University of South Carolina Libraries
*V-t!'>.?.* e^A^J. ^T5W1T5F1; rt be wil LE7 is". \r Ta& erdlNancc, U rmiM SuppUct/cr lh? Yt (trading Oct. 1 *, 1357. BB IT OftttAltffilh br ??? fn^ondnht and WftriVn* of tli* ' of Greenville. in tounet! aeeeinbleri, an-1 by tho authority of the tarn*. thnt a Tax In cover the nerio 1 from the ] flnt Htr of (htiflMr, 1956. to the flrat <Ur of October. 1957, far the mmi find in the manner ~ i#Ew?SFfeS? mentioned. oIimII be reise.l en.l t.ald h ? -4*it the public Anbury for tho u*o end teniae Jlbfreol I TAX ON RKAt. F.BTATR. flMMtl. That I* to any, ten centa on everv j S4 dollar* of the aeaemed mint of Rval , lying la **id town, to be paid by the firat jjovorober next, 1066. , OJf K KG HO ICS. I 8aa 2. And be it further onlninnl. That twenty-firs ?mU pur bead shall be naid pij ail slave* between the ago of sixteen and lift/ year*, said i tax to t>4 paid by the first day of November next. ON MBMKADDIM, WARC8,*0. 3ml 8. Aod be it further ordained. That Ten ' Cent* on eeery hundred dollar* of ul>e of goods, stares and merchandise, shall be paid by every vaershant er shop keeper in the own of* Orecii- i villev from 111 January, 18ft, to 1st January, *67 'This tea to ha paid by the first of February next' ON CAKHIAOKS, OMNlllUShS, SO. Sao. A And be it further ordained. That Three Dsllin shall be paid on each and every four wheeled pleasure carriage drawn by two or more ! 9iarses- Two dollars on ench one-horse carriage, ( l.srotiehe. gig. aulkev or bumy kejrt for pleasure and not for hire; Ten Dollar* on"each fourheme omnibus or linek; Five Hollars on each Hack or carriage drawn by two horses, and run I for conveyance of passengers or hire; Three j Italian on each buggy run for hire ; Five l?ol , lavs on each four-lione waifon ; Five Dollars on eash two-horse dray or wagon, and Two dollars on each one-horse wagon or dray run for hire. The above taxes are to be paid on or before the first day of November. ISfiG. ROAD AND STHKKT TAX. Bar. A And be it further ordained. That the annual Ux for lioad and -Street lixemntion* for . th'k ear neat ye or shall he the sum of Two Dollars, said sum to be paid bv the first day of February next, 1867. PATROL CXKMPTIOXS. And be it further ordained, That the , ?um of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents be utid id hereby ordered to be paid by each and every person liable to do patrt4 duty, for exemption from said ,-ntreJ duty lor the year ending Ooto- ? 1* berflj-st, 11*47. ^Hoid sum of two duller* utid fifty 'eeatJ to be paid to the Town Clerk uu or before the first day November, 18.1G. '*'* I'RNALTIM. 9m 7 And be it further ordained. That if any person ar persons shall fail, negi<ct or refuse to make a return on oath to the Clerk of the Council of all his. her or their taxable property, mJ to pay the tax llwjMn, the said l ink is hereby required to issueexecution therefor, itn- I tnediately.on such defaultSac. 8. And he it further ordained. That, if any person or persons for hire any vehicle herein mentioned, without first paying tax /refor, tvtry ?u??b person ahull pay for en-It tiny lie c effeadsthe annual tax to which stich vehicle is sulifeet hv this ordinance. I Done anil ratified under the corporate seal of theTown'of Greenville, on thciahih ?lay (t- a]af <>?tolwr. in the year of our Lord one *' thousand eight hundred and tiftv-slx. II. I.KK Til HUSTON. InUnJant. Vf. P. Patcic. Town Clerk. Oct V- 2'i-t :i:T#wu,Ordinance, . ^CONCKUNINO OOAT8 AXP 8WIKE. T>B rr OltDAlNEI), lay the lutendxnt 1> an<l Waruena ?>f tlio Town of Greenville, in Council^ iu*aeinl?le?|, That lieteultei it ahull n?* W lawful for goal* or an inn to run at large w'thin the tawnnratn limit* . f the Town of rtiwnville.; and it shall Ins the duty of the Mnralm!*, ami they are hereby authorized and required to fin jdov suitable persona to ae??e tiiid .^oetttV all goals ?r awine that its ay *o I.* { mod t unping at large, and to ftu|n?tind (ltd sHititi in the lot convenient lo.jihe, yourt house. Ruction 2. ,'A*k1 be it further 'ordained. That upon the impounding of any such pith or sarine. the W;urshal ahull ilililiediatelv ad I vertigo tliu tltit market lion ^.giving a correctdr^criptiun thereof. Ami should the owner trr rmiieri appear within two i|?y* thereafurf'and pmvh hi* or their right to the prwwnish'rri of Mich goat or Heine, then I the said*'klhrshal in authorized i*> detfvor the name to him or tbein, on the payment of oue dollar for each and every g???t or ewiue, ho delivered, ah u line heichy iinjew ed for eatb nod every go*tor **ine ho found ! tunning lit large. Skctio* 3. Aad be it further ordained. That should ho one appear within the time ^jS hereinlmfore prescribed, or appearing, wlitell I fail or refuse to pay the line hesehy imposI ed, then it shall be cite defy of the said 9 Marnhal to expose to public Mtle. such g. at I or swine, Rw the utlisfwliMit of said tine ; I the excess of such sale if any there should I be, after paying such fine to I ?'deposited to I the credit of th* Town Council, to be given I to iktt owner At' tile pn?|?erty sold. ujH.n she same l*dog.d*t>MtUled wiihin 90 days after I such anl*. S actio tr-4. Be it further ordained. Tliat I this Ordinance shall take effect from and af? tor the first day of January next. ' _ ? ?:??? ....u... t|... i? ( iJOtld MM I Illiuvi v?>|n.,?.r ?tfth*T?wn of OfC??nvUlo, on tlt? L *.1 eighti. '*av October, m the year oi' ottTCwd ontf thousand eight hundred and ttftv dx. . Il/L. TRttUo.O^. W. T. Prior. Town Ci*rlc. |Q?1?dwr 0. S2 a. I TttWR 0r?linanrr, <nc*rtting removing Dirt or Sand from iht ^8 ITOHDlfclNBI), by llie Intendant 3 and Wnrdeni* of ftl? T?tlJ of (Jroeu lie. in OoCMtvil awtembled, That it hIiaII >i ba'U?f^4^?ii.r |MVKm hr p*r?on? to ke away ?*yvl?lUP or GANf) from an\ lh? xtreeu or *id?'Wnlk* of til* Town f >r *-ir own privntu u??; m?| ANV nn,j ev?rv rn??? ? > od'eiiding, ahull pay for each and ery cd^OC* the ?oiu of Fiv* Dollar*, to be Ur?l?d a* other fine* ar* done ; and ?*ie If tfc* lye itii|Nwe<| to go to ih? inftmner. Umm and raiitUd under the eoriiorata ?ad <4 M TfMa of Gruanviile, ?*r the OctcWt It 89 ??rcc?iV4J&C t'k'iCQ* Mll'l^rtiii4^?*KH;? v :-;(i,v * > t rfi/ kickui'misk BY 8ftAD> & GOOCLETf, MEICHWTS. OnRcMriLuu OCTOltEft, 21, L*M. I3AGGTXO, (Junr.v,pprynrc?, ? 25; Dundee, a 2 ) i BACON ... .Hums, per lb.. . 16 * ShoulJcri, ' . v. 12 Si?los, ... > 19 "* f ling round 12 l*ORK, Country, 7 UUTl'fiR .. .Ooshcn, j?er lb. none. Countrv. per lb. 16 J yOFFF.E.. .Rio. ptr lb. 15A | T... iw i? - I I ?(*T ? , JAJI !?/ IO O Z') | DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. G} a 10 i Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Oanaburg-i, |*?r v<l. 11 a 12^ FLOUR.... Country, j?erbi?l. $0 a $ 7 00 Country, j?er "nek, o $3 DRAIN Corn, j?er biudiei. 00 a 65 Wlicnt, per bushel. $100 $1.10 ^ Oat*. pei bushel, ? 33 [RON...... .Swedes, per lb. 0^ a "J ^ English, per lb. a 6$ LARD per lb. a 13 MOLASSES. W. I. per gal. 05 N O., per. gal. a 75 SYRUP.- 44 pter gal. notic.y DIL8 Lamp, jnsr gnl. $1$ a |2^ i Train, per gul. 87$ a $1$ Lin?ee?l, ft ICE per lb. a 8} HOPE perlb. ' 15 a 20 SUOARH.. .N. Orleann, per lb. a 12$ Porto llii'o, per lb. a 12$ Loaf, per lb. 18} I Crushed, |>ei lb, 12 | Refined, per lb. a 14 1 SALT per bushel, $1 '' Salt, per sack. $2 25 $2 50 * SOAP 12$ a 15 Yellow, per ib. 8 o 10 SHOT perlb. 12} i Shot, per bag, a $2 j " STAGK LINK FROM Abbeville to Washington. A POUR IloUStf ST AO K j|k|. /*. Abbeville, S. C. on M'UiJave,.BfialC \V?;di?eadav*. and Pritliiv). ? l.ear<*? Wiuddngton, iJn., on Tuesday, Tliurs* , lay and SuturJav in truing*. { A daily Traill leaves ?\ a liineton ? 1 A. M., fur Atlanta. ' J A">. E. WAT)I>Y. Washington. JOHN McBUVIlK, Ajjcnt nt Alil-axllle. Of fice At the I'nst-Office. Oct 9-iS-Om ?> n OFFRRH li<* l'ri)f<A?inii?l H?r"icvs ii) the Wjf Oitir.. ti? of ilie Towii of ( reeiiville and ?>f .t4L the A'liucMit country, lie mnv he found ' luring the day nt ihe New Court House, ?t night At tile residence of Frofessor Edwards. O'J-'i'if Dissolution. rI"MIK 8rm of I*. li. Hurnlntm ?V Co. has been JL dissolved and nil those indotedtu Ihesniiir up t??the fiint day of September last, are reques ted to make payment to the undersigned on i/, as he has the books and accounts. E. J. FttlTZ. October 8. 18Sfl. 22 tf. Eomoval. DR. W. TL JOXE* has rer nred'his office to the corner of I Union nbo and Laurena-sts it- ?> his reeideiioe, where lie may he consulted >t iill hours, mil. ss professionally absent. .. October 8. 22. 4. POSITIVELY THE LAST VLL OF YOU who are in any way indebted , to the tiroi of 1'. N. I'OW'KRS A CO , can imvc a last onpoi tuiiity of scUttii* the sninV with nie, l?y calling at my Shire before It turn Day. Itofnultcrs will have costs to pav without lisiihctinii of [litwnt. W.m. II. HuVfcY. Oct. 1 -'2. Att'v. for Surviving paitnrY. Stuttering and Stammoring Cured . BY DR. YVYCKOFr, Of I'lltiibiirg, l?a. WITH Uf PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. WIIO will send the cure to nnv pnrt of the World, on the receipt of $lo; and the money returned, if the cure is not effectual.? -ill letters must he addressed l<? l?lt. WYCKOKF, IIot74?*. Pittsburg. Pa, in care of Arthurs. Ilodg. rn A Co., Hankers. P. tk??Correspondents will please enclose stamp for return post aire. Caotio*.?All persons who cannot produce my genuine certificate, are humbug*. DR. W. Septeml>cr 25. 20 ly. HEW FIRM. ~ NEW CLOTHING. , $ rl^IIE siiIkciUkts rei.|k?ctfully announce to JL the putdic general'.* that tliuy luve purchased I lie *t<ak Mini fixture* in t Iks 01 ? tiling budne** i f S. Swandacb, next d?a?r to the MANSION HOUSK, and have just relumed from New York with the Bost Assortment of ?335Tf??2ia2S33*S ever ufviwl to the cMi/cinof (liU place. An?'?ng which mnv lie fotiml Find Talmas. Single n?nl Double. Radians, Overcoats, Every Variety of Veete, fJtUH & I AMY tlilTa, tJent'd JLog Shamls, SHIRTS AND CRAVATS. HATS, OAs?3 AW'O OAHSS, Perfumery, Soaps, ami every \*rietv <?f (*?*?)< u-u*liy kept in * A FIRST CLASS Furnishing Store, Which I key at price* to unit the time*. Cull Mini examine our Stock before purchue ing elsewhere. THRJ8TONa 8UDDUTH. Oct?. ti if, ? . ? . ?' pOOf AKf> Jf)H PHTXTlNO,neatly ? ** at XV the "ZaUrprtee OtBee." 1 , un< .'am C AT> sd.h l ?K vu.,,M .S. W. IK 110 VEY, proprietor or ' i?i> visMM' &$*$?? .fifCMbilU, S. C. -. ?>" FANCY k STAPLE S>RY GOODS, RICH CRESR S'LKS, BMKETS, R:CJW8, 'SlitMlw, KlantHits & Ginbrol4t*rlci. AGKNT. FOR *' * - i f> Toil's FIRK-PROOP SAFES. * ") ~j$StoddiiriVi Warranted Piano Porl??, i 5; kli* Alio.,'- 11.;. i?..? I -S ? >r. W. B MoMfatt'a Pills and Bitter*, ^ M f Jr. Dnrtd .Tnrnt's Patent Medicines, .ouJon <t Caw's " " ' I J ? L U. AD. Sands'Snrsnparilla, > ' J * p?" .Vo 2, Clfprn!a?<ra Building*, Nenrly oppo*itt Jfanrion llouae. January 17, 1856. *8% . tf Elford & Donaldson, mm* ?ta-nfcS'arya't.'MJi, a, <9. 1' I. ELFORD. T. Q. 0JNU011N. Jan. 10. S3 *' Snv .. i ,i ,,, i '' ' REED <k OOODLRTT/ ATra<si> ROT;3r?ra x.i&w9 Cirecnville, C.". ' i * y ' ' * Of-Officc ncxtiloor to F. K. BKATTiK.Jt Cpc J. P. REED.] ["?. D. OOODLETT, January 12 85" . . . o'df T"WILLIAM 1'. PRICE, .. Attorney at Law. \\71 LI, punctually attend to all matter* en7 trusted to Ins-care. llo inny be found or tlif present, nt the Law OificV^iMcori*. ruoMraoM ?V Krhi.ft, or the office: of ihrcooth ?rn Enterprise, Greanvilio C. li. Feb 11. . 40 tf "mmmfk ov-1 % & ^ \ %% _ . G. B. DYER v,:' 13 NOW It-SCF.lVl SO, m. 1 will enutinn* to receive, an EXCELLENT ASSjDltTMK>T Of <S3,y535b'3:S2!3Sr3 Furnishing Goods Of nil Description. nn-1 Qualities, and is preps r- j id to put OI.OTI1ING at sljort Notice oud in 1 The Best and Latest St vies. ?3' ALL WORK WARRANTED. J?9 1 TtT vtvv.iavtta ' ? J5 ? \+ i-= ** CLOTHING OF SUPKKbMt QUALITY. SUCH AS THE RAGLAN. UNION. WHITNEY, J BE A AND NEW YORK 8 UR TOUT OVERCOATS. Al-o, an nMurlmetit of l'AN'fS ant! VESTS. . .J.. A1 iu <)? A. PICKLE still continues in. .\he Cutting and Sales Ixpartmifiit, where lie ?ir the snIinciiUr, will be found at all time*, routv tV? servo our' friend.-* nn<1 the public generally.'-(Jive' us a cull, and EXAMINE KUU Yt>UltSfc|.VK?L (J. 11. DY'EU. Oclnli T 2. 21 ... $ ~~J03.dKRI iPOWlS^T^ ATTORNEY ANO COUNSEL! R AT LAW,' General Agent an i Collector, UAV1NCJ tieen engaged for the lost twoyear# i??. Another State, litis resumed business it I (Irecnville Court House, where he in.iv he consulted on ttie sumo forms as heretofore on mat lor, of law . lie also oiler* hi* services us Agent ill Pensions ami Bounty Land claim*. an<i n* collector with or without suit wftl give-the higK' est prices iu g.?id or ulver for Bounty Lund .Wimtnlt Uneurrent Money bought Andfolili' Advances made on solvent paper. ?? *lNo action for debt will bo liroiight-nntil notice is given to the debtor to pay without cost. ; tUfOtlice in the old Court House, june lith fi-tf. .1, POWELL. ( PIANO TUNING. 1 THE subserHu-rwould-AT* far his service# to the citizens of (Jreeiiville and tho surf 7, rounding- cortntry in the h??' lie bivc btniscM. lie will give satisfaction, or 00 charge w ill be ma<br. U If -H. jiuiuiir.i. Jtin* ft. 4 . tf NEW FALL AND WINTER flWSUlS & ?:? ,.?'iff' r|^IIANKKUI. fm put |wtroimi(iv respectfully 1 inform their friondi nn>l the pnhlio genvv ally, that they are now receiving n largo Stock consisting of Very Chi?ie? Fabrics. Kew Style* an 1 ELEOAXT r>E*t|OIW for dress GOODS, A large ami woll selected stock of Ooo<l* for r-Exmisorrs Aut. Ready-Made Clothinsr. ? ^ * Blanket*. Flannel*, fining Kcittji, Shirting, sheeting. Ac. HATS AND CAPS, ???toBoots and Shoes, rlARftWARt AMU< CUTUR*^ CROOKE V AND GLASSWARE, DRUG 3, ?Vt-VTUFFS, &O. OROCEIURS! Upon the Diost re#v>ni.t>le term*for ea?1i a * li is Uvein it unnecfSMi'y to i-nnmerate nil, m even * portion of the article* we have on hand, invite th.i pihlhj to an iofipnetion of our Stock. It etnhrneee everv article usually kept, and we tliink that customer* willIflhd it to th'-ir ndvniitntro to give ua a call MTAt the Near Urick Store eoutli of the New Court flonee J?| GKA(?Y * GOOIAJ.KTT Oct. 5. 51 tf Town Officers. . lnu?Ham.-II. LEE Til&U&TOft . Warden*. ?II. C. Mahrlkv (i. H, thfj i:*; I Ik. K. t?. Lo??, H. McKtr. 3'oi?i?t7(T*.--W. 1'. 'T'iuc*. Murtha't.? Z. Martiw mid C. G*a*bbb?T it,'n ii fT MMMiJAt 4il> l>U3J*tilr> I'.sKirs. ! D H .lt . D. E A li l.K, 1 ' F.XVjLLli, S. c.. *T Tilt SI9N W:JHI GOIOEN MORTAR, 1 i DUUtt 1^' Paints. Oil?, . Medicine?^ \apnishci, thenifvala, <3E3vBRUdH E6. TO .. Sp\'E-STCFfS, IVhIU tead A: Zinc White. lit* L"KO COS Jx4lOX WITH nil Atun MNXCM 18 : A UC.\RAN*TtT TltAT KFELT:IIINO I* OJT T11K 8l?t QC.VLITT, ASIA WILL HK HOLD OS TUS J IV. ? MO?t MUSOXABLr TKfiyS. 0-1V WM. H. AflE^" IS now prepared Ic jxtfvljn nil ?|>eratinna on the TKbTH, in the moat approved and skillful manner. . ' jarasMraii wara Inserted t.rym our to a full sett with the greatest care aud' without injury to the mouth and a J- ] joining feitli. '" il h^e securdd th?"right, and am the only one J who can , yie 4,l>r. John Allen's NAv 'Style of j Continuous and Life Lika Gum Work" in this i JHstrlct. ?. :r* .or Call and examine specimen* of'the va-l -rious "Winds of work, at my, rooms rn Alcliee's Building, which arc titled up for the comfort and convenience- of the ladiei. 1" ' HEFKKENCKE i T .Dr. ft. Bi.*xoino. Columbia. ft. C. ]>?. J?wx."ANi>en*ox, Charleston, ft. 0. i Greenville~August tJ9 10?tt Dental Surgery.' D*B. WI,"1F,.OTABDS 1)GT<S leave tir infoi m the public generally, ;pl y thnfchP'naA permmientlv located iii Greenvilla. and respectfully offer* In* professional services to all wUn ma|i*rcquir<-them. u wa. inserted from one to an entire sett Particular attention paid to regulating of children's teeth and treatnicnt of diseased gums. ' ,.5?"* Dr.hWARfw may, be.found at the I'lan ' t#r'a Motel, until he can "procure suitable rooms. RRFKKKNCR1 THE NEATNESS AND CUdAilllTY OF HIS WORK. June 19 0 if. t ?iir't't " J' '" oiiiftiiais, &0., .v- .V. \ ^P'U* ttWdhv 1?h? lstyly. added yory largely l^ ' lo His'SUiok of lirug*, M.-d.criM-e. i'aiuts, de. Tliev are of the best quality. lie hopes, from his f??ng expedience in th< business..J*pd close attention, to secure tvrcasonnble share of pstiyn^s. j !^u-4-tf J. 11. l?KAN. Syrup*. T EMOXy PJXE APPLE, STHA WHERRY, *-J fiABP/JEI2Ii }' JcC., for wile at the' Drug Store of f 5 J. II. DEAN, j?i * i . . ' I^nmp Oil. ' f^OR SAl.K at the Drug Store of JC J G?1-1 f ;; J. II. DEAN. " . 4'aitor Oil. rPIIK?bot(#ttele is superior to any evet L lii'ivgh^ to this market. To he had in Inrgt? ami small quantities, at the Drugstore of J. II. DKAN. '* Vinr^ir. 'A FIXE tJlfALITV, to be had -at the Drug store uf* * ' f r .! ll.DF.AX.*. Tru**c* I Tru**c* ! .'TJIIEsnh'W Iter 1ml a very superior asjortJL ?f tsner TRUSSES for sale. Also, nn 'n^rttjtent^jif iletl Fans anil Syringes of the MpjuNrtvefd quality. All of which he will aulk lpAir. far edsli. Persons wishing to purchase will ih?*.w?4! tV> call and examine befhrr purelt.iigg.,ej??>where. J. II. DKAN. . Mil - ' , ,:\} Choice fjiqiiorti. rWlAXDIKS, WINKS, Ac., of the best qualiy. .ties for niciiieiua) pur|>oses, for ?\le, iliru rianFvi for cash, at the l>ru?r Store of JMU 3-8-UL' " J. II. J >KAN. Thompson's Antiseptic & Aronia*' tic Tooth Soap, H' A NCIlETrS^piWaceoHV"f)e,,t .ifice;. r ; J.O.Uc^'isIi'r Simeiinr T'?'ih oodp; lot of Halm of * Th<m<uml Flowers. i I'ou, icon's Celebrated Wa-lii. jj Compound. German Chemical JSrasive Soap, for Clean jiijI-l'Mintx, removing grease, tar and pi inter V inly t rThu soap i? unsurpassed, . , Jitsi received and for w?l? at the New Di ng Store of MiMS & LONG. . &L?pt.l8. 10 tf. So.iiiii.cBioiT3R,a SALS. STATE OF ftOIJTII CAROLINA. ; GItEENVILLE I HSTKfCT. A In Eqnilf. Ann lefcr v?. I Bill for Sals of Land J. R. Sfritliew*. ) and Mr*. Ann M. Kd wards, j Relief. * *t. nl.. J ' T* ' IWw.xm tz Cami'bki.i., Coni'pl. SolV m i uniiT in i lie i.ouiv in nil* cii*e, I Will Of I! JLJ lintnru tho Co'irMloii?? door of Greenville ihntriei^on this tir*t Mbuduy in November next; ^Sn'e-ifAy,) all that tmct and pare) of land Iv. in*? and" b-ing situate in enid lli.-tiict. and Statewhereonthe late l>r*. and Mr*. ]>r. lour raided. ?aid land* living near watoM of Saluda river and Golden Grove ereek. ' 1 ' 'TKItMS UF BALK: ? Purchaser to give bond with tw6 'fcood *u retire, and a mortgage of the premiw< U) n cure tha purchase money; oiic third ff tin) pm t^itaee be paid in ee-di. imfth'fl remainder Secured n**taU?l( in t>f ono'ana twfc year*, with inter ?t from dalr. t h j ?. A. TgWNIW, O. E. 0. !>. ; f^ptgtpUli ?? JO td. Trie State of South Carolina. ;/(<h{RKNVilJ,K UIHIHlOi. ' .. Corunrr'tt Sale. BY virtue of a Writ of Kiera Pnehib to me di rested, I will mII before the co?irt-boue* door 011 the tirel Monday Mi NOVEMBER next, 'at tho uknal.lMHira of ef|? StO AotWuf land, umr* fu? Levi Mng in Greenvilla l?ietriet, adjoin i fig1 Unde of . Au?ti?, ltfvaklgy, Bnlda-iia vi a! : ?? the property of Berry Baldwin, at Moke. Term* of ealo?C AmJL H. II. AMITU. C. G. D. Core er'eOAee, I Qoeenvilla, 6tt, llls t?M, J Chl,9-I>*'Ul ^ -M ^ f ?< ^ '* r? ?riiw r*. - r ?- vi*?**iMMMrw?iTLl r.F.o .\:. atrv t lift** MvN1 x Tae State of Sout't Cartliiia. CRflp^yii.LE JfeiTKICI'. 'm ^5jV on;( of Oi^lunrr; if. J. Grl?eu'ih\ Ex ?ruii?r. Applicant ajr .n**" Obedience Luitvl. Wjduy1. Iwiirili LhimL ionTnft LiitKi. Step! ctt Land. Kinenn -JjQN>0 Godfrey .nU'J hi* W?f-. John Halter, mid Elizabeth hi?AVjf.i. 1 >e fetid Vnta. lVli.ion t'yr Fatal Sculcuten; anil Decree. IT:nj>)>eni iti? lu nir eathfacthm that S:ej>licn Land. Kinaon Land, Jcm>v God fiey ami Jane bis Wif*-, John Bailey ami Elizabeth l.iit Wiff, <ii fi inlanis, rc-ide with out thi* Stale: It ia ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinnrr. to l?e holden at Greenville Court llonae. for Greenville DMrjct. on Friday, the 2d dnv nf January next, bv 11 o'clock. A. M., to show cause, if anv they have, ?liv a Final Settlement and 1.1^."....-, ,.e .i.~ v r t . r?? ? 1 i nwi< c *'i iiiv limine ?m istrwizs l>n?m, iirviw u should n?>t be tnule, or their consent to the same will l-e entered of rn-onl. kohkrt mi kay. o. cj. \\ Ordinary's Ofliiv, 7lli0cl., IboG. 2") id. 1 The Ktalc of South Carolina ' GKEENVlIXE I'lHTHlCT Dy Robert AfcKnj, Esq , Or Jin (try of said District WIfFKKAS. JInrtm ITuiit, Jr.. Im? filed a Petition in |uy Office, praying that Letters 1 of Administration on .ill and singular the eoods mid chat tela, rights and credits of Pleasant Shock' ley, lntu of the District aforesaid, deceased, should ik: granted to liiir: - These arc, therefore, to cite ai.d admonish all | *nd. singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to he and appear in tl?c Court of Ordinary for said Di-teict, to he hidden at Orcentill Court House, on the 27th due of October, to she w cause, if aue, why the said Administra! tiou should not he granted. robert Mckay, o. o.p. I Ordinary's Office, 9th Oct., 18\C. 23-2 i The Male of Mouth Carolina. GREENVILLE I MS I RIOT. IK 1IIK COLKT OK OiiDI.N"ARY. Jnmi-S A. Sober, .applicant. against (ieurge I1 (imliain, Jew Graham. and Ann Vnrmlt Hiril Nathan Parrot! her husband, Walker WiH'ticha'ti. Attdiow Wtllinghatn, William Willinjflinti), Mary Wiijj n^liMiu ! ?-? W ii!itio1iant, heirs of Maitha Willingltam, deceased, Mary Janes. it ml i Greetilrori v Jane* ln?r husband. I Mrti i daiit*.? I'etition f>tr sale or Division of j tkr Estate of I'riscilla Sxii.r, dieased. IT ap|H-aiitig to my satisfaction that Mary June* ami (>rcelil**rry Jattet her htlhand. Defendant*, reside without this State : i It is therefore onlered that thy do n)>|N*ar and i object to the division or sale of the ileal K~ | tale ?>f Priscilia Sttbor, on' or la-fore the 20ih ! day of I IochiiIkt ln-xt, or their consent to ; the saiiiu will he entered of Record. ItOilEKf Mt K W. O. G. D. Onlinarr} VOffice, CiltOct. 185<l. 22-12 The Stale of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN TIIK COURT OF ORDINARY. I William Tinalcv, applicant. against Jan ion II ay. Jacob Kay, llntiey Kay, Joseph Knv, Sarah Jn.U* Uav. Marv i'lnalcy.'and William heriius I?;?t??l, Martha Land and l?e*U her husband, heirs of John Knv. decen.-cd. Eliza beth .Ann I Kelly, and Julia Iter husband. Defendants.? Petition for tale or divition of Ileal Pilate. I IT appearing t? my antUfiictinu that Jacob Kay, X one of the defendant*, resides without this | State. It in, therefore, ordered, that he do np' near and object to the division or sale of 11t.! Real t At ate of Jane Knv, on or before the first ! day of December ne.vt, or Ida consent to the J same wHl be entered of Record, . * ? ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. I). Ordinary's Office, I I September 1. ISAti. ( l%3m iST tTriif vnit'ii c?ii?I?W? GKEENVJLLK DISTKICT. Sheriff's Sale. BV* virtue* of a Decree of the Court ol Ordinary, fir Greenville Distiict, ' "Will proceed to fell before thy co*,,i hott.** d<k>i of Hwi?l District .'?ii the fi-*t M?ndav in No\en*',;r n*:;t, at uMlul hours of sa]<>, I'Mil that (,*o<e. ]>ari'?*i and tract of land King I ami being in G.Penville District, on the wa tors of Souiii Tyger liver, containing 87 acres ; also another tract adjoining i|,e above I tract, containing 182^- am*, bounded by j lalids of Gideon Moou, 15. F. Gobdlett, Kii jali I'ill and James Hiell. Sold as the |?roporty of Eii Allow iue, deceased, for par lit ion among the heirs. 1khms-t-A credit of twelve months, with interest from day of >ale. purchaser to give IkiiuI with good security and n mortgage of the premesjs, if deemed neces*nryt totlieOrdiiiaiy, for the payment of the purchase mom-v. Costa of partition to bs paid in ciudi. I?. llOKE, S. G. I). Sheriff* Office, Oct. 8, 1856. 22-td. ST ATL" OF M?t TH ( ABOH.1A. G K KEN VH.LE IU ST 111OT. MherifP* Snleu. BY virtus of sundry writs of Fieri Ficias to me <iifect?<lt 1 will sell before the court noiiee uuor, ;?v inc iikiini nours ot sslc, on tho first Monday ia JfjVEWIV-rit mm; ?.lit Kcrt-i of laud, moreor !< # , lying in Greenville District, adjoining lands of Aelson Austin, J. Clark, Kii Baldwin, I'd, nldey, ft. nl.; ns tlio property oi Berry Baldwin, Tw<? n-gro boys, aged l.tanJ 9, one negro girl, aged 11 years; as the property of Berry Baldwin, at the suit ol K. F. Beatlir, el. nl. Three hundred and fifty acres of land more or 1 lean, whereupon defendant resides on the Hinte road, adjoining lands of McKinney, et. *1.,; as the prot'etty of \Vo?. Fuller, at the suit of W. "X jotunedy, et nl. One clavdiank liorae; and on Tuesday after ale-day, one wagon, on# oM buggy and two ploughs, levied ou as tho pm|>srty of BflVareda I'ickett. at the suit of Jnmd MsCtdiattgll One hundred aorse of land, more or less, lv in in Greenville l>istriei, on tho waters of K.-cdy Hirer adjoining Inndf pf .VleBee, Griffith, et, nl., ? the projMTty af John Griffith, at Hm suit o lames it. Kalletf ' Una lkundred Kert* of land, more or l*a\ ly Ing in Grveiivttln IHstrict, adjoining lands ?> llioks. Smith, it, al. ; ns th? property of J. J Farmer, at the suit, of South 1 I'ri-. tie, et. ah i>. uc'ke, s o. n. Blie?<i(f '* Wfie#.. October i. IWt. 1*?td. 1 4* ' -.V K f **v ^?-r ? ,is*'? ^ ~ *'*!tST>'i*7 roi"\?rtt\ ATA'V1 '? Vv. - j j ASSEMBLY HOtfSK; plain gtrreti ?u L ?PJWPafl 'B?&, f3j$ . tile snlwmber vn-u m mat u<" l>'?/?W<p i*?pta if**;-! liiti*? wi j Finn: Street. (Vmnerly m of/# -^kt'f-plfritvov^^ j m linxuiV IivTi:i, nr.d more I < < ? hfnf, T? [ I K# Col. VVihiiint hiur trtl J. \\. C but. , * In- MlI uiUion i- couv#i icvt to I u?mip.-P. -b^u jriu ??Inl l?>eftlii<n. 'Uif>?r * Iir wi.-Jiif, e vvfW?'"tV and jidi-t i?f 'It*' W'itft ntd buttle of ft hotel. vi ili ?rd th*U.#vl\*? tailed Ly }>i>lrir.jr. j Fumilien, permanent cr trcruicrt. occur.tuo 1 ante J on tr.oJuntt urm. & ElTLLfc. B?)it*nil)er 2f-20-S. *.' . > . - , i. 11 h I G. 8. BOW eft* I ?Kaunfarlnrct' nud iit I FLUX ITU RE of frrtr tWnjWla*. 1 CHAIRS of ?v<ry FISK'S CELEBRATED METMIC BURIAL.CA8ES, Opposite the Co./pare*, * iv. T.. COLUMBIA, S. C-* \ t DKALtK W ' T? fleiigicu?, $jigc.ilq?KCU8 ond ?M)?ol mm 9 lilS ltichnr4?ou Strcrt, COLUMBIA. S. C. MERCHANT'S HOTEL, r. BY JAMES M. HURST* CTA&HIKStfDH, 3L (D. Board?$160 Per Day. Fflnnry 21. 41 ^ KCA, SCRUGGS * ?.': DKAl.KHS IS Staple and Fancy Bry Goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING, ,:* IIATS AND CAPS. ROOfS AND Stt$E3, Crockery, Jf ir^biQire, GrocJlrIc?, ,, FAliTTB ASTD OILS, 1 M??>Q?!)M??, &0, . CNE DOOrt SOUTH OF THE FEW COURT HOUSE, & A s? ;ar Have opkxkd at tub above i-lace u lnrgc nnR vrirlc'd arlOllmiiit of hlr^rrr r. T?1 * WT.l-* lion ami JUiegHIlX ejrOOQS, I to whn h t.l?ev invit: attention from tlkir friend* j and tl?c trading < omit.unity. The Stock bus 1 veil purelirised with great car* I under ihe personal supervision of the tiiojiritl'd**',/ I during n protracted stay i:t New-York, and lecl i confident in assuringthe piddle tlmtthcy can and will offer bargains. We d?-;o i*. unncccseary . enumerate tin-articles which we June on hand,; believing-that nn examination of vnrrtoik will it (sire tho belief that bargains may be had by r calling nt out*tstablirlinient. an V tin try produce taken in exchange.. t Greenville, April 3. 47 tf ... TIJE GREENVILLE / /, mWR SITfflSII. MAIN ETHEET, NEXT TO M BEE'S HALE. > i 'a/n T11K Subscriber has on blind n large and''i ' ^well-.eleet.lMoekofMmt W.LAN^Ot'tl.. V-V?SCHOOL and CLASSICAL liOOKtf. Willing Paper, Blank Hooka, Memorandum*, AS. Writing Berks and C.UU'*, Portfolios, Gold nnk Steel Pen*. Pencils, {, Ink. Sealing Wax, *\ U'nff I *, i Slate*, Copv Bookr, Ink-Stand*: Piilrrt, dd.. dV.v G. K. KLtOimf , Siga of the Bi|pc*M>k. March 6. 43:. S?d' ' " * Wikmo v womTT"^' * * AT GREENVILLE. C] H, ML,? rl^IlK auVe?</flbi,r would inform the citizen* A of the Village niTOioiMtvillo an<l* sui*- .*JJ * rounding count) v, thai lie U?V* nil kinds of ^ EXGItAY IN<?. of (?old r.r Silver and 1 laie.' genet ally. Makes ;ual mounts in fi<?lj or Silver, nil the- vaiiotin* ?;f BrnMnl Eancr r it..:.. \?? i - : w<n. repair* till articles of Jewelry ; Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Cane* ; vnts and fits ty order, Sp? vt ide Gl:;*:e* to suit nny age almost. Anb i g the ar.ide- g<*n? orally nceiled, and made l>v him, are Gold and Silver Siee\e Button*. Siml* lt?r Collar and bosom. I lie Mounting and get ling up of j his'haii finger jings (hair I raided Uv thai I Swedish Lady; Mrs. Oi-on ) and Fob. VtatJ. ? 'or Guard dwiin*, he (hitter* hiir.tielf, wottWH . i not be scoffed hi in'-the hugei f.i hionablecities, O.ders tor \v?? k. thankfully received, al the Corner, sixty yitr I.* east of the Old Cmi t llou-e. and but a fu.v pices from tU%' EnU-rpiise 'Office. J. II UAN'DOU tf. No chnrge for engraving any woit I made by him. Je 2ft 7 ly. AMBKOIVPKS! Ambrotypes 1 t oiy pes :!: C. II. LANNEAC I TAf4 th's nlrnimrf of nrnuurjch-.^ toilw 3 *di?' I X and (ient.lrni.'ii of tirrfiivjlk that M iS" M?\V l'lUXAREl) TO TAKE TJIBAMBROTVPF I, - - " ? * ? 7 in all it* parfecHon and bcin*v. He will remain' I ii? Town for n SHORT TIMa, to omupjcta qpm? onftajfements ninl then lie will lu) absent for * ! <5*. ueidentMe time. Tho^e wHb desire to ixwece* i <t Hfe.WTIVUJ. rtPKOtUKN of these NKVfcKI I'AUl'Nti I'li-Tt'KES arc ivqiKatcJ to CALL A"f ONCE. . CALL AND 8KB JUS BPBClMMfS / lie i* ?l?y prepared t?> tnlco tlio Ahil?rotvf>? fc?r Mkimlliovn lt*?>.\< Hk?. I. cast* and Kinorr U??*.' Th ijr nre Mparior to tliu I>?gucrrcotype in tlua form i.)no. ' ' \\ M'BIE'S HALL, Uf-STAIR8.JH Augutl 2f? lt> W Card Cases, Portcmonaios. fto. r VMIESuUsoriliei h?tajii*tojhmumIan elegant X AMontiiient of (.'nrtl cnee*. l\?rtoihotl-e ' mica. Pocket Hooka, Ink-fAiHlA, fv?rtH?|and?, f dec.. &c. 0. E. ELFORt), i CSenl IS. T"0 S." f Picked "Op AT the ' rook* Ball, a email Gold BraArfflLk witl arhitanat. The owner con hare it by all n( nt hl*oftW, and paying lor the ml'u .iaa n *u'_ Ojt - *