University of South Carolina Libraries
w bmm * amtcTT, *t?iMWT? BAGGISG, (toiiny, peryerd, ? 20 .<. - DunUw* ? 18 per II* 12* Shoulders, 12 1^5 ?.. Side*, 12* <uu rouuJ 12 ?ROUK, C..ui.trV, 7 *U.Tl'Kk.. <Go?lien, par lb. none. J*w>. Couutry, per lb. 15 OOFFKR.. .Ki->, per lb. 1 f>? *'"] ' Java, per lb. 18 a 20 * 1WME9TICS, Shirting. per yd. 6$ a 10 ' Sheeting, per yd. 10 a 1ft Gimnburg*, per y?l. 11 b 12* ?LOl4U ....Country, per bbl. $6* a 8 . . Country, per tuck, a *3 4111AIX.....Corn, per bushel a 60 * , Wheat, per bushel, $100 Oat*, per bushel, a 33 IRON .Strode*, per lb. 0* a 7 ? Kngiiah, per lb. a 6} LARD per lb. a 1 2 V | MOLASSES, W. I. per gal. 65 - * N.O., per. gal. a 05 I SYRUP...-." " per gftl. none. OILS Lamp, per gal. 9l| <* *2* .o. Train, per gel. 87$ a $1* *1 i UIPK-. per lb. ? 8* HOPE.. . .per lb. 16 a 20 SlJGAltS...N. Orleans,per lb. a 12* Porto Rico, per lb. u 12 .J Loaf, per lb. 15 .Crushed, per lb. 15 KefineU, per lb. a 14 SALT. per bushel, fcl Sidt, per hack, *2 50 SO AT Colgate,pale, 12 J a 15 . Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 fillOT..... .per lb. 12* I, . . Shot, |K?r bug, a tyif Hurra for Brooks! C-AN E S! CAKES ! CANES! w nj^llfe ?ul*cribcr? kare jiint roccived n largo ^ jL ^up|i)]r.uf finr, II and some nml xtvwsWp CAififfi, iwoonif wbisli. tvill be found the writsun f?uit? I'crclni, (w* d?orrv?dly i?optiInr, ut the prpaciit,) and (Md and Silver Mounted Can en, <At;inanv style*. Call and Me tliem. J!/ln-i2-?f I'. B. JlIJHNMAM .t- CO. y yn.r~rt --*? ? . GO AND 8EE , J. S. Leonard's New AliBROTYPE SPECIMENS. "Tl?vy are l.igUt, Cl?nr, Brilliant nnd Never-Fad int. - at MrtWs llalL pilv Ht-O-tf "Mei?RRB0TO?B8 * FOR FIFTY CENTS ! /AT M BEE'S HALL-LOWEH FLOOR, t BY J. S. LEONARD. MtfWJRK WARRANTED OF SUPERIOR QUAL11Y. .T i'- or no charge. jniy ia o tf ?A*UROrYPES yoa'dwi .aoiLASH 'ri^lIK br'twbr taking thnt MOST iA- ,4(IKi\l>'CIl*LT. na-t mrTcr-fauing apeciwicn ?1 >|is' Photographic Art in it* greatert attained jetJ'/frtion. # ' ' <9Miu?ri may d-:pea< ?l?ni retting as good an ... fe*?*Wlt?. , 4-'AT- H lJi ROOMS A 4 <tfy?y ran in any of the Cities J gy Uooms at Mo Life's Hall. Lower Floor, pv kMtflf. . J. .??. LEONARD. ~7' :'A.t E>"O ?Oil -.aa'flf aasj!. a-Dssssf. OKKCP'MeROLAS'Xh. I Improved Patent r KRIA K??U\T, Jurt received and in full Office nf jily WwH-tf 1UIS. MIMS A I.OXQ. mm- }i:iND&'f$ y> ' -vna;," at AJ\(\ IRlAlf LINKS IIANDKERCHKIFS, m?w oiKfKliuf at W. II. HOVKY'A from W i!( e^nt*. 8wH? and Jaconet Muslin*. , Cheoka! im| Swi<?>, Cheeked I'finilirirt, Mulls and Nainsooks, PILLOW CASK COTTONS, '?? Lonjr Clothe I : 2 1*9 Yard Wide 8he?tings Aa4 T?wclliagii. ^ JuiytL .? ' it v' | ? -Hoc ??d Hoaieny. I THE STONE HOUSE. llf VCMU pleasantly situated SUMMER RE Hi TrtVAT Aea miles above Greenville, on tae^UkevUle road, it open tor tA* reception of Hummer visitor* Mineral Water may acre ?> found as coed as any in the country. Seeker* after health will find this water quite beneficial, we defy the world to beat Ik My table shall be duraialted with the best the country ean afford, fle-fc* sod horses in readiness to convey perYOUJfO. J|idy: 10.' 9 fit W: " n*oe*. "lj> KRSONS having antes due me of several ,JT Molding are (wlifk-d that payment of the same is raqifircd. F. F BdATTIH July 17 10 ft. A IX parson* indebted to the auhearibers by iV MOWt-AlCWUNTor NOTE, m> to the fir* of Janu?dyJaaV*ro requested to call and settle as wa are ia seed of money. F. F. URATTIE * OO. My IT 10 ft. Kitrajr. ^ JOF.L CHAHLKS U?IL Wore una a ' i*^kwa? li^?n (my mr< MULE, about 184 (flpEeZfehnnda Mtft. euppoeed U> be * year* old MMtr?-bure footed. the tail *h?\v.<L No partieuUr mark* ar brands oWtt?0. Said Mule *r>nraiaed at <#e?dty-fire dollar* by three lawful >iiiHitwiM She oan bo found at the nddenvt |Jr >f i?}d Joel dundra. nbuut It nil lea below Oveen*W? V. fj. to the rk^bt of theAunrataroad. 3 *M .kxaswk J^juns H. o. t>. July J l II Anv t mfc' ** Opposite tie 'Mansion House. PUBOn A&KU8 timT Rfw And r?ry rowst<??k of Family Qroceriefl,^^ Fine ?ud Che up Wiuta, Jiqaorc, Cordi?U c.?u ALSO, ni'i r.sssriRsetit vf ] lints and Ca|m, Bonnets and .^W^Tk>onct Trimming*, lioot* A JSjCT 1 together with Lndie*' Slipper* ?nd On iter*. ? saAiBWiaa, C&OCKS&y, ( s> a ? co vai a nr a kin i. Ivunvuff r*ns. mi w I' DRY GOODS. I fcJT~Country l'roduco and II AOS taken in exchange. alexander greenfield. I. . i 3 AAA LBS. BACON ami 6?0 1.1m. I.ARD, ^l/UU for sale at G KEEN F1 ELD'S. 1 REA, SCRUGGS ft C()7~ DKALEK8 IV | Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, | READY-MADE CLOTHING, | iiats and caps, boots and shoes, Crockett), thHrfatte, Grocelric?, paints and oils, MSDBOONiEft* AO* ONE DOOR 89UTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, Have opened at the above place n lnrge nnJ varied nssoitment of New and Elegant Goods, t<> which they invite attention from their friends and the tinning community. Hie Stock hurt boon purchased with great care ntnfrr the personal supervision of the tnoprietors j during n protracted stny in New-York, and feci , confident in assuring the public thnt they c:tn nud i will olt'er bargain,1- We deem it unnecessary to cnuiiicrrttc the articles which wc hn\ e on hand, i believing that an examination of our stock will : insure the Wllof thnt bargains inny bo had by i colling nt our establishment. ' jywnintr.r produce taken in oxcLnnge. | Greenville. April 8. 47 tf i "bt spboiaiTp.s quest. Painting! Painting! rPIIK milNorilwri linvo loon tod themselves in ! JL the tn*n of Greenville, nud wi<li it to l>e j understood that wo arc now prepared to receive | orders for House, Sign, Ornamental and FANCY PAINTING, Graining, Marbling and l'AI'ICIl HANGING. All of which will he executed with tienlness and despatch. Having worked iti the principal cities of both Kltropo and America, we feci saiisHe<l that we can give satisfaction to nil who may favor us with their patronage. Wo deem it tinneeipsnry to give a list of references ; nil we ask i, an examination of our work. We want no | belter recommendation than our w ork can give, j We have the right for n celebrated Mrtalic I Fire I'roof Hoof, equal to copper in durability, and in udditiou to the al>ove we are nlso prepared to execute either Profepoiotial or liiuiueor Cards on Glass it) a style seeonJ to none. Or! ders for Graining or Marbleing will be attended I to, uud the work done in a style to suit the tastes of the most fastidious. All orders addressed to us at. Greenville C. H., or left at the Carolinit (louse, will meet with prompt attention. ar*> hop opro-it? Mford's lioak Store. f*. w. wallacr, MATS SAillJHLSON. July H. 8 Cm The White Chief,~ 4 l.KOKND of North Mexico, by Copt. Mayne I\_ Heid. Thin is another popular Work of adventur*. by this interesting author. $1.26. The Scalp Hunters, or Adventures among the i Trappers. B_v the same. $1.25 Comic 1 'iseries of Human Life, Quizzically Illustrated. IS cents.. 1Mu-KI-Bu*-Tm)i, n Song that's by no author.? Ptr|KlraWd hv Doestick*. $1.00. And a great many others, j?st received at H. K. ELKOiUVS BOOKSTORE. f June 2G 7 tf. B?nieinbfr Thin. AT KLFOUD'S BOOKSTORE, CJreonvillo, S. C., next door to MeUw'* IImII. Bu?k* are cold nt New York Retail Price*. You VTILI. ALSO FIND TIIKRB, A variety of Articles of Stetionary Albums, Portfolios, Perfumery. Ac. ?3?"Liberal Discount* made on large cash Purchaw*. LOOK FOR TUB BIG BOOK. July 10 0 tf. J New dun Jlaimfholory. ENGRAVING AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. rpilK subscriber, recently from London, Pari# X and the principal cities of Europe and America, where specimens of his art hAve given lie utmost satisfaction, respectly informs the cit izens of the Upper Country, that ho has just nr rirod, and located himself at Greenville, where he is prepared to do all work appertaining to hie business, in the best manner und at the shortest notice, as Double and Single Cast-Steel Hides > and Shot Guns, Duelling Pistol*, Ac. .* | ' lie will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Sporting Material*, which he offers for sale at very reasonable terms ; finely carved Alligator's Teeth, Steel Tninps, and Engraving on (Told, Silver, A?. All Work and Repairing done in tlio vcrrbest ! I 'oonner, and warranted equally ah good its tao i>? don* in ii.s United Stat" tyHia shop will bo found two down* bclow Dr. Karle's Drug Store. July a 8?it. F. BREDA. AVENUE^ST ITEKT^ rpiIE SUBSCRIBER luiviog procured the Mr1 vices of Mr. Edw.iwd Rite, * well known Pastry Cook and Baker, formerly of the Charleston Hotel, would respectfully call the attention of the eitiiens to his establishment. Of Part ies and Pie Hies supplied at short notice in the best manner. I?af Bread n?ay be had FRESH erery day at his counter. He wonld respectfully solicit a continuance of patronage. July 17-10-tf W. H. BURNS. PIANO TUNING. THE subscriber would ofm Ifc? fsr his services to the eltizene wSPW^SpBHW of Greenville and the scrW I-JHM01I *ro??ding country in the aW bore business. Ha will give satisfaetion, or w? charge will be made. S. M. MUUPIIEY. ' .lunr * 4 tf ITthcmmT DtALIt mmviKom, <wfc hu. n Medicines, W VaraiakM, IhemicaU, JO BRUSHES. *?ft 4S-.VM tt- FS, And Many Popular Patent Ma*Ut*te IllH Ll?? COMAKCnOH WITH TflK *MV( BWlSKM I? ; A UOAftAWTKC THAT imfllDM M (Mr inf. i i~ ' QUALITY, AMU .WILL MA SOLO ON Wl-. T 19. Morr bkaaomamjc mm. ?--1y EQ-PARI RiR$H>P HOTHJE. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED have formed * Co-partJL norship in Dm practice of MeJteine, under Lhe nnoic and firm of ?R?. BfltM? A L@W<3. .. OFFICE on Main-Street, two door* below Power*' Store, and opposite Walker' Hotel, where they may Iks found at any time during; the day. SAMUEL A. MIMS, M. D. UODOLP11U8 D. LONG, M. D. tfPr. !Hin? reside* in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Joab M.wi imn, on the Pendloton road, about one mile from the Court-House, where he inay be found at night. May 2?. S tf Dental Surgery. B2L WI. B. SBTOAS1D3. BEGS leave to inform the public generally, that he na* permanently located sn Greenville, and respectfully offers Iim professional services to all who may require them. immCUL'k TKSSffll; inserted from cue to an entire sett. Particular attention paid to regulating of children's teeth and treatment of diseased gums. pg* Dr. Kpwsana may be found at the Plan ter <t Hotel/until he can procure suitable rooms REFERENCE '. THE NEATNESS ANO DURABILITY OF HIS WORK. June 10 0 tf. cimraT. R. 8. WHALEY D ESPE JTFULLY begs lenvo to inforui tbo XV public flint lie has located is Greenville, end will bo found nt the Carolina J font*. Especially would he call attention to his now mpthod of inserting Teeth with a continuous gum, having n Natural appearance, independent of spring* and clasps, which render them more lasting and durable than the old method. Ladies will be i promptly waited uj?on at their residences, if required. july 10 -9-4~* A. BRVCE, DENTIST, HAS returned to Greenville, where he may be found, at his office, in his dwelling house. lie will hereafter spend more of his time nt home than heretofore. Persons calling when he mar be alrsciit will please leave their names, and they will be ntten ilcd to on return. Charges reasonable, and indulgence, if wanted. July 17 10 *. Medical Notice. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Drs. TURPIN A JONES, has been dissolved by the death of Dr. W*. P. Trams.? All persons indebted to the late firm, will make immediate payment to l>r. W. ILJoxka, surviving copartner. lllll \\* ILL continue to occupy the same office, and T t in offering his professional services to the public, he feel* confident, (from hia long and intimate association with l>r. Tuarii*,) of giving general satisfaction. Ladies, and all individuals suffering front chronic diseases, will find a consultation with Dr. Jonkh very much to their advantage. March 27 4? tf &a., &a. r. rI"MIE subscriber hit* Intely added very lately JL to hi* Stock of Drug*, Medicine*, Paint*,, Ac. They arc of the beat quality. Il? .hope#, from hi* long experience in the business,''arid close attention, to secure a reasonable share of patronage. - 8 M-tf J. 11. DEAN. Transctt ! Trn9Mn ! I^lIE her lin* a very superior assortment of fine TRUSSES for sale., Also, an i assortment of Bed I'ana and Syringes of the most upproved quality. All of which he will sell low for cash. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to eall and examine before iturehaing clsew here. J. II. J)EAN. j Syrup*. I KM ON, PINEAPPLE\ STRA WBKHRY, J RASPBERRY dbC., for sale at the Drug Store of f ft J. n. DEAN. Lamp Oil. Ij^OR SALE at the Drug Store of ' J ft-?-tf J. R DEAN. Fine Castor Oil. rFMIE nl?ove article is superior to any evoi I Drought to this market. To be had in large and small quantities, at the Drug Store of J 5-4-tf. J. H. DEAN. Segars! Segars! AT THE GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. ^ IM1E subscriber has received a fine lot of J.. Sogers, which he offers cheap, considering the quality. G, K KLFORl). July 10 9 tf. jasiWm'mwxMa'" ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW, General Agent and Colleotor, HAVING been engaged for the last two years in another state, has resumed business at Greenville Court House, whero he may be eonsuited on the sarue terras as heretofore on mat,-, tere of law. lie also offers his services as Agent in Tensions and Bounty Land claims, and as cob lector with or without sail will give the highest prices in gold or ailvsr for Bounty Laud Warrants. Uncurrent Money bought and sold. Advances made on solvent ] taper. No aetion for debt will be brought until notice is given to the debtor to pay without cost, U'Offlfls in the old Court House. June 14th 5-tf. J. POWELL. Choice Llqasru. |J> RANDIER WINER, Ae, of the best qaaliX) tios for medicinal purposes, for sale, invariably for easb. at the Onig Rtore of July *-?-tf J. H T>T.Ay J !--u i., ,11? NONIIETOR OF " %%\ immw miii, , 8. 6. Fancy* staple dry goods, u lucmr^micm silks, b0nnet8, riib0n8, ^atllu h BMSr?Mcric* . ^.ICTOJlkF-PROOFBAFW*. "i V StdA.Tnrfr* WiurnuteA Piano Fort**, ? ^ t air*. Alien's *Y?ra'? I'nir Uf-torer. ' 5. ft I >r. W. Ji- llnflfntt's Pills and Bitter*. < I>r. l>ari<l Jayna's Patent Medicine*, J**'' ' 1-ou^on <fc- CV'n " " 32' A. B. A D. Sands', ftartaiiarillii. j 2 ' Nearly oppcnite Ifantion Ifvuet. " ? January 17; IBM M tf Elford ft Donaldson, vrravtwit B 4is]?w y:a:f,'t% a. eg, C, J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. , Jan. 10. 80 8m RBED ? GOODLETT, \ ATPie?i&3isria,ss,a AWW i*?4vw, ttrerBvllle, H. V. Office next door to F. K. Beattie A Co. | J. P. RKCb.] [?. D. OOODLKTT. 1 January 1* ' 85 tf H willTam p. price : Attorney at Law. {' WILL punctually attend to nil mntiers on-i trusted to kU earc. He may l>e found j , for the present, nt the Law Office of Moners, j Tiiommox ft Kahi.ey, or nt the office of the South- } < wn Enterprise, Greenville C. II. . Feb 1*. 40 tf THE GREENVILLE BDSM ?T?'?Ia MAIN STREET, NEXT TO M BEE'S HALL. tTHK Subscriber line on hand n large nnd well-selectodStock of MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL nnd CLASSICAL BOOKS, i? Pnj>or, Blank Book*, Memorandum*, Ac. i Writ ini? Desk* nnd Cases, Portfolios, *?k" ' OdLf nnk Steel Pen*. Pencil*, . . Jnk. Scaling Wax, i _ Wafers, Slut**, Cor>V Books, Iuk-StKn<K RuUh, tie., Ac. O. K. KI.FORD, Sigu of the Big Iiook. March 6. ' 43 Sin XT r. LONG CONTINUES TO RECEIVE MOKE OF ? THOSE ttEAUVflFML AMD ?MIA?9 , FIGURED m?I solid colored iwege*, at\ 20c. Worth 37c. t?er yard. Figured Iktrege HcLniiiiio, at 12 1-2, worth 25 per yard. A large variety of PRINTS at 10c., worth . 12 1 2 per yard. Blenched Long Cloths al 10c.,worth 12 1 2c. ; .. .'UUack Cmner Dc Paris. lil'k Lace Veils, Arc., die.. To which lie Uivitcathe attention of all. that j they m*y call and examine his Stock for j tlu-iusclves, as he feel* confident that no cus- I will go.away dissatidied, neither as to pfice or quality of good*. jt2T"Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. R. LONG. .Greenville, S. C., June 10. 0-tf" a, <3. NT.AU CILDER P. O., GREENVILLE DIST y^kVFfcR<4 l?U ??ct,i...w ....l-i;.. .. | .VJr,-, patronap*. AH work <*tit rusted to him J will he done with neatness and dispatch. Any | person wishing to know how to solder (hnrd or i soft.,) will be furnished, on the reception of one \ dollar,- with is receipt containing full instructions, enabling Mini solder any metal. This receipt has never been offered to the public before. Satisfnetion^i^?n.<y^lwmoney refunded. MK.xDLn wrru case. A 10 48-tf work, AT 0RESHVI1LS C. H. 8. C r?^IlE subscriber would inform the citizens X of the Village of Greenville and surrounding; country, that he doea all kinds of ENGRAVING, of Gold or Silver and Plate, generally!' Makes and mounts in Gold or Silver, all the varieties'of Braided Fancy ' Hair Work; repairs all articles of Jewelry ; j Mounts in Gold or Silver Walking Canes ;! cuts and fits to order. Spectacle Glasses to j suit :thy age almost. Among the articles generally needed, and made by him, nro Gold : and Silver Sleeve Buttons, Studs for Collar ! and bosom. 1 lie Mounting and getting up of hi# hair finger rihgi (hair braided by the j Swedish l^UJy, Mi*. Qlson,) and Fob, Vest,' or Guard Chains, he Hatters himself, would j not be scoffed at in the larger fashionable . cities. Order* for work, thank fully received,; at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old Cour^ House,, and but a few paces from the1 Enterprise Office. J. II RANDOLPH. No charge for engraving any work ; made by him. Je 26 7 St i NOTICE Worthy thk attention of those wrsnnio a Dkmtrable Rkmi?-.nck in Grekxvillk District. ml HAVR determined to inovo to the West. ?nd "therefore my Innd r*for safe. 11 is situated on the Lauren* road, 8 1-2 miles south of Greenville C. II. } containing ( 1 75 acres, about 85 of which i* well timbered wood laiid. 00 acres in a high stale of cultivation, and"'41)51 acres fresh land. Oil the place is a fcwo-sfbry dwelling, a kitchen, negro houses, carriage house, ?ko.; also, a well of ae pure and wholesome water as the State 11 affords, and convenient to other waters.? I This is truly a beautiful placo, lies welf. and 1 convenient to good mills of every kind, fibtones,churches, Ac. ' 1 I-.' A. Y. OWINGS. 1 June 94," 7 tf ipplr Vinegar. A, *I5E QtT ajxty, * be had at tins DrQ|t Htoraof f J n T?1 AX. ^ mmmrs?Li i.IWL**'** AnvpBTiaEHMt>L , U 1|||||n| -*f ,1^C|?I||- |-Tt *f? ? - A.nt ../,#* .? ?r l?WTTH OAMB.IXA. OKKBNVILLE DISTRICT. I? tke Mrt of Oodiaarj 3isab*th Jwfkwn,' Administratrix, applicantagainet J. .V- . A{kln* *fi<t Mdrthn Lis wff<\ Ho* ry D?lri* ami Cn*tu?,-?i* wifi*. ithl other*, histribntrncftho Kit ate of Reuben 11. Jittwn. deoanaed.?Petition for Final SetUafneufc and Pocree. r appearing to my eat IxfneUon. that / V. Atkins and htarthn, liix wife, and Hfifrjr ltevi> ind CuaUm, hi* wife, re?ido without tin* liifrtta of bia Btate: It is ordered, that Ih^r do* appear nt i Court of Ordinary, to be hidden* tiI (tree'nf fPe Tonrt Hon*#, for Greenville District dn MbtUiay, As I btA Jay of September next,, and sbCw cause, f any they can, why n Fiuul SfcilDmVut and P<?roe of the Porsonijl Estate ot Reuben JneVsdn, de i*a*ed. should not be bad, or their consent iothe arao will bo entered of record. ROBERT Ak'KAY, 0. 0. tJ. Ordinary's Office" ) Greenville, June 2itd, 1806. f 7-3m. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In (he rnnpf nf Owlinnnr. ITioinn* P. Rrockman, Administrator of Joel llaminott, deceased, applicant. ngainit B. P. llo nmclt, Mrs. Young and Mm. Mason, nixl others, defendant*. Petition for Final Settlemcut and Deeree. IT nppeai-ing to my satisfaction flint B. P. Haminett and other*, next of kin of Joel Hnminett, deceased, reside without the limits of tiiis State: It i* therefore ordered thnt they do appear si a court of Ordinary to be lioldon at Greenville court house for Greenville District, on Friday, the 22d day of August next, and shew Mune, if an}* they can, why a Final Settlement sad Deereo of said Estate should not be had, jr their consent will be entered of record. ^ ROBERT MuKAY, [u s.] Ordinary's Office, ) 0.0. D. Greenville, S. 0., 3ft1h May ) 4-?m STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. D.ivid Blythe, "administrator of the Esinte of William Tucker, deceased, applicant, ngnins. Peggy Tucker, Anderson Tucker, and others, defendant*. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Anderson Tucker, WillininTucker. Andy Tucker. Polly Rice aud William Rice her husband, legal heirs and representatives of William Tucker, deceased, reside without the limits of the State : It is therefore ordered, that, they donppoar at n court of Ordinary to be hidden at Greenville court house for Greenville District, on Friday, tbc 8th day of August next, to shew en use, il any they can, why a Final Settlement and De oree of the Personal estate should not he had, oi their consent on default thereof, will he taker as confessed. ROBKRT McKAY, 0. G. D Ordinary's Office, ) Greenrille, S. 6., May, 21, 185A ) ni22-2-3m Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estates of Pat rick OTarrcll and Delpliia O'Fnrrell. de ceased, by Note or Book Account, are require* to make pavineiit; and nil those having any de i.?? ?i.A r.?a? ? Iiiiiuuo n^iiiHPV vainer in vlic r;?iu WinirP, It r hereby notified to render them in legally ntUste 1 to the subscriber, bv the 18th day of August next JOHN WEAVER, Adminitfrator. Greenville, S. C., Julie lilh 18Gd. 6 td. Notice to Debtors and Creditors A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Jnmc Jr\. Douthit, late of Greenville District, d< ceased, are hereby rcquiredto pay the snnie, nan nil persons liming demands against said l ist at will present them dulv attested for payment * J. II. DEAN Adin'r. May 29. <} Notice. \I>L ri-'.USOXS indebted to the estate (?f W M. Goodlett, deceased, nrc hereby require* to settle the same, inunedintely, and those having demands will present them duly attested, fo payment.. R. D. LONG, Adin'r. it ay 29. 8 6 i?lEW WATOJET, (DIL.(Q)(D?r AND Jewelry Establishment. P. B. BURNHAM &, CO. UAVK opened, next door to M. B. EaklkV Drugstore, an elegant, assortment of Jew olry, consisting of Indies' Brochcs, Eur nnd Finger Ring?', Cuff Rins, etc. Gent's Breast-pins, Studs, Sleeve and Collnr Buttons; superior Gold Ear-rings, Cnineo Broches, Guard, Vest and Fol? chains, Gold nnd Silver Thimbles, Wntcli Keys, Gold guard Keys, Masonic Keys, Medalions, Lockets, Spectacles, Ac. An extra lot ot Knives; Gold nnd Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Ac. A superior lot of Ladie>* nnd Gentlcnicns* Port Monnis and Memorandums. Also. Cli in a Cabers, coat J.oops. Reticules, Sewing Birds. Ladies' Fans, Plain and carved Seals, Purse Kings, Ac. An assortment of Mourning Pins, and Brace lets, Cornelian Rings, Misses' Finger Kings, Silk Guards, Ac. Pntont Match Boxes. A choice lot of PERFUMERY, Soaps, Shaving Creiun, Tooth Brushes, Ac, IdWMf/ Gold Watches, Indies'Alliums. Eight-Day Lever Clocks, superior quality. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Watches. Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry re paired at short no ice with despatch. Ail work wurranted. Call and sec us. P. B. BURN HAM A CO. May 8 52 tf Hair Working. MRS. M. M. OLSON would respectfully in form the citizens of Greenville, that sh? h?* stored bach to Greenville, and wy be fount] near the residence of I>r. Irvine, on Avenue St., Iiy the Baptist church, nnd wiTl continue th? business of WORKING HAIR, nnd would b< pleased to receive calls from all who may desirt work done in the nbovo line. Mf. Oiaon will be found every mr.rninu Kt the Jewelry Shop of Mr. Ciiaiu.v^Hmi n, wher* specimens nnd styles of 1i?t work niny be seen. May 22d 2 tf 3?000Tb?. OP OHOIOB B^OON, Just Received, and for Sale by RE A, SCRUGGS <t< CO. Mny tf That Dollar Book t ''prtK subscriber oft'ors f?r sale another kit JL of Macaulny's England. 4 volumes tm 1, bound in cloth at *1.00 only. W ho will refuse ur buy such a hook at such a price ! d. E. ELKOKD. July 10 0 tf. 1 A"w . . <3. ?iBOWER, ^VMudlBclnrM b!i:4 Staler iii | ^yaf FVitt.\m K*tf tyrjr twcri^Aimm, ! ra*\K* ** *+*& *> ! . I FISK>? GElEtftAttt Ntitttifl W?At CASES, Ojrpo*ite lite ComgV^t COLWfiU, 1 & I 7 ( KAI.KR I* ! Iftllctiotrs, qrtf Sctacfl f 9t* Birbardsou Klr??t, COLUMBIA, *v C. j h' $HE NEW ERA^ Is Pufclthcd ?iVry Friday Ei\ ning in 1 OOLtflfffTA, S. 0. I liv' JIWRfi ,i ^BfRVVM Term* : ** l>cr Annum, in AdvrtM, Pec 7. R1 ' ' MERCUANTS HOTEt BY JAMES M. HURST, (KEL03i2&&lf, S* ?. Board?$150 Per Day. j February 21. 41 tf Lite a 'id Property Iusureri. ;LIFE a NDFI RE INSURANCE ! I THE ASHEVILLE | JMutunt Susnrnure Componij Inturti Home*, Store, and other Prop rty AGAINST FIKK: I And the Lire, of White Persona and Slarn, Velvet a th* age*of 10 and 00 year* tlteli term, a* to render it a rti?>t?t safe and kJ dcoiraklu investment. Full details, wit la . the Constitution and liv-l.nws of tlx- Company, i will be furnished on nj plication to aii\ of the <5f. fieers of the Com pan v. JOBKPft R. <*>fBORKr. /Wf. I w.y. w. MMjOWELT* 1 ;.* />t*m. j as. 11. ram:iv, Secretary Jt TreaSff*"/ JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, ! I Dee. 27-tf. GKKEKYILL'*, S. C. 'I OTIS' IMPROVED r i patent \ lightning Conductors. . THE snliscrlber has put? based the Rirht of* putting npthc above description of lightj nin<r Hoda in Greenville District, and is prepared ; to execute orders for the some to any extent and with promptness ni:d dtspatch. These Rods are . | conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford _ the only method yet discovered of absolute pro\! tection'oaninst lightning. Any one acquainted | with the law* of electrieity, will l.c immediately e ' convinced of their utility, upon examining them. |t j Their value 1ms been tested by experience and I ><iu m? uwii vutu-iteti uv hundreds of I certificate# from a'.l parts of tlie Union. From amongst these tlie following only are submitted. j "I have enrolullv examined Otis' iAstilnted , | Lightning Conductor, and have it attached to the s | building tu which I reside. It is tatter constructed, nnd more Securely insulated, than any |j ( form of lightning Rods I have seen. It is newt and cheap, and if properly attached to thrbiiila| ing, cannot fail to nfford security ngniist tlie ! low of life and property by electricity 1 Ibere! fore recommend it as worthy of tlie confidence . ; of the community, 11. F. Umumby. l'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. C. College." j Mr. P. G. West field has recently supplied my . I house with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 lin>e examined them with great cure, nnd wm convinced thut they are the best Lightning Rods ever constructed. The methods of attraction and iunidation ate new, nnd seem to me to he perfect. I can confidently recommend them to all persons wishing to secure their houses against lightning. C. J. EI.kohd. Any further information may be obtained en application to D. G, WE8TFIEI.P, May"8-52-tf. Greenville, &. V. UWOH'# j Anti-Rheumatic Powders. I A Stiff, Speedy and Radical Cure for Rheumatism, Rhcumatj ic Oout and Sciatica. WIv, the undersigned citizens of Tulnam County, Georgia, eheevfully bear teeti I mony io tlie efficacy of Lineh'a Anti Rhcnmetic . f Powders in the treatment of acute or chronic [ Rheumatism. many cases having hecn sneccsaful, ly treated by Dr. J. G. GIBSON, witldnour j?erI sonnl knowledge in wliiah these Powders were | principalfv used. | .loel Dranhatn. M. D. IKiu. B. Carter, | Stephen B. Marshall, D. It. Adams, * | T. 1>. Harwell, Thomas Kespess, ' G. It. Thomas, .1. Niehlesou <fc others. , Anj reasonable number of individual err ' I tmeateacan be given in atteetatiw* of their effi| cacy, ! Prepared and sold by J. G. GIBS05, M. ft, | Eatonton Ga., St *' i*;r boa. All orders directed to him, w ith the above sum I enclosed, and a description of tlie case shall re: ; ceive with tlie Medicine sncli advice as may suit I any jieculinrity thereof i For sale by M. H. KAItLE, M. D., Apothecary i and Druggist, Greenville, S. <\ May h ft> It BURNHAM & CO. HAVE just, received, and are now displaying at their establishment a spendid aseorti! saint of . I l.adics' Gold Knr-Drnps?Mosaic and Cameo; , a fine lot of Emblem P in-?Masonic andOdd-Fel, lows. Gold Adelnid Guard ( liains. Silver Guard , and Fob Chains. FIXE GOLD HUXTIXG ' hKVER WATCHES, Also, Anchor aud !- - r I pine WnUhea j! Extension l\nj, Muses Finper I;in^'?, Store nn<1 \ Seal* King*. Silver t\u I l'lnted SpvcUcles, Rte?L ! King*, Ac. A NfcW AND SLJ KMTOU 81OCK : LEVER AND ALARM CLOCKS. CJTLadies' Mourning and FMbionRbfe .-m im mm Oirc n? ft t'nll. ^ v. K m KM?A*J, , June 1ft 0 if. Shaving and Hair-Drewing, ll nt'HRinoil ClONTfNUES the T??neoriftl l.tuii.fps at fp? J oltl stand. in IffatlU-'s Hriek Kuiltlinp.? 1 Gentlemen enn bii**o their h. ii'ent, <?r ehntvp* ed, nr faces ,-hsrf d, nt ti**f fin* dnrtvjr the ,J ' ft eveii.'j.' April 10 4R |(