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S?sr its Ssss g;iss ^ President A* there la A possibility that the question %fc? shall be our next President may be thrown into tof House of Re |> res* tentative* for eotiHioti, %e extntct froui the Cofcslitntien the provision wbicli rogulntsi theection of the Heaps in this itnpo taut matter: AtTa*-See. t? The el colors shall meet 1 in thehr royctive States, end vote hv ballot for PuMdoin and Vice President; one of Whom, itt West, shell uoy^e an inlmbiiHUt of 1 the same State with tluTOiyvles; Aey ahull ~~",<W8ie in their ballots the poison voted for Pteaidenr, aud thev shall make diMiuct lis* of ell persons voted for as President, and of *tdl persons voted fores Vice President, etui the uitmber of votes for each, which lists they . shell sign end certify, and transmit sealed to to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Sen- , ale ; the President of the Senate, in the I presence of the Senate and Utaise of Repro mutative*. open nil the certificates, and the vote* tlrtn shall be counted ; the j>0rr-ou having the greatest number of votes for President shall lie the President if sueli a number be a majority of the whole uunilier of ?lectori appointed; and if no person have such a majority, then from the person* hating the highest number, not exceeding three on ' the Wat of those voted for a* President, the XloUae of Representative* shall choose immediately by ballot the President. Hut in choosing the President, the vote shall bo taken by Slates the representation horn each State having one vote ; a quorum for thisjUK>po?e shall consist of a number or mem- ' Deri* from two-thirds of the Slates, and a j majority of all the States shall he nececssa-1 ry co a choice. And if the House of Hepvo- j seutativea shall not choose a Pa-sklent i whenever the right of the choice shall do-1 voire upon them before the fourth of March ' ncx* following, then the Vice Pieskieiil shall I act aa Piesident. as in the case of tho death ! ov other constitutional disability of the Pros-!1 ideut. Takrk watkh."?Tho al?qiintu1ntion of, ' Be liator Sumner, on tho day before tho trail | 1 ? f Mr. Brook* came oil' bef no tho Criminal , ] Court, has generated a hearty laugh over \ t Washington. The truth i*. it would never j, have done for tho Republican cause to have : . submitted him to a crone examination upen . the witness stand; a* it whs well ui.deist?.<n| i around the onurt house that such an event i would as surely have exploded the peculiar! statement of hie icinaikable tesliinonv given Uotm-A lliA llAlisn Tnvnultrtitliiinr P^.ntmSia. I , w'lll III l\^ v^ ; as hi* appearance under the gaze of the nub- ! lie would have exploded the trick of making Mm out, for political effect, a dreadfully in jmed inan. Gentlemen who saw him on j the morning of the dnv hefor yesterday, as ; lie vow nb >ut leaving Washington in the; cars, conceive that he never looked in butter , condition. Vet, as it accins that those who ! have hi in in custody aie determined to play 1 out to the cad the game of public deception j with refercnco to his condition, we shall not l?e fcurprhn-d to learn that ho en tors Huston > on Clutches, with head shaved and bound ! up, and limb* trembling as though heading ! under the weight of a half a ceulury of pre ! mature years. The distant reader my rely on it, that if hie appearance in tiio court house a* the re- ; cent trial would not have exploded the hum* j bug, he would surely have been there to' confront his assailant. The act of tunning him off at such a time, pretty much as the thing in done 01: the iindeigiouiid railroad, I involves positive proi f of the false pretence l j and liujijbuggeiy of the current lb-publican i party representations concerning his condi-1 lion; arid it is ?> appreeiaicd in ihi? city. , 1 [ Washington Evening Star. John Van TVhkn on the IIkpcdlican 1 platfoiiu is incendiary, lev | olutionary, and in direct \iolation of the con stitutional rights of several of the Slates of the Union. It is intended to aim a dagger' nt the lienrt <>t this L nion, and nui-t tleces- i tardy be followed by a dissolution of the", confederacy. Who do you suppose drew ! Fremont** platform f But one live man! could draw it, and that is Win. II. Seward, j IT? has not the faintest hope that this pio j j"Ct can be carried out?for ho never advocated anything that couhl be cariied out.-? T ie foundation of this slavery agitation is h >stifity to the South, boi-.iu.-t>, * av there ng- j it iton?, of her ingratitude. The hi-tory of the Nc-v York I democracy show? that w? ro not llie men to engage in arty controversy of that kind. It would he ungrateful for tho Democracy to engage in Mich a crtisnde 1 when the noble deeds of the South in former timuK aie reinemlieretl. Mahtix Vast Burr* Otrr *or Buchanan*. ? It is exceedingly strange I hat the lu'rtiiua tion of .Xr. Buchanan should he ro fli.'eptaMe to tl?e South aiul at the same time 'per i ate to bring back to I he f-dd of Democracy | som? of the vilest of its FrCCsoil prodigal*. I 'i lie most recent return from the "liu-ks uod swine" of the Abolition, is tho editable "old i fox of Kinderhook" himself, Maitin Van j lUmm, The New York Kxpuws. of Mojiday j Buy a that "Mr. Van Ihireo has mitten h j itrcng Utter in favor of Mr. lliichanun's flee* j lion to tlio Tniniijauy fiocjvty. iljia is n j heavy blow to thy f?ejmfi|?eiw>e4 /Kid will) i peiate to help llr, Fillmore,' ] ?? ?? M*. F i MM ark IN V n:niN< ?The IJaHiinore dipjmr -ay* J?'We have it, on high authority, that h member of Congrw* from Virginia, who has always nctcd with the oh) Jjcmoenilje [mrty, hint stated that ten duya he had no hope of Mr. h'illinoro'ii election in that frilale, but at present he isfntfri/y poi'rtilcnt id his Mifow. '1 he woik goes, bravely on, Jiol-HNO I'l'.oM 'i IIK I.'OLJKIIfi.-?Wo icrtl ll rhut more tjmri one third of the 03 Bolter? irolli the American Parly of Morcoflftee, have I oiled back ajjnjji.^atid declare that they been bwofy kicked in by somebody ! \Vjio thr'M' thai bii.T - (ron vi'i t 'i(i*en. bttt \)t i&rtttpm, ; " amai^'?/j'^goir^a. ! THURSDAY, JULY 17, I860. ' 0 VAL.? The Enterprise Of y fire may be found near the Old Court- ) House, same Street as formerly. ? California Papers. I We are indebted to Mr. O. XV. Perkins , for conica of San Francisco nanem. contain- . -r , | ? ? | , ing much valuable information, together | f will) a pamphlet. detailing the accounts of t tho murder of King, editor of the Bulletin, the execution of Casey and Cot a, and tho suicide of Yankee Sullivan. j > Congressional Election. | ( Tho Carolina Times of the 16th inst., ;i says: We havo been informed that Ilis { Excellency, Gov. Adaina, caused Writs of Election to be ioeued yesterday, fixing the 28th day of July instant, as tho time for holding u Congressional election to supply tho place made vacant by the resignation of Hon. Preston S. Brooks. lie will be re- ^ turned without opposition, and with an unprecedented large vote, as a compliment. Hon. L. M. Keirr.?The sumo paper tj says : We loam that a telegraphic despatch was received yeatctday aflctncon from the! tj Hon L. M. Kcitt, add i esse J to His Excel-1 lencv, Gov. Adams, tendering his resigna-! ^ lion in consequence of the voto of censure . (j jinased by tlte House. Wilts of election nte 1 dso issued in this case, and Colonol Keitt j j will be sent back with the endorsement of1 ^ Ids entire constituency. -* ! V Tbc Telegraph. The wire* are up as far a.-, the tillage of. Newberry, ami will in a few week* bo finish- j ed to Greenville.? Greenville Enterprise . j ^ Tho Enterprise make* the above an- t nounveincnt, which we tvUli was tiue. Wo t. have suffered ho much from hope deferred tlmt we have lost all hope, and now set it dowu as one of the things we never expect 1 to see.?Netobcrrv Mirror. The information which wo d? lived in re-1 gard to the telegraph, it seems, from the no-j ' above, i? stbout as correct as telegraphic | " intelligence generally. That time wo were;' a few weeks ahead of the wi:w. Cheer up i brother l??:io, believe what is to be will be, j it'itncvjr conies to jjjss. In the event the , *' wires are not stretched, the corporation here : !' should buy the poles, have them while wash- j 1' ed and ti-ed for the benevolent purposo ofj hitebir.g horses to. I>y tho wnv, speaking j *' of hitching-posta, a friend over our shoulder:1' who has la-en arrested moro than ouco h\ j our vigilant watchmen for hitching hi*J,l> horse to the shade trees, suggests the proprie- < ty of Using the ' poles" at once for that pur-j poac, believing that tu they are somewhat in! advance <>f the titties, tbev might be made; to answer some purpose. Found Dead. 1 ? The body of John II. Princk was Ji*- j * coveted about six miles from this place on " Tuesday last. From every appearance, and *' ...t,..i t i... J:.. I \? ? - ? ' t' 1,1 in v> ilk. <? iv.?i ii, iii] uivu irum me cuecw j of intoxication. Ii is a sad duty at any time | ^ to rccoid the death of a fellow being, hut! ? j (, the circumstances which surround the death ; ^ nl poor Prince render the task we are called . ^ upon to perforin a most forbidding one. It ^ i., very true ivo might permit the occurrence j ^ t<? pass by without notice?draw a Veil over' ^ the dink picture which in ht-ie presented to us. Were we to do so, wo would not be discharging our duty n* a public journalist, r or, as a friend to humanity, warning those! who make, n o and vend thedaik beverage,! c (V of the awful responsibility of their positions,! and the rain which awaits thoin. Six or! eight weeks since the unfortunate subject of' this notice, came to our village a aober, and to all appearance*, a genu.el and worthy yoo'ug man, but unluckily accepted the t itua-' tion of a har keeper?of all occupations the f, U*:iKt qimlifh 'I to improve one's moral and e social happines*. Contracting tfir* habit, or a by occasional drinking reviving j\ former love 1 of wlihkey ? <*x* Itaow not wliicli?he went k from one stage to anOu ier. The ro?d?r has n ilio dmoucmcnt in the meti.'iclioly fact that1 ji is here before him. We Jenrji that on their morning of the day ?>m which be tiled, soin^ i p unfeeling man (wo did not learn who Itcje took hi* cot it a-* a pawn for the liquor f? wliich he drank, and the liquor which ik>in doubt produced his death. These f.ict* are | h not given to wound the feelings of the relu- ?. live* ami friends of the deceased, who are ^ highly inspected ifl our Inflict. Neither e it it intended to hiiug reproach upon the!* character of the <lecea?ed. Liquor was his J h greatesteticiny. Contemplating. tho scene j n la-fur: us, and it It oidy <>n? of the many ' tl daily transpiring, does it not bocomo flllfa good citizens to throw themselves in the way j M <>f this grer-i evil, and endeavor fo arrest the ? 1 5.#* UJ^wpvmeet ta nMtfkiod g auffer on, or will the teople declare again* tho rul# of tl'i* iron sanded, Cruel ami relentleM tyrnnjt?wbi* P mjV We weUJLrtomere groceries?mo more ^ brooms. Au injured community &?k*, / ?ow long are we to hare them t ? p ? ? m . ' 11 33T~A rpirtted contes t 1* lain* wnffCd up- ? \i, lliA ciila u'ull*, tn /in, tnuin ? timmi uu (J luum. A* the w?r progress* we will keep ;ur leader# informed.?yn/cberry Sun. Considerable lain tie and confusion up this is Vay, too. No one killed, but several of the roung gentlemen are complaining of sore Inn*. Good for'ein ; might have kept vny from the pesky tiling#. Tiro latest r i?xv? from Maiu street, per Telegraph, is to a lie eilect that a band hod caved in (faint- t >d) from recognizing a stray hoop in the " olds of a skht. A little too sensitive, we ^ hink ; but it is bound to re cover. \ 1 33t ^ herb, whet), or bow, the following eci-ipt came into our possession, we know lot. Searching the chaos of our literary coat) pocket, we stumbled over it. It was a ii the hand-writing of a lady: We give it " or what it is worth.?En. Enterprise. . r To Dlake Blackberry Wine. 'j First p-es* the juice out lightly through a * loth so ns not to permit much of the pulp p lirough. To every quart of juice allow 3! b>- o f brown sugar and 2 quart a of water, put je mixture in a jug, lot it stand with ? r' loth over the mouth until the frmenlalion ^ as ceased, which may be known by putting v io ear to tho nppertures, if tho singing ii oi*e ha# ceased, tlie fomentation is over ?> icn drain it oil" immediate!}, leaving the ^ dim cut at the bottom, throw it out, wash . ' ti io vessel, and strain the liquor into it p irough a cloth, and stop it up tight. No [>iiil* inuHtbo put in. It will be lit for use ^ i three or four months, but the older the ^ ettcr. Curraut wine tnav be made in the same . o r*y- I, Correspondenoe* As in evidence of their esteem ami friend- ^ hip. the Washington Light Infantry, thro' , heir commander, have presented tho C?p- ! aiu of the Bntler Guards, i f this place. t% tith n testimonial. The following coriea h otideneo will he lead with pleasure: CllAKLF.STOX, July 1 1, 1 8ft0. . c Catt. tnarbtom?Dear Sir: . To con- t! iuue to it-iiiiud you and vowr fellow-citizen* n " I f Gtetiivillo that the Washington Light i . i.fautry will rcmi'inter your atid their kind ' " iiippitain jes. is now our object. ; n W?* cannot give cur feeling- form, neither i an w e describe them ; hut we can trust to ; ,v 1 lio<e who knew so well how to nro'Jno to j icture tliem in tin ir own mind- for us. I o) May litis simple palmetto stiek, whose ac-jln *ptance we |.eg, he to you wlto carry, and ' lose w ho see it, as a continual proof that we ('J pj er cherish our recollections of Greenville, ? fair ones, and their Guards. vt Verv llesneclfullv. LEN\JS M. n.\TClI, lit Cupt. W. L I. .o1 ju OiiRiSKvaLK, S. C\, -July 17th. Capt. Uatcii?Dear Sir : Your nolo f the 11 ih of J uly, accompanying the hand ^ >1110 Palmetto Cane, sent ine by the Wash- jfl lgton Light Infantry, as "a proof of ihcir tt collection of Greenville, its fair ones and l? io Butler Guai Js," 1 have to day received." !' He assured, mv dear sir, that it will ever ^ o cherished by myself and the Butler ^ r u a ids, as an expression of regard ami j>, iendahip on the part of tlio W ashington tl ,ighl Infantry towards us, and I trust the ind feeling engendered hy our meeting of ^ lie 24th Aptil,-will he fostered as long in M| lie hearts of our respective cor]*, a? the at oble monument you bave reared to llto he- h oes of the Cow pens, will stand. lie pleased to accept, sir, and tender to your ominand, my acknowledgements and kind- 0 si regards. c< Very respectfully, ft ' II. LEE TURU8TON, Capt. B. O. [J To the People of Groo&villo District w Fvllaw-CilixtM :?I became a candidate >. the Legislature a few days since, at the r( at net solicitation of some of my friends. f< nd have Recently made a tour through the Jistrict. Every*here I have been received indly; and inv recepliuu so far leave* me Y it o doubt as lo tiie canvas's ; Lut I find that ^ t in expected tlmt a new candidate should |, ide all over I lie District, and attend all the a mlilic gatherings which take place before |bc >' lection. This would bo too great a sacrifice *' >r a man like myself to make, wln> has bnii- | eas to attend to at home, and who loves his (, cine. Jt would require my constant ab- p rue* una neglect of business till the second ** fowl*? hi October. I have, therefore, con- J' luded to decline tiie eanvasa, as it would nl- j r> throw mo iu collision with sonic of iny *< dond*, whose election I desire, lint I can- h ot do so without returning my grateful '' i.inks to those I'tiend* who have manifested *' Hi n interest in iny election. 1 shall long ro ^ amber and appreciate their good opinion w nd kindnev*. T. O. 1V"*ET?TN0. il waBBggggs , .. ,, , 'sSmti Ov'tiM ? Wasai wotow, July 15. TUe Senate pawed (he House bill approHating 950,000 for the construetioo of a J?d through klihnesota and Nebraska.? l1?o the bid amending ^e Naval Hoard Tlift House pawed a resolution censuring for his action in tbe Sum tier case, but xculpated Cdmndson. K?iit gave notice iuu he would spewIc to-morrow. Wasikotox, Julv 15. T> 1 -i." ir. tt'aa t.I amivrni rciwHVHvn iff ior. Jin it.?11 i rmuor?<l that Mr. Keitt will rotign hi* seat a the Bouse to morrow. Copper. Our District i* Wing thoroughly tested for opper, unci, we are pleased to hear, with good prospect of success. Messrs. John lowen <fc Co. aro at wotk about ten miles orlh-east of this place. One of the Com any is a Duck town miner, we understand, k ho is well pleased with the prospect.? 'hey are operating on Col. Benj. Hngood's and.?Pic ken a Courier. The Freshet On Monday evening and night there was n excessive fall of rain, raising water courser* * an unprecedented height and doing much nmage. Neither of the regular trains cached our depot yesterday. Two breaks nve been made in the road above here. Cbont 40 feet of f.lie trcwel on Beaver Dam wnmp has been washed away, the other reak is in the tresscl at Spearman's but this nets short and will soon bo repaired. We have learned that the train from Laui?ns met with a sad accident. As it was oming down, the einbnnktncnt above Marin's depot suddenly gave way, and the cars 'ere thus thrown together and very much ij tired, but we have heard of no loss of life, r serious injury to any person. The bndge on the public road leading by udge O'Neall's Mills on Bush river lias ecu partly washed away. The bridge at lobo's Mills has been also washed away. The bridge at Chancellor's, now Williams' lilU biw also shared the fate of Bobo's. The nidgo across Beaver Dam, on tlio road to ligcins' ferry ha* been swept away. Wo can hear nothing definitely of the latnags between this place and Columbia, t train was sent front Helena to meet the rain from Greenville at llie breaks about i iilver Street, returning it tun down as far a Poniaria, leaving the earn at l'omaiia; he engineer (Mr. Brown) run the engine own as far as Alston, there tindii gtho tivr high and rapidly rising. he thought it not rudeiit to cross, but started to return to 'oina:ia. The tressel on Ciiiu's Gicek had eett washed aw ay after llie engine had pasad over, and Mr. Brown not dbcftveriug it, he engine was precipitated into the Creek, nd but for timely Assistance,Mr.Brown would avo been drowned. Wc have learned notli lg from below Alston. Import says the j iver was up to within two feet of the bridge j t AUton. The loss to Messrs. Hair nnd Singleton ill be severe. They were engaged tilling 10 tressel at Uvaser Dam, and much of the irth has been washed assay. One portion f the culvert has also been removed. Their iss at this point alone is estimated at $1,000. he rnin in the western aide of the district is been more severe than in the others, in? fields of corn on the creeks and rivers < ive been prostrates!, but us the corn i* yet ! )ung, it is hoped they are not aeiiouslv in- ; j red. Wo bear of one farmer on I lined t ivcr lias bad about three hundred bushels | f oats swept aw ay by the Jiiver. lie had ' isi nnianed cutting timn.?Aeto. Mirror, it Unfortunate Oconrrence. TnE Savannah Georgian tC' Jourtosl of ic 5lh inst. says : A public meeting held j i St. Peter's Parish, S. C., day hcfoie J'es- ' :rd?y, resulted in :i very serious affray. The | ict? us the have been rulutod to us, nre aim- t Iv these: The meeting was organized by culling the [on. Edmund Martin, to the Chair, and lie roceedcd to appoint a committee to preare business for its consideration. Wlien te commit tee were about to retire, a Mr. esse lVeples a member of tlio House of '.epre>eiilniive* of South Carolina, a tnan of sperate character, stepped np to Martin, ad asked why he bad not placed him upon iid committee ? Mr. Martin replied that e had not thought of it; whereupon Mi. 'eeples told him that he was ad d liar, Ir. Martin forthwith knocked liiiu down, ml was inflicting a severe chastisement up n Uiin. At this the friends of both aides jmincnced to inlet fere, and it soon became general fight. We are sorry to say, that >r. E. II. Martin, of this City, the son of is gentleman alluded to above, was severe* f cut, aud that Mr. Peoples was killed. It is not known who indicted the wound hich caused the death of the latter. Our occount nmy not be accurately cor?ct, but having come to us in a probable >rm, we give it for what it is wartii. Tiik Gals akd tub Maine Law.?Quacr young ladies in the Maine law States,; . is said, still continue to kiss the lips of ie young temperance men to see if they av? been tampering with liquor. Just inigine n beauiilul young girl approaching on, young temperance man, with all the iguity of ail executive officer, and the inno itce of n dove, with the charge: "Mr. Jones 10 ladies believe you are in the habit of iiupering with liquor, and they have npointed me to exainiuo you according to our Mabiiabfd iiiloa?are you willing?" Yon iust acquiesce. She steps gently up to you, lys her soft white arm around your neck, ashe-t hack her raven curls, raises her irlpli-liko form upon her tip-toes, and with er angelic features lit up with a am*)e of eaten, places her rich, rosy, pouty, sweet, ligar, nio!u**c*, strawberry, honeysuckle, uu-ftower, rose bud, uecter lips against ours, and (Oh, Jerusalem ! hold u* !) l>u*ai you, by cracky ! Hurrah ' for the gals and je Maine Law, and death to all opposition. U1 m*t *o vexed And m* of temper with Ben f* cried Mark, "that I rmllf tnu*t-? -"Do something io revenge r inquiredtik cousin Cecilia. "No. l.ooV over my Book of Thank*.*4 *2X 44 What's that ?" said Cecilia, as she u? him turning over the leave# of M* copy-book neailv full of writing.*, in a round text hand. 4 Here it is/* said Mark ; then read aloud: March 8. Ben lent me his new hat. Here a Snn. June 4. When I lost my Mlliny, en made it up to me kindy. Well," observ xi the boy, turning down the leaf, 4,llen is a good fellow, after all 1" 4*What do you note down in that book?" said Cecilia, looking over his shoulder with soma curiosity. "All the kindnesses that ever are shown ine; vou would wonder how many they are 1 1 find a great deal of good from marking them down. I do not forget them as ( might do if I only trusted to memory, so, I hopj that I am sot often ungreatful, and when I am cross or out of temper, I almost always teel good humored again, it 1 only look over my book. . UI wonder what soil of things you put down,' said Cecilia. "Let me glance over a page." Tm* Dead Child.?Few things appear ho beautiful as a young child in its shroud. The little inocent faee looks sublimely simple and confiding amongst the old terrois of death. Ciinioless and fearless, that liitle mortal has passed alone under the shadow. There i* death in its sublimest and pin est image?*10 hatred, no Jivpocricv, no suspi* cion, no care for the morrow ever darkened that little face; death has come lovingly upon it; there is nothing harsh or cruel in ii* victory. The yearnings of love, indeed, cannot bt> .aided; for the pratt:lo and ainile, all the liltle world of thoughts that were so delightful, are gone forever. Awe, too, v. ill overcast us in its presence, for tho lonely voy ager; for the child has gone, simple nnd trusting, into llie presence ofi?-, All \Vi*e Father ; and of such, we know, is the King dom of Heaven. "He has Taken me Off."?One evening! in Ixmdoi}, Martin Mndan was sitting in ; a cotfee house with some of his gay coinpan- j ions. At a loss for ainuseineut, they pro posed to him to go and hear Mr. Wesley, who was preaching in tliu neighborhood ; and to retu'ii and "take liitu oil'." As he entered the place. Mr. Wosoly was aiiiwimc nig, wim great solemnity, 1110 text: "I'er i pnro lo ni?rt lliy God.1' Tlio young bar rister win* arrested. As Wcurly proceeded lo export hi* hearers lo rci>t-ntanoe ft strange awe came over MifbtM heart. When the Mtrviees was ovci, ho returned lo the coftbe house. "Well/' oxel. timed his bojtt companion'. v.J?o. l?y this time, IuhI I -come im-' patent t'?r his return, "have ymt taken ??lt i iho old Mc-tl.vdixt f" ' No toplied Mruluii, J no, gen I Ionian ; but lie hit* lit|c*-n me oH ." i From that hours he was snot lie: tnan. lie devoted himself to the Lord'* wim It; wild! many souls were given him for hi-* hire. An* Mfer.\k?.?A gentleman-j was going out in his carriage to make wiiw; calls with his wife, when, discovering that I Ite had left Id* vi-ting cards, he ordered his i footman, rcctntly come into service, to go to llio mantle-piece in his sitting room and [ ling the cards that he should see there.? The servant did as was directed, and oft started the jr-ntletnnn, sending in his footman with cat.Is wherever the "not at home'1 occuicd. As those weio numerous, ho turned the servant with '.ho <pn-Mioti : **iIow mauy cards hnvo you left T* "Well, sir,11 sai?5 the footman very .innocently, 4*lhere,s the king of s| tdes, the six of hearts, and the nee of club*. " The deuce !" exclaimed hi* master. "That1* gone,11 said John. '? i Unpaid Letters.? The plan put in oper- \ ntion at New York some weeks ago for the , disposition oi unpaid letter*, addressed to' persons within lltn United Stales, being found to work satisfactorily, tlio I'oslmastcr General ha* given directions for it to be extended to all "ther office* as early a* practicable. This dan is, that when an unpaid letter is doppetl in the post-office, lite postmaster is to inform the person to whom it is diiected, and on said peason icmittiug the icquired postage, and pcr-paying his note of reply, the Icttc - is to be forwarded according to its direction. G. W. Kkndall, Esq., writing to the New Orleans Picayune from New Br?ur>fells. Texas, Jane l'S say* that the people thereabout are greatly excited about the discovery of the skeleton of a mastodon. V.r. Kendall, however, had not seen the skeleton or llin pit from which it was being dug, but promise i ^formation respecting it when it comes to light Tit* Kov. Theodora 1'arker, in ths course of hi* sermon Inst Sunday, says; "Six half-horse, halfalligator r?en from Kentucky or Missouri will put to flight all the load-talking, spread-eagle Freeaoiiera and Abolitionists of New England.? Hie Uo.iton Journal thinks that if the Ksnsas emigrants from New England will not 'fight * battle' they had better stay at home, Why do uot the poJi'.icnl editors mid political clergymen go to Kausss them**.'*cs and 'fight a battle V HYMENBM.. MAKRIKi -In Charleston, on the ttth inst, by the Itev. David X. Lafnr, IhxiM. W. Wiikel**, of Nashville, Tom.., and Maws I-ouihl, youngest daughter of the late John Main* Miller, of Charleston, S C. MARRIED- On the 2'^d nit, fay Elder J. M. Runion, Mr. William McKixnkv and Miss Natter Oocamfi. Ry Uis same, on the 'hi Inst. Mr. William Futtr* and MUr Najcy Trammku Rv the bsiiic, on the loth inst., Mr. Wnunf Ro-rMAN. andMi' - N'ucr \Viarr>i<?an %*!?, as. {?ndriU k !??^ S and, like vinta in apring ruth tody cut,ther S ' might btod with a tkul hindrmoa to health $ I m^BPgsr=gggg ? ?l?5 ^A9SDffifflnaSwiBo (IT T1i? ft lend* of Jaha L. WaattttN* I land announce him u a Cudld?t* to repre. I sent the people of Greenville Dietrlct, in the 9 State Senate, at the eneuing eloclion. Tlie Friend, of Ollrer Bamtt, Eae|., 9 respectfully announce him ae a oandidaUto rep tk. <>r n.^.nu i. n. ! ivwuv VMC |fW|MV V? MIT9H?fttw 1'WHIW >*> VUf d ext Legislator*. July id [3T We are authorixed to announce fetatt 9 W. Stoke*, JEaq., a caudidate for the Leg- H islnlure, at the eneuing election. J 19-td. V J3J" Wc are authorised te announce Col. )Br W. H. Cniuybell aa a candidate far the State Legislature, at the ensuing election. June 19 td. lyWm JI. Thomai, Esq., is re* I eetfully announced aa a Candidate to represent I Orccnville District in the next lloose of Rrprc- j Sfittntivoa J V? 4?td* lirilie friends of l>r. Wm. A. 1*1 ooncy nnnsunre him a candidate for re-eleetioD at the approaching election for tuetnhcra to the Legislature. J 6 4*-If fcjfcT Joseph Powell, E?q , is it eaudidate forthe Legislature. July S-8-td. ?*- i III i I ?aae, Sp.ciol police?. Religious Notice Turne will lw. a PROTRACTED MEETING at Brushy Creek Church, commencing on Friday he'ore the 8d Sabbath in July. Ministering Rrethoren arc invited to attend. Jy 5-8-td Thr A mi tin I Addrc?? BEFORE TIIK LITERARY SOCIETIES OF ? THE FURMAN UNIVERSITY, will be deliver ?d l.y the Rev. J. J. BRANTLY, at the new Court House, on Wednesday, July SOth, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The poLiic arc reepcstfully imi< lad to attend. The procession will fortu in front of (he lisp- iB tist Church, nt 10^ o'clock. A. M. llonorarv Member* of the Societies, the C lergy, and Members of the Bar, ore invited to join tin. proci-Mrion. ?. WASHINGTON UICKS, 1 r .t .1 J. ADAMS ! ^cmir. W. K. EAULi; ; ?\f U GOLDEN, ) Areangta. July 1Q ? 9t. Son* of Yemprraoee. Fidelity Division, Ha lft r--^ AN Extra Mectiug of tbebivMon nfll jf W W1.1 on Tweadny not. at tl>>? 'vJ5S^"" UMiinl hotip. nl which time a itfit from Bro. G. W. P.. IV. Titvanow Cahto* may Ik* ?-s |i ct?-<L A full attendance of the iirHhr.ii t? rrqiK Jlcil: mid Brethren of o?h? r Givition* are fraternally requcet-d to unit*, with u*. Itv or- jH d.r ??f the W. )\ Jy 17-10-1 J. Kl.VIN KNOTTY. R. h <* ? -.--y-'-e ttt^ . .t. . .t a - - .ravr n i u? lfcto 2db*irti$eh)entft. Notice. VI-1. |>*r?on? indebted to the aubtfrtbers bv BOOK ACCOUNT. r KOTR, unto the flrit ot .Inn miry liut, are requested to call and a*ttl?? ua we are in need of money. Y. V. HEATHK A CO. if .Inly 17 W) ft. Notice. I 1JKHSONH linrinK notes due me of eoveral year* standing are notified that payment I of tW aonie it required. l\ F. BiiATllE. July 17 10 ft. * liStic^ DENTIST, HAS roturned to Greenville, where he may ,? be found, at hia office, in hie dwelling hone#. iit- win ncrcaiter spend more of hie time at liome i linn heretofore. IVraona calling when lie ina* !> absent will nlf.-mf leave their name*, and they will ho att*.u i dod to on return. I ('bargee reasonable, and indulgence, If wanted. s July 17 10 3. A V KNUE-ST 1IEKT D? A. H?L "*H3 MHR. W m r|">lll? SriJSt'KIBKU having procured t)i?r ?.*r_l vieee of Mr. Eowaau Kita well known Pastry Cook and Baker, formerly of the Charleston Hotel, would respectfully call the attention of the cilixeua to hia establishment. IW Parties and Ho Niea supplied at abort notice in the boat manner. I?af Bread may be bad 7KKBH orrery day at liia counter, lie would respectfully solicit a conti'inance of patronage. July 17-10-tf W. H. BURNS. AIH BKOT Y PES | ? ? R OWE OOLILARI! THK subscriber it now taking that MOST BEAUTIFUL and iiever-faaing specimen of the Photographic AH in ite greatest attained peritenon. Customer* may depend upon getting as good Ml AT HIS ROOMS As t?ty can in any qf the Cities! HTRoom? at MeBee'e Hall. Low Tia*r. July 10-SMf. J ?. I.EONARJ>. QO AND SEE J. S. Leonard's New AMBROTYPE SPECIMENS. . They are Light, Clear, Brilliant and Nev?r*Nad* ing lykoonw at Me Bee's llall, ]o!y bAeiiBHMOftm FOR FIFTY CENTOtAT M BEE'S HAU-ISWES FtOW." ' BY J. S. LEONARD, Z> All WORK WARRANTED OF SUPERIOR QUALI1V. i. HntKfnHion or no efoerge. July 10. '? if