University of South Carolina Libraries
jmmmmmmsssssssssssssma^ ***** co??(rrtrt?'!W*ii?Lr ton rnf wmf?OT. fcrflHADl H tOODiETTi OOiyHAjrtty^ tlRKKXV((.LK 8RPTkMUElC 3 . I?55. RAPPING, ? 20 i Dundee, a 18 I ..? ?>, ig Sides, 12$ , . _ Hog round 12 POUK, Country, 7 BUTTER.. .Goshen, per lb. none, i '-*-? ?*'? Country,.perlb. 15 COFFEE. ..Rio, per Jb. 1&? Jiivn, ]>er lb. 18 a 20 $ DOMESTICS, Shirting. per yd. 0$ ? 10 v Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 15 Oenitburg*, per vd. 11 a 12$ FJLOUR....Country, perbbl. SG$ a 0 Country, per suck, a $3 j i r:w*TV r?Ai?ti nae KmoIiaI ** KA I vja ? I | .vrv/iii) V WV Wboat, por bushel, #100 Oats, pet bushel, a S3 IRON .Swedes, per lb. 6? a 7 . English, per lb. <* 5| LARD per lb. ? MOLASSES, \V. I. per gal. 65 N.O., a 65 SYRUP.. .." M per gal. noue. OILS Lamp, per gal. $1^ ? #2$ Train, per gaK 874 a #li Lihsccd, #l| RICE.......per lb. a 8* ROPE..'. i\ .per lb. 15 a 20 8UGARS.. .N. Orleans, per lb. a 12 j Porto Rioo, per lb. a 12$ Loaf, per lb. ] 5 Crushed, por lb, 15 Refllrted, per lb. a 14 SALT. per bushel, #i Salt, por sack, $2 50 80AP Colgate,pale, 12^ a ifc Yellow, por lb. 8 a 10 SnOT...;..per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, a *2 J ? f^The fi lends of JFoltII L. W<Htmorc* laud announce him a* n Candidate to repre sent the people of Greenville District, in the State Senate, at the enduing election. I The Friends of Oliver Ottrrelf, Eiq., rospoctfully announce him as a candidate to rep resent the people of Greenville District in the j?e*t Legislature. July 10?0?td We are authorised to announce Joint XV. Rlokf*; O candidate for the Legislature. at the anauip? election. J 19-td. par* We are authorized to anno!>"< Col. XV. HL Campbell as a candidate fo?* th* titaU Legislature. at tbe ensuing election. J?a< 19 U td. mm ' Ja?cph Howell, Kvoej.., ( ? Pan* <W?U for the Legislature. J uiy y-8-td. triVn. HI. Tlioutaa, Esq., is rcspeetfully announced as a Candidate to represent Greenville District in the next llouao ol llepresenlaLive* J 5?4?td" jyrite tviuiid. of Dr. Win. A. IQooiitty ann'iunee liitu n candidate for re-election nt fb? approaching election for members to the J/'gMatnfr. J 6 r^JTl.e friends of j/Robcrt Sinljli^ *-?li announce lilio a candidate for the next legislature, Aug. 21?15?td. Town Election. AN ELECTION will he held on Monday, 8th September, for an Intendnnt nncl four Wnrdsnl of tb? Town of Greenville. Wro. A. McDaniel, W. I* M. A. Scruggs and Win. II. Harrison, are appointed managers of sai4 election, liy order of Council. H. LEE THFIUSTON. l?t, iulaut. W. P. Tottn Clrrk. PropoflnJa "\\TfckJ.. Mdni* unt^ !?? 6tl? day of Sept V teinber next, /oP putting ? TIS ROOl' upon tho Now Market hicse. J?' particulars enquire of I* B. Cline.. Esq. jVopptals to he dodged with tho under-signed. By order of Council. A 2SUI0-4 W. P. I'ttlOE, Towu &<rk. WM. II. ALLEN, J ft now prepared to pet form nil operations on the IJfihril, in liio moat approved and nkillI manner. I Kminmih *inra I Inserted from one to a full sett with the greatest -car* and without injury to the mouth und adjoining 'sctb. I have secured Uie right, and am the only one who ean uao "Br. John Allen's Now Style of Continuous and Life-Like Gum Work" in (hi* District M ,v i/AB ?T Call and examine specimen* of tlie various kinds of work, at my rooms In MoBee'* I Building, which are titled up for tho comfort and convenience of the ladies. Ui'l'KIlK M'l.H : Da. ft. Blaspixo, Columbia, ft C. Bit. John Akdkrson, C!i?r!htsn, ft C. Orcanville August 20 18?It AMBKOTVPES! Ambrotype* I ' Ambr otypes !! C. H. LAMEAU TTii tha pieaaur# of announcing to the Ladia XX and Gentlemen of Green villa that ha la I KUVr PREPARED TO TAKE THE AMBROTYPE, in aft iU p*rf?ctiQ* nrul Unuiu. lie wiU remain f in Town Tor * SHOAT. TJMK to eomphiW ?oiu#r engntfftnetiti, anA then he wilt ba aoaent ft>t a eonaidarabta time. Thoaa who dwira to dommn a BEAUTIFUL 8PKCIMEN of Uiaaa N r'VKIt FADING PICTUKK8 are raqoeatod to CALL AT ?N CM LL AND BRK TIM HpKCtMlfNd 1 Ha la flleo pr?pare<L|aUko tha Ambrotynr, for MaoJuoittt BaoAcnRABfecKift* and Fntam Rut** They are aMpailte to the DagnarraotyjM hi thi* f^ROOM *4 M'BEE'8 HALL, UP-8TAW8.JP A ago*? 11 tf I. >"r" V' ' T | OppotiU the Mansion Jlouee. PUKCn ANRR8 may now fVnd a Tory complete stock of - Family Groceries, Fine and Cheap Wines, Liquors, Cordials end AJ.SO, an assortment ?>f Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Boots d: Shoes. together with Ladies' Slippers and Gaiters. wimw&m, atonaiY, GLASSWARE AND dht mm. ??~Couiitry Prodtiet and RAGS taken in cxchange ALEXANDER GREENFIELD. 3AAA LBS. BACON and 500 Lb*. LARD, ^UUU for Mile at GREENFIELDS REA, SCRUGGSTCO" DKALKRH IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. HEAPY-MADE CLOTHING, IIATS AN D C A T9, HOOTS AND SHOES, ClrockelrU, ifaffltosfe, Gi-oeelrie*, PAINTS AND OILS, ME^OOOtNlES,, 4?. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, t A 9 f UAVE OPENED AT THE ABOVE PLACE n large and varied Mmllutlit of Now and Elegant Goods, to which they invito attention from their friends and the trading community. Tho Stock ha? boon purchased with groat care under thn personal supervision of the proprietor* daring a protracto<l stay in New-York, and feel confident in assuring the public that they can nnd will offer bargain*. We deem it unnecessary to eiiutnoratc tlie articles which wo haioon hand, believing that nn examination of our stock will insure the belief that bargains may be had by calling at our establishment, fyObuntry produce taken in cxcliAngo. Greenville, April 3. 47 tf JUHN KRAUSE, P VR PE i T U R P AND CABINET MAKER, i hij WOULD respectfully inform wAeb^SfaJfithe eitirens of t nd vi^P^S^aSoinilv tlmt he hns ??n hand a lot of FUHXlTlJItK, which ho * ill diiuintA of upon reasonable term* IIo has Chairs, Tables t*?fa.\ Wiuhdtnnih, Ao. Fine nnd l'laiii Furniture made to order. Hi* shop mny he found on Avenue Stre -t, between Hentiti-V Htore nnd the C!oVf?otionerv, mid nearly op]>ositc the Court llou..', if ryap villa, ft. Ci ' Aug. 14-1-t-ly Hurra for Brooks! CAHES1 CASES! CANES! subscribers hove ju.-(- received n largo 1 supply of Fine, Uand*on>o and servicabfe CAN EH, ninong which will ho fdiiud the veritable (lutt* IVrchw, (so deservedly nopuJnr, at tlie present;) nnd Hold and Silver Mounted Canes, of ninuv rt vies. Call and see tliom. Jly 3*1-1*2?tf 1- J. FltlTZ A CO. August 15th. rl"WlE reception of FltHSH GOODS this montii L are very large nnd makes my stock complete in the various department* rrow \ 'Vide Sheetings, Furniture Chintzes, line Long v/.'.1"1*? l)rc?4 Calicoes, I.invn Towellings, doeonet Muslins, Bosom Linens, Mull and Check, do. French Bombasines; Nainsook do. l.ustrino Silk, Striped Swisses, Fringe Trim tilings. Very line Dotted Swiss. "White and col, llose. Palm Fan*, Links Fas*, asi> Fancy Articles W. H. HOVEY'S. August 14 14 tf SHAKER fg> HObbsT JUST opened, n largo supply pure white Shaker Hauls. W. a 1IASTIE A fiO. August 14 14 *3. Sogars' Segara!! 4 T the Bookstore will l?e found an assortment of fragrant nnd easy smoking SEQAR8.? They Mvo been recommended by those who linvs u??d thein, and will stnnd pufHriff to n considerable extolh W & KLFORD. August 7. 1*1 Tlic Rnlm of the SctiWil. Tl'ST ItKCKIYF.H, at. the CJreenvi'le Boon- i store, dirrrt from th* laboratory, a full suitply of the justly celebrated HALM OF A THOUSAM) FLOWKKH, decidodly tho best thing extant for removing Freckle*, Tan, Pimples, and beautifying tho complexion ; the most con venK nt thing for shaving, (-loaning tho teeth, purifying the breAth, Ac. Priee BO cents per bottle. To be had at. O. K. ELFOItl)"S BOOKtiTOKE. August 7, 18 tf. Violins I Violins! H O V E Y HAS just, received an assortment superfine medium and cheap YIOLINH, from $1.00 to $10 00. ai ma aiwrc innv no unvnys iuiiivi no a??ori mcnt of thti abor?, and nl?o, Voilin Bows, Tail Pieces, Violin Heroes, Yio'in Bridges, Red End Strings, Knotted Kud Strings, Silk and Gut Bases, Counnon English Strings, Fine'jt Guitar Strings. August 14 14 u Magazines, &c> O U11SCKIPTH >NS for all the lending MaglO aziueewill bo reoeived at the OreenviJIo Bookstore ; end tho number will be furnished from tbe counter, freo of postage, at the regular eubecription pticee, to iIiom who ?ub~ aciibe.* Tho undersigned w tho authorized Agont of tbe Southern Quahciklv Rkvikw, and of tlie "Carolina Times," and will be glad to receive and forward aulxcription* for these journals. O. B. Fd-FORD. ' A"* 7 ' ^ lf' . HRD!CAj> BU8OT08 CARDft. ~DR7?.B.baele, GREENVI LIE, S. 0_ AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, DEALER IN rc>mwros? Paiau, oiu, Medicines, HfcJT VareUbci, Chemicals, id BRUSHE8, DYK^TUFFH, And Many Popular Patent Kedioinea If* LONO CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE BUSINESS H A UUANAMTEK THAT EVRttY i 1IING I* OP THE BEBT QUALITY, AND WILL BR BOLD OX TUB J 19. MOVT REASONABLE TERM*. #J-1 J HEW QREr"" D R S.M I MS &L O N Q ARK now receiving, opening nud offering W?t their establishment opposite Walker*! Ma Hotel, Main street, a large ami complete STOCK OF Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffc, &c. ALSO, Perfumeries, Sonpa, Comba and Brushes, Teas, Tobacco, SnnfF nn<l Scgaro. Catnwbn, Port and Maderia Wines, Brandies, Gin nnd otlier ItrnndH of *Jtebeat quality, for Medicinal nnrtMMH Pens, Ink and Stationery, Cnndiea and Syrup*, Many popular Patent Medicine,; among which i may bo found llollowny's Pillt and Ointment, I Strong's Pilla. Aycr'a cicrfy l'ectorinl, Wiatnr'x I Balsam of Wild Cherry, Carter's Spanish Mixtore; Trnak'a Magnetic Ointment, Jew David*' IDbroW lloater, Davis* Pain Killer. Itrown'i Jamaica Ginger, KndwnyV Itendy belief, Ac. Balm of n Tlionmnd Flowers, And Ten Thousand other Things. July 31 12 tf W?PARTMEB.$?iP'Hbf?j8^ rIMlE I'NOKUSIONEDlinv* formed a Co-partL norship in the practice of Medicine, under the name unJ firm of pas. aaoM# & L?>JQ. OFFICE on Mnin-Slrcet, two doora below Powers' Store, and opposite Wulki-r's Hotel, where they tnny be found at nnv time daring the day. 8AMI K.1, A. MliUS M. IX BODOLl'llCS L>. LONG, M. D. dfDr. Ifiiiia resides in the li mac former | ly occupied by Mr Join M u mhv oh lite Poodle ton road, about one mile from'the Court*IIonto | where he may be found at night, j May 4tt. 8 tf Dental Surgery. ?ia. m w. jkbwaws BEGS leave to inform the public generally, that ho una located in Grocu villa, anil respectfully olh'ra ftih professional nor vices to all who mnv require them. AipjmJMi rami inserted from one to an "Ctitirc sett, l'articulm attention paid to regulating of children's teetl and treatment of diecatcd gums. wr Dr. Knwanns may be found at the Plan tcr's Hotel, until he aim procure suitable rooms rbfukesob: THE NEATNESS AND DURABILITY OF HiS W JRh' i t - | .111110 IV O It. &a., &o. ' rpHE subscriber line Intrly added vcrv Lirgoh 1. lo hie Stock of Drug*, Medicine*, l'niiit* Ac. They arc of the bent quality. He hope* from bis forig cxperieuec in the btieinews auc ciotO attention, to wenro a reamnahlc eh ore <>i patronage. 8 li?i-lt J- th DEAN. Syrup*. L Kir ok, pike-apple. stra wherry RASP REltR Y d-c., for tale at the Drtq | Store of f B J. II. DKAN. Camp Oil. FOB SALE at tl?c Drug Store of J ft? ?tf J. II. DEAN*. Fine Cantor Oil. I i V ak.%y * I - J - aittiAlijnt* I >t nni' AVP1 I 1- brought to thi* market. To l>e had it large ami amull qunntitie*, at the Drug Store o J 5-4?tf. J. II. DEAN. Apple Vinegar. A FIXE QUALITY, to he hml at the Drtq Store or f J II. DEAN. Choice Liqiiom. BRANDIES, WINES, ?tc., of the bent nnnli lice for medicinal purpoeen, for rule, mm rittblv for cash, at the Drtn? Store of July a-s-tf. ~ j. H. DKAN. 11 ONE OF NICHOLAS'>Vo. 1 Improved I'nten SO!>A FOUNT, juet r???iv'cd and i? ful operation, nt the Otfico of July 24-11-tf DR8. MI MS A T.ONO. Another Lot OF that well aborted FIVE CANDIES, joe received at tlia New Drug Store of Aw* 1-4?14?tf. MI MS A LO.Nfl. Take Warning. rpiIOSKFINK I'OCKET KNIVES offering * A cheap, nt the Now Urn# Store of MI MS & U)N(1. nre going very fu*U Aug. 1414?tf. K?tray. JOEL G'llAULKS tolU before me i TMfl email iron gray mure MULE, about 18 liande high. tutpfofted to be t) veare ol< DAAt?bare footed, the tall shaved. No partiru I far innflfi 4xi* 1 >I*Anila Alw?.Muoii 1I..1 . ? praised At *eventy-flvo dollar* by three lawfu appraiser*. She can be found at the resideuc. of said Joel Charles, about 1*2 mile* below Orern ville C. II., to the right of the Augusta road. ALEXANDER McREK, M. 0. I>. I July 24 11 4in. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the subeeribers bi BOOK ACCOUNT..r NOTE, ui? to the tire" of January last, are requested to o*U and setth a* we are in need of money. F. F. HEATTIE <tr CO. Aug *8 16 6. t ? Notify. PKRSONB having note* due me of sever* years standing aruNiotitied that payment ?f U?? *ame i* required. F. F. BEATTIE. . In ? general advertisements. W.ulEOVRY, PROPRIETOR Of i 11% tirccnbiltc, S. 6. FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILKS, SONNETS, RISSONS, Iaawl?, SUalilM & Embroideries*. AO K.ST Foil Rich's kirk-proof safes, Storislnrd'a Warranted Viano Fortca, ? ^ Mr-. Allen's Word's Hnir It caterer, 2. pi Dr. W. B Moffatt'a l'illa null Hitter*, " ? ? Dr. David Juyuo'a Viitent Medicine*, V -"I Loudon <? " " a. b. ?k 1). Snnda' SnrHnpnrilln, J " w No. '2, Clfa-donir* TlniLlitip*. Nearly oppo*itr J fane ion JIoum. inniinry if, 1800. J5G tf Elford & Donaldson, 1 US s? ?, C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. D9NAL0S0N. Jnn. 10. S.I Sin BEED & oboDLETT, AY*? JTiAWp Cireenvillc, s. C. Jt2rOf)icO llPXt doOf t<> r. K. BbATTIK <Si Co. J, l?. BBRU.] [s. D. COODI.RTT. Jnnunrv 11 S5 tf I WILLIAM P. PRICE, Attorney at Law. WILL punctually nttend to nil matters entrusted to liU euro. lie mny he found for tliv present, nt the Lnw Olfiv<> of Messrs. Thompson A Easlky, or nt. the office of the Southern Enterprise, Greenville C. 11. F?l> 14. 40 tf THE .GREENVILLE : mm simm* MAIN Sl'KEET, NEXT TO M'BEE'S HALL. | - .-viPa THE Subscriber has on hnn?l n large and | , ?? tfVcU-seloeted Stock of MISCELLANEOUS, I - ^^p^SCIIOOL nnd CLASSICAL HttOKS. Writing Paper, 111 an k Hooks, Memorandums, Ac. i Writing l>osks nnd I'mmcs, Portfolios, Gold nnk Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink. Sonling Wn\, Wnfcrs, Slates, Copy Hooks, Ink-Stnnds, It tilers, ?Ve., ?te. G. K. EJ.FOKP, Sign of the Li^r Hook. March 0. 411 8m iTTnniiru i mn nnnimri i r n -r- ?... m i unrxt t ?;xu ouurvatLU ft A I LAW, : Gonoral Agent ani Colloctor, 1 HAVING been engaged for the last two vein's j jo another Atnte, has resumed biuin?M atj Greenville Court- IIou?e, where he may bo conr suited on the same term* a* heretofore on innl. , tcra of low, lie also offer* his service* as Agent in Pension* and lionnty l.und elnim*, ami us colI lector with or without suit will give the highL , est prices in gold or silver for llottnty Land j Warrants. Uncut-rent Money bought and told. Advances | made on wolvent paper. No action for debt will l?c brought until notice - is given to the debtor to pav w ithoal cost, ^3^'Otlice in tin* old Court House. June 12th S-tf. POWELL. i BY gyaoiASa F.SQUES?. Painting! Painting I V r|"MIK subscribers have located themselves in JL tUo town of tJreonvltle, mid wish It to be | I understood that wo arc now prepared to receive f orders for House, Sign, Ornamental nml FANCY PAINTING, Graining, Marbling nml PAl'Ell HANGING. . All of which will he executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the principal eitf ies of both Ktiropo and America, we feel satisfied that weean give satisfaction to nil who may favor us with tlirir patronage. We deem it unnecessary to give a list of references ; nil we ask is an examination of our work. Wo want no] better recommendation tlinu our work enn give. We Iiavo the right for a celebrated Metalic Fire Proof Hoof, equal to copper iu durability, and in addition to the above we are also proparj ed to execute either Professional or lto*iiw.?? i f Cards on Glass in a sfvlo seeoiul to none. Ordors for Graining or Alnrbleing will lie attend oil to, and the work done in u style to suit the tastes of the most fastidious. All orders addressed to us at Urcenvllla 0. It., or left at. the Carolina r House, will meet with prompt attention. (IfShop oj>]>osite hi ford's Book Store. S. W. WALLACE, 51 ATS SAMUKLSON'. July 8. 8 6m i WAW AHB ^IL'Dm j V Itt : WCiJ-e <3 NEAR GILDER P. O., ORSKNVlf.LE DIST. OFFERS his services to the public, and solicits patronage. All work entrusted to hint will he done with neatness and disnnt'di. Any person wishing to know how to solu? r (hard or soft.) will he ftirnislioil, on the reception of one ' I dollar, with a roeeintcontaining full instructions, cnahitXg him to solder any metal. This receipt t In* never hot/i offered to the public before. Satisfaction given or the money refunded. Jkwki by I mk>?bd wirn rial. A 1ft 48-tf I AVENUE-STItEKT ufTl?ant?iui.'n t s * * I | un uvjA9vivAoriu navmjr procured mo *er- | i j vice# of Mr. Kuwahu iliu, # \? vil known j pastry Conk mid linker, forntorly of tho ChnrIcston Hotel, would respect full v cnl) the nttention of the citizens to his establishment. ' IW. Parties and Pio Nics supplied nt short J (notice in the boot manner. l,naf Bread may be had KKKSII every day nt ' his counter, lie would respectfully solicit a " continuance of patrouage. I July 17-10-tf W. IT. BIUlNS. PIANO TUNING. TIIK subscriber would offjfitdwfHK fer his services to the citizens flT w Greenville and the suri ? tj*-M W'11# rounding pnuntry 'n f',u n* U# bovo business, lie will give T satisfaction, or no charge will he made, t R. M. MI'KPIIKY. 8 June 1 4 if Shaving and Hair-Dressing. BUJ Ml JPtM DCJ E . /"^ONTIXULS the Tonaorial business at his * \.J ohl stand, in Beat tie's ltrick Building.? * Gentlemen ?ui have their hair out, or shampooed, or fanee shaved, at any time during the day or evening. April -IS. 44 tf. 1 % LEGAL ADVICKTlSKMEiSTS. t The ?late olSonth Carolina. GREENVILLE PISiKICT. Jiff Robert McKay, JSeq., Ordinary of aid Dictrict. "\\J HEREA8, 0. 0. Montgomery hot filed u " ? petition in my orticc, proving tlint Letter# of Administration on nil ina singular, the goods nnd chattel*, rights and credit? of Kphrikiu Christopher lute of Uto District, kforesnid, deceased. should be granted to him llicsc are, therefore, to cllc nnd admonish nil and singular, tho kindred nnd creditors of the sold deceased, to be and nppenr in the Court of Ordinary for snid District, to be holden niGrccji- j villo Court Ilouce, on the 8th day of September, io shew ennse, if nny, why the said Administration should not be grunted. ROBERT Mi KAY, O. G. 1). Ordinary's Office, Aug., 25, 1800. 10?2 The State of South Carolina. 1 GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By Robert McKay, F.tcf., Ordinary of taid Diatrict. "V\711KUEAS, Dnviil T. Pcdvn has filed a peti- i f tion in my office praying that Letters of | Administration on nil and singular, the goods ; and chattel*, rights and credit* of Catharine llnnna, late of Sj>nrt?nburg District, deceased, : should ho grouted to him. These arc therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, the kindred ami creditor* of the! said deceased, to he and appear at the Court of I Ordinary for said District, to be holden at Green-! ville Court House, on the Otli day of September ' next, to shew cause, if any they can, why the said Administration should not f>o granted. ROUT. MoKAV, O. O. D. . Ordinary's Office, Aug. 20th, 185ft. lb-?2. ^ATE OF SOIJT1I CAUOXIN A. i GI5KF.XV 1 l.l.i; DISTRICT. By Robert McKay, h'sq.. Ordinary of mid Dittricl , W UK ft HAS, Charles Terry and J. II. Hopkin* luivo filed a petition in my office ' praving tliut Letters of Admintstrntinn (with the ; Will annexed) on all and singular, the goods, and chattels, rights and credits of James ale Kl-' rov, late of the District- nforosaid, deceased, should be granted to them. These are therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for said District, to beholden atGreenville Court House, on the fith day of September next, to shew cause if any they <an, why the said Administration should not be granted. ROUT. McSAY, O. O. D. Ordinary'? Office, Aug., 20 1850. '15?2. STATE Or SOUTH CAROLINA.! GHKKN V1 LI ,K DlsTKl'T. Id the Court of Ordinary. Elizabeth Jackson, Administratrix, applicant \ Against J. 1 . At!.):;:; ami Martha his wiiV. Hen j rv Davis and Custus, his wife, ninl others, Dis- J tributeea of the Estate of I'eubeu Ik Jackson, deceased.?Petition for Filial Settlement and , 1 W.AA IT appearing to my salisfnetion, that J. M. At-1 kino and Martha, his v f, und Henry Davis | and ('ustue, his wife, re-ode without the limiU of i this State: It it ordured, that t.hcy do appear at I a Court of Ordinary, to in? hidden at Greenville Court. Home, for Greenville District on Jiotulai/, the 16th day of September next,, and shew cause, if any they can, why a Filial Settlement nnd Decree of the Personal Instate ot Kcuhen Jackson, decensed, should not l>e had, or their consent to the same will bo entered of record. UOJiFUT MuKAY, O. G. D. Ordinary's Office, f Greenville, Jane23d, 1860. J 7-3in. Coministiioner'8 Sale i OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Tho Stato of South Carolina. | GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Iib Equity. BY virtue of the decretal order of his Honor Chancellor 11. P. Dunkin, at July Term, 1856, in the case of A. It. MeDnvid, et. al., vs. Susannah MeDnvid, et. al., for partition of the Laud* of John MeDnvid, deceased, I will sell, At publio- auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House of said District, on Sales-day in October next, the following TRACTS OF LAND, situated in enid District: Tit ACT No. 1, being the Cobb Tract, containing Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, lying on Mountain Creek of Saluda River, adjoining lands of It. A. Child, Allen McDuvid, llenry Stokes and others. TRACT No. 2, being the lieu ton Trnet, containing Fifty-N ine and a Half Acres, more or loss, situated on the waters of Heaver Darn Creek adjoining lauds of Clark, MeDnvid, Vance and others. TRACT Xo. 8. being the Avery Tract, containing Four Hundred and Seventy-Fiv* Acre?, more or less, situate oil Mountain Creek of Saluda River, and adjoining lands of Coolcy Williams mill Others. Tkkjis?Ono fourth the purchase nioncv to l>e paid in cash, the remainder upon a credit of twelve months, with interest from date upon Loud, with at least two good sureties. S. A. TOW KB*. C. K. O. 1). Commissioner's Office, August '25, I80C. Augiis' *28 1? td. iKcw (situ Manufactory. ENGRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS, r|~MIl? subscriber, recently from I.ondnn, Pnri? 1 and the j>i*iu?-i|>iil cities of Kurope ami America, where specimens of his art have given ho utmost satisfaction, reepeetly informs thocit izens of the Upper Country, that he has jnet nr rivod, and located himself at Greenville, where he is prepared to do all work appertaining to his business, in the best manner ana at the shortest notice, as llouhla nnd Sjnyls Cast-Steel Hides and Shot Guns, i)tio)linu Pistols, (.?. He will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Materials, which ho offers for sale at verv reasonable terms; finely carved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tainjie, and Kngraving on Gold, Silver, do. All Work and Repairing done in the very best manner, and warranted cuiiallv as ifowl as can ! ho done in the United St a ton. or 11 is ?lio|> will he found two doors below Dr. Knrle'a Drug Store.. July 8 8?tf. I. Tilt EDA. ?3J"Spnrtnnbnr>r Sparlnn will copy i>i.\ month" and forward bill to advertiser. Hair Working. Af ltS. M. M. OLSON would rvBirectfully in. 1*1. form the citizen* of Greenville, thnt ahe l?a? moved Imek to Greenville, and may be found noar the residence of Dr. Ikvwk, on Avenue St., by the Ilaptiat oliureh, and will continue the l?wine?a of WORKING UAllt, and would bo pleased to receive calls from all who may dc?iro work done in tho above line. KJ" Mr. Dim* will be found every morning at the Jewelry Shop of iMivCiiARMaiSMrti, where specimen* and style* of her work tunv bo en. Slav 22d " 4 J tf ? -<r?N m LyUAUllA AJIY> irilbKAlJr-Sm L .. Q. 8. BOWER, A 9Iaiau?uctiir?r nud Dealer la nUzSSA Cimi'<S wf every elyle. /, FISK'S CELEBRATED METAUC BURIAL CASES, Oppnx'i te tk* Con parte Heme*, Dee. 7. COLUMBIA, 8. C- \ y DKXI.Krt ft fyiigicys, $Ji*c*IIiHKCWS qpi 149 fllctlinrdfton Struct* COLI M15IA, 8. 0/ f MHCIIANT'S hoteiT BY JAMES M. HUB8T,. S. (D. Board?$150 Per Bay; February '21. 41 tf LKc n^id Property Iu*arfi4? LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE S THE ASHEVILLE fthituol Snmirnurt Comprint; Insures Houses, Stores and other Prop rtjs AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves,' between the ayes of 10 and 60 years ON such forms its to render tf a most sufe ntfd desirable investment. Full dt-trftts, With lite Constitution nnd By-Laws of the Comjpany, will he furnished on application to any of the Of-fleers of the Company. josKPii n. osnouxF, jw*. Ww. W. MeDOWKLI,, Vice-Pre*.J.\?. B. Raxkiv, Secretary <t 7Yeasur<r.JOHN W. GRADY, Agent; Dee. 57-tf. CREENVlI.LF. S. C. L L0f*l?iH'8 Anti-Rheumatic Powders.. A Safe* Speedy and Radical (Jure for' Rheumatism, Rheumatic Oout and Sciatica. \K, the undersigned citizens of Pifthnffl' V County, Georgia, cheerfully hear testi-irony to the elVieacy of J.inch's Anti-Rheumatic Powders iu the treatment of acute or chronio | Rheumatism, nianv eases having heen eucceseful ly treated hy Dr. J. O. GIBSON, within our j>erI soiial knowledge in which these Powders wereJ>rinci pully Used. oel Urnuiinm. M. D. IPm. B. Carter, Stephen li. Marshall, 1). R. Adams, T II II... II ? ?. inoinn? Keepers, G. U. Thoiuoe, J. Kichleson A other*.' tW~ Any reasonable number of individual cer-' I litiratescnn bo given in attestation of their effi-'" ! cacy. I Prepared and eol?l by J. O. GIBSON, M. IX, Hutonton (in., nt $5 nor box. All order* directed to him, with the above-nut*' enclosed, and a description <rf tl*? case shall receive with the Medicine such advice us may suitnnv peculiarity thereof. For sale by Bl. II. KARLE, M. P., Apothecary nud Druggist-, Greenville, S. 0. May 1. 61 ly E. J. FRITZ & CO. HAVE just received, nnd nrc now displaying' at their establishment n spendid assortment of Ladies' Gold Ear-l)rops?Mosaic nnd Cameo;', a tine lot of Emblem P'ue?Masonic nnd Odd-Fel-Iowa. Gold AdelaidGuard Chains, Silver Guard and Fob Chains. FIXK (JOLD HVXTIXO JjKVLK WATCJIFS. Also, Anchor and Lapine Watches. Extension Dens, Misses Finger Rings, Store nnd Scale Kings, Silver and Plated Spectacles, SteeR Rings, Ac., Ac. A NKW AND Sl'I'KUlOU STOt'JK OK LEVtili AXJJ ALARM CLOCKS. C.JTLadies' Mourning and Fashionable1 Give us n Call. E. J. FRITZ & CO. I June 19 0 if. ~ V^oy work. Ai.' till LEU VILLE. C. H, S. C] fI"MIK subsciilier would inform the citiJtene jl of tho Village of (Greenville and sur; rounding country, that ho does all kind* of ! RNG1LVV ING, of Gold or Silver said Plate, j generally. Makes and mount* in Gold or I Silver, all the varieties of llrnided Fancy 1 llair Woilc; repair* all articles of Jewelry p Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Cams cuts and tits to order. Spectacle Glosses to suit any age almost. Among the articles generally needed, and made l>y him, are Gold' > and Silver Sleeve Hnttons, Studs for Collar ' and bosom. The Mounting and getting u'pofr 1 his hair linger rings (hair braided bv the-I Swedish Lady, Mrs; Olson,) and Fob. Vest,, ! or Guard Chains, he flatters himself, would not be scoffed at in tho larger fashionable I cities. Oidcre for work, thankfully reeeivedi ! at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old I Court Howe, itnd but a few paces from the Enlerptiae Office. J. II RANDOLPH! No charge for engraving any work I made by hiin. Je 20 7 ly NOTICE "WOKTIIY THK ATTENTION OF THOSE tTlSfn INO A PEfilRABLE RESIDENCE IN (rKfcKNVILLE PrHTKICT. ?jrr^ I HAVE determined to more to the' JiiWest, and therefore my land is for sale. 1 It is situated on the Lauren* road, 8- V-.2? I i '-?* HI lie-* Hinmi or ureenviuo l*. II.; COl?tR?irHl^ ' 175 acres, about 85 of wliicli is we'll liin1 he red wood land. DO acres in a high Mate of cultivation, and 45 acres fresh land. Oil the 1 place is a two-story dwelling, a kitchen, nc^ 1 gro houses, carriage house, tire.; also, a well j of as puie and wholesome water a# the State' s fiord*, nnd convenient to other waters.-This is truly a beautiful place, lies well, and' i convenient to good mills of every kind, fniS' I toiics, churches, A*o. a. v. owrxos. June 2d. 7. tf Trii8Mr?! TriiMrn ! suli er Iwr tins h verv ?ii|>?riar ?s?n-t'ir.sut of tine TIUHS|>' fur nli Also, no ' Assort meat of litsl Pans ami 8yri?jje$ af tlCiC mftst"approved qcnlity. All of m IrieH h* woW s?-U low foe i'ssIi. Person* wi'liing M'|ii?r?"fc*W ; \\ ill do ? . I1 to c ill nnd <t\Mnine iHtfore puro'i ' Vi^elaew hero. ' It! 1 V,