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- mmmssasmsss^ m i 8ptftoator* AsMtom* So#*jr* Tan First Annual Fair of the above Society, came off on Tueaday loot, and wa much better attended and awakened more interest y Its wow sanguine iliends had antidpa^ The Stock exhibition was highly creditable as a beginning, while in the agricultural and industrial departments there was much to encourage persevering effort upon the part of the organization. Hie Fair of the Ladies' Department was held in the Palmetto Hall at night, and rarely have we seen within its walls a larger collection of the beauty and worth of our District. Through the liberality of the Indies of the villago a handsome supper was enjoyed at 8} o'clock, and ample justice was done to the banquet. About 10 o'clock tho committee on Fan cy Work made their report, awarding a number of premium*, when the company separated, ?eil pleased with the enjoyments W ino OCQniiuiii It will be remembered that the dispoei <ion of tlio Washington Light Infantry Walking Cane was deferred (without good reason, as we believe) to this'occasion. The ladies who contributed to the purchase of the Cowpeu's Battle Ground deposited their bid lota, and the votes were counted by n committoo composed of A. T. Cavia and David B Duncan. Twenty-one vote* were given in of which Mr. T. Jarinnn Elford had eleven The cane was then presented to him, in presence of the whole company, by Simpson Bobo, Esq. in a neat speech, and was received in an expression of gratitude tremulous with honorable emotion We have no time this week to particularize. The official report and premium lisl will be published next week, when all oui friends will learn what was shown, what done, aud who got the .prizes. (Spartanburg Spartan. A New Act at the Circus.?Dnn Bice, the Clown, is one of the funniest fellows we ever met- His jokes in the ring always convulse the audience with roars of laughter, and his tricks are truly sidetracking.? In a social circle he in a complete bon vivant and a good boon companion, full of wit, sto ncs, <xc.?out a talo he tolls ,ot himselt, anil his manner of telling it, is the persouifica tion of the ludicrous. He tells it in tint way : One night as I was exhibiting my celebrated horse Kxcelsior, I asked the horse If* was no. his best friend. "Not by a d d sight," said the horse, shaking his head. Around I looked, thinking that some of my follow showmen had answered ?hat ?o one wjv? neur. 1 looked hard at the horse, and told liiin lie should have half bushel of oats for supper. "Where will you get them from,'* said the horse. I was awfully scared, gave his horseship a cut, an<l off [ rau, the home after me, tail ntul main a flying, mouth open shouting, "Stop Dan JticK or I'll bite you." I was sure 'twas the devil after me?and devil sure enough it was ?for who should I see but Wyman Ike Ventitoquist, who had been up to one of his trick*. The mystery was explained and I returned to the ring quite crest fallen, to think how I, l)ttn Jiice, the Joker, had been sold. The Descendants or Franklin.?There are no tualo descendants of the family of Franklin to perpetuate his name. The celebrated Professor Ihiclic, who has been spo1 - * u.l I ? " Kfn oi as -ino nearest descendant ot I ?r. Franklin living," is one of many groat graud-children. Two of his grand daughters, we are liannioed, are living in tlicit naarvossily, Philadelphia?Mrs. Win. J. Duane ami Mrs. Thomas Sergeant?only surviving children of tho Doctor's daughter Sarah, Mrs. Dache. Mrs. liache was the mother of four sons and three daughters, ail of whom had children, and the descendants in the lliiid and fourth degrees arc numerous. The oldest male descendant now living is Dr. Franklin ilnchc, of Philadelphia, eldest son of Dr. Franklin's eldest grandson, P. F. liache. A great niece of Franklin, Mrs. Jane Kinsman, also resides in Philadelphia. Porn in Uosioit, and now in tho 00th year ?he i* ono of tho few of those surviving who cemetnbered the fatuous "Tea Party." [Boston Journal. - * mi *?? The Spirit in Indiana.?Francis J. Grund, Esq., who has been laboring for several weeks with great zeal and effect atnong the German naturalized citizens of Indiana in behalf of the .democratic cause, thus writs from Indianapolis to the Baltimore Sun: "Politics are at a fearful height, women and children partaking of the general enthusiasm; but I am glad to aay ine union leenng 13 uppermost 1:1 tho public mind, and tlie national sentiment is sure to prevail. There is a hirge foreign vote in the State, more ihnn seven-eights of which is enlisted on.the national side and op}?osed to all sectional agitation. We have a rumor hero that Gov. Geary is rapidly establishing peace in Kansas, and all parties unit? in ascribing to him just and honorable sontimcnts. .Peace in Kansas is sure to insure peace to tho Union.? Gen. Lane, the loader of the free State force in Kansas, is far from being looked npon as a sincere man in this State, m where be is host known ; and his divorced wife on Wednesday last was in * the ladies' procession at Grcensburg, liiiinhering some live or six hundred, in Itonor of the two P.'s. There is a very large nninbor of leading Clay whig* who are out for the Pennsylvania candidate, and a very considerable number of Pennsylvania Germans in the State who are proof against every species of fanaticism." It \p staled tint ever sixty thousand barrels of lager boor will lw> manufactured this' vear in Mil a- ;i ii kc rdvne ? . I ? - * I. ~ - - ? ?- ? - - ? sjEawwJVniiJiaap s. <3. THURSDAY, OCT. 9,1856. ? r Paper, ? Intending to be absent for twq weeks trust that our natrons will excuse anv and | all omissions, errors, Ac., which may occur , in our absence. If wc survive (he trip, wo hope to find, upon our return, many subscri> ber* and patrons ready to fulfil their part of the contract, by paying up their dues to our office. Wc mention this now, for fear wc I forget it. Our kind neighbor of the 'Patrii ot has proffered to lend us a "helping hand" 1 to get our paper out, during our absence, ' and if it would not seem importunate in us we would ask the loan of his " dagger." (f) But we can get nlong, perhaps. If nothing . happens we will tec you at Court. The Bible Society. ' We arc requested to state that the address which was to have Wen delivered this even. ing before the above society, has been post. poncd till the evening of the 30th inst. Something More to Wear. People still continue to wear clothes, and in order to supply the demand Messrs. Thruston <fe Suddmli havo spared no pains i in getting in a large supply. In order to got > the best, they have run the gauntlet witli the yellow fever and cscajred all tho sharp , ers in Gotham, and succeeded in gouging , out as fine a lot of clothing as need be look I cd at. Next door to tho Mansion [louse. i Worse than n Heathen. A fellow bv the name of M. Rice, living at Stone Mountain, G.I., begged us to send him our paper, and he would forward the money. Said Rice, after taking the paper, four months, refuses to take it out of the office and also to pay for tho time he has read I it. Such men are always rewarded?when , thev die. Another Engine Couipnuy. Efforts are now on foot to purchase anoiji 1 er engine for the use of our citizens, which Wt* friltff uil! cito/sno. 1 Tl.n - - - - wmvvvvm* J HO OUUDUinVIUIH? I 1 , linve already gone up to threo or four hundred dollar*, and it is likely that an amount , sufficient for the purj*>se will soon he raidbd. Some one at our elbow waut* to know how many captain* the company is to have I or will ii be a "free thing'1 for every one to command ? Let tho company he projajrly uniformed, and every member know his place, and mote good ?ill ho accomplished hy it than where any person can take the liberty of coutroling the management of affair*. This is merely a suggestion, and thrown out for what it may he worth. Pic kciiavllle Correspondence. In ghing publicity to the card found on the first page of to-day's paper we only desire to do justice to all parties. Our columns are ever open to a free and liberal discus sion of matter*, and where respectful, we never object to the publication of article*, however much we may differ in regard thereto. The present misunderstanding i* one in which we are but little concerneJ, yet wc feel disposed to place the means of a fair settlement in the hands of those interested, i We nre of the opinion that the last letter of ! Mr. Fot.gkr will prove satisfactory to our friends at Piekensville, and that the controversy will end with the publication in today's paper. Should it not, the parties interested may claim a reasonable portion of our pa| per to discuss lite matter. "Equal Right* 1 to Aur ! Cokcftbnry and Abbeville?the Cudets. Wo spent a large portion of the day on Saturday last, at the pleasant little village ! of Cokesbury, situated about a mile and a half from Hodge's Depot in Abbeville. Tire 1 object of our visit was to organize tlw See ; lion of Cadet* of Temperance at that place, | by giving them a charter, and the necessary books for the government of the same. A more intelligent and pleasant looking crowd 1.4.1 r II. i oi nine ioiks wo naven t jnet. The Section number* twenty one, and with our new ; made acquaintance, Mr. A. H. Tcarix, will ! no doubt be tbomenn* of doing much good. ! A friend who is now, snbbfill) after sabbath preaching the everlasting gospel in our midst, tells us that a littlo society of Cadets at Cokesluiry was the first to which he ever attached himself, and to it he dates his first effort in the cause of Temperance. Who knows but tbnt many others will come out ' from the ranks of those now there, to fill our pulpits ami many important places, and each j and everyone an honor toftio State. On Saturday evening we met the Cadets of Abbeville village, and put them In pos win <>f a Charter ntjd the twrvnrT ltnoko SSfe-^ ^ f ^ x~k * voting, and U/will r^uirt*0*$ little tiuie to get ^lem in working order, nr. Mr. Job ft in behalf of the Cadets at Abbeville, lie, Itnd all others who spread sroun^e youth of our country the sweet influences of Temperance, will surely find a roward. Monday was the beginning of eoqrt-week at Abfeeriiie. Judge WuiTXKfc is presiding.'' The process docket was quite small, and no cases of importance appearing upon the isdocket, but few persons were in attendance. We made the acquaintance of the gentlemanly editors of the /frmnernnd Prrst, and found them, aa all editor* should be, high minded, clever gentlemen. Wc regret that v/e could not stay longer with the generous people of Abbeville, and also thr.t our space does not permit us to tell nil the good concerning tlieio. Some one else inay write their faults, if they have any. Correspondence of fye Enterprise. Personal?Death of Mr. Taher?Health of Columbia?South Carolina College? The Brock'* Demonstration. CoLCMiiia, S. CM Oct. Otli, 1858. Mr. Editor?Hnsine** of importance pressing heavily on ns, has prevented n? from writing to you for several weeks.? Hereafter we will endeavor to be more attentive and punctual, and furnish you with an epistle every other week, if not oftener. The announcement last week, of the sud den death of Mr. Taber, fell sadly on many hearts. Whatever opinion our citizen* might have entertained in regard to his political opinions, still all honored and esteemed him?all viewed him as one of the most talented and promising young men iu the whole Stale. His death, too, at n period when his services were mostly needed, occasioned much gloom, and created a warm sympathy for his family, "ficqtticse in jtacc, nobillissitne fratcr /** The health of our city is quite good at present, although the sudden changes in the weather, which have recently occurred, have caused sonic cases of sick/icsa. Still in proportion to its population, Columbia is the ! healthiest city iu the Union, j The candidates for the House of llcprej tentative* from Richland District have acted nobly in the campaign soon to l?e ended.? No instances of corruption or bribery have occurred, and the stain upon our noble District, is about to be removed. There has always been much exaggeration in regard to the Richland elections, hut there is no doubt but that unjust means have sometimes been resorted to, in order to aid can didntes. To-day's "Timt** contains a full account of the brook's demonstration at Ninety Six on Friday. From all accounts, it was a ' grand affair. A correspondent ot tlic New Vork Herald was present to report the speeches delivered. A number of our citi zans went up to tho celebration and returned the sAine evening, well pleased wiih the j trip?as well as with the speeches, barbncue, and company. Wo hear it rumored thai an effort will be made at the next session of the Legislature, to remove the Citndil Academy from Charleston to Columbia. We hojte that such a plan will bo adopted, as will unite the Arsenal and Citadel?placing the two tinder one organization. Tho Cadets hare a "dress parade" at tho Arsenal every Fri da)' afternoon which is witnessed by numerous visitors. The gentlemanly deportment of the Cadets and tbeir strict inilitnrv - ,? ^ bearing have rendered tiiem quite popular with our citizens. The exercises of the South Carolina Col1 lego were resumed on Monday. All the students have not yet returned, but will be present in n day or two. The standard of scholaiship, already to high, is to be retrod by hereafter attaching values to competition and declamation, just as to recitations in the several departments. Candidly speaking, we think that the "average'1 now required to snake one "rneritei ions" should not be raised any higher. The Court of Common Pleas for Richland District is now in Scaaion?having commenced this morning. Judge Glover is presiding. The docket is full, but few criminal case* nro to be tried?moat of them for assault and battery. The weather is very pleasant; warm day* and cool nights abound, and the recent cold spell which visited us, has entirely vanished. Yours truly. HAY All D, The Representatives of the PeoploThr law-making power Hi a high nnil responsible trust. The prosperity of the commonwealth depends upon wise and wholesome laws, and requires in the r?*presenUtive sound judgment and wiee forecast; the power to discriminate between the right end the wrong, and the ability and. the nerve to defend when it shati become necos anry to contend wltb fierce opposition. j The Iegi4ature is a hire, ami there are a ! gre.-M many ilrnn - in it, .ml thcpuldje jnt ' ask their fellowdliaens for office unices thev [ h,vo coB8j,n? VWSS*Sr?S W * ?..Ue to .Urir jpiwy , jnd ) that too, uufepe ndentfy at home and at tn|i capita! of the State, and they should fefel aft all times that they are sent there to serve % the best interest of the people and not their own interest. ; ? , 1 * \ y *'. ] Much injury hat been effected by hetny 4 appropriations o?-lhe public money to objects j of internal improvement in which the few are benefitted, to the prejudice of the beat j interest of the many. This is all wrong. No important investment of tho public funds should be made without first obtaining the sense of those who are taxed to pay it, as to the expediency of the object for which it is to be applied ; and whether it is r to benefit equally all who Lave contributed to its accomplishment. i know an instance in Greenville District. | where a j>ortion of our fellow-citiaens were in- ( ; fiucnced to subscribe to the Greenvillo and j ! Columbia Railroad, with the distinct understanding 11 nit it whs to run vin of LanI reus C. II., and along the ridgo by Col. J William McNeeleyV, to Greenville C. II.? j liut instead of that it whs located on anoth| cr route, distant from these subscriber*, to i ! the total low of their money ; the almost i total destruction of their trade and heavy bills of costs, hence the great necessity that the people should know first what is to become of their money, and how tlicy aro to be benefitted by it, before they let it slip out 1 of their own fingers. No innovation should bo made in any t matter by the Legislative authority without I first taking the sense of tho people nt the ballot box upon its expediency or inexpedi- . crev ; and it is also tho duty of every oue entrusted with matters in which the lights and interests of tho people arc concerned, to regularly give nn account of their stewardship, and then- if it should be fouud thai . their course has not been approved by the people they should nt once resign tho trust, I j and no longer desiro it. There aro many ^ , matters in Law that rcquiro amendment which will coino up at the ensuing session that will demand nil tho ability and nerve of tho delegation of the upper di- j vision of the State to correct. If sent there 1 ( you shall hear from TO WELL, j Tuk Timx foe lloi.mxo the Pkhbi- j dkstial Electio*.?The following? is < the Act of Congress upon this subject. ' Electors will be chosen bv the people j1 ill everv Stutn of rlt? Ilninn 11 1 Soutli Caroliun, where they will bo ? chosen T#y the Legislature: The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed in each ? State on the Tuesday next after the J first Monday iu the month of November in the year which they arc to be i appointod: Provided that each State 1 inav by law provide for the filling of J any vacancy or vacancies which may occur in its college of electors whan ' such college meets to give its clectori- , al vote. And provided^ also, when any | State shall have halden an election for , the purpose of choosing electors and shall fail to make a choice on the day 1 ! aforesaid, then the electors may be ap}>ointed on a subsequent day, in such a manner as the State shall l>y law provide. Passed January 23, 1S45. Of Ooursf. Not.?An old stick says: 'I have seen women delicate that they were afraid to ride for fear of the horse running away?afraid to sail for fear the host might upset?afraid to walk for fear that the dew might tall?but 1 never saw one that was afraid to be l married." It "TijrnoN P exclaimed an Irish Sergeunt lo liis plattoon ; "Front faoc^ and i tind to tho rowl call! As mruty of yo I as is prisint will say "IlereP and as i many of yo ns is not prisint will say < "Absent 1" ' J . I I????? Sftcilj polices, Greenville Bible Society. The Rev. T. 8. Aktocr will deliver an Addreee before this Society in the 1'reahyterian Church on Thttreduy evening, S0tJ? OelPMfi The pohlie J are rwpeetfulljr invited to attend. After the addreaaa collection will be raieed in ai?l of the fund-. 'J llw Society v 1 The Juvenile Sewing Society OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH , , W1TX hoi* their PAIR, at MeBee'a HaTI, en v-i I. ? e? -: ? . - I r rrmnj WTCHin^, Iv?fl iototv* WH?rr IHCJ will offer a wktj of L'aeful a??l Faaojr Article*, | Kefreolintcit*. Ac. | Contribution* front tho Ladle* of fh<? Congre- " fntion, and other*, are r?^>u?tfulljr solicited. Admittance 10 cento, 2 Oct ? 11 14.1 j Removal. f \U. W. It JONBft ha* rw ord l?i* office t?? ,1 \9 the corner of Unncomhe and lotnren* *t* . n**r bis residence, wlTerw he m?y l?o <-on??lt*d. 1 at all hour*. ?*l<w pFofoiooalW abaoat. ; + 4 i ' 1 October a. K. f. >urcbaeed the stock end ftxtnrw Invito CloSufe % HSd w ' " "ssssasw* < * adsnr&aasBss's - ' ever offered to the citizens of this piece. 4 ^niong which may be found 'Fine Talmas, Single and Double. , 6<i>t'ji JLcng Sbqtols, SJTMTS AND CRAVATS, WAT?, ?AP? A3TO OAKIE3, Perfumery, Soaps, mil every variety of C?oo?la usually kept in " A FIRST CLASS Furnishing Store, Which they offer at prices to suit tho times. Jail and examine our Stock before purchasng elsewhere. THRU8TON & SUDDUTH. Oct 9. 22 If Attention, Butler Guards! YOU are hereby ordered to appear | ropcrly armed and equipped for company parade, it the usual rendezvous, on Saturday next 11th , inst., at 9 o'clock. A. M. lly order of Capt. TnarsTo*. W. O. LONG, O. & October 9 29. tf. n OFFERS his Professional Ser* icea to the Gjjr Citizens of the Town of Greenville and of iA the adjacent country, lie may be found luring tbe day at the New Court House, at night it the residence of Professor Edward*. STAGE LINE FROM Abbeville to Washington. A FOUR HOI9K STAGE leaves dnup Abbeville, S. C., on Moudays,.vrfir-a*-'" Wednesdays, and Fridays. Leaves Washington, Go., on Tuesday, Thnrslay and Saturday in ?rtdnys. A daily Train leaves U aehington at 7 o'clock rV. M., for Atlanta. J AS. H WADBY, Washington. JOHN Mc-BRYDE, Agent at Abbeville. Ofioo at the Post-Office. Oct 9-22-6m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GKEKNVIIXE DISTRICT. Sheriff*'* Hales. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Ficias to me directed, I \rill sell before the court onso door, at the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in NOVEMBER next: RID acres of land, more at- less, lying in Greenrillc District, adjoining lauds of Nvlsou Austin. I. Clark, K.i Uuldwin. lileakb-v. ct. id.; as the propertyot Kerry lluldwin, rl"w<? negro boys, iged IS and 9, one negro girl, aged 1] years; as he property of Berry Baldwin, at tb? snlt of t\ V. Ilvnttie, ek. ul. # Thro# KuiiiIpm! mill fihtr 1? ' ? - - ? ...... ..iwj vi iiuiu imvru or | cm, whereupon defendant realties on the SUlc ofttl, adjoining Inn.1* of McKinney, et. al.,; m lie property of Wm. Fuller, at tl-.esuit of W. A < Kinu'dy, ?t al. One clay-bank bora. ; and on Tuesday after olu day, one wagon, one old buggy and two dough*, lei icd on a.* the property of ftelvareda 'iekitt, at the auit of I>avtd MeCnllongh. One hundred aarea of latul, more or low, lrn in Greenville District. on tho water* of Kccdy liver adjoiuiug land* of MeUce, Griffith, et, al.. ta the property of John Griffith, at the auit of lames M. KelletL One Hundred AcrM of InnJ, more or leas, Ivor iu Greenville IHatriet, adjoining lands of lllaks, Smith. ?t al. ; aa the property of J. J. farmer, at the auit of Samuel Vavne, et. al. IX Jlu'Kt; s. G. D. Sheriff 'a Offiee, October A, 1 ?5<J. 18?td. ITATE OF SOUTH CABOLIMA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a ]Vcreo of tho Court of Ordinary, for Greenville District, ] will proceed lo well before the court house loor of Mill Dint net, on the tirst Mondny in Voveir.ber next, nt the usual hours of sale, dl lliat piece, parcel and tract of land lying uid being in Greenville District, on the *# ere of South Tyger river, containing 87 icree; also Another tract adjoining the above ract, containing 18'2 j acres, bounded uy land* of Gideon Moon, B. F. Gc.^nctl, Eli tali Dill and Jam** PJu ft?i.i ? <*._ property of E?i A.!',*wine, deceased, for par tition .iitic.ig the heirs. Verms?A credit of twelve months, with j interest from day of sale, purchaser to give bond with good security and a mortgage of the premcsis, if deemed necessary, to the Orlinary, for the payment of the purchase money. Costs of partition to be paid in cash, D. HOKE, 8. 0. D. Sheriffs Office, Oct. 8, 1886. 22-ld. Vhe Htmte of South Carollu. . GKEKNVILLE DISTRICT. IK Tilt! COURT or ORDINARY Fames Suiter, applicant, against George Grahmn, Jewo Graham, and Ann Pa?roU and Naiiian parrott her husband, Waiter Wilhnghain, Andrew VYTIIin?;hai?, William VViilingham, A)?ry Wiilinghnm, Willingham, heir* of Martha Willingham, deceased, Maty Janes, and GreenterJam* her l?u*t>nn<fr uniics.?rent ton for $aU or pirisicm of the Real Kstate of J'lispiUa. Subcr, de ceased. [T Appearing to my wttjsfVuiuoq thai M*ry j JHnennr.i) Greenberry Janes ber I?u?wnd, Defendant#, reside without ibis Slate : t i? tliersfere wUoretl.tlwt U?> Jo appear and Ijrct to the division or anlo of tbo lical JU ?le of rrif^mn Sober, on or bvfovw ibefKKlt lay ot beceirtber jHvl, or ihoir consent to Ortf?hryf*0lHeo% Otji O* WW, 19-%$ * WMMMtoMMM3lP* I I ?10 A?r?? of land, more or )? * lying in OfOMH rill* District, adjoining lands of N. Austin, Bleaklev, RftWwin. Clark, et al. ; as tho T*"opjrtY of J&errjr Baldwin, at the suit of D. Holre. ftnzs c? !nls?OAAU. il m. ajirni, c. o. d Coro er's Office, / jreenville, Oct. Stli, 1856, ) Oct, 0-St?tJ ... *??. .,. r--~ Dissolution. 4 XIIE Arm of P. It. Burnhnm 4 Co? has boen Oiascdrod andall thoeo indetedto tlwwni up to tho first day of September last, aroro^a*** ted to make payment to tho undersigned ?s-y, ? ho has tho books and accounts. ' ^ E. J. F1HTZ. October 8. 1858. W ML ' TOWN OF GKEENV1LL& Tax Ordinance, 3To raise SuppJie*for tk* Ytar ending Oct. 1< 1851* BEIT OKDAIKKD. by tho Infendnnt and M Warden* of tlis Town of OncerjUe, IM council assembled, and by tho authority of tie same, that a Tax to cover the period from the first day of October, 1866, to tho first day af October, 1861, for the sums and in tho manner hereinafter mentioned, shall bo raised and paid j into the public treasury for ths use and service thereof. TAX ON Rt?A C RRTATK. Shcti-m 1. That is to say, ten cents on erenr hundred dollars of tho sseeeecd vslue of Real r'stat-*, lying in said town, to be paid by the first day of November next, 1858. ON ICEOROR8. Prp 5, Ami It flirikaa AfAa!?a-l TL^i * w. ... .... M?iu<ru, M ?*. V W fit* ty-fi vo cent* per head shall be paid on all slaves between the ago of sixteen and fifty years, said tax to be paid by the first day of .November Best ON MEKCHAKDtas, WARES, AC. S?.c. 3. And be it further ordained. That Yen Cents on every hundred dollars of sales of goods, wares and merchandise, shall be paid hr tt>ry merchant or shop keeper in the own of Oreenville, from 1st January, 1M?, to 1st January, *67. This tax to be paid by the firat of February next. ON CARRIAOE9, OMNIDCSK8, AC. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That Three Dollars shall be paid on each and every four wheeled pleasure carriage drawn by two or wore horses ; Two dollars on eaeb one-horse carriage, barouc he, gig. sulkey or boggy kept for pleasure and not for hirs; Tea Dollars on each Amphorse omnibus or back; Five Dollars eh each Hack or carriage dratrn by two horses, and run for conveyance of passengers or hire; Three Dollars on each bngtry run for hire; Five Dollars on each four-h arso Wagon ; Fire Dollars so ach I wo hom dray or wagon, and Two dollars on each on.'Lcree war-on or dray run for hire. The nl*orc tr.x.-S arc to bepoiu ve 9T l|lt first day of November. I860. ROAD ANI> STREET TAX. Set, 4. And he it further ordained, That the annual tax for Koad and Street Exemption# for the current year shall b? the sum of Two Dollars, said sum to be paid by the first day of February next, 1857. PATHOL EXEMPTIONS. Sec. 5. And be it further ordaineJ, That the sum of Two Dollar* and Fifty Cent# ha and ia hereby ordered to l?e paid by each and every Crson liable to do. patrol duty, for exemption >m said patrol duty for the year ending One?>. her first, 1867. Kate! sum of two dollar* and fifty ecnta to be pnid to tlie Town Clerk on or before the first day of November, >858. PENALTIES. Sty. 7. And bo it further ordained, That if uny person or parsons shall fail, neglect or refnseto make a return on oath to the Clerk of the Co r.o'.l of all his, her or their taxable property, a ul to pay the tax thorcon, the said Clerk fa hereby ie<p.ired to Issue execution therefor, immediately, on snvh default. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, Hint if any person or persons shall run for hire any vehicle liercin mentioned, withowt first paying tax therefor, every such person shall pay for each dav he so offends the annual tax to which such vehicle is subject by this Ordinance. Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the Town of Greenville, on the eighth day [u a.] of Octolrer. in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-aim*. I II. LKK TU HUSTON, Intend.*. W. P. Plica. Toten Clerk. Ocl Town Ordinance, WACUUWO GOATS AMD SWIMK. BE IT ORDAINED, by (bo Intendant and Wardens of (bo Town of Oreen* vilU*, in Council assembled, Tbat hereafter it aim)I not bo lawful for goats or wine to inn at large w?thin (lie corporate limits of the Town of Greenville; and it shall H tliq duty of the MarshnU, and tb<"* ^r^bereby authorized and rcquir^ ^ employ suiUble persons to secure all goat* Of swine lV^'v may so be found running at *v. and to impound the Mime in the (ot convenient to the court house. Section "2. And be it further ordained. That upon the impounding of any such goftU or swioo, the Marshal ?hnll immediately advertise the same at thu market a correct description thereof. And ' should the owner or owners appear within twoday% thereafter, and prove his or their right to the possession of such goat or swine, then the said Marshal is authorised to deliver the same to hiin or them, on tba payment of one dollar for each and every gotfe-; or swine, so delivered, as a fine hereby tmpos tunning at P?TT*Ssctios 5. And be it further ordained, That should no onn appear within tbe timo hereinbefore prescribed, or appearing, sha'i foil or refuse to pay tbe fine tiereby lmpoeed, then it sl>ai| be the dutj of tbesahl Marshal to eipose to public sale, such goat I or swine, for the Mi|i?fartion of mM fine ; I Uie excess of each sale if any - there should be, nfter paying such *no to bp dppos}ted(o the credit of (ho Town Council, (a he gi*e? to the owner of the property sold. Mow the same being demanded within 90 day* *fl|r snob sale. Srctio'v 4. He it further ordained, IgE I ^^^)rUinan<-o sbnll tsk^ efftvet from nnd afl