University of South Carolina Libraries
1 concorari wkrkly ron th* a*??i*raisic W illAOV k OOOLtrr, H WiAWT?. ?" ... 1 ? - ' * V 7 mnnriLLK. SKPTEllHtll, It . ' BAGGING, Gunny, per yard, ? 20 Dundee. ? 18 'ft Siuea, 12$ Hog round 12 IPOIifc. Coonlrv, 7 BUTTER.. .Oo?hen, per lb. none. .Country, per lb. 15 CQFFEE...Rio. per lb. 15* Java, per lb. 18 a 20 B^>VEST1CS, Shirting, per yd. 0$ a 10 Sheeting, per vd. 10 a 15 Otumburg*, pervdl 11 a 12$ FLOUR.... Country, per.bbl. $0$ a 0 ... Country, per seek, a $3 GRAIN......Corn, per bunhol. 55 a 00 it. s Whent, per buxliei, $100*, j>6i buslwl, a 33." IRON... ....Sweden per lb. 0$ a 7 filgWhpwlb. ? H Iujjkm/ ]ier iu. IZf MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. 55 CO N O., per. gal. 6'5 ? 75 SYRIJP ...** " per gal- none. Oj&S.,....Lamp, per gal. $1} a |2| ?.r? Train. p?}r gal. .87$ a $1$ Li i).see a, $1$ RICE. per lb. a 8$ llftPE......per lb. 15 a 20 SjUUAUS.. ,N. Orleans, p?r lb. a 12$ Porta Rico, per lb. a 12^ r i Loaf, per lb. 15 Crushed, pci lb, 15 Ketincd, per lb. a 14 SALT..per bushel, *1 | Salt, per sack, $2 50 i SOAP Colgate, 12^ a 15 . . Yellow, per ?b, 8 a 10 SIIOT. /... .per lb. 12$ Shot, j?er bag, a $2} q? |yTh? f,icnd*o( Jeku L. Weituierc* laud anuoonee him as a Candidal" to rcpre Mfit the people of Greenvjllc District, in the frit ate Senate, at the ensuing election. Tho Friends of Oliver Uarroll, l??q.? respectfully announce liim ns ? candidate to rep resent tho people of Greenville District in the irext LegislitCiirS. July 10?9?td* tS" We are authorized to announco John W. Stokes, *5*?|., a candidate for the Leg. iaJotur*. st lite ciMuing election. J 19-Ul. yaT* We uro ah liorizcd to announce Col, %V. El. Campbell u.i u candidate for Uic Slate Legislature, at the c|isui:ig vlceliou. jane lb 0 td. {f Joseph Powell, P?q , us can[ . diiLitc- fortlie legislature. * July 3-8-td. tf-Wm TO. Thoman, Etq., ? rcs* tfuflr announced as a Candidate to represent Crceufllle PUtriet in Ybe next House ol Heprceenlntivcd J 6?4?td* tSTTUc fiieuds of Dr. H oi. A. iQoou* cy nnn jnncc him a candidate for re-election at the approaching election for members to the Legislature. ' J 6 4-tf tyTho friends of JT. llolxrt Smith, E*q., aiiiiounco him a candidate for tho next Legislature. Aug. ?lft?td. WARINKANSASI SOUIHERNLRS, STAND TO YOUR RIGHTS! THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE - OTHiL IXT *0^321 i . Do the Fillmore* tes *till perform Rites / Ar vill - c .? jiui I < ?r 111 inc lutes for 'em at the White limine on - - 4th of March, 1837? XII ESI? are, no doibt, very important question* f<?r the Sovereign People of tl?o VniW"* tK* inUi-Mtiuir 2sowe for mm " nville nnd the aurrunnding i fM fttUflM Ol via v.. . ^ " 1 JMatriet* will lie foiiud nttlm Tl-dtltnora Clowing , Store, adjoining the Greenville Hotel, wlt<r? MR. EINSTEIN has ju*t returned fj<mi lisltinlore with the Largest, Cheajteat and I*est Made STOCK OF | ' FASHIttMABtl CL0TWN6; ~' ever brought before to Greenville. To convince youraelf of lit tit, come and judge for yourselves. Among the stock will be found an cx'tenniv* aa of . -? s " AI*o, 'he Latest Style of FALL AW? WOMT&SS MATS, Including those much-sought-after UKOOKS HAT, a la xnodo. AI.SO, A LAUUK 6TOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, (Mo Yankee Notions about them.) LaV& fSueuiuor Cost'- left, which .ill I.. ?U ... .1 .! ; * ? " win u? viki nb inv eucruiri ng price ill oh i CUTS, If nut sold by the first of October, thoy will I* ih!pp?d to California. Ours is a real Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, ?id w'll not, therefore, enumerate all articles Appertaining to gentlcmcnV wcsr. Economy is Wealth, Our Clo'.hing will keep vud in health. 4" 8 KlSSTElN ?b CO ' * Beptomber 11. 18 tf. SaleofNjj proes. and other Proper orty. TirrtL UK flOfcri. on tl?o 10th October next *T at the residence of Mo?a Fow!er. on Mush Creek, in this District, to the highest MJ4ar, 11 LIKELY NLGROIS, via: old Charity and Allan, luicinda and 8 children, Pats and t ehUtlren, anMPoungCharity and chili; stock of mclos, eattlc, hogs a-.d sheep, two wagons, 1 twodiorse carriage, one wb?at thraaher, and farrtsag fci.U A quantity of wheat, corn, fodder and wit and other things too tedious to mention. Tawtamade knowo on the day of aata, AB18 FOWLKR, r"^ i " * FOR THE YEAR ESDI: . IMS-'t."*' ' DR. " '""" ^ Oct 11 Rte?iv(4 from former Tr*a*. |IH 07 K?v. 1 LUftna* of Everett'* Exhibition. 10 00 " 8. From PftlrM exemption*, 187 00 - 10 Mr*. Boiling, tax on wagon, 00 M It Utww oflVewwr Mlrtlwb lib *e U licence of Vh*<f^a l^.aoolr.SS. 1 50 H II T. Ste.Mi, Billiard lieeiw, 6Q 00 Feb. 1. & SwandaFe, Bur woM Licence. 60 0O " 1. a ttwaudale, to Market Ho***, 200 Oft " 11 J. P. Pool, Bi?ll*rd Licence, $0 00 Mnr.SI. Robi.scon * Kldred- Cirouc U*. *0 00 Apr. 8. T. Ntoon. lUr-roorw> Licence, 60 0O " 6 T. Stncn. tb Market llouce, 200 00 June 1. 870 Street exempt lone, 026 00 July 4. Creacent City Circus tax, 60 04) " 4. Ethiopian Company tax, 10 00 Aug. 21 Boef License and Tax to date, 66 70 S?p, 6. Fi?e* collected lo date. 104 0O " ft. ReMivtd from hire of wagon, 86 60 I Total amount received, $2,680 27 . I ^ r , - . _ % A ! j-% SHE >yv ?* rl i . s . '; - ,? t -5W ? .- . / * i \j 4ji. . '' '- , 'X . .M I i .. A-:y - n ttiwiki tf*ft A . " ?!? "I?? .. M - ->. . *. ? 4J * ' < ,, . i f f. I i Amount paid out, $2.40$ 52 Amount tn hnnda of Trenanrer. $ *8 ??2 W?m<?n and mule*, valued at 33o ?K> Burning Fluid on hand, about SO t>0 We linvc examined the #l>ov? Return of the C er with the reeeipta for hia difbarermenta. September 11-18-2. A MBROTVPES! Ambrotypos !! Ambrotvues ! ! . . ,C. n, LANNEAU HAS the pleasure of aituotiucin^ to th? I.adin ami Gentlemen of Greenville tliat he is NOW PHKI'AHKD TO TAKK T1I12 AMBROTYPE, in all it? perfection anj lc?uty. He will remain in Town lof'A fill OHT TIM hi, to complete mmo I ^n^oir-'mcntA, und then Um will l>c nlwont for a j cvtisidci aMe time. Tliose whoiicHire to |>omsci>.-> 0 BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN of ihc?o NEVER. FADING FIG L URKS nre re<pie8te<i to GALL AT OXCFCALL AND SEE IIIS SPECIMENS ! He i* alio nrepareil to tukc the A'nhrotype for Mkimlliov*, Hroachih. L,ok?.t* and Fivukk Itiaos. They are superior to the D||litrri)itjr|)e to thia form also, CSTRJUM IN M'BEE'S HALL, UP-STAiRS.JEi Ao^ 28 Itt tf REA, SCRUGGS & CO. DF.AI.KKH IN Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, II ATS A N L> OA 1*8, LOOTS AN D SI ICES, Crockery, ffuirdtotfe, Groceries, PAXlTTO.^aTD 02LC, &<D ONE 000,H SOUTH OF THE NEWCOUHT HOUSE ' UAVE OfESF.D AT TI1K ADOYK J'EAOK u large and varied aasot tmout of New and Elegant Goods, t? wliii'h tliov invito attention from their friends laud the trading* community. Ths Stock Gas bent purchased with groat care j under the personal supervision of the t?rnprletnrs | during A protracted stay in New-Tort, and foci ' confute nt in aw, u ring tine public that they can and I will offer hat-gain-*. We deem it unnecessary to ennmSratn thi* articles which w's U\c on hand, l believing that an sxamination of onr stock will . insure the belief that bargains may bo had by calling at our cslulilialinicnt ?jy** Country pppluce taken in exchange. Urcenville.lApriJ 3. 47 tf tfOSWEr PDWiiH.Hi, ATTORNEY ANO C0UN3E.LL. R AT LAW, . General Agent and Collector, . HAVING been engaged for the last two years in nnotlirr SLiit., has re?iiin.?l lni?iu>u> ?t (JreeaviOe Court House, whore lie ro?y bo consulted on the nagic term* an heretofore on mat tor* of law lie also offer* hi* inrvtets a* Agent in Pepsions nnd Bounty tand claim*, am] as col luetor with or without *uit will pivo the high rat price* in gold or silver for Bounty Land Warrant*. Uneurrent Money bought and *old. Advance* made on solvent pa per. No action for d?d>t will be brought until notice U given to the debtor to pay without ooat. p|f*( ifliee in the ohl Court tlouse. June 12 th 6-tf. i. POWELL. PIANO TUNING. "** v THE subscriber would offer hi* services t? tlie citizen* of Oreenvillo and the aur 1 ? f.rounding country in (he at?\jf hove business. lie will give satisfaction, or no charge will l>e made. *. M. MUUPIIEY. June 5. -4 tf Police. PKIWON? having no tea due roe of eavera I year* standing are notified that psjpeat of llis mw? ia required. V. P. IIAATilK. Aug tg. I? * ' I>OOK AMP JOB PRINTING,aeatW dofc* at Jr the "KototprlM Office. "* I rSd Aoo?*?t with Xewa Conned. m SEPTEMBER ?,1856. ww-ol CJtt. CM. 4 *R. P. GoodUil, hauling, |1 0* - 4. *lt. P: bnllnrd, work ?t cemetery, ? 144 " 4. *J. L. Thompson, " $ 04% " 14. |Jo/, r?mnnnj nuisance, - *5 u 17.' O. llsi-lmnu's account, 1 so Nov. 1. P?M K? N. Gpwcr, for mulec. tM 00 * -'.0. Hoy, removing nuisance, 40 -.14. II. E. l.yn oil's account, A SO I)cc.21. F. Ilnlin, rrok w<?rk nt bridge, ft 00 " 44. ?. It OoMett. advertising bill, IS 00 ' Jan. 1. T. J. Price, advertising bill, 44 70 " 10 E. Krutch'i account, 04% Apr. 0. *Mrs. M. Wiiiinhm, for hauling, 49 00 7. Southern 1'itrint, for advt'ing, 50 04 May 22. 1*. Caublo. work (lone on street 49 70 " 24. *L Pike, removing log, ' 1 OO M 23. Walker ?t Uutledge.for culvert, 1 00 " 24. Oower. Cox <fc .Mnrklcv's ncc't, -148 28 " 27. *T. It KoIk'iV, for hauling, 14 00 " 27. *0. Merrick's account, 87% M 31. W. A. ycDnniel's jail fees, 4 40 " SI. J. It Smith, salary as sexton, 20 OO ' June 11 *J. Gallon, ringing town 1*11, 4? 40 " 17. Col. J. A. Knslry, for lumber, II 25 " 23. II. P. G'ooilU'tt, for hauling. 2 OO " 28. N. Clarkc.hirc of Ik?v 0 mos.^012) 74 OO July 5. G. E. F.lfor.\ for stationery, 2 00 " 9. J. H. Sherman, f?>r hunting, 8 00 17. A. IJrijfgs, taking census, 27 OO " 21. T. O. Oeivcr't account to date, 84 57-> - iV. K. Wnlin. for blasting,. 13 60 " 21. liny leant, work on culvert, 3 60 " 2t. Win, II. Watson** account, 86 , " 42. XV, P, Thomson, bire of boy, 68 40 M. 22. A, Norton, work of boy, * 20 OO' " 24. W. Ik B. Fsrr'tlior, on street, 76 * * 2? . Buy, for work (??rd?r from Int.) 1 OO " 28. A. Norton, boy for 0 mos. ($14) 84 00 " 28. Assessors of Ileal Estate, 30 OO " 29. Boy, removing nuisance, 25 ' 29. James linui;.ton. for culvert, 0 00 Aug. II. Paid for provender, to date, 93 38 * 20. J. W. Grady's l*?v, 3 days work, 2 25 " 23. I). Bell, board of boy Jerry, 11 Of) " 27. J.Weslfield, for !i)tnl?er. .35 35 " 27- >lr*. H. W. IliriiibiM account, 3u (H? " 27- Enterprise <.WWc?\ for ad v*t 39 25 " 47. t>. Saandale, for Fluid, 110 88 " 27. A. F-Burg- sunn Market House, 202 43 Sep.t 4. T>. G. tVosttidd's account, 96 84 ' 6. Mar?' salary to date, 492 33 " A. Halt ot fines | a'.d Mm-slialn, 82 00 " " o. tiewir, Cox A- M.V account. S4 63 " f. Uea, ticru-gs ?fc t.'o.V account, 9 06 ' 6. Salary of lwwa (Jlcrk, 25 OO " 6. W. V. I lice.foe (.Hilitiiinee Book, 25 OO " 6. 11 Grid ley, doorsiil for Market, 8 23 v A. J- 15. Ciiuo's nocouut, 47 38 #2.869 75 " C. Conimbe-iotis on f 2.5^0 27, C3 25 1 6. Comninaioii* on $2 363 75, 59 22 Total amount paid out. ?2.192 22 l>:te by fo 'iO'T '"ouucil. \V. I'. I'iiKJF, ( I rk cf Treasurer. 'Icrk and Treasurer, an I find it correct, togetliI,. It. CLIXF, | ... ? II. 1>. lA>NG, | GI:N till AI - AD VEUTItEMKNTS. jW. li. H O V E Y, PROPRFETOR OF vvc*\\^ ? ? ? ??' ?- ww # v7 xc ncz3 \^| tirecublllc, S. C. FANCY & STAPLE PRY GOODS, Rir.ll DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Mm wis, St EIutbroidct-iH. ... auunt iron I^Tcirsrinp.-pR^rsAKns. . V Sto.MnrdV Warranted l'inno Fortes, ^y ills. AllcnV Word's IInir Kcsiorer, ?_ t~. : i>r. W. T? Motlnlt's Fills and Hitters, __ *. I Dr. DavM Jnyne's I'atenl Mvdiciucr, 2-i? I Loudon <t C'o/s .... s ^ I A. 13. A IK Sand*'SarMjwrtlln, * Xo. 2, Clcavelanif* Buildings, I Xctirlj/ opposite Mansion House. , I January 17, 1850. r.O tf Elford & Donaldson, ^ S- <0 ; C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON'. I Jan. 10. fto Xm EEED &G00DLETT, AIFtfCOJLLitfltfWS Alt Greenville, *. . i jf^rOfTiis! no\t door to F. F. Oeattik A Co. I J. y. R*tr>.J [s. r?. OOODI.liTT. January J- 35 H WILLI A Hf PRICE, Attorney at law. WII.L piuu t iiiilly attend to nil matters'?rv trusted to In* earn. l!o may ho found for the present, at tli?i Ur OtHee of Messrs. TlIOMraoN ?(.- Kam.kv or ? tl?.< .?f 11..1, ern Enterprise, Greenville C. II, Feb 14. 40 ifTHE GBEEHVILLE"7^ P MAIN STuEBT.NEZT'fO MBEES HALL THE Huliaeriher lino on hand a larc?* and tUktko^ttCKLUXGpVft VnKitI(K)L and classical Books. Wminer Paper, Blank Books, UcnxkraiulvMU, do. Writing I>e*k? and Case*. l'oijfolioe, Gobi auk Steal I'eti", CoucHm, .Ink, Sealing Wax, . Wnfrrs, ' - ' *V?<. Slate#, Copy Book#, Ink-Stand#. Ruler*, Ac, Ac. O. K. KI.FORLt, Si'^n of the B(g Book. March #. . > 43 il;it GREENFIELD'S OROCEKV STOKE, CORNER STORE, Opposite the Mansion House. "11UamiAflEIW may now find a Tory comJL plcte stock of Family Groceries, Fiue am! Cheap W in en, Liquors, Cordial# and CJS?4B-^k. ALSO, An ftMortment of arid Caps, limmeta and ?*&lk)nn??t Trimming a. limit* A Shop*. gnfTL to-fwtliur witli Lwlie*' Slip|*>r* an.I OaiUr*. MimwiM-, 0??C?b&Y, GLASSWARE AND '* I)RT 000m ty Country Produce **a JIAOS t*k?n in ?xcl.juigc. ALEXANDER QUEEN FIELD. 3*1 AAA LBS. BACON unl 5<M> LU LARD, lYJV)\ / hr m!? at GRl'P.N FIELD'S MEDICAL A!?? BUSINESS CARDS. > *S?iTB. X A&L K, GREENVILLE, 8. C.. AT THE SIGN OF THE S010EN MORTAR, DRALKIt Uf JDIRTtJBS?, jgttfc Paints, Oil*, Jfedicicss, \??Jf TnnMshci, Cheiliicafo, BRUSHE6. n ' 1?YG-?TWFFS, And Many Popular Patent Medioine* 11m t.'?NO CON MOTION WITH TIIK ABOVE BUSINESS IS A OUARAXTEK TOAT KTEBTHIINQ U OT TUP GIST quality, and will be SOLD WN THE J 19. most reasonable terms. 6-1 y WOTallkn" IS how prepared to peiform nil. .operations on tlie 1KLTI1, in tuo most approved aud skillful manner. AMIiPECIAIi Hira Inserted from one to a full sett with the greatest care and without injury to tho mouth and adjoining ccth. 1 hove secured the right, and am the only one who rntt tun 'he Alio..' Continuous nut] Life Like Gum Work" in this j 'lfistriot. .?ST 'nil nn.l examine fprcimemi of the vn-1 rSotts k hid# of .work, at my rooms in McBce'f Boildinfr, which are t"?tte<J uj? for the comfort ana ' convenience pf the Indies. RCs'.^nKKcrs: Ph. B. Blsxdixo, Cnlmnlis, ft. C. Ph. John Axdemox, Charleston, S. C. Greenville August 29 * 1#?U "NEW DRUG STORED DR3. MIMS & LONG ?_<2 AUK now receiving, opening hii<I offering yff their .establishment opposite Walker's Jtjfc Hotel, Mnin street, n large ami complete 8TOCK OK Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, &c. A I SO. Perfumeries, Son|e, Com ha ami Brushes, Tens. Tobacco. Snuff nml Segurs. Catnwhn, Port nml Mndcrin Wines, Brandies. I (Jin nml other hi amis of '.he heat quality, for 1 Medicinal purpose*. Pens Ink and Stationery, Candies and Syrup*, Many popular Patent Medicines; nmonii which may hi found llollowry's Pilh nml (liniment, strong's Pills. AveiV I lu rry iVetorial, Wiatar'* 1Jii 1. :t>11 of Wild Cherry, ' nrter'a Spanish Mix(ure; Trash's Magnetic Ointment, .i?w 1 >nvid*' lldiiw Plaster, l??\is' I'oin Ivilier, Bimwii'm < fnnmien (linger, Bin I way'* Beady Belief, Ac. j ISiiIi?i of :i T!2oii<<?iz<2 riotvrrN, And Ten Thousand other Thinys. July 81 12 tf I CG.-PAP. f MEftS'H!?HO TICE.; j ^HE UN PKRSIO N ED have formed a Co-part* j JL nership in the practice of Medicine, under . the name and firm of ?as. M5&8S L?wa. |' Ol'KIOli on Main-Street, two doors below rower* more, ana opposite h iiikers imui, ..where they mnv l>? found nt nny time during the tiny. *4 A ML' KL A. MkMS, M. J). UODOLl'llUS !>. LONG, M. 1>. - , t5>"Dr. ^liuiN resi-oa in the li ?um formerly occupied l?y Mr. Jo*n M.\ui.i?in. oh Ilia I't-mllcton rea l, about one mile from the Court- Home, . where he mnv he found at night. May* 39. " 3 if bvnlal ?IB. ?M, IS. lSIfoWAEES BivtitS leave to inform the public generally, that in* mis permanent I v located in'Greenville. ninl respectfully offers his professional norvice* to nil who mnv require them. A&TOlOJAIt 'ffWfl inserted from one to an entire sett, Particular attention paid to regulating of children's teeth and treatment of diseased gums. tun >r. Kdwakos may he found nt the Plan ! ter's Hotel, until lie can procure suitable rooms. : itnrtCRKNf-K r THE NEATNESS AN3 CUAA3ILITY OE HIS WORK June 19 0 if. rail'iilMIs, ?.3. y ^ rTMIK subscriber hns-lntcly added very lnrgely ." 1 to his Stock of Urugs, Medicines, 1'aints, ?'.e. r.V"v are tho Lest quality. lib hopes, from his fong "Xpericnce in the * business, and close attention, to f v,lr# rensonnhlo rhare of patronage. fi 6-4-tf ?L " ItivAN. KVI'IHIM. . - I AM OX. PI XL-A PPLJ:, STRA IJ 'BERRY, J JiASPIIERR Y it:C., for sale ht the Drug Store of f 5 J- lk' I'KAM. , ; I JLauip Ola, IT^OR SALK at the Drug Store at J J 6?4-|f *. J. If. DF.Ay. Fiuc Castor Oil. /VHE nl>o\e article in superior to any evei ' , JL .. Drought to this market. To be i-.a l in J Jarsco ft'ui smell quantities, nt the Drugstore of^ J fi*4-tf. J. If. DEAN. Apple Viiicffar. A FINE QUALITY, to be hail nt the Drug Store of t J 11. DEAN. Trusses ! Trusses ! r|"^IIE sub cr ber hns a very superior assort-1 ]L ir.vnt of tine TRUSSES for sale. A'tso, an ' nsmrtuient of bed fans and Syringes of the ; most approved quality. All of whicTi lie will | sell low for cash, 1'ersona wishing to piircliaso will do well to cull and examine before pnrchaing elsewhere. J. II. DEAN. Choice liiquoiti, t) '.i.\ > I?l K.S, >V IA KSj, iVc., of t lie host ^unli) tiut for nieiiii-ihal for rule, mv? richly fur ciuh, at the Drug Store of . July S-8-tf. J. II. DRAN. inTsT-? o(3u lB2m S3>3.k i?32!313. ON K OP N'h'lJOLAS' No. I Iiuproee/f Pnt<-nt SODA KOl'N'T, juft Pucclveil and iu full operation, at Iho Office at july 2i?l l-tf IMJS. MIMA A LONG. Another Lot OF Uiat well averted FINK CANDJKS, juat received at the New Drug Store of Aug1. 14-U-tf. VII MB A toya X ?3 LEGAL AoVlcktiaEMgym The State of 8#ulh Carolina. GREENVILLE. DISTRICT. IH TflK COTRT OF OROIHiKT. William Tinder, applicant, against James RKV, Jacob ltay, Hance lUv, Joseitk Rny, Snruh ' June ltay, Mart I'lnsley, and William ller hua liand, Martha Land tpd Lewis htt hnabnml. ht'ira of John F!t'*l>eth Ann K?t)y, and J<>hn_}ar\JhtfUnil, ? Petition fvr iaie'of> tlh>:*ion of Pen! tdtate. r" x|>(iennrig^to m^satwfnelloii that Jacob Ray, one of the dcTeiidanW. rnide* without this Stnto. It is. therefore,'ordered, that he do nppcar-and object to the'^iivlaion or talc of the Real Estate of Jano ltay, on or be tore the first duy of December next, or 111* consent to tlie aniue will he entered <*f Record. ROD RRT MaK AY, 0. G. D. Ordinary'* Office, "? . .J September 1, 18&ti. J - . , Iv-flm STATE OF SOVTIICARGl/IffA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ' SlicrifT'i* Sales* BY virtue of aundry writs of Fieri i"icins to me directed, I wi'I aell before the court house door, at the uaunl hours of sale, oa the first Monday in OCTOBER next: . Three hundred and fifty acres of land more or f loss, whercuron defendant resides on the State! inf.... ~r xi.t/: miiuo vi oii Aijinrv, Ui- Hi., ; Ri } the property of Win. Fuller, nt ti e euit of \V. A j j<>? ttuedy, et nl. . One bundre 1 acre* of In ml, more or lew, ad | Killing lands of Orecn, ft, ?!.,'?* the property o 1 Dudley llow.e'U, deceased, nt the suit of J. CKve lend. One clny-bnnk horee ; end on Tuesday nfter sale-day, one vngon, one old buggy nnd two plough*, levied on 'he propwty of Rclvarcda Pickett, at the ?uit of Davht MtfCnlleugli. CONDITIO** CACU. D. HOKE, S. C. P. Or-JOti, nie, S. a, Sepi.*^l>cr 10. 18?t?. I Comiiiisslo^cr'w Waft* | OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE | Tho Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ill Equity. T!kY virtue of the decretal order of hi* ITonor -li Chancellor 11. F. Dunkin, nt. July Term, 1 IMO, iii the ease uf A. it. Mcl'nvid, et. nl., vs. SuKuutirh McDnvid, rt. nl.. for partition of the Land* ??t John McDavid, deceased, I will tmll, nt pul.lie u.let ion, ( ? the highest bidder, nt the 1'onrl. House of said District, on Snlea*d*iy til t le-1 tober next, the following 1'ltAl.TS OF LAND, | nit lotted iii eiiid District: TRACT No. !, living the Cohl>Tract, contain-1 itur Two Hundred ami Fittv Acres. more or !< ??, I lying mi Mountain Crock of Snlinln River, adjoining lainla of R. A. Child, Allen McDnvid, Henry Stokes and others. TRACT Xo. 2, lieing the Benton Tract, cc taining Fifty-Nine and a llnlf Acres, more or i less, situated on tiie waters of Denver Dam Creek ! n.lminiiig laitda of Cliirk, McDavid, Yauoc nnd 1 others. TRACT Xo. :t, hot tig the Avery Trnet, containing 1'ouV Honored titnl Five Acres, more or less, situate on Mountain Cicak '<( Snlu| da River, and adjoining lands of Cttolcy \\ Illinois j nnd other*. Trims -One fourth tlie purchase money to be 1 j.r.j I in cash, the remainder upon n credit of | welve month*, with interest tioin date upon b >ud, with nt least two good sureties. I A. itnYlM-2*, tK. Ci. D. (t'ommisdoner's Ot&cr, August ISotl. Augu? : ? 10 Ul, ! ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. ! \\T K will otter fur sale. at tiio late resi I y Y ilenet of J auks McKliiov, ileccxa I eil, hi the lower prill of Giccnville District, | '<ii Monday. the 20th day ??r September, in^t. 1 nil hi* property, both real mid personal, com i -ting of Five likely YOUNG NKGllOES, nV^j?fuiir head of llOJtSES, q? x~cH"(>< wiul Cattle; 2 fuaJ \t agous. 1 ox wagon, 2 voke ox ill 3L en, Plantation TiwJh m1. Hl.wkiitnitiiV i Took. ALSO, the Tract of LAX I), wliicli lies uu lloedv I liver, one mile below Cellar Full.*, conveniently situated to n.iils ami ! chuich.-K 'I he Had contains 330 noes, ' supposed to l>e 200 acres in tlie woods, the I remainder in cultivation, i'lieie are several fine spiings of as pure water as any in the MLlisiiict. <Mi the place is a lit strata Dwelling House, two stoiies high, wiili several loom- and three tire places, ami all necessary out buildings in good oh tar. Tkiims! A credit of twelve months with ! interest trom day of sale on all stiiu? of and over Five Dollai* ; under Five Dollars Cash.! with {jooil M-i'iiiiiv. CllAk'LES TERRY, J. If. UOl'KLVS; Adinrj. tcilk Will annlxfit. Sept. 11. 18'"' * 21 I i%cw linn .llantifhctory. Er-GRAVK'G AND OF THE FINE ARTS. r J^JIK miliwiibrr, recently from l.omlop, Pari* L and ili" |>rli?ci|?r.!'*oitfWs'flf"Kftr'ope and Aiuorien, where specimen* of hi* art have given lie Ailtinfliction, re#|>ectly informs the oil izens of the Upper I'oiintrv, that he "has just ar rived, and Ideated hiutsclf nt Greenville, whore ho is prepared hi iloall work appertaining to his hiirinof, in the best manner and nt the shortest notice, a* I>ouhlo and Siwrle Cast-fttatl Kiile* ftnd Shot t Jlllie. Duoliilig Pistols, Alt. !" "?bo keep constantly on hand nn assortment ofSporting Materials. which lie #l)Vr? for sale nt. very reasonable terms; finely carved Alligator's Teet||. Steel Tamps, and Engn?vi?? on (iolii, Silver, Ac. All Work nnd Jicpnii ing done in the very host I wanner, and warranted equally a* good r.s can I be done in the United States. OT Mis shop will be found two doors below i Dr. Karle's Drug .Store. I July ? P.?tf F. BREDA. ; ?5F*"Apart nnlinrg Spartan will copy six months i nuil lovtvnrtl hill to advertiser. JOHN KRAUSE", 1 F F R N I T U R 15 AND CABINET MAKER, _r?oi,'- WOULD respectfully iuforr.t ffitfc - jj4 r "r^' Orwnti le n l vjJr ,|ciuil v that he lias rtn hortd n loi of PlJRNITUllK, which ho will dispo-o of upon reasonable terms. lit' has Chair*. Tnbler, S?fn.?; "Wnelistnride, At*. Fine and Plain Kumil^'j unHe to order. His fhrp inny he hmfnl on A enuo Ptre^t, bttwecn Do.itllo'* Sf<>re end tSo Coiifeotionery, ami nearly apposite the Ceuit Iliroeo Greonvflle, B. Ang. 14-1A*ly f ' , COLUMBIA ADVt UllM.MKVK-*. Q. 8. BOWER, "! llauntactnrer natf OMlcr ! / K' UN ITli UK .rf v/ury deteri piles, ,rL *u<i 1 flHn CTT ATTW of erery rtvl*. FISK'S CELEBRATED METM.IC BURIAL CAttl, Oppottlt the Conyare? Hvh*4, Dee. 7. COLUMBIA, 8. G I jr DT. A I Kit IK ficligiMS, Uiscdlonwus and 5cb#ol 129 Ricliarilxon Ktreet, COLUMBIA, S. C. I ^MERCHANT'S HOTEL, BY JAMES M. HURST, ffiSA-aX'iJSTDn, s. ?. Board?B160 Par Baj. February'21. 4( \f Illfc n*id Property Insured. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE fthitnnl 3itmirnnre Compttif Ininrai HnMaee Fvinraa sn?1 Aib*f VmMs. ?? AOATKST Finn: And the Live? of White Perr.ona and Slaves, between the ngeaof 10 unci 00 year* ON audi terms n<* to rentier it it most safe m,d dtwiraMe investment. Full ditniU, with tli?> Constitution m d By-Lnws of tlie Company, will be famished on application to tiny of tlie Officers of llie (.'ompnnr. J^Sl I'll JJ. OSnOltN*, Prttf. V\ m. \V. 5JcT)OW CLI^ Vict-Prer* Jas. Bankts, Secretary <t Trcmmrcr. JOHir GRADY, Agent, ^ Doe. 27-tf. vutiixy Y1LLF4 w, c E. J. FRITZ & CO. HA\'K jireit rooeived. and nre now displaying nttiitir i-fetnliji?hmcnl ft spendid n-^on.llltfllt of l.ndua'Gnid Fat-Prop*?Momic nnd Onmeoj, :i fine lot nfFiiiMt-m 1'ifie.?Mn*oiite and Odd-K?dlowt. Cold Adelftid(Innrd I It:.ins,Si'ver Gttar.? and 1'oti Chiiin*. KIKE ('OL)> JIUKTJKt/ LEVER WATCHES. Also, Anchor and Lupine Watehca Extension I'ons, Mis>'? Finper Bines, Store and Sonic Kings, Silver into Muted Spcclftoles, Steel, Ac., A e. a. new anti summon stock op LEVKR AND ALARM CLOCKS. CSTLadien' Llomning and Fashionable :s iS2k. Sh? Give ns n Call. E. J. FRITZ A- CO. June 19. G- tf. "Ft&WOY woauc, AT GREENVILLE. C. H, S. C ^l^IIK aulmcrilior would iufmn* the cStitetw I . r. i. ui uie ? iii.igc <>! ? io??ti v;ijo anil surrounding country, that he does all kinds of ENGUAVINC. ??f Gold or Sliver and I'late, generally. Makes and mounts in Gold or Silver, all ike varieties ?>f Untitled Fancy llair Work; repairs -ill articles of Jewelry"; Mounts in Gold or Silver \\ .tlking Canes ; cuts and fits to order. Spectacle Glasses to suit any age almost. Among the articles generally needed, and made by liiin, are Gold am) Silver Sleeve Hnltnn*. Studs for Collar and bosom. 'I lie Mounting and getting up of liis linir linger rings (hair braided by the Swedish Lady. Mrs. Olson.) ami Fob, Vest, or Gtinrd Chains, he halters himself, would not be scoffed at in the linger fashionable cities. Older* for woik, thaukfuliy reccivetl, at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Couit Ifonse. ami but a few paces from the Office-. J. If RANDOLPH. fciT No charge tor engraving any work made bv hint. Je 20 7 ly I ST BP30IAL ^SQIJ3ST. Pflinting! Painting! j rp?!K 6ut)?sril)cr? have hunted them?>lv?s in l X the town of Greenville, and wish it to l>? iiielerstooi. We afe ho\V prepared to roeeiv* orders f??r House, Sign, Ornamental and r* A M /s v # n a iai ? . ? TMINU T f / \ I IN I 11\ U, Graining, Marbling and l'APElt HANGING. All ?>f which will bo executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the prineinnl cities of both Kit rope and America, we feel satistied that we can give satisfaction to nil who majr favor us with their patronage. We deem it nn| accessary to give n list. <>f refeponacs ; all we ask , is an examination of our work. We want, no I belter recommendation tlinn nitr-work can t^vc. I Wo have the right for a celebrated Met* lie ' Fire Proof lioof, equal to copper jn durability, I a;td in addition to iltc above we are also proparj ed to execute cither Professional or Ittisincua Cards on (Jlass in a stylo second to none. Or' dors for Graining or .Murbleing will be attended t \ nti-1 the work done i*n it style to suit the taste* of the most fastidious. All orders addressed to n* at Greenville C. II.. or left at the Caioiiaa House, will meet with prompt attention, Ii9'Sh?p opposite 1.1 lord's L>o?k Store. ! 8. w. WALLACF; MATS BAMUKhSOff. | July 3. * Cm ' waot Airi) (Dtt.0^ I jt?K. ja? ./-at m u* a ~mi ' NEAR OIM> lb O., f J KEEN" VI l.LE DIST. ! /"\ Kj'IiRshis services to *Jte public, and solicit* V./ |Htii*Oiinge. Ail wo k eiitrwsud to him i will be d?n- with neatness n .d .dispatch. Any 1 iH-rson wbdiiiii'to know how t.i sn!<1..i-/l.r.r.1 w,. j U.) will !?< fnr.itUiicil, mi tli j r. f? j.)ion of ni?^ { ilollur, wit Tin cee*i |>t ' full ?i)?tinctione, I fn?l>lin|! Itiin t?? ?oMv infv incut I. TliU ? . ?? Ipt |i ?- nevnr bv?*n otlVrv.i t?? tire public l?cfnr?\ Srti I infliction iri > cii or tin; money ntumietl. '?.? r.i trv 1 MKNI>t.l? WITH (MftR. A lit 4P-tf Warning*. pockiT KMVKH *. L cliean, nt tlie New |>t?HStoro of MI MS it LONG, fit*o %< '113 very fjo... A'lff. HI4?tf. iVoiirC. 4 LIo person* fmlcMcii t'i tfc *nb;oril?cin v /% NrtOK APCOU.M'nr %<)T|\ Iij.iothetr ; of Jnnntry lo*.t, nr* requ.-mcl to cnl! 0 I to n? w? nrc in nev<l of timncy. i ,\i'i.%. Aug S* ]* vr r