University of South Carolina Libraries
I islstiMMi^^^^Httnitll^fcti ?J i?-td VwMt a Crtna,<1wt? ,"r lt,e ? ,t-?.-.I jnctfullj nnnouSced as a Candidate to represent tfirae?viUc District in the next House of Heprc-1 seirtolivcs. Jt?4?taVjl ? *?* ?f ?* Wm. A. moose ey announce 1?lm n can?JiJnte fur re-election at tjw. approach) ug election for members to lb. Ijcgjbdaturc. J 5 . 4-tf , I P?well, B?q., U? can<W<]nl?; for the laCgislntnre. .Inly S-8-t?l. Crescent City Circus ON ITS SOtjfBERN TOUR. ISO sasisv ?as www.m i Grandest PROCESSION OF IHBAOB! MO IIIMIH'O, NO INDIANS, NO AN1MAU3! I A /7rwJ 1 n: 1 ' ? wncn as used to Travel Thirty Years Ayo. \VSf. C. M AN AliAN, Sol? lVW|)rictor. Mr. John Shay. Kyaestrinn Director. Wot. C. Middlelon, Treasurer. Will exhibit nt GKEENV1LLE, JULY FOUliTII. jC^~Adm??*ion Fifty Cent*, children nml servant* 26 conU. Doom open at 1 and 0. < Performance to commence at 2 and 7. aiaaaass as'sanjLSS, The ORATOR of the Riny on (he Lead. f (inmonu.-Fonts of Eqiestriauism, Strength and , Klejfniire* Only <ne stnr In the Firmament elil- ] niiijt more briglitlv, appearing more Beautiful than M Venus rising from the Sen." 3&'<Si*.3 !raj^S303i *Wfc Floral Equestrienne, who introdueos her Mm of Klfln Poaies?ao small n* to be wonder* in nature, so graceful na to vlnini universal . j admiration, so novel in pciToruutuou na to anr-: pri?r nil IwhoMerst Madame Showlc*, The English I.ndv dolinea-1 tor of the Settuea of llio Tournament and t "hi vnl ry, will r?'|?reat?nt the Qnctn of 'J.ovo nod Beauty.' as in the ditys of Ivunho*. nml A?hl?y de la Zottehe. r Mnd'lle Kraiick Vie, changing from her goutle introduction of the Miniature Steeds, so elegant- i ly |>lc?sine, will excite the astonishment. and even Mr of the audience, by performing ther wild, unruly and fierce Mexican I'ct Horse, STO3SA. And show that careful training can cause the , fiery Steed of the desert to become submissive ! ntnf obedient to a beautiful and innocent girl. 9RSAT iaiJiSTP.IASTS. Who ha* not beard of tbu accomplished, Mr. ' O. Dale, tbe renowned graceful Rider and One ! Hundred Somerset Man? Ilia great achieve-1 incut* niaka hiin the favorite of tlic Ring. saa. w. a. saastm, I A Ri\ Horse Rider of such renown that eomjmrlsau rtud description are equally futile to do jUdticc to IJm> great aeene of iiorsciuiinship and acrobatic power lie dailv enact*?he is styled the 1 lemon Hunter of the Mountain*. . : asa. <3, cs&w&as, The of the Are it n?the wornler of the iM/e?the strong mint of the mount nut euve?tit nil iho*? ft-ntj* of mpKty mul strength, itiul a?iii>orl> ^,11,1 u- ?in J-i 1 n ira wim HimiriT IIIIIIH II I'liefr, and or.nte many an anxious surprise in hi* scv- j I ernl distinctive mU MASTER CHARLEB SIIAV, I The Nicaragua Joggler?in u host of delusions, magical Mini wonderful, nil adept in the great art of curious deceptive Fen In?will amuse, interest and iastfQct the old iu well an tin* juveniles. TIIE VENDKAN BROTHERS, ? An immcnu M't of Stnpoimiunt, Clin^in^, I'on taring. hy the two UcrcutcMt ArtUUf; The , R cutest f?nt ever in vented; will He performed.! J the original inventors Mr. i'hns. Morrison, nud John Foster, on h 1'ole thirty fee! high. .Mr. Morrison will |n*rform euite of tie* mosi cxtrsnr- 1 dinar/Teats ever Individ in this countrr, which line won Cor them the uppe1I.ilion of tfi-t Aerial 11 A f > I?trl > t* t -U ) it i V f . The Clown of the North, the Honllt, the Knst and the Went?the first otfending' or fan, the best investments in the World for a hearty J,augh , ?the Prinoo of (iood Fellows, and tooipuiaa of the laughing spirits of the ng??anuonuces dis-1 ftinctly that at each performative lie will cvuse the audience to shake hand* with the Comic, Kd?eated, Trick. Kicking. FastCoittg, High getting' njvt^w getting down, Uolling over, Standing' ii|mj;v JiCMit Mule. Colox Potiv takes a glass, whose nor-1 forinbnegs show that the imuh uloisod Mule!' more sense than inunv that run thorn I IflW J, asm. m Will diract and Introduce the many favoriite Pantomimes ami Korean, which will clot* Wtth fnn and spirit, each entertainment. OHKAT ATrUAOTION OF THE HKA SON.?J^ndJhi Kiom-k Vic, niuor.<? tho T?ftl?t#t4U,she ill introduce, will dance .w|?ii eonju action with the favorite Clown, Jim Bttneilhn>M-^W'rl> ???titled ; Jar Thu Now Oi loans Double lira-* and ' , Swing Hand, will execute many eplendid j i whcr5 t I iMUfcfc^mna Jin MM nil ?m^ai li il ' ' ^ ^ AT TM? $t0N OF TH? flOtOfft IjMTAR, 1 u vmwxk% l|MHb Mite, on*, J Medicines, JLJ VarBiuhe*, hcmieal?, JQ BRU3HE8. p lUTK-SriFFS, And Many Popular Patent Medicines ( Hi* u>vn coxm-tTio* WITH tint aiiovk IhmMma m ; A UCABANTKE UUT KVUTHIIMI W <>* TIIE B?T ' Ql.'AUITT, A*l? **HA BR SOLD OX Till: J 19. Morft HEAHOXAXCK T8KAI*. C-lj ""'"HOME AGAIN ] Something Hew for Greenville! ! 11 E AUTT F V L ? 4 m & * ?<? n $ % $ i _aji> ; wonerai Agent ana Collector, nAVlNO been engaged for the lent two year* -I in another Htete, he* resumed business ut Greenville Court Hon*', where he oi?y bo conlulted on the <u?m? terms ec heretoforo on met tore of ia^r. lie nleo offers hie services as Agent in l'enetomi and llounty Lend claim*, end ee collector with or without auit will give tlie highpet price* in gold or silver for llounty Leud 1 Werrente. 1T poo iron t Money bought nnd auid. Ad r en ecu v made on solvent pnper. ]f So ectlon for debt will 1h? brought nntil notice m le given to the debtor to pay without enet, d r?"( >ffic? in the old Oonrt lloneo. e Juno l*lh 6-tf. ^ J. It) WE Id. h PIANO TUNING. ? ?? ' Tl 1K hMIw WAnId ofgmUMMw fer his service* to the cHieenis V^^P^gPdf Greenville end the snrW IjBMlf irounding country in the e- J bore bndncee. Me will give t< infection, or no ebsrrrc will be made. it a M MUKPHI.V p June *. I tf DA lit 15IIHI50TIPES!! ! IN M'BEE'S HALL, UP STAIRS. (D. Ma 1?>JSMISWM Rftil'KCTFULLY nnno'inees to his friends, nutl tlio Indies und gentlemen of (>reen- / villo un'l surrounding country, that he bus re- \ turned homo for the Reason, nod mny be found nt lii.4 ROOM, where ho will be happy to tee and furnish them with n PLEASING LIKENESS of * theinsebcs or friend*. In n n:w wp.eka he will I bo prepared to take the "AKBROTYPa," the latest impkovi'.mknt in the Art, For sortst?s. nititUAXCY and punAnu.iTY, they ore unbivallkd _ by niiything heretofore presented to the public. N'othiug but Picture* of the Highest Cbiss nre tukou by the subscriber, mid, therefore, sntisfnetion nlwaye given. Persons posseshing Photographs enn hnvetheiu colored in oil, in n superior manner, 1 POUTIIAlT>4 pnintvd from Natviik or from * good ltnguerrcotyne*. t?f~Tho)t>ugl: instruction given in the Art June 6. 4 tf n rx l\?HTiir.t\?* ? uy-rRKi NtK&nip nu | wt, i 'pilK UMl>RimiONKDIuv? form*) > Co-part- 1 JL nci-ship in the proctice of Medicine, under | tho name mid linn of ?S?. MtSfl? & LQHO. OFFICE on UainnSlroit, two doors below ! , Powers' Store, nod opposite Walker's Hotel, ^ where thev may bo found at nnv time-during I the dry. * SAMUEL A. MlMS, M. 1). KODOLI'UUb L>. LONG, M. IX t^'Pr. flints resides in the house formerly occupied l?y Mr. Mal'i.oin, on the Pendleton road, about one mile from the Court-House, where he may he found at night. May *20. 8 tf c Denial Surgery. us. m if. wampum I BKtJS leave to iuforui the public generally, 1 that ho nns permanently located in Green- i villo. and respectfully offers his professional ser- 1 vices to nil who nmv require them. IM'lPlQl&b flFffl ; inserted from one to an entire sett. Particular | attention paid to rcgulnting of children's teeth , und treatment of diseased gums. 1 ^5f"l)r. Kowahim may be found at the Plan ( tor s Hotel, until lie van procure suitable rooms. RKPEJtKKCK *. ( THE NEATNESS AND DUAASIUTY OF HIS WDRk'. Juiiu 10 0 It*. uaBODDrairalk&p1 &a., &o. ' I. T'MIK sutweriber lias lately added very largely Jl. to his Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Ac. Thev are of the best quality. lie hopes, j from his fonir experience ill the business- und l t close attention, to aecurc a reasonable -share of patronage. H B-4-tf J. 11. DEAN. Sy nipt*. IRUOS, PINK-APPLE HTRA WBKRRY, J RASPJth'RR Y AC., for sale nt the Drug j Stare of f 6 J. II. DEAN. TriiHMeif! TruttHCM ! 1 r|MlE aub. or.her lina ft very superior aiuortJL meitt of fine TRUSSKHfctriwIe. Alao, an 1 assortment of He<1 I'aim and Syringes of the moat approved quality. All of which lie will sell low f??r raxl). i'ersons wishing to purehnse ? will ilo well to call Anil examine before nurelininx elsewhere. .1. II. DEAN. * Fine Cantor Oil. t r|"MIE above artiele is sunorior to any ever 1 1 in ought to this market. To l>e had in large ami stnull quantities, at tlx? Drug Store of e J 5-t-tr. 11. 1)KAN. lea nip Oil. i FOIt SALE at the Drag Store of J 6?t-tf J. 11. DEAN. i The White Chief, | Al.EGKNl) of North Mexico, by Capt, May up ! Rehl. Thin i.? another popular Work of j1 adventnr*, by thia interesting author, $1.25. 1 The Scalp Hunters, or Adventures arnoiii; the Trappers. By the same. $1.25 Qopjfr ? ''tcriof of Human I if*, Quizzically fl- 1 Inatrated. 75 emit*.. EI n-Ri-Bus-Tab, a Sonjj that'a hy no author.? ^ Porj*trnt.o<l bv Doesticke. $1.0?>." And a great * many qt Iters, jnat. received at 0. ft, ULFOIUTS BOOKSTORE. Jiuie 2d 7 tf. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEUOR AT LAW, mmmiMM m. ? - 9 [ 1 * ta^i' JKir"-' ?**?*??. qr ai; .AfvJLv-.' Utgif and Setter Drv flioli < SBfA ^V-M A nTRT^T/^m^F 11AT6A N 1> C A PS, BOOTS XNDS&lOES, CroelfeNj, IWtoJtfe, fifrocelriej, ?Ali"Ta JbXFD OX2ifci:V , MXlB!iaittN?& An 1NE DO0? "SOOTH Uf'THrfTEwToURT HW8E, ^ Ft AVE OPEltF.D AT THE ABOVE I'LAOE 1 IX u large nud varied asspi tincnt of 1 New and Elegant Goods, j o which Mioy invite nttcution from their friend* >nd the trading community. The Stock hna been purctintini with great rare indcr the pcrsonul aupcrvision of the pioprictors luring a protracted stay in New-York, and ieel Onfldent in assuring the public that they enn and ' rill offer bargains. We deem it unnecessary to numerate the article* whiolt we linve on hand. ( leiieving that an examination of our stock will nsure the belief that bargain* may be had by ^ ailing at our establishment. t^PCouutry produce taken in exchange Greenville, April 3. 47 tf 1 A Few More OF those Fine ENGLISH STRAW HON I^TNETS, jnRt received, ?nd for sale by It HA, SCRUGGS & CO. _____ i A FINE LOT of Figured and Satin Striped /V HEKEGES, jukt received, and f??r sole by 1 It HA, BCIlUGOS A CO. ' _____ i \ SUPERIOR LOT of HATS, just received, j ? JL. ami Tor sule l>y in 22?3-tf. HEA, SCRUGGS A CO. 1 ^,000 Lbs. OP OKOIOS 3AOOIT, rust Received, and for Sale by RE A, SCRUGGS <t- CO. \ May 20. :i tf Corn Meal and tiritN, ( [/r KPT constantly on hand, and for sale l?v IV " KLA, SCltUOOS A LU. May 22 2 tf '' www i AND Jewelry Establishment.1 P. B. BURNHAM &, CO. IT AVE opened, next door to M. B. I JL Drugstore, an elegant assortment of Jew-! Iry, consisting of Ladies' Broehe*, Knr and Fin I \ r?r 1 tings, t'nff Pine, Ac. Cent's Breast-pins, ] it ml a. Sleeve and Collar Buttons; superior Coll ( Car-rings, Cameo Broehos, fiunrd. Vest and roll chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Wntc-h Keys, (.old guard Keys, Masonic Keys. Medal- , ons, Lockets, Spectacle^ Ac. An extra lot of Knives; Gold nml Silver Pencils, Gold Pent, Ac. A superior lot ?.f Ladies' and Gentlemen*' Port llonais and Memorandums. Also, f'hina Cabers, out Loon* Hetionles, Sewing Birds, I.ailics' j Fans, Plain and carved Seals, l'ursc King*. Ac. j \u ueaortincut of Mourning Pins, and Brace eta, Cornelian Kings Misses' Finger Kings, Silk tunrds, Ac. Patent Mateli Boxes. A choice lot of PFRFUMKKY, Soaps Shaving Jroain, Tooth Brushes, Ac. Lndie*' Gold Watches, Ladies' Alliums. Eight-l>?y Lever Clocks, superior ipiulity. j PARTICULAR NOTICE. Watches. Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry relaired at shor? no ice with despatch. All work vnrrnntej. Cull and see us. P. B. BU K.N 11 AM A CO. May 8 52 tf '**" %***^* * ........ j r. long continues to receive mo uk of,! those ; asAirriFUL AMiD OHEAP ! IpHilJUKD nnd Solid colored ltnregCR, nl i 20c. worth 37c. per yard. 'igured IJarege DeLaine*, at 12 1-2, worth! 25 per yard. } \ large variety of PRINTS nl 10e., worth j i 12 12 per yard. ' Hwcliol Long Cloth* lit 10e.f worth 12 l-2c. I' lllark cimjk- l>c Pari*. lil'k Lnco Wile, ?fcc., ?fcc.. To xviiich he invit? s the attention of all. that j hey winy c.-.l! nnd examine hi* Stock for i hvinxelw*, a* he feel* confident that uo CUS oilier will go nwav dissatisfied, neither as to irieo or quality ??t" goods. ?/gTGire him a call bvf ?re purchasing I sew hero. R. LONG. Greenville, 8. C., June 10. 0?if BTTRNHAM & C(h 1 HAVK just received. And arc now displaying I nl their establishment * spcudid assort- ' nent of I f Ladies' Gobi Knr-Props?Mosaic and Canico; i fine lot of Emblem 1'ns?Masonic nndOdJ-Fel-1 ows. (5ol?l Adolaid Guard Chains, Silver Guard i aid Fob Chains. FINK OOLl) HUNTING J \BVJiR WATCHK8. Also, Anchor and La?ino Watches. Extension Penis Mum* finger flings, Store and j lo. la Rin^t, Silver nnd Plated Spectacle*, Steel j tings, drc" <te. a A NKW ASll 81't'KHtOU STOCK OF LEVER AND ALARM CLOCKS. r&~Ladie?' Mourning and Fashionable Give ns a Call. i J'. 11. HURMfAM, & co. .Tuna 1ft a if WMOT AH? (WL1D?K 3. ' I NKAU OIL!?KU P. 0.: GUKKNVILLK 1>1HT. I r \ FFKHM hi* services to Ute public, and *oli< its ' I * patronage. All work out rutted to him ' rill h<> dune with neatness and disnateh. Any I' emn wfahing to knew how to solder (hard or aft,) will l>? furnished, on the reception of one ollwr, with a rooeiut oputeining full instruction*, * iiabhog him to solder any metal. litis reoeipt (l ae never beau olfarnd to the publio before. Bat ^Motion given or tlie money refunded. Jrwkiov rtnvtnco Wrrn U<*h A 10 4#-tf e Notice*. M A IX PKRBONS indebted to tho estate af W. U M. Goodletu deeeaaed, are hereby required W ? nettle the same, immediately, and th'w bar- j a tg demacd* will present them duly attested, for j Hytnent. R. P f.ONG, Adm'r. . Me? ?t> 3 4 1 FANCY If STAPLE MY GOODS, RICH 0RE8S SIUS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, BhuwU, NaaUlA l Eml>r?M*riM. AOkmt roa RICli'S KinE-TOOOF ?A1 1>. Stoddard's Warranted I'iano Forte*. % Kra Allen's Word's Heir Restorer, ft. M Dr. \V. It Mofteit'e Pill? end Bitters, ^ lh- 1W.U I>.t?. _ I ~ - ? - ? - vn ? lie a t?WUV i'lVUinum, I 3 UmJou <e 0*i? 44 " | ?'2 A. It. A D. Hands' HanauriUn. J * 2 AV. Ji, CUavtlmiuft Ihiilditiyt, Nearly opposite ifantion IJouar. January 17, ISM. SS tf ?3VS333V&k*>3~ JOK towitvu Dissolution of Co-Ptrtaersbip. 'I^IIE subscribers having prmhnHcd the entire X interest of R. J?. (lOWEH, in the Firm of ^owiitts, Cox A M \rki.ry, take tliie method of calling on u)i persons indebted to them to make mined is te pnvmnnt. (iOWEIt, CUX <t MAUKLKY. TltOS. C. fioiVKB, 1 Tun*. M. Co*, V II. C., ) ? - I'MIK undersigned hnving sold out hi* interest to lii<? Into partners in thai Wagon and Car-in^e llitsiiir**, would take this opportunity to eeonimend them to the eonfidenoe of his friends lud the public. Jle feels assured the business of Jie now Finn will sutler no detriment by his ivithdrnwnl, as they nrc employing the very best vorkmcn in nil deportments of their business. (Signed) K. N. GOWEll. Greenville, January I, 1 Haiti. Jan. 10 S.r> tf Elford & Donaldson, cam-A. &n t* a, ). J. ELFORD. T. Q. D3NAL0SQN. Jan. 10. 3."> am REED & GOODLETT, -AvurttwiwcnararH AYM? Hi/AW, Mrconville, 8. 15. jt.<T"<>ftlce next door to F. F. Bumix A Co. | J. I?. RKKI?. j [?. I?. OOODt.ETT. Jnuanrr 12 tf WILLIAM P. PRICE, Attorney at Law. Hrif.T. j.nnetiifiHv attend to nil matters en-1 trusted to hw cure. He mar be found ! or the present, ot the l.awr Oflie* of Mwr*. j ruoiirsox A* I', or at the ofiier of the South ri\ Enterprise, Greenville C. H. t Feb 14. 40 tf J THE GBEENVILLE i bbiqk ?ir?!M. MAIN STREET, NEXT TO M BEE'S Hkid*. j.'jjI-i THE SnlMi-ribrr line on band a Urge nnd well-s.dccied Stock of MlSCKLLANEOl-'S, j *?gt?.4CII<>OI. nnd CLASSICAL BOOKS. Writing Paper, B'nnk Hooks Memorandums. Ac. Writing lL'i'k# nud Cases Portfolios, Cold .ink St eel Pens, Pencils ink. Sealing Wax, \V nfers dates, Oopv Hooks Ink-Stands Kulers Ac., Ac. (J. K. KLFORI), Sign of the Big Hook. Mnrcli rt. 4.1 :>ni Medical Notice. I'M IK Copartnership heretofore existing he- : tween Dra. Tt'fMMN A .IOSES, has been ' linolveil by the death of l>r. Wm. P. Tctvi*.? j All persons indebted to the late firm, will make j itatnediate payment to Dr. W. B. Jox?>, surviving \ ^nlutPhiiH* WILL continue to oeeupy the snine office, nnd in offering hi* professional service* to tlie >uldie, ho feel* confident, (from bin long nn<l inimnto association with l)r. Tiurix,) of gi vng general satisfaction. Ladies, and nil individuals suffering from ' hronic disease*. will find i? eoinmltHtion w ith I )r. JoXK* very much to their advantage. Mnrch -'I ' 40 tr j IS AS USUAI I'lil^SENTiNG ] tluiiy Advantngen to ParrhancrN , mm skuko. \ud in mnkipg the same unwavering efforts at The Ladies' Store, To iiccommodtitc Ids customers to nil they desire. HE IS OFFERING hijKsr Black Canton Crape Dresses, French Bombasines, Koullard Wash Silks, Colored Printed Muslins, New Fluid Silks, J,"ten Lustres and DoBego, Buttons, Elegant Embroideries, Colored Brilliniite*, md Superfine English Capes and colored French Kid Gloves, May 8. fig tf UNCAP* Anti-Rheumatic Powders. A Safe. Speedy and Radical Cure for It neuinatiem, Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. I*TW sU. 1 I * ? ? V/ "> ln uini?ntij{n?i ciuzens 01 liilnam H County, Georgia, cheerfully bear testimony to the emoacy of Linch's Anti-Rheumatic 'owdersin tho treatment of acnte or chronic (lieuinaUem, many eaaaa having Iwen sneeessfulV treated by lb. J. G. OlIWOiV, within our per(?nal know ledge in whlsh theae I'ewdm were rinoipally Hied. oel Uranham. M. D. ffi*. It. Garter, tephen B. Merahall, R ft. Aditim, \ ft. Harwell, Thome* Kespees, I. R. Thomas, J. Kichlseon A others. ' t?"Any reasonable number of individual eer | itieates can bo given in attestation of their elHd and sold by J. G, OliMON, M. I?.. j ncloetd. and a dsacHption of the ease shall re 1 slvo with the Medteine such edvtes as may seit I ny peculiarity thereof. r?vr sale "by M. B- EARLK. M D, Apothceary | nd Dni?i?t, Grs?nvH1e, K TOjTb M ly -u i I1..TM"!' "" " LKAL ~";_y ?r?? 21 s ' 8TAttO?lW^CWtl * A. <teccM?1.?frtition f??r Final fck*tthmK*itt ami lteerac. JT itiat j. m.. At ? ? "? <?" *nrw??i ??* ww, ?n?l .lonrv DavN and Cunt 110, bin wW", reside without (be limit* of this State : It in ordered, thnt they do appear at a Court ut Ordinary, to be hidden" at Greenville Court House, for Greenville 1 district on Monday, th* \t>th day of September next,, and ehsw cause! if nny they can, whjr a Final Settlement and Decree of the Personal Estate ot Reuben .l?ck?on, deceased, should not be had, or their consent to the ?(ira<i will be entered of record. ROBERT McKAY, 0. G. D. Ordinary'* Office, I Greenville, June 'J8d, 180ft. f 7-3m. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREEN VI LEE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. Thomas 1*. Brockmnu, Administrator of .loci llainiuett, deceased, applicant, against It. P. lluunictt, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Mason, and others, defendant*. Petition for Final Settlement and Deerre. IT appearing to my satisfaction that B. P. Hanimelt and others, next of kin of Joel Hnrv tnett, deceased, reside without the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered that they do appear at a court of Ordinary to lie holden at Green- i ville court house for Greenville District, on Fri-1 dsy, the 22d day of August next, and shew | miw, mi/ nicy can, wny a rmnl Wetllcrpcnt and Decree of said Estate should not be n*d, j or their consent will he entered of record. ROBERT M. KAY, [L. a.] Ordinary's Office, ) O. O. I). Greenville, S. C., 3uth May J 4-?m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. David lily the, administrator of the EMnte of William Tucker, deceased, npplicant, nonius Pcirgy Tucker, Andcrsou Tucker, and others, defendants. Petition for Final Settlement and j Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Anderson Tucker, William Tucker, Andy Tucker, Polly Rice and William Rice her limhand, legal heir* and representative* of William Tucker, deceased, reside without the limits of the State : It is therefore ordered, that they do npjicnr nt r. court of Ordinary to l?o holden nt Greenville court house for Grecnx ille District, on Friday, the 8th day of August next, to shew cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement and Dc croc of the Personal estate should not be hod, or their consent on default thereof, will be taken as confessed. ROBERT MeKAY, O. O. D Ordinary's Office, ) Greenville, 3. C., May, 21, 185G. J m22-2-3m The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. 11. I.. Henderson, Administrator with the Will nuuexed, applicant, against James Henderson, Argulus Henderson, A. Brasher, and Frances his wife, Thomas Henderson, Lewis Croft, and Relmccn his wife, heirs of Nancy Long, and others, I.egxtees of Ezekicl Henderson, deceased. Defendant*. Petition for Final Settlement a id Jteeree. IT up|>ciiring to my satisfaction, that the partic* whose name* nppear above, reside without (lie limits of this State: It is ordered, eaid Decreed, and that they do appear in |>er?on,or by Attorney nt a Court of Ordinary, to beliold.'n nt Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, oil Monday, the 7th day of July next, 1868, nt 11 o'clock, A. M. and shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement and Decree, of paid Estate, should not be had, and on default of ap;>ear ing, their consent will be taken pro eonfeeon, against thorn. ROBT McKAY, 0. O. D. Ordinary's Office, Greenville, 8. C. [ April 12th, 1866. ] 49-8m. The State of South CarolinaG KEEN VILLE DIKTRLOT. In Equity. Samuel Payne vs. Wesley Payne, Lemuel Pnyne, Joseph l.ninpkiux and Emily his wife and otli crs. Bill for Partition, Belief, dr. -i? f ?. .. V. *i.._ .. ?? VAm'ltM.U Vy??lll|?I W*. C*(l| 5. IT appearing to my satisfaction Hint the Defendants, Lemuel l'nyne, Urinh Payne, Jo sepli Lainpkins nn.! Emily his wife, Jnne Mnehem, mill W. Uriffith reside without the limit* of this State. It i? ordered that they do plead, answer or demur to tho Hill in this ens - within three months, from this date, or tho naino will ho taken pro confute against them. 8. A. TOWNES, C. K. G. D. April 2. 47 Sin Aflminlstrator's Notice. 4 LL persons iudehted to the Estates of Pati.V rick OT'arrell nod Dolphin O'Farrcll. deceased, by Note or Hook Account., nrc required to make payment; and nil those having any demand* against either of the said Estates, are hereby notified to render them in legally attested, to the sul?scriber, by the 18th dav of August next. JOHN WEAVER, A dininittrator. Greenville, 6k 0., June 17th 1866. 6 td. Adiniiiiotrator'g Sale. I will, on "tiles-day next by virtue of an order from the Court oV Ordinary, sell at public sale, as tho property of Dr. Joel A. Gtimca, deceased, two horses, one buggy and harness, one set of dentist tools, and soma other matters, en a credit until the 1st January 1867, ou note with good security. \VM. 41. THOMAS, At'tv. FarWs. Kikkt.axi?, Adm'r. Jnne 12, 5 td. The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff* Sales. BY virtue of sundry writ* of Fiori Facio* to me directed, 1 will sell before the court house door, at the usual hours of sale, on the (lr?t Monday in July next: One negro msn, about 24 years old; levied on es the property of Joseph Mc Kinney at the unit of 0. 0. Montgomery for C. J. Elford. Three head of horses, levied on as the projv- I erty of Be Iv arid a Pickett, at the suit of David MvCullotigh. One Barouche, levied on as the property of William Mantling Austin, at the suit of James H. Qitmn. One four horse road wagou, bows and sheet, as the property of Jordan Uoloombc, at tho suit of W. W. Smith. All Jainvs Ward, interest in aeertsi* t?nct of land, belonging to (be estate,, of Henry Saint, Deceased, tbsfwrn he now iivea, levied on at tlm ait of H. Long, Adni'v. D. HOKE, ?. a f> hhevi# a Office. June 8, 1*M. 4-trt H* ?OK ANDJOB l^UNTTfO, nc'sMr done m he "Kntcrpcis" Ofltac." ? T CIIAIIwSlVcVafvlo/ ! r?Wf?8 CELC8RATCD METAUC Mftt ?A?8, OpjMMfi u the Cdnoiieee Tfottft. ^ coitrKBiA, A ? ,'.^ti Ewirai^js, : .'''V- PK*MC? j. r i *11 flcligicHfS, Mi?cdUoVo(!8^i)i Behcet 12N RIclMrdiuP Slrwf^ COLUMBIA, ft. THE'SWl? Is Published rvcV'j Fridtip JCb< fitnp in COLUMBIA, s. tL BIT JAMES A. <&Kfflf..;), Tcrnw ; finer hiuiuiu, in ..V^ni^co. I w . . - | -ifti: Dec 7. 31 MERCHANTS HOTEL, BY JAMES M. HUR8T, .a, & Board?$150 Per Day. February 21. 41 tf PER O & C. RAIL-ROAD A, - "v: CH KOK^lNL'Kb TO H 1X1.1 VF. ?t hi*'tor*;\<\lI i posite the Mansion House, pl.\f TIONs to hi* Ktoek of |)rtf-(??ioil* mid Grote rie?, which lie offers nt excellent. harjf i?i*. II* would state to thorn' who purchase i f hitu oa credit that their hills must he paid when prewntud. Call and examine hi* Stock. Jh side the usual articles to he found in the Dry-Gcod* line he directs Attention to the following Ciocetien, BSugar*, Coffeo, Molasses, Sj-rvj. Vinegar. Salt, HAnps. Candle*. / Fish! Fisl.! Mackerel, Salmon, Herrings Sardines, I ahiters tyCountry j rodueo taken in exi fhr Good*. Haeon, PI<mr. Men',- t'orn, l'. r*. Potatoes, and other articles in that line, on h.oel, and I for sale cheap. A. GRKF.Nni:: tv An Estray. ' ISKAKE CH.VH I.IiH returns l.efofo me an eptrnv mare MIJJ.61 dark hrdwrn' sJUjbcoior, medium aire, four or live years old, with some murks froin gearing. Appraised nt one hundred dollars. Said Mnle can lie had hy application nt Israel Charles' residence, fourteo miles below Greenville C. II. on the Augittt* rouu. u . BlUKUS, Al. O. iV May 8. 6i 4 LHe n>id Property insured.iilFE AND FIRE INSURANCE! THE ASHE VfLLE HSntnnl Snsnrniirf Cmiijirimj Insures Hooses, Stores and other Prop rty AGAYS8T Fllttff And the Lives of White Parsons and Slaves, Itctwccn the affctof 10 nud CO uc<ir$ ON fitch term* n? to render it n mt?*f dslfe and dwiralile investment. Full details, with ; the Constitution nnd Ily?Lflws ?f the Company, I will be furnished on npplicntioo to any of tho Ofi fict rs of the Company. JOSKrfl 11. OSBOltXf, Prtii. \V?I. \V. McDOWW* Vict-Pre. Jai. II. Ramus, Strrrtnri/ & Trttuuver. JOHN W. GRADY, Afrent, i Dee. 27-tf. GREENVILLE, S. C. /A tV/? V" 'All I fl -? yi y&'Fjiyf.-'s II !K?S,T i (iOKFECnoiSBRY. | w. m. iwiis$ IS now the proprietor of this favorite fesorl. He will cnilcavnr to plense (lie former *tis tomers of this establishment, nnd by steady exertions. to increase the number of his patrons. At the CoMfiM-tioimry will bo found Candies, IMckles, Preserved Fruits, Oysters, l^ilutcrs, Sri dine-, Oatsnj*, C'ordinls, Toyi Ac., Ac. Ice Cream and Lunch nt nil hours. ! . t W The Culscf v will be contintu-d nfr lierrtoI fore, nnd wnnn Br.-od procured every dny.- Cull nnd see liiui Apr. (14 40 tf. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. 1 A Id. pcr-on* indebted to tlie Kstnto of Juntos ' il. Douthit, Into of Greenville District, deceased, ore hereby required to jxty tl?c some imkI 1 nil perrons having demands against.' mid Kstats will present them du'v attested for pnvmntt! J. 11. DK.Atf Adm*. May 29. COTIS' IMPROVED I'ATKNT Lightning Conductors. rIMlK siiliserlber has parehnsod the bight of I putting tip t'le above description oM.i/ht ning Hods in Greenville District, nnd is prepared to execute orders for the mote to nny extent nnd with promptness nnd despatch. .rSc K<h3s arcconducted upon Scientific principles, nnd nfford the only method yet discovered of nbsolutc proi tcction ngniust lightning. Any ouc acquainted | with the In we of electricity, will be immediately convinced of their utility, upon examining theto ' Their value ha* hoan tested bv experience and science, nnd hnt been v???*hen by hundred* of i certifiestcr front ?!l parts of Ui* VJuivwv, from unionist these tho i'Jlowtng ??uly ore submitted "1 hnve nnretnliy examined Otis' insulated Lightning Conductor,.nnd have it attached to the building in w hich 1 reside. It is better concfelliih.<4 astul P.itOA "..sof'l" 1 ?. r? -'f ". ? "i?? v. "wmicij in^inuiru, villi II ilUV furni of Lightning Kn<h I liav? seen. It w neat and ehea|v and if properly irtUohcd to the building, cannot, fail to nffujd Mcnritv ag*i> at the loao of life and rr iperty Ity eleetrieitv 1 there fore recommend it a* worthy of I Me <<otifld*ncc of the cotnm unity, U. If. Bur any. 1'pof. of Chcaihtry, <o., its 5r . CoUcur." Mr. P. G. fTealficId lia? recently imppHfel mv honae with Otia' humored (feaduetor. 1 have examined thorn witn grout care, luni'eth convw cod that they are the hwat laghtuing K?i\? over \ 'tiii^lrudUi!. The %fl-hwh of attractitlii (mT l>o nutation nrr new, and aeetn to mat# !?o peffre*. I can confidently rc?*ornmehd them to nil iwraaHi wishing to seenre their hovseea against lightniu C. ?). Em*OMP% tar fiTthrr infot i?'ii mar 1?.? otdahud v, >[f)tintj"ii to I> (i. iVHKTKJt i.I?4 May t-tj '.f Upimifl. ?. ? I. .T