University of South Carolina Libraries
Prspiyautt of PotUftf t* Printed Xtt * " > j t?r. Tito National intelligawetr thus explain* tic purpose of ike Senate1* UiU requiring jtrv payment of posing* on transient printed matter: -.iSc-" c "Wt -ii\ {mwmn ioK? thi life Senate ,l|^i,posAod a bill providing for the compulsory prepayment. of nil transient printed matter. TW*, hnve no doubt, i*M measure necessary to protect the Post Office Depart-, tneut afcaitiHt abuse, especially as we are assured that enormous quantities of private circulars are put into the mails unpaid, on which scarcely, any postage is collected. The Senate bill due* not propose any change of the existing law with r-gard to publications sent to regular subscribers; but only to make tho prepayment of the rates compulsory, which ihe existing law prescribes for Iran-1 sj-ut printed matter when prepaid. In other woid*, it proposes in effect dimply to 6trikc out of the present law the double or unpaid rates on liansient matter. "Of course there can be no difficulty in distinguishing transient from regular printed matter, as the law will continue in force whi hrjcquires publishers to note on the wrappers "the number of papers which are enclosed for subscribers and the number for punter*," or to furiii?li tlie postmaster, quarterly. *'? certified statement of the number papers sent in the mail chargeable with poMnge." . "i?ut,;is al?ovo remntked, a lout the only transient matter not now prepaid consists of private circular*. Transient newspapers, magazines, hooks, dso.. we understand, are liow generally prepaid." * ? Rain. The rartluis parched and cracker! and dry, and qiftVeitng o'er with heat. Ladies for sake the pi-omcndado and ail desert the ri?et. The richest goods in vain display their nmnv colored charms?the clerks are .lemiugnli the day "upon their oars," rearms. The horses hang their sweating heads, | "in lasses casks perspire, and through the! ch'nks when daylight breaks, we think the wo Kl's on fire. The cats all hide beneath the hou-je, they daro not fly?they would be singed and droop to death, with one ray from* oil high. The gutters stick their bottom.* up, so dry, so du-ty?hot; the sewers gape their thirsty mouths, and think that rain is net. Shell fish are dead ? lob wter* are not ; no oyster lives?no elain. The brooks and streams and drying up and are hot worth a dam. The birds forsake both I twig* and net, and in the groves hard by, oh muvo their nests, wrh all the young, roust i .into bird's Musi pie. The leaves mm brown ! before their time, the blossoms leave the i (lower*, and drooping, withering is the World, tlrese very sunny hours. The coin ?4?o1d ( Ives us?lend us not to nny gross i npieli?s ; but airs like this must lead to thoughts of lnrgo relief societies. The farmer pours his butler out, and measures it per js'nt. Lettuce and radi-bos are dead ?*'tbe times are out of joint." Oh ! for one little drop of ruin, to cool the thirsty grain, and spr ing to life the buds and flowers in every grove and plain. And let that drop expand itself as much as e'er it pleases. Yea. lei a second deluge wet the earth before it ceases, Yes?like the tlag all, all above {the stars arid strij?es remember) o'er all the World and everything. Ah ! reign until September.?Buffalo Republic, July 23. A Fast Woman.?The New York Mirror! has a correspondent at Newport who writes over the signature of Belle BrillAii. In herl Ja?t she tells the following : 1 overheard a funny conversation la-t even- j | rug between a gentleman nndladv who were ( promvWnding behind me, from which I learn- ' ed the definition of a "fast woman." The couple were discus-dug the attractions of a voting ' lady, who receives a good-deal of attention ! here form the beaux?such as we have? when ihcgentlcmnn remarked that he had | ***? fftl W/IAn nIJa l?\ 1 wOAOor / llUPflU (tf I * the fair one in question. '"O," said the lady, "Vlie is fast, and that1* what make* all the gentlemen like her." "But what does that mean I" inquired lite gentleman, a little roguishly. i "Why," said the lady, "a fast "woman is ? ne that you can say anything to." I thought I should have dropped. Tub Ghowiso Crop.? We have received disastrous accounts front the growing crops in the region round about. What has escaped the blighting effect of the long drought, seem likely, tn some ravages of the army worm. One planter of Bibh county has had a Held of corn, containing 25 acres, completely eaten'up by the worm in four days! The grass As well its fodder perished. Another planter, hearing reports of the ravages of the wortu. was induced to look through a field of 75 acres, when to his astonishment, lie found that the whole field was alive with the destructive insect.?Macon (Ga.) Citizen. Tum'Wak aoain'st Walkkr. ? A letter from San-Jose, Costa Rica, says : We have received here?that is to snv, the Pre-ident has received?renewed as ' - + j-t . I u' ^ CI I I ?nuiC">, on the part oi oUHiemniH, oan oni vador nti'l Honduras, that thoy will attack Walker to the North# wbdc they press liim to make a strong diversion to the Sotiili Their plan is to march upon Leon, when ] f we are toUl that Uiva*. the hitherto dupe of l.he \meriean fiilibustar,has entrenched hintbelt' after throwing oft' the dishonorable yoke. Thero they will meet the malcontents and lance vigt>rt>ii?ly push the Walkerites from trranada to Rivns, when they hope to infioae I hem between two fire;', as they prethat by that period the Costa Uicaii* will again have gained possession of that town ; thus Walker would easily be thrown into the waters of the lake, or dispersed through the forerts to die of starvation, it not under the knife. Women me 1|8c tulij a?the more modest and ictinwl tl ^ '"ittsc volt loye C etn " ' # <?jjr <0#fer$rist. ?g- i ..iKiimiMt...* ... . . ?,? -Nfe miTMT ?i&3Hass^!iSani, & ?."T THTJESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1866. JEST REM OVAL.? 7%e Enterprise Office may be found near the Old CourtHouse, tame Street at formerly. Auother Soda Fount. Dhb. Minis Jk Long have erected at their New l>rtig Store, one of Nicholas* No. 1, whore this delightful summer beverago may Iks had. It is unnecessary to say that are have tried it, and find it to be of the best. Get your tickets?only five cents a drink? or five, for a quarter. Fine Frnit. We acknowledge llie receipt of a basket of delicious fruit from Dr. Theodore G. Croft, for which we return our hearty thanks Among those sent us. selected from the genus Prunus, we find the Imperial, Green, and French-Oilcan Plum. The peaches are decidcly the largest and best wo ever saw, containing samples of the Alberg, Tilets on. Troth's Early, the Melccoton, and the Tippecanoe. The Messrs. Dr?. Croft, have been at much labor and expense- in importing and raisng these different fruits, and de erve much praise for their efforts at introducing them into our State and District, and we trust they may not go long unrewarded. IV in pern n<*c Con volition. This body was called to order on yesterday morning, by the President, Hon. J. 11. O'Nkall. Maj. Henry Summer, of Newl-orry, acting as Secretary. Quite a number of delegates came forward and enrolled their names. Spaitanburg, Union, York, Ches ter, Newberry, Abbeville, Charleston, Mail boro, Suinpter, Greenville, and some other ' Distiicts arc represented. We have every j reason to believe, that the effort now making, to re organise the State Temperance Conven-! lion will be crowned with great success. In-! stead of being on the decline, wo hear the most flattering accounts of the progress of Temperance frcin all parts of the State.? Let the hall bo kept in motion, and the friends of Temperance need have any fear of success. Wo will publish the proceeding* j in our next. Railroad Jerarmtlf. Tiie Amkuican Railway Times hails from Boston, and, as its name imports, is chiefly devoted to Railroad matters: im j provements, preventions, accidents, and rail- I 1 way Intelligence generally. Published week ly by IIaven Jones, Three Dollars in ' ndvauce. The Ram.road Record, Published at v Cincinnati, is the strong advocate of the jrcat Pacific Route, and contains mucli use- c *ul and interesting matter connected with c Rail Roads throughout the country, E. I). Mansfield, Editor. FOR THE Ei'TEHHKISE. Mr. Editor:?In your paper of TliursJay J^st, I saw that I was nominated as a [uuididate for the State Senate, by "Many 1 Voters." For this expression of their regard nnd esteem, and of the honor intended me, | I feel truly grateful; aiul take this opportu-> ..e : i .t i. ?... ..... I niijr vi iriiiuiiM^ luuiii, uiruugii jwu, injr j sincere heartfelt thank* for the very high \ opinion they seemed to have formed of my qualifications for that responsible office, and to assure them that the honor they have conferred upon me is highly esteemed and appreciated ; at the same time, I feel, 1 must confess these sentiments of their esteem etnnate entirely from their truly kind and generous feelings and not from any deserts of mine. To live so as to merit tho esteem and approbation of my fellow citizens has ever been tho cherished wish of my heart. To serve my State and country in any way, I conceive to be a pleasure and a duty, and ' should she ever need my services I hope I j shall over ho found rendy and willing to render them, business of a private character at this time must and will prevent my complying with the wishes of "Many Voters." Esteeming as I do, the office of a Senator a<* one of high trust and responsibility, and one which should neither be sought after nor rejected, still I feel that I could not in justice to myself and friends yield to their wi*hc? by becoming a candidate at the ensuing election. If they should, at soino future lime, desire iny services, I hope I shall be so situated as to be able to ineet tbeir wishes. With gratitude and respect I remain, Yours, truly, RANDELL CROFT. Alittaouri Election.?In Si. Louis lienton for (rovernor, has 1,000 majority oror Ewing American, nud 0,000 majority over Polk l>en?.)erst. | ~ * m WWTf l" JP f&w CoLdMUi, 3. CH August, dtli, XS06. Dssf Prix:- -After a e?*ylef w?dn duration ia a pleasant* ttUge of the, up-country, and a passing viWif trfa' Ctd^e companion in a neighboring Dm net, we bava returned home with invi^^Jb'hj^tb and bouyant spirits. . ,','y ?" ?. 'o; Since our return, nothing of dpfcsnnl im portance. has occurred, and we hay/a no "thrilling" news to ootntmuiicnte. The weather lias been for scveial days quite warm ; though on Sunday: and'Al*? on Monday evening we were favored with a tine rain which refreshed the parched earth nnd cooled the atmusnhere. * Sunday afternoon, a negro U?y aged 18 year*, tho property of Mr. M. Karlicii was drowned while bathing in the Congnree River near Geigor's Mill. Ue find, we are informed, swain across the stream mid was returning to the Columbia *hore, when he was seized with cramp, and althoNin-^flyit was a by-slander tOjvaye him, was soon drowned. Up to tho lime -we.^ritti, his body has not been recovered.., Seven gentlemen are already announced as candidates to represent the "dear people" of Richland in the n?xt Legislature. C'?ly two of the present Delegation have consented to run again. Indeed the District- cannot well spare from her Representatives. Col. Wade Hampton Jp, and Maj. Wm. W.u lack?the two gentlemen we refer to. \V. II.Tallf.t, Esq.,'<?nd Col. C, R. Bgirctt~\lic other membor* of the Hit-hhuid DflegyVh declit.e a ro nomination, although they st*nd high in popular estimation, and could pjwbably be re elected. \ The State House is pn-grcNiiiig rapidly..1 The foundation is nearly completed and soon the building will rise an oruaifier.t to the city j and a monument to the liberality <>?the Leg islature. Speaking of buildings, we really should notice the Columbia Female College, a handsome structure now going up under; supervision of Gbohgk K. Walk Kit, Archi- j feet, and Waring A* Co.. b'ildcr*..;dH*/>fj brick?Tuscan order, and when completed! will cast $33,000.. . Since Wednesday, a c.uup meeting ; been held at "Mount IMea?nnlnCatvtpgroutiU ! near Cedar Creek, in ibis I >'w-t. Yrtiir I correspondent attended the exercise* oh 'Kit-1 urday, and enjoyed hmisvlf ho hncly i bat.-bo! relumed liomo very reluctantly. Quite ?,! number of person* from Columbia wer^'pres | out at the meeting on Sunday?ail anxious of comrc to bear the {trenching !. . j 'J This month, our District Kleotion-.#** Tavj Collector takes place. IksiJc" inrdtnheu'r.' S. G. IIknhy Esq., llitce other* aro in tbV, field, and the race will probably l/o n-sjlyse' one. . v/fq Keturns from Col. Uuook's Consrres.mdnal! District inform iir of bis re election by . vJrc j nendotts vote?7882 ! Over "$GOU \fnVcon j ribated" to pay his fine. Col T>. m. Kkiit, Ji van also re-elected by a very large vol*?' iltbougb \vc lmvo not *?en the entile resulkj., >oulb Carolina has well endorsed the action 1 >f her gallant sons! ' ' ' )\ ' Yours, Trulr,..?.u.': . v <. BAYAnU,6 1 1 <* 1 ?n& t ' W The Columbia Thru:* of FffdWSr" ?p':0IJ "The returns from Edgefield ^>ul up 2.101 rotes for Col. Brook*, and contributions were deposited to the .amount of $-147.03 to pay the fine and cbaiges for caiqjtg Summp. i i'he following is the result: Newberrv 1301 j?, KtoSuU '. ".-... .. .??,{! < Abbeville . . . . . ... 101G., Laurens ..... (. . 17.7.1,,, Lexington '. . 1)8$- , . *"<n T^i-1 >" n.m luuii 4 ; "We make our acknowledgment to Kf^' F. W. Sollee for a statement of the vote# ip K Edgefield District, delivered in Columbia fff\, Wednesday night, by Express. r Mr. Sollee was one of the Maivtgejp .pfi the election in Edgefield and had [>i ideij horses at equal distance* on the road' from Edgefield to Colnlnbit in order tr^'icnd: through to Ilia Excellency Governor Acfairrift the result in advance of tlie mail. ' " '.{ 4,| "Ah soon as tho result was declaroil Edgefield Court House, half past 4 o'clock1;] P. M., on Wednesday, Mr. 8., mounted liiaf horse and reached Columbia, bo mtie*, yf half past 12 A. M., the same night, averaging seven miles per house. - - '.mi uohhkry of Tom Tama's .ikwklh.-t?Xb? i valuable jewel# presented to Toiu Thumb in his travels in this country ar.d Europe, sev-, eral of them from crowned head4, were all ] stolen, together with, the cane contaiiiini; thorn, front tho Melodeon, at Cincinnati, on ' Monday night. Thecal, which is two .feet I long by eighteen inches .broad, Jiml been j placed near the piano. The con|cnlj> oonids:.} led of watches, diamond ring*,pim.-4fc.? Ptj the value of twenty thousand ikdbva, wltiah | sum, however, it in said but poorly represent* the value set upon .them by their owner,t \> ~ ".'a* . a '? u Tua Fastkst Yit.?The train from Jhth falo, on Thursday morning to Rochester, a distance of seventy-five miles, in one hour and thirty-eight minute* Y 7 Itconsisted of five passenger car*, and made five stops. It is time this kind of amuse men' wacdiscourjiged. . ' Z";'," - ' v.j ??56a33ES Laboratory at tl*? Naval Academy, who has recently planned and built a small steamboat, and on Wadnesday afternoon last, | a'im1? a, lisp iu UiijiTViii saiirfaetun ofCst?1.. ?tn>ld*Um>irgli and other*, who witnessed the working of the engine. lie came into the the. Academy, will, *i< passengeiji?;/?X the rate, of seven, milea an hour, in writ fo the surprise ami delight of a numher "of vitizettis who had assembled there to witif&s the operations of the Brat steamboat built in the ancicut city. V lie i* an unpretending colored man, and has labored under mnn'v disadvantages in cndeavoiittg to nccompli>li that which he lias lutd for several yearn so much at heart, and he deserves great credit for liis perscv-1 nncc antTWwd success, lie is of opinion | ' thai lie will bo able, in a short time, to muko important improvement* upon steam boat engines. We wish him success. [Anapolis Republican. Stopping tmk Whbrts of Government. ?The inundation that the House of Cou~ gfess wilt' stop tho appropriation bills unless certain things' desired in Kansas shall be gnu it I'd to one party, is of too revolutionary j a character to fcupjiose that it will be carried jout. No party would take the responsibili| ty'ofMbppiVig the Federal 'Government bejCause Kansas ,has proved itself so far una : ble to. govern itself. Withholding the ap j proptiniions invokes the necessity of dis: bunding the army, laying up the navv, suspending the civil service, shutting up the I Custom Houses. Post Offices and United ; States thunts, and indeed stopping all kinds j ?>t'public employment. The citizen# of this 1 republic, we apprehend, are not disposed to : have thoe evils and losses entailed upon the community to gratify any jiolitical party.? I Such a proposition, it seems to us, can only | conic from desporatu men, and is surely not [ the deteiminution of any considerable body of our' representatives. Such a measure ! was resorted to in English history under the l"Sifuavt!4, bill there is certainly no analogy between a government of prerogative which respited parliamentary right and a republicnu governiiK-nl' which exists l?y the free ! hu(riuges of the people.?Ph. Ledger. I "'Souhickn Education.?The people of the South f?r many yearR have sent their | son* and daughters to Northern colleges and >ciniitalics, for educational purpose*. They could not have given a more hearty proof of r11?it- tVatcn.a! spiiit, and their confidence in tlu-ir Noilheni brethren. We regret to -ay that in some instances, at least, the good f?? liugauJ their trust has been violated, r.nd attempts made to infuse into the ti ii.Iit miiul-. < ! SU ml liei-n miniU tho nfiisnn. oih oiror* of Abolitionism, in a crafty nnd dishonest manner. While wc consider the sending of pupils to different sections, in a healthy n ml holiest state of public feeling, as <mii.ot.ily calculated to stnrnghlcn the ImiihU <>f union, at the present tirhe it is absolutely necessary to discriminate with great care among Northern educationnl in>titulU?n*. Apart from this, the^South require their own schools nnd colleges. As n ptticly agricultural people, they jiossess advantages for"n ti(dy-home education, while the <a:ne time there have existed impediment* ? iu the wa> of cstal lishing on a permanent ' basis the higher institutions connected with J instinct ion, tf The fact that tjie South has relied so f much on the North for the education of!" llicir children, has been most ungenerously :1 turned into an nrgiiment ngninst theni by1*1 those whom their liounty lias, to a certain !c extent, fed, and insult has been added tol the wrongs these parlies have so mean-M ly .perpetrated. The State of Louisiana, I nhe'of the noblest and most loyal of the! CofitaJeNation, mid one that has been noted j for liberality ! ? M-srytlline connected ! witl/jpiiblVo instruction, is now about 1o crown,Iter endeavor* in (Ids field by the es- ' talishment of institutions of ihc highest grade. 1 j AV w York Daily AVtfl ' (*?l Huston on thk SruMP.?Cul Honton is, it is-aaid. Mumping the State of Missoutin with singular effect, advocating Mr. ( Huchannn for the Presidency, and with ^ characteristic modesty, himself for the <^ov >rnoi*|iip. His organ, the St. Louis Demo- t crat, say* t? i-i I. ?:n t i niougii every vuisge ui'il ne )iasw, ( ihotMftnds; flock forth to hear >lie old man | oloquem, and to greet him with their np { lattse. -Ilia journey from town to town, ihs liven like a triumphal march, and oration * crowd upon him with a weighty bearing, and yet believer tires or stop*. TravelTing sixty or aeyguty miles -a day, speaking two hours and M half in the open air, tnak- , ing additional addresses by the wayside, 'doubling his appointments as lie proceeds, , receiving the kindly greetings of the young. an<l exchanging old memories with the aged ?|>ouri>g bitterness such as none other can utter unr??? the brads of the m-jtionnl agitators, yet forgetting |terminal animosities in his zeal for t' o public good ; rousing everywhere the patriotic feelings of the true and loyal, checiiug the downcast hopes of friends, converting enemies by hi* courtesy, disbandinff lodges by his rebuke, swimming rivers. breaking down horse*, wearing out younger companion* by unshrinking energy, he yet exclaims after ell. Hint lie has not woik. enough to do. Such is the wounderful scene now presented in Missouria, and ecjuaU^'wonderful is the effect being pro ' >* ' -liv i.y?? * . Yofctieo Max, n private word. When ,y6? go courting, find out as soon as possible whether your affections are being planted .more in -a bundle of dry goods and things generally, than a pulsating heart, hemmed Dn by warm ribs and all that. Many a fellow has laid himself out for a full made woman, and only found a very extensive assortment of cotton, whalebone and similar delusive institutions, .fust look ever the goods before g*<ing to the person. ing himself Or. J&ftea, the dramatist, tluiug 1 nervous attack, which tie was subject to ! the fertile inclividsiaf said: "IWtM. do voj think 1 wtlu too much for my constitution tw .1 "No," replied the discriminating d oclor 1 "but von do for jour reputation." 1 "I'llore is a woman at the bottom of eve* ry mischief,* said Joe. *' * ^ . AVesi when 1 Used to get into ni&chief mv . itvjdier was at the bottom of hie." replied 1 Charley.. Col. Fkemost's Qualifications for the Puksiokncy.?Mr. Thompson, one of Ken* I tucky's U. s. 8mstbrs, in his speech of Ju ly 1st, on Old Kaunas bill, &c? thus refers to one of the candidates for the Presidency. c I have nothing to say against Colonel Fremont. No doubt he is an intelligent {entlemnn, traveller, a learned man ; hut he | as no convereancy with public a flairs, no experiauce in public matters, no sympathy or 1 connection with the wants of the community scattered over the liiniti of the confederu ? ey: It is nlmost incomprehensibility to me t that any parly should put up a man whose ] great recommendation is that he lay in a '? snow drift as long nearly, as a frog would lay frozen on the north side of a hill in Massachusetts or New Hampshire before he was cut out; and that he eat a dozen mules and 1 forty jackasses, just ar. a wolf would devour anything he could to keep from starvation. [Laughter.] . * ^ 1 liese are his qualifications for tlio ire-idency. If the official duty and business of . the Chief Executive of the Uuion was to cat mules, the best selection 1 know of j in America has been made. It was a "nom- < illation not fit'" to be made, and is an insult i to the iutelligenoe af the people, ' Coi.d.? At the "Tip-top" llou-c,*1 Mount | Washington, New ilampdiirv, on the night ] of the 6tli instant, ice formed to tne thickness of an inch. It is,however, an ice oluted situa- 1 * i tion. - . I 1 u < Attention Dialler (iuards. 1 YOU are hereby required to he present nt n I , special meeting of the Corps on Monday j, night next, Augiibt 11th, as husim-ss of ini|H>r-1 tance is to be transacted, nt half past 8 o'clock, ( In the old conrt honso. Ilv order of the Captain. !, WM. M. tHOMAS, (Wrctary. August 7th, 18 I. 1 t mi coins NICE AND FRESH, AT W. H. HOVEY'S. n August 7. 13 tf Sale of House and Lot. 1 WILL BE SOL* , on inK'-dny in Scptem- J her next (if not sold heforehnod at private inle.) the HOUSE AND LOT situated near tlic h ork of the Anderson and Pendleton roads, and ho Depot of the Greenville and Columbia Hail |. load, formerly occupied liy O.. A. Pickle, and a lontains one acre of laud. The house is a com- < ! brtable one with six room* and nil necessary n >ut-huilding* in good repair. There i- also on ! lie lot n well of excellent water and a number j if choice fruit treea. Persons \vi?liitig to ex:U ?- j "jt ne the premises or obtain any iufoi mat ion can- ' ,) lerning the same, may apjdy to the subscriber, j tar t krms ok Balk?One half cash r.ud the I . inianoe. on a credit until 1st January next. j' W. It. CAMPBELL, Trustee. " August 7. la tj J1! Sogars ' Sogars!! \ T the Bookstore will bo found an assortment j ,j ?. V of fragrant and easy smoking SEOAltS.? | 0 riiey have been reeotnmended l>v those who invs used them, and will stand putting to aeon- ,| lidcrnble extent G H ELFOHD. \ August 7. .18 tf. The Balm of the 9ea?ou. JUST RECEIVED, at thq Gro?;nvi'le Book store, direct from the laboratory. a foil stipule of theio.Llv ><nl?lir?tnl 11A1.M OF A TliOlJ <AND FI.OWftRS, do?i<ledly Hie lieet thing extnlit for remnving Freckles, Tun, I'implei, and 1 beautifying the complexion ; the moat conveui lit I thing for shaving. cleaning the teeth, purifying the breath, Ac. Price SO cent* per bottle. To u be had at O. R. ELFORJTS BOOKSTORE. August 7, 13 tf. ^ Magazines, &c- ; i SUBSCRIPTION'S for all lite lending Mag- v Mines will bo received at the Greenville .fl Bookstore ; and the p umber will bo furnish- ( od from the counter, free of postage, at the c regular subscription prices, lo those who sub- r sciibe. j The undersigned is the authorized Agent c of the Southern Quarterly Revirw, and of the "Carolina Times," and will be glad to receive nod forward MulucriptioR* for tneso journals. G. E. ELFORD. Aug. 7 13 tf. PIANO FORTE REPAIRING AND TUNING. 'TMIE euhecriber, reeidcnt of Charleston, 8. C., m 1. (from Nunn'e A Clark's Piano Mnntifacto- * ry, New York.) respectfully informa hie friends and the pnblio of Greenville, that he will be thcro about the first week in August, for the purpose of repairing and tuning .piano Forte#' nnd other ruurical instruments. Order* loft with Tltomaa St eon, E*q., will be attended to. July 31-1-2-2 JOHN W. IIAOOOT\_ Administrator's Sale. IWJIJa on Sn lee-day uoxt by virtue of an or-1 r der from the Court of Ordinary, aell at pub- j, lie sale, two borate, one buggy and barn ear, one j eet of dentiet tool*, and some other matter#, on a t credit until the let Janua'V 1837, on note with i good eecurity. WM. M. THOMAH, Atty. -j Fo? W*. KiiKuen, AdmV ' August 7^ HI fcd. V&K M1D JOB PRINTING,neatly done at " L> the "Enterprise Office." The Friends of OliTOT Mtmllf BHI*V ypcctfmij susoiioss h?n 1111 aaai*to*MaMb> -csont the people of Greenville District In the lfxt Legislature. 3j* Jwlj 10? ?>4d tW We ere authorized to neMinet. Mka IV. ftokc*, Em|., e candidate for lfce?*g letare, at the ensuing Wttlioik J IWd. ?L . * 'fi?n.r?OF" We ere authorized to .announce Cfl, W. H. Campbell aa a ?mndidat%r<ar;,*he itato Legislature, at the ensuing election. Juno 19 6 td. ' f trJoseph Powell, E?|, Us canlidate for the Legislature. July 8-8-td. i5TWm HI. Thoauu, Eaq.? i? lcctfully announced as a Candidate to represent 4 jrconvllle District in the- next House oflttpro-' icntiiti ves. J fl i . a t# The friends of Df, WHimbt announce him a candidate for re-eleetij? at ho approaching election for members to the legislature. J 5 i-tf < TKeto 3)0beHis?liKViji. ...^1 I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DI8TRI0T. in B?lplly. John W. Benedict | vs. > Bill for Partition,6ck iamucl IV. Uenedict,?t-nl. J .! BY order of the Conrt of Kquity, in thie CUM I will proceed .to wll at public out-cry, to lie highest bidder. before the Court Ilouoe deer d Greenville I>istrict, on Fnlo-I)ny in September iext, all that tracts and parcel* of land known uul described as follows, to wit: Lot No. 1 situate in the North West part of lie town of Greenville, adjoining lot* of J. !>. Huberts and others, containing three rooda and IU piirehnscs. more or loss. Lot No. 2. situated as above, adjoining lota of j Mary Ford and others, containing a fraction ver one-third of an acre . Lot N<? X, situated near Piney Mountain, Tn irrcnvilie ItiMrktf containing d "acres. morVor ess. Lot No. 4, situate about four miles from Gr?en rillc 0. H., near Hudson's Mills, containing 1 icrcs, more or K-ss. . Lot N'o. A, situate on the Buncombe Road, in lie town of Greenville, containing 3 aer*o mors 1 >: less Lot Xo. X, situate about one mils from tha own of Greenville, on the HuthcrforJ Itomd. J obtaining 8 acres more ?r less. Lot No. 7, situate on the lhineomW Road,, ra he town of Gruei'rijlc, ire-url* opposite the r<dk nee of Kob't. R Duiicnn, inljoining lots of Mrs. J'Oylsy und others, i-oiiininiiig 2 acres more or ess, and one of the most dc irable reaideneea ia lie town of Greenville. j Lot No, 8, situate iniuiedlntely in tha rear of jt No. 7, and adjoining the same. Tlrms?Bond with two approved securities, mi-able in one, two and three years, from th? lay of sale, with interest from date, and a suftiient amount in cash to par costs of suH. * & A. TOVVNRS, C. L O. I>. August 7, 13 td. lheHUIcofHo?,h WHM. . GREENVILLE DISTRICT^ V * MhcrilP* Sulci. .. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Psom time directed, 1 will sell before thf courtA ouse door, at the usual hours of sale, *> tha ivt Monday in HK1TKMBKR ne*t: Three hundred and fifty n?) A' of land more-or N4 sk, whereon defendant resideson theStateroad djoimug land* of MoKimtey, ct. a).; as the proprty of \Viu. Fuller at the suit of W> A.' K-eii-' v?iy, rl nl. * ' ' One hundred acres df land, more lr*s tilling land of the e?UU of C. Stroud, ct. |1. p 'vied on an the oroperty of .loseph Sainton, at ?o auit of C. Montgomery. i . { Three hundred cores of IA..d more or P?2,' ?'' uning land* of Charleo Kekew *nd other*, Ijiu' ii Saludn lliver, nnd on the n*ad leading -to IfnFind'a ford, and including, levied on,e*.. lie property of W. A. Williams, at the aujt t to State, for taxes. Ono blind horse, Andafctlm Defendant V'refiencu Oil THa?r iilv-im V ; V??- tnu ii, one old buggy, two doxen plough*, one coo, lie ehonts one old wagon, tAowngon Jtdlfirx; aa lio property of B. Pickett, At the stdt of I tat id loCnllongh. ^ ; I . . . . HOKK, $, O Ik < Sheriff'# Office, Atigud 8, 18M. . )?rtf| , . was. is. Mm BKGS to inform hie frienda and the citizens of Greenville, that ho will be tip by the 10th f August, fully prewarod, and will bs'nloa#c4** perate for those who wish their TEKTH attcn- 0 led to in the beet and moo* approved manner. \RTIflCiAL TESJH mwrtcd from one to * fall Mtt on eseHoh plate# /itli air Chaml>ere. Thoee requiring tall aetU are particular! r rt|U?at?d to inepect ruy new <unl beautifttf CONTINUOUS GUM WOtlK which b durable, lonnly ami ?wect; restore# the fate to its' aatu- ,9? nl contour and can't be detected- ' *> ir Particular attention given to correcting rrcgularitiee and preserving deciduous teeth' ? hildrcn. July ?iw ah?a ?twi, ? D R 3. Ml MS 4LONQ q ABE now reoeiving, opening and oferin* jy?'. their establishment oppeaito WallprTt aL Hotel, Main street, a large and oentpiete TOOK O* }rugs, Medicine*, Maiate, M%, ' ' Dye Stuffs, ftc. . ALSO, ' - - ,v Pertamerici, So# pa, Com be and Brtohn, Tea*, Tobacco. Snuff and Seftara. Jptl Catawba, J'ort ami Maiaeia^wiate.' IgjiStt \tiii biiii owifT ui??? i Medicinal ptirpQtaa. ?* ' ,y Pen*, Ink and HtaUokery, and Syrup*. Many popular Patent MedWlnea; ?lawf wkhk nay h?uii<1 IJolloway** I'UU and fMUmk Uronjr'a Pill*, Ayer'a Cherry 1'rdwfH. Wkt^r** inlranrt of Wild Charrr, CarWa BmmMi Ml* ore, Track'* Magnetic Ointment, M* IhifMf Hebrew Planter, Devi*' Pain MJBtr, Brwwtf'a ? lanmicn fiinfler, Had way'# Oaady <*e. And Ten fhomatdi ethtr T)i<y, ^ * .'alyll ?? ? w .. y?