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Ooovcntion. <0* lite flowing resolutions were unanimousIf adopted by the Railroad Cnti vcnttbn which met at Ashevi'le, on the SOinS Jieaolvcd, That in the view of the Con vention n communication bv railroad with ?. the seaboard is necessary to the full development of the resource# of the country and the energies of its ciliz ns;-and that our desires are as strong ati-1 ardent as they have ever been to have the work done. Hetohed, That we have confidence in the integrity and anil .of the "Greenville and French Broad Railroad Company,** and that we urge them by nil honorable means to press forward to the completion of the work which they have begun. Hesofoivt, That in the judgment of thi* Convention the interest of the Stale of North Carolina, and especially the interest of the Wo^tnri. ntilllil Wts itl flirt Kl iltt* W it 1111 lut moid. I ly promoted by an early extension of m>iiic on? of the public works now in process of construction nut of ihelMueKidgcin thi-Stnte to a point or point* on the western bonier* of North Carolina, to connect with the railroads projected or now being built in the State of Tennessee. Resolved, therefore. That the peoplo of Western North Carolina ask for nothing more than justice when ihev demand that the State be required to give her aid upon liberal terms to assist tho-e of her citizens inter- I osted either in the Wilmington and Kuthcrfordton Kailioad, or the North Carolina Iiailload west to the Taint Kock on the French iiroad river, with a branch leading thro* the counties, of Ilay wood. Jackson, Macon and Cherokee, to some js?int in Cherokee county, to connect with a road leading by I tuck Tow n Copper Mines tow ards Chatta nooga, in lite State cf Tennessee. Resolved, as the sense of this Convert ion, That it is but to this section of thu Slate that the charter of the (iieettville and French liroad Kail road should l>o nineitded, so as to remove the restrictions of the seventh section thereof. Death of Andrew M ac a luster, the Ma giciax.?The following notice of the death of tht* distinguished pet former i> from the Koekuk ((own) Post of tlto 3d instant : j 1 his sad event took places on Monday night, the 1st instant, at the $t. Charles ! Hotel, in this city. Mr. Macaliister was no? at all well wlien lie first arrived here, some i six weeks since, mid though lie performed with great success severa. nights, it was evi dent I v much of an ctl'ort, and a severe tax ! on his strength. Ho whs taken down four weeks ago. and tiA* withstanding all the attention and advice of the voiy host ir.edieal practitioners, he gradually failed, and died, at last, from a congestion of the brain. He was in the 41st venr of his age. lie is to ho hmied to day, and will, we learn, he attended V?y the Ma sonic frateinite. to whioh order he belonged. Mr. Macaliistcr was a Scotchman hy hiith hut coniinoneed traveling at an early ago.? Professionally, he has visited Franco, Spain. Germany, Hungary, Ac., and the Island of 4Jul>a, ami canto to this country in 1340. Si no* then he his visited nearly every principal town in the United States, and til to the Biitish lhovinceft. Ilis reputation in his profession is acknowledged everywhere to be of the highest order, while and as a man a gen tletnan of the nicest sense of honor and lil> ornlitv. we have hoard and seen frequent mention in every press <.f the Atlantic States. One that has liecn wj;|t him fir over five ream speak* of him a* one of the kindest, most iiol.le and generous of men, to whom <tn appeal for sv monthv or relief was sure to find a ready and clieeiful response. A Woao to SourilEUN Merchants.? We were shown a letter yesterday from r. Philadelphia correspondent of a house in this place, a pail o| vvhich surprised us very much. It is this: The limine here had ordered matciia.'s i?> be purchased for thenr by tlieir agent, from a house with whom tiiey had been trading, which was executed as supposed upon the usual terms, four or six months. On the next day. to tbe surprise of the ag nt. lie receive-! h message staling that the of the firm had "concluded that it was nut desirable to receive any Southern p iper owing to the political difii cullies between the North ami the South, but wouM sell fur cash." The agent very properly j-etumed in reply, that "if theso were |.is feelings he would not buy from iiiin on any terms whatever.'' Wo also understand that another merchant who had purchased from am-ther firm in Philade! tibia, goods ij his line*, on going to New York, and seeing a card expressing similar feelings to the uhove, ho immediately sent them word that they need not pack his goods, for he would not receive them. The houses referred to above are L>. Scull <fc S-.n, and | Morns L. ilallowell. Now our opinion lias \ always been that if our merchants had declined purchasing their goods at Philadelphia and New York and stopped at Haiti more, abolitionism would have been nipped in (he bud. Ailed a maw's interest and you will aoc.n bring him to terms. [Charlotte (iV. C.) Whig. ExCtTBMEJTT ON A StRAMRH. ? A Oriespondcni ?.f the Petersburg Express *nvs: Considerable excitement wii* occasioned on board ilte steamer Virginia, while pacing up the liuppaliaunock river, Saturday afternoon, by lite foolish and ill limed conduct of an al>oiilioriisl Iroiit Baltimore. Tlieie were on boaid a ho. 11 a hundred negroes, just purchased fiOlit the Cala-ll estate, in Lancaster county ; and llii* individual went among tlictn, expressing the ni?*?l violent language i in regard to the institution <>f slavery, lie i proposed to sfop at Lappahannock, bin ( w hen he beard the jwople on shore were to he told of his outingeous proceed lag*, ha Ucame frightened. and refused t<? get off; but be was lukeii by force and put ' out on the w Jjaif. The people became greatly excited, and determined that he < should Dot laud ; anil lite matter was finally compromised by placing him on board a gain, under the care of a friend,who will bero/p'.n-ibi?f I :* spec 'v r :i. in IJ ui n>re. 1 4 # o . ?j,t Imitjjrru (Bnterjiriflr. ! Hllll UOT\ a tr ow-nm i e% * o to lauaiwai, oiiti. jo, io*jo. tSrREMO VAL.? The Enterprise Of fee may he found near (he Old Court House, same Street as formerly. To Corrcapoudciil*. uScio."-~ Wo have not read your article # | vet, but will very soon, and perhaps publish ilie same in our next issue. J. AT. /?., Princeton. AT. J.?The "paper is now forwarded cegulnrly to you. It was , sent For a tithe tp Beaufort. J). P.?-Yours will appear, when correct ed for the press. Give us a little time and all will 'be right. - i The Brooks Ball. For an account of this stupendous affair wo refer our readers to the communication of our correspondent " Reedy." Do Yon Ever Smoke! Here's a cigar just from llovey's, 41 La RosaOpeia," worth |C2 per thousand. If there '? one thing more than another which an editor should be allowed to puff, it is n good cigar, and we would as soon puff llovey's as any one else's. Puff! Tuff! Puff! 10m I I Tlic Baptist Tair. The ladies of our village and vicinity deI serve much praise for the handsome style in which the late fair was conducted. A great vaticIV of useful and ninnnicntnl ni-ii..l<w were presented. Among :lie artistic we nodeed a most beautiful and exquisite piece <?f embroidery, the woikmnnship of Mrs. Brkda, of our village. When properly conducted ? (as al! the fairs are which ihe Indies of our Pistrict have anything to lo with)?wo believe these exhibitions of kill and industry afe calculated to do much good. Beside thu noble object of tai-ing funds for benevolent pit: ports, the bringing together of our citizens tends to enliven and improve the moral and social f? clings of theii ! nature, and ai*o begets a spiiitof cimtlalh n i for the accomplishment of good. Success j to the fair and their fairs. It will" be seen tint the I.allies of ih Methodist Church will al*o hold a Fair on ' ,the 2d October. Look to the notice in another column. ... . Our Scio H In Mo. rue Lady's IJook : Godey is never behind tlio time ?ale a j punctual. The October number col.tail ?! many preltv and useful cngr?\ iug*?among | wbicli the ' Star of Dawn " shine* fonh the j handsomest. Ootb-y has once in bis life I pointedly hit us a lick upon the right shoul dvr for having no better half to rea l his Book. All very right?hut a word in your car ftieitd Godev : if you will only discontinue those sketches Ot lltchelor editors fori a short time, we promise that?never mind ' | ?something to keep out of " a place in tb<'| picture" which is presented almost monthly' to your readers. Wait, and if it i-n't done. [ (and what is worth doing, Yis better 'twere j done quickly.) tlion go on with your sketch j es, and finish in this direction. In the mean ! lime wo will continue to furnish the Kutcr piiso ntul Italy's Book for $3 50. poktkkj) s 1*1 hit ok tiik tlmes. Twenty-six years of busy editorial life has not in the least impaired tho veteran Pouter. Instead of which his "Spirit" takes j in more of life than ever it did?seems to) he larger and even prettier with age. No one has better " Times " than this self Mtine ! editor: and no one is to blame but himself! I who is not supplied with the same means of. enjoyment. " Portei's Spirit of the Times"' can Ihj had for $2, by sending that amount addressed to the editors, New V'ork city*. ilo'itl. fc-. mw J M, UISVU' A vkry distressing and aggravate*! case of poisoning occurred in our District Inst week. It seems that n negro woman. 1* longing lo Bf.kry Baldwin, who resides about eleven miles from thin village, near tlie road lending to Laurens (J. II., was delivered of a child, which it is supposed she de i strayed, as it cannot be found anywhere.? i She was licensed by Mrs. Baldwin of hav- I ing murdered her child, and it is thought t I hat, in order to prevent detection, she, 'or ? some one else, conceived the plan of causing l the death of Mrs. Baldwin This lady had I been accustomed to taking dotes of sulphur I every day, and peihaps kept i* dissolved in water nt all times. On \Vedncaday morn t ing of ia?C*Week, soon after taking the ac- 4 I'ustoincd medicine, alio declared herself lo t be poisoned, and expired in leae than an t bonr The body * *? exhumed, nfter a \>u- j "II 1 , I ?g rial of four of flee dun, ami a poet mortem it (Dnmintttion of the iniue km held by it Austins mid Berry, who have declared that Iter death wm the result of poison.The d matter supposed to l>e poison has been placed c in the poMcesion of Dr. Oputt, Chemist at H the Univeraity- in this place. We hare not 1 learned iris decision. An examination was f held yesterday of the negro woman, for the e murdor of tlie child, a report of which has < not reached ua. Another examination is to ' ho had on*Saturday next, we learn, for tiie 1 pohoning of Mis. Baldwin. We have heard ' ilia nmlmlrnln. f iv|am m iv ^uiv J'* |'vi ??? va >t" llic above atrocious deed, but foibear giv- < ng publicity t*> llicm. 'I lie care is involv- ' ed in considerable mystery and uncertainly. Perhaps another week will revenl the whole ? ! matter. i The Council. t At a meeting of the Town Council, held a on Monday, 15th inst., several ordinances i wero passed, to which tve invite attention. I They will he found in our advertising'.col- e umns. W. P. Price was re elected Town n CJetk, ami Z. Martin and W. F.* Hood e- e lected Marshals for the ensuing year. r The following resolution was passed : g lictolvtd, That for the better superintending and keeping in repair the streets of the f town, and the despatch of uii business of the n Council, the following division is made: Ward No. 1.?All south of the liver: v Warden Manklet. " Watd No. 2. embraces all between the a liver and Avenue street: Warden Dtkr*. t Ward No 3.? All north of Avenue and , east of Main street: Warden Long. Ward No. 4.?All north of Avenuo and west of Main sticet: Warden McKav. All matters in each of liieso Wards must s ho reported to the Warden in charge, except complaints of Police, which must l>? made in writing to ilie Inteudaiit, who has entire charge of the Police of the Town. 1 To the Voters of Qrcenville. < Fellow Citizkns: As it is a time-honor- ' ed custom, for those who u>k your sulfrages r... .. ....... !.. i : ... i.. 1UI ? ^'(11 III HIV JL*"J?iai?tlUI'U 111 CJIIIVIIS-M 1IIU District, justice to myself j r.bably requires that I should give tiie reasons that have pre- , nt < el me from complying with this custom. It will lie remembered lliul I mu a p metis- j * ing Physician, nit el that I hero is none other Jl in my immediate neighborhood ; in addition c to this, thcie hits been, dining the spring ami | summer, more sickness in the range of my practice, than I have known for the hist fit- ] teen years. A great many persons are* dependent upon me for medical attention, and I feel it a altered duty to serve llfem When ' h y require it. I havo been so constantly engaged professionally, that I linue not liecn , able to atti luhniore than one or two public meetings ui tbe Distiict. The high compli nieiit pai?I in at the last election was certainly Mich a demon t rat ion as to cause me lb enter the puscnt conVost with spirit and energy, and in all* I feel that I iliouhl be guilty of the be.-e-.t ingratitude were I not anxious to inako the acquaintance of those w ho had thus* honored me. Ever grateful tor your generous confidence, I may be permitted to ihctish tbe hojie that I shall not prove myself unworthy of it in tbe fu- j lute. I triint thia.-hoi t explanation will be sati-t'ic.ory, and tluit you wiil not attribute this teeming neglect to indififercnec on my j part. I am R?i*nerlfii)le \V. A. MOONKY i The Brook; Ball and Ladies' Pair- , The past week will long be remembered by the citizens of Greenville with pleasure |' ami delight. On Wednesday night, 1'ifJ lutli inst.. the Baptist Fair came otf at Mc-1 J Be .'a 11 ill, and niw the most into: outing ' j scene of the kind we have over witnessed, a-, far an the variety of articles and the rminher in attendance were Concerned?at heel 000 persons being present ; which \wi* ' too large a crowd for (he warm night, and ' the room in which the Fair wa-r held. J 1 Jul the most splendid affair of Which the j citizens of our village have ever undertaken to carry out, and which was completed^ to- ' perfection, was (lie 11 ill given in honor .of \ *die Hun. i'. S. Bhooks, member of Cdti- .j gross, on Thursday night, the lltli in?t.? kii lulnrmnaifl vl/.ra flir? im a *!-? - - - ? - ... ffV.w HIV Illllllll^Uia IIINI c% O* I | rylhing should be conducted on (lie giund- 1 t'fll scale, that tbej* obtained lenvo to use the 1 new court room for tho purj<o*e. lieinoving eveij thing out, benches ami bar, they placed the w hole matter of decoration* and j iiiiimc in tlie hand* of Professor J. 8. Nt- j fiioi/a who set to woik, and it is enough to t ay, dial everything wiw arranged by liiin in tine style and with credit not only to ^ liintfwlf, but the tillage of Greenville. A j tage was erected in front of tho Judge'* ?eat, and carpeted. In addition to the beanif111 festoons and devices, and the various amp* which were hung around, the twelve farge windows were splendidly illuminated, c The large recewt in front of the building, in- " .ide, was ornamented with n largo painting ^ A a Palmetto tic-e, well executed, and on ho top the motto 1 Noli me iangert? ami at ho base the date "May llnd, 1850" To / rive a more minute description of the room, oi ; is only necessary to My, it tww juji th* ktHff. Aft 8 o'clock, J*. M.,, the carnage* J*ere riving to t!i? Court (louse, end by. 9 o'lock,-th6 rootn was filled with the beauty nd fashion of the place. A splendid hand iad beju furnished by Mr. Nichols, the loor manager. Tlie dancing commenced ail)*, and the floor which had been liiid off 0 accommodate ten cotilliotu, was filled up. ind the;dancing continued until hrilfpast 1 o'clock, Ai M., when tho company were nvilcd to the Mansion Ilduse, to partake of i most sumptuous repast, furnished at great expense and in fine style, by Mr. S. Swanialk, the accomplished proprietor. Hon. P. S. Hrooks participated in the lance, and seeined to enjoy himself very nucli. Col. J. L. Orr was likewrso present nth his family, as also Col. A. II. Glad?bn. At least 100 ladies were present, and is many gentlemen, and we doubt, very muli, whethst a more fashionable avscm>l:ige, or a better conducted aftiiir was ever quailed in the State. Nothing occurred to imr in the least, the enjoyments \>f the veiling, and all returned to their homes, to ejroae, and dream of pleasures past and rone. On Friday night, the 12ili, the Baptist air was re-opened with additional article^ ,nd everything passed off well. The Greenilie Band repaired to the Mansion House, ,nd serenaded Col. Brooks, who came forth in J thanked them for the honor confened ipon bun in a short speech. Thus ended he.enjoyments of the week, a time long tc >e reiiieinhered hy those present, and which till long be clietished with feelings of pleaure and delight. HEEDY. Important from Kansas. Chicago, 111., Sept. 12. Private adviees received from Kansas, stair hat Lane was about to attack \V export ami jlhcr detachments had been pu died for w are ;o assult Kansas City. Gov'etttor Geary had artived at Imlepen lence, cn route for tiie scat Government. Sr. Lou id, Sept 12. Gen. nichardson had btoa captured, ami was subsequently liberated by Lane. Great cousteination prevailed at Leaven ivortli in consequence of an attack In-tng uiticipaled Lane and Suiilh bad set it fout 'Otupatiics to protect the town. Gen. Lane remained at Lawrence, lie ras no disposition to leave that position. Instructions to the Governor of Kansas Washington, Sept. 12. A telegraphic dispatch to the following ef feet has t ecu forwarded to Gov. Geary, Ivan .as: That if the militia which by pievioti< ardors, sent by Col. Emory, were mad* .object to the requisi ioti of Gen. P. F Ninth, arc not sttlricieiiL for the exigency VI ? VI .. ..t^t.?. ... i - :u ? I .1 e I jit. tufiiij 11 iaiiv-i iu w UUIIUCU uivivui hi lelegraph. 'i'tie dispatch also rcnuiikcv dial the insurioclionary invasion of Khushk in Nebraska, and the subsequent hostile at lack on ihe jMHt-olliee, and ilie dwelling o Jul. Titus and (Jlaik >eem to have sliiuulal xl to miTuwfjl acts of the same chniactci ait ties ou the l>order of Missouri, and thai in? 1'resident cipect* Gov. Geary to main win the public peace, and biiug putiUhmcti upon all acts ot violence un?l disorder bj whomsoever the same may l>u piepetrutvd The government thus relied ou his cticrg; and'discretion and oil the approvc?l capacity of decision and coolness of oliHiaclvr ot Gen Smith to prevent or suppiets all attempts l< kindle a civil war in the territory. A telegraphic dispatch from tho Wa Department to General Smith on the Oil instant, acquaints hint of the purpose of th President to kveuie to him all the niiiiii, force necessary to iiiaintain older and ti suppress the insurrection, and that u<> iiiilta ly operations shall l>e carried on in Katis.u ^iliOraitC than under his iustiuclioii*.? Ilencc he is i u*i meted uot to ja rinit the em |iloyment of militia or v( nilv twined bodie unless thuy are regularly mustered iu lh< ?ci v ico of tbv UuiitsU Slate*. The Hon Wm. C- Preston. The Haiti more Democrat, as w ill bo seer !?y I lie annexed paragraph, Mates that th< lion. Wm. C I'kkaton, <>f ibis ?;D|Kiricl, to ret Iter with some other distinguished Whigs will intend tlio WhigConvention to be heh u Baltimore on tbe 17tli instant, Distinguished Whigs.?The Hon. Jul ward Everett, ami (teiliiips tbe Hon. Kobt J. Winthrop,will beceitain to attend the Whig Convention in that city next week.? Pile lion. Win. C. Preston is ivl*0 expected. The Richmond Enquirer adds, that the lion. Win. C. Hives will also he present to ako pat i in the deliberation of the Convenion. M> VhwU^.1 inuututyitk SiCDUOa, Al ?n election liel<l oji Monday la*t foi an ntenUant and Warden* of the Town <>l Jam well, tho following gentlemen were inaiiiinettily elected : J.tTKMiANT.? B. II. lillOWN*. WahdkN#.?J a li tea 1'altera rt, I. M. M. Iiitson, J a in e* T. Aldiw-h, and J. S. Brown, Caqra. Doath of Draytoa Naoce, Esq. Wo regret to learn that I>?aytov Nakck, l>q? one of the timet u*efnl and prominent itizenaof Newhmry District, departed (hi* rfe on Friday night h?vf, of Ajmplexy.? fr. Nanor was respected and beloved by hoeo who knew him U.'*t. The next (Jeorgia Fair will commence ?t ,tUuta, on the 20th, and cioeeon tlm 25th f October. Hfc* FWI.vlelpbiH ther? U* 4pm jdx Ifct W and ten _ inches wtteie, ai> which aHb Um wor?K>Fly jminon for kj*U liefe* A mijittth exnminnlion nhowa thnt tl* letter* ?w formal of the T bodies of Jem! Hies, who hern pttcettniLcd to f tlie potency of tire poi-*>n. c< tfeto .fidb^gefipV?!*. F - & ? " ' U--- ?- |>? ".vim. I" THE LADIES of the Methodist thunh will ' nold a Fair nt McBEE'd 11AI.L, on Thursday en evening, 2d October. > Tlie proceed* to l?o devo- A' tod to the improvement of the Church Building. .Headaches Abolished. ? ONE CASE OF SUPER LIGHT MACE VJA&SmiSK&XllffB. i OPEN THIS DAY fti 03FTS1XS3F. 46TH, "j AT HOVEY'S. S _____ ol MEN'S and Hoy's Soft Hats, black ami colored, 02.j cent* to 50. ,j ! 1 Case W. II. IIOVEY'S FALL STYLE a White Silk Botinefi, J Tasteful niul handsome. Made to Order. > 300 Pair Ladio', Misses' ami Children's f' Fall and Winter Shoes. * 2 do*. Pair Ladies* NEW KID SLIPPEUS, ,| Elastic Hnmls, to nnivc on Snluiday ii next. |l< Gent's and Youth's Fine Dross and Stout '* Winter Slates. ?i IIOVEV j i j la malting extra exertions this Fall to add ft | every necessary to his Stock, and expects to c j offer bargains in quantity, quality ami price, f j Will exhibit "a pile" of V\ hi??* and Ue.l IRANNKLS & BLANKETS. I, Fepti tuber 18. 10 tf ,( } J a ; Tlicmpecn'B Anlircpt'c & Aroma- ?u ; j tic Tooth Soap, ' j TIT A NCH ETT'S Saponaceous Deiiliificc: [ | A 1. J. 0.1 )?js?i ash's Sttj o. ior T? otb S tap; j Another h?t ?>t Halm of aTltoiisnnd Flowers, ' ! Thompson s Celebrated Wn-lii. g Compound. | German Chemical Er:?*ivc Soap, fm Clean ing Paint-. r? moving grease, tar and pi inter's I ink. This -cap is unsurpassed. Just received and lot sale at the New . Ping Stoic of MINIS ?fc LONG. Sept. 18. 19 tf. y Books nt ElforcTs. ,jrPUE 11ALL1G ; or. The SlieepfoH in the I", JL . Waters. A Title cf llutr.hle Life <_ n I lint Coftnt of Seljieaw-ijp Translitcil I the Ceinmn of Hirrr.n'zki, by Mr*. G?m>. 1' ? Marsh; with n Uiog.nphical Sketch of the ^ ,l Author. Piic* |1, ^ j The Signet Ring yijtd llohveiily Mot ,, to. Ttiiihdatcd fiottt the, (iciniHti. Price r> 11 311 cents ?' j Mrs. Ilcntz's NovcN, bound in paper.? 'j * j 50. rents each. |, ,*| Life of Washington, Napoleon, Franklin, ti ' 1 Marion, Clnv, WcUter. Pcun. Paul Jones It, J * i I ctc* li j And many other work*. '.) G. E. ELFORD. | Sept 18. 19. 2. I Como At Last. 11 npilAT valuable article, lljfK DCPLI [ 'L 1_ GATING IMPRESSION PAPER, f..r ? . copying Knibroidery Pattern*; iil?o. for ? copying T'hins, Pictures. Drawings, Are., on r Clot I,, Wood, Stone or Paper. 25 cent* it c '. i package. G. E. ELFORl). <, } i Sept 18. 19. 2. Writs of Election. J i llout or IUmn-KS ATivf, ) t PcWmbv'f Is, 1855. J t <' r|"MlK Committee ou Privilege* and Election, J * L i X to whom were referred *"ndrv Petition*, j > l praying tho establishment of new place* ol eloci> ] tion, the discontinuance of other place*, and the I appointment of Managers for the next General t K | Elections, have lm<l the same under coioidern- " 1 tioll. Uilil bt?Lf it'fc V*1 1*? --1 ? -m -- UIIU rt'CUIl.lliellll I ~ I tlio adoption uf the resolution annexed: t | Resolved, That the elections to l?o hidden on >1 s ; the second Monday nn?l-the day following in Oc- f j j tobcr next, for Senators and Representatives in c i the Otu'c Legislature, shall he held ut the fol- a J lowing places, ut.d conducted by the following r; yjr#on?f to-wit; " "* J CfWEENVIlLE. t? Coui^ IJoiue : J. W. situkis, B; F. Cleveland. , Roger LoVcland. * j AicCullough'*: Juntos McCullougli, J. R.bmiith, [i . i T, Henry Stokes. I Jones : A. A*kewr Austin William's, Wm. It. '; Berry. I Fine view.: II. 11. CelJ*, J. T. "Bennett, Jesse K. Stone. Broekman's: Daniel Kowler, J. It. Snow, S. U. Westmoreland. ?. Richard's: A. MeCoO, ftntmicl Moore, A. Y. 1 Otvings - MayHehl's: Tolivcr West, J. R. Smyer, Jaiues si : J*nderman. oi ,' West field's: John Cliarleo, Samuel Garrison, t( .j A. Huff. X ShoeLlcy's : J. 7. B'aU )j, George R. ortsit, I!. M. drdth. " ?' Montgomery's: J. I'. llillhouse, C. C. Mont- \\ I ffatttery, Thomas W. ltoe. [, > I ??- " " o- '" ~ ? ?.. ii?. ouiii van, uaj.t. R. Q. . Andrrwn, CliwlHTortj". Polgcr'e Store: D. lllythe, Williama Cox, *v| ' lUnilt-rtftn Good. oi * Driitoii'a: Oliver Garrett, William Ooodlctt, ?>n IVue Beuaon. fo, llod^e* : Davie Llodgcr, Plenuniiig Fuller, lip- . |iv IllghtOWar. Dickey'#: II. Keller, David iJarton, V. P. Hr' Fowler. Groan': II. K. Gilaon, William Piokaon, Ignaliun Few. Maaou'e : Ferryman Stewart, Jacob Fonder, II. It. Alnmler. Dontliitt'a: Gcargo Keith, John Maatera, Howard llrndeiaon. Fount.iin Inn ; Jmnea Gault, K R Garrett, U. \\ T. Hughe*. Tneker'e : Solomon Jonea, David Day no, Parry Cantrcll. Four mcndtcra of the ilonae of Ropreaonta Uvea, and one Senator to l.a elected. F"1 l'olla to Imi kept open on Mnudny end Two* J day at tho Court llomte, and on Tucadny at all . the other product*. Manager* to meat at the Court Hooaa. on Weduevd ay fallowing, count ? the voU* and <l?olare the elaotion. ftlS-10- 3 ^ Warden* of the Town of Qroenville, la mneil uwmoltd, That every ponton residing ithitt the limit* of the town ofUreenvUle, who or j?ny be liable to do patrol ' n iljliC the lawa of the State of Soath Oarolin* Am i liable to do soeh |mtrol doty at the time*, id id the manner, hereinafter provided: Provi>d, nevertheless, That any person liable aa a- . r eon id;' who ahull pny the tnx or aum an On ally ted by the ordinance to raise supplies, aa aa eruption I ton i each patrol duty, snail be so cxript during the time for which lie shall do pay d any person so liable as aforesaid, a h? shall , mie to reside in the town at any intermediate mo between the annual periods fixed for ih#-' I ivnient of the said tax, shall pay in proportion > t ho time he shall reside, or come to reside. in iwn, before the next sunual period for the fOf* flit of said tax. lia it further ordained; Tliat it shall he tfc* ity of the Clerk to make out a Ttst of all par'* it* within the town liable to do patrol duty, nl who have not p?i?i the exemption tax; which , st the said Cl-rk shall so divide and apportion jt a* to render c?eh pcrton therein named Hale to be called out for patrol dfiity at leaet one*. iery two week*; and such person*, when called ^ nt by th? Marshal, shall be subject to the tour* land of the said Marshal, as captain of patrol, ml shall l?e kept out by Mid Marshal, and oft utv from r.fne o'clock, P. M., until six o'elbck, . M . during the winter, ainl from ten o'ciodfe i . M , until tike o'clock, A. M.-, during the ram* icf; at each of which hours, respectively, the riil Marsha! shall call the roll and mark day miters, either for non-attendance, or for notW,g equipped as the law directs; and the said lardia) shall ninke return of such defaulter-Mr 10 Council at the next regular mcctiug thereof, f order that such defaulter mny t?e summoned rshow'cauae why he should im?V W as th? . ?xv diieels. lie it further ordained, Tlmt any person who Itall make default a* nfortaniiL without a legal :id sufficient excuse, rhall be fined the sum of ?ro dollars and ten per cent, on his general tax rr the preceding year paid by him, on the prop* *1 rty owned by lum in Oreeiivile District, for ach and every default, to be inflicted by tba 'own Council of Greenville, and collected by xcenltoti issued tinder the hand and ecal of the ntciidnnt. mid directed to the sheriff of the Disrict ; which execution shall be in the form and > the effect of executions issued to fttlloet militia nd patrol tines bv the laws of the State. *Thie rdinanee to take effect after the first day of Oe>ber, ISCv, l'oCC And ratified under the corporate s# of the Town of Greenville, on the fifteenth l. s ] dnv ,if September. ih Hie tear of our Lord one thousand <t hundred and tol'ty six. It. I.KK '1 IIUtSTON, JnUndmnt. W. 1'. 1'r:ci:. Town C.trk. September 18. 19 j. AN ORDINANCE, nr.ot'LATiNu i hk (>trrft-:? ok mamsNaiA, BK IT (lit DAI NED. That tin, Police of the Town of Greenville shall consist of Two larslials, nnd tho patrol regulation* a* present* d by Ordiituncc, It shall be t!ti? dufv of tho Manila's to report 1! violations of Orilicancw that n?av cunt upor tin ir knowledge ; to arret all ifrusiken and isor lerly j crsor.s, and l?fdg? th-m in thc.Ouai-d * tOU<C lilivll tllllv (lisflillh*t*il Ta a* fx aver ei><4 -? - I o* "v * "*,* ,"**** eutr all 11.?* Command* Slid orders o? the Towrs ''iuii(il,iM ?'<1 of ihi iMi-i.rfr.i t or any ol the ^"nr?c is in t.? ?!i matters it? \\hi> li th* 'own limy in niivwiw le eoreeraed ?-r Jii'srtfil ; to be vigilant gi ?' tecting R:>? \ iolijliott r breach of nny ToiU'ii'OWmfti ee| a'id sit pi" cute nil offenders ngaii>l *bc t'tidc ln*v?ili the isorporatc limits "I the Town ; and further, to crfoi-m -ill such other and additional duties, ninl ?comply with All tveh rr^ti|aliutii\M iii?) ?t miv iiue I e iimcribti) to them l.y the Tow ft' Council. lie it further ordained, Ttiat each.of tire. Marliuls, previous to entering u|-on the duties of us office, shall take the following oath for attir ation.iin presence of thc'Town Council, to-wit: ' I . do solemnly swear [or affirm,3 that will truly, liiithfnllv, ami to the beat of ?t?y ?"ility, execute the oAieo of Mnr hal of the Town f Greenville, without favor, fear, prejudice, or mrtinlity; ami I will ol?oy and execute, to the it mi s? of my power, the commands and 'orders if the Tiitendniit, or any of the Wardens of the aid Town, for the pnrpoeeof enforcing and enrying into execution the Ordinance* nf the Town if Greenville. P?e it further ordained. Hint no Jjarshal shall ibsent himself from the pet fortnaiice of his duty, i ithout the consent of tlie Inteiidsnt, or-In Wis dtsenec of any two of the Wardens, finder penIt y of dismissal from office, suspension or fine, lot exceeding Twenty Dollars for each offence, 0 he adjudged hy the Town Council and deduced from his salary, and further, that th? Mar1,m' shall be l??l l? at any time to b* x<-niov?d lont onlcc by tlie vote o't!".C !<- it further ordained TK-.i Marsh"'' in hd I discharge of their duties, shall usT'ho* undnl 1 dcnce; that they ilinl) keep an account of *11 o cys arising from fines, rewards for the np. M rehi nsiiyi ,,f negroes, and of nionevs ndJ I - l in- owners to five states from piiul.hmrht, ani H linll render soil] ncootist to the Council one* <1 very month;that tbey shall attend to the ex< tit ion of the patrol taws ; linvc authority to csli ' n v citizen to their assistance to aid in quelling iott, or o'Ler brcngbce of the peace, and to re-' ort to the VvUacQ ?U } ?r??U5 w l?v shall refuse j rentier such ssfistunce. Ltone ami ratified under the corporate seal of tbo Town of lir?-envi le, on the (Vflcenth 1 u s.] day .of Scpteinlier, in the year of our Lord one thousand oitfht hnmlred and fifty six. 11. LKKTIIKUSTOK. J*Undan*. W. P. Paicr, 7Wa VUrk. September 18 19 4 Town Ordinance. r>E IT OKDAINEL. Tlmt from and af13 tor tlie lii-l ilny of Oclolxfr next, it tnll la* the duty of eteiy person or person* lining or occupying n lot on Main street, i sweep in front of tlioir Stores, Miopa, (flees < r dwe.Uhg ilotti, cai!; Saturday Dining, l?v 10, A. M.. when tlie Town rngon will Ik> icquiied to remove the same some place, lo be designated by lijy landent. nnd all persons failing to bwnply tli said Ordinance, shall be notified by on? the MatshaU lo do the same, ami for eh day that wtid premise* shad remain III. lie or idle shall ?"" d'4 <''"*>* ' ?- |'"J? n?V nvill W| WW? M*?l* r per Uiiy, to Imj coliccU-U u? other finea >? 'I* k +. ! ? l)one nnil rntifie<l uixtcr the corpornU ?-hI of I ho Town ?>f Greenville, uuth* ? i.] fifteenth da)' of Sepit-mtor, in tho \ vhp of our Lonl one tholMauil Vtgkt ]iun?lre<| hum (If V-flx, II. L. 'lillCUSTON, IntcnUenf. P. Pkic*. Town Clerk. St-!" 18, -^p:. a. Card Cases, Fcitcmcnaies. &?. [ ^11K SuWo iln*r |i<\h ju*< npt>uv4 an elegant, L hwoi tu?o?t of Ciu-il oommi, Porter* h*. #, Pocket Poyk*, luk*tmuia, SMtuUtamla, <fcc. O.X.ELFORlT^ Kept IS. 10. I." I ' *