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BwthifdumQir Lsseeae. XW fulUwriiy MBwmwiwiit will gir* pain to many friends. The subject of it w m gentleman of fine abilities and wide attain ' nibuta. And ranked high in-fil* profession.? It it bet * abort time since we learned his nrandy expressed deaire to return to bin I artee State, for which be had (he moat filial rutrtiw. Tbe accident h a monrnfu! one which baa so suddenly cut oliort his ?* . Veer of honor and usefulness :?Carolinian. t DatUk of Chancellor Lecemc.?Our Motile correspond ent informs ns by telegraph that tbe lion. Joseph W. Lesesne. a Chan eellor of Alabama was drowned on the aasrain# of Wednesday, 15th inst. Chanoallnr i sinr. with his son. was on thu j yad* Vesper, from the ciiy to ins residence, I ' wferbee the Buy of Mobile. nnd the csjwiaing j of the ynebt occasioned the melancholy re. unit fetal to both. " Chancellor Lesetuo wne a native of this 8late?wc believe of Sumter District?and * a graduate of the South Carolina College of the class of 1832. in a Inch he was associated with John II. Means, since Governor of this Slate; Samuel XV. Tiotti, lately deceased ; Nelson Mitchell, Ksq., of Charleston, and others yet resident in our Slate. A mong them wa* Thomas Priestly Cooper, n on of the distinguished President of the College. A daughter of Pre-ident Cooper I subsequently l?oca?rtc the wifo of the subject of this notice, whose untimely decease will awaken keen regpeu in his natire State, no Jem than in the State of his adoption and liohore. Cocftr and JuDnr. O'Nkali..?Our < Court of C<mimoii Pleas progresses with nn- i .Usual dispatch. Judge O'Neal! seems renolv- j ted tcf clear the docket if possible. His en- ( erjjy and ability increase with his gray hairs, nnd evidence him one of the first Ju- ' dicial Officers of his day. His Ilonor was horn for tire Law, nnd would have adort.ed any bench in any country. Now sixty three , year* of age, he is still untiling in the dis- , charge of his onerous duties, and more than ever, faithful to the almost aliening dictate of an enlightened judgment. A truer puh lie servant, South Carolina has never had.? i lie has won, nnd wears with veteran propriety the highest honors of his calling.? When we lia'k upon his vet.crablfe mien and frosted locks, it is with regret that we re member any lightness of cointuent heretofore made upon his character and course In the press ot his State. May he bo spared < -.:n r..i.;^ many jrant, niiii iiiiinci iu cn--uiiii|> I fulness upon tho annul* of South Car olina.?tidy*fid J Adver titer. Soctii Carolina Colo Mines.?The 1 Jpdd mines neat this city, in South Carolina, are becoming, we arc pleased to learn, n most important interest, ami some of them are'being worked with much more energy and capital than in former years. The mines in the lower part of Abbeville District, South Carolina, worked by n New Yofrk-coinixuiy, known as the "Dom Mining Company, are said to he now yielding very rich ore, from veins worked at a greater depth than formeily attained in that region. They are drained by n powerful pumping apparatus, worked by steam. The appearance of the mine' is now reported us very flattering.?Augusta Ch*vnicle. Scaiocs Affair.?We regret much to hear of a deplornble affair which occurred this ^morning a little before three o'clock.? The German Hand had been engaged by ome Democrats to serenade the successful , candidates. After vhiiing ihe houses t.f several others, they serenaded that of Alderman llassipger. Having left it they were proceeding by the boupe of Capt. Uyrftn on the enposite MHO Ol uwnj airrvi, wrn*-ii nu ? "tn. upon from the house and two of their number shot. These shots were returned by missiles of one sorter another by which the windows were smashed and other damage done. We are unable to say what is the condition of >Jk5 wounded men. One is represented as being dangerously?the other slightly wounded. Near n dozen shots were fired. [Sarannah Georgian, Hth. The Daughter of a Frkhont Elector Married to a Nigqkr?What ark wk Comiso to !?The following is fromaCrawfordsville, Indiana, paper. It cad it and be astonished: . **The doctrine that has been so hold'y advocated by the leaders of the abolition patty during die last year,'that u negro teat a* good ma a white man' has become with a majority of the members of that party a fixed fact. iJIb longer than hist week a man residing wv the.vicinity of Oborlin College, in the Slate of.Ohio, gave his only daughter in marriage to a sooty Aftiean, who had been educated at this Abolition institute.? " > ?- -- i ? i T/I J Ills man, we uiMienMaiiu, i? it cumc M*vvur, on the Fremont ticket, and regnid* the negro as hid equal. The young lady in de*oil>ed as being extren>e!v ireautiful, and hut sixteen yearn of age, while her du?ky lord in blacker than the darkest midnight." Death of Rev. Jamea G Reilly.? A correnpoiidwitl of the lb?ton Advertiser writes : "An extract fiom a letter from Rome mentions a fatal accident, as having occurred to the Rev. James O'Reilly, a Roman Calh olic clergyman of the diocese of Hartford Conn. Mr_O'Reilly was in feeble health, and was recdusmended to bathe in the Sul pher lake, near Tiyali, Being au excellent Mwimnti#. he. ventured beyond the limits of safety, and, Overcome hy the exhalations of the lake, perUhed. His body was found, but life was extnet." raoLiric.?Mr. William DoBghortr, of Patterson, N. J.. 8-3 year* old. has h:td,*it isitid, Qtf deaceiuUnU, 7 b of whom are living. If* I?mA;lp children. 55 grand children, and kjci great grand chiUlrun ; 8 children are lisring. U grand children, and 28 great grand ci.ttjhmw L ?jif ?ai#trn <gateqgBrv f y:v 4 CTRSKSig yXDJeSiffl^ <*. <3. THBBSPAY. OCT. S3. I?t6. tar The Editor it ftill absent, but wit no doubt greet his readers again best weak Brtara Day, Tnta day passed eff quietly here?aci quietly tliat it was forgotten to mention anytliing about it last week. There were About 130 cases returned, in all, we believe. Commissi water* el the Peer. The following named gentlemen have been elected Commissioner* of the Poor for Green- j ville District: II. M. Smith, Dr. M. G. Berry, O. P. Phillips, S. D. Goodlett and Win. McNecIy. Hew Adverllnemeatt. Attention is directed to W. G. JLsriqg's advertisement, in this week's paper. He Is i just recoiling and opening, at his new store, me door below Powers* old stand, a large ind fine stock of boots and shoes, where he 19 ready and willing to accommodate all who wish anything in his line, and will give him t call. Lie has all sorts, sizes and qualities. LWt forget liiin. Attention is also called to Ilovey <k Co.*s sdverlisemcnts They have a " receipt" for | lot-ping out cold which will soon be useful? N. C. Jeans. And. in fact, see nil the advertisements? ' then you'll know 44 what's what." ' The ilntler dmrds. I It was omitted last week to notice the dress parmlu of this Company, under com mam! of Capi. II. Ia'c Thruston, on Snturilay morning, the 11 tit inst.; but we hoj?e | t will not now, even at this late hour, la? | imiss to put on record the fact. The morning was clear and bright, and they piescntcd quite a handsome appeal since with their brass buttons, while pints and glisten ing tnuskcts; and after 44 marching to the music " for some time?which was according to the ( rM>nvill? Tli-mut ttun.t?iut. i O * 1*^" funding many evolutions, they retired front the " field." still maintaining their foi juer j reputation an being one of the hest drilled cot|<s iu the State, ltut their labors were not ret ended, however, for m soon as parade was over an invitation was given them to aid iu the demolishing of it iiugr fruit | cake presented thein by a few individual members of the corps, which duty was promptly nnd willingly {^formed, and that, ' too, in "military style." Thus ended the exercises of the day. Sweet enough, cer- i tniuly. TELEGRAPHIC^ I; Elections. Wahhinoto!*, Oct. 17 We have nothing official from IVnnsylvania, but it U acknowledged that the lhfiiin crane majority i* three thousand. Fifteen | Democrat* and ten opposition member* have been elected to Congress. In Imlinnin five Republican* and five Democratic Congressmen arc elected, leaving one district undecided. The Legislature is Democratic. LATCR. The Dem??crntic majority in Pennslyvanin is being considerably increased by the official return*. In Ohio the Republican majority is estimated at thirty thousand. From Indiana we learn that there is a Republican majority in tlie Senate, and a Democratic majority in the House. STILL LATER. Ptlll.APKIMII A, Oct. 18. The official returns greatly reduce the ret?oi ted Democratic majorities. Fourteen Democrats and eleven Republicans have been elected to Congie**. Tbe Ohio delegation stands 14 Republican* and 7 Democrats. Tl... T~.i: -3?1 :? ?- ? - - ? .s iHiiiniiit (icirgniiua smnas O ocmociats to 5 Republicans. FROM PENNSYLVANIA. pHLAftRPHIA Oct. 20. All parties concede to the iJetnucrats a mxjority of 3,400, although ninny counties aie HI to hear from officially. Private advice* f-nv that the election in ?ev*rnl precincts in Philadelphia will be contested by the Unionists. FROM OIIIO. W AtiitaffToa. Oct. 20. The Republican plurality ia Ohio amotuits to 20,000. FROM INDIANA. Wahiiikoto*. Oct. 20. Mcmt*. Lockhenrt, Fnglidt, Ilugara, Foley, <ireg, Ihrvis and I^oWry, Democrat*, hare lx*?n elected to Congress in this State and Messrs. Kilrow, Wilson, Colefaa and Petit, Republican*. Pailadslpiiu, Oct. 18. f Tire Fillmore 8tnt? Commrt ee have resolved to form no Caioa Flectoral ticket with the North American* or Fremont#!*. r h "The following rctwfW^a^Ttie'efTofllcTjiliy announced: ADS KT? LIB DISTRICT. Sen*ft.?J. F. Marshall. Houtt.?A. M. Smith, S. McGowsn, T. i'boiupson, J. K. Vance and R. A. GiilEn. AXMUMOM DISTRICT. 2Tokn>- G. Seaboni, B. Unnly, A. Brcylc* a?1 S. 6. Eute. \'w? v ' . - ?ARXWKLL DISTRICT. ! House.?8< II. Evans, J. & Tobiv, 1). D. Kmc and J. J.Wyan. ^ y* , CHBSTICRFIBLD ^DISTRICT. Houte.?Alexander McQueen, ? English. CLARENDON. \'l , ' Houte.?S. VV. Nelson ?i?d J. P. Richard on? ^r* ..... ; ' CI!KSX*R district. i :' r 0. D. Kiel ton, W. P. Gel: art 4. Hr-wiitti;* v' ^ CHRIST CHURCn. Senate.?Thomas M.-Wagner. ' Haute.?D. Bailey. DARL1KOTON DISTRICT. Senate.?J. P. Zimmerman. Houte.?U. G. Wood, R. L. JUrt, and o 11 n;:ii. C?* if. *w nut v KDUKFIKLD DISTRICT. House.?T. W. Cat well. Jan. Black well, M. U. M, llHinniund, W. Gregg, Robert Merri wcntlier ami Abrani Joftes. *' paikeikld. Senate.?N. A. lVav. . * , r House.?R. It. lh'niaton, U. IJ./Clarke ind Win. Bint ton. ORKKNVIII.E DISTRICT. Senate.?J. L. Westmoreland. House.?J. W. Stok?, Ik F. Perry, W. A. Mootiey and Nathaniel.Morgan. > HORKT DISTRICT. ' Senate.?Jnincs Bcatv. Houte.? W.J. Graham. - KERSHAW DlHTKffT. Senate.?ins. Che*nut. Jr. House.? Win. M. Shannon and A. il. Boy kin. /. lavre*s district. House?A. C. Fuller, j. Ili|dgin?, 11^ Waiter and C. P. Sullivan. . : ~t LANCASTER DISTRICT. ' Senate.?G. MvC. W'ithei>j?oi?n. "/JL , House.?W. C. Cauthcti and }. f, Kj. Ik-Ik. LEXINGTON. / *3'/. it Senate.?John Fox. ; *.|?:?House.?G. M tiller and Jacnh Swygart. MAKLaoRO DISTRICT. House.?A. G. Johnson and P. B. MoLaurie. Vt-VBtRHr. Senate.? A. C. Qarlingioii. House.? L. J. Joint-, T. IS. Rutherford ind G. G. D? Walt. ORANOK PARISH. Senate.?lhniald K. Barton. House.?Dr. J. II. O'Cain and John 11. Kelder. riCKESS DISTRICT. . House.?J. A. Dot le, J. A. F oley, Jr., ind J. II. Ambler. PHIXCK WILLIAMS. Jf/usc. ? William F. Wiley and George P. Elliot. RICHLAND DISTRICT. Jioutc.? wjHie Jiamjuoii, Jr. m. Wallace, W. S. Cioodwyn mid Allen J. Orven... SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. " /louse?J. VV. Miller, J. Witinworth, O. E. Edward*, JmiiN Farrow ami O. I'. Karlut 8UMTKR DISTRICT. Houte.?J. T. C#iceii, J. I). HianJing mid i\. C. Spain. ST. PHILLIPS AND RT. MICHAELS. 1 Senate.?W. L>. Poiter. House.? K. Vomloii, J. Johnson, Jr., J. Miliums, V. V. Simons. Jr., \V. <?. I>c8au* ?ur<% N. Mithell, K. McCradv, K. I), Richardson, J. 0. Ilium, (J. CJ. Meiuuiinger, IT. C. King. K. M. Whiting, J. J. l\.pe. Jr.,? X. McCarlt-r, J. J. Pettigiew, J. J.,Lucas,,, K. Lance and K. W. Seymour. > ' ST. JAMES SANTKE. Serate.?A. Mazyck. \ , House.?A. J. McClellsn ST. STEPHEN'S PARISH. Senate.?J'eler P. Uonneau. House.? 1*. E. Porch er. Sr. PAULS PARISH ?COLLELON*. Senate.?B. l'crry. House.?J. C. XViialey. ST. ANDREW* PARISH. Senate.? XV. I. liull. House.?\Y. XV. McLeod. ST. MATTHEWS. House.?O'.in M. Danizlcr. ST. UKOKO^'l PARISH. Horse.?-Win. M. binder. KT jaw CM anmK rititif* Senate.? Willinm Mellaid. ,,v. House.?Joseph Murray. s| st. johns colleton. House.?E. Bryan Mid Williuin Edirty*. st. thomas and st. dennis. 0 House.?J. K. Kurnoan. sr. bautiiolomcws. House.?Carlos Tracey, W. G. Greyn #nd Jesse lJuBoat. st. i'ci kks. Senate.? A?|iiilla K. Johnston. lions*.?Ilemy C. Smart and John P. Ray rsion district. Senate.?J. F. Gist. House.?J. M. Gau berry, Robert Realty and Tlios. 15. Jeter. turk district. Senate.?R. G. Mr-Caw. House.?J. C. Chambers, W. C. Black. A. While and Edward Moore. Return of the President Wasiiikotok, Oct. 10, The President has arrived, and was must euthuaiuMically received at ths depot-by the Lhatricl Slat! officers and a large number 'o| citizens. lis was welcomed by the Mayo*. 'I h? President re-ponded briefly but Appropriately, after which lie was escorted to the Presidential mam-ion. A Charcatbkistic Fiout.?-The- Richmond Unquiet took from the K. Y. Hermid an article and pebliaked it as editorial. Tbe Hemrlmd topic* the dame article giving the credit to the Enquirer, and pUfcke* into the article in e esost enrage manner, ' . M * . e Atir dffli of Mr- FiUnm. M m v u wwww w? ^ . ? *" t A ^rfcUer in the K. Y. Commi-reial A J tKrtiser furot?h?* the Allowing anecdote ??t Millitrd Kiilmoi* while lie wa*?n ii|t|>ri'iili(:f inn clothier's establishment, iu Livingston county. New Yok: MA eh<q?male," no apprentice ia tlw? ??im work.*, belonging to a highly respectable neighboiing funiilv. on a vi-it to his parenin on -one occasion, where the affairs u! the fulling mill became .the topic of coaver as lion, euuiimrd to his mother in an earn Mt tone. KMt Ine Ani'i know what a ?in gttiar fellow Millard is." "What of him uow I" she inquired: "Why, he liaeno fut in hiin" r .We all had an invitation to a qniltitt? the other .night, in ?n neighborhood ; th* iHira'iii .tUe shop w ith lite girls iu the faun I If mII went?Imi liim, *nd, would you be lievo it? that wiili nit persuasions, we could not get-him started?lie would stay nt home alone. W# nil went and hnd music, and dancing and tine sport; nnd when we re turned he wan rending an old book nnd low! been rending all alone the whole evening.? Did you ever hear of ad queer a li?d tn? The good mother promptly cheeked him nnd anawured. 44 Ah niv son, he is in the right! you will all aee the time wh?-n yon wilj be glad to do liim homage, lie atu die* his hooka, and will be a man while you .will vainly ajiendwig yonr tinie in look ing lor- amusement*.'' The reader may ask what has been the comparative sequel ??t tin# l?oy who preferred aport. He yet live* in the vigor of manhood, in humble circuit) tam es enjoying the reputation of an honest man, and good citizen, but undistinguished among tlie million, while hi* ahnpmate has risen to the first honora of the Kepublic. A Harrow Sseape. Tim annexed extract, says the Carolina Times, datailing the arrest and escape of Mr. 11. P. Ilvatna from the hands of Harvey's party in Kansas will prore interesting to his friend*. Mr. II yams left this city for the wilds of Kan**ft >*rlv in the summer, and we are pleased to observe that this military ski.I ami noble daring lias secured for him the tittle of lieutenant: b,ieut. II..P. llyam* also tun the gauntIft'ftf a shower of huliet*. He was returning from visiting Mr. Ilodgo*?wounded ?>n the taking of Capt. ltoinnsot>,s coiupam ?-and was between the advance guard and main body of Harvey's forces la-fore lie was ntiNta of the presence of an enomv. The paitv in advance took Him pi i?oner ami ordered him to go to the main ImmI v, deeming an escort unnecessary. Lieut. 11 yarn* went carelessly along until within nix ail midway of the two pin tie*, when lie suddenly wheeled liix horse. at nek hi* HeeU into her aide and dashed off f.?r the point. A peifcet hailaiiowcr of bullets were sent after him. hut he arrived safely in camp, amid the voeiforotM.cheeiings of hi* comrade*. lie was iidiiiye a mare that had a voting colt, and the moment it* mother started off it stuck" its tail in the. uir, gave two or three suiekeri*, and came in neck and neck with jt* more powerful op|N>iicnt. My those who wit 11 cased it, the incident is described a* Ik* ing intensely exciting, comhining the ludicrous with the decjnut anxiety. The PnosrscT or Ltrii.?Men rej. ice when the sun is risen; they rejoice mImi when it g?>cs d??w, white tliey are unconscious of the decay of their own live*.? Men rejoice on seeing the face of a new season as at lite airival of one greatly de.-ir ed?nevertheless, the revolution* of season* i* the decay of human life. Fragments of 'i^ifl-woud meeting in the wide ocean, continue together a little space; thus parents, wives, children, fiends and riches remain with u* a short time, then separate?the sepataiioti is ineiitahle. No mortal can ecape the coiumou lot; he who mourns for his departed friends has no ]a>wer to cause litem to rent u. One standing on the road i&>uld readily *ay hi a number of person* liassinir h?. 1 will follow- vcu. Whv. then i [should n person grieve wlicu journeying the sftine toa I, which hits l?eon as-it re. fly tr??l jl?n by ml our forefathers f Life resemble* n cnamct rushing down with inesi?tahie tin pe'.ousiiy. Knowing that tlio emi of life i* death, every high-minded initn ought to pursue that which is connected with happiness and ultimate bli*e. [Dublin University Magazine -Ductal Husband and Father.?The Newark Advertiser any* : "Another honti fide lias been committed in this city, witiiin r few days, by a husband and father, who, infuriated hy liquor, slew his wife by strile ing her witif a bott he?leaving three children dependent upon tae w old for protection and support. The Chief of the Pi lice, who arrested Idtn, tes'ified that he copfe*M*d to him that he was vexed, nn-l. aher some words, throw the bottle at her. Miuvi, the name of the tinu, we are informed, was nUo an indirect agent in causing the death of on** of his children . wane weeks since, huviior i at tick it in a fit uf prowdon, nrtd death eium i ed n about throe week*, from the effect of tho blow and want of |m>|*?r attention? I hi* i? the fotirih lime mat our city lia-been aliened with Mood wiilna fourteen uvjiiths, caused by intoxication." A Hit or lion a nob. ? ihwue fifteen year* ? 'iimi and hi* wife cnme to ibis cuy, .from the country, bringing with them their I tthiM, n apiightly little boy. Wbile ungaged ip the purchase of some article*, the child wan tuiwed, Mild although every effort writiuuM' to Hr.d him, be wiu never hearJ of. . f lay before yesterday. Squire Home re a letter fiom 'I'eXM*, wtiUeii by a iimn uti hi* death bed, who acktlowled that he stole the child -from iu jmreu^ au raised him a* bia own son, and dying Into left biiu Allr Ilia |?rof?erty. II bjiould ihi* meet Urn eye of iImi parents? If imUed they are living?they can obtain ' slltlM iufurwMioo front Mr. Horn* to cum hie them to recover their loci eon. k, ? ' [iirmphit Whiff. / 9 \ ? ,, T .* '/? . A y\r^~; A Print hw{ tinqtoiring n\irt f?*l from lip 1 lo ll|?, wiw kHietl in twelve niiliM ?>f thi? plwe, MV* the Dahh*>?-?<? ,(G>i ) Signal, ( i< * ' the f?K?l of the inooiitKh). * tew Jmv* I f din**, l?y a hoi aUnit twelve year* old. llis 1, father had *ent him biit to drive up the cat- j lie; he had not |>oree*ded fir before lie ^ heard the cattle In-Uowinpr at n troinerrdou* rate, nnd making in tlie direction of home. IJu Quickened his mice, wilh trnn in hand. - - . - . vto' when in alarm sixty vi(rt* of ilia calttfh tot discovered something sqnat, leaving nothing hut its head vi?ible, which he was ? deer. lie immediately diew a bead and Ired. the ball taking effect in tlio urns* p jr- (' urn of the skull. .With buoyant lio|res lie. rppnoaelitsl his game. .hut the death strug ^ gle and tremendous scream* of the monster j. proved to the lad that it was more''healthy*' to return for additional help. (t, The Dctucatk Fkxwont.? Captain 8. _ L. Fremont, who resides in Wilmington,t North Carolina, is said to l?e the other F e I f monl. designated by the New York Tribune it* a Roman Catholic. Captain FteinontV ^ friends are highly indignant, and a \\ iliing- ^ ton journal says: j( **Capt. 8. L. Fremont is not now. and n never was a mcmlrer of the Catholic Church. There is no shmlow of jreisonal resemblance bet ween him and the black Republican candidate. 'It is hardly possible for two men '* to look more unlike. Cript. Fremont it tali, -ay about six b-cl high, will weigh at least V one hnudred and eighty pounds, pa>ts his tl hair and wears his clothes like his neigh-1 i> larrs, and, like every other ofHcer of the ar I tr my, whom we have evi r met. Iinsa thotough | it contempt fur the Colonel, because ho knows li him to bo contemptible." p - I1 The Alabama Cotton Crop.?-The Selma I' Rfjwrter, of Wednesday evening last, savs: ' "It is now reduced to a certainty that the " present cotton crop will l? exceedingly short. Notwithstanding the disastrous spring and stitiimcr which we had. vet hopes had Ireen entertained Irotn later indications that the crop would Ire an average *rne ; but i .1 1_ t?. 1110 1 HUM VV . W IM?*? V "lit j Mvlvi I ll|-|iruni . every h??j>e. an?i account* from every quarter I _ have W?w saii*fi?nl cmy it?l?? man flint j S we a-e t? have the stmt feet crop which we lime hwl for many year* p??t. Many of . ur planter* will finish picking thi* wreck, fin?i in the course ?>f n few week* the whole j J crop of AluUnna will 1m gathered.*' j FROM KANSAS. * Sr. Lofjo. Oct. 20. Two hundred nnd forty Emigrant* have ,| l?een arrested near the Nohra-ka lino, l?y j, Cook's Dragoon*. h the 0th instant, nt Un- w ion Comt. Judge Wither* prr^iing, .fame* <? I*on. jr., wii* trieJ for the murder of G?*orge h Cl.itk. The jury relumed h virdict of not h guilty. 5 . , . h liOSTON. Oct. 10. * The Fillmore Whig* in llurlingHiiie'* 8 District have nominated William Appletm I for Congress. 8f>ccii|l ftolice3. l'onng Lnttin' Fair. $ THE YOUNG LADIES attached to he Greenville IUp(i*l Female College propose holding n FAlU at MeHec's Hall, ou Tnenlajr Evening as; t, 28tli inst. The proceed* netting from the ekine* will he aoeronrintc-d to the purchase of IMiiloso phical Apparatus for the College. O 23-1. Greenville Bible Society. The Rev. T. S. Arthur will deliver nn Address i before tlrs Society in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, 30th October. The public lire respectfully invited to attend. After the address a collection will be raiecd in aid of the fnnJsof the Society ? - ----- i Veto ftdberiisfftKUte' ~vTil iiovky & co. '! DKAI.KRfl IX ( FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS 60308, B3NNEI8, RI830NS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AND READAMWAUE QLOTHINGp i INDIA It UUK Eli GOODS, \ GMstoXiXEf VHWbJiy Pm CD. < i. i. iK'vr.r w. n. novrr. I N. lb?Orders accompanied hy the earh for 1 MtMlicnl, h?# or UUrury Mttaical ltmtrii-1 1 mcnis an<l Kundiiee, promptly tilled in New I York. ami delivered at our eounter 03 ehortcel ootict?. October ?*, 24 if. School, MRS LAWTON will eomnifnw theexcici* et <?f her ft IIOOI., on Monday. the 27th 1 of October, at the fork* of the Pendleton and Andereoii road*, near l)r. I'aaley'e. rW~ Term# moderate. Oct. 2*-24-1 rr 1 Houses. Town Lots* Plantations and Nagroes for S tie. r|MIE SubwriW otfen for Mile Mr to alsty ' 1. Let*. Iloue**, Plantation*, an I N?freoee. i.i and Hear the town of Oreenvide. nla?> in Hea?? fort IlflffMt and the city of Charli-elon, 0. For terina, Ac., apply to W. S. I WVTOM. General Oomtnieaion Merchant Mcltee'e flail, fineniille, H. (J. Oct. 18-24-1 m Just Boceived. hovey a. CO. A RKjuetln receipt of a v?*rjr full inyoica of /a. Urown, Grey, fHcd Mixed und fine Black Solent. North I'awHnn, .IKANK Theao juitty celebrated gwnda need no e m?. < mendalioa ; hundred# of pa. ch oar r* voweh for their cheapaaaa and rood qualities Hot aalc. from A24 ecnta to 11.60, by < Oat fWlT tt ffOVET A CO. # V * *? <?nk doott w stand.) |^fl w $ui*criukfc. n"g. tvom now york, philadelphia m lid clim lo^tyu, . ma.-v * ' jvi. . "*-*? ? * , a large assortment op * aim aiiwpa hi .-. duuia amu sftftlt*, 1. for toadies1 and gentgr> w^ar., qilmen's b00ts& shoes, i ;34 asj*l f,,uoj jp??? slimont of the kind. - m- & mw th? pumic wo inviuxl to. cmjie nnd outline my stock. w. a long. oclolior 23, .24 4. i i*ft! ink! ink! i rll? sulwcriber iih* received n urge sopply of thfe l'( mm am fnk mnnufnctmr-' ri l?y maynntd Ac noves, wh<v have 1m*w for .rty v?*h?ir irfigngeil inits* ??kmifncture. be- s iw will lie found one of tliv many vetiiuo-' i??l# to it*, merits: ' y* \ * RKGtamr or il Bohtok, Nov.-2pi. 104T. -?J Messrs. Maynard Jt Noyrf: .,, " Gcntlftnfii ? I hnvi; mxilf 11* ofironr Vriling Ink. for the r?eimliti)| > f 1 M-d*, dfe.,lit* |>aM twenty five years, ni??l, haying ??und to suit my wi~jie* and intirslj, ke pleneui* in reti*#it?g my ttMlllKjttpkwf a KU|H*rioiity. Fioin the appearance **f lecorda in mvoffice, 1 ??? it iV ftrtrior to Miiv I ha\ t UMft, at:a consider U ir?rttc?ii!?rly udnpted for all purpose* wh<ro. etinaticncy ??f color in iro'rl-lle 01 desirable.. ' t Ho*;.. well fiom tbo pen; ?-ud do* ?o| lonld ; mid my of'iesl Rtc/nh prove its eo. jr to be unalterably black. . Signed,' Alux*.** AL?0, ON HANI\ ~>r HARRISON'S; and other fnV*r^~ l!a?k. Blue, K*?l, Carmine **d ImMtble,.,! Oel 23-24-tf G. K. EUtiRli. , iTATK OP SOUTH tAROLINA. GREENVILLE I >1 STRICT. Kkerili 'i Sale- ^ BY virtue of :i writ of Fieri Facias to ma directed, I will seP U-&tre the Comtb loiuc d?M>r <>f snhi District. on *>de*-dajr in lOVEMUEIt next, at the tr iinl hours ofi" 't wo homes and one mnie ; at IMiti-nuts ro-idence. on Tin-ilny after sale-day i Noveinloo next, I straw bed. 2 fentheVills, 300 lh?. seed cotton, 1 ?idet>oaR!( 2" hots. 2 tallies, 1 clock, 30 or 40 1> is'teU of* dicNt, 3 bedsteads, 5 Ih . wo-4, 1 snuiU ' f leather, I hid, milt. 1 can of lard. L hiiii, contents of Htiioke Imu-e* 200 feet, ourd*. 4 i?lou"h Mocks 1 loir chain. 3 axe*. 50 Mioavt*, 1 two lioma \fnir<>n. 1 aelt nine**, 10 |?l4?rijrliH, fl Ixhi nnn'l\ 2o *hcep? ritwR miuI calve*, 4 vca.liu*. S ?>* ??m1 J.ijft, 13 fchom ; n* tin* property of Merry l.thlwiit, at ilie unit of .N\l?on Austin. ' ;l Tvrius?CASH. t?. ? ; V. UOKB. S.O. I f>In>riftV. Offli-o, Oct 16. 18ft6.?:14?t#l. Proclamation. | EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, . * I'oU'MitlA Oiftoher 15. 1856.. p By hit Excellency JAMES II. ADAMS. Governor and Commander in- and ovr the State of South Carolina : WHEREAS, i.v ?n Ad of the Slate. EIfcton* ?.f Pie?ii]fnt and Vice Prenilent, arc appoint**! l?v the Legislature: and ... a.,r< ....... i >nm;.ihe? that tlit** Elft'lof* U ap- * >.in'e<l on a tiny when tbe Legi*Utwr?i? noi. t? . n ae*?ion : i > \ r, - a ^atonal *d t Now thoteiore, I, JAMES II. ADAMSi, l?y virtW of tb# \e*ted i? mm by the*; L'onstiiuiMm. ?!? i**UAtht? mj piedwmiifla, # ailing upon tboae Senators of lit* Oeaeitl A*mmhMv wh'Me term* of office have noHtw iiteed, mul tluwc who Intro Iwen now reccat* ly eWnl, nntl the titfinbct* of the llootuiof ' Keprtxn'alive* wb?? h?\e latn now recent* l> elected. to convene at OtihwnhtA. rm lb* 2fl*1 FlliST MON^A ? IN NOVKMBEK NEXT, iHaI lliey n??y be prceni on the Tuewby following, in Appoint Ehftom of PrwrideM :ind Vii* President in onnfwmily to ftfcn - r Art of Cotigrewi above referred to. Given under ?ny hand and tbo Sc*2 off the Knit* at Columbia, the 15th da) A * di CVn.Ur A. D. 1856. ? .4 , . JAMES II ADAA?tt*H J Aur.a Pattbrboi*. 8e\ ??f State. Ocoher 23. 34 I. 'i Jj note and IIIipci, f ITOT RECKIVKD, a large lot of tb? awfczT 19 vootlt at tb. at A. ORV.K5JFIELD, Oppo?i?? the Mwiw Bmm. \% ? (Wwr 1?. *R J t Hats and OtiM. " A NEW npply ?>f lh? atyW. A. which mar b tha *4mie*4 BROOKS MAT^ ; ^ JtJAT RECEIVED. ? nnr,lr?fiMlM^ * ** <v?t i?t\ ltM^ P' ^ ^ S J? -*