University of South Carolina Libraries
^eto '$|ibeirti.selnefli3. TrOMCM! Trnifle? ! THE sulaci-.ber has a very superior Assorts incut oi iine TiiUSSEo Ur Alnaran iwoftmtnt of Bad- Pans and 8jrrl#a? of the nost approved quality. All of which he will ell low for cash. Peiaons wishing to pnrchiwe srill do well to call and examine Wore piirohnng elsewhere. J* h. DEAN. Fine Castor Oil. ' "HIE above article ie superior to any ever 1. Drought to this market. To be had in erg* ami email quantities, at the Drug Store of J G-4?tf. J. H. I)KAN. Camp Oil. I.^OR SALE at the Drug Store of F J 8?4?tf J. II. DEAN. Apple Vinegar. A FINE QUALITY, to be had at tlio Drug Store of f J II. DEAN. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINAT* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of* Ordinary. rhonifcs P. Brookmnn, Administrator of Joel Ilannnett, deceased, applicant, against 13. P. Hanmclt, Mrs. Young nnd Mre. Mason, and others, defendants. Petition for flunl Srttle mem ana ueerec. I T apptarillKtonif "tttiidactioii that- 1). P. ITnmmctt and Others, next of kin of Joel Hnninett, dcesased, reside vKliont the limits of this Mate: It is therefore ordered that tlicv Jo appear it a court of Ordinary to be hohlcn at Oreon,-51l? court houso for Greenville District, on Frilay, the 22d day of August next, and shew muse, if any they can, why a Final Settlement ind Decree of said Estate should not bo had, >r their consent will bo entered of record. ROBKllt MuKAV, [l. *.] Ordinary's Office, ) O. O. D. Greenville, fci. 0., 80th M.iy ) -1-Pni the State of ftoiiffti Carolina. GllEENVILLE DISTRICT. Shcriff'ti Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias t<> j me directed, 1 will sell before the court j tense door, at the usual hours-of sale, on the} first Monday in July next: One negro man, about 24 veer* old ; levied on , is tho property of Joseph McKinuey nt the suit if C. C. Montgomery for O. J. Eh'ord. Three head of horses, levied on ns the prop- j trty of Belvarida Pickett, at the suit of David MoCuHougli. One Barouche, levied on as me property of William Planning Austin, nt the suit ?.f Janus 1L Glenn. One four horse road wagon, bows and sheet, is (ho proportv of Jordau liolcombc, at the suit j of W. W. Smith. All James Ward, interest in a certain tract of j and, belonging to the estate, of Honry llains, j whereon he now lives, levied on nt the mit of R. Ix>ng, Adm'r. I>. HOKE, S. G ]). Sheriff'# Office. June 3, 1886. -1-td C Q-P ART N E R SH I P N 0 T1C t. i rp,IIE UNDERSIGNED have formed n C?> pert- j JL nendiip in the practice of Medicine, under j Lite name nud firm ot am$. & low?. OFFICE on Mnin-Street, two door* below l\?w6r?' Store; nnd opposite Walker'# Ilotel, where they mnv be found at nnv time during the day. SAMUEL A. MlMs, M. D. IlODOLl'HUS 1). LONG, M. D. {J"Dr, JliiU* resides in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Joah Maitmmn, on the I'endleton road, about one mile, from the Court-Ilouse. where he may be found nt night. May *20. * 3 tf j A Few Jlore OF those Fine ENGLISH STRAW RONNfcTTSi, just received, nnd for sale by RE A, SCRUGGS A CO. A FINE LOT of Figured mid Satin Striped UEREGES, just received, and fur mle by REA, SCRUGGS A CO. A SUPERIOR LOT of HATS, just received, and for sale by m 22?8-tf. REA, SCRUGGS .t CO. 3,000 LbsT OP OHOIOS SAOOIT, Just Received, and for Sale by EE A, SCRUGGS c6 CO. May 20. 3 tf Corn IVlcal and Grit*, KEPT constantly on hand, and for sale by REA, SCRUGGS A CO. May 22 # 2 tf LAVEL? RECEIVED, At The Orcenville Bookstore. SALAD FOR T1IE SOLITARY, by an Kpioure. Price f 1.26. Of thin work Washington Ir ving says: "My hearty thanks foraA'aW which i? peculiarly to my taste and which I have rel! ished with somewhat of the euriotis pillule of a ' literary epicure." ?ALAt> FOR-THE SOCIAL, hy tlio same An , tlior. Price #1.26. This work is the fruitage of' many pleasant recreative hours spent in the j highways and byways of literature. A DEFENCE OPTIIE AMERICAN POLICY, as opposed to the encroachments of Foreign In- j Hue nee, by Hon. T. R. Whitney. Price f I. "It | is an elaborate and most reliable work, such as should be in the hnnds of cvorpr Atnorican." JOitaw, i>y Simnis; fconieei 1,111 woou, uy aire, j I lent*; Courtship and Marriage, l?y the sitmo ; Rachel Orny: Kate Weaton ; Hunter's Fenst; j Geoffrey Moncton ; Scnea in tlio l'ractioo of a ; New Vork Surgeon, ?te. v ?ALSO ? Morgan's Exposition of Frcemnwonry, price 25?.; Rivingstoue, a Itovolutionnrv Romance, price 25?.; llardecrnbble, or the Foil of Chicago, u tftlo of Indiun Warfare, 25c. MAOAZINK8. TJ?r|>er, for Muy and Juiio ; Gndcy, for May niul Juno ; Itullou h Pictorial, from January to present lime. of the above lit Now York retail prior*, by 0. E. ELFORD. Ma/ 2? a tf Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of James Dottthih late of Oreenville District, de-, ceased, oro hereby required to pay the an mo, and all nertonn having demands agninst said Estate wilf present them dttlv attested for payment * J. H. DEANAdm'r. May 20. S 0 Notice. A LL-FERSONS having demand* against the Jt\. estate of the late Dr. W. P. Turpi a arc requested to file them with William Choice, my Attorney la fact, and those indebted to said Ee late to asake payment to him. ~ ' LOUISA TURPIN, E*'r*. Ae. Greenville, April 17 lift*. A 17?49 ?A t A IBR 0 TYPES AND THI5 ubaoeiber bcga leave to ipform the io* habitants of Greenville and vicinity that ho hu taken room* on the first floor of MeBK&4 IIAL.L* where he ie now prepared to execute Daguerreotype Likenesses In the la teat and moat perfect- manner. Being conversant with all the recent improvement* in the art, and having the beat Chcmioals and Apparatus now In on, he will guarantee to all wno may favor him with their patronego as good a likenoas of themselves or fi iends aa they can obtain in onj of the City Rooms throughout the Union. i^'LikcneiMi neatly inaerted in Lockets, Pins, Rings, Ac. Pictures of Adults token Rain or Sliine equally as well. Clear wenthor for small children. N. B. An early call will l>o necessary, as my stay in town must be short, d#"Pupils taught tlic Ambrotypc and Dognerrcotypo art, with all the improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Stereoscope or Stntunry Likenesses (the greateat improvement of the art,) furnished to all who may wish them. Prices will range from $1 and upwards, according toSir.o, Style, Ac. In dressing avoid light Clothing as much as possible ; dark takes best. Satisfaction given or no charge inadc. J. 9. LEONARD. May 15. 1 tf NEW SPRING summeiTgoods. R. LONG Has just RECEIVED AND OPENED his SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which lie respectfully calls the attention of the citizens of Greenvilfe, and adjoining Districts, to the assortment, which comprises almost everything in the Drv-Qoods line. Among my'i ?i-- r \ i mi aw |mi I itlVCUllUII IU II1U IUI* lowinir, viz.: Ladies* Smnnii-r Silks, from COc. lo ?l |?or yd. Silk Tissues, Burpee DeLnines, Solid colored IlercgVa. Plain Swiss and Dotted Muslins, Plain Jaconet Cambrics, Nainsook and Cross Dared Muslins, Printed Muslins, Victoria and Solid colored Lawns, Knglhh and Scotuii Pluid Ginghams, Finis worked Collars, Chemisette, nnd Under Sleeves. Swiss and Jaconet Muslin Edgings nnd Inserting* Drali D'Ete, White and Brown Linen Drills, Plain nnd Twilled Cottonndcs, Blenched ami I Brown Alemlale Sh-etinar, Bleached Long Cloths, V\ hite and colored Silk Bonnets, A good assortinent of S'ASiHlIDHAIBlL'ii iBIA'JS, of all kinds, suitable for the season. Men's, I tidies'. Boys', Misses* nnd Children's -dte Boots and Shoes, CROCKERY AJS'D CLASS WARE, Hardware and Cutlery, SADDLES, BRIDLES AND Willi's. A large Supply of GROCERIES, Ac., Ac., Please call and cxamino my Stock, for we will take great pleasure in showing it. people. Full particular* nnd Proetiosl Instrnc tioim to Agents sent, gratia, on application to MILLER, ORTUN ?t MULLIGAN, PunLiatiRRs, 25 1'nrk Row, New York. May 22-2-tf. or 107 Genessee-St Auburn. NOTICE. * f|"MIE undersigned, desirous of closing his JL Books tin to the first day of January Inst, would say to those person* having accounts previous to that time, to onll and settle. M. B. EARLE. April 10. 18 tf Shaving and Hair-Dressing. BDRRIDGR CONTINUES tho Tousorial business at his old stand, in Beat tie's brick Building.? SurUetneu oan havs their hair cut, or slininpooaa, or fast* shsvsd, at any tins during ths day vr evening. April 10. >8 tf. M ' ~ 1L LONG. ITU'S? TOHi3 (C1DP/JZ AND Jewelry Establishment. P. B. BURNHAM & CO. 1 r.VVE opened, next door to M. 11. Kaki.k'* J 1 Drug Store, an elegant assortment. of Jewelry, consisting of Ladies' Brookes, Ear nixi Fin ger Kings, Cuff Pin?, Ac. Gent's Breast-pins, Studs, Sleeve and Collar Buttons; superior Gold Ear-rings, Cameo Brookes, Guard, Vest and Fob chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Wateli Keys, Gold guard Keys, Masonic Keys, Medalions, Lockets, Spectacles, Ac. An extra lot of Knives ; Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Ac. A superior lot of Ladies' and Gentleinens' Port Monaia und Memorandums. AiSpil.!-.a Ctd> .cs. coat Loops. Reticules, Sowing Birds, Lndiea Funs, Plain und carved Seals, Purse Kings, Ac. An assortment of Mourning Pins, and Brace lets, Cornelian King* Misses Finger Kings, Silk Guards, Ac. Patent Match Boxes. A choice lot of PERFUMERY, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Brushes, Ac. Ladies' Gold Watches, Ladies' Album*. Eight-Day Lever Clocks, superior quality. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Watches. Clocks, nnd nil kinds of Jewelry repaired at shor' no ice with despatch. All work warranted. Call und sec us. P. B. BURNHAM A CO. May 8 62 tf GOOD BOOKS DELIGHT, INSTRUCT, REFINE. How and Where to Procure them. Plbas* sexp for a Copy of our Illustrated Catalogue! of 150 different work*, suitable for Family and Fireside ltcndirur, and embracing Popular American Biographies, Afaqratire* and Pravel*, Ayrirutinrv, 'J'rmprranJtsftLai*, and School, Hook* fur the You up, !>r,ir*ffp$fly Printed and Illustrated Family Bible*, Ileligiou* Book*, StatuUtrd and Seleet Poetry, and a choire. variety of J/i*eeHaneon* Book*. We will Send it without, charge. It contains n full description of the beat standard works on tl?o above important subjects, with their nricos, and in n form convenient for reference anu preservation. livery render and book-buyer should have it, f8*W? will send nnv of our books. Pootage Prepaid, on receipt of the advertised price, w hich may he scut to us by mail. Ours are the Bret Books for Ayents, because tliev dm ?a *--? ??- - * HliAt SCR^GGS & CO. DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Ready-made Clothing, IIATS ASili CAff!. V.CtW, * wr> cmoim CfockelrU, ftolrOtooire, Groceries, PAINTS AND OILS, M?90O1l(NUEt, &?, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE, Have opened at tiie above place a large and varied assoitmcut of New and Elegant Goods,H to which they invite attention from their friend* and the trading community. The Stock has been pnrchnscd with great care under the poraonnl supervision of the proprietors during a protracted stay in New-York, and feci confident in assuring the public that tboy eon and will offer bargains. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate the articles which we haw 011 hand, I believing that an examination of onr stock will I insure the belief that bargains may bo hud In* calling at our establishment. J^yCountry produce token in exchange. Orseuville, April 3. 47 tf l IS AS ukUAli ^ltESE^TINO j finny Advantages to Purchusrrs mm up And is mnking the same unwavering efforts at i The Ladies' Store, To t> eommodntc his customers to nil they desire. | HE Id OEFBttlXG Sutler Black Canton Crape Dresses, French Bombazines, Foullard Wash Silks, Colored Printed Muslins, New Plaid Silks, Linen Lusfres and DoBogn, New Buttons, Elegant Knil?roidcrics, Colored Hrillimit?'< ntul Superfine English Capes and colored French j Kid ljlovc<. May 8. 02 tf ~ne w~~ Spring & Summer Goods, AT FOUNTAIN INN. S C. THE subscribers lmvin*r just re-1 eeived, and are still receiving, n i ?3!Ko52S%3new and complete stock of Spring | and Summer CJOODS, would respectfully invite) the attention of their old friends and customers, and the public generally to the same. We are prepared to show as HANDSOME ntul I'SEFI 1.1 O1P?C0IK ?J}1 ?TXB DlPj, 0 A A S (, OOI? TGunx, as at any other eonntrv Store. We woidd, there- | tore, respectfully solicit a share of puldii; pat roimpre. W.VJ. McSKKLV SON. I > ay 8, 1850. 62 4 i Hair Working. | MRS. Jf. M. OLSON would respectfully inform the citizens of Orecnville, that she) has moved back to Orecnville, ami may be found nesr the residence of Dr. Irvjnk, ou Avenue St., by the Baptist church, and will continue the business of WORKIXO HAIR, and would i>e pleased to receive ealls from nil who may desire work done in the above line. rar Mr. Olson will be found every moraing! at the Jewelry Shop of \lr. Cn.un.r-. Smimi, where specimens and styles of her work may be seen. | May 22d 2 tf THE GREENVILLE mmi MAIN STHEET, NEXT TO M BES'S HALL. j V3fn T1IK Subscriber has on b ind a lnr~e and | | fcC?0? well-selectedStock of MISCELLANEOUS, ; 1 T?Br8ClIOOL and CI-ASSlCAI. BOOKS. | Writing l'opcr. Blank Books, Memorandums, ?tc. : Writing Desks ami Case#, Portfolio*, Gold nok Steel Pen*, Pencil*, Ink, Scaling Wnx, *\i.. Wafers, Slntes, Copy Books, Ink-Stands, Ruler*, A*., Ac. (>. K. KLFORD, i Sign of tlie Ili^flSmik, j March 0. 43 Si" ;| "w-flOTr;Lwy& m?. s-o -..m a ca n .mrCjS-s i3, <& MWSMl NEAR GILDER P.O., ORKKN VILLI? DIST. j OFFERS his services to the pulOic,.nnd solicits j patronage. All work entrusted to him will he done with neatness and dispatch. Any j j person wishing to know how to solder (hard or; I soft,) will be furnished, on tin* reception of one dollar, withn receipt containing full instruction*, j enabling him to solder any metal. This receipt! has never been offered to the public before.. Sal- I isfaetion given or the money refunded. Jkwkikv MVMIKO WITH CAllK. A 1*0 -l.S-tf OTIS^~~IMPROVED PATENT Lightning Conductors. rI"MlE subscriber baa purchased the Right of, .1 putting up the above description of Light- ! ning Rods in Greenville District, and is prepared ; to execute orders for the same to any extent and ! with promptness and despatch. These Rod* are ! conducted upon Scientific principles, and ntford ! the only method yet discovered of absolute pro- j teetion against lightning. Any one acquainted ( with the laws of cleetrioity, will be immediately , convinced of their utility, upon'examining them. Their value ha* been tested by experience and science, and has been vouched bv hundreds of j certificates from a'.l part* of the Union. From amongst these the following only are submitted. "I have carefully examined Otis' insulated i Lightning Conductor, and have it attachud to the : building iu which I reside. It is better con- j tructcn, and more securely insulated, thnn snv ' fnrin nf 1 .irrltfnSnfr I !%?*- /* *.*...1% 1 J And cheap, nnd if properly nttnehed to the build- | lug, cannot fail lo afford security against the; | loss of life and property by electricity I there- j fore recommend it aw worthy of the confidence 1 of the community, R. F. iIhvmby. Prof, of Chemistry, Ac., in 8. C. -College." Mr. I>. G. Weetfleld has roccntly supplied my house with Otis' improved Conductor. I hove i examined them with great onrc, and mn eoiivili- ' ccd that they are tho best Lightning Rods ever constructed. The methods of attraction and in i sulntinn nre new, and s?em to in* to be perfect. ' I can confidently recommend them to all nervous | wishing to socure their houses against lightning. , 0. J. ELFOIID. Any further information roar h? obtained on ; application to D G. WLsTFIMLI), | ' May *-52-tf. Orcm-i'le, 8 C. W II. It o v E Y, PROPRIETOR OF Qrce^OlU^. 8. C. FANCi & STAPLE DRY GOODS, RICH DRESS SILKS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, | Shawl*, HlHntilaR & Euibroideric*.' * agent tor | UFIKE-PIJOOF SAFES. 1 w H ! J Sto\l<Wd'* Wmruit?<l' Piano Forte#, | Mfe. Alhtt>'s Word's Jluir llestorer, | z. tr , l>r. \V. i'? Mollatl's Fill# and Bitters, ~ ^ Dr. David Jutile's Patent Medicine.*, 7 J,<m l<>n <? C?.V ^ O A. 11. ?fc D. Sands' Snrsnpnrilla. . * ^ No. 2, (yUavtlancT* Iiuilding*.' Nearly oppo*ite ifatu>on ffoutr. January 17, 1830. *0 If (?>3X3323^5^3 ^v*u\\ gggg? Dissolution oi Co-Partnership. r|^llK subscribers having purchased the entire A interest of K. N. (iOH'KIl, in the Finn of C'owhr*. Cox ?fc Makki.ey, take till# method of' calling on all persons indebted to them to make | immediate novim-nt < r 'gowf.r, cox a m ark ley. | tmo*. C. Oowr.R, i Two*. M. oox, > ii. c., ) m ? %. S?n r|~MIK undersigned having 0oM out his interest 1 JL t u his late partner* in tin; Wniton nn<l Oiir- i ringe Husincss, would take this opportunity to j recommend them to the confidence ?>f his friend* j and tlio public. II?' fools Assured the bwsinessof, the now Firm 'will suffer no detriment by his I wlthdrnNvril, us they ore employing the very best1 workmen in nil departments of their business. j (signed) e. n. oower. Greenville, .bmunrv 1, 185fi. Jk'u. 10 * 35 tf Elford & Donaldson, I,,*, .. .L, --I"-. JI . I , ' I ??? vj ' j .i c-'? $J. C. J. ELFORD. T. Q. D3NALDS3N. .Iiih. 10. 35 Sill " REED & G00DLETT, Aygrtj o \\ ..v. xva jviv ru aw, j , , ^rcent illv, 8. 1'. iB5T'Qfi)roinoxt door to F. F. IU: vttik itcCo. j?.l?.] [s. t>. cjoodi.ktt. January 1*2 35 tf j Thompson & Easloy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | GREENVILLE 0. II., 8. C. .lime '23, 1854. '? 8 i William p. price," Attorney at Law. "\"\7 11*1' P'ltietiinllv attend to all matters en- i t t trusted to iim eare. lie may he found ( tor the present, at the Law Oftici of Messrs. Thompson a, or at the office of the South- i crn Enterprise. Greenville C. II. ; Feb 14. 40 tf i llctlicai Notice. rf"HlF. Copartnership* heretofore existing be-j 1 twoen 1>is. TL'UI'IN ?lr .IOXI'5, has been! : dissolved by the dentil of Dr. AVm. i'. Trnptv.? ! I All persons indebted to the late firm, will make i ! immediate payment to l)r. w. 11. Jones, surviving copartner. N?. a. wttts 11,' ILL eontinue to occupy the same ofliee, and I r in offering his professional service to the; piililie, lie feels confident, (from his long nn.l in- j tlimite association with Dr. Turi'i.v,) of giving general satisfaction. Ladies, and all individuals suffering from | chronic diseases, will find a consultation with ! Dr. jonks very much to their advantage. March -7 4(1 tf r | ..ill i(!J 'Utl U'.ii Si !!i. !iii ! war against high prices!; [ ; MWttp?ftuick Salca and Small Pi'ofits. j SfiPJBX(?f i > Vflfj O vi ( {; L-ilU READY-MADE $ ii ? IT CO II iSJ ?: AT Tllri Ti _ 1i en it en uaiumore triotnmg otore, fcJ.?|rriHN & CO. n'AVK just received, direct from I?j?1 tinn?r?*. n beautiful and elegant H^urtmoiil of t'h?-' thing. Tin* proprietors would ilircct the ntten- i tiiiH nf .thoee wishing to purchase to llif above Stor';. If cousislsiti pari of Coats, Pants, Wst*, 1 Shirts', Collars, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery ami ' .Suspenders. Ala", Straw and Panama Hats, Caps. Boot.*, i Shoes, Trunks^ Carpet-Bays ' and Umbrellas. la fiiet almost every nriiele to be found in a tu'iiVg Outfitting SslflbiisbiiKoJ. ALSO, A LOT OK BOY'S ANQ YOUTH'S CLOTHING. ?<i> llnm??ti?, l?n( a Ktcalily ! Wo will positively sell the above good* Twenty-Five per Cent CHEAPER than the some can be purchased elsewhere. We i intend remaining in Greenville, thus giving ens- ' tomcra nn opportunity of testing the cheapness j and durability of onr Gtrndn, Conic nnd sec for j yourselves. Next door to Wnlker's Hotel, and opposite Powers mid Kldridgr, Main-Street. Greenville, April 17. 4C? tf BSJOKLAYIMtS'IMIE undersigned offers hi* service.* to the peo* pltr Of Greenville nnd the surrounding country in th? ft hove lino, ntnl from his long eon-1 nevioti with the business would warrant full rat WfactioU. lie would nlso stnte that he intends kft-'ping Tilths nnd Lime for sale. lie may he found west of Cnohle's Illftcksniith Shop, nnn opposite Dr. Jones' residence, S. I). DEAR.MAX. May 15. 1 tf No Joke. rp'lE undersigned is in need of funds, Hnd will I A ft el very much relieved if those indebted i to him will come forward and par up. I>o not I forget this. G J*. ELFORIX J w I ft 1 tf LKQAL APYKRT18KMKNTS. | fATEOF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREli.S VU.LK JHSTKICT. In the Court of Ordinary. D.?rid Dlythe, I'lminlitrntni1 of the Kstat* of William Tucker, deceased. applicant, agaios | Peggy Tucker, Anderson Tucker, ami others, i defendant*. Petition for Final Settlement and ! Decree. IT appearing to iny satisfaction that Anderson I Tucker, William Tucker. Andy Tucker. Pol- J It Itiee and William Rice her husband, legal; heirs and representatives of Wllliatu Tucker, de- i cease-1, reniao without the limits of the State : it is therefore ordered, that they do appear at a court ot Ordinary to be holdcn at Greenville court house for Greenville District, on Friday, the 81li day of August next, to shew cause, if ...... ?!.?.. _ m.?1 ? > nnj mvj win, nnjr n jrmni nciunncnt unci i/c j cree of the Personal estate should not be had, or ' their consent on default thereof, will be taken as confessed. 1 ROBERT McKAY, (). G. D I Ordinary's Office, ) Greenville, S. 0., May, 21, 1806. f ni22-2-J>in Tao State of South Carolina. <J11 KEN VILLE DISTRICT. In Court of Ordinary. II. 1. Henderson, Administrator with the AVill annexed, n]?|?1 io.-rnt, against Jamu* Henderson. Argulus Henderson, A. Brasher, and Frances his wife, Thonins Henderson. Lewis Croft, and I'eheeea his wife, heirs of Nancy Long, anil others, Legatees of K/.ekicl Henderson, deceased, Defendants. Petition for Final S< ttUnuut a i-I Decree. IT appearing to tny satisfaction, tlint the parties whose names appear Above, reside with out tlio limits of this State : It is ordered, said Decreed, and that they do appear in person, or by Attorney at a Court- of Ordinary, to he hohlen at Greenville Court House, for Greenville District, on Monday, the 7th day of July next, 18.76, nt 11 o'clock, A. M. and shew cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement and Decree, of raid Estate, should not be had, and on default of appear nig, their consent will be taken pro confnto, against them. ROBT McKAY, O. O. D. Ordinary's Ofticc, Greenville, S. C. I April 12th. 1S.76. \ 49-Sm. STATE OF SOFTII CAUOLIKA. (;RKENV1 LLE DISTRICT. IN COVrtT OK ORUINAKV. Israel Charles and Joel Charles, Executors of the estate of John Charles, deceased, and Israel Charles, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth diaries, deceased, Applicants, against Mary Garrison, David diaries, Ooorge Most el lor. iinO Francis Mostcllcr his Wife, Marin f.'ltnr | K"S, and .1 iimes O. Charles, and others, Defen- ' limits. Petition for Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Mary Garrison, David Charles, George Mostcllcr and Francis his Wife, Maria Charles nnd James O. Charles, reside hevond the limits of this State: It is ordered and decreed that they do appear at a Court for Ordinary to helioldeunt Greenville C. 11., of Greenville District, on Monday the 80th day of Juno next, at 11 o'clock A. M., to shew cause, if any they nan, why a Final Settlement and Decree of tne Estates of John Charles and F.lir.aheth Charles, deceased, should not be made; or their consent on default, will he entered of record. ROBERT MiK AY, O. G. I). Greenville,^. C. ) Ordinary'sOffice, 7th April, 1858. f The Stato of South Carolina OREKNVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Samuel l'aync vs. Wesley Fnyne, Lemuel Payne, Joseph Lumpkin* and Kmiiv his wife and otli ers. Dill for Partition, Rtlief, etc. Tow.vks <t Caiipsku. Compl'd. Sol's. TT appearing to my satisfaction that the l)cA feiidnnts, Lemuel Payne, Uriah Payne, Jo seph Lnmpkiim and l'.mily hi- wife, Julio Mnelu'in, and W. Grittilh reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered that they do plead, answer or demur to the Bill in this ens-- within three months. from thin date, or the same will be taken pro against them. S. A. TOWN US, C. II (J. D. April 2. 47 f?m Life n*??l Property Insured. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE!| THE ASHEVILLE Jthitnal 3nsnranrr Coiitjiiiui] Insures Howes, Stores and other Prop rty AGAINST FIRE: And the Litres of White Persons and Stares, brtween the ayes of 10 and 00 years ON Mich terms as to render it a most safe and desirable investment. Fall details, with the Constitution ami Jty-I.nws of the Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Officers of the Company. jose Ft I It. os RO It NF, J'rn't. Wm. w. Mcdowell, ; J as. It. It a \k t N", Secretary <( Tretutvrcr. JOHN W. GRADY, Agent, Doe. 27-tf. GRKKNVILLF. s. c. j LiiWOnJ %) Anti-Rheumatic Powders, j A St/fe. Speed:/ and Radical Cure for Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and S'ciatica. ?"\^E, ''to undersigned citizens of Putnam ! ?? Countv, Georgia, cheerfully henr testimony to the efficacy <?f Linch's Ami Rheumatic j Powders in the treatment of acute or chronic Rheumatism, many eases having heen successfully trented by Dr. J. G. OIIISON, within our personal knowledge in wltioli these Powders were priiieipally used. Joel Drannain, M. I>. IFhi. 15. Carter, i>. aiar?nail, If. It. Aflams, T. It. Harwell, TIhuiim J'espesa, G. 11. Thomas, J. Aichleann <V others. 19" Any reasonable number ?>f individual certificates can he given in attestation of their ctlicacy. Prepared and sold hy J. O. GIBSON, 51. D., Katonton Gn., at *.5 per box. All orders directed to hi in, with the aboTe turn enclosed, ninl a description of the ease shall re coive with the Mcdieinc such Advice as may suit any peculiarity thereof. ror sale hy M. B. BAULK, M. I)., Apothecary j ami Druggist, Greenville, S. C. May 1. fil ly CONFECTIONERY. I w. w. m'&m IS now the proprietor of this favorite resort. He will endeavor to please the former cuetomers of this establishment, and hy sternly exertions, to increase the number of his patrons. 1 At the Confectionary will he fonmi Candies, ! Pickles, Preserved Fruits, Oysters, 1 fibsters, Sai -1 dines, Catsups, Cordials, Toys Ac., Ac. Ice Cream and Lunch at all hovrs. The Bakery will l?o continued ns bofifto-1 foro, and warm Bread procured every day. Call i?r?d a*s hi-n * Apr. 'z\ A') tf. * GOlAi .M IMA AIi VI JCTLSKil LN1X M,W, BYTHiWOOQ, WM, HENRY SMITH. Bythewood & Smith, CUMMSSION MERCHANTS. Of* Tt".r Real Estate, Negroes. Cotton, Flour, Grain, ASH AM. MANS'KR OP PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE, 204 Rwhanqc How. HicharrUon St. OOLUM31A, S. C. Ref?rpup<*?i [ Q(.(If..*. J. / >_ --J (..? * o,, nuvii ? i.u., nu'i n line (C bond i win. Charleston; John A. < .Yaw for J ami Rivhanl Anderson, Colutifhin, S. Brnwley A* Ales* nrwler, Chester C. II.; Col. K N. Stowe, York ills-, S. C.; Springe ?fc Me J.end, Charlotte, X. 0.; Michael Brown, Salisbury; X. f\ { It. C. Cooke, Concord; X. l>r.- W, "|j. finite l,e\iiniton, N< 0.; Whitfi-hl Walker, Newberry. fc C.; J. Brown, Andtreon. S. C.; flower. Cox A Markley, Greenville, S. C. ; Jno. Kyle. Laurens, S.- C. Feb, 28. * 12 tru G. 3, BOWER, Ulnuufsirlitrer and Denlei' 111 2 2? *UUN iTlTREof every description. Tlio South Carolina AGRICULTURIST. r|^IIK Executive Committee of tho Slat# JL. Agricultural Society of South Carolina, having selected the subscriber lo edit. their paper, a prospectuh is now issued in compliance with their instructions. This Journal will ho devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Natural Science, linral Tasto, Architecture and Art, the Mechanical and Manufacturing interests, and all the pursuits pertaiuitig to general improvement. It will also contain a faithful transcript of tho organization and proceedings of the society, Essays and Communications from tho l?st writers in the State, and a monthly summary of the spirit of tho Agricultural press. All subjects devoted to tlio improvement of the mind, the soil, stock and domestic comfort, will find ready admission into its columns, and such contributions are specially desired. The work will be printed in hcautitul, new and fair type, on fine white paper, with n tinted cover, and will contain thirty-two pages per month. The publication will commence on the first of May. J ft >0. There, will also be published an additional advertising sheet, as a supplement, in which a limited number of advertisements will be inserted. Tkkms?00 | ?>r annum. No paper sent unless the mot ey be paid in advance. Lite members to the State Agricultural Socictv will receive the paper free of cost. A. C,. SUMMER, Editor, Columbia, 8 (J. An Estray. ISJJAKI. CIlAKLKtt returns before wft ine nu or tray mire Mt'LK.of dark brown ti medium si/a, foiu or tiv?< vent* old, with some nwvka from jpsnrtujf, Appraised at one hundred dollars. Haid Mule ?lm t?e trad l?y application at l?ra' l Charts** residency buirtwn miles below Grvenvilto C 1L on the Augutfa road. ."JiiN 'V ^/,vrs y. Ov 1 .May ?. f. K pi ftn<l C'UAIRS of every slyio. FISK'S CELEBRATED METALiC BURIAL CASES, Opposite the Conyarce J/oitat, Doc. V. COLUMBIA, B. C 17 L. 1\ LEVINT Auctioneer and Commission tterfthafit, (SJ'MCjWhWm^ 3. V* iii;KKiHii:Ncns. John A. Cfctwrfinn, Pfrsldent Cmnrvfrciv' Paul-, John C.w.wwrt.i, f'rrsid'tit &oti;h VaraHna /tail road L'o>npatty, l|tm< Joiin Si I'kkstox, John Rryoe, Coluxibin. Mordrcia ?fc Co.. ltitNBT MtssfcO' n, Hon.- \V. F. 0>i.iock, Charleston. mny 2S; 2 tf ffi. TOOTJieHS, OKALr.R IN Sciiijiods, 1)flSCelifli)i'0t|S ddO rjw nifhurdtoii Street^ COLOMBIA^ J*. C; THE NEW EIIA7 Is Published cvefy Friday Ei>mivg tn COLUMBIA, S. C. BY J A,TIES A. CIRTI8. Tonus : $2 j>or annum, in AdvMtcv. Doc 7. ni If MERCHANTS llOTEI^ 1 BY JAMES M- HURST, (EHAlftLSS'TDISr, 2. (C. Board?$150 Per Dayi Fobrurtrv 2t. 41 If ! I MESSRS. GRADY A a001)LETT HAVE REMOVED l.xto THEIR NEW STORE Opposite their Old Stand, Where tliev will Continue (ft Sell totlieir customera and friwvh DltY CnODS. GROCERIES, Ae., at pried AS LOW us can lie liruli Doe. 27. an tf PER G. & C. RAIL-ROAD. A. ?aigIKIF3<E!L? (PONTINE ICS TO RECEIVE, ?1 his Store, opJ positc (he Mansion House, NEW ADDITION'S to his Stock' of Dry-Goods and Groceries. which he offers at excellent barg- in*. He would state to those who purchase of hint on j credit that their hills must he (.aid when preaciij ted. Call and examine his Stock. Reside the ; usual articles to he found in the Drv-floods line j he directs attention to the following Groceries , | fS5^^?\Suonrs, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, YinoKnr S*!l., Soaps, Candles, An. Fish! Fish! ! Mackerel, Salmon, Herrings, Sardines, Lobsters. cjyCountry produce taken in exchange for I Good.*. Ihtcon, Flour, Meal, 'urn, l'ena, l'otai toe*, and other articles in that line, on hand, ami | foranle cheap. A. GREENFIELD.