University of South Carolina Libraries
* k *>> : * ?^^Sitt?'idH6fi&B4iiKvT ? > . in., pKUtxviLiJc. JOLY 16, ItM. BAGGING, Ounny.por yard, ? 20 Dundee, a 18 B ACON . '. .Ham\ per lb.. 12$ Shoulder*, 12 . Hog round 12 I PORK, CiHintry, 7 BUtrEI.. .Goeheo, per lb. *ooe. Country, porlb. 15 COFFER.. .U?o, per lb. 15$ Java, per lb. 18 a 20 DOMESTICS, Shirting, por yd. 0$ a 10 , Sheeting, per yd*. 10 a 15 Oanalnirgx, peryd. 11 a 12$ FLOOR... .Country, per l?bl. $0$ a 7 Country, per suck, *3 u 3$ GRAIN" Corn, per buxhet. a 50 NVhoat, per bushel, $1 25 L OaU, pei bushel. u 33 F IRON .Sweden, net-lb. 81 ? 7 Eu if lull, per U?. ? 5$ LAUD.... ..per lb. a 12$ ; MOLASSES. \V. I. per gaL 65 N CX, per. gnl. . u 65 8YHUP....*' " per g:il. noiio. OILS Ltunp. par gnl. $1| a $2$ Tnitrt'.'oer g:ti. 37 J n $|| Li-iscc'l, RIOIC.. peril*. a 8$ ROVK..... .per lb. 16 a 20 StHJAU-N.. .N, O.lejiiu, por lb. a 12 j Pvrto Rieo, per lb. a 12$ I<oaf, per lb. 15 Oru.ii? l, jhsi lb, 15 Uctiaed, per lb. u 14 SALT.'.'... ..per bualit-1. $1 Salt, per sHek". $2 50 SOAP .Colgate, ptibtpv. lb; 12$ a 16 Yellow, j>er lb. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12^ ; Shot, per bug, a $2 >,1 ~~! R. 8. WHALEY REHI'BJTFUI.LY iittii leave to infonn tho 1 public tint ho hu* located in (ircenville, and will be found nt the Caro'inn Hotw. Eepeciallr would he cull Attention to himtew method <?f inicKiug Teeth with a entitiiuinun gnm, having Natural Appearance. independent of upriii}^ and cUp?, which roitdcr them more lusting ??d 'tumble than the old method. Lndic? will be p.t'rjptlv waited upon m tlicir residence*, if respired. j?dy 10-9-4-* Hog nud Hoiuony. THE 8T0HE HOUSE. m. T'ICS |il.?Mktly ituaU-d SUMMKR Jtli- j Til KAT t?Vc IttlieS AllOVO UlCCItVlllC, Oil | ibti Afhevillo road, i- open for tlio reception of i Kiinomor viafcor*. Mi ?c;:\l Wntor n?ay licro he t found m ffv>od a* Any iu the country. Seeker*j after h-ranli trill find this water quit* beneficial, ' * i il.'fy the world to bent it. My labia kIihII l o f'trninUKT with th? honl the country can afford. Itncka and Innate in ru|i<:iiivr? to convey pcrao.ia to auv point tlo* i ?iv dew re. ' dAMFK W. YOUSO. ? it GREFNFIELD'S ^KOCKllY ^TOKD, ! COltKEJt SlOliE. OjtjweUe the Jfonrion House. I)UCf IIASKRH may now tiud a very complete ?tn?'5? of Family Groceries, Finland ( heap Wince, f.tqttors, Cordials and ^ .A I.SO, nil aw?'i tincr.t of t #K?lIatR and Cajif, Bonuotsnndg>^\ ^^llonnet Trin>niiii;r?. IJoota k Slmew.I together with Lndiea' Slippers and Gaiters M&mfc&SL caocioaY, GLASSWARE AND DRY 6001)8. ?af fountry I'rodiiea nnd ft AOS taken in oxchange. AlJ XANDfcR GREENFIELD. > AAA )-I^ I1ACON nnd 80? Lbo. LARD, O^UUU for anie nt Gl.EKN FIELD'S. ^ f t, V1'^*?L> _ ^ ? j C hoscc liiquorN, 1>RANI>I1?. WINER, tli?., of the best nunli- J tic* for medicinal purpose*. for eulc, inra riubly fur cnrh, at the Drag Store of duty 3-8-tf. J. H. DEAN. | Apple l'incffnr. \1 !NE QCAI.ITV, to bo had at the Drug j J Store of t J H. DEAN. j s^wst, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELL' R AT LAW, | General Agent ani Collector, HAVISO been engaged for the'last two yenr* In another State, hua resumed hueine** at <jrconvlllc Court Uoiwo, where bo may l>e con- ! ; oj: a* myti-: tenr* ar heretofore on mat. 1 ten of law. lie nl*o offer* hi* service* a* Agent' in Pension* and Bounty Land claim*, and n* collector with or without suit will give the highest price* iu gold or tilver for Bounty Laud t xmiiM. ITrtenrrant Money bought and told. Auvancon mado on eolveiit p'nper. No option for d?U will be brought nntil notice U given to tho debtor to pay without ooeU ffyOtfleo in the old Court Houae. June 12th 5-tf. J. POWEI/L. New Gun mfunuAiclory. t&GRAVIKG AND CARVING OF THE FINE ARTS. 'pilEmaUeribei-. recently from London, Pari* X' and tho priu<tn*l citice of Europe nud America, where apetfiufena of his art have given ibo utaMfrdatfafaetlmv ee?jK?etly! brms the ?:!t ! i'fna of tho Upper Country, that ho ju?t ar rived, ond luoutoti hitH?aU'nt Greenville, where he li prepared to do ell work appertaining to hie Luaineaa, in tlm l?ee?. manner ana at llio sUorteati notice, a* Dohbta and Single Oaet-Hted UHlea and tf|H*t Ouns iHialiing PfctoU, ?Ve. lf? will aUo keep constantly on hand an aortnmnt of Sporting Material* which he offers for m)? at very rcaaonnhle terroe; finely carved Alligats?r'?.lW"?li. ftcel Tampa, and En paving All Work a a J Repairing lha vary beat manner, and srarruiited tgnaUy a* good aa can bo done in tMVailM fttau ' ' shop will lk? found two doors bolaw In wFjiarl*^ lh og Store I HOME^AGAIN! Something New 'or Oreonvilie f BE AUAlfFU t , . AND DA6UBRR10TTPB81! IN M'BEfc'S HALL, UP STAIB3. ?. ar. RK8PECTFUI.LY announcM to his friond% and the ladies and gentlemen of Oreenville ami aurroundinff emu: try. that he has returnsd home for the season, and Way bo found ntliis ROOM, where he will tie happy to sec nnd furnish them with e PLEASING LIKENESS ol themselves or friend*. In a rcw wekka he will he prepared to take tho "AMBROTYPB," the late?t ?*riu>T?iEtrr tn the Art. For BorrxRsa. mixtANCT nnd wnABti.rrr, they are uxsivai.i.w by anything heretofore presented to tho public. Nothing hut Picture# of the Highest Ctune are taken by the subeeriber, and, therefore, n&tUfuction always given. j vi'puiib possessing ritoiograpiis can liave tlx m colored in oil. in a superior manner. PORTRAITS painted from Natukk or front good Daguerreotypes. fj?Tborougt> Instruction given in the Art. June 0. 4 tf IIEA7 safUiius'&"CO. t'S.\i.Ki!S ry I Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, READY-MADE CLOTHING, IIATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Crockery, ihrOtogri:, Groceries, PAliTTO A.17OILO, RflEOtOIME?, &?, ONE DOOR SOUTH UF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, & & S? Have opened at the above place n large and varied assoitincnt of New and Elegant Goods, to which thev invite attention from their friouds ar.<1 the trading community. Tito mock Una been purchased w ith great care under the personal supervision of the proprietor* during a protracted stay in New-York, and feel confident iti assuring the public that they can^tnd will ofTer bargains. We deem it 11 :inecessary to enumerate the articles which we liatoon hand, believing that an examination of our slock will insure the belief that hurgaius may be had by calling at our establishment. ^/"Country produce ttken in exchange. Oroeuvillc, April 8. 47 tf BY SPECIAL REQUEST. PniniiiiK I Painting ! r 1 MIR ftiitocrtbora linte located lliom&iWen in ,!.? ..i li Ml.. 1 -.1.1- !s .. a in m'wii wi \?r?tiivmt", iiiiu wimi 11 10 ii\i understood that \vc nre now prepared to receive orders for House, Sign, Ori.nmrii'.i.l and FANCY PAINTING, UrnuL^, Marbling and PAI'juR HANGING. All of which will Le executed with neatness nn<l despatch. Having worked in the principal cities of troth Europe and America, we feel satisfied ihnt we can give satisfaction to all who may fa\or us with their patronage. We deem it unnecessary to give a list of re?? rvtices ; all we ask i* an examination of our work. We want no better recommendation than our work can give. W..vJmvo the right for a veh-bratcd Metalie Fire J*fAof Hoof, C(|nal to in durahiliiy, and lit addition to the above we nro also prvpnrcd to -exccuto either Professional or Itueincse Cards ou Glass in a style second to nono. Orders for Graining or Marbleing will lie attended to, and the work done in a style to suit the tastes of the most fastidious. AH orders addressed to ns at Qmenvillo (J. II., or left at tho Caioliaa House, will meet with prompt attention. r%".nho? opposite LIford'a Hook Store. s. w. Wallace, mai'S samuelson. July 3- X Ont I The White ChiefT" A LEGEND of North Mexico, hy Capt, Mayne livid. Tiiis is another popular oik of dventnr?, Ly this iuti-rcsting author. $1.25. The Scalp Hunters, or Adventures among the Trapper*. Uv the ritnn>. $1.^5 Comic ! iw/ries of Human Life, Quizzically Illustrated. 75 resit*.. l'lu Iti-Bus-Tnli, a s<>ng (bat'* l>y no author.? Pep* trnt ed by Docatlcka. $1.00. And a great manv others, jutt reeeivM) at, O. E. KLFOU1VS BOOKSTORE. June 2ft 7 tf. Remember Thit** AT KLFORD'S BOOKSfORK, Green. \il!e, S. C., next do-a- to MclWn IIhII. Bowks lire sold at New Yoik Iietnil Piices. You WILL AI.eo KIND Til EKE, A variety <>f Arlichw ot' Stetioiiary Albums. Portfolios, Peifunierv, dre. ^dflT Liberal Discounts made on largo cash Purchases. LOOK FOR T11E BIG BOOK. July lo 0 tf. Segars! Segars! AT THE GREENVILLE BOOKSTORE. f I'MIE subscriber ha* received a tine lot of X. Segars, which bo oiler* oh cap, cons ideiing tbe quality. G. E. FLEOUD. July 10 t? if. The State of Mouth Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff*** Sales. BY virtue of sundry writa of Fieri Fuciua to mo directed, 1 will sell before the court house door, at the usual hours of sals, ou the tirst Monday iu AUGUST next: One negro man, nbout 24 yenra old ; levied on as the property of Joseph MoKinney at the suit of C. C. .Montgomery for C, J. Elford. Three head of horses, levied on as the property of Itelvnrtda Pickett, at the suit of David ilcCulIoogli. One Barouche, levied on as the property of Williatn Manning Austin, at the mut of James U. Glenn. All James Ward, interost in a certain tract of laud, belonging to the estate, of llenry Rains, Dcoeased, whereon he now lives, levied on at the suit of U. Long, Adm'r. I). HOKE, & O D. (sheriff's OlH?e. July 10, 1*66. ?-td PIANO TUNINGS THE auhscriber would ofm I1 "nl Wfcenar fer hlsservicos to the citizens ot Oreenvllle un.l t?>o surV * .W W Fa rounding country in the aU**^^^mJ/bovebnMrie?;'. He will give ! ffftbicetlnn. or no charge will be made. H M MIRPHEV Jnne R. 4 tf Of TISP AT THE 3I8N OF THE 60L0EN MORTAR, * ???? i SS?. # aMi* 1 thtiiiicat*, BRUSHES. ? DYG-smrs, 9 And Many Popular Patent Medio in** 11m u>nq ooymomii vmi tim above mbvzm n j a guarantee that BVKRYlUDK2 M or ffll Dtm *j quality, amu will br bold om mm t j 19. mow bkamomable term*. fl-ly j] c^MmRsifP lTaftcE A Till-- UNl>KRSION?DhAve formed m Co-j>artnornhip in the practice of lUJicixc, under the untno nnd firm of Das. M3M3 & LOJ3Q. ripptom /?? al-t- u??. ? j ? ? n-1 * Powers' Store, and opposite Walker** Hotel, v where they may be found at any time daring the day. 8AMUKL A. MINIS, M. D. r RODOLl'II US D. U>N O, M. 1). ??. v 6ST*Dr. IVIim resides In the house former- ?' ly occupied by Mr. Joab Maulvin, on the l'endleton road, about one mile from the Gourt-lloose, where ho muy bo fuuud at night May 29. * 8 tf Dental Surgcrv. BIB. 1M. Ik BBWA'BBS r BKGS leave to inform the publie generally, that he nas permanently located in Green- r' villc, and respectfully otTrrn his professional aer- r< vices to all who inav require them. * Ammmiti mn s inserted from one to an entire sett Particular w attention paid to regulating of children's teeth and treatment of diseased gums. J?T Dr. Edwards may bo found at the PlaH ter s Hotel, uutil he ran procure suitable rooms " KEFRRKNCK : THE NEATNESS AND DURABILITY OF HIS WORK'. .1 June 10 0 tf. * Medicaid Notice. C rIMIE Copnrtner-ship heretofore existing beJL tween Drs. TUKPtN A JONES, has been dissolved by the death of Dr. Wn. P. Tvunx.? All persons indebted to the late firm, will make immediate payment to J)r. W. 1L Jo.nk*. surviving eopartucr. ?! j WILL continue to occupy the same office, and in offering his professional services to the public, he feels confident, (from his long und intimate association with Dr. Tcrtin,) of giving general satisfaction. Ladies, and all individuals suffering from chronic diseases, will find a consultation with 1 Dr. Juxaa very muck to their advantage. March 27 46 tf ft raiiiSfllflralSs, &c., &o. ' r rHE sultscrihci* lius lately added very largely i | to his Stock or Drugs, Medicines, l'niuts, * Ac. They are of the best quality, lie hopes, from liia fonjj experience in the business, and close attention, to secure a reasonable share of 1 patronage. 8 ft-4-tf J. 11. DEAN. Oils: Oils: Oils: rl*MlE undersigned lias on hand a fine article of 1 Linseed <JiI. Sperm Oil, Jjiiop Oil, Train Oil end I .a; d Oil. v J 6-4-tf. M. B. EARLE. Trnif?e? ! TruMieN I rI"MlE sub. cr ber Iias a very superior assort- " X merit of fine TKUi&ES for sale. Also, an assortment of Bed fans and Syringes of the most approved quality. All of which lie will sell low for cash. Person* wishing to purchase will do well to call and .examine before purchaing elsewhere. J. II. DK.AN. Syrups. Lemon, pine apple, htra wherry, ra8pherry jcc., for sale at the Drug 1 Store of f ft J. 11. DEAN. laiimp Oil. 1 IjX)It HALE at the Drug Store of ' J 0-4-tf J. 1L DEAN. 8 Fine Castor Oil. r|"MIK above %-tiele is superior to anv eve X Drought to this market. To be had in larcre and small quantities, at the Drug Store of J ft-4-tf. J. 11. DEAN. FAWOV W0&&, ? AT GEEESVILLE. C. H. S. C. * ^I"M1K subscriber would inform the citizens JL of the Viilage of Greenville and enr- ~ rounding country, that lie doe* all kind* of ENGRAVING. of Gold or Silver and Plate. generally. Make* and mount* in Gold or Silver, all the varieties of llraided Fancy Hair Work ; repair* all article* of Jewelry *, Mount* in Gold or Silver Walking Cane* ; 1 cut* and Hta to order. Spectacle GlnMee to J suit any ago almost. Among tho article* gen- k erally needed, and made bv liiin, arc Gold ami Silver Sleeve Mutton*. Stud* for Collar A and bottom. The Mounting and getting up of hi* hair finger ring* (hair braided by the K Swedidi Lady, Mr*. Olaon,) and Fob, Vent, or Guard Chain*, he Hatter*himself, would not bo scoffed at in the larger fashionable T citioe. Older* for work, thankfully received, tl at the Corner, sixty yards east of the Old il Court Uou*e, and but a few paces frotn the t< Enterprise Office. p J. II RANDOLPH. JfeF* No charge for engraving any work el made by him. Je 26 7 4t NOTICE WoWBT THE A'fTKNTlOti OF THOSE WISH ino a Desirable Residence in Greenville District. ' EI 11 AVE determined to inovo lo the / W?l, mill therefore i?y laud isfor mile. It Is Hit toted on the Laurens road, 8 12 * miles south ot Greenville G. I).; containing ? 1 <5 acres, about 85 of which is well tim- J< bcied wood land, 00 aero in a high state of *' cultivation, and 45 acres fre?h land. On the rj place i* a two story dwelling, a kitchen, tie- M gro houses, carriage house, <fcc.; also, a well of as j>uie and wholesome water us l fie State afford*, and convenient to other waters.? r Him is -truly a beautiful place, lies wait, and convenient lo good mills of every kind, f*o- ] tones,churches, Art u u ' A. V OWIVGS. June 20. T if 1 mPWETOR^O^ ' * t*% MSBM>*' ntwv,, SfeMtttM, 8. C. ?ANCY ft STAPLE MY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILK8, BONNETS, H8B0NS, bawls, Nautilns Si Embroideries. Ar>S?T ?VH J [> FOB'S FIRE-PUOOF SAFC3. -5 * IV Stodd.-mV* \PimnU<t Jfffoo For 5*4, ? g. i il [ra. Attvu'n Word's 11i?ir Rm>1wj cr, e.ig i h it. W. R MftHutfs Pil'ii nnd fritters, *1? C * . David Jnjr.e's Patent AicdS<iutt, $ oudon ii Ok'a V ' Ji ^ if .BAD. Hand*' i^nnipsrillH. P ^ , c; A'e. 2, Clravela-ntTs Ruilding*, c< Krwly opyoaiU If an ti on 41 January 17, I860. as tf "oaasH^asTia m?k vMMSvii" Dissolution oi Co-partnership. 1"MiE anbwibera hnvtug purchased the mtiie interest of E. Is'. OOWEK, in tUa Finn of ow?s?. Cox <i: M.vttcr.rr. tiiko thii method of T illinj? on all persons indebted to th?ni to make utnediute payment. OOWKR. C02C AJ4ARKLEY. Tiioa C. Gowjt.b, 1 Tuoa. M. Cox, y H. C. Mawo.LT. ) * rllK un lrrM^ned having sold out hi* interest R' to hi* !?? pArt&ers in the Wagon and Cur- ^ inge Duxincaa, would take thin opportunity to j jeonunend thotn to The confidence of hi* friend* j i! nd the public. He foela Matured tins business of j ftl >? new Finn will ruffer no iUtrims nt l?y hia<0) 'ithdrnwkl,m they nrc employing the very brut' or km en in all deport menu; of tlx ir hneimv*. i (Signed) F. N. UOWKfc. }? Greenville, Jnnnarv 1, ISf.s*. Jan. 1U * ."<3 tf jS1 Elford & Donaldson, VS %AKUil! s. ?, . J. ELFORD. T. Q. OONALOS3M, Jan. 10. 35 Urn j REED & QOODLETT, i, xwrrtiy awn aTsra wx JC? w/a ?i Greenville, H. C). ?. s i ^yOllicc next door to i'. r. LIkaitik A* Co. , c J. I'. HKKD.] [*. I>. OOODLtl l. i J" January 1- 3'. if f n WILLIAM P. PBl \l Attorney at Law. L\TILL punctually attend to nil m.'ittcrs en-j (i T T trusted to hi* cure, lie tuny be found ? >r the present, at Iho Law Othc? <>f Messrs. | lioMPttoN iV r.AS|.ET, or at the office of till-Southrn RnW-rprui*, Greenville C. 11. l>b It. 40 tf J _ _ o THE GBEEHVILLfi [ B8X0K ?TO?Ia t MAIN STREET, IfElCT TO M'BEE'S HALE. JNS/fl THE Subscriber hi# on hnud a largo and j wall-selected Stock of M1SCKL1.ANKOLS, WVdQUUML ami Ci.ASSlt.AL BOOKS* | ] Vmintr 1'apvr, blank liook#, Mriiior?inltiiin, et c-, j Writing Di#k# and t'nwJ, I'ort folios, GolJ nnk Steel Pen#. l*encil?, Ink. Sealing W.?x, \\ afi r?\ ' ( lutt#, Copv book#, Ink-Stand#, l!uur?, Ac., Ae. G. K. ELPOllD. Sign of the big Book. .March 0. j 4ft tlm 18 A8 USUAL, PBESENTIHG jP Vany Adt fliilngei to Purchaser* TMBUXW8& ! i i.nd i* making the mime unwavering efforts at j The Ladies' Store, 'o accommodate his customers to nil they desire. ; " IIE IS OFFERING " i black Canton Crape Dreasce, | r French borabnainc#, Foullard Wash Silks, i Colored Printed Muslins, New Plaid Silks, Linen Lustresund IieBege, New buttons, I 1 Elegant Ktnhroideries, i i i . < */wiui cu ui iiiiniiu'9, ad Superline English Capes and colored French j Kid Gloves'. May 8. 65! tf R. LONG n lONTINUES TO RECEIVE MORE OF | J THOSE ! j, SEAUTIFUIL. AW? ?M?A!P j I niOHllEO and Solid colored Bareges, at p 1/ 20c. worth 87c. per yard. I fc igured Barege DeLaines, at 12 1-2, worth f " 25 per yard. i ? i largo variety of PRINTS at 10c., worth j 12 12 per yard. e (leached Long Cloths at 10c.,worth 12 l -2c.j V Black Crape Do Pari*. i * Bl'k Lacu V"il?. ?k<\, A*c., o which he invites the attention of nil. that i icy may call and examine his Stock foi j C ie;nselvea, as he feels confident that no ciis- < >roer will go away dissa*. idled, neither as to j rice or uuality of goods. jfc#*Oive him a call before purchasing iscwhere. R. LONG. j ? d\ :i?. cj /> t IA ? I vu.r, d. v., juiifl iv. u?II i "WAtNm AH? (DMfliE ! 1ft VOPM MIMG* I a. a. s^asisoxj, SEAR GILDER P. O., GREENVILLE 1>1ST. ^ "XFFERft hi* services to thejxiblie, nod solicits) J / l>stronsffc. All work el.trusted to him ^ ill be done with uontnes* sud dispatch. Auv | n rrson withina to know how to solner (hard or ^ ft,) will be furnished, on the rocoptiou of one i, ?11ar, with* receipt contuining full instructions, ' liblinft him to solder any met*I. This receipt ! ss never been offered to "the public before, tiotfnction given or the money refunded. J?um m fcNi>u> wrrn cut. A 10 IS-tf 1 ^ That Hoi la i* Book ! rUE snb.sotiber utters f it ?m!o another lot . of XiacnuUyVs England. 4 volume* in , bound in doth ntftl.OO only. \N ho will . fuso to Luv well * l?'?ok hi such * price ? i J O T FT FORI). ! Jul) 10 0 tf. iTATx" or "iiSpiriy cA*w.i3rA totheCox^ ?tfOrdia?rySUaWth Jftaicata. Adtniai*r?tri^ *sTij"pl ,* ' At^ns Jfiwi J?6 ?& n?o* rj D? via n4 Crutm, w;fc. and otfcew, ? ?' tributes ?f Iho Eatnte of Renben B, J??kwr.1 <3 ? cr a>a< > -~Pet ition for Final Cett?vu:cut &* Decree|*T **{ '*:** to w aatiafpfrjoc, tfurt S. V. AU L kilt# at:?i Marikft, !?: wif.\ Harry Dirvjr im! v-tttu; iiil vrffc, rar.rfa xnhowt the KtiNr cf I il< State *. Jt in oreared, tbnt they appear at Court art Ordinary, to be holdan at Greenville otirt Horse, fur Greenville District on jftaJcy. ' iff 1 ftiA day /Sayttmbtr nrxt? and rhew rats?c, j any they can, -whv a Final Settlement and De-1 :cc of the Personnl tetnta ot ReoWn Jackson, ?Hins'-d. ?!ior,ld not h* had, or their concent to tha line wiil be entered of record. ROBERT .McKAY. 0. G. D. Ordinary''* Office, i Greenville, JaneSfld, 18(56. f ?-3os. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?" | ORKKNVILIJC DISTRICT. In the Court or Ordinary. ; hoinr.s P. Ilrockman, Administrator of Joel ltnmmett, deceased, applicant. ngainst R P.! 11a nmetf, Mrs Yomisr and Mrs. Mason, ?-.:d j others, defendant*. Petition for Fi\ai tieit.'t-1 wen; and Decree. 1 |"T npj ruling to rny snth faction that B. P. TTaro-j L mott RtrJ ethers, next of kin of Joel ITnm-J ictt, dreeasrJ. reside wilhont the limits of this tot.-: It is therefore ordered that they do appear j . a court of Ordinary to be hoi den at Gr.-cr.- J i!le court house for Greenville District, on Fr>- j <iy, the 22d day of August next, nud ?1kw | use, if any they can. why a Final Settlement' ud Decree of mid Estate should not be had, r ihuir consent will be entered of record. 1 ROBERT McKAY. [u K] Ordinary's Office, > O. O. D. J rssnviile, 3. 0., SOth J 4 -?m TATE Off* SOI'TII ( AKOLIXA.j GREKN VILLK DISTR1 (TL\ Iq tho Court of Ordinary. Mvid Blytlie. administrator of tlie Estate of^ William Tucker, deecneed. applicant, nonius Peggy Tucker, Anderson Tucker, and others, ' defendant.-. I\liliou for Final Settlement and Decree. ; [T appearing to my sat isfaction that An Jet. on L Tucker, William Tucker, Andy Tucker. I f Rice and William Rice her hu*l?n:d, lc_'ftl j eire and representnliven of William Tucker. d? -aaed, resiile without the limit j of the Slide: t ia therefore ordered, that they do appear at u ourt of Ordinary to bo liolden at Greenville ourt lionae for Greenville District, on Friday, he 8th day of August next, to shew muse, if ny they ean, why a Final Settlement and l)e roc of the I'crsouul estate should not be had, or heir consent on default thereof, will be token 1 a confessed. ROBERT McKAY, O. C. D OrJinary's Office, ) 1 rectiville, S. 0., May, 41, I860. ? ni22-2-ttin Administrator's Notice. \LL persons indebted to the Estates ?>f Putrick O'Krtrroll and Dolphin O'Fnmdl. deaascd, by Note or Book Account, are required o make payment; nud nil those having any d<;nands against either of the said Instates, are icrcby notitied to render them in legally attested, o the subscriber. he the Ifttli il.iv nf Vo.m.i n??-? Jofix \vkaveh," Adminittraior. Green* ille, S. C? Jmin 17 th llsCC. 6 til. ffot.ico to Debtors and Creditors. VLL person* indebted to the Estate of James Dnulhit, Into of (ireonvUle District, do >eaaed, arc hereby requirodto pay the snrno, and ill persons lmving demands against *>>.id Estate a ill present thorn July nlteati d for payment J. if. DEAN' Adin'r. May 29. 6 Notice. VLL EKflSONS indebted to the eMute of W. M. Condlett. deceased, are hereby required j settle the ?mne, immediately, and thaae bitvtg deiuatiJ* will present them duly attested, for nvmeut K. D. l.oNo, AdniY. Mey 29. s ? An Estray. a. ISRAEL CHARLES returns before mo an estray marc MULE,of olark brow n color, medium size, font- or Hvo ye?t> El, with soino marks front gearing. Appraised t one hundred dollar*. Said Mule can be bad by pidiciilinti at Israel Charles' residence, fourteen tiies below Greenville C. 11. on the Aug-.ssta mid. JOHN W. STOKES, M. G. I). May S. It 4 ~'WmWwwsL " AND rewelry Establishment. P. B. BURNHLTM Sl CO. LT AVE opened, next door to M. H. EaklkV Li Drug Store, an elegantassortment of Jewlry. consisting of Indies' Broehcs, Ear and Kin er Kings, 6'utV Pins, Ac, Gout's Breast-pins, tuds, Sleeve arid Collar Buttons; superior Gold !nr? rings, Cameo li ruches, Guard, Vest and ol? chain*, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Watch Leys, (void guard Key*, Masonic Kcvs, Medal >its. Lockets, Spectacles, Ac. An extra lot of Inives; Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Ac. i superior lot <.f laidic*' and Gentlemen*' Port lonais and Memorandums. Also, China Cabers, oat l.oujis. ltuticules, Sewing Birds, Ladies' 'mis. Plain and carved Seals, I'urse Rings, Ac. in assortment of Mourning Pina, and Brace sis Cornelian Kings Misses' Finger Kings, Silk luur-.'s, Ac. Patent Mctch Boxes A choice lot of PERFUMERY, Soups, fehaviug 'renin, Tooth Brushes, Ac. Ladies' Gold Watches, Iridic*' Album*. Eight Day Lsrer Clocks, superior quality. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Watches Clocks, and all kinds of Jew elry re 11* elini*- i>it Iaa urilli f)Akiiul/>li Vll u-nplr warranted. Call mid hoc us. 1'. B. UURN1IAM A CO. May 8 52 tf Hair Working. i f na M. M. OLSON would r?W|*Jolfnlly in*JL form tlie citizens of Groanvillo, that alio ! an moved Luck to Greenville, and may be found i oar the residence of Dr. laviNK, on Avenue t., Ly the Baptist church, and will continue tho uvincva of WORKING HAIR, and would be loused to rro?Te calls from all wbo may desire cork done in the nlx?v? lino. ear Mr. Oiv?x will l>? found every morning t the Jewelry txhop of Mr. CuARoaSMt u, when itceimeni anil style* of lior work tuny Le seen. May 2?d " 2 tf StOOO LbMa 07 020103 SA002?. u&t Received, and for Sile try 7if!4. SCRVOOS ,f CO " May ?(* ! tf Wft ^ MB """ 11 i. iiiHSRRRRWpftmiJ-ii *?4** ,vK^<ffniiiiii? G. S. BOWER, 3Ja?aft?ctcw &j?i itiiiin JM CmSSf * cv?rj 4>?ri?>l?. TZbi mjtr.Mti ritt's ccmwrti ?nw* miWn, . tfcpaete 1*? Co*tm*t fftms, CCLTOLBIA, E. c. ?r ? <? ? *? - ? ?? ? ? .ji p^^r.j'nwn fcjmiHB ?*> I : s. yvsfm'&m), -. ciiAtc* or Itrfigtsi? jf 10i9e:ttwft99 Mjwi BSiJiOlHL^^ 199 Rlclardtni Stfccl, COLUMBIA, S. C, _ ' '"i ? i THE NEW ERA, ' j /j PuLli*h*d ttvrif Friday Evtniny in COLUMBIA, 8. O. BY JAMES A. CURTIS. Trvau ; f2 p?r annum, in Advnop*. d?7. si Srt j merchants iiotel, BY JAMES M. HURST, 8. (D. Board?$100 Per Say. February 21. 41 tf JLi'u a?l Properly Iiuured, life and fire insurance! THE ASHEVILLE ftlutunl Siiflnrnnrr Cnmpant] Insures Soum, Stores and cUt?T Prop rty AOAINHT FIRE: And the I.irce of White Persons anC Slavs*, beluxn i (he a art of 10 and 60 jr. or? ON such terms n* to rentier it n tno>t safe and O.Hrililt investment. Full liMtHt, with ill" Conrtitui ion nnd IIj-Iaus of the *. ouipany, trill be furnished on implication to any of tlie Officers of the Company. josi rii r. osbornf. r~,s't. Wh. W. McDOWHJs V ice />#*I J.y. 11. r.AMOf, Stcretnrit <? Tr*a*urtr. JOHN W. GBADY, Agent. j Dec. GKKENYILLK, A. r. OTIS' IMPROVED PATENT ! Lightning Conductors. i rl~Mlb subscriber Ims purchased the Right of j JL putting up the almve description of Light: ning Hods in Greenville J >i*triot. und is prepared J to execute order# for the tunic to any extent and > with promptness.1 ml di spatch. These Rods are { conducted upon Scientific principles, aud afford I the onlv method yet discovered of absolute protection against lightning. Any one ncquuintcd j with the laws of electrieily, will Im immediately eoiiriiiced of their utility, upon examining theux i Their vuluc Inw been tested by experience and l science, nnd has been vouched by hundreds of ' certificate* from it'l part# of the Union. From | aiuomjvt these the following ?nlv are suhuiitted. i "1 have carefully examined Otis' insulated ; Lightning Conductor, luid have it nttached to the , building iu which 1 reside. It is hotter con | strutted, and more securely insulated, than any j form of Lightning Lods I have seen. It is neat I and cheap, ami it properly attached to i lie buildj lug, cannot fail to ntiwrd security agni at the i loss of life and j ropoHy by electricity 1 therej fore recommend it us worthy of the confidence i of the community, K. F. lixtuoT. i'rof. of Chemist rt. tc., in S. C. College.'* ' Mr. P. 0. WVstficld hits recently supplied my j house with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 Ihws I c.viMuined thcin with great care, and um conviti1 ced that they are liio Wt lJglitning llcxls ever I constructed, l he methods of nttruction and ii>! nidation ate new, and seem to tne to l>e perfect. I I can confidently recommend them to ail persons ; wishing to secure their houses Against lightning. C. J. Et-FOHD. Ar>v further information may lie obtained on | application to D. O. WL8TF1LLD, May 8-62-tf. Greenville, 8. C, j ? 'imoWf Anti-Rheumatic Powders. A Safe, Speedy and Radical Cure for Ilkfumatism, Rheumati ic Gout and Sciatica. ' AA7 E? <he undersigned citizens of Putnam ! It Countv, Oeorgia, cheerfully bear teatij mony to tlie efficacy of Linch'a Anti-ltbeumwtie I Pow ders iu the treatment of arnt? ! Kheumiitbm. mmiv catrs bnvhig Wen Miceessful' )y treated by I)r. J. H. OlliKO'S, within our per* j run ill knowledge iit whivli these l'owders were ; priticiixil)v used. j Joel Brantinm, M. J), tT'in. B. Carter, ; B. Marshal), I). R. Adam*. ' T. 11. Harwell, Thomiw Kespcut, I 0. H. 'I Unman, J. Nirlilrfon A*. reasonable number of individual eer* titivates can be given iu attestation of their efiii i.'BCV, j I'ropar. d and ?old by J. G. GIBSON, M. I?., Eat out on tin., at tf> i?cr box. J AW orders directed to him, with the above sum ( enclosed, and a description of the cane shall rt; eeiv* with the Medicine such advice as may suit any peculiarity thereof - k , i tor sale by M. U. KARLE, M. I)., Apothecary i and Druggist, Orcenrille, tv C. ilay 1. M ly BURNHAM & CO. 1 T AVK jwt received. and era now displaying l X at their efctnbliidiineDt a apendid aaaortincnt <( KmlicV fluid Km Props?Mosaic and Cnmee; ' a fine lot of Emblem ?Masonic and Odi-iVK Iowa, (.old Adrlniil < linini,Nlt?tOiimd and Fob Chain*. FINE GOLD HUNTING : LKVKR WATC/IEB. Alto, Author and La plno Wnlchea i Extension |Vn?, Mi**.-* K?uy?-r Kingi, Store and Scale King*, Silver mil Hated Spe.-luclee, Steel King*, Ac., <te. A NfcW A*D sUPF.RIwtt *M*C-X OF LEV EH styif ALARM VLOCKS. ;.^*Ladit?' Mourning and Paafciocabtc (Vive o# a Call. V. II. BURNIIAM, k CO. June 10 0 if. j Shaving and Hair^Droeeicg. < BC?KI9?K /"IQXTIIIUliS th. Tonsariai bneincM. at tr* Vv' old aland, ia IKettl-V Brlek Ilaildinp.? ft(7rtb'incn c#n barathea Usir ent^or 1>hii? ed, or f icr* ihttM, at any tin 4 'ttirirp dvv o ' ' mi j Ar-;-i; !<i -tv. ' ^ i/ f*