University of South Carolina Libraries
3H . it .v ^-v. ?' - I ' t... yy^TT* m if i"?* - ?'?^ 1 B,VCO$ ... .Hams, p<*r lb.. 12* 1 Shoulder*, 12 Sides. 12* Hog round Vw*frt,\. 12 PORK. Country-, 7 BUTTER.. .Ooshen, n?r lb. none. B "V fiO ilWiiiili I. per lb. | COFFEE.. .Rio, per lb. 15* Java, por lb. 18 a 20 I i DOMESTICS. Shirting. peryU. 0* a 10 Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 16 OitOAburgs pwv*l. 11 ? 124 FLOUR...^Country, perbbl. $0 a 04 Country, per sack, ? 23 GRAIN Corn, per bushel. 00 a 03 Wheat, per bushel. $100 $1.10 IOiiU, per bushel, o 33 I tftON .Swede*, per lb. 6$ a 7 English, per lb. ? 64 | LARD.... .'.per lb. ? 13 I TIOLASSES, W. J. por gaL 06 N.On por. gal. 4 ? "6 r feyRUP....M r !,c- . . .1 OILS Urap, porgnl. $14? $24 ? v- ' } Train, per gal. 874? $U Unseed, $1* RICE.... ...per lb. a 84 ROl*E..... .per lb. 13 ? 20 SUOARS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 12* 4- ' - Porto llico, per lb. a 124 Loaf, per lb. 184 Crushed, per lb, 12 Refined, per lb. a 14 3\Lv per bushel, $1 Salt, per sack, $2 50 fftOAP Colffatc.nsle n. It. ioi - ?? Id - >1 Tf.P". ??J ? Yellow, per lb. 8 a 10 SHOT pet lb. Vi? Shot, per bag, a *2f -t L __J ftcto Dtoerii setoffs. STATU OF SOI'TH t'ABOLIKA| ? ; GHKBNV1LLE DISTRICT. By Roixrt McKay, h'tq.. Ordinary vf taid District. T17 HEttKAS, O. W. Garrison and D. C. V V Garrison, have tiled a l'elition in my Office, praying that Letters <4 Adroinis| ttoa on ali und singular the goods ami chattel*, rights and credits of Martha Garrison-' I late of the District afore* dd, deceased, should I wr^iwd-to ilkm, Jfyteare, (here/ore, to vivC Stll'l ulup>ui*h alt and sittgufar thu kindred und' creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to be Jiolden at Greenville Court Uous?, on the 18th day of October, inst, to siiew cause if any why the said Administration should not be granted. lbOBEJR? McIvAY, O. G. I>. Ordinary's Office, 0th Oct, 1850. 2*2?2. Town Ordinance, Concerning rtaumluj Dirt or Sand from th?1 Struts. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Intendant al?d Wardens of the Town of Green vi|le, in Council assembled. That it slinll not b? lawful for any person or persons to tako awoy any DIRT or BAND from nny of the streets or side-walks of the Town for their own private use; and any and every penein ? odeiiding. shall pay tor each um! every offence the suiu of hive Dollars, to be collected as other finos uro done ; and onehalf the tine imposed to go to the itifornio:*. Done and ratified under the eor|>orate seal of the Town of Greenville, on the ??? 8.] eighth day of October, in the year of , our Lord one thousaud eight hundred and fifty-nix, U. L.TU HUSTON, IutenJant. Vt. P. I'hice, Town Clerk. October 0. 22 3. NEW FALL AND WINTER. SifUDMiK ?If 'J 5 | S | , 'T^llANKFUL for past pntronnge, reeneetfully J. inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now reoeiving a large Btock of" C3dgMDh!D0a consisting of Very Choice Fabrics, flow Style* and ELEGANT DESIGN'S for " pKKNS GOODS, A largo and well eeieoted stock of Goods for WBA3U Reudy-Made Clothing, filgnkots, Flannel*. Plains, Kersey*, Shirting. Sheeting. ?fce. T HAT8 AND CAPS, ^tellAAia OS* J H ARC WARE AND) CVTU&to , cMckehy ano glassware, ?.?WaS, ?VS-^YWIFYS, &?. jgiafcfc GROCERIES! JHHHUpon the mo*t reasonable term* for c?h. H u?imc?Mry to onumoraia all. or ftTann portion of thc*rtu-lca we hare on harnl, jim'iW ]M|Uio to on ii)*pe?t?ffn of oar. Ml#! ,?$* PMfv *r*l(,V? oaMtl'y * !* * Mid r? think that customer* will Hod it to thoir 4tWfeiM*to glfam ft call !?"At t)i? New BHkiratorft aonth of .()*? Now Court Hoiuml Jftj ^ ^ OIlADf * OOODLFIT^ Jitf-drirotr who ar.'^^iimy war Indebted |P^ tb?fi? or <? N. POfrfclWft CO., eon *> ** J**t opportunity ofjictUinyc the name IB ^raocM^W^ar ^without Uf ft Tl Tftn Jtk iffAyft sent the people of Greenville PistrifL 1" tin State Senate, nt the ensuing election. wspe^fnltj- announcphimns a candidate to^ep resent the people of QroriiyiHe District in th next Legislature, July U) > -tri. HT We are authorised to sunottaco Jobl W. Stokes, Enq., a candlJnttf-fw the Leg islaUire, at cjho ensuing election. J 19-to. anve, nr.- authorized to announce Col W. H. Cumpketl As * Candidate for ill State Legislature, at the ensuing election. June 19 *1 t<l. I (JTJMOPb Powell, Enq., is n enn I iddatc fortlie I-eyinlature. July 3-8-td. If"Wm. Id. Thonins Esq., is res pectfully nnnottncc<1 ss * Candidate to represent Greenville District in the next House of Ropre sentatires. ' J 8?4-?t?l* tyThe friends of Dr. Wm. A. Wooney snn->nuee him a candidate for re-election at the approaching election for members to llu Legislature. J 6 4-tf ' fTbo friend* of JT. Hobcrt Smith, announce bun a candidate for the next Legislature. Aug. 21?15?td. 01 % %> % \ %"% i G . B.DYER 13 NOW RECEIVING, mil will rnntimic t.i reive, nr, EXCELLENT ASSORTMENTol ?aaajt&aaaaiB'te Furnishing Goods Of nil Descriptions and Qualities, and is prepared to put up CLOTHING nt Short Notice nod in The Best and Latest Styles. Jtsr A 1.1. WOIIK WARRANTED. CLOTHING OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. SUCH AS THE RAGLAN. UNION. WH1TNKY BE A A XV NE W YORK S UR TO UT OVERCOATS. ANl nn assortment of nijil V?SXJ? O. A. FICKLE still continues in the Cutting and Sale* Department, where he or the subscriber, will be found at nil time*, ready to serve our friend* and the public gcnemllv. tllvc us a cull, und EXAMINE FOil YOURStLV1-3. G. U. L)YEH. OctoU.-r 2. 21 it* AillBKOTlPES! Ambrotypos 11 Ambrotypes ! A I* ? L. II. LAPiMAU HAS the jilenniire of Announcing to (he Lndic iuhI <?ontlei?ien of Oreenville that lie it NOW PREPARED TO TAKE THE AMBROT YPE, iu nil It* perfection nnd letuty. Ho will tcmi'n in Town for n SHOUT T/SfK to complete nn o ongnsrenients, mid then lie will he uhseiit for a considerable time. Those who desire to poaatfs a UKAUTIPUL SPECIMEN of these NKVK1N F.VIMNU PICTURES ore requested to CALL AT ONCE. CALL A XI) SfU IIJS 8PUCIHKXS I lie is also prepared to take the Ambretype for ManALLtoift, Broach**, Luxkh and Kingkh Rings. They are superior to the Daguerreotype in tliia form also. Uf ROOM IN M'BEE'S HALL, UP-STAIRS.^p August 28 l<i tf THE NEW MAGAZINE. ^f^llE S} onsor* for the NEW .MAGAZINE to jl o? taaneu f*W? Chariot "u, S C hnve received many encouraging replies anil cheering assurances, lor whieu they gratefully make acknowledgement They are now en&liled, with Ideasure, to Announce that arrangements ore in topeftil progress for a thoroughly sulTieicnt orffdnlrfllinn rtf |Iia i,pA..A..a ? I" <L ' 1 r I" ITWR, l?vi II in OUM1" ness details mid in literary supplies, on a basis which must command success. The time of flrvt issue, and the details of conditions, will be announced as early nsenn he done consistently with a strict fnl^IIpiout of all undertakings, and the wurh will not be oonvnenped an an experiment. It is hope*) an expected, however, tlint the Mngaxine will be eonimeuoed with the ensuing year. The eiwcntial plan and pnrpores of the work contemplate the largest catholicity and the amplest freedom of thought, inquiry and discussion id all matters that touch Uie Stout hern mind, genius or destiny ; and to secure a fully authoritative ami representative character, sole contributors will be engaged on a liberal settle of aonipensiitson. from all sections, end nil classes, schools and interests of the South. The ueecossary correspondence is now in progress, and all active and earnest friends of tl|u aausc and objects, who may not receive circulars of letters ol inquiry from the Kditorinl Committee representing the undertaking, arc respectfully invited to open a correspondence, A correspondence |? a|sa in progress With enterprising members of the Book Trade throughout t)i? booth, to whom the best inducements of an honorable and legitimate business will be offered an authorised agenev in enoh city, towh and vil lage. Any of this close and interest who may fail to receive, arc also invited to a correspondence, Clergymen, Editors, Teacher*. and all others directly interested by profession or incli nation m any deportment of intellrctnnl lnlx.i end prwgreee, nrw respectfully invited nnd eoliciited to oo operalo according to opportunities. A? arrangement* progress, Additional ennoqnee menta will be n>a.le. WM. 1). OAUCMSE, ' * ? P. II. IIAYNK.^tU v R. (i. OOURTKNAY A CO JOHN KRAU8C^ P t R N I TV 11 m AND CABINET MAKBM, MMmk WOtJlJ f oejeectful |y inform n^e^yjftiheritlMM of OreettTl.M end vf that be hue on band * lei of FITRNITfJltK, wliieh be will diepoea of upon | reasonable term*. He bee CboiiA, Tabled Si.fee, iWaelttUnds, do. Fine end Plnin Furniture "nrde-te order. file ehoji mny bo found on A* enne Street, betwoen Ueatthi's (More end Ur f Confecf ionery, nnd nearly np^msite the Coefl JSaitwe "WhjHr-me, * 'ft, ~ .* MM- *Y? r R p * 4 FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOOm RICH BRE89 SILKS, BONNET8, RIUONS, -1 Shawl*, Mailt (la* R EmbroldorlM } AGIST FOR ' "* V <1 > j t> ictra nnF.mooF safes, ] M 5 ! Jl V Stoddard'* Warranted Pu.uo Fori**, & ^ Utk Alltn'i Winl'iiinirliiitRrtr, B.R L I>r. W. ]( Moffutt'* Wlk anil Bittern, ["f . t)r. PatM JMynt'i 1'itint M?)icinc^ - 3.*^ l-ou-lon <fc C?.'a " " ? 2 A. R, AD. Band*' Saraaparillo, J * S A* 2, C'lr*teiantT? DmiUinfl*. Xoarly opposite Mention limttr. January 17, I860. 86 tf Elford & Donaldson, ?anHass^riccii.s, a. <3. C. i. ELFOftO. T? Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. 35 . Sin t USED & GOODL2TT, Greenville, S. C. " ISTOfllco next door to F. F. Brattie ?LCo. ! J. r. REED.] [fi. D. OOODI.ETT, January 12 85 tf WILLIAM P. PRICE, Attorney at Law. WILL punctually attend to nil matter* entrusted to hi* onre. lie mny be found for the present, ?\t the I.nw Other njfcJVIwr*, TnoMrsox A Eavey, or at the office of tire Sotttli' ern Fntorjudse, Greenville C. II. r Fcl> 11. 40 tf WARmKAH8Asi,. S0U1HERNER8, STAND TO YOUR RIGHTS ! THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE BTIliL IIT POWSS, I Do the Fillmoreitcs still perform Rite* 1 j Or will Bcck-caxnox perform the Rites' for 'em at the White House on 4th of March, 1857 ? rI>IIESK arc, no doubt, very important onceJl. tions for the Sovereign Piropie of the Vailed State*. Hut tlio mo*t interesting News for ' the citb.cns of Greenville nud the surrounding District* will be found at the Baltimore Clothing Store, adjoining the Greenville Hotel, where I MR. EINSTEIN bus ju.t returned front Baltimore with lite Largest, Cheapest and Host Made STOCK OF f A$HIQMA.BLL CLOTHING, ever brought befwro to Greenville. Tooonvhtce j yourself of this, eome and judge for yourselves. 1 Among the stock will be found nn extensive us-1 sOrtmeut'of AUo, t lie Litest 8t)de of I FALL AKTO WMTfS MAT?, including those inueli sought-after : BROOKS HAT, a la mode. ALSO, A LAKOE STOCK., OF IBOOTS AND SHOES.! (No Yankee Notions about them.) We have some few Rummer Coats left, w huh will be 10M at tho sacrificing price of 50 t"ent(. If not sola by the first of October, they will be : shipped to California. Our* la a real Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, \ and nil! not, therefore, enumerate all articles i appertaining to gcntlemonV wear. Economy is Wealth, J Our Cio'.hing will keep you in licnlth. 6 KINhTKlN A CO September 11. ' 18 tt A RARE CHAJtf CE. And a Q6oJ Opportunity to Retpotu'tlle Men to obtain Profitable and ilea'thy KtnploytwHt. TO AGENTS, CANVASSERS, COLPORTEURS AND POSTMASTERS, ANY peraun obtaining subscriber* for fifty copiea of cither of the two following Amkkicam National Wours, and remitting the amount (less a large commission) to the publisher, will be entitled to fifty dollars worth from the subjoined list of valuable works: ALBICAN NATIONAL WORKS. Tor Xatiavai Harrowr or tiig Uritko States? 1 Colonial, It evolutionary, and Constitutional, chiefly from NatioNsl l>oe?itueuts. By Ik J. I.os- j slug and Kdwin Williams, With numerous fine! Illustrations on ste.-l ami i??~l o ? 1? ' ? .... ? ?. TVUl S 1VI Ullll'l*, I III * I |*riat 8 vo., cloth gilt, f7. Tntt St*t?Asian's Maxu ?containing thv J Lives, Messages, And Administration* of the, Presidents, from Washington to Pieppp. With fine portraits on stnft). 4 volumes, I nags 8 vo., cloth, f 10. J'ovular and Va!u+b!e Work*, ai /'retnimint to A-; A Voice Un America, by American*, 4th edi' tion, S vo. cloth . 91 00 Dowling'a History of Romanism, 50 illustration*, 8 vo., cloth?r 5 JO Mrs. Kllis'? Choice Works for the Family Circle, plates, 2 vols, 8 Vo., cloth. 400 ! The American And Ojd Fellows' Literary Museum, 90 sice) engravings, 2 vols, a I vo,, clotii ... . ft 06 Guido to Knowlodgc, 900 platas, royal 8 vo., cloth - - - 2 50 Wonder* of the World. 250 plates, 8 vo. 2 uO py Agent* wishing to engage in the good work of circulating these important Publications, will please address a line to the Publisher, Kl>WAKD WALKEK, 114, Fulton at roet, NewYork, and thev will receive with full pnrtfenUr* of CominiMioii, Jte. September |0. Nolltfe IB harehj- giv#i?. that application will bf made fur a r?iM?tl of Sorip for Four Share* in t. the Booth-Wo? tern Hail Komi Bank, and Booth : DUtrict, deocnaed. \ : ' HENRYIL WILLIAMS, I F , LEON'ART) WILLI A MB, \ ?xrK S^hmlwrM )0 ftm. , Card Casos, Portomonaioa &c. r|3fllfc Sulwribcr lit* jiwt opened an ?l*f ant 1 JL ^ftaaoitment o/ Omf eaaea, ^l'otlemon t*1 AT THE Slfl^OF fflC 0OUJEN MORTAR, I>KA LKR^IN OMM ihuntB. Gii*, Medicines, WEM Varnishes, Chemical**, JO BRUSHES. OYE-STUFFS, ! W hile Lead St Zinc White. 11m r.<?\a cosnectiox with nit above bvbixem ts A uu.vb axttk THAT etcbt IIIINO la or tub best QV ALITV, a'XO WILL br Urtlll OX TUB I 19. MOST bc.VAOXABLE trams. Wjr Wm7 i i~ i\i Ien. M>WI\%% IS now prepared to poiform nil operation* On the TKETrfl, in the most Approved and skillful manner. m s-ni?4l^ ? - ? ? I AKWMttAXt 'il'JIM'il ' Inserted from one to a ftlll sett with the greatest earo and without injury to the mouth niui adjoining eetli. 1 have secured the right, and nm the only one who can u*e "Dr. John Allen'a New Style of Continuous and Life Like Guiu Work.** iu this Wstrict. Call and examine specimen* of the r?ribue kinds of work, at my room* in MeTW# i Building, which are fitted lip for the comfort and i convenience of the India*. REFERENCES t Di?. S. Thvxnixo, Columbia. S. C. j)a. Joiin Ani?eesox, Charleston, S. c. Greenville August fJ9 16?tl Dcutal Surffcrv. M. WKI, IE. lE'D'WAMS J BKUS leave to inform the pillilic generally. I that 'no una permanently located in (jreen- \ ville, and respectfully Offer* hi* professional service* to all who mav require tliein. utxmmMb mwm inserted from ono to an entire sett. Particular attention paid to regulating of children'* tCetli | and t reatment of diseased gum*. ??T*Dr. Ki?wsans may be found at the Plan tcr's Hotel, until he enn procure suitable rooms. ltEEEltE'NCK : THE NEATNESS AMD CURABILITY OF HiS WORK, j Jttno 19 0 tf. * liiaifHIIaisi &c., &o. y\{ r|"MIE siil.seriher lias lately added very largely i i j JL to hi* Stock of Drug.", Medicines, Pamti, j \ to. Thev are of the best quality. He hopes, | * from hi* foug cxperjonco iu the business, and j ( close attention, to secure a reasonable sliure of i patronage. K 8?4 ?tf J. II. DEAN. \ Syr tips. ] t r lvov n\'k-a pp/.e urn a u'rekhv > t I i RAtiPHliRR }' d (?., for sale ?t the Drag j < j Store of f5 J. II. DEAN. | liiunp Oil. T70R 6AI.E nt the Drug Store of r J 6-l-tf ). If. DEAN. | Fine Cantor Oil. r|^IIE above nrtielc is suporior to nnv evoi ? 1. iqought to this m.-irUet. T<> tie had in ( ami small quantities, nt the Drug Store of 4 ! .1 r.-l-tf. J. II. DKAN. } Apple Vinegar. t VFINE QUALITY, to be had nt ttic Drop ' Store of f J II. DEAN". ' 4 TriimscM J TriiMMew ! r|"MlE sub. cr her hits a very superior Assort' JL tr.etit of fine TTIUSSE8" for sale. Also, nn , Assortnient of Bed Bans and Syringes of the most, approved quality. All of whieh he wilt sell low f??r cash. Persona wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine before, pnrcha- i ing elsewhere. J. II. DKAN. Choice Isiquor*. Brandies, wines, de.. of the best ^uaiitics for niedieinul purposes, for sale, invn j ' riutdv for cash, at the Drug Store of ; ' ffity 0-fi-tf. J. II. DEAN. Thompson's Autisoptic & Aroma-.' t-jQ Tooth Soap, IJ T TAXCIIETT'S Siinonareotis Ibnliifiw ! 1 11 J.O. bcgruah's Superior Tooth Soup; j J A not Iter lot of Hnlm of a Thousand Flowers, 'n Thompson's Celebrated VrnaliirgCompound, Cerman Chemical Ernsive Soup, for Clean > ing Faint*, removing grease, tar and printer's fJ ink. This soap u unsurpassed, J usl received and for sale at the New Diug Store of MIMS ?fe LONO. i tvpt. 18. ID If. I Stuttering and Stammering Cured 1 BY DR. WYCKOFF, Of PIltMburg, Pa WITHOUT PAIN OR SURGICAL OPERATION. \VT ifO will send the euro to unv part of the T f World, on the receipt of Aln; nn<l the . mon^y returned, if iho cure is not effectual.? j ty All letters nuist. be addressed to Pit. WYC- J I KoKK, ltov7+6, l'ittshnrg. Pa, in care of Ar- j [thurs Itodgcr# A Co, Danker*. ! I'.S.?Correspondents will please enclose stamp j | for latarn postage. C.a'TioN.?All persons who cannot produce my i ; genuine certificate, are humbugs. PH. W. 1 September 25. 20 ?v. JDS'llKE! " : ATTORNEY AND CnilNRFM PR AT UW 1 General Agent and Collector, i, HAVING l>ecn engaged for tlic )s*t two years i ' in Another Htute, tin* resumed business at i <?rn'.pYni? Cpurt 11.-'is.i, where l?? n??y bo eon- i 1 suited on the ame.topiua m? heretofore on mat j tcrs of law, Ilo ?l?o offers bis scrviees a* Agent j ! in t'eiistofta ?#f bounty Land claims, and on col-1 I lector with or without suit will give t he high-1' eel prices in gold or pilver for Bounty Land | J v\ Ml'l'.'lllU I Vni-wrrflnt Jftmey bought find sold. Advances I rua'do oft solvent paper. I No notion for debt will bo brought until notice j is given to the debtor to pay without'cost. ^"Office in the old Cuprt liauso. ju?t? |Sib 6.-tf, J. POWELK f ~PIANO TVNINO. _jmJ'm. TIIB gnbecriber would oftiJSSjt^OiSEBK '#r bienerrieeoto tbofltUcne ^Tr^Mr:"Jff of Oreonvillc nnd the euri W W Jt& r'wi .rounding country In the uj 1>OVO rt# will give : satisfaction, or ftoeharge will bo mad*.* V U. fv i * M. MlTRl'IIF-V. ||t ' 4 * ??..:"? v The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. At Robert UeKmy, Eta.. Qrtinmrp <f mdd Didriet. VV lIlfKKAS. Andrew Fum*t?r haa W?d P?' ' tition in my Ofllee. praying that LtUtm of Administration ?n all nod ina'dnr the (foo?b> and ofcatUte rights and credits of Amiontou Hray, late of tho District shiwiii, dcoenaed, should bo granted'to Uin. These are therefore. u> cite r>n?i oiaoniih all and singular the kindred and creditor* of the raid debased, to W and u|>i*?r in tli* Court ?f Ordinary for snid District, tot* Widen at tireenvilie Court House, on tW 18th day of October, to how cause, if any, way tfco **iu Admiuisu-i tion should not bo granted. KOliERT McKAV, 0. G.D. Ordinary'# Offlfe, Both Sept 1 W?. *1-2 TK- ?-a ? m. uc 9uiic ua nouin unroll HA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN TUB COCKT OF OttDiXAKY. William Tiualov. applicant, against James Ray, Jnoolt Ray, llancv Ray, Joseph Ray, Sarnh Jane Kay, Miirv i'lnsley, and William Iter husband, Martha Land and Lewis her huaband, heirs of John Uav, deceased. Elizabeth Ann Kelly, and John her husband. Defendant*.? Petition for tale or dirition of Jteul Kttatc. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Jacob Hay, one of the defendants, resides without th'la State. It i*. therefore, ordered, that he do apK:?r and object to tho division or sale of the :al Estate of Jane Rny, on or'bnfore the first day of December nest, ??r his consent to the , iniua will be entered of ltccord. ROBERT McKAY, O. 0. D. Ordinary's Office, > September 1, 1866. f lT-.tin Administrator's Notice. ALL persons having any demands ogaiust the Estate of Kphrnini Christopher, deceased, : arc hereby notified to prcsont them pioperly at- i te^ai to the subscriber, within three months j ri fith this date, and all those indebted to enid Estate must make payment to the subscriber forthwith. C. C. M< >NTGOM liRY, Sept 25. 1850. 21 3 OOLILIICCIOlTSSr.'S SALSS.j STATE OF SOIJTII CAROLINA. G KEEN VILLK DISTRICT. Ia Equity. Ann loor "1 vs. I r>::i for Sale of Land I. R. Motliews. > and Mrs. Ann M. Edwards, J Relief, ct. ul. j Towsncs A CavraKLL, Com'pi. Sol's. BY order of tho Court in this case, I will sell before the Court-House door of Greenville District, on the first Monday in November nest;' Sale-day,) nil that tract and parcel of land Iy, ng and "being situate in said District and Statevhereon theTnto'Drs. and Mrs Dr. loor resided, I.-: * ? ' ..... .nii-?n ircing Iii-ur ?uiers 01 OBIUUIl rtTer Hlld ; oklcM Grove creek. TKUMS Of SALE:?Purchaser to give hond j nth two good sureties, and a mortgage of the iroiniiw'S to lecure the |>urrliu? money; ond J hird of the purchase money to tto paid in cash, j ind the reiuuindor secured u* stated, in payments . >f one and two vears. with interest. frotu date. ' 8. A. TOWN ICS, O. E. Q. IX September 25 20 td. Sale of Negroes, and other Property. WII.L BE SO I/O, on the 20th October next at the residence of Moses Fow'er, on ditch Creek, in this District, to the highest biJler, II LIKELY NEGROES, vit; Old Charity ind Allen, Lucindu and !t eliildren, Pats and ! children, and Young Charity uiui child; stock >f mules, cattle, hogs and sheep, two wagons, 1 wo-horso carriage, one w heal thrasher, and I'arnii.g to* Is. A quantity of wheat, com, fodder ind outs, and otner things too tedious to mention. Tkkms made known on the day of 6ale. AIMS FOWLER, Agent for Legatees of AIosk* Kowlku. September 16 JO td New (atin imnnnfacfory. INGRAVING AND CARVIivG OF THE FINE ARTS. '|^1 IE subscriber, recently from London, Paris M. ami the principal cities of Europe nnd \mcricn, where specimens of his nrt have given he utmost satisfaction, respcctly informs the eitscne of the Upper Coon try, that ho has just ar ived, and located himself at Greenville, where ?e is prepared to do all work appertaining to his memoes, in the heet. manner and at the shortest lotiec, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Uitlcs n?l Shot Guns, Duelling Pistole, ?te. He will also keep constantly on hand an asortment of S|>orting ^lateriule, which lie offers or sale at very reasonable terms ; finely carved tlligntor'e Teeth, Steel Tntnps, and Engraving n Gold, Silver, ?te. All Work and Repairing done in the very beet naatier, and warranted equally as good as ran >c done in the United States. tarnis eliop will be found two doors below )r. Knrle's Drug Store. July 8 8?tf. F. BREDA. Headaches Abolished. ONE CASE OF SUPER IISHT MADE FM&STOI S5M. m'i% OI'E.V THIS DAY S3FTSLIB2SF. 15TH, AT HOYEY'S. MEN'S antl Hoy's Soft lints, black and colored. eenfa to $3 50. L Case. W. U. IloVRY'S FALL STYLE While silk liofinfiNi Tasteful and handsome. Madk to Ordkr. | 300 Pair Ladies', Misses' and Children's | Fall and Winter Shoe*. 2 doz. Pair Ladies' NRW KID SLIPPERS, j Elastic Bands, to arrive on Saturday next. Gent's nnd Youth's Fine Dress and Stout Winter Shoes. IIOVEY Is making extra exertions this Fall to add; ever? necessary i<> his Stock, and expects to | oiler bargain* in quantity, quality ami price. Will exhibit "a |>iU?" of hite and Red RANNKfcS & BLANKETS, September 18. 10 tf Picked Op AT the Brooks- WtH'. asmidl Gold Breastpin, V with wliit^mUv The owner ean hwveit by uniting at thH oftVeo, mtM-paying (or the adwerti-ewmt. 'Vt ? W tl ASSEMBLY HOUSE* PLAIN STREET# OOLSSMJM A, 8. tf. ?S> THE Subscriber wi 1 .men, oe ef Oi'trwwr ? ??, <V* ?H?e?uAik Hsti: Stmet, formerly *vd; for maay vc?n ae Ri>acm\ Hotel, mtd more rfwdfly liiM|4r Col. William Timer audi. W. C?*rk. 1kt?> uation i? convenient tcVbuaineoa, being M A t*0, tral location. Tlioae who wirbtbe comfort* end mnet of a b?*n3* , *? pafroiw the note* mn/f Curllr of a hotel, vrillfSud iftciunWw nlitvd by nnlvioir. j tVwiliW, permanent or tranaient, aeeomaee| <lat?d on luoderate Uttl*.- M> ? S. ?t TLEH. SeptemVar 53-50-3. - -- ' L > i " I Q. 3. BOWER, i nanttfactrtrfr Had Drak# la ' </Tm3p it ltXlfCRE Of every Ueacri^tfea, Bn CnAlftS of '* <!*? ifyU< FISK'8 CELEBRATED METAUC BURIAL CASES, Opposite (he Congarce House, , tke. 7 COLUMBIA, 8. C ly DEALER IX Religions,ncacnNkMif 148 RlchardxVin Street,' coLr??r/[; s. c. MERTitAiirn nfmrtT" ?i - -i *~r itVAUJUf BY JAMES M. HORST'v (DHAma.ssir.on, s. ?, Board?$150 Per Day/ February 21'. 4*1 if REA, SCRUGGS k Q0. DRA1.KRS fX ? Staple and Fanfcv Dry Good#. REAP Y-M A DE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAI>t, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ci'oclic'fM, ifairOtoQlrt\ firoceirie*, tAINTS AND OXDO, M'g'DliejMS?. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, 36 A ? 36 Have otened at the above place a large nlnl varied Assortment of New and Elegant Goods, to which they invite attention from their friends ami the traning community. The Stock Iiub been purchased with great rare muter the personal supervision of the proprietor* during a protracted stay in Herr-YorK, and hseV confident ittassuring the putilib that they dad arid' will offer bargain*. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate the articles which we have on hand. Itelieving that an examination of our storjk' will" insure the belief that bargains may be llad by culling at our establishment. pWCountry produce taken in exchange. Greenville, April !1. 47 tf THE GREENVILLE W SIMMS, MAIN STHEET, NEXT TO M*BEE'S HAI.T. THE Subscriber ha* on hand a large an.d JjfCv woll-sflcctcd t-tock of MISCELLAKFOUtA, SCHOOL and CLASSICAL BOOKS. Writing Paper, Blank Books, Memorandum*, if. Writing Desks and Cases, Portfolios, Gold auk Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, Sealing Wax,Wafers, Slates, Copy Bookr, Iuk-'.itci.Js, Rulers, do., if!' O. IS. KLFORI), Sign of the Big BdoJc. March 6. 43 Jtth1 GREENFIELD'S GROCERY STOKE* CORNER STORE, Opposite the Mansion l/oiist. IkURCrtASlflW ma?- - J ..w? torj comJL pic to stock of Family Groceries, Fine And Cheap W'ine? Li(jhor?, Cordial* and ALSO, nn assortment of and Caps, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Boots A together with Ladies' Slippers ond Gaiters". MAmWA&%, CfiODXigaTy GLASSWARE AND MI GOODS'. Country IVodneo mid BAGS taken in ex-" change. ALEXANDER ?RKEMnEL3y 3 AAA LRS BACON end ftOO Lbs. I.ABD, ^UUU for sale ttt OKEF.NFIEI-D'S. AT GREENVILLE. C. H, 8. Cf IM1E subscriber would inform theciiitehs JL of tlio Village of Greenville and surrounding country, that he does nil kinds of ENGRAVING, of Gold or Rilrer and Plat*,* 11.. M-l - ' " " " Si-ucrnn; . VWKVS NH(1 mounts 111 UOlti OF ilvor, nil tbe varieties of Itrnided P*n<!f Hair Work; repairs all articles- of Jewelry ;: Mor.iits in CloM or Silver Walking CaiWr cut* and fits ttr order. Spectacle Glasaee f?V suit any age almost. Among the articles ge*-' erally needed, artd made bv him, arc Gold' and Silver Sleeve Hit;ton*, Stnda ft?r Collet, and bosom. The Mounting and getting lijipf | his hair finger rings (hair braided by the j Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson.) and Fob, Veet,| or Gwird Chains, he fiattera himself, would* not l?e scoffed at in the larger fili-lt ionnblo cities. Order* for work, thankfully receiftMV at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old' Court House, and but a few paces frotn the: I Enterprise Office. ?* J. II RANDOLPH. . i JtW No charge for engraving any work mnde bv him. Je 26 7 1 y Town OWccW. Attendant.?II. LEE TIIRUSTON. WrarJ*nr.?Il;. C. MaaKMtr.G, It. r>y? br, Da. R-. D. I.oaa. U. McKat. Town Clerk.?W. F. I'atctc. XfartKoJ?.?7.. Mvarr;: and G. . 1 nr