University of South Carolina Libraries
^^-<L d .' ;,T ?% - . I * Stephen Girard. The wealthy merchant, who flourish ed in Philadelphia, Ytot ninny yours ago, was one of the best friend's of the working classes that over lived. He admired industry as much as lie des ,ui?ed doth?and there has never been Known an mainline where he did not ;f*r?i?h employment or money to an industrious man in distress. Early one naornino:-, while Mr. G. was walkiug around his square, where the \nechanicS1 house now stands, John Smith, who .had workod on his buildings in the humble capacity of h6d cafrierj and who Mr. G. had noted for his npasual activity, applied to him for awstancr, when something like the following dialogue took place. "Aisistance! work, ha! You _ want to work ?" W?Yes, sir; it's a long lime siucc iVo had any thing hi do." "Very well; I shall givo you some. You see dem stone yondart" "Yes, sir." "Vory- well, you shall fetch and put him in this place. You see?" "Yes, sir." "And when you done, come to mo at ray bank." Smith diligently performed his tusk, which he accomplished about one o'clock, when he repaired to Mr.G. and in-formed him that it was finished, at the satno time asking if he could not give him some more work. .Ah, ah! Out? You want more work? Very well; yon shall go place dem stones whore you got him. Undcr6tandzf take him iMick." f^Yes, sir." Awav went Smith to his work. which having got through with about sunset, ho waited on Utr. G. for Ids W- : "All, ha 1 you all finish "Yes, sir. "Very well. How much money shall I give you f* H)ne dollar, sir." "Dat is honest. You take no advantage. Dero is your dollar." do any tiling else for yon !,' j "Oni. CJ1119 here when you get i rp to-morrow. You shall have some! \v6rk." Next morning, on calling, Smith! was not a little astonished when told that he must "Tako dem stones hack again," nor was his astonishment diminished, when the order wa3 repeat I edfor the fourth and last time. Jlotv-! everT ho was one of those happy kind of persons who minded his own busi- j iiess, and lie went on with liisjob with all the indifference imaginable. When ho called on Mr. G., in the evening, and informed him that the stones u\voro as they were," ho was saluted] thus in the most cordial manner : "Ah, Monsieur Smith, you shall he' my man; you mind your own bu&i-j ness; you do what is told you ; yon ask i no question* ; you no intorforo. You j got ono vife?" 44Yes, sir." "All, dat is had ! Vone vife is bad!1 ,A?II J VIU 1IIIIU VIIIVIXO i "Yes, sir ; five living." "Fiver 1 tint is good , I like five; 1 ! like you, Monsieur Smith ; you like to : work, von mind your business. Now | I do something for you five little chicks. There take these live pieces i of paper for your little chicks; you shall work for them; you shall mind' yonr business, and your little chicks j shall never want five more, Good ; bye." The feelings of the grateful man being too much overcome to allow him) to reply, he departed in silence; and! by minding his own business, ho is now one of tho wealthiest of the unmet in Philadelphia. Sands of Gold. Brevity is a great praise of elo ( quence. Two things ought to he the objects! of onr fear, the envy of friends and the hatred of enemies. The mosC dangerous of wild beasts is a slanderer?of tamo ones, a flat-' terer. It is fraud to borrow what wc .arc not able to repay. Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. Too much sorrotv in a man is as much to be condemned as too much boldness in a woman. To bo commended by those who might blame without four gives great pleasure. Patience under old injuries invites new ones. Labor is a moral enemy to love, and a deadly foe to fancy. Nothing is more easy than to de oeive one's self, as our affections are subtle. Itfs difficult keeping that which isj admired by many. ft is iw hard for the good to suspect evil as it is for the bad to suspect good. I/ope fas a working maw's dt'caui, id* 't J' ' I '{4 girl, and go to tlie parson. He is a worthless being who lives only for himself. Dignity does not consist In possessing honors, but in deserving tlrem. Depend not on fortune*,*but conduct*' Conscience is the chamber of justice. Courage consists not in hazarding without tear, but in being resolutely minded in a just cause. As a jewel or gold in a hog's auout, so is a lair woman without virtue. Marriage with peace is the world's paradise, with strife this life's purgatory. TT 1 I 11 * - u limine weuiocics is ooticr tJian proud virginity. As no tuan can tell wliero a shoe pinchcth better than he that wears it, ;>o no man can tell a woman's disposition better than he that hath wedded her. 1 A wanton eye is u messenger of an unchaste heart. r It is better to bo unborn than un? taught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. A wag proposes to publish a new paper, to be called the "Comet," with an original tale every week. A cultivated mind and a good heart will give an intellectual expression to the tace. Thero is nothing that hurts one's ieelinga inoro than a dog bite. Thcrp is a firm in thisAcity, tho name of whieli is Lay, Hatch Co. The clerks are presumed to be all Shanghais. Men find self-congratulation more a grceablc than self examination. Maryland Lotteries. COJtBIN CO., Agents. A FORTUNE FOR TI1K TRIAT,. "Thorn is a tide in flic nflTnira of ninn, Which, if tukon nt th? flood, loin In to fortune.M ONUTKIAL&IAY MAKE YOLT RIOII FOR LIFE Splendid Scheme* Drawing Daily. 8KND VOIR ORDERS TO CORBIN &l CO., [ Tho Old FIstikhliKhod Authorized Agvul. who hr.vo j Sf>U) MORE PR/ZKS | Thai: any other office iu the State of Maryland. .m.i. i-Bizra ol-.\ra^t.:kd iiy tiii: mit. sixuli: tickets. Whole* SI JInlvcs 50 ets. Quarters 25 elsCERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES. 20 Whole Tickets $15.00 25 Half Tickets (fcm) ' 25 QOnrt.-r Tickets -1.00 I NOTtlINO VRKTUIIR. KOTIIINO GAIN. Tickets Nought by the Package are alwnys the most Profitable to the Purchaser*. TRY PACKAGES. For $25 we scud package Wholes, Hal vl? ?fc Qnrt'r*. ! For $10 wo send package Ilulv'sd: *2 Whole tick'te For *5 we send pnck'ge Quart's ?fc 1 Whole tiek't. Look at tlio following' SPLENDID SCHEMES, One of which are drawn at 12 o'clock each dnv of the week. Hit ILL! A XT. 47,267 Dollars. M kkyland CONSOLIDATED i.otteuy. Class 310. COItlUN & CO., Agents. sciikmk. * 1 prize of $5,000 , 1 do 1,000 1 do 500 1 Aj 130 i -i.. - . ...? j:w160 do 60 1 01 do 201 04 do 8 fit do 4 8,:V>8 do ' 2 22,17(1 do J 25,801 piize*, amounting to $47,2G7 C A P I T ALP It I Z E . 5,000 Dollars. I'ATAfSCO INSTITUTE LOTTKIIV. Cum 102. CO It BIN" ?fc CO., Agents. Scheme. 1 p;ize of $r?,000 10 do 500 1 (Jo 141 8 do 30 200 do 20 03 do J 0 03 do 81 120 do . 4 ' n OAlK .1^. ' .hp ? z 28,<30 do J 1 27,814 prizes, Amounting to $47,287 TIIE UNI VEIISAL FAVORITE. Class 255. COUBIN & CO., Agents. Schemb. 1 prize of $8,000 1 do 1,860 1 do 1,000 2 do 750 2 do 300 2 do 100 211 do . 2ft 00 do 10 00 do 4 1.224 do 2 26,740 do J 30,310 prize*, muoutiUng to $63,268 Tickets $1?Shares in proportion. Address COURT N ?fe CO. Ilox 100 Vast Office. OflftTmorc, Md. O^toticr 10, 28 If. '?*. i W '<sl' ' f- f A .vfV* ? " "if USDS li'SUfT HAOAZSNfCt npiIE Sponsors for the NEW. MAGAZINE to X be issued frona Charleston, S. C., have re oeired many cooouriuiug replies and cheering assurances, tor \rhieu they gratefully tnnke acknowledgement They are new enabled, with pleasure, to announce that arrangeraenta are in hopeful progress for a thoroughly sufficient organisation of the pro|>oeed work, both in business details and in literary supplies, on a basic which must command success. Tho time of first iwio, aad the details of oonditioiis, will be an nouueed as early as can be douo consistently with a strict fulfillment of all nndertnRihgs, and the work wlM not bo commenced os an experiment It is hoped nn expected, however, that tho Mag azme win uc commenceo with the ensuing year. The essentia! plan and purposes of the work contemplate the largest catholicity an<l the amplest freedom of thought, inquiry and discussion in at] matters that touch. tTie Southern mind, genius or destiny; and to secure n fully authoritative and representative character, able coutrL butors will bo, cngug-d on n liberal scale of compensation. from nil sections, and all' elossos, schools and i ntcrcsts of tlic South. The ncccossury Correspondence is now in progress, nn?l nit active nhd earnest frieiids of tlie cause nhd objects, who may not receive circulars of letters ol inquiry from the Editorial Committim representing the undertaking, nro respectfully invited to open a correspondence. A correspondence is also in progress with cn" terprising members of the Book Trade throughout the South, to wh'ohfi the best inducements ?f nn honorable and legitimate business will bo offered an authorised agency in each city, town and vil Inge. Anv of this class and iuterest who may fail to receive, are nts<> invited to a correspondence. Clergymen, Editors, Teachers, and all others directly interested by profession or incline lion in any department of intellectual labor and progress, are respectfully invited and solid ited toco operate according to opportunities. As arrangements progress, additional announce mcnts will uc made. WM. B. CARLLISU, s: c. coliT^ ,t co. JOHN KRAUSE, 1? U It N IT U R It AND CABINET MAKER, , IBI'Jyi-lcrJV- WOULD respcotfuUy inform tbe citixcnw of tJreenvi.Ic rnd vieinity that he has on hand a lo( of FUUN1TL RE, which ho will dispose of upon reasonable terms, lie lias Chairs, Tables, Sofa.i Wash stands, Ac. Fine and Plain Furniture made to order. His shop may be found on Avenue Stroit, between Ifenttio's Store and the Confectionery, and nearly opposite the Cour uiiinv ureeuviuo, 14-1 1-1 v ,Yc w (4:in Mmm Jar lory. Ef GRAVING AND CARVING CF THE FINE ARTS, rl"MlE subscriber, recently from London, l'arii 1_ nn?l ilit- principal cities of Europe an<l , America, where specimen* of hi* art, have giver j 'he utmost satisfaction, respectly informs thccit | ir.ens of the Upper Country, that lie has just nr j rived, and located him'clf at fJreenville, when j ho is prepared to do all work appertaining to hi, j bushir*?, in the host manner and at the shortest notice, as Douldc had Single Cart-S.teel llifloi ami Shot (Inns, Duelling I'istols, Ac. lie avili also keep constantly on hand an as sortinent of Sporting Mat erials, which ho o.Tcr for sale at, very reasonable |rrtns ; liucly carver Allignt<n-'s Teeth, Steel Tumps, and Engraving j on (Johl, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very best | 'Dinner, and warranted equally as good us ear | he done in the United St ites. is shop tviil he fulled two doors below Dr. Mario's Di ng Store. July :l tt?tf. F. BREDA. GREENFIELD'S OROCEIIY STORE, CORNER STORE, Opposite the Mansion House. yUliClIASElW may now find a very com X. pi etc stock of Family Groceries, Fine and Cheap Wipes, Liquors, Cordials ami ?f ^B<fJ BC ALSO, a:i assortment of I I;Ufl and Clips, Bonnets and O-p Bonnet Triinlninp, Boots A- Shoes. ' together with Ladie*'Slippers and Uniter*. m&mwjkM, mirmir, GLASSWARE AND DRY GOODS. iy Country l'rodw.> and It A OS taken in ex change. ALEXANDER. GREENFIELD. 3 AAA LpA BACON and 500Lb*. EAIU), 9VM/U for snla at GKEF.NI- IKI.It'S. Books at Eiford's. rpHK llALLUf; or. The Sl>e<H?fuM In thi X. Water*. A Tale of Iluinbje I.ifo pr j (lie Coas^of Sehlvawfj*. Translated frorf the German of Kietnatzki, by Mr*. Geo. 1' Marsh; with h Biographical Sketch of tin Author. I'ricofcl. The Signet King and it* Heavenly Mot to. Translated from the German, l'rie* 31-Y cent* Mr*. Ilcnt/.'* Novels, bound in paper,? 30. cent* each. r :* - -*.* ic * i>ho <?i ?> MHiiiiigioii, napoleon, Franklin Marion, Claj', Webster, l'onn, Paul Jones etc. Anil many oilier worts. O. E. ELF6RT>. Sept 18. 19. 2. Como at Last. rpHAT valuable articlo, THE DUPLI 1 GATING IMPRESSION I'A PER, fo. copying Embroidery Pattern*; nbo, foi copying Plans, Picture*. Drawings,- <fc\\, or Cloth, Wood, Stone or Paper. 2,? cruis a package. O. ?. ELEOltD. Sept 18. . 19. 2. . *? '""i $ iKstice IS hereby given, that application will bo nude for n renewal of Sorrp for Four Share* In' the Son th-Western Rnil Jtoiel Bank, and So nth Carolina Rail KooJ, supposed to b? lo?t. Tliey were owned by Davk William*, la'e of Lanrefu Dietrict, deceneed. ? US ri~ TJBNRT n. WflffAAM9, > r , l.BON A HP WI I.I.I A MA, < September A lim ^ II I'lB^pWMWPIBPiiifLliy OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT F Lightning Conductors. rpmS subscriber lift) purchased the Right el L putting up the above d?*cri|>tion of Light- f ning Kods in Greenville District, and is prepared to execute orders for the sauie to any extent and with promptness and dor patch. These Kods are *' conducted upon Scientific principles, find afford I" the only method yet discovered of absolute pro- a< lection cgaia^A-v <>ne acquainted rr with the laws of oleetrieity, will l?e immediately convinced of their utility, upon oxaaiining them Their value has been tested by experience and science, and bns been vouched by hundreds ol certificates frou> a'.l ruwts of tho Union. From amongst these the following only are submitted. "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, artd liaVe it nttlicheitto'the . building iu which I reside. It is better con- " " structcd, and more securely insulated, than any ^ . form of Lightning Rods 1 have scon. It is ncnt tr mid cheap,"and if properly attached to the build- ;t ing, cannot fait to oft'onl security ngnicst the loss of life and property by electricity I fWc> for# rooOuiuietnl it ns worthy of the confidence' of the community, . ft. E. Bhumbt. ^ I'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. C. College." p Mr. D. G. AA'est field lins rccei/ly supplied my house with Otis' .improved Conductor. 1 hnve P examined them with great care, and ?m convin a eed that they nre the best Lightning ltods over jj I constructed. The methods of attraction and in 1 onlntion are new, and scetu to me to be perfect, , I enn confidently recommend them to all persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. EtroitD. J I) Any further infocmution may bo obtained on application to 1). O. AVj&TFIELD, J Mgy MAU. Greenville, H 6'. i LIWOH'S J Anti-Eheumatic Powders. ? I A Safe, Speedy and Rtidical Oure fur Rheumatism, Rheumat- " ie Gout and Sciatica. ^ WE, tho undersigned citizens of Put nam i County, Georgia, cbecrfully bear testi- 1 mony to the etfleacy of Linch's A tit i Rheumatic ? Powdorsin this treatment of acute or chronic ' Rheumatism. many cases having been successful- f ly treated by JJr. J. G. GIBSON, within our per- v sonnl knowledge in Wliich those Powders were ' principally used. T Joel liranham. M. IX 11 Ail. 11. Carter, ! v Stephen 11. Marshall, 1>. 11. Adams, T. B. Harwell, Thomas lles'pess, ( G..11. Thomas, J. Niehleson A others. fjCAny reasonable number of individual eertifieates can be given in attestation of their efll?^cy. r Prepared and sold bv J. G. GIBSOX, M. IX, j< Eatouton On., at $."> per !>oy. All orders directed to him, with the above sum . enclosed, an^a description of the case shall re' ceivo with the Medicine such advice as may suit g nnv peculiarity' thereof. For sale hy M. ll. MARINE, M. IX, Apothecary <? and DruggiA, Gretiiville, S. ' Mav 1. 51 ly i .... ' BT SPB3IAB P.SaTJBBT. I ?* ' Painting! Painting ! i r I^HE suhscriher has located hima,.i? <i.~ - C ?- town of Groeuvi!le, and with it. to l>e un- ^ | dersbood that l?- i? now prepared to receivu orI dors for House, Sign, Ornamental and FANCY PANTING, J ' Mnrliling and PAPER HANGING. ( ' All of wliieli will be executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the principal elt( ios of both Europe and America, lie feel* satisfied that lie onn give satisfaction to nil who may , favor hint with their patronage, lie deems it tinneccMiil-y to give a list of references; all he asks is an examination of his work, lie wants no \ hotter rc6omn1oridntiou than his work can give. > lie has the right for n celebrated Metallic Fire i Proof Uoof, equal to copper in durability, and in * t addition to the above lie is also prepared to ex- I , rente either Professional of business Cards on j Glass in a style second to none. Orders for ri J Graining or Mar bluing will be attended to. and ? the work done in a style to suit the tastes of the | ni>>st fastidious. All orders addressed to mo at | Greenville C. II., or left at the Carolina House, n will meet with prompt attention. MATS SAMUELSOX. (| I July 3. ' 8 Gin (| Life ;?-id Properly Insured. a , LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE > Mutual Susuraute Cuutpnuij ' U?<uci asnM*. storss and other Prop rty I iAQAIXSTF1RE: !!, And the Lives of White Persons sad Slaves, I p bit ween the ages of 10 and GO yearn n ON sueh terms us to render it n ino?t safe and ! ? desirable investment. Full details, with N the Constitution and By-Jjiws of the Company, will be furnished v>n application to any of the ()fHcers of tlie Cfbtnpunv. JOSJil'Xl JV OS HORN P. Pr4Mi. \fiL W. MoDOWKLU Vice-Pre*. . J \s. It. rtwr.iv, Secretary <i IVeamrcr. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Deo. 27-tf. OREEXVILJ.E. S. C. 1 * E. J. FRITZ & CO. I HAVE just received, ami nro now displaying at tlieir establishment a spendid assort- f meat of ! i Osfil F!:?r-Drops?"Morflie and Csawe; ( | a lino lot of Knihlem I' ns?Masonic and Odd-Pel- I -Iowa Cold Adclaid (Jniird Chain*, Silver Guard \ and Pal. tJVB (/OLD /WXT1SU ' LEVER WATCIIEX Also. Anchor and Jm' pi no Walehes. Extension lVn^ Misses Finger Kings, Store and Seals Kings, Silver and 1*1*44<1 Spectacles, Steel ^ Rings,?t > A RKW AND nurmtTOn STOCK OF T V A m-r ?> - -* ? ' mi, (?/j? r oa iliV 1/ AIjAKM CLOCKS. taTLadies' Kourniny and Fashionable 1 i Give u? n Call. f E. J. FRITZ <fc CO. ** * , June 10 0 If. 1 I rSfeii AfSrsiwE a, & frS33S9JB- S NEAR filLDER 1\ 0.. GREENVILLE DIST. /SUFFERS ltis service* to the public, and solicit* 2., Xlr patronage. All work entrneted to htm will he done with nejttoea* nnd <li?pntel>. Any < '<> perron wishing to know how to Bolder (hard or ta 0(h) will be furnUtod, on the reception of on* . dollar, with a receipt containing full inotrnetionii, 1 ' criaMinghim to Bolder any metal. Thi? receipt j hM H?v*r been otfrre.I fp the ppbho b?f we. Mat. i ? given or the money refunded. fru ttai I "C mkspi d with tin A In 4?-tf '1 XI 4 V Z3ss:. ?Med bjj ?]Joses 8. fioto. rniS Paper is the largest, Weekly ever published in this country, Its contents ro such as will be approved in the - mod stidiou* circles?nothing immoral being Jinitled into its pages. It will furnish as un?h reading matter as almost any one can nd lime to j>crn?e, consisting of tales, iiistcky, moukm'iiy, TOO ETHER WITH music AI\D POETRY. ' The paper contains no ultra seutimciils, nd meddle* neither with polities nor religion, ut it is characterized by n high moial tone, t circulates all over the country, from Maino > California. The terms by mail are very I >w, as will bo seen by the following: i T P I) II O < X 14 IV 111 O Tlio "Wnvcrly Magazine" is published J eekly by Moses A.Dow, 12 Watfll' st., ( lost on, Mas*. Two editions aro printed, one on thick J npcr for Periodical Dealers, at OcU a copy, j nd an edition for mail subscribers, (on a tile thinner paper, ao as to come within the ( >\v postage law) at $2.00 a year, or $1,00 >r six mouths, always in advance. Clubs bv mail, six papers six months, 5.00. J'aper stopped when the last nuiner paid for is sent. A new volume commences overy Jvily ( anuary. Hut if a person commences at ny pailiculnr number in the volume, nud ays for six months, ho will have a volumo , omplete with a title ]>agc, as every paper 5 complete in itself. ?37" When a subscriber orders a renewal f his subscription he should tell us what fas the number ho roceived, then wo shall now what number to retiew with without muting over our hooks. Otherwise we hall la-gin when the m-mey is received. Persons uniting for the paper will write heir names, post-office, county, nnd Btato, ery distinctly. Thoso who wish their pa^ ors changed should tell where it has pre . iottsly been sent Postage on this paper 25 eta a year, pay- j iblo in advance at the oflice of delivery. CLUBDINO. Clubs must always ho sent at one time t<>' eceivo a premium. We cannot send tliein j it the club price unless ftccivsd all together, is it is too intieli trouble to look owr our looks, or keep nn account w ith each other1 getting them up. B3TAny one sending in Four Dollar*, ^ an ba?e one copy of tlie **NV??verly Mngv . ,ine," nnd either of the following works for mo years by mail: tJraliain's Magazine. r?nl??y"t? Lady's l3ook, Ilirpoi'a Magazine, j 'utnmn'a Magazine, L:ulie.-?' linz. of Fiedi on, Ihiliou's Pictorial. I^TAny one sending u?C<3.25 in adranee. | an have a copy of tlie "Waverly Magazine," ' imi either ct t!ie following |wpt ri tor one I ear by mail : True King, Olivo Ilranch, j .'noleSatn, Anioriean Union, Yankee I Hade, I ( har Spangled liamier, Yankee Piivntcer, j( )dd Fellow. rai'iiu'r 6c Planter. In inucd Monthly at Penult Ion, S. C. TERMS. copy 1 year (in advance) $ 1 00 copies 1 year " 6 00 3 copies 1 year M 20 00 00 copies 1 year " 75 00 Xa7~A<lvcrtiremeuta will lie inserted at the stea of 7o centa h square (20 lines or less) >r iho first insertion, ami 50 cents for each ubscqucnt one. Liberal deductions will be u.vlo to liberal advertisers. itarTi ?c postage on tho farmer Jk Planer any where within tho State three fourths fa cent, and out of tho Stnto ono cent ntul , half per quarter, GEORGE SEAHOUN, Editor and Proprietor. S. \V. Lrwts, Publisher. Eitray. _ JOEL CIIA'lLKr4 tolls before ma a small iron gray mare MULE, About JL?A*hand* high. supposed to bo A years old iflat?bare footed, the tail shaved, ho particuiT mark* or brands oltecrved. Said Mule ep<raised at ??''cnty-fivc dollars by three lawful PI trainers. She can b*> found at the residence | I raid Joed Charles, about 12 miiei below OrccnilU C. 1!., to the right of Use Augusta aoftd. alexasi>i:k mcwbh jtg. n. July 24 11 4m. iljuiiiAiW M SUBSCRIPTIONS f>?r nil the loading Mnff^ azines will bo received at tho Greenville bookstore ; and tho number will be furnishid from tho counter, free of postage, at the egular subset i pi ion prices, to thoee who subciibo. Tho undersigned hi tho authorized Agent tfthe Soltiirrn quartkrlr Rkvirw, nnd if tho m0a?OU*A Tumr," and will bo pied o receivo ami forward subscription* for ihesc Otirnals. <?. K. Kf,R)ftl). Aug. 7 13 !f. NOTICE ~ T*7 iVoBTJIY TIIK a'ltkh'tio-v OV THOSE WJnll INO A DtelKABLB llwiDKNCK fa UKBKNVriXE DTSTIHCT. . , , a I HAVE determined to move to the ' (West, nml therefore my land isfor mile. ( Is nitimted on tlio Laurens road, 8 1-2 ( idle* south of Greenville O. II.; containing 73 acre*, abont 85 of which is well titn- 1 ered wood bind, 00 ae rea in a high Halo Of iiltivation, and 43 acrfesfreth hftfnr On tlie ^ lace is a two-story dwelling, t? kitchen, ne- t ro house*, carriage house, Ac. f also, k well 1 ' .is pure and w holasorjuJ wntcrw |l?o r lord*, and convenient (o - enief' ?6aw^-.'-liU is truly n beautiful place, lie* woll, and nvenient lo gopd mill* of ?*?ry kind, fac* ries,cburchee, Ao. - 5 >ook a5d job rnrrrtn(.,r'iftiy iipiu: nt <* > tlib- Vm+rVrh'ones." I<* I"N issuing the Pf?pWB? of ijie twenty L second volu m? of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MES8ENGER, the Pnfcrietow fey soWjr on the en<y*ir*gi*g l#Wm a* f; iroroises of the fiiends of the Messenger, to iid them in extending its circuW^^ l?cy beg to assure the pubho, thai no easrions pill be remitted on their part to main* aid tire high character of the work, and to naieng^mV puliioiisrn of si! rfce e**?ing literary merit. For Tw^pty one year* he Measepger has endeavored ,-tp.^Qect luUifully the Southerp n>ind, while disdain" ng nil narrow and sectional view*, and has >een alone among the monthly periodica!# if America in defence of tlie peculiar Iusti- I utTons of the Southern Stfttt*. TO' this of- J ice it will still be dwtpted, pod W rompt to repel assaults upon -the fleolh, J vhether they come under the specious garb >f fiction, or in the direet form of anti slavery inmphlets, At this critical juncture, while >ur enemies are employing liter?turejw> the](. nost potent weapons of attach the Southern ;>oople will surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall t>e to strike blows in their defence. The Messenger will, ns heretofore, ^relent its renders with Reviews, Historical ind Biographical Sketches, Novels, Travel*, Essays, lVms, Critiques, and Papers on> Lho Army, Navy, and oilier National Subjects. Willi a view to ensure a larger circulation of tho ivieseengcr, the Proprietory though they intend greatly increasing the size of tho work, have rednced the Price'ofJ Subscription, which is now only THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, or Four dollars if not paid before the. first of July in any year. Cl&'Us?Remitting ns Fifteen Dollars in* one letter, will l?o entitled to-Six Copies.? j The Editorial nnd ttriticnl department of tho Messenger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq, and will embrace copious notes on current, literature nnd revie.vs of all new American or Foreign works of g*jicral interest nnd val?e.-v The Editor's opinious will always be bviietty and fearlessly avowed. The business department is conducted by tho undersigned, to whom all communications of a business nature, must be addressed MACFARLANE, FERGUSON <fc CO., Law Building, Franklin sf., ** Richmond, Vg The S^otilh Carolina AGRICULTURIST. r?TIIE Exccutivo Committee t>f the State X Agricultural Society of South Carolina, N having selected the subscriber to edit their paper, a prospectus is now issued ill compliance with tlieir instructions. This Journal will bo devoted to Agriculture. lurb, Natural Scicnco, Rural T.ihto, ArchiteCturo and Art, the Mechanical and Mauufm- ~ lining interest*, nnd all the pursultiT pertaininjj to general iinpruvcincnt. it will alia* L'ontain a faithful transcript of I lie organize. ? lion and proceedings of tho society, ?*va? I and Communications from tho l>e?t writer^ .1 in the State, and a monthly summary of the spirit of the Agricultural prea*. All subjects devoted to ihu improvement of the mind, the i soil, stock and domestic comfoit, will find ready adiuiusion into its columns, and such contributions arc specially desired. The work will be printed iu beaulitul, new and fair typo, on fine white paper, with a tinted cover, and will contain thirty-two pages per month. Tho publication will commence on 7 the first of May, I80O. There will also Im? . published an additional advertising sheet, aa n supplement, in which a limited nnraSer o advertisements will be inserted. Tkiims?$1 00 per aunum. No paper sent unless the money bo paid in - advance. Lifo members to the State Agricultural Society will receive the paper free of cost. A. O. SUMMER, Editor, Columbia, 8 C. A BABE CHANCE. And a Good Opportunity to Rraponoiblt Me* to obtain F'roJUabtt and Healthy fcmplotfmmL TO AGENTS, CANVASSERS, COLPOR- ".*! TEDRS AND POSTMASTERS. / , (/ ANT person obtaining subscribers far pity copies of either of die two following jfmskicax KTATWJ.AL Wobks, nnd remitting tfcd amount (less a large commission) to the publish* r, will b? entitled to fifty dollars worth trem d? I ll?. siiliioiiiMl lint nt vtliuM* ? AMERICA* NATION A I. WORM. M I TlIK y.1TI0NAL IIlSTORT OT THK UNITED flTat? I Colonial, B?ro!"tl?iar3r, and Constitutional, chiefly from NntioNal Doeiuoenta. By li J. Low- r, I luff ami Edwin William*. WiU? nuinaroua Aim Illustrations on ?te?l and wood. ft volume* i?',. pcrial 8 vo., cloth gilt, 87. Thk*ma*'s Masha i?contalning lb? Lives. Mess*#**, and Administrations t tk? 1 1 rositionus irom nMaiimgkvti !< I ?o.Vr. ~ fin* portrait# on st*?l. 4 volumes, largo 0 to., doth, 810. Popular and Valuable Y/orZt, at PmnlUntt to A Otnto ; Y.7/ I A Vole* to America, by Americans, 4th cdi- , ' lion, 8 vo. cloth - ? I 00 a. 1 IWling's History *4***- ft Mr.SlirC^m.l: for ,'h. Family Circle, plates, 2 Vila. 8 vo., doth. 400 Fhft Amcrirnn apd Odd Fellows' literary* \ *4* g Museum, HO atcol engravings, 8 vol*, ft , ,* 7 f vo., Cloth - - - ft ] Juida to Knowledge, 806 &**>, royal 8 vo.. ?loth " 0 ft Wft IVondera of tho WotW, ft|0 plate* 8 vo. ft go. ?T Ago..t? wIshingjHtaM^lhr ?<**? urorlc ofeir?alot>??gU??flM?p?rUii?tl?uMic?UoB<fc 7 , vill p]??.o allno to tho iVA/CIF WAMCKR, fork, Add they will tomM immodtoi* fvttantld*. , im vitli full MrticoldV* of Cosmul^Jorf; <*c, TL/o ~~S? r%. Shaving ana Hab,>Dre?8lag. * I. Ol ? *hnT?l, nt V