'?II IIOVKY A CO. BOOT ANDSJIOTSTORE. (onk doou below powck81 old stand.) 1TI1E Subsckibku has JUST OPEN. ED, and is STILL RECEIVING, froiii New York, Philadelphia srnd Charleston, W A LARGfE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies' aud Gents' Wear. Also, CHILDREN'S BOOTS & SHOES, *" pp. mr ** mm 9 And nil Article* usually found in nn establishment of the kind. gW The public arc invited to rcroe and examine my Stock. W, G. LONG. October 20. -24 4. * . !^V: Iain ilk t inkl TI2E Subscriber has received a large supply of the celebrated Ink manufactured by Ma} pard <te Noyes, who have been for forty yunra engaged in iu manufacture. Below will be found one of the mnnv tostimopiala to it* meri|*; I " " u Hkcistrt or Deeds, ) M Boston, Nov. 20, 1847. f * Messrs. Maynard <t Noyes : " Gentlemen?1 have made nse of your Writing luk, for the recording of Deed*, &c.. the pjwt twenty-five ycars% and, having found It U> snit my wi?hea and purpose.* entirely, pleasure in rcnowiug iny testimonial* of iu superiority. From the appearance of the Record* in iny office, 1 ain satisfied it it superior to any I nasi used, ar.d consider it particularly adapted for all purposes where permanency of color is requisite ot desirable. It flow* well from the pen, and does not mould ; and my oldest Record* prove its cotor to be unalterably block, m * Signed/ - Henry A clink." Af^O, ON HAND, HAURISON'8. Mason's, and other Inks? Black, Blue, Ked, Carmine and Indelible. Oct 23-24-tf O. E. EL FORD. ? Houses, Town Lots, Plantation an# Negroes for Sale. rpRfi Subscriber offers for sals fifty to sixty *X, T*t*J Itourna, F1 nutation*, and Nefcroo*. i.i Aunt near the town of Ursc?vi?Vs, also in Bsau> f jrt District, sod the city of ChArtwrtou, H. C. LA WTO*. General Commission lferekaot Mclter's Hall, OraenvlHe, a 6T Oct. 23-2*-3m G*KiiNVU??. .-v ffmx Ordlnnc^w +pHmforUu Korea** 1 BEIT ORDAINED, by the lnA,?d?rtt and , Warden* of the TWo-?C- Qra??*Ule. in council neaemblod, and by the authority of the tame, that a Tax to cover tha period from the (Irat day of October, 1866, to tha flnt day 6f October, 1867, for tha ?umv and in tha manner hereinafter mentioned, ahall be raiaad and paid into tha public trenaury for tha uau and service thereof. , L-. TAX OS mtAJ. K8TATR. SaonoN 1. That ia to any, tou cauta on every lnin>ll'Ki1 JnlliU'? r.f *ll? OUMX'1 vnln? nf I' 1 tS?Ut<s IvdngTn stud town, to be paid by the first ilsy of November next, 1850. , on n8(5koek ? Sua S. And be it further ardnincd, That twenty-five cents per head shall be naid on nil slaws between the age of sixteen nud fifty years, said lax to be paid by tho first day of November next. on b1krchakdi8v, warc8. 4c. Sue. 3. And be it further ordained. That Ten Cento on every hundred dollar* of sales of goods, wares and merchandise, shnll be paid by every merchant or shop keeper in tho own of" Greenville, from 1st January, 18f6. to 1st. January, '67, This tax to be paid by the first of February next. ON CAKHIAOKR, OMSIBC6K8, 4C. Sue. 4. And be it further ordained. That Three Dollars shnll be paid on each and every four wheeled pleasure carriage drawn by two or more horses; Two dollars on eueh one-h??-?<? carriage, barouche, gij. sulkey or buggy kept for pleasure and not for hire; fen Dollars on each fourhorse omnibus or hack; Fire Dollars on each Hack or carriage drawn by two horses, and run Tor eonveyenee of passengers or hire; Three Dollars ou each buggy run for hire; Five Dollars on each four-horse wagon ; Five Dollars on each two-horse dray or wagon, and Two dollars ?n each one-horso wagon or dray run for liiro. The above taxes arc to be paid on or before the first day of November. 1856. road and street tax. Sec. 4. And bo it further ordained. That tho annual tax for Uond and Street Exemptions for tho current year shnll l?c the sunt of Two Dollars, said smn to be paid by the first day of February next, 1857. patnol exemptions. Six;. 5. And bo it further ordained. That the ?uin of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents bo and is hereby ordered to be paid by each and every Krson liable to do patrol duty, for exemption >tn said patrol duty for the year ending October first, 1857. Said sum of two dollar- and fifty cents to be paid to the Town Clerk on or before tl?o first day of November, 1850. pen ai.tte8. Sec. 7. And bo it further or.lnincd. That if any person or persons shall fail, neglect or refuse to makn a return on oath to the Clerk of the Council of all his. her or their taxable < nnd to pay the tax thereon, the said Clerk is hereby required to issue execution therefor, im? mediately,on such default. Skc. 8. And he it further ordained. That if any person or persons shall run fr hire any vehicle herein mentioned, without firit paying tax thal*e?1 for, every such person shall pay for ca^h dny ho so offendstho snnuftl tax to which such vehicle is stibjectbv this Ordinance. Douo and ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of (Ireenville, on the eighth dny ft. s-3 of Octolwr. in llis year of 6ur Lord oik' thousand cijrht hundred and tiftv-six. IX. LKf? THJUU8TON. Intendanl. W. I', ritt'jx. Tbicn Clerk. Oct 8-22?4 Town Ordinance, CONCERNING OOAT3 AND SWINE. BR IT OliDAINEI), l?y the Iotehdant nnd Wardens of the Town of Greenville, in Council ttweinlild, That hcteaftei it shall not l?e lawful for gouts or swine to run at large w'thiti the corporate limits of the Town of Greenville; and it shall lie the dutv of the Marshal*, nnd they are Hereby authorized and required to employ suitable persons to seize nnd secure nib goats or swine thnt may ao be found running at largo, and to impound the same in the lot convenient to the court hoir?e. Suction 2. And bo it further ordained,' That upon the impounding of any snob goats or swine, the Marshal shall immediately advertise the name ?t the market-house, giving a correct description thereof. Ami should the owner or owners appear within two days thereafter, and prove his or their right to the possession of such goat or swine, then the said Marshal is authorized to dulivcr the tame to him or them, on the payment of one dollar for oa?di and every goat or swine, so delbered, as a fine hereby imposed for each and every goat or swine so found tunning at large. Section 3. And be it further ordained. That should no one appear within the time hereinbefore preseril?ed. of appearing, shall fail ol* refuse to pay tlte flue hereby imposed, then it shall be the duty of the said Marshal to expose to public sale, such goal or swine, for the satisfaction of said line; the excess of such sale if any there should he, after paying spelt line to he deposited to the credit of tho Town Council, to be given to the owner of the property sold, upon the same being demanded within 30 days after such sale. Section 4, De it ftuthtf OitlaincJ. Tlta,. litis Ordinance shall take effect from and nf #? '. '' (t..i * iwi luv ?f.w u<ty oi January next. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greenville, on the [t. 8.] eighth day of Octobor, in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. II. L. THRU6T05. Intordant. W. r. Puick, Town Clerk. October 9. i'i 3. STAGE LINK" f ROM Abbeville tuV/asliiugton. A FOUR HOKSK STAGE leave* x jL Abbeville, 8. C., ou Mondaya,.vbSsS*^. Wednesday*, and IMhr. Lenvos Washington, Go., ou Tueeday, Thursday and Saturday morning*. A daily Trnin lenvoa Washington at 7 o'clock A. M.f for Atlanta. . J AS. E. WADDY. Waebmgton. JOHN' McUIlYDE. Agent at Abbeville. Office at the Poet-Offlee. Oct.. &-22-Cna Hats and Caps. ANEW aupply of the latest etylee. Among which may b* found the so-mnob admired BROOKS HAT, At the atore of A. GREENFIELD. October 1<1, JMJ tf. , . Council Office. THE office of Clerk Of Couacil will hereafter be hi the Old Court. Ilonee, in the office formerly oecupiod by the Sheriff. " ^ ' W P. PRICE. Town (tnl. Oct Ifith. 1 AS*, 3* I % moth t _ AL ADVatlTI SEMENTS. '$* WEW FAU AND~W IN Ta g * BSPCDOIK <D3? : ^ S ? THANKFUL for past putronnge, respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they ar i now receiving a large Stock of ,v: C^OOnSBf consisting of Verv Choice Fabrics, New Styles and ELEGANT 1)ESI0NS for DRESS GOODS, A large and woll selected stock of Goods for fflSHffimiirs wfflAX. t Ready-Made Clothing, Blanket*. Flannel*, Plains, Kerseya, Shirting, Sheeting, <te. HATS AND CAPS, ^KiBoots and Shoes, -<* HARDWARE AHDj CUT1ERV, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, ?Ky??? DYE-WHIFFS, &?. iaS-U; GROCERIES I yH^KU'pon tlio most reasonable terms for cash. W e deem it unnecessary to enumeruto all, or even ft port ton of the articles we have on hand, invite the public to nn inspection of our Stock, It embraces evcrv article usually kept, and wo think that customers will find it to their advantage to give us a call p8TAt the New Brick Store south of the New Court House.. fit-: GRADY ?fc GOODLETT. Oet. 2. .21 tf Iroiraw" 1 % ll\l % ? G . B . DYER IS NOW RECEIVING, and will continue to rossive, nn EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT of Furnishing Goods Of sll Descriptions and Qualities, and i* prepared to put up CLOTHING at Short Notice and in The Bast and Latest Styles. tir ALL WORt: WARRANTED. CLOTHING or SUPERIOR QUALITY. SUCH AS THE RAGLAN. UN J ON WHITNEY , BE A A N/J NE W YORK S UR Tf) UT (WF/RffnATff V w MAVW Wl Also, an assortment of PANTS and VESTS. W Mi. 0. A. PICICLE still eootinnti in the Cutting flini Sales bopaitmunt, where lie or the 1 subscriber, will be found at all tames, ready to serve our friend# ami the public urvuerallv. (Jive us a call, and EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. v (*. lj. DVKK. October 2. 21 tf W. lfllO'VE Y, PftOPRIEf OR Or maim? &&&%?>* 0fec;)bllk\ S. 0. FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Kbnuis, .tlnutilas Si Km broideries*. AOKI.'T KOIl rMICH'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES, ] V Stoddard'# Warranted I'iano Forte#, * y Mrs. Allen's Word's Hair Restorer, 5. t*t l>r. \V. B Moffatt's Pills and Hitters, ~ ^ Dr. David J?vne's Pat ant Medicines, 2". < Ixxidon Co.*s " ' 2 ? A. II, ?fc I). Sands' flarsnparilla, J ** ?, A*r>. 2, CUai'tlaUit? Building*, Kearly opposite Mansion House. January 17, 18.r?C. 30 tf T7.1 fnvd /Cr TlATlrtl/loass M1AVAU VA/ JWiAC&lUOUil) &<g &&m;M:M Vdi tiiCiJSs s* eg. C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. D0NAL0S0N. Jan. 10. 85 3i? Boots and Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of tlio Above goods at the store of A. GRKENFIEI.D, Opposite the Mansion House. October 1C. '23 tf. NEW FIRM! NEW CLOTHING. subscribers respoclfully unnotified Is) a. ibe public generally that they Lave pure-based tlio stock and fixtures in the Cb thing business of S. Swaspalk, next door to the MAX SI OF IIOU SIC, nnd have just returned from New York with the Bsst Assortment of ever offered to the citizens of this place. Among which may bo found Pino Talmes, Single and l>ouble. Raglans, Overcoats, Every Variety of Vests, iriaME & VAMOI pato, 6iq1'# Jcncj Slwtote, SHIRTS AND CRAVATS, MAT?, ?AP? AM? ?AMIS?, Perfumery, Soaps, and every variety of Good* usually kept in A FIRST CLASS Furnishing Store, Which they offer at prices to suit tho limes. Call and examine our Slock before purchasing else where. > > THRU8TON & SUDDUTH. Oct 0. 22 if T>OOK AKD Job F'RWTrNOrB??ilT dene at th? "Fntrrfrire ?itee." X ^MEDICAL ASD !>?. itwsaILE; GREESTVIIXE, 8. C.. AT THE SIGN OF THE BOLOIN MORTAR, DKAI.CR ta roajj as,<awfis Paint*. oii?, Medicines, tJE3T Varnishes, Chemicals, /C BRUSHES, ?YC-?T Fr9, White Lead <V Zinc White. Umt/tNo con-ection with thk above business m a GUARantes that kvebyihino M or TIIK best QUALITY. and WILT. be ROLt> ON the J 19. jio?t reasonable tkkuf. 8-ly ?OTallen, " Is dow oremsrwl to peiform all operations on the '1 ICliTlI, in the most approved and skill* ful niAnnnv A&mWlAhTOM'S IuMrted from one to a full sett with the greatest carei and without injury to tlie mouth and adjoining ectli. 1 have soonrcd the right, and urn the only one who can use "Or. John Allen's New Style of Continuous mid Life-Like Gum Work" in this District . trr Call and examine specimens of the various kinds of work, at my rooms in Mcllee's Buildiiur, which are fitted up for tlie comfort and convenience of the ladies. ItEFKUKNCF.8 t Dr. S. Bl\ndixo. Columbia. S. C. Dh. John Andkksov, Charleston, S. C. Greenville August 29 10?tl Ociital Surgorv. ?E IE. WMDS BEGS leave to inform the public generally that he nn* permanently located in Green ville, and respectfully offers liis professional tor vices to nil who mnv require them. Jkmmvwh OTfl inserted from one to nu entire sett, l'arttenlai attention paid to regulating of children's teetl and treatment of diseased gums. JtSP" Dr. KnwABno may be found nt the Plan ter'a Hotel, until he can procure suitable rooms IIKFF.HF.KCK : THE NEATNESS AND DURABILITY OF HIS WORK June 10 0 if. ^2 GFFEHS his Professional Services to tl? Citizens of the Town of Greenville and u the adjacent country, lie may be foum during the day nt the New Court House, nt nigh ntthc residence .?f Professor Ed wards. 99-221 &CL, &0. * rI"MIE subscriber lias lately added von* iargel JL to bis Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Painti Ac. Tlievare'of the best quality. He liopei from his long experience in the business, nn< eioso id tent ion, to secure n reasonable shnre c patronage. S 5~4?If J. H. D10AN. Choice fjiquor*, I> RAN DIES, WINKS, Ac., of the best qnali _) ties for medicinal purposes, for sale, inv# rinbly for cash, at the l)rug Store of July S-8-tf. J. II. DEAN. Syrups. IR\toy. PIPE-APPLE, STIiA IVBEIW1 J XASPttBRRY J.C., for eale at Uie l)ro, Store of f 5 J. If. DEAN'. Apple Vinegar. A FINE <}UALITY, <o be lmd nt the Druj Store of | J II. I?EAN. josmn ro'wiii,' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW General Agent and Collector, HAVINC been engaged for the lnsttwo yeai in nnotlter State, lias returned business r ( reenvillc Court House, where lie niny be cot suited on the same terms as heretofore on inn tersoflnw. lie also offers his services as Agei in Pensions anil Bounty Laud claims, and as co lector with or without suit will give tlichigl est prices in gold or silver for Bouuty Lnn Warrant*. lincurrent Money bought ar.d soIJ. Advance made on solvent paper. No action for debt will be brought, until notie is given to the debtor to pay without cost, f 5f*t)fficc iu tino old Court House. June 12th 5-tf. J. POWELL. REED& GOOD LETT , A1T7f(t)I8OTB'H,S ?*recurnic, t. jfiTOlIice nexteloor to F. F. Heattie ACc j. p. REKI).] [s. D. OOODLBTT. January 12 25 , tf The Rose Bud, JUST ftnCKIVru, A supply of that fine chow ing tobacco -THE ROSE BUD. Oct. 10?23?tf M. U. KARLE. ; Stuttering and Stammering Cure< BY DR. WYCKOFF, Of Piit*bnrg, Pa. WITHCUT PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. W1IO will send the cure to any part of th Wcrld. on the receipt of $T'?; and th money returned, if tho cure ia not effectual. j [JT aii letters must nc addressed to I?U. \\ YL | KOFF, Box 746, Pittsburg, Pa., in enro of Ar ! thnrs, Kodgert Jc Co., Hankers. P.S.?Correspondents will please encioseetaiuj for retnrn postage. Cauiiox.?All persons who cannot produce m; genuine certificate, Die humbugs. DIl. W. September 15. 20 It. Trusseti! Trusticti! TIIE sub er her has n very superior assort ir.ent of fine TRUSSES for sale. Also, ai assortment of Bed Pans ami Syringes of th mo?t approved quality. All of which lie wil sell low for easli. Persons wishing to purchas will do well to call and exainiuc before purchn ing elsewhere. J. H. DEAN. WILLIAM TPRICE^ Attorney at Law. WILL punctually attend to all matters er trusted to his earn, lit may b? fount (or the present, at tfio Law Office efaM?rwr< Tuoursox ?fc Easlky, or ?t the office of th^Soulh rn Enterprise,' tfreenvllla C. II. . H Feb 14. 40 tf STATU OF SO Ota CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN TUB COJUMON PLEAS, i Vitrdry Me Ike ) Attachment. ?"? V II. Lf.r Tkmostos, Jo*?ph No*. \ Pl'ff'n AttV "VYTIIRREAS, the Plaintiff di<l, on the V l*lh dit? of Octotar, file hi* declitr ' ation nuninM the I)ef<-?dnu? wbo (hs it Ik *ni<l) is aUent from nnd wu ,oui the limit* of this State, ami line ncithe, wtto nor nli tornev known within the same, upon whom ft copy uf tho said decimation might lw Reived. . I It is, therefore, ordorod, that the said Dc! fendant do appear and plead to the raid declaration on or before the 14tU day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, otherwise final and absolute judgment wilt then be given mid awarded against him. W. A. McDANIKL. o. c. p. Clerk's Office, Greenville District. Oct. 30, '25 td The State ot'South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. . By Robert McKay, Et'j , Or Unary of xald Dixtrut \\J IIKREAJ*. Milton* How awi> has filed a Pe- i t T tition in my Office, proving that Letter* of Administration on all and singular the good* and chattels, rights and credits 01 iir.or.muA C*i.i.aiian, late of tlio District aforesaid, deceased, should bcgrnaled to him: Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, nnd singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary for saitl District, tola* holden at Greenvill - Court Ilo'ise, on the 10th day of November next, to show cause, if anv, why the said Administration should not he granted ROBERT McKAY, O. G.D. Ordinary's Office, 28th Oct., 1856. 25-td Tho Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. P II. J. CJilreath, Executor, Applicant against i Obedience Land, Widow, Isaiah Land. Jordan Land, Stephen Land, Kinaon i?an?t, .;e*sc uodtrev and Jane hi* Wife, I John Bailey and Elizabeth hi* Wife, L>e-1 fendanta. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appealing to my satisfaction that Stephen Laud, Kinson Land, Jesse Godfrey and Jane Ida Wife, John Bailey and e Elizabeth his Wife, defendants, reside withoiit this State: It ia ordered I lint they do t appear at ft Court of Ordinary. to he hulden j. at Greenville Court House, for Greenville Distiiet, on Friday, the 2d day of January next, by 11 o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement -and decree of the Estate of Lewis Land, deceased I should not be made, or their consent to the same will l?o entered of record, r ROBERT McKAY, O. G. D. ) Otdinnry'a Office, 7th Oct., 1850. 23 td. } The Mtate of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN TUB COURT OF ORDINARY. James A. Suher, Applicant, against George '* Graham, Jesse Graham, and Ann T'arrott and Nathan Parrott her husband, Walker Wilkngham. Andrew Willinghain, William WjJIingham, Mary Willinghaco, WiTKuglmm, heirs of Martha, deceased, Mary Janes, and * Greenherry Janes her husband, Defendants.? Petition for sale or Division of the Ural Estate of Prise ilia Saber, dc ccunctl. 1 "I ' appearing to my satisfaction that Mary - JL Janes and Greenherry Janes her husband, Defendants, reside without this State : ( I It in therefore ortlercd.llinl thy Jo appear and i | object to the division or sale of the Ileal Ee? ' late of Priactlln Subcr, on or before the 20tli "* ilav of December next, or their consent to lt the same will he entered of Record. I ROBERT McKAY, O. G. P. it. Ordinary'sOfiice, Cth Oct. 1850, 22-12 i Tonn Ordinance, " Concerning removing Dirt or Sand from the Street?. BE IT ORDAINED, by tho Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Greenville, in Council assembled, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take away any DIRT or SAND from anv of the streets or side-walks of the Town for their own private use; and any and every person *<? otVending, shall pay for each and every offence tire stint of hive Dollars, to ^ collected as other fines are dnp^- Rnf| ono. half the fine inino-;^, lo g0 |0 t|,e informer. Pop* nnj ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greenville, ou the [l. b.J eighth day of October, in the year of our Ix?rd one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. II. L. TI1RUST0N, Tntemlunt., J W. P. I'tticrc, Town Clerk. October 9. 22 3. The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. f. IN 11IK COUUT OK ORDINARY. - William Tiuslcy, applicant, "gainst Jatnoa Ray, Jne<>h Hay, llnney Jtiay, Joseph llav, Surah Jane Raj'. Mary Tinsley, and William herhusl>nn?l, Martha band and I.cwis her husband, p heirs of Join* iiiiy, d..erased. Ellttdicth Ann Kelly, an J John Iter husband. Defendants.? y Petition for tale or division of Peal Kstate. LT appearing to my satisfaction that Jacob Hay, one of the defendants, resides without this Stale. It is, therefore, ordered, that > do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Estate of Jane Kay, <*n tff before the first of December nexb or his consent to the same will be eutered of Record. " KOUF.RT MiKAV, 0. 0. D. , Ordinary's Office, ) o September I, 1856. ) !7-8m Fine Castor Oil. rpiIK above article is supef-ldf td any eve: C nroughf to this jnarket. To be nad in large anci small quantities, at the Drug Store of J 8- 4?tf. J. II. DMAN\ Removal. d T*\R. W. It. JONES has removed his offiee to t. .l^r the corner of Unnoombe and hauiens-ate. i. near his reddendo, where he may be consulted, at all I tours, unless profe.viionolly absent. Datohcr 6. 3*. * 6. V?? ?ral on JBiLtlie first of October nest; ttk? iImw Pimc Street, formerly and for many yr?nk|H)?# us Roach's JIoTKt, mid more rc?*utly krf?t by Col. Wtr.lnntliSWf ' ?d W. Clark. The situation U convenient to business, twbg in tml locution. Those 'who wuh tl^r comfort* and quiet of n home, sepn ruled from the noise snd bustle of ? hotel, will find themselves sailed by applying. Families, permanent pt transient, *ccoa.a>edated on moderate timif. IP 8. lU TI.tlt, September SJ-fO-S. ? " ?. Q. S. BOWER, Matin fuel iircr Maid Dcttfcf la Zl'URNlTCRK of every deseriptien, i!' Olid ClIATRS of evcry stvfe. FISK'8 CEtEBRATED METAIIC PURIAl CA8E$, Opposite (he Con par re J/ouse, L?cc. i. CUJLUHBIA, 8. c. ' if ~e. DRAI.KIt IN Heligicu?, onO School 13N Richardson COLUMBIA, 8. C. I ""^MERC^NT'S HOTEL BY JAMES M. HURST, CTAlEl'iOT OH3 e. <6.< : Board?$1 CO Per Day. February 21. 41 tf THE OREEHVILLE mm mtmm. MAIN STHEBT, NEXT TO M'BEE'3 HAUL. j THE Subscriber has on hand a large nnd i well -t< 1eetedStock of MISCELLANEOUS, ^SgHrsCIlOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS, j Wnlintr Paper, Blank Books, Memorandum!, 4c. Writing Desks and Cases, Port-folios, Cold nnk Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Scaling Wax, Wafers, Slates, Copy Bookr, Ink-Stands, Riders, 4e., 4s. U. K. EI.POUD,: Sign of the Big Book. March C. 48 Sin vrmov, AT QREEHVILLE. C. H, S. Ci Mibscritur would int'onn the citizens JL of tWc Village of.<Ireunvilie nnd surrounding country, that lie iloca nil kinds of ENGRAVING, of Gold <>r Silver nnd Plate, generally. Makes nnd mounts in Gold or Silver, nil the varieties of Braided Fnnrv Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Canes ; cuts and lits to order, Spectacle Glasses to suit any age almost. Among the articles generally needed, anil made by him, are GoTd and Silver Sleeve Ituttons, Studs for'Collar and boaom. 'I be Mounting and getting up of bis hair finger rings (hair braided by tb? Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson.) and Fob, Vest, or Guard Chains, he flatters himself, would not be scoffed at in the larger fashionable cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, at the Corner, sixty yards east of-the Old Court House, and but a few paces from the Enterprise Office. J. II RANDOLPH, No charge for engraving any work made by him. Je 26 7 ly AltlBKOrVPKS! " Ainbvotypes ! Ambrotypo* ! I C. H. LANNEAU HAS the pleasure of announcing to the 1 adie nnd (.lentlenun of Greenville that he n NOW J'RF.PAUED TO TAKE TUE AMBROTYPE, in all its perfection and beauty. lie will remain iti Town tor a SHOUT TIME, to complete some engagements, nnd then liu will be Absent for a considerate time. Those who desire to possess n BEAUTIFUL Sl'E'JlMEN of these NEVERFA1MNG llCTL'RES arc reqwseod to CALI. AT nv/M) \/ii v/r>. ZZ ^4iVZ> SEE ms SPECIMENS I i lie is also prepared to take the ^mhiotvpe for MKDAIXZO.VO, BroAcnr.', Locnvrs nmiFiscKit Ktf**. They are superior to the l-Mgiurrtotype in thia form also. arROCM IN M'i'ct'S HALL, UP-STAir.S..jn -J8 1? tf Card Cases, Portemonaies. &o. f~I"MIE Subscriber has jnstopcueH an elegant 1 assortment of ('aril cases, Poiteuton- ^ aies,Pocket Looks, Inkstands. SandstKiids, i &c., &c. G. E. ELFOKD. Sept 18. 10. 2. PIANO TUNING. . TUB subscriber ^nuId of ?WjhiUMr fer his sor vices to the oitiroi.s ? t'fecnville and the #u*? 8 11roun di ng country in the *L ^*^r' Uphove business. ]*Io will gita satisfaction, or no charge will he made. a M. MUKIUEY, June 8. 4 tf Town Officers. infendltnt.? U. LEE 'i HlttJSTON. Warden*,?II. O. Math-ley.G. U. t>tI er, T)r. H. 1). Losn, II. McKay. Town Ctrrk.?W. P. Trick. I Alaishafi.? /. Marti.: nnd C. ?*ftj RV. | ?. - - -rXJ - 0 . 0-?r? ? *. -s-r-..-. ? I Thompson's Antiseptic & Aromatic Tooth Soap, ; TTAKcntJrrS Saponaceous "~>enV?vfier?r JL X J:<). DctfruAli's .Superior TooJr Soup; i Another l<K of Bnlm of ivThou??u?f Pfowere, Thompson's Celebrniod Y,"?shitr<j Compound, German Clmmienl iCrn ,ive Soap, for Clenn? injj Paints, removing grouse, tar and printer's ' ink. This sonp is mism passed, Jint received and for s;de nX the NVwr Ding Store of MlMS A UWOv Sept. 18, 10 tf. Lamp OIK Fan 8ALK ?t the l>rwt ' *to? * +* ! 5-1 ?f *. Tf' tfT.AX