University of South Carolina Libraries
j?4 ?,;. Skies, J?i fcL-w a?g ** PORK, Coirotryj ?,.* mil, L rt, , 1. i iiuTI'iv.fc.Goa1??u, p?T Il>. fiouc. j OpFFRR. . per lb. 18$ jv Java, per lb. 18 a 20 I DOMESTICS, Shirting, per yd. 0* a 10 Sheeting, por yd. 10 a 1ft . Oenaburgw, pervd. 11 a 12$ FLQL'ft. ...Country, per $0$ 7 Country, per seek, $8 a?> 8$ GRAIN*.. ..Corn, per bu?ke(, a 50 Wheat, per bushel, $1 2ft L ,7 OaU, pet huahel, a 88 I KttON.,?... JSwedea, per lb. 6$ a 7 > English, per lb. ? H iLAUD......per lb. - 12* 9 MOLASSES, W. C. per gel. ' M I NO., per. gel. ? 08 SYRUP....", 44 per gal. none. OILS, Lump, per g*l. $11 a 82$ texr* si RICE. per lb. a 6$ ROPE. per lb. 1S a 20 SUGARS. ..N. OrleaiM,per lb. a 12.5 Porto Rieo, per lb. a 12$! I . Lonf. nor lb. i* I ' V Crushed, pci lb, 15 Refined, per lb. a 14 SALT. per bushel, |1 Salt, per sack, #2 50 SOAP. .Colgate,pnle, 12$ ? 16 .? '. Yellow, per ib. 8 a 10 SHOT per lb. 12$ Shot, per bag, a $2?, "a\ F.\ M/T Recovery Lodge No. SI. mMm*. TUB MKMBKR8 of this Lodge are requested to attend a lingular t'oinmunication on Thursday evening, July 10th. By ord^of the W. . M.-. June 24?7?a T. C, COXK, Sec'jL mm I ny alp i w iw n i mm ?.? The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE 'DISTRICT. ShcriflT* Sales. |>T Virtue ef sundry write of Fieri Facias to J me directed. 1 will Hell before the court house door, at the usual hours of sale, on the iirst Monday ?a AUWBT nextt One negro asan, about 24 years old ; levied on as the pre per ty of Joaeph McKinncy at the suit of C. 0. Montgomery for C. J. Klford. Three head of horses, levied on as the property of Uelvarida 1'ickctt, at the suit of ltavid McOttllough. One Barouche, levied on as tho property of William Manning Austin, at the auit of James II. Glean. All James Ward, inteiest in a certain tract of bind, belonging to the estate, of Usnry lift ins, Deceased, whereon he bow iive^ levied en at the auit of IL Long, Adm'r. IL HOKE, 8. G D. Sheriff 's Office, July It), 1854. 9-td Mew (Inn IWanufhctory. EN8RAVIN9 AND CARVINQ OF THE FINE ARTS, T^HK subscriber, recontly from London, Pari* ! JL and ilie priiMipel cities of Europe nnd i America, whore specimens of hia art have given , he utnioat satisfaction, respectIv inform* the cit j itMW of the Upper Country, that he has Jurt nr.' rived, ami located himself at Greenville, a here i he ii prepared to do all work appertaining to his j business, in the beat manner and at the short oat | notice, aa DonUe and Single Cast-Meol Uiflcs , and bhet Guns, Duelling Pistols, An. He will also keep oonstantly on hsud nil aa- j sortment of Sporting Materials, which Ins oflers . for sale at vary reasonable terms; thic-ly carved j Alligator's Toetli, Steal Taiups, and hugraving j oa Gold, Silver, Ac. All Work and Repairing done in the very Isest j manner, and warranted equally as good as ean be don* In the United States. July 3 S?tf. P. BREDA. Choice Liquors, T3RAND1ES, WINES, Ac., of the best qunli- j .13 ties for medieiual purposes, for sale, inra risbly far eaah, at tlte Drug Store of July S-a-tI J. II. DEAN. BT BPaoiXiT RBcSraoT.' Painting ? Fainting! r|^HE subscribers h.vve located themselves in X_.. the town of Grocnville, and wish it to be I understood that we arc now prepared to receive order# for House, Hlgn, Ornamental and FANCY PAINTING, Graining. Marbling and PAPER HANGING. All af'WkMlt will be executed with neatness and despatch. Having worked in the principal cit- ' iaaof both Europe and America, we (rcl ?nlufi-j ed that we can give satisfaction to all may favor ua with their patronage. Wc deem it unn<Binary to give a list of references; nlj wa ask is sa sisininstios of our work. W'v want no bettor recommendation than our work ran give. { We have the right for a celebrated Mctalic j Mr* Proof Roof, equal to copper in durability, and in addition to tho above we arc also proper- ' *d to anecuto either Profcasiounl or Business , Garde oo OJass in a styla second to nonsi Or- > dersfwr Graining or Mitrblving will ho attended ; to. and she work done Is a style to suD the tastes ; of the most faMidious. All orders addresaed to , u? || ureenviua v* 11^ or ieit av too i*touan Houer, will meet with prompt attention. |*T8bop opnedtc KlfonVi llo?V 8?or<\ R W. WAlXACK. V**?'- MATH ftAMUKI-SOX. Ju\y a. ; aU %tijf a ^ 0,/ NOTICE ~ WoBTKV TUB .A'"i'KNTK>A OF TWOItK WUU'j I BO A 1>K8IUA?UUK UlvAlDKNCBlX a*>?v. GnKKNVtM.K Dis ruicr. IKf I HAVE determined to *nr? to ilia JHiLWeeW eed therefore my land iafbreale.; It * aitualed un ilia Lauren* road, 8 1-2 mi lee tooth*! Greenville C. H ; containing 178 acre*. ab-uit 88 of which ?? well tiuv U?red wood land, DO acre* in a high Mate of cultivation, atul 4ft awe* freah land. On the I plaoe U a two-eiory dwelling, a kitchen, negro booaee, carriage bona*, Ac.; ?l*>, a well of at (Hue and. whofoaom* water a* the'State affords tal convenient to other water*.? j TYiia ie leulj a beautiful place, lie* well, and conr<Mii<Mf|0 good mill* of every kind, fnc l0n** <k?' A. V. OWlS'GS. June#?/* ' l'l tf ' "I"1 1 ' 111 SomatMn* Kaw far AmMbl | 1< E A V T I V U t &> AND DA6CBRHB0TTPB8 \i IN M'BEE'S HALL, UP STAIRS. m TOT ir*?Ta"fe A "h , :o;- v. 4 i -vp. J# l^KSfECTFULhY announces to lna friends, li And tho ladies and gcutlcmcn of Greenville and surrounding country, tlmt bo baa retnrnod homo for tho Season, ami may be found atltia ROOM, where be will he happy to see and I furnish them .with a PLEASING LIKENESS oi themselves or friends, In A rkw vuu be will be prepared to take tbo "AHBR0TTP3," the latest imtiuitiuiuit in the Art, For softness, BRILLIANCY Rllll DURABILITY, tllOJ are tlMSt* ALLIED ;l?y anything heretofore presented to the public. Nothing bnt Pictures of the Highest Class are ' taken by tbo subscriber, and, therefore, sntisfao- ' tion always given. Persons possessing Photographs can have them colored in oil, in a superior manner, PORTRAITS painted from Nature or from ' good Daguerreotypes. I 430T*ThoroUgh instruction given in tho Art. Juno 6. 4 tf ""REXstTRUGGSt'eo: DK AKKRA IK i Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods,1 ready- m a de clothing, ; IUTS AND ca PS, BOOTS and SHOES, 1 Clrockdrti, ihtdtotfc, Groceries, PAINTS AND OZIaS, ! rms'dli'dansd. ao. one 000r south uf the new court house, , ?? & ^ Have opened at the above place r large and varied assortment of New and Elegant Goods, to which tlioy invite attention from their friends j and tho trailing community. > The Stock has W>n purchased with great care under the personal supervision of the proprietors , during a protracted stay in Nsw-Yora. and feel confident in nseunug the public that they can aud ( will offer bargains. We deem it unnecessary to j numerate the articles which we have on hand, ( believing that an omnifont ion of our stock will insure the belief that bargains may bo had by calling at our establishment. ' on n try produce taken in exchange. Greenville, April X. 47 tf / /k. li*a?av flare fgap OF thone Fine ENGLISH STRAW BOX\/J?NETS, ju?t received, and fur sale l?v RKA, SCRUGGS ? CO. . t A FINK T.OT nf Figured and Rutin Striped BKRKGES, ju*t received, and for tale hv r U.-A, SCRUGGS A CO. i A SUPERIOR LOT of I1ATS, just received, ] and for Mtltt ky ' m 22-3-tf. ' RF.A, SCRUGGS A CO. Cora Mral ami (irilo, KEPT oon?tantlv on haml. nnd for sale Vy REA. SCRUGGS A CO. May 22 2 tf The White Chief, A LEGEND of North Mexico, by Capt Mayne Refd. This it another popular Work of adventure, by this interesting author. $1.25. TlieScalp llnnter*, or Adventure* atnnng the Trapj?crs. Rv the Mime. $1.25 Comic i*cries of Human Life, Quizzically 11- ( lu?trafe<l. 75 cent*.. Pltt-Ri-Bua-Tah, n Sonic thnt'a by no author.? Perp,(rated bv Doesticks. (1.00. And a great many uthara, Just received at G. F, KLFORD'S BOOKSTORE. Juno 20 7 tf. famoV wofi?7 AT GREEHVILLE. C. H, S. C r?"MIK subscriber would inform the citizens ' JL of the Village of Greenville and our- 1 rounding country, that he docs ail kind* of ' ENGUAVING. of Gold or Silver and Piute, j generally. Makes and mounts in Gold or j Silver, nil the varieties of Hraided Fancy llair Work; repairs all nriicle* of Jewelry ; Mount* in Gold or Silver Walking Cane* ; \ cut* and fit* to order, Spectacle Glauses to suit any ago almost. Among the articles gen- | e rally needed, and made by liiin, nro Gold < nnd Silver Sleeve llnttons, Stud* for Collar and bosom. The Mounting and getting up of ' his hair linger rings (hair braided l>y the Swedish Lady, Mrs. Olson,) and Fob. Vest, or Guard Chain*, he llalters himself, would not bo scoffed at in the larger fashionable j cities. Orders for work, thankfully received, < (it tne i.omer, sixty yarua east ot tue t-'ia Court ITntt^e, and but a few paces from the Eutfip-Me Office. J. II RANDOLPH. JtZT No charge for engraving any work niatlo by him. Je 20 7 4t WDftsra Mw3?i7 < ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, < General Agent ani Collector, ] HAVING been engaged for the last two year* , ! ? nm?tl??r H*st.e, has resntned business at Greenville Court House, whore lie inay be eon- j suited oil the tamo terms as heretofore on mat j tor* of law. He nlao offers his services as Agent , in Pensions and Bounty Land claims, and a* collector with or without auit will ,;iv0 the highest prices in gold or silver for Bounty Land i Warrants. Uneiirrent Money bought and sold. Advances ( mode on solvent paper. No action for i?t will 1>? brought until notice is given to the debtor to poy without cost r ifi"Office in the old Court Mouse. June 12th 6-tf. J. POWU.L PIANO~TUNINGk TUP subscriber would ofmm fer his services lo the eltiten* ifwa5pPlw of Greenville and the enrV fx"1e lounding country in the aL-*1^ \2r bovo business. lie will give satisfaction, or no ehargc will he made. H. M. MlJltPIIEY. June S. 4 If tfotice to Debtor* and Creditors. ' ALL persons Indebted to the Estate of James 1 Douthit, late of Greenville District, de- I cased, are hereby repaired to pey the ranie, and i ell persons having demands against said Estate will present them duly attested for pavment J. If. DEAN Adm V. 4 May t? * 1 *0 GBKENVJIXE, 8. C.. AT THt OION OF THE 00L0EN MORTAR, vr.mtM i y ^ tiggfc Paints, Oils, Kedicinea, HfcJT VarniilM*, Cfccmfcals, Bui SRUSHE*. DTE-9T1JFF9, And Man 7 Popular Patent Kedieinen llw i/?a whmiio.t *rm the asovr susntkas w a ol'akatffck t?4t stk?y ip!*" ie o? tuj ?/ * quality, and will bk solo on td* J 19. kon reasonable tkbms. C-ly j CO:PARfillR?l?fPMOT ice; j THE UNDEUSIQNEI) Uavo formed f.'Co-part- ; nerehip in the practice of Modicfue, under j the name aud firm of drs. mm> & lomq. i OFFICE on Main-Street, two iloore below j Powers' Store, and opposite Walker's Hotel, where thev may be found ?t any time during the day. SAMUEL A. M1MS, M. IX v RUDOLPH US D. LOS U.AL D. ?lT~Dr. ITIira* resides in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Joau Macldin.-oh the Pcndle;on road, about one luiht from tha Court-llouse, where he may bo found at night. May 29. 3 tf Dental Surgery. we j& BEGS leave to inform the public generally, that he nM jHirnlnnently located in Grccurille, and respectfully offers his professional serricce to all who mnv require them. AiTOiiGjA'i mem n?S?'liul rv??- - 41 * ?Mv<? w.iv iv riiurr ?cu. rnrucuiar mention )k?i<l to regulating of children's teeth ?nd treatment of diseased gums. JJT Dr. Edwards may be found at the Plan '.cr's Hotel, until he can procure suitable rooms. HKFEKRNOR ! rHE NEATINESS AND DURA?ILlTY OF HIS WORK. June 10 6 tf. raiiilsalpis, &e., &a. r THE subscriber has lately added eerv largely to his Stoek of Drugs, Medicines,. Paints, kc. Tliey aro of the best quality. Ho hope*, "rout liis lone experience in the business, and dose attention, to secure a reasonable share of patronage. S 6-4-tf J. 11. DEAN. Oils ! Oils ! Oils! 1M4E undersigned has on linnu u tine article of Linseed Oil, Spcroi Oil, Lamp Oil, Trniu [)il and Lard Oil. J,6-t-tf. M. U. KARLT1 Tpiiwe? I Tru**ew ! piir. sub er Iter lias a very snperioh ?uortX ir.cnt of fine TRUSSES for sale. Also, an issortincnt of lltd Pans niul Syringes of tlie nost approved quality. All of which he will lell low f??r cash. Persons wishing to purchase sill do well to call and examine before pnrehang elsewhere. J. II. DEAN. Syrups. LLMOX, P1XK-A PPLK, ST/tA tl'BERRY, JtASPIiKRliY AC,, for sale nt the Drug Store of f 5 J. II. DEAN. Lamp Oil. rJAOIl SALE ut the Drug Store of 1 J 6-4-tf J. II. DEAN. H&WWATOIEL (DM)(G1& AND Jewelry Establishment. P. B. BURNHAM 8c CO. HAVE opened, next door to XI. 11. Eari.kV Drug Store, an elegant assortment of Jewdry, consisting of Indies' Broches, Ear and Fin {?! Kings, Cuff Pins, Ac. Gent's Breast-pins, Studs, Sleeve and Collar Buttons; superior Gold Har-rings, Cameo Broches Guard, Vest and Foh chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Watch Keys, Gold guard Keys, Xlasonic Keys, Mentalions, Lockets, Spectacles, Ac. An extra lot of Knives; Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Ac. A superior lot ?.f Ladies' nnd Gentlcmons' Port Mounis and Memorandums. Also. China Cabers, root Loops. Reticules, Sewing Birds, Indies' Fans, Plnin nnd enrved Seals, Purse Kings, Ac. An assortment of Mourning Pins, and Bruce ets. Cornelian Rings Misses Finger Kings, Silk Stinrda, Ac. Patent Match Boxes. A choice lot of PERFUMERY, Soaps, Shaving Fream, Tooth Brushes, Ac. Ladie/ Gold Wntchesf?Ladies' Album*. Eight-Day Lever Clocks, superior quality. PARTICULAR HOTICE. Watches. Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry re j paired nt shor> no ice with despatch. All work , warranted. Call and sec us. P. B. BURNIIAM A CO. May 8 62 tf "wiS?? ^isiD mmvi" IH?QI?V1L1 UKMCS-a a. ?5333t>33. NEAR OlI.DEIt P. O., ORKENVILLK DI3T. OFFP.RShis services to tho public, nnd solicits patronage. All work entrusted to hiin will be done with neatness nnd dienntcli. Any xm-soii wishing to know how to solder (hard or 10ft,) will Ik; furnished, on tho reception of one lolbir, with ft receipt containing full instructions, enabling hi:n to solder any nt-V.l- This r?ceip* ins never l>een offered to the public before. Kitsfnction given or the money refunded. Jkwki.ry KRN OKU with c All ik* A 10 48-tf - L0NG CONTINUES-TO RECEIVE MOKE OF THOSE BXAUITIIFUL AW? OiKIKAP FIGURED mid Solid colored Burrgi-s, nt 20c. worth 37c. per yard. Figured Barege PcLniiie*, nt 7 2 1-2, worth 25 per ynrd. A large variety of PRINTS at 10c., wortli 12 12 per ynrd. Blenched Long Clothe nt 10c.,worth 12 l-2c. Black Crape De Paris. Bl'k Lace Veils, ?kc., dec.. To which he invites the attention of all. that they may call nnd exaiqftp his Stock for themselves, as Iiq feels confident that no customer will go awAv dissatisfied, neither as to price or quality of goods. xsrci ve him a call before purchasing! )lsewbero. R. LONG. ! Oreenvillc, S. C., June 10. 6-tf 0 w. wwrr.%y , w*. \%m\$ fancy & Staple ury goods, RICH ORE38 8ILK8,I0NKET8, WB60NS, Shawl*, 9Ka?tflai & UmhralicrlCT AOKNT FOR RTCTPS FIRE-PROOF 8AFB8. ) - 5 St<xl4nrtV? Warranterf Piaoo Forte*, ? y ! Met. Ailed'* Word'* ITnlr Rttliipar < ** " ; Dr. W. B Moffatt'a HIU and'Hittera, ^ sj? Dr. David JNync'a Pat out Medicine*, 5 tendon it Co.'a " " A. Ik ?t I), timida' Siw-<i?imi ilia. Pi Ko. 2, C/r?vr/?n<f.? fluiUIinp*, Nearly opposite Jfaueion Haute. j January It, 18M. 3G tf j Diswltition ot Go-Partsership. r|^HK ?ub?eiil?er? hnving purchased the entire i X intercut of K. N. GO\V Kit, in the Ffriu of ( Cowhrs. Cox it Makklkv, take thU method of colling on alt persona indebted to them to make immediate payment. * OOVVKR, COX Ji MARKLF.Y. Tnon. C. Ooffit, J Tnon. M. Cox, ' ?y'' U. C. MABBI.ET, ) r|^l!R undersigned having wdd out his interest 1. to his laU- partners in tin* Wagon and Cor- I ringc IlusineM, would lake thin opportunity to 1 recommend them to the confidence of hi* friends j And the public. lie feels assured the business of tho new Firm will suffer no detriment by hi*! withdrawn), on they nre employing the very beat 1 workmen in nil department* of their business. I (Signed) K N. COWtit. Creenville, January 1, 18B6. Jan. 10 * 35 tf Elford & Donaldson, ss, <g. j C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. DONALDSON. Jan. 10. * 35 3m REED & GOODLETT, .A ve a.A\wv Greenville, . ^Sp~Office UCXt door to F. F. llltATTIK 6i Co. JU P. KEKD.] [s. D. OOODLF.TT. J am) or v 1 "3 35 tf 1 WIT.ITAM F piuc^ Attorney at Law. i WILL punctuullv attend to all matter* entrusted to bin cure. He may be found for the present, at the Law Office of Messrs. Tiioxi-m.v it Kamijcv, or lit the office of the Southern Enterprise, Greenville C. II. Feb 14. 40 tf THE GREENVILLE mm ^r?iOL ur ATM BfiirtlT WBVT TA WtlttWO HAT T NaTs THKRiilfrilirr ha* on hand nlnrgo nnd fflw u cli-selectedStock <?f MISt 'HIjIjAN K< )L'S, school ami classic; a i. books. Writing Paper, Blank Book*, Memorandums, Ac. \V ritinpr Pwkj find Cases, Portfolio*, Gold link Steel Pen*. Pencil*, Ink, Scaling Wax, Wafer* Slates, Copv Books, Ink-Stand*, Rulers, Ac., Ac. G. K. KLKOK1), Sign of the Big Book. March C. 13 ? Tin !Ylc(lical Notice. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Dm. TUItPIN A JONIX, line been dissolved bv* the death of Dr. \Vm. I'. Tuispin.? j All pcr*ou* indebted to the Into tirm, will make immediate payment to l)r. W. II. Joxi.*, surviving? | copartner. WILL continue to occupy the same otlicc, find in ottering his professional service* to t lie public, lie feci* confident, (from his long and intimate association with Dr. Trnr:\) of giving general witlsfnetinn. Ladies, nnd all individunln suffering from chronic disease*, will tiiul u consultation with Dr. .foxes very much to their advantage. Mnrcli 27 46 tf j IS AS' J$U AT*' TIN(l"^ j Jlauj AdiatiUtfCN to Pitrclitu?r?' mm um; And is making tiie tamo unwavering efforts at j The Ladies' Store, To acooniiuodatc hit customers to all they desire. ] iie is offering Super Black Canton Crape Dresses, French Bombazines, Fonllard Wash Silks, Colored Printed Muslin*, New Plaid Silks, Linen I.nstres and DeBegc, K...V *" " '"* > Elegant Embroideries, Colored ltrillinntcs, and Superfine Engli-h C'apes and colored French i Kid (iloviix. May 8. 62 tf BURNHAM & CO. HAVE juat received, and are now displaying ! at their establishment n apendid a.H*ort- | ment of Ltt'li?'-Clpld Ear-Drops?Mosaic ami t'nineo; j a fine lot of ?f\blem T'oa?Masonic and Odd-PelIowa Gold Allelnid Guard Chain*, Silver Guard and Fob Chain*. FIXE GOLF HUNTING I EVER \VA j'CHEft. Also, Anchor and lupine Watch e* Extension Zona, Misses Finger Rings, Store nnd Scale King*, Silver and Plated Speclucloa, Steel Rings, Ac., Ac. A NKW AND Sl'PKKIOR BTOCIC OF LEV Kit AND ALARM CLOCKS. C STLadies' X on ruing and Fashionable MP* Wmm Give na a Call. 1'. B. mJKNHAVI, * CO. Juno 10 0 tf. 3,000 Lbs 07 OSOIOB BAOOl-T, Just Received, and for Sale by itk.i, scr trims <t co May 50. U H * l_L _i ; Id the Court of Ordinary. F.lirnWth JanUon, Administratrix, anpHoanf gainst j, ,V. AtkiM?ndlf?rUinl?kwil?. Hot. ry D?ri? and Custua, few vrife, and otbers, Di?tfibuU't# of On lilUtn nt lUniun 11 Jnniijin I -decaasod. ?Petition fJr Filial Settlement ?! | IK'ci oc. , f ; |T appearing to my satisfaction. that J. M. Al1 kins and Martha, his wife, mid moryDttP nnd Coatua, hia wife. *e?i<U without tho limits of this Static: Jt is ordered, tlmt tlicy do appear at a CoarVbl Ordinary, to bo holder at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District on Jfonday, the I fi/A day of Septetnbrr next,, and shew cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement and Decree of the Personad ^>tetc ot Reuben Jaekaon, deceased, should not ho had, or their content to the same will be entered ?>f record. ROBERT McKAY, p. 0. D. Ordinary's Office. I Greenville, Juno 23d, 1S06. J 7-3nt. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. i In lite Court of Ordinary. Tliomna P. Brockmnn, Administrator of Joel llimiiuett, deceased, applicant, against B. P. ilwqmettv Mrs. Young and Mrs. Mason, hu?1 others, defendants. Petition for Final Settlement and Deeree. IT appearing to my sntisf u liou that B. P. Ilam uctt and ethers, nrxt of kin of Joel Ilnminett, deceased, reside without the limits of this State; It is therefore ordered thnt they do appear at n court of Ordinary to be holden at Greenville court house for Greeuville District, on Friday, the 22(1 day of August next, mid shew cause, if any they* can, why n Pinal Settlement and Decree of said Estate should not be hod, or their consent will be entered of record. ROBERT McKAY, [u p.] Ordinary's Office, f O. G. P. Greenville, 8. C., 80th May ) 4-?m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREEN VILLK DISTRICT. In the Conrt of Ordinary. I>.tvi<l Blythe, administrator of the Enisle of William Tucker, deceased, applicant, ngnins. lVggv Tucker. Anderson Tucker, and others, I defendants. Petition for Filial Settlement sud Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Anderson 'tucker, Wi|liniu Tucker, Andy Tucker, I'olI )y Rice ami William Kice her husband, legal heirs and representatives of William Tucker, de? Aacl, reside without the limits of the State : It is therefore ordered, that they do appear at a court of Ordinary to lio ltolden at Greenville court house for Grecnvillo District, on Friday, the 8th day of August next, to chew cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement and Dc cree of the Personal estate should not bo had, or their consent on default thereof, will be taken as confessed. ROBERT McKAV, 0. 0. D Ordinary's Office, ? j Greenville, S. 0., May, 21, 185G. ) in22-2-3ni Tho State of South CarolinaGREEN VILLK IMST1UCT. In Equity. Samuel Payne vs. Wesley Payne. Lemuel Payne, Joseph Liinipkius mid Emilv his wile and others. Bill for Partition, Belief, <Lc. Tovnes ?fc Campuklu ComjXts. Sol's. XT appearing to my satisfaction that tho Defendants, Lemuel Payne, Uriah Payne, Jo soph Lamj,kins and Emily his wife, Jane Slnehem, and W. Griffith reside without tho limits of this State. It is ordered that tliev do plead, answer or demur to the Rill in this case within three months, j from 1 his date, or the samo will bo taken pro | confeuo against them. S. A. TOW NFS, C. R G. D. j April 2. 47 . 8m Administrator'* Notice. VLL persons indebted to the Estates of Patrick OTarrell and Del phi a O'Fnrrell. dej ceased, by Note or Hook Account, are required j to ninke payment; and nil those having any dei mnnds against either of tho said Estates, are hereby notified to render them in legally attested, ' to the subscriber, bv the 18th day of August next. JOHN WEAVER, A dm imttralor. Greenville, S. C., June 17th 1856. 6 td. Notice. VLL PERRON'S indebted to the estate of W. M. Ooodlett, deceased, arc hereby required ' to settle the same, immediately, and tiioso hnv' ing demands will present them duly attested, for j pa vine nt. It. D. LONG, Adtn'r. J May 19. 3 6 * - - An Estray. I ISRAEL I'll Alt LES returns before K itn me mi est my mnro aaru or own / JLmwL color, medium size, four or five years old, with some marks from gearing. Appraised ul one hundred dollars. ?nid Mule can l>e lind hy application nt Israel Charles'residence, fourteen miles below Greenville C. II. on llio Augusta road. JOHN W. STOKE?, M. G. 1). May ?. 62 4 Ambrotypes' Ambrotypes! ' FOR ONE DOLL A R ! DAGiERREOTYPF^ FOR FIFTY CENTS! VI7H0 would Irust themselvca with a Daguer r reotype Likeness of their near nnd dear old friends, which when they nre gone, fades away to Ixs seen no more, when tlu-v can obtain a Never Fading Ainhrotype ut the same pi ices 1 Go to J. S. Leonakd and secure n shadow that will never fade, but remain n living Type to |>crpetHat? your tuentoiics for ages yet to come. All tho-j^iAving Daguerreotypes of departed friends shouid have them copied hy the Ambro ypc process, immediately, before they fade hwuy. Those having dear fiieiids living should hasten nnd secure an Ambiotyjw, ere it be too late. All wishing Daguerreotypes as present* where durability is no object, will be furnished nt the sinull sunt of Hfty cents nnd upwards, according to size, Ac. car Hooms at MoBee's Hall, Lower floor. J. a LEON AIID. Greenville, Juno 19 0 tf. Hair Working; 'VF* OJ.SON would respectfully inI ! \ I fiiatn Hi a oil i viiin /if flpAanvtllp (hot aha linn inovod buck to Greenville, and inny be found ner.r the residence of Dr. Irvine, on Avenue St, by the church, ?n<l will continue flic | biiHitteM of WORKING IIAIK, end wonld be pleased to receive cnlle from ell who may deaire work done in the wbovo line. iir Mr. Olhon will 1>? found every morning At the Jewelry Shop of Mr. Cha*i??S?iiim, wh aneoinienw end etyles of hor work may he aeon. A Mat '-'2d ? tf Fine Cantor Oil. j r pil? above Article ia superior to any ever X brought to this market. To be had in lonro And email quantith\ nt the Drug Store of ; .t?-t-ti J. ii in;AM # . . . , . >a ICO I, V *4 HI A I G. 8. BOWER, Matt?factiir?r oimI BMl?r Am 5 WWlHtf* tfevgy. 4?*wip?fci>. JSJsS&S <"W a?SR <?f evtrj- (trie. FI8K?S CELEBRATED METALI6 SuRlAl CAtIS, Opposite the Ctmpmte+ Hems*, 1>?. 7. COLUMBIA, 8. c. l j s7f5wrii$n^ DliALKR IK mV .r * Mi8cdlj)0?0ll3 *1)5 5?WJ km MM ? M. m*9 128 Ricbardnan Stre?t. j COLUMBIA, S. C. j mlrEW EKA, *%/ i / Published tvery Friday A'?< niny in ^ COLUMBIA, S. C. BY JA1IES A. CIRTI9. Terms : ?2 per t.uuum, iu Adr? ne?. ! Deo 7. SI i" t ~ MERCHANT'S HOTEL BY JAMES M. HUfiST, s. & I * Board?$150 Per Day. Febmnrv 21." 41 tf PER G. & C. RAU-ROAID. sm&mmammml A. asSSMFffill}".C10NTINUE8 TO KRCKIVE, nt lifrrtot*, ofJ positc the Mmieion House, Nl.VV ADDITIONS to hie Stock of J>rv-<?oode mill Gmco ' ries. which ll? nff. n* ? * - , ? vavvmwh iT.rjr iiif. JLlfS would state to those v lm purchase < f Mm on j credit that fheir hills must be paid when promoted. Call and on mi lie Iris Stock. Reside tlie usual articles to ho found in the Dry-foods line lie diroots nttciition to the following Groceries, fS^^rttSuRnrs, Coffee. Molasses. Sviup, Vinegitr. Salt, Soaps, Candle*. Fish! FisL! Mackerel, Salmon, Herrings Bnrdiuea, 1 ohster*. {^"Country produce taken in exchange for ; Goods. Bacon, Flour, Meal, Corn, )v*v Potatoes and other articles in tliut liue, on Land, and for sale cheat:. ? A. GRKRNFli !*>. LBc itMd Property Insured. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHEVILLE Jllntual Sttsurnnct Cnmpnttq Insures Houses Stores end other Prop rtf AGAINST FIRE: And the Lives of White Persons and Slaves, between tlic ages of 10 aud CO years ON such terms a* to render it n moat safe and desirable investment. Full details with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Of| ficers of the Company. joseph u. osborne, Preit. \vm. w. Mcdowell, iwr?. J as. B. Uax'KIN, Secretary <k Treamrer. JOHN W. GBADY, Agent, * : Dee. 27-tf. GREENVILLE, S. C. "OTIS' IMPROVED PATEN r Lightning Conductors. I^llE subscriber has purchased the Right of putting up the above description of t.ii.hi I ning Hods in G recti till? I list riot, mid is prepared I to execute orders for the saute to any extent and with promptness and despatch. These Hods are | conducted upon Scientific principles, and afford | the only method yet discovered of itl>solute proj tection against lightning. Any one acquainted I with the laws of electricity, will he iir.inedia tely I convinced of their utility, upon examining them. ' Their value has been tested bv experience and J science, and has been vouched bv hundreds of certificates from a'l ports of the Union. From ( amongst these the following only arc submitted. "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor, nnd liuvc it attached to tlio | building iu which 1 reside. It is better constructed, and more securely insulated, than any | form of Lightning ltods 1 have seen. It is neat | and cheap, nnd if properly attached to the.huildi lug, cannot fail to afford security agni st the loss of life and property by electricity 1 therefore recommend it as worthy of the confidence of the community, H. K. lisuiitr. I'rof. of Chemistry, Ac., in S. C. College." Mr. I>. 0. Westficld has recently supplied my house with Otis' improved Conductor. 1 have ; examined them with groat care, and am convinI ced that they arc the Ta-sl Lightning Hods ever t constructed. The methods of attraction and inj solution at e new, nnd seem to me to be perfect. | 1 can confidently recommend them to all persona : wishing to secure their houses against, lightning. C. J. Et.voit'h. I Any further information may be obtained on I application to 1>. G. WE8TFIFLD, ?IHy O?OX?U. tircenvill#, S. c. U MOM'S > Anti-Rheumatic Powders, A Safe, Speedy ami Radical Cure for Rhcumatinm, Rheumatic Gout and. Sciatica. T\TK, the undersigned citizens of Putnam County, Georgia, cheerfully hoar tcstiI mony to the efficacy of I.ineli's Anti-Khenniatio Powders in tlie treatment of #c n> or chronic Rheumatism, many oases having ween sieeessfully treated l>y I>r. h. O, GIBSON, within our persona] know!edge in whivh these I'offdcri were | principally used. ' .loci Brnnhani, M. D. tfn?. I). Carter, | Stephen li. Marshall, 1*- it- Adams, ! T. li. liarweU, Thomas Kospess, O. R. Tlionia*, J- Niclileson <b other*. 1 ?5f~Any reasonable number of individual certifieatea eon bo given in attestation of their offii cncv. ; lrropnred and sold hy J. O. GIBSON, M. IX, Eatonton Gn., at .% ntr box. All orders directed to liiin, w ith the above Hum euclosed, and a description of the ensc shall ro' ceive with thn Medicine such advice as may suit any peculiarity tlirrcof i For sale by M. H., M. D., Apothecary and Druggist, Greenville, ??. i May 1. A] ly Shaving and Hair-Dressing, ittic k i im*i; I lONTINUJJi tli? Toimorial hnninear at his VJ old staud, in JleaftioV Biiek building.? Gentlemen can hove their hair cut, or iLinnj <m?? I ed, or faces haved, at any lime during >;be Anv r-eveslnjr April 10. 4i> -ML "5ft?