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A Scene in Market* % Those who weut through Sixth street market this morning, must have observer a middle aged Dutchman leaning against a lump-post, on the north side oiiih' birect near r>un, wuu a oasKei of clean looking eggs before bini. He seemed anxious to sell o at, and constantly kept up the cry, 'Bnre eggs, shentieman and vomaiis, shcap, Jib cap, aheap.' Among others he was approached about 8 o'clock, by a neat looking little fellow dressed in black, with a Kossuth hat, partly covering a flowing head of hair almost entirely grey. His appearance indicated him to be a sharp trader, and the idea might have boen formed that he intended to ger an advantage over the Dutchman in driving a trade. 'How do you sell your eggs 3" enquired the little mart. 'Fourteen cent a tozcnp replied the Dutchman. 'Fourteen cents, oh 3 Well now that is not dear if they are all good eggs * 'Goot 1 exclaimed the Dutchman rather indignantly, 'I sells not' in but bure eggs. Der is 'nt a pad egg in all dera vats in the basket.' 'Not a hod egg, said the lit'lo man. 'Now my good sir, if I was convinced of that, I would instantly purcliasthe entire lot nt vour own .? Good eggs is what I want, and I will not stop at a cent or two a dozen.' 'Slmst look at that, mine frien,' said t tie egg dealer, as with a sort of pride he picked up one of the eggs, and shading it with his hand, hood it between hia eye and the sun. 'Clear as vaaser mit a veil buckot, eh V The little man took the egg and holding it in the same poeition, declared it was rotten. The Dutchman examined it again, * and tlien reiterated his assertion, when to settle the dispute it was agreed to break the egg. The little man took out his knife, and breaking open one cud of the shell, lo! a feathered head came peeping through tlie aperture.? The Dutouman started back with affright, while a 6hout of laughter arose from the mixed crowd which had gathered around. 'I thought that fellow's eggs was'nt good,' exclaimed one. 'Arrah! an'tis chickens he's sell in' an' not eggs' chiined in an Irishman, with u flmue. 'La! me, I was just u gum1 to bny some of them eggs,' exclaimed an old lady, as she put on her specs, 4ind exaimcd the bird. I 4 .. J -1 ! -* -Ana me aarmig tiling is alive,'said a young lady, as the little man in black caught the unbatched chicken by the bill and drew it out. The Dutchman was too much struck with wonderment to heed the uumer ons jeers which came from the crowd. With Ids hands crammed in his breeches pockets, and his eves fixed on the little man, lie aeemecf as transfixed as & statue. 'Now, my friend,' said the little man at last-, 'you tee yon can't deceive me with yonr eggs, if i hey were real ly good, I would have purchased them; but as it is, I can only take the one I have broken open. The chicken is worth something?what do you charge me fi r the eggs?' 'Two cent,' replica the Dutchman, with a heavy sigh. 'Cheap?1 will pa^' you.' said the little mau, running his hand into his pocket. 'But stop?may-he I cant get money out of another egg. Picking a second egg out of the basket, he broke it opon, and, to the great amazement of the now very large crowd around him, and to thestujiotaction of tho owner ot the eggs, hauled forth from it a one dolar oal. i ? i. n - .M i * -? * j\ii i sum ue, witu period complacency, 'this is better than tiic chicken. I will try another/ He reached down and was about to pick up the third egg, when the Dutchmail seized his basket, and covering it with his body, shouted? 'Go way niit ine you?you syilr all vig good eggs ni it your tarn foot ting#.* Laughingly the little tnati tossed him a half dime to pay for the two eggs he had used, and pnshiug his way through! tho crowd, made off. The eves of all followed bin, for more than one thought hetburefy had some connection ' ' with the Master of the Infernal ltogio 8. It afterward turned out, how ever, that ho was Signor Blitz, the world renowned Magician, and that he I - was merely amusingmm self with some of his inimitable tricks. Learning this fact. Mvnheer said hi>miorlO. nnmu again if ho would only put. ddlnr bill#, iuatead of unbatchod chicken#, into hw A CoxoftsroNDKNt of the WUcomin Democrat pay a Chicago the following compliment: "Aleu are gittiiig rich hotter, and bring higher, and doing nrjofe bueinese, and drinking more, and gohjg to the devil generally by aeliorter road) in Chj^gu than in any place m f . . ingr effect. Judge.?Bring the prisoner into court. Pete,?Ilorfel^im, bound to blaze, as the spirit* w Turpintine said when he was all ft-fire. We will take a little of the fire out of vou. Wow do you live i W* I ain't particular^ as the ovster, was, when they naked hint it he'tt be roasted or fried. We don't want to hear what the oyster said, or the spirits of turpintine either, What do you follow! Anything that comes in my way, as the locomotive said when he run over a little nigger. Don't cure anything aboutthe locomotive. "What is your business! That's various, as the cat said when she stole the chicken off of the table. That comes nearer to the line, Isup' pose. - r^'-V. ' ? - - . ; Altogether fjri mv line, as the rope said when it was clioaking the pirate, j If 1 hear ftny more absurd com pari-j sons, I will give you twelve months. I'm done, as the beefstako said to the cook. i Now, sir, you punishment shall de- ; pend ou the shortness and correctness J of your answers. I suppose you live ' by going around the docks. < No, sir, I can't go around docks ' without a boat, and 1 ain't got uone. I Answer me, sir. Ilow do you get I your bread ? | ftf tlwv l\ol-nrA- nl\A r/irMM. I 1 i ituco w iiiv u?mvi o anu ovujv" ' times I eat tutors. < No more of your stupid nonsense.? < flow do you support vonself? Sometimes ou my legs, and some limes on a Cheer, (chair.) ilu\v do you keep yourself alive? liy breathing, sir. 1 order you to answer this question correctly. lL?\v do you do? Pretty well, I thank you, Judge.? How do you do i 1 shall have to commit you. Weil, you've committed yourself I first that's some consolation. < A Sermon as is a Sermon. < BY DOW Jit. OF8ANFHAX0I8OO. i This is tho hIihjkj and size of the fext ] to my present discourse : Whal's i>os>io!c, poicliunce iuay come? I Wliai must be bine will bap, aliii! I l)ut wIihi's iinpjsaible, cau'i be, l Aud never, coiue to pass. < My hearers?Tina is a world of possibilities, probabilities, dead certainties I and inijH/ssibilitiea. 801110 things are ' possible, many probable, a few tatat, 1 and now and tiien one (supposed to hej 1 impossible; yet possibilities, probaoiii- 1 ties, impossibilities and Jinan unities { are so snarled up and tangled togeiuer, < that to separate them without snap- 1 ping innumerable threads, repines all 1 j the ingenuity and patience that human 1 ! philusophy can muster. For my part, ? j it ties my thanking taculties all up m- > > to a hard knot to make out wbatispos- 6 sible and what isn't. At the mar veil- < ous feats preformed upon the uiagiie- 1 tic telegraph wire, the antics said to 1 be cut by Spirits on a visit froiuanoth- ! er world, 1 can do nothing but stand f< still and gnpe, like a lboi at a sewing 1 1 machine. That intelligence can run 1 a race wifk Thouglit round the globe, I and eoine about nick and tie ami thai < wc can obtain fresh news from lienv- 1 en at any time by beckoning down its spiritual inhabitants?engage theiu to assist in moving our furniture; or to 1 work all day at pile driving, by lifting up and letting drop with unseen hands 1 that all-thundering cast iron fifty-six, , at which a young steam boiler so unnecessarily tugs and frets?is remark- * able?"Worry f" Tho only difference . between Electro-Magnetic Telegraph , Manifestations and Spiritual mamtesj tat ions is as far as I can 6ee, that?one I lUSt 11: Hint 111 iiinuMiailil/i iiu tli? ntlun' But these aro, my friend*, palpably uemcii-urated , and the uiuro 1 cogitate upon the mat tor, the more I wonder, like the tadpole when hie tail dropped otr, ft What the d?l*e going to happen next!" First, my brethercn, of pos bilkiea. These are the morel refuse prdbvbilitte??uncertain as do tiintlock muskets with damp powder in the pan. Their v sits aro wholly unexpect- 1 udyand usually attended with wonder 1 and surprise. But let me inentioti, my beloved, a few things which may possibly happen: so that when they fucenr, your astonishment may not rc' cei vc too snddont a hoist. It is pvtuibU that by the next arrival from the At; autio States, we may learn that a I Speaker to die Jlouse of Itopresenta j Lives has been picked out of the huge . pile.|?f rubbish there conglomerated; land that \V libra- TWkmort*?t?- tfnrto/ NotUiirg, Abolitioi?i?t8t Hard Shells, 1 Soft Shell* Shedders, llunker*. Flunk! efs, Flounder*, and other similar fry1 aro all chovrodred together m the pol> hitteal cauldron. A " J It is possible, thfltv some kind Spirit flapper wdl infoftn us who is to be our nr\t Pi-odilenf, and thereby : jMM?r Uncle the t rouble and expense of ' '*4&' r v'-"jg ' ' . >r^sN . ... ;*j3$* con-cur-ed io,.aud without an eye to the morsel of meat attached thereto.?It is po&sibU, that Wisdom may ^dpt reign in our legislative Assembly?that its members may become "wise as (other) ??P harmless as toads, instead of making as much mifcchief as: so many monkeys in a printing office. It itijxwsiblc, that plain piety may take the place of showey pre I tensions in some fashionable citychurches?barely possible. It isjpoM*ble, that a thunderbolt may knock some of its guilding off against the toughest of you case-hardened sinners before another month, perhaps a week, rolls rouud. Hy bretJieren ; we have lately been visited by a little possibility,which, no doubt thought "great shakes" of itself at the time jaml I, for one, feel somewhat inclined to flatter its vanity. Of course, I have, reference to that nice specimen of an earthquake that shak a t'other morn?awoke the priest, unshaven and unehoru?Tag, Ragnnd Bobtail, tattered and torn?editor, sleepy, weary, and worn?that fright- j enod the maidens all forlorn?your , humble preacher "in a horn"?that i shook the house, cracked the walls, un- J shelved old bottles, and went it quite i loose in the city that San Franciscans l>uilt. Your servile preacher,? my ' hretheron, is a vory early riser, by { brco of habit and a few fleas, general- 1 y shedding his night shirt at the first ;ock er?wt <?ti Ui? m^t niwg In question, the little Quaker was "up md stirring" almost as soon as myself. IVell, who was afraid ? Not I; lor my owlv habitation?ntmivMAd of wmwl jotton sheeting and brown paper?was >11 ilt upon as solid And righteous a hill is can be found in the vicinage. Therefore was I bold na a lion ; while the kicked and those ot a "lower grade" i general!took astonishing frog-leaps 1 for the Piazza, as if salvation was cen- j tered here. No wonder that the >minous spastn of fifteen or twenty sejonds (a minatiire eternit}*) duration ' to vour poor frightened sinners. Poll I J Jo you imagine an earthquake, that is in any sort of a hurry, is going to loaf , tway its precious time hi that manner? | If you do, you make a slight mistake. ; A circle of live soconds in dimensions is plenty large enough for any riecentuzed earthquake to thrash about in, tind make mischief to satisfy the most rlevoted lover of extra excitement? For my part, I am not willing to extend the area of freedom a single inch beyond it to any such ticklish phenomena. Now, my friends, the probabilities is that this recent terrestrial igue-fit is but the fore-leg of some bigger runrter, therefore, I warn you cheating, grasping, grabbing, Mainnon-serving Son Franciscians to bevare? Your houses are all either milt upon the sand, or on rotten sticks ituck in the mud; and. as for your mo al structures, they rest upon equally ihaky foundations. Hi ere is a big ;hnnk ot wrath in the storehouse of lie future for waring?and unless you airu from the error of your ways, cease 1 vour mutual robberies, and worship j something else in the ptaee of winy specimen.'* and other golden images, the probability is that the fate df Ko rah and his host and the idolatrous Jcddoites will bo yours. You live in ? it volcanic country?your very natures have become volcanic, and all the elements nocessary to the constitution of an elephantine earthquake are concentrated in your midst. Beware 1 My brefberen: what is to be be. and there is no hucIi thing as scaring it off by soar looks and ngly faces. . IT you are predestined to bo hanged (as yon deserve to be), you can never ecrve as physic U> an earthquake. But I advise you to imagine that no such fate as either awaits you ; and strive so to live, be have yourselves and employ yonr valuable time, as to give even predestination itself tnoh a shake, an to leave it but ar. equivocal concern at iiie best. As to mijxwsihililio*, my friends, I hardly recognize any such stumpers in this wonder working age ! Nothing seems impossible now a days, except to make a hoop without a hoi# in the middle, and the discovery of some pro- 1 cess by which self-righteous mortals can befconverted into penitent sinners and broken down politicians into useful members of society 1 So mote it be! (?>? S*n Franobco' Golden Mb*. Br Sincrrs.?the greet thing to be attended to in prnyar, that which is the ve*y ?**ccnce of it, i? reality I Every sentence must be in the vehicle of troth. AH falr?>' hood i? wicked ; never i* it *o wicked *a in prayer. The utterance of Heo. direct in tbe face of God and truth, 1* the rery cHma* of iniquity. As the Searcher of hearts, ha detire* truth in the inward parte. ! U? h preeminently *the God of Uasftht by whom actions are Weighed,' and to whoa* *all thing* j are naked and open/ A slanderer of the soft sex undertakes to prove that Satan was a whocjc name was Lacy Fir. ; "> i. ri;+v8[ p.. r- - . - ' " . .-r *\ ; * if ? * ' -ATrtL ffljfd^ unfoftnnate creatures from the very jaws of death. J#*Any person sending 7Wniy-Pive Ctnit en closed in s letter, will receive one copy of this work by insii, or five copies sent for one Dollar, Address, (post-paid) Dr. WM. YOUNG, 162Spruoe-stre?*. Philadelphia. July fl, 1856. ' lv Farmer A Planter. It issued Monthly at Pendleton, 8. C. TERMS. 1 copy 1 year (in advance) $ 1 00 5 copies 1 your 44 - 6 00 25 copies 1 year M 20 00 100 copies 1 year 44 75 CO J^~Adverti?ements will be inserted at tbe rates of 75 cents a square (20 lines or less) for the 6rsi insertion, nnd 60 cents for each ?ob*equent one. Liberal deductions will be made to liberal advertisers. jar The postage on the Farmer ?fc Planter any where within the Stale three fourths jf a cent, and out of the State one cent and t half per quarter, GEORGE SEABORN, _ . Editor and Proprietor. S. W. Lewis, Publisher. How is the Time ! Subscribe for 18561 PETERSCN*S MAGAZINE, A Monthly Periodical of Literature. Art ^ * and Faehion, )*tku8on's Ladvw' National Maoazive L for 1865, will contain nine hundred najes of original double-colunte Heading Man er, about thirty Steel Plate*, and nearly liree hundred Illustrations engraved on vood. Its Thrilling Original Sieritt \re from the beat authors, and written ex rewly for it. Every volume contains one >r more of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens' copyright Novels, the celebrated author of "Fashion uid Famine." The Press and the Public rfonounces it the inost rendible of the Magurine*. It is strictly mora I,'and eminently \i i) e rican. as HSjUiWftiWfl 'A'r'lMI 11 IP If i % ' -1 rUEMIUM8 FOR CLUBS. To every person getting up a club, our 'Gift-Book of Art for 1866," with 60 Steel engraving* will bo given, or a volume of tht) magazine for' 1864. For a club of sixteen, an nxtrn copy of the nt-igaziue for 1866 will be sent in addition. . >n '! Address, cost i-aid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 102 Chestnut Street, Phil. jarSpecimeiu* sunt gratis. ^ at) 8. 12 tf The Chrhtiaa IJnioa lilaiazlne Monthly Periodical /or nil Fvangelieal ,, Denomination*, Published in Richmond, ' Fa. fTMIK first number efth* periodical wosisJL sued in May last, the object of which w, in part, to cultivate a spirit of love end linrmonv among nil evangelical deip?S%iHlkm?,j*Uttc> Ent!?S e^vutnll "every good word and work." The spirit of Aeetartantuni baa, hitherto, in a great measure, impeded the progress of Christianity, awl always will. Such ?spirit, to a l?o? extent, however, is rife at the jrresent time. To supnreaa it, if po??ible, will be the constant aim of this Magazine. Refined literature, sodthe general cause Its humanity, are embraced in ^t* content* of contributor* art all gentler*** of ae support to this enterprise. amount, shall receive a copy gratia, beside* a year's subscript ieit to either of the religious si the South. If twenty. nary 17.' '.i *"* , < CHINA, *??"KNAMEL, lATI^M'BFACi A?D I'LAIN AND COLORED CARDS, 3tyo* Wort fotoftW* Jelrlw. jf pyi wc A^Afean ^ Stoves! Stoves!! TUB SUBSCRIBERS offers toth? public large varioty of stoves, vU: The Challenge and Leviathan Oootting Stove*, and various other*. Air Tight Cooking Stoves, T>K VARIOUS KIMV*. PREMIUM COOKING STOVES, Large and small Ovcn*y AIR TIGHT PREMIUM Cooking- Stoves. ^ PARLOR COOKING STOVES. Parlor*, Box Stove*, Hall Stove*, for Chnrcher, Store', Ac., together tifh ? foil assortment of plain oil- Japanned Tin Ware, TIN, COH VR, LEAD A SHEET IRON WAllP, MATAiLIG R00FIN6 Done in tho mo?t r> ' proved manner, with dispatoh. fy The Trade supplied with TIN WARE at wholesale, upon the lowest terms. D. O. WESTFIELU *00. I Ovetnvi.'te, & O. apr ?, 47 tf i4??thcrii Literary UeMCitger, FOR THE YKAR 1850. IHN Mauing the Prospecttia of the twentyI second volume of the SOUTHERN Ut< ER.\RY MESSENGER, the ProjuHetor* role solely on the encouraging letters ?ml promises of the friend* of ther Me*?enger. to Hid them in extending it* circulation, ami they beg to assure the public, that no exertions will be remitted on theit part to maintain the high diameter of the work, and to chalenge tho patriotism of ail who value sterling literary merit. For Tweuty one years fhn M???sif?nnr..r li?? anilna<i.r...l t., *v .C1ICVI faithfully the Southern mind, while disdain ing ail narrow and auction a I view*, ami ha* Iteen alone among (lie monthly pciiniicnU of America in defence of the |*eculiur luntitutions of the Southern States. To this office it will still be devoted, and will l?c prompt to repel assaults ii|m>ii the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in tho direct form of atiii -lav< ry pamphlet*. At thi* eiilical juncture, while our enemies arc employing literature as their most potent weapons of attack, the Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike Mows in their defence. The Messenger will, a* heretofore, jvesent its renter* with lb-\icw>, Ui*U?tical land biographical Sketches, Novel*, Travel*. IRwutV*, Poma, Critiques, ami Papers on kite Army, Navy, and other National Sul> Icw- I Will* a view to ensure r larger circulation of the Meseenger, the Proprietors, though they intend greatly increasing the xize of the work, have reduuud the Pijce rf Subscription, which i* now only TUREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, or Four dollars if not paid before the first of July in any year. Cuds?Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will be entitled to Si* Copies? The Rtitwwt ?T*d- Ortfr<;al department of the Messenger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq, and will embrace copious notes on current litem lure and reviews of alt new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor's opinions will always ho honesty and fearlessly avowed. The business department is conducted by the undersigned, to whom all communications of a business nature, must bo addressed. MACFARLANE. FERGUSON <t CO., Law Building, Franklin ?L, ; michroond. Va. _ A GEORGIA BOOK.: ; 2 Thc Three Golden LlnI(?,J TaUa of Odd FeUowthip. >$ . - ov miss c. nr. darber. Linktiik First.?Friendship, or the Afyi terioua Qovrrnena. 'Z Link rsk Second/xnv. or the Adventurer of on Americojt Student. Link tiik Third.? Truthi or Crazy Madge and ktr Child Tfjf the present work Miss Barber has JL succeeded. most happily, in illuetiftting the three CHidimd, principle* of < kid Fellowdrip?Fritndrhip, Love nnd Truth. The stores are well written nnd, while they will particularly interest the Odd Fellow, ere of ouch drsmcler ss to recommend them to mods* of every class. 1 he Authoress sundn deservedly high In literary circles At the goutfc. and we feeifora that this book will enhance her repntntiou. It will be published in a volume of nesr two hundred pages, printed in double columns, on fine white paper, and elegantly bound in tntndin. gilt. Price 75 cents, r*8ix copies will be sent for Four dollars ; Ten copies flsrEHs dollars. The trade will he supplied on the m?wt liberal tertnef The cosher undoubted reference most eecompnJrtm,ry U. frWIUO, ^W*?SSS>MiuL^inyW<^ njt.<. 1*| toddT Ind? nervous females, afflicted with Womb Oomplniirt, boun, CoiiMiltlnpr Surgeon, 'Howard Association/ IKa s So nth Ninth I%ree^ Philadelphia, H" 0r'kVrEZUA IX HAttTWKLT, President GKU FAIKCIIILD, Secretary. . tn>(f24. 15 tf IThc Home Journal Tor lMO. NEW AND BBILL1A I SKRXt "ITTM last week issued the fuel number of *: 1 \ V the New Series of the Home Journal v: for 1836. in a now dress, nnd Vith new attraction*. It contained Chapters T. ant! II. < 1 I EL8R UNTOLD. A Novel iuSerinl NumI Urs. by N. P. Wtu.M. That number also contained the. coinj^V II tnencemeW^f a wries of oH^Htal noretajj^^V in verse, founded upon fact, called, _ I StOuv ok a St.\it," by J. M. Fiklo. I; Besides tlvc contribution* and Mffl$r of W ' I rs. ?<- ?J 1 ' iK'Xt day can be received in every amnion oi * the State. Prioe **?payable inftri*Wy jn advance. "''.TiWg L VV. SPUATT-A CO. F^\%%wyEr AfHSSHS. (fBADY <t GOO/JimHjNfc ; UAVK removed mtHMWWsfc; ? ?HEIR NEW 8TOR IE Opposite their Old Stand,, Where they will ..ontinuo to eel I to their custom en. <1 /nendaJWlY UOODS, G aOCXQH^ 4 ?t price# AS L4)W at can he hied. 8? TO IOVT HB* * r Till- editor of the TfUi Exemit<u<h dyhv ' ooe of en listing tbfrJKkl" WtflwillQW I 'LITERARY TAIJ^h ^entic^e* fere to thoee who may be dkpoeed lo render that aid, a prize of FIFTY DOLLARS for the REST ORIGINAL TALE, not io oocu-, py Its* than twenty column* of the Examiner (about fifty I>*ge* of foolaeap in ordinary writing.) The manoecripu wtllfco eobtniK \ ted to a competent committee and their d? r-Aiu "? *> M"i?? contains (9H Foreign !* '/ c-*!ic Corr-??"?>d?Hce large list 01 v-'Arlhutor*?the *pice the of European Magazine*-?the selections of the most interesting of the day? 1 I the brief uovel*?tlto piq. ',ot atones?the. sparkling wit ami amusing wi.-'-wiu?(honews nnd gossip of the Parisian papers?the personal sketches of public characters?(he f* stirring seem s of the world we live in?the chronicle of the news for Indies?the fashions?the facts ami of news?the pick of English information?the wit, humor and pathos of tiro time*?the essays on life, liter- L hture, society nnd morals, and the usual variety of careful choosing* fioin tho wilder uea>* of Engli-h periodical literature, criticism a j poetry, etc. We need not remind otir rea* tiers that we have ?U> one or two unimpaired correspondent* in th* ftoKionuUe vjcUtt/ of Wrid York, who give us early news off ^ erV new f. at u re of stile and elegrwice iiiikh g the lenders of the gay tvoild. Tcuvu.?For one copy $2;for three copier, $5?or one copy for the threo years, tb? always in advance. Address. ML HIllS h WILLIS, Editors and Pr<>prir.tor*, lt.7 Falcon-sf. N. V. K? Thc Trne Carolinian. ; OT^tlK undersigned will issue at Audcnwm * "1. C. II., on ?t hoi'jie the first of FebI ruary, a LITERARY and NEWS JOUR ' N AL, bearing the nhovo title.,;. It will be \J j an i nd ope in lent paper in evety sense of the term. It will Ka tna ni?? of" (ltd f-">**< ville Mountaineer, and about J1K large as the Ue and Advocate. It will be published* at the in.precedent cully low rate of OirtRjDoblar per an num. Persona desiring to atrV' scribe. would do well to send in their name* ha Aoon m potiiblc, to^olher -wjlji, tho sub cription price, ft* wo iQiend teraijuire if in advance, or send no paper. '-^v JOllN V. MOORE, Feb 14-if. Rl. and Proprietor. ! ,% ChaiestoD WaekJ^r Standa**,^ /Tontaiks all the mailer published in jdie j V>> Daily, together with tise local, d< tic and foreign markets, tho pricee current, including tho rates of sale for H?.>ck, exvhnttfe and domestic pmcuce, tho Khippmg in porfc the luteal telegraphic information, Ac, Ac.Ac. The Standard i* the only morning paper in CharleAton which issue** weekly edition. j This edition is published evcrgmHlHEwjr : dav iiiorntnir mid Kv iIia ?ir..nlnr?