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A PLBA FOR XJSSIHG 1 Th;; fountain* mingle with the river. ' S* - The jJUfekv * - ' c The eiwii of heaven mix forever With.* s*a?vei?mettm; J Sluing oit the earth is single, All tl Iiings by * lew divine, In en other''? bring mingle; H Why not I with thine f ?' r i Wfirt^weT irf <& ? ? n See the mountains kiss high heaven, e Aim) the waves clesp one another; , t< '2fo leaf or flower would be forgiven, a' Jf it* disdained to kiss its brother; I fa And the suplight clasps the earth, jc And the moon-beams kiss the sen, j r Hut what Are nil these kissing* worth ^ If thou kiss not roe ? , | ??iW?tgrmg?I Mil ?rfE? Crossing the ford. I began life by running Away from 8 home. Boiloau, wear? twd, was driv- <] en into his career by tho hand of fate v and the peck of a turkey. Attil'u started in life with no other cause and * capital than an old sword, which ho c Was adroit enough to palm off for the 11 divine weapon of Mars, and Robe- c spierre owed his political career to a wetting his stockings, and there heard ^ "tho words which burn, which fired 8 his soul, mid determined his course in life. My running away from home a- l, rose from a minor mortification, cans- h ed by carrying a pretty girl over a c brook. " 1J tl>)onuhl Lean and myself were good s' friends at fourteen years of age, and j wc both regarded, with a little morej .than .friendship, pretty Helen Graham,! "our eldest giri" at school. We ^ romped and.danced together, and this lasted for such a length of time that it is with a,feeling of bewilderment that I S1 l<MXk Ixvck oil the mystery of two lovers CM continuing friends. But time came, a as come it must, wlien jealously lit her 11 spark in my boyish bosom, and blew!'" it.into a consuming flame. j w Well del remember how and when u the "green eyed" perpetrated this in-j 9! cenduiry deed. It was on a cold Octo- j di d>er morning, when Helen, Donald e< jintl i myself -were returning with our 8t 1>arent<; from a visit to a neighboring lainlet. -As wo approached a ford ?' \ where tlio water ran somewhat higher w than ancle deep, we prepared to carry n: Helen across, as we were accustomed ! ito<dn, with hands interwoven "chair j w tfashion," thus we took our pretty pas-1 scnger through the brook. Just as wc j were in the middle of the water? j w was cold enough at that time to J P< have frozen anything like feeling out of i boy* less hardy than ourselves?a faint j 4' pang of jealousy nipped my heart.? '111 Why it was I knew not, for wc had ear- j }u ried Helen titty times across the 1,1 brook ere now without emotion, but m this evening I thought or fancied that Helen gave Donald an uuduo prefer-!11; ence by casting her pretty arm around I s'( his neck, while 6hc studied herself on iny side by holding the cuff of my jack- ,V? ft. ^ ^ No name can burn 60 quickly or j tu| with so little fuel as jealousy. Before: Wl we had reached the opposite? hank, t' XVil was wishing Donald at the "bottom of: the sea." Being naturally impetuous, ,,e I burst out with? j SOi "Ton need nn had sea gingerly, I hr llelen, as if yc feared a fa. lean car- rtP rv ve lithter than Donald wad half of a 4 ye." so< Surprised at the vehemence of mv ?r trina Atir n Honn IntA.i.aoa/I nn n/1 in? ?v??V^ V*?? IIIVVI J " 'OVU *1 mi mi ?vr j < mission that we were both strong, and ! that she lm<] no idea of sparing my 011 powers. Jhit Donald's ire wan kindled ,l iind he utterly denied that I was at ',a all qualified to compete with him in feats of carriage. On such topics )'e boys arc generally emulous and by the] time we had reached the opposite ^ bank, it was settled that the point: should be determined by our single!9^ bearing Helen across the ford in onrj"e arms. . jtcl Helen was to determine who had;er carried her most easily, and I settled with myself privately in advance, that:*-11 the one who obtained the preference1IS would really be the person who stood In tiiglieat in her affections. Hie rcflec-|ro _ j i.. i i non sumuiateu me to rcsoive to exert; every effort,and I verily believe to this j day, that I could have carried Donald 1? and Helen on either arm, like feathers. " I Dut 1 anticipate. We suffered all the rest of the party ' 5<! to pass quietly along, and then return-1 Qj ed to the ft id I lifted Ilelcn with the J utmost case, and carried her like an in- j (0 fant to the middle of the water. Jealousy had also inspired a warmer love, and it was with feelings unknown be- pt fore that I embraced her beautiinl I (>t form, and I felt the pressure of her eo cheeks against mine. All went swim-' *]) mingly,or rather wad i ugly, for a mill-' or lite. Jbit alas! in the very deepest part y? of the ford?I trod on u treacherous bit1 cl of wood, which rested, I suppose, on a1 y< sino th stone. Over I rolled, bearing i" Helen with me, ney did we rise mitdj m';rly gonked from head to foot. ! pi I need not describe the taunts of! st Donald, of thft more accusing silence! T * \ f Helen. Both believfcd ih*d fallen rom mere wenknefci, ohd my_ rival ilnstrutfcdbis Superior ability bearing ler in bis arms for a long distance on ?iir homeward path. As we approachid the house, lielen fueling dryer o<id xjttor humored attempted to conciliate ne. But I preserved a moody silence -was mortified beyond redress. That night I packed up a few things, nd ran away. My boyish mind, eenitive and irritated, exaggerated the egation it had received, and promptd me to a course which fortunately led > better result tlmu usually attended noli irregularities. I went to Edininrgh, where 1 found a maternal mile, a kindiicnrtcd, childish man, who rlaHl \* iru vri ?r n ? lilunn in l?to * v II ? J'lUW All JIIO Jl fV/11J U ^ jud. employed me in his business.? Yealth flowed upon him. I became lis partner?wont nbroml, resided four cars on the continent, and Anally returned to Scotland, rich, educated? a 6liort, every thing but married. One evening while at a ball in Glas;ow, I was struck by a young lady of [uito unpretending appearance, but t hose remarkable beauty and high-tond expressions indicated a mind of more han ordinary power. I was introducd, but the Scottish name had long been mfamiliur to my ear, and I could not atch hers. It was Helen something, nd there was some thiamin the face, tx>, that seemed familar?something uggestive of mixed pleasure and pain. But we l>ecomo well acquiainted liat evening. I learned without difculty the history. She was from the ountry, had been well educated, her areata had lost their propety, and lie was now governess in a family of lie city. I was satisfied with her conversa011, and was continually reminded by er grace and refinement of manner, tat she was capable of moving with istiuguished success in a far higher [>hcre than that which fortune seemil to have allotted her. I am uaturlly neither talkative or prone to condciice; but there was that in this young Lllv tliilt ineiiihrtil m.-l I -? ? Mvtu} ?iu\.i A wiivertseu ith her us I luid never conversed ith any. Jler questions of the vari-j is countries with which I was fkm-j lur, indicated a remarkable knowl-1 lge of literature, and an incredible ore of information. We progressed in intimacy, and as ill'conversation turned on the causes' liich induced so many to leave their utive land, I laughingly icmarkcdi lat I owed my own travels to falling ith a pretty girl into the ford. I had scarcely *p?>kc these words ere j 10 blood mounted to her face, and > as succeeded by quite a remarkable | lioness. I attributed this to the heart t ' the room?laughed?and at her-re-! lest, proceeded to give the details of j y ford adventure with LLelcn tira I mi?which I di<l, painting in glow-' g colors the beauty aud amiabilty of y love. iter mirth during the recital became most irrepressible. At iis coucbi-' ?n she remarked : ''.Mr. Itoberts, is it impossible that; u have forgotten me ? J gazed an instaut?remembered?j (I was dumb-founded. The lady I tli whom I had become acquainted is Helen Graham herself! 1 bate, and bo do you reade r, to; edlessly prolong a story. We were ?n married?Helen and I made our idal tour to "the old place." As we preached it in our carriage I greeted { >tout fellow working in n field, who micd to bo a better sort of laborer, perhaps a small farmer, by inquirjsome trifling particular relating to j 3 neighl>orho<Kl. lie answered well ougli, and I was about to give him sixpence, when Helen staved niv nd, and cried in the old style : "Hey, Donald .non, dinno ye ken 'r anld fideii's?" The man looked up in astonishment, was Donald Lean, JI is amazement our appearance was heigthened by its ile: and it was with the greatest dif ulty that we could induce him to enr our carriage and answer our nunc ous queries as to old friends. ....... ti-.t...... l:! -? I'm I ./t.ivivnv invii oim i, 111 me uiner- ; t ways. I believe however, that mine | the only instance on record of a gentle-; nn who owes wealth and happiness to! Hing over with a pretty girl in a' ream of water. ?? 44k*- ? Lord Braxfield was an eccentric! :otch Jndge, width a bad tempered I ife. His butler determined to leave' cause Lady lb-ax Held was always olding him. "Lord 1" exclaimed tho; d Judge, "ye've little to complain o*; ) may be tli^tiklul' ve're not married 1 her." ? 44ft. . A man was tined !*.> at the college' dice othce Dublin, for assaulting an-1 her; and as he paid tho money into1 >urt with considerable reluctance, he ot glances at the victims of his indisetion and said: "Wait till I get hi into Limerick, where beating's ?eai>, and I'll take tho change out of Ml." Gen. Memucnn limit, n gentleman j rdininently identified with the Texas rngglc for independence, died ill cnnessce, on the 20th nit. ) tlio intelli?n^^mfc!the^nmb?r]and , was ondorgoin# repairs, and that tbo workmen bud stripped her awa^ down K??-Tl-r> fh.if >..n,. . ... ... ?i A late reverend clergyman, who W w well dp*<^ f<*r his eepenUit iee as his talents, one uay sent nis son; a lazy lad abont twelve Years of age, to cmMlfcltofte. Tblftoy WeritfifcTintering along, half asleep, with an oar of corn In one hand, and the 'bridle Jn the other, dragging the reins on tho ground. "Thomas I" said his father^ calling alter him in a solemn tone of voice? "come here, I want to say a word to you before you go." The lad returned and the parson proceeded : , . __ _ rr_ uYoti know, Thhnifts, rdOd/B'given j you s great depl of good o^itpsjfV yYtni know I've taught you before closing : your eyes, always to say, 'Now I lay me down to asleep, (fee." besides a good many other tilings in the way of ekhortatipn and advice.? Hut this is the last opportunity I shall over have of speaking*to ydu, and I couldn't let it pass without giving you my parting advice. Be a goou boy, Thomas, a'ways say the pretty prayer i when you are going to sleep. 1 tear 1 ! shall rcVer see you again. n.8 ne saiu wus *n a verv grave and solemn manner, the poor boy trepan to bo frightened, and burst into tears | with this exclamation: "You'll never see me again, pa?" "No?for I shall die before yoxc yet i hack with the horse /" This quickened Thomas' ideas, and gathering up his bridal rains, he ran! j and caught the horse sooner than he i | had ever done before. i The late Dr. Wilson, senior, fellow j of Trinity College, Dublin, though a( J verv grave man himself, was very , j fond of quizzing and puzzling the I country people who came to inquire i after their friends and relations in the ; ! college. One day, seeing a man stand- i ; ing in the court with a letter in his | hand, gaping and staring about, and I not knowing where to go, lie walked : I gravely up to him and inquired what | he wanted. The man answered: "Sir, can you till me where I may find Mr. Daiahunts ?** "Yes," said the Doctor: "do you see that building before you f" "Yes." "Then crucify this quadrangle, and take the diameter of tne plot beyond < it; enter the opening betoro you, us- . eend the ligneous grades, then turn to your letV, and you will find him cither pcripatonning in his cubicile, d<?nni fating in his loctuary, or porescoponnting through his fenestra. The poor man, who understood nothing of this, remembered, n ?t one word but the last, said. "Any pray I sir, what is the fenestra !" To which the Doctor replied, "It is) .in orifice in an edifice to admit l.miin<'tis particles." "t>h, thank yon;" said the firor fid i low, anil he walked oil' more perplexed 'i than before. A Child? a Idea of Fun.?"Mamma, j" said a little fellow, whose mother hail forbade him drawing horses and ships , on the mahogany sideboard with a j sharp nail. "Mamma, this nm?t a nice ' house. At Sam Sackett's we cut out' the sofa and pull out the hair, and | ride the shovel and tongs over the carpet ; but here we can't get any fun at National liefonncr.?"Bill." said one loater to another recently, "l'se a ^National Reformer, I is." "Vy, is that your party?" "Vy, ves bossy; it is that. If you puts in a vote for that ere party, you ji votes yourself a farm." i1 "Veil, I don't go that aldose they'll !j go a little further. I vaunts a farm, and somebody to woyk it besides." i Getting Thin.?"Ilallo. mv friend. I ?r ; * ?7 ? I see you two loosing flesh." 1 Old gentleman, indignant at the familiarity of his supposed friend, and sputtering moat fearfully? "W?what? loosing flesh! von im-j pudent scoundrel, I'll let you know sir,Tm noti dr. I, sir, lost night, wa? weighed, sir, and had gained ten pounds, sir. V ery pretty state of affairs. if a person lias to be insulted in ' this manner." "Well, my friend, nil I can say is, if you look behind, you will find it to be true." I Old gent discovers a small dog niaking a violent assault on his market bos- 1 ket. "Tommy, my son, what arc you go- ' ing to do frith that elhl>?" "Send ir to the editor,of course." "lint what are von going to scud it to the editor ! for? ?"Cause he says, if any l>ody i will send him a club he will scud tlieui ' a oopy of his paper," The mother ' came pretty near fainting, but retained consciousness enough to ask : "but Tommy dear what do you 6uppcs* he wants with a e?nb?" "Well 1 don't know," feplied the hopeful urchin, "unless H is to knock nown subscribers as don't pay for their paper!" I rj iivv iimt o?iu ii.m lailVII WW J*J" BITUIUI her ribs wero tb be Seen very plainly. ' Doubv.kt* anp a Hat.f.?Wo lenrn from a correspondent in Cherokee county, that on tl?e 21st June last Mrs. Susan Osuior, of Iliekory Flat, presented her husband with three line healthy 1 children?two sons and n dnughter.? Their names are Joseph, Josepha-, and Josephine. We have no desire to J beat it.?Atlanta fnfc?h'(/nicer, July 4. A teacher hnd been explaining to | his class the points"of the compass, and ! all wero drawn np in 'fVbhfc towards the North. "Now what is before von, John!" "The North, sir." I "And what is behind yon, Tommy ?" | "My coat tail, sir," said he, trying \ at the same time to got a glimpse. Pat, yon havo dated your letter a ' week ahead. It is not so late in the month l>y one week, you spalpene." "Troth, boy indadc an' it's jist meself ' what is wanting swate Kathleen to get J it in advance of the mail. Snre I'll x not care, if she gets it throe days afore it is written, me darlin." < We sec in Broadway windows, says ' the a "seamless skirt," for in. ' dies, advertised, Good. Anything * that will make their skirts seem less will he grateful to gontlemon. and tr> 1 Indies, too, who have to pass through y hoop frequented streets. , Ladders.? The Picayune, always , meddling with ladies' skirts, has two illustrated n&e for the skeleton hooped j article : One as a chicken coop ; the i other for the small Young American j i to climb up to kiss his lady dueling.? i Small beaux should make a note ot'' this. ! M oiiev very hard to get changed; a MAT-KIMONY. [2 =?? ; TOS I'MMS-MSI. j] Book and Job Printing 1 '^STABLISH'WlMI^ : ^ J v?X J 11 AVI NT. A fine SKI.kction OF 1 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO WORK ( 333 CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, HAND-BILLS, WAY-j IULI.8, UALL T1CKKIK, PROOKAMME8, AC. j I'RIXTBO WITH DERPATCn. j ^ ,">30 i11 ! p MIX ?, HATIN KXAMKI, SATIN SI 'If PACK \XI?"' ' II TI.AI.X AND COLORED CARDS, (I lip oil M llffo s? "Enb^t^ic U'im " odj.tyia \<r*t A (6.^ 'VJ,. i( 6300 BOOKS OUifiHr, INSTRUCT, REFINE. li a How and Where to Procure them. j, ['lf \*r. ?r*i> Hon a Cwt or orn 1 Illustrated Catalogue > lftO different werk?, suitable fur Family nii'l '? ri reside (fending, find embracing . c< I'ojatlar American Biographies, Xarratlre* <|nd j u Travel*, Agriculture, Temperance, Lair, and < . School, Book* for the Young, heauflfuJ/y Print- ' el and Illustrated Vmrnly Itihtn, Jlcligiotn 01 Book*. Standard and Select J^oetTjf, and a eltoiee i n variety of AfiaeeUmiteou* Book*. tl tt'e will Send it without charge. It e uitniiis ., ii full dcseriptlon of the best standard work* on ' ilie above importantRiihjects, with their uric**, 11 i?n<l in a form eon veuieiit for reference ninl pre*- !l M vativn. Kverv render and book-buyer *bouid liftTe it yB" Wo will send any of our book*. st Postage Prepaid, on receipt of the advertised j priee, which mnt be *enV te 0? by mail. Our.* are the Best Books Jor Agents, ; Cl because ther are adapted to the want* of the people. Full particular* and Practical I nut rue j lions to Agents ?out grate, on uiH>li<30tion to I MII.Y/ER, OUTON A MUL!.KT.VN. 1 IYhi.mukr*, 25 Park Itow, New Vorlt, i ^ May 22-2-tf. or 107 Genessoe-St. Auburn. | Parmer A'. Planfnu Is issued Monthly at Pendleton, S. C. ^ TERMS, V I oopy 1 j,-fir (in advnn<-r) ft f -Of) I 5 copies 1 year 44 5 00 i |j lb c<?pit? I year 44 20 00' tl 100 copies 1 year 44 75 00,0: jt#* Advertisement* will be inserted at the J', rates of 75 cent* n equate (20 line* or lens) y for tlio'tirst insertion, mid 5<t Quirts for eaoli 0< subsequent <?r>c. Lihural deduction* Mill he a made to advertisers. ' ?4r l'Ur. postage ou the Farmer Ac 11n?- N tor any where within the State three fourth* of a cent, nud out of the State one cent and n a half per quarter, tl (5 EORGE ft?ABOHS, I ^ Editor and Proprietor. S. W. J/KWIa, rublblicr. ; l< An Efitray. n ISRAbl. CIIAKJ.ES returns before v A nte an eetrny maro M("LK,of dnrk brawia fl aJCflLcolur, lu^liuiii si/u. four <*r five year* old, willi miuii i.iHi k* IromiMMiwr-. Appraised l? At one Jiuiiflrpn nrmacX. SnhVMuVe can be nad by 5 ftpplteattou nj lernal fcharlea' raakU-tioa, foarteyv miles beta-* WreenTltln C. II.. on ihe Augusta mad. inniTW.ftTVlKE* M.O. IX May if. ?* . 4 rl^IIlS PuperT the largest Weekly ever X j.iiWiebed in ikjk c^jfr^jontent* | lire swell a* will be rfppr%f<f<r mfc meet fastidious circles?nothing immoral being | admitted Into^fll pft$es. ft Wift fbrnish a* | much rending matter as almost nny one can tind time to peru>c, consisting of TAlfci, HISTC KY, hiotiiiArilt, J TOflKTHKR WITH ' mimic AND POETRY. ; The paper contains no u|t^i sentiments, unU meddles neither with politics nofreligion, but it is characterized by a high tnoial tone. It circulates nil dverlho cotaritry,nr >m Maine to California. The terms by mail are very j low, as will be seen by the following: TERMS. The "Waverly Magazine" is published weekly ,by Moses A. Dow, 12 Water St., lioston, Mast. Two editions are printed, one on thick aapcr for Periodical Dealer#, at 0 cU s copy, Mid an edition for mail subscribers, (on a ittle thinner paper, so as to come within the o\r postage law) at $*2.00 a year, or #1,00 I tor six months, always in advance. Clubs bv mail, six papers six months, >5.00. Paper stopped when the lost number paid for is seut. A new volume commences every July and lanunry. Hut if a person commences at my particular number in the volume, and >ny* for six months, he will have a volume :omplete with a title page, as every paper s complete in itself. JtayWhcn a subscriber order* a renewal ! >f his subscription he should tell us what j vas tho number he receive*), then we shall enow what number to renew with without j uniting over our books. Otherwise we t ihnll begin when tho money is receive*!. Person* writing for the paper will write 1 heir names, past-office, county, and Stale,' rery distinctly. Those who wish their pa-! ?ers changed should tell where it has pre riously been sent. Postage on this paper 25 ets a year, pay* j ible in advance at the office of delivery. i CLUBBING. Clubs must always be sent at one time to receive a premium. We cannot send litem *t the club price unless recewod all together, is it is too much trouble to look over on j HX>ks, or keep an account with each other jetting them up. jQ^Any ouo sending us Four Dollars. 1 :an have one copy of the "Wnverly M ngu j :mo, and either of the following work- for | me years by mail: Graham's Magazine,! Jodey's Lady's Book, Iliu}>er'* Magazine, Uuttiain's Magazine, Ladies' Gaz. of Fash on, Bnllou's Pictorial. jt#"Any one sending us$3.2.> in advance, j inn have a copy of the ** Waver ly Magaziue," 1 iiici either of the following papers for 0110 j oar by mail : Truo Flag, Olive Brnueh, 1 Judo Sam, American Union, Yankee Blade, j 5tar Spangled Banner, Yankee Privateer, j >dd Fellow. lie 9011111 Carolina AGRICULTURIST, 1"MIE Executive CointuiUca of tl?o Stair . Agricultural Society of South OsryliiiH, j aviag selected (lie subscriber to edit their ! a per, a prospectus is now issued incur)-! liauce with tlicir instruction*. This Jour- j al will ho devoted to Agiicuitil.e, ll'iiljettlire, Natural Science, Jtnml I'.isi-, Archilec ' iro and Arl, the Mechanical all I ' iring iiitoiusts, and all the pursui's pertainig to general improveincut. I; will also ! ntaiii a faithful transcript of the orginix:!on and proceeding* of the * ?ciety, E-??ny.s 1 ltd Coiir.niitiicatioiis front the hc*t writers ' i the Suite, and a uioiithly nummary of the > [lirit oI'iJhi Agricultural press. All subjects ' evoted to the improvement of the mind, the til, stock and domestic comfort, will find jrtdy admission into it* columns, and such 1 mliibuiions arc specially d-->ired. The ork will bo printed in beautiful, now and [J i??- type, oil lino white paper, with a tinted j1 .ivcr, and will contain thirty-two pages per j lonlli. The publication will coiumetioe on ! U5 first of May, 1830. There a ill also be i ublished an additional advertising sheet, a* I supplement, in which a limited number of dvej-tiscmcuts will be insetted. Tkiims? 111 00 |>er mtiniliii. "No paper' :nt unless the money bo paid in advance.' .if? members to the Stato Agrieullural Solely will receive the paper free of cost. A. G. SUMMEtt, Editor, Columbia, S C. TOWARD ASSOCIATION IPiH .< ia AXilDj ^iali^l J iik, Important Announcement. nit |K>r*on? afflicted with Bexual diseases, ) . niich iiM Spermatorrhoea, Boininal Weakness, npotencc, Oonorrheea, Uleit, Bymphilis, the ice of <'nanism, ??r Bolf-abuse, dre., An. The Howard abho'Mayios ?f PhiMei j hiu, in view of the awful destruction of humnn 1 to and health, caused l?y Boxuul disease*, and te deceptions which are practised upon the untrtunatc vietifns of sucli diseases ny (Jusckt, are directed their Consulting Burgeon, as a | haritakla act worthy of thuir name, to give ledical Arivioe (iratis, to all persons thus will to*- j | i /u.i. -- e?? * ? i, ^jini? ?r rvnime,/ who apply uy letter, with description of their conditionings, occupation, itbite of life, Ac.,) end in en-iceol'ext rum* |>ovvr- I f nud suffering, to Furnish JMediciu* free of j The Ilownrd Association is a bcnevolsat Instlition, established by a snecisl endowment, for < nc relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with j Virulent and Kpidetnic Diseases," and its fnnds I mi ho used for no other purpose. It )mw now a irpltis of means, which the Diroetors have voted ( i? advertise the above notice. It is needless to dd that tlio Association oouiinands the highest 1 ledieal skill of the age, and will famish the mst approved m<>d< rn trcaiiuont. Valuable ad ice also otveti to sisk iiid '"hertohs fsmalos, af- I iuted with Wuuih Cceonlaint, f^usnrrboea, Ac lo. t Houtl. NiMkStrMl. ?'hilmWfhi^r.o?. d OKO. FAIKCIIIM), Secretary. ug SI. > IS tf tractions. It contained Chapters l.aiwl E ofTAUL FANE, OK PARTS OF A tVt* ben. By N. P. VVfMM. That number also contained tlt? MOT mencenient of n serW of original novelette in verse, founded upon fact. called, '"Titea St.*. a,*1 by'J, '*>?Besides tlio contributions and labor of the Editors?the Uotne Journal contains the Foreign and Domestic CorWVpondeboe <)f large list of contributors?the ry>iY? ' the of Europpan Magazines?the selections of ther most 'interesting publications of the day-?' the brief novels?tllo piquant stories?ther sparkling wit and Minuting anecdote?the news and gossip of the.Parisian papers? ther personal sketohes of public characters?the stirring scenes of the world are live in?lbs chronicle of the news for ladies?-the fashion*1 ?the facts and outlines of nowa?the pick-' of English information?the wit, humor aacft pathos of the times?the essays on life, liter' ?k#t*?A M/^olatv nnr) mAMlU (tvwl t ks) tseual (UUI Vsy OVVIVH M?V?WW| ""V TIT" ~ riety of CWcml el ingsfrorti the wil<i?rh6& of English periodical literature, criticisms, p?>etry, etc. We need not remind our reader* tliHt we lmve also one or two unsurpassed correspondents in thefaskionable'sotiety of Wtte York, who givo us early news of every now feature of stile and elegance among the loaders of the gay world. Turks.?For oue copy,$2; for three copies, $3?or one copy for the three years, $5? always in advance. Address. MORRIS ?fc WILLIS, Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fulton-SI. N.Y. .?-4 i. it hU. Southern I*lterarjr ItleweMfer, FOR TIIK VKAn 1850. * IN issuing the Prospectus of the twentysecond volume ofthe SOUTHERN LITEKAUY MESSENGER, the Proprietors rely solely on the encouraging letters fnd promises of the friends of the Messenger, to aid them in extending its circulation, ihilfr. they be& to iwSitre the public, (hat no cxerr . (ions will ho remitted on their part to maintain the high character of the work, and to clmlenge the patriotism of nil whovaltte sterling literary merit. For Twenty owe years r tlio Messenger has endeavored to reflect f.iitkfollv tlic S-'Ullioiii wind, while disdaining all ii irroxv hint *:*ctionnt \iewv, and has been alone i,m?>iig the monthly periodicals ?>f America in dvlenve of the peculiar Institution* of the Southern States. To this office it will still be devoted, and will bo prompt to rcivl a~:.uit* upon the South, whether they cOmc tuukv the specious garb ?>f fiction,or i it, the direct form of anti slavery pamphlets. At thi- critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature us their most |K)tent weapons of attack, the Southern people will aurely not withhold their etr- couragement from a work w hose aim it shall he to strike blows m their defence. Tito Messenger will, tis heretofore. t?r? sunt it* render* with Review*,' i!i<?uic*| and Biographical Sketches, Novel*, Travel*. K-waya, l'oeiitt. Critique*, ami Taper* .on the Army, Navy, ami uiher National Sub* ject?. With a view to ensure a larger cncnlivtiou of the Meaeengfr,, th,e Proprietor*, ^ though tiiey intend gFeatly increasing the*f*e of the wink, have reduced the Trice of Snbsfr-^Uon, which i< now onlv THKKK I >OfXArw ThU ANNUM, IN AlJVAKfJK, i?r Four dothuS if not paid before the firat of July in any year. Ci.una?lteniiuiirg m Fifteen 1'nllars in one letter, will be entitled t.? Siv Cjijiirt.? II.o Hditoriai and Critical deprwlmcuj yC Iho Messottgor will continue under tho L'hargc of JOilN It. THOMPSON, Ksa, nm* ivlll embrace copious note* on current literature and reviews of all net American or Foreign work* of general intercvr'and value.. Die IvditorV opinion* w ill^lways be h ty and fearlessly avowed. / i , t? The hnidnoa-s department U conducted l?ar the undersigned, to whom all Coitlniuniyalionsofn btmimMv tiiiturc. must Ik, :'ddri??.d M ACTA ULAN 15, FKULUSON A CO., Law Building, Franklin-*!., KicLtnond, V* The Clirlwtltin Union Ma|U?tne. Pcrihd{c<>l f* oil J^vuvptlicml tttnuhtiua lions, J'ttbiishid in Mifhmond, ?<* nt ? I r|^HE number oftViit* forticnl was isJL sued in May last, die object of whicU Bit, in part, to imtiirate a ofvirit of, love and liai moiiy utnong all evangelical denominations, mill to encourage their united atfflTtsin ''efll^rpWr w4(.n SWimrlt of sectarianism ha*, hitherto, in a great measure, impeded the prog row of Christian ity, am! always will. Stich a spirit, to a la* extent, however, is rife at the present time* To suppress it, if possible, will bo the constant aim >f this Magaeine. A** liicratuix, atM tfct gonereht^gSU Its humanity, are embraceil iit its contentsof contributors aro all geutletnen of acknowledged talents anil piety. The friends of Christianity are earnestly rind respectfully solicited to give their united support 10 iitm erirtjwwt. Any person who will procure ten sub- I ncHptions, and oollect n?d forward theamount, shall receive a copy gratia, besides a year's auWcription to either of the religjoua papers published at the So?ni?. lLctwtnly. collected and forwarded, lis ?ls?IMs additicwf, to a copy of thin Magazine atid Southern icligiotis paper, receive a copy (a year's subscription) of the "Southern Literary Musesg?r." wtta. " I TERMS OF Single subscribers, per an. in advanee, (S.Ck> Five ? " 6.00 Ten " " * Vb?0. January 1 7. Richmond, Virg^i*. on^e*' " ? - ??? ? g| I T, f.* 4